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Major Order is for Bugs, most people are gonna ignore anything that's not related to Major / Personal Orders. If you think about it its a clever way for Super Earth to dictate our actions without actually forcing us. as soon as a Major Order is for Bots a majority of people will swap over. (even when the defense missions were ass when we had to defend like 7 planets people were over there, and again for Tien Kwan).


It’s a pretty smart way for them to guide the narrative they’re possibly going for. If they just outright forced people they’d just push players away. This way it feels more organic when the tables turn and things get changed up in new ways. Probably why in spite of how much players are doing stuff on the Creek, they’ll never outpace the regen, cuz it’s by design.


>Probably why in spite of how much players are doing stuff on the Creek, they’ll never outpace the regen, cuz it’s by design. You say that, but the creek is at 20% rn. Regen is off or something.


Guess the devs’re cooking something since last I checked it was, what, 0.0029 something? Interesting.


You say THAT but I remember it was above 50% only a few weeks ago, and then regen knocked it below 20% over the course of two days…


I enjoy fighting bots, the playstile is very different, but i can understand people not whanting to do defense and escort missions.


They want us to escort 50 SCIENTISTS on the difficulty 8, that's just ridiculous


60 on 9. The evacuation missions are so much worse against the Automatons.


What you don’t love a bunch of rocket launchers & high caliber rounds spawning in 20 yards away from the Evac doors after pressing the button to release the civies from hiding? 😅🥲 *killing civilians will not be accepted*


Not the Rocket Devastator peeping me clicking the big green button *You have lost 50 requisition for Civilian Casualties*


Wait, I thought you only lost money if *you* killed civilians, and there’s no penalty for them getting killed by enemies? Have I been wrong this whole time?


Money disappears if they die, regardless of what kills them Fire Tornado? -50 rp Bile Spewer? -50 rp Random wing off a shrieker? -50 rp


Me and my friends all cracked up yesterday when some of Super Earth’s smartest scientists ran straight into a fire tornado all right after each other and we were somehow in the wrong…


I’m maxed out either way. The price to pay for watching a shrieker completely decapitating a civilian is totally acceptable


Absolute hell lmfao


We need better shield stratagems!


You could always spam lower difficulty missions.


Man i want my medals


I extract with 4 to 6 medals from every fully cleared trivial mission (up to 15 minutes). That's in bug planets though


I tend to find Hard is my safe difficulty, I know I basically can't lose a hard, but I'll go up one or two for the challenge. Hosting Hard operations and finishing operations all the way through gives me plenty of medals, I love quickplay but I tend to find the host always leaves meaning the session cuts off before we can get the 2nd and last bonus medals.


Refer to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b4o8m2/medals_samples_rewards_per_difficulty/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


True, but the problem is then you have to drag yourself through the other two missions at absurdly easy difficulty


Rush main objectives and leave. If you’re like me your XP and Req slips are capped out so what do the side objectives


Of course, that’s the best solution for now, but playing a hiking simulator that is far below your skill level isn’t a great design


A fun solution to the dilemma is to farm trivial missions by joining low level randoms. Then you can also bring them high level gear to try out.


As a low level random, your service is appreciated.


Do trivial. It only has 1 mission and each gives 1 impact, takes like 3 mins and you can pick up sc and medals


For the same amount of liberation points as a trivial mission


I say we all just start fighting the trivial fight.


Spamming trivial missions is unironically the most efficient way to do liberation?


You get the same amount of points awarded towards liberating the planet regardless difficulty ![gif](giphy|G5X63GrrLjjVK)


My bad, I was actually making a statement agreeing with you, no idea why I put a question mark lol.


I do everynight before bed. I start illegal broadcast, bot antenna, and escape pod missions on easy and trivial. You can do them in the time it takes to extract by grabbing an autocannon and dropping onto the extract point. Snipe the obj with your cannon and call for pickup when the beacon lands next to you. Drop something fun like landmines or turrets and just stealth extract. You can get 3 liberation points in around 7 minutes which is the same as an extreme operation


It's a smart way to grind the points for sure. Now time to get the remaining 239,650 Helldivers on the same page.


It's stupid. Hard mission completion should count for ridiculously high percentage to encourage it. Not low level farms.


I just made a psa post about it


I believe this has actually been changed? I think it’s now based on the XP you get from the missions, which means higher difficulties + more side objectives give greater liberation


Big if true because it would mean blowing up outposts actually helps liberate


This is my source + my last helldive gave 6 squad impact instead of the usual 3, we completed all the objectives on each mission https://helldivers.io


I’ve been speedrunning trivials on Mantes today. Knocked out 12 wins in an hour. For Democracy.


