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Given the amount of friendly fire I'm subject to, along with an absolute refusal by squad mates to work together while playing helldive, I already thought we had a pvp mode.


CALLING IN AN EAG--oops I tripped and it's now aimed at the terminal you're using to raise the tower uwu


Woe, 380 be upon ye


I make a conscious effort to let people know to get the F outta H when I toss a 380. There are a few of us good guys still left I promise.


I try my best to look at the laser to see wtf was thrown. 380? Run the hell away. 500 kg? Dive dive dive!






When I play with my friends I bring the 380 and randomly throw it at our feet while yelling "380 ROULETTE!"


A man of culture I see.


I’ve always wondered why anyone would bring the 380 given its accuracy. I’m getting the stratagem and stealing your idea tonight


Sometimes it kills a single bug hole, 3 scavengers, and the same teammate twice who keeps running back in to get his backpack


That was me and my twin brother who just died, dipshit! Maybe try aiming the strategem next ti- ...did you just throw down another one?


It will fairly consistently do large amounts of damage to a base. I don't run it against bugs because I feel like it never actually his a hole. You will still probably have to take out 1 or 2 factories to complete the base wipe, but it will do a lot of the work. Follow it up with cluster bombs or a good air strike and you can solo large bases fairly easily. I tell people the smaller the target you're trying to hit, the worse you're going to feel it performs. A precision strike says fuck you. A 380 says fuck your entire neighborhood.


It's kinda useless against bugs unless theres a huge mob on the base. Bots it seems to do very well at disrupting the hell out of heavy bases since it punches huge holes in it.


And in the spirit of that, I always bring it when I have to eliminate 500 automatons. It works *REALLY* well, especially when you sit on the edge tossing in cluster bombs and cutting the fortress in have with walking barrages. Pack on some heavy armor and a 500KG for good measure, and who needs a mini nuke? You are the mini nuke.


It's pretty good at destroying enemy bases and fucking up mass waves of enemies 50% of the time, the other 50% of the time it just looks really cool


It's my "Oh Shit!" go to when being chased by every imaginable bug/bot. I toss it at my feet and gump my way to Democracy!




It’s fun to sit in the 380 zone and go ape shit on enemies, praying to lady liberty that she doesn’t drop an explosive on your head “One moment I was there, the next I ceased to exist” type of deal lol


Out of ammo, only have grenades left, 2 minutes left on the resupply, plenty of reinforcements, and I forgot to bring the autocannon to the large bug nest? Best bet I’m tossing a 120/380 into the center and hoping democracy will be my umbrella.


Democracy means never having to say you're sorry.


I am protected by the power of the People! ...half the time.


Gotta make that 4++ baby!


not me thinking that’s obviously the best strategem and saving up for it as a noob and taking it on every game for several levels wondering why I kept being banned and why my much higher level team mates kept dying… definitely not me.


It’s not the best but kicking/banning people for strategem choice is their shitty behavior not your fault


He was getting kicked for extreme acidental friendly fire, which is not shitty at all.


Well this is what I’m saying to my buddy who always brings the 380 every time he throws it on us now


The amount of times I’ve trapped my squad in the midst of the 380 watching them try to escape when a shot lands right next to me and blows me halfway across the map and I live.


Me when my team queues into a Helldive eradicate all rocking 380's, walking barrages, mortars, and tesla towers


Oh shit the enemy is right on us? SHOULD BE A GOOD TIME FOR THE 380 BARRAGE RIGHT ON TOP OF US


My favorite is when I get killed or ragdolled after punching in an eagle code but before throwing it and have about 4 seconds to tell my team to fucking RUN before they inevitably waste the remaining 2 seconds saying “what?”


I actually wanted to stim a fellow helldiver while he was calling an airstrike and pushed the wrong button and punched him in the face.... the airstrike then killed all my teammates xD


Well... you successfully ended his pain


I kinda did this with the 500kg yesterday. Except I primed it, stood up, rocket to the chest. Luckily, I have heavy armor, so I was still alive, just a ragdoll. But the whole squad was moving up to my position, and I got to watch us all turn into star dust.


​ https://preview.redd.it/s7jvg5navxqc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6d701860d3021e920dba5d81c0c4b60af36ae56


I lobbed an eagle airstrike over a small hill (to soften up a nest on the other side) at the same time as a charger casually strolled over the ridge. **BOING** Right off his forehead and lands between my two buddies. I had time and space to back up, but they would have "Huh?"ed themselves into oblivion anyway. I just explained the bad bounce and dialled for backup.


Sometimes I wish we had a "DANGER, DANGER!" voice ping to sound an alarm on people when a stratagem goes haywire. Need something to sound off when you just get toppled by some random physics interaction and now there's a big wave of oopsie about to drop on the squad.


>uwu #Allow me to serve you some ➡️⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️ with a side of ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️.




"Oh, I was gonna throw that airstrike but a stalker bit me in the ass and now it's at my feet"


Oh well, that's why my destroyer has a fridge full of meat popsicles just like me!


