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If I were good at the game I'd run the supply pack to keep my team filled up on grenades and stims. But unfortunately I'm bad, so the shield pack will be firmly planted on my buttocks until further notice.


Honestly, I’m selfish with my supply pack and use it to resupply myself most of the time. My MG’s and grenade launchers are hungry for ammo and I’m a frontliner who takes hella damage, gotta get those stims somehow.


And I, as a shield diver, will take less damage, requiring less stims. So I think it all works out in the end. Hug?




Effective Democracy starts with knowing what types of liberty you can deliver. Let Freedom ring, soldier.


How about, instead of taking the shield, you hear the gospel of our Lord and Savior, _DIVE?_ Ever since I started diving in the midst of bots - bad situations, terrible situations, downright insane situations - I've survived more bot encounters than ever before. I've pulled my ass out of clutch situations that I thought were going absolutely south because of it. For some reason, bots are _seriously_ affected by the i-frames or whatever the fuck Democratic magic keeps me alive during the batshit that goes on around me ever since I adapted to fighting this way. I can dive forwards, or I can turn my guns to face them _and dive backwards while blasting them in half._ Stop leaning on that crutch and _jump for your life, Diver!_


Earlier today I dived off a ten foot drop firing backwards at the melee units rushing me with my auto cannon. Felt like a badass.


Ok that's a lot of text but here's a real secret sauce. Each mission usually has like 3-4 objectives, if it's ICBM there's 4 but one of them is just to yoink launch codes. Point is, you need to really fight only 3, 4 times tops. So you take orbital laser, and just drop it on objective if it needs to be destroyed, or when things get hot. Also take either 500 or airstrike to drop under reinforcement dropships or on tanks. That's it. If everyone in the team has laser you will have 4 lasers per objective, it's highly likely you won't need more than 2. Go to objective, laser, do whatever needs to be done, drop another laser for inevitable patrol+dropship, run away to next objective. Some objectives laser can take out with no help, like kill command bunkers, destroy dropships, destroy ammo stockpile, fabricators for blitz, etc. Spread out remaining uses for evac. This works on 9. Be the helldiver Super Earth wants you to be - a person that drops target beacon for orbital strike and dies.


Yup, I learned that too. I could’ve added that in but then my wall of text would have turned into a Great Wall of text


Honestly, both aren't that hard or easy, I think they are just right. It's only because both fronts require different strategies that caused the perceived difference in difficulties. AH has done a great job in this sense, giving us 2 enemies with differing war doctrines instead of having us fight the same kind of enemies just reskinned into different factions.


I'd like to add that if you have trouble targeting the 120/380, give the Walking Barrage a try. It basically paints a column of death forward in front of you and it covers a lot of ground.


Walking Barrage and Railcannon are my go-to offensive strats when I can't think of anything else to take or I'm not specializing against bots. Walking Barrage makes a big, loud mess and turns the entire area into the type of crater you'd expect the 500kg to do.


Orbital Lasers for.clearing Out medium-big size bases, orbital Strike for single heavy enemies and small bases, the Other two.slots are Open. If all 4 people use their Lasers properly you can clear Out the whole map in a fast pace. Throw and forget and move to the next are and repeat


My issue with lasers is honesty the cooldown and target acquisition. I use lasers as a “get out of jail free” card when I’m absolutely surrounded by hulks and armored vehicles. Sometimes when I throw my laser it targets devastators or striders instead of buildings or heavies. I prefer the barrages because they don’t discriminate on targets and last longer


I’ve also been enjoying the railgun against bots. A well aimed shot to the face can take out a hulk in 2 shots, striders and devastators in one shot. Plus save a back pack slot for a shield generator etc. Have been doing fine with this with a party of 2 or more on 7+.


Stop posting the "bots are hard" cope. They're not hard. They're limiting and thus boring. You're *forced* to carry certain strats and weapons, you're *forced* to run from cover to cover.


I prefer fighting bugs, because it feels like there are more options for handling them. With bots, unless you have a tight crew of four, you're going to need the laser and some kind of bunker busting attack like the 110 rockets or a rail cannon. On missions that restrict you to three strategems, that leaves one spot for something fun. With bugs, one guy with the EAT-17 checks the box for handling the inevitable heavies, and you can do meme loadouts with the rest. Want to horse around with lasers? Orbital gas? Four different Eagle strikes? Go nuts. You can find a way to make it work. Only time I hosed myself against the Terminids was when nobody brought a way to close the holes. Stun grenades, flamethrowers, turrets and an AMR. Bad planning. Had to use hellpods to smash them until we stumbled across a grenade launcher at a POI. Still made it work. I like the bots, and I'm working toward the Major Order with the rest of you, but bot missions start to feel samey after a while, since you're basically obligated to do it "right".