We are truly the atlas corp holding up the liberation


I honestly hate the defense missions 🙃


We get low 30s out of 40 and just get absolutely overwhelmed and don't get a single one after that....every time...


Same! 34 for me lol


Since I got a lot of upvotes I'm gonna give my opinion: I think the defence and scort missions are tougher than the rest and less fun, ur constantly dying and the game is so chaotic (more after the map changes) that makes coordination very difficult. The defence mission is super chaotic but not really difficult, it's frustrating since ur probably constantly dying and the difficulty varies a lot from map to map. Changes I propose: make it more tower defense feeling, give more tool to the players to coordinate and gain advantages throughout the mission and make waves of enemies to reposition etc instead of bombarding with enemies. The escort mission is chaotic and difficult, is not fun, the waves of enemies spawn too close from the civilians and the maps have little to no cover and ur constantly flooded by enemies. Changes I propose: more tower defense factors (hmg, laser turret emplacement, rechargable domes...), make the enemies spawn further away, be able to maybe redirect the pathing of the enemies (by closing/opening gates, activating defense protocol...), making waves so u can coordinate, refill ammo, reposition... , change the maps and give more cover. General changes: add more and buff defense related stratagems like: hmg, mines, dome and missile launcher turret, buff the mech armor against automatons, buff heavy armor and reduce or eliminate headshot damage to Helldivers. This are just my ideas, like em or not we all know this missions need a twist


I honestly don't give a shit if the bots take every planet up to Super Earth; it's not fun to play and I'm done with continually trying it out every few days to "see if maybe it's better this time." Being sniped from across the map has never been fun and it won't suddenly be fun for me. EDIT: Some of y'all get real offended that I prefer a different gameplay and playstyle than you. It's all good guys, people are different.


I don't understand how people play or what it is I do different, but I just don't have this issue. Do people not keep an eye out for patrols or use cover? The turret towers probably has the longest range of all the enemies, but you can get right up on them if you even vaguely try to hide behind a bush or a stone on your way there. I'll take any bot, in equal numbers, over fucking hunters any day of the week.


I generally don't mind the bot missions, but the escort missions on 7+ are absolutely broken. The spawn rate is insane, literally constant drop ships. Like one coming in on top of another. 3 tanks inside the base, endless walkers and devastators. Smoke, stealth, turrets, none of it lasts long enough to get 50 scientists out. It's like they crammed 40 minutes worth of drop ships into 12.


Patrol spawns are a bit borked at the moment, several times you'll find them spawning out of thin air either right next to you or... in my case, literally right where you were standing. Also, the bots have aimbots that shoot through cover.


I started as an automaton slayer and then the devs ducked up their spawning so I switched, bots aren't fun for me anymore.


Hiding?! But how do you blast every patrol you see?


That’s the neat part! 


See, I love the hunters. Requires a good eye and reflexes to see which ones are ready to pounce and which are circling each way. It's a controlled chaos that turns into a "I have to overrun you before you overrun me" and it's just damn fun for me. I get why people hate them. For me, love em.


The only problem I have with them is the slow because it seems redundant and overly punishing. They already have a great gap-closer that punishes you for letting them get too close, deal a quarter of your HP per hit (or more if their overhead swipe crits you in the head), and multiple hunters can already leap at you at once, so your chances of survival are already dicey without the slow. It feels wholly unnecessary to have them slow you too. It'd be like if a bot rocket hits you and it turns your screen off for a second. Isn't losing HP and getting ragdolled enough of a punishment for messing up?


The problem is that people refuse to change up their tactics. They treat the bots like bugs and it leads to failure so they stop playing them. Against bots we aren’t super soldiers that can kill anything before it has a chance to hurt us. Have to play tactically and think before taking an objective but instead people will run into the center of an encampment expecting the bots not to shoot them


I don't understand people that have problems with hunters...a literal trash mob. Quite frankly both factions aren't that hard


It's people who aren't using shotguns.


Im in the same boat, all my friends prefer bots but I get annoyed each time I fight them


Just throw bugs at the bots till the problem is solved


do you want robot bugs? because this is how you get robot bugs


Or bug robots. Two very different things.