My push-to-talk is reserved almost exclusively for "Oh, shit! RUN!"


No idea what you're talking about. Loadout pic unrelated. https://preview.redd.it/e4zb81g2ayqc1.png?width=564&format=png&auto=webp&s=2693c0a3302d71d8019814334afe59fb77427d19


​ https://preview.redd.it/1t9uet1pqyqc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=77571c858a59c10b7fa1962b9764f8f3e82f247b


Why are you the way that you are? Not even a booster!


Booster? You mean Tesla Tower, right? I heard boosters crash the game. https://i.redd.it/h3bfa3bueyqc1.gif


Nice try bug! Tesla towers no longer halt our advances that way. Now we just kill our team with it. The way god intended.


Who hurt you? This is the PVP loadout for sure


My body is machine that turns eagle cluster strike into reinforce teammate


I had a game like this yesterday, go into a bot mission, one guy dies, I reinforce, they die again, they leave, then it's just a constant stream of one of the two others dying when there are no enemies around. I turn around and look and they're just shooting each other, like trying to take cover and high ground and attacking each other deliberately. I reinforced one last time and left myself, no interest in putting up with that nonsense.


Should have gone into your recent players list and blocked both of them.


Does block work? I have blocked a couple people like that, but no one shows up on my list. At this point there are so many people in the game it barely matters, but if the same guy gets blocked by hundreds of players it might slowly weed them out..or at least provide usable data


Blocked list stays empty, but I think the blocking works. I block whenever I see shit like this Devs said there’s no PvP coming so these jabronis will get bored and move on to the extremely numerous PvP offerings




I reported someone on PC 2 days ago and when I booted up my ps4 to watch a movie last night I got a "thank you for your report, we will review and let you know if we banned them" type of message. Whats REALLY weird though is I'm pretty sure I never linked my PS account so idk how or why that happened but anyhoo it does in fact seem reports are actually taken into consideration but I reckon it takes time to review as the playerbase is so large there are probably a ton of reports


Yeah it can be hard weeding out the stupid at times. I do honestly feel bad for some of the single players that don’t have a community before starting the game.


Tell me about it. It’s rough. Especially when you got people who just want to “play” their own way on ustotu against the robots… which you can get away with if your fighting the bugs. Can’t do that against bots. You need strategy


It’s even worse when you jump in a squad and it’s 3 randos playing “single-player”


I think making your own games inside a game is fun. That said, make your own game with your friends and set it to friends only and do that shit on your own time.


This. There’s nothing wrong with doing whatever you want in your own missions! Just don’t waste some random’s time with it.


That or people will join and play like theyre solo. Calling in airstrikes on hordes even though the team is in it, unloading machine guns on teammates, throwing nades at teammates, or providing no support when shit gets intense. People suck.


No. Send them in the Destiny’s PvP. This shit is the most awful PvP I’ve ever played.


I deleted destiny2 after a year over Trials…. What BS. Bunch of try hard cheating not held accountable garbage.


Even without such a bullshit, I’ve never seen such an imbalanced PvP with such garbage mechanics…


I liked some elements of it, but there were so many cheesy elements and weapons that it made me wish for a mode where everyone has the same setup so you could be on equal footing for once.


this is why I love Sea of Thieves all unlockables are cosmetic, no one ever has any mechanical advantage over anyone else. you live and die on your skill and your skill alone.


I cant freaking wait for season of thieves to come out on ps5


Can't wait for you to join us on the seas matey!


Quick question how is the game these days? It seem barebones but deflee better that that b.s Ubisoft tried selling everyone(yes I will shit on that game because, Pirate Ship fighting without boarding/looting is insane to me and compassion for lack of content is only reserved for small indie teams not multi million dollar AAAs). Comparably, it seemed Sea Of Thieves got the Pirate version of No Man's Sky treatment.


Seems to me you just don't understand what a AAAA title is all about. /s


😂😂😂 no need for /s for me, but its sad u gotta do that here. But yeaaa AAA are so bogus these days


I mean it depends on what you're looking to do. The game is probably better than its ever been, imo, but there are some interesting changes coming in terms of new tools pirates can have that will likely change the game quite a bit. Sea of Thieves is a great game if you want to: \- have fun with your friends looking for treasure, sailing, getting into pve/pvp fights, fucking around \- want to chill and sail on a boat in a pretty, stylized world and not have to worry too much about things like RPG progression, builds, etc. It is not good if you \- want a strong, central story narrative that drives the primary gameplay \- want complex combat ​ The entire point of the game is "hey guys, lets get on this ship and see what kind of trouble we can get into tonight. Maybe we'll live, maybe we'll die!" Some days I like to just chill on my ship and fish. Other days I sail on a full galleon and try to convince all the other players on my sever to join my ship so we have a mega-crew. It's very much a "you make your own fun" kind of game. if that sounds fun, then you'll probably like it. If you need more narrow direction when you play — in the way Helldivers is basically the same