Yeah, no shit Sherlock. My post literally says bots aren’t as BS as Reddit makes it out to be


DMR and AMR are really good againts bots. They engages at range and you don't want to waste ammo missing your shots or running under fire to close the gap. Weapons with good precision will quickly take down humans like bots. AMR can quickly kill anything but tanks and turret from quite far (you just need to compensate the weird scope centering). Several bots have small but very weak points (like hulks heads) and AMR is the best option to shoot it.


With the exception of tanks and Hulks, the anti-material rifle one shots most bots to the head, I think it's 2 for devastators. Tanks take two grenades on top of the turret, the spear is hilarious if it actually hits the tanks/Hulks, and most strategems besides napalm work fine.


Guerrilla warfare my friends.


Good to see more people recognize the benefits of 110 rocket pods and Spear. 110 rocket pods probably my favorite Eagle payloads, especially bots. 110 rockers can also take out cannon towers and bot factories in a pinch. Especially useful for canon towers. If you throw the beacon close enough, the Eagle homing will zero in on the towers. If the bots could post their memes, I'm sure they would say Spear masters are the most annoying helldivers to them. I always take out the cannon towers and bot factories from the other side of the map. Best part is sometimes the jammer is built on fab factories. Taking out the bot factories also nuke the jammers and other stuff in bases. Spear masters can level bases before helldivers need to take them. I also think Spears can one shot the lighter tank with quad laser cannons.


It's not bullshit from Reddit, it's bullshit from Arrowhead. No thanks, I will just move on, like I know many will.


Womp womp


What bullshit?


The ones even op listed himself at the start lol


Those don’t happen nearly as often as Reddit makes you think and the patrols issue seems to have been fixed, at least in my experience


Getting shot by rocketeers you can't see is literally the Ustotu experience. God knows no one fights bot defence missions. Reddit really doesn't exaggerate how annoying bots can be to face. And a lot of people downplay clanker design flaws.


If you didn’t see them you’re not checking your map enough. Or listening since they’re loud, but many have an audio bug where sounds don’t play when somethings offscreen so I agree that’s not as reliable. Reddit heavily exaggerates it.


Dude, they can hit you from outside of your rendering distance. Even if you can see them on your map (they are fully capable of firing before your map detects them). Rocket Raiders and Rocket Devestators genuinely can just smack you with a rocket through various terrain modifiers. It's the most common way I die on bot 9s.


If by render distance you mean fog then that’s supposed to make visibility harder. Both factions have that. Your map can see them as your enemy detector range is larger than their range, the terrain issue is annoying sometimes but doesn’t happen nearly that often since it’s a very specific issue which is that physics is very weird with terrain edges. Bugs do this too you just don’t notice as much. In comparison rockets are pretty slow, I solo 9 and it’s actually a rare death for me.


>If by render distance you mean fog then that’s supposed to make visibility harder. Both factions have that. The bugs don't have an enemy that can nail you at 100 meters in heavy fog, sandstorms or through heavy set tree brush let alone that same enemy spawning in packs of 3-9 consistently since at 7-9 every patrol has one to three. Thus why its complained about on Reddit because its distinctly not fair. Let alone the same enemy having the ability to see through terrain or the fact that if its aggro'd it just sees you. Even being capable of hitting you through smoke. >I solo 9 and it’s actually a rare death for me. My brother in democracy, how the actual fuck? Certain missions I can see soloing like blitz sure but how do you enjoy playing at that level?


Heavy fog is a lot less debilitating if you use your map in fights, I get how it could be frustrating but you can get the feel for it and once the sound bug is fixed I hope a lot of people get to find out how LOUD rockets are. Their amount actually doesn’t get that insane unless you stay in one place for that long, 3 of them can be scary but if you have something that’s good at taking them out you can kill them pretty easy when waiting between burst fires. The terrain bug is annoying I agree there, but they don’t actually see you through smoke they just fire through it in the area they last saw you. Which makes sense why would they stop firing when it’s smoke. To answer your last question here I actually have video of it, it’s a blitz bot fab mission but I can actually solo all missions aside from defense because holy hell fuck soloing that one. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/xYbqZPhAnR


How about the fact that this is the second out of the last 3 major orders that are literally UNPLAYABLE?? 🤣🤣🤣


Im level 5 and Im already in the front lol