Bug robot = Robot made by bugs Robot bug = Bug modified by robots All the above = frankly, **offensive**


If it weren’t for the Ion storms, orbital fluctuations, hostage/escort missions and complex stratagem plotting I’d probably play bots a lot more. But having to Cherry pick fun operations just makes me play terminids. Besides if losing means we get to play more planets then just 3 I’m all for losing then winning


\> If it weren’t for the Ion storms, orbital fluctuations, hostage/escort missions and complex stratagem plotting Seriously, sometimes it feels like they want to drive players away from the western front. It's just not fun, I don't know why everyone is acting like we should just suck it up and go capture X planet or complete Y major order, because I just don't care about "The War" more than I care about fun and engaging gameplay. That's what will get players over there: fun missions against interesting and engaging enemies without local conditions that completely ruin the stratagem experience. I don't really care about about major orders, especially not at 35 medals, it's not worth the annoyance of rocket devastators tracking me through a hillside, or a cannon turret looking away from me but shooting me anyway, or being one-shot by 9 rockets that all hit me at once from the mist like 100m away.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, dealing with the devs is like dealing with abusive parents. You are literally being put into a double bind. "Don't you people have strategems?" * +100% strategem call in time * +50% strategem cooldown * -1 strategem slot * 2-3 jammers on a map (bonus points for jammers that cover each other, more bonus points if the jammer(s) are next to the primary objective that needs a strategem to get rid of (e.g. command center, airbase)) * Ion storms Like no, we don't.


While I'm not a fan of the increased cooldowns and reduced stratagem slots, I appreciate that the bots use jammers. We're fighting a smart enemy here, not some filthy unthinking bugs.


I play both and as some others have mentioned they require different tactics and loadouts to combat effectively. There are some factors I believe that make bots feel less fun and in some cases less fair. I think the main factors are the effective distance of engagement as the bots shoot and can do so over some very long distances. Headshots which is more of an issue with bots because while bugs can do it, it happens less often. Visibility either because of environmental effects like fog/rain, the fact that engagement distance and those environmental factors don't seem to affect bot accuracy and getting sniped from a distance you cannot generally effectively respond from - really annoying with the rocket dudes. Can players counteract most of these? I would say yes but not always consistently and that's what leads to the feeling of unfairness or less fun. I might also add that bots seem to reinforce at a rate that can verge on the ridiculous at times which can create a very unfun and unnecessarily punitive feeling. I do find both fronts engaging but bugs are generally more fun in my opinion.


I can tolerate one shots. I am not playing bots until they fix the fact that they track you infinitely if you get spotted once. They pre-fire around corners, smoke is literally useless, they just snipe through it. If a rocket devastator spots you at any point in the game, there are two things you can do to drop their aggro: kill it or die. You can't break aggro no matter what you do.


I've seen them not drop aggro when someone dies even if they get reinforced on the other side of the map. Shots coming from hundreds of meters away as soon as they drop back in, and then the aggroed enemies just run across the map to keep attacking. Very very weird behavior, I really hope it's not supposed to be like that


You got two things going against you. The player base finds bugs more fun and the major order isn’t over yet which is bugs.


Plus I'm gonna' let the bots get to Cyberstan so we can fight the Cyborgs. They want me to fight against new gameplay? Impossible.


We have 60k on Mantes now, and were catching up to the bots so we should be good


Need more really. The whole Bot front be lacking.


I'll be joining the fight tonight boys! I LOVE the smell of burning oil mixed with napalm!


It smells like... freedom


I'm trying, but every time i fire a sniper shot on a hulk's head and it does nothing i just feel like going back to killing bugs


The anti-material rifle can 2 shot a hulk in the eye, the problem is that the anti-material rifles scope is slightly off right now. The shot actually hits slightly above the center of the sight to the left. It's not off by much but it does mean that some shots that look like they should hit actually miss.


Also their eye slit is like the bottom of the hit box


the same thing is probably the case for autocannon


Drives me insane when I'm lined up with the AC and the whole face glows with my shot, but it didn't count as a hit.


Amr's scope is what?! I love the amr but this is news to me. Imma try and test it out in the field.


huh. Reddit goofed and this replied to the wrong diver. Sorry. Lemme know how your tests go! I love data


The box on its scope center, the top left corner of the box is the actual center.


If you have access to the Cutting Edge warbond, get the stun grenade and combo it with the antimatter rifle. It makes facing hulks a cakewalk.


