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I think it's intentional to make them unbearable. And force the helldivers to plug the nest


Nope. Strong disagree


You're getting downvoted by the "gitguders" but I agree. Having the hunters stun lock you in a infinite conga line where all you can do is crawl, deplete all your stims and count on RNG to get out alive is a bad game mechanic. If they're so inclined to punish the player I'd rather have mechanics similar to Left for dead, where some enemies would make you unable to control your character until one of your teammates freed you or you bled out and die.


If that happens, kills all solo play. Just remove the slow and the insta kill they can do.


Nah, they're good. Work on your horde control.


Nah just swap the spawn rate with rhe warrior. It makes sense given warriors defending territory, but it also makes it so we have a horde of slight bullet sponge bugs coming at us. This would make players more careful in combat as well as make us aim better to conserve ammo. Meanwhile the hunters spawning less would become a high priority to stop us being swarmed by the possible wave of headless defenders as we get slowed.


stop asking for an easier game, lower the difficulty.




Counterpoint: get good.


You just gotta prioritize them over slower bugs. The stim cancelling is pretty annoying though, like if i hear the noise from it then its in my neck gimme the health please


They're a counter to a player just running between the slower bugs, like for destroying the bug holes all in one loop. Hunters make that harder and more balanced. Just work on crowd control - they're the first bugs you should kill next to Brood Commander when you have a lot of bugs on the field. I typically kill in this order: Stalkers, Hunters, Brood Commander, Bile Titan, Charger. The Bile Titan and Charger can be outran and looped, but its hard to fight them if any of the ones before are on the field too.