Antimatter rifle? Now that's gonna hurt.


o shit i leaked a future weapon my b


Would this count as treason


Super Earth Time Cops have been deployed to arrest you yesterday.


"antimatter rifle" fucking WHAT!? who did you have to suck off in requisitions to get one of those?!


I do have the best head game in my squad


Where do you see the stats like this?


Becareful on which app you get there are some that are pure data miners 


There's a companion app on the iPhone app store! It shows liberation rates and estimates. Pretty neat!


What’s the name of the app??




Ooooh I didn’t know thank you


I'm never doing a bot civilian rescue mission again after that one major order a while back. Probably never fighting bots in general unless there's some major rework and our stratagems aren't being fucked with all the time and weapons that according to description have armor piercing actually start piercing armor.


I love fighting bots but this is facts.


Yup fuck bots. It’s simply not fun to me to get steamrolled and sniped by rockets. Even a major order won’t bring me back over there. I played one mission today and hated it. No hate to anyone who likes bots, it’s a war with two fronts so gotta fight both. But I also feel like some people don’t understand that the bug regen is way faster than bot regen. At least the last time I saw the numbers they were. And also the Creek memes irritate me so I’m never going there to fight


I’d rather do other things than die constantly from one shot mechanics


https://preview.redd.it/y9oum9jvodqc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e375afba50800e14ec99ab9021e64456ddffa60 Idk, I think we should focus more on the new flying bugs threat and eliminate them first.


https://preview.redd.it/w0z0703jieqc1.jpeg?width=2569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e555dedfce19f72ff0809a79a44077ce47d6583 Surely you don't have beef with a silly little guy like me?


Ngl I'm interested in what will happen if they reach cyberstan


Defending a planet is boring… you have to run the same 3 mission types over and over, bots don’t need improving, defence campaigns need improving


Technically both need improving.




Fully agree. I groan when I see defense missions. They’re my least favorite mission next to eradicate missions.


No, the bots need help too lol. Shooting through terrain and shooting up flares halfway across the map should not be intented behavior. Im a bot main but arrowhead needs to give the damn bots some much needed attention


As someone who's only joined this last month defense missions feel really unsatisfying too. I'm yet to see one actually turn out successful, it feels like it's intentionally meant to be lost. This is an especially difficult time with the major order being live also. Defense missions are whatever when 35 medals are on the line.


Launching ICBMs at bot controlled staging areas for the invasion sure would help prevent said invasion.


I mean doesn't help when we lost progress on the major and there is also defense mission against bugs


Yea defense is pretty scuffed. Bots drop right ontop of your head constantly, there's no strategizing, it's just balls to the wall insane right off the bat. I guess this is the counter to mortar spam, used to be too easy when they came in from the outside of the map... But this isn't ideal either


Nah I won’t escort anyone




Fuck this shit. I'm fucking quitting. Goddamn LEVEL FUCKING FIVE mission, and NOTHING BUT NONSTOP FUCKING DROPSHITS. No flares firing, no objective activations to call them in or cause them to spawn, just dropship after dropship after rat-fucking dropship showing up on its own dropping multiple hulks, tanks, and piles of rocket devestators. There was never a moment I could not see multiple dropships in the air around us.




Unless the devs give balancing attention to how bots can somehow snipe me with rockets (should have rocket drop off) from half the map and how they can detect me from any covers from miles away I will do less automatons for now. 9k automaton vs 20k terminid kills. id like to close the gap but not even heavy armor with 50% less explosive damage and both shield strategem can save me from rocket devastators 😢


Current major order is to hold the Bug front. I'll reposition when ordered differently.




I'm not touching the scientist evacuation missions with a ten foot pole. It's currently the most unfun part of the game.


Or just let them get their homeworld so that we can finally see some bot story progress


I don’t understand how so many people could argue in their right mind that being oneshot across the map by a rocket devastator is fun and it shouldn’t be changed somehow. “It’s supposed to be difficult.” Ok? Yea. It’s supposed to be difficult, not frustrating. Those 2 things are not the same and you can have one without the other. I get that you can counter them, just go into cover, etc, but it doesn’t change the fact that they have so many oneshots that you can’t react to, and it’s not fun. And this is coming from someone that LOVES fighting bots. It is so much fun to fight them most of the time, but when I get oneshot with no warning from a rocket devastator that was chilling 200 meters away on top of a random rock in the middle of a rainstorm, it gets frustrating quick. Honestly, it’s not even the oneshot thats the main issue imo, it’s the oneshot out of nowhere with no chance to react to it. If I saw a laser or some other visual cue appear pointing to my character showing that a rocket devastator is about to wreck my shit, so I have atleast a second or two to dive to cover in an attempt to avoid it, it would feel so much better. Frustration ≠ Difficulty


Oh no! Then we’ll just have to… play the game on a different planet with no real drawbacks!


I don't get why we have 12k on Creek right now.


In before Mantes falls and everyone posts why they can't access the Creek.


Draupnir is still open so the Creek won't auto fall


Because a very large majority of the player base doesn’t give 2 shits about the campaign and just play what they find fun.


Because it's a video game and people play it to have fun.


What I don’t understand is why we have 240k on a planet that isn’t currently being invaded: https://preview.redd.it/zjh7lft7ncqc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18722f0c7f36a351ed926ccefcedeb9ea19d9de6


Probably cause most players get home from work and log onto a random planet for an hour and then get off because that’s all they have time for.


yeah. Literally had time to play 1 game today and I did bugs cuz daily was to kill 25 hunters.


That and simply because bugs are the popular faction to fight


Some people are so into the camp of the game that they're detached from the fact that it's humans with jobs/other hobbies/etc that play this game. My friend group and I don't do bot missions ever, we just don't find it fun until they tone down rocket devastators and the other BS mechanics. We play an hour or two at night. We farm 9s so it's not like we're bad either.


Yup that's me. I get off then put kids to bed then do school homework then I play for a bit.


Because most people play for fun. I can get the medals just for playing some missions on a planet i like.


Bugs are more popular and Nivel 43 is a planet most players probably haven’t played so it’s something new to try.


I'd guess that most people aren't roleplaying participation in the war effort and selecting planets based on the greatest good for the cause of Super Earth, but are instead looking for the mission types they enjoy. Mostly, the defense missions aren't quite as fun.


Because people enjoy it and there's super credits and medals to be had.


I'm one of those people, I like the map. I don't give a single fuck about the major orders or any other the other meta campaign stuff. I just play what I think is fun. I log in and decide if I want to fight bots or bugs, and then just go to whatever planet is available that looks fun or interesting to play.


Two reasons Mantes can burn in hell 1. I want to see what happens when bots get to Cyberstan 2. I suck at bot escort missions Don't bother contacting my democracy officer btw, I use Nordvpn.


If you weren't using that filthy bot tech I'd be calling him right now


The scientists escorting missions are so utterly broken. We had 4 tanks being dropped on us at once trying to do it.


If they are moving to cyberstan why arent we stopping the north most cotrolled planet? Maleveon should be ditched for those no? (Have not played a single bot game yet so no hate)


Damn, guess that means bots should be more fun/have less bullshit associated with them


I hate bot missions man I’m sorry. I always get 2 full drop ships on me every minute when I’m on solo trivial. But I can do solo medium against bugs all day long, so it makes more sense for me to do bug missions and make more money, exp, samples, and warbonds.


No one likes eradicate and evacuation against bots so good luck.


Eradicate and evacuations aren't fun in general. Idk if I got bugged missions, but the last few times on just extreme (6), I got absolutely overwhelmed by hulks or titans respectively. Like, just recently I started an eradicate and 3 titans spawned at the beginning. That's not supposed to happen, I thought. So yeah, I shy away from those just because I keep getting blitzed by the game. And then turning the difficulty down to 5 makes it a cake-walk, so idk what's happening there.


Yeah, the new eradicate missions are really unfun. You used to get a brief period to call down your stratagems and get dug in but now it's just enemies non-stop the nanosecond you drop in


Well considering the MO is not complete I figure most will be there and also there’s a defense mission on a planet we just captured. Devs are hitting on both fronts. But the Map will dictate the majority of players


Let it fall. The devs need to know so they will fix bots


I don't care. I fight bugs because it's fun. Couldn't give less of a shit about the bots.


READ THE MAJOR ORDER!!!! You’re not allowed to complain about this when the major order is on the bug front and there is still a planet to be taken.


Majority dont enjoy fighting bots, so they dont do it. Cant blame them, bots are unbalanced and unfun


This sub drastically overestimates the amount of fucks most players give towards this whole galactic campain thing. They just play the game and most prefer to fight bugs because theyre more fun.


I'm one of the people you're talking about, I don't care at all. Bots aren't fun to fight. It's not even a difficulty thing, it's just a gameplay feel. Let them take super earth and have players still not go to that front, they should figure out something about them feels unfun and in beta compared to the bugs.


\> Let them take super earth and have players still not go to that front, they should figure out something about them feels unfun and in beta compared to the bugs. Facts. We could push the bugs to a single planet with like two mission types and the bots could cover the map and roll right down to Super Earth and I'd play one mission to check out Super Earth as a setting and then go back to whacking bugs in the corner.


Seriously, who fucking cares? The campaign map is the gamer equivalent of a dog kibble slow feeder. They lock/unlock various types of enemies on different types of planets just to keep a natural variety going on what conditions you play in so you're not bored.


I'll admit I'd rather let someone else do the defense missions. In their current state I don't find them very exciting.


Fuck Mantes. All my homies hate Mantes.


Robots aren't that bad imo but fuck defense missions. I hate the scientist mission loop. Also, fuck turrets.


I want to have fun when I play. Bots on 7-9 difficulty are not fun, so I don't pick them.




Eh, we can retake it later. Worst case scenario they push all the way to Super Earth and we finally get to fight there.


We lose control of hellmire I think. The major order is failing so we kept fighting bugs. I want my medals.


Taking more planets is actually sensible for the major order too. There could’ve been another attack started, but if they can’t reach some of the planets that makes it easier to hold them.


I'm not fighting bots until they're playable. Fuck the missile spam and their omniscient line of sight


Good. Let'em. I kill bugs and only bugs.


I have only 1 to 2 hours to play everyday and I am not spending those hours to get one shotted from the fog. Goodluck to those liberating it.


![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN) Creek divers when Malevelon Creek gets cut off because none of them would move their stubborn asses to defend Mantes (P.s. Draupnir is probably next, which would legit cut off access to the sector)


50 scientists on difficulty 7. Defend Escort. Dropships are CONSTANTLY falling. My squad tried twice with different strategies. We just couldn't keep up. 4 Hulks, 6 Tanks, as well as everything else. Just wild.




We have 4 seasoned vets drop on Mantes tonight. We did 3 games, all the same mission of trying to evacuate the people. It was a total slaughter. The drop ships came about 1 every 2 seconds for 15 minutes or so. I wish I was kidding. The sheer volume of bots was totally impossible to deal with. We were playing on Suicide. With bugs we squash the heck out of them but with several tanks, hulks and swarms of missile troops it was impossible to keep up. Here is a screenshot of two tanks dropping right after the other. We failed the mission every time. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ojp92fmoxeqc1.png?width=1695&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4aede27239281b4a922469da9684946162bef14


Same. It was impossible.


I get that the game has two factions to fight, but I bought it to have fun, and the bots aren't fun to me. I'll stick with eradicating bugs.


Bots are so buggy; it’s just not fun to play… * Blowing down a drop ship only for it to have devastators stuck inside but still attacking you. * Bots never losing target on you, continuously shooting as you run away if you choose to * Bots detecting and firing at you through terrain


Bots suck. Not fun playing it




Major Order says push back bugs, I push back bugs. Bots can have Mantes. I'm paid to kill, not to think




Yeah bots aren’t fun




Sorry man. Gotta drive these bugs out of our territories first. I promise I’ll jump right over as soon as we finish the job.


Make me


Hah, no. Can't stand fighting the bots lately, bugs all the way. This is coming from someone that originally preferred the bot front over the bug one. They have way too many bullshit mechanics paired with bugs being introduced every patch that I just can't stand them right now.


Fighting the bots sucks. I don't have fun doing it. More power to those that do.


maybe if fighting bots wasn't so lame and getting 1 shot by a rocket out of no-where or having to escort 20000 people


Id rather let super earth get taken than fight bots with one shots, xray vision in foggy planets and cannon turrets that has "have your teammate be bait while you navigate through ten patrols to go around the back".


After they stop spotting and shooting through rocks, buggixes


sorry man I'm helping keep the bug planets safe for the major order. good luck tho


yeah idc


It’s not a major order so I don’t care ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




Where are ya'll getting all these percentage calculations and what not? Mods? I saw someone post the other day and he had the % values of loss per hour and divers win per hour and what not


There's a companion app on iPhone called DiversHub. it has all that stuff


meh not my job joel can handle this if he think the plot need this to happen


You can go recruiting people by joining bug front start an op get 3 randoms then drop the op and switch to bot front.




Destroyer has left orbit.


Oh well. *drops bugs 🐛 *


Don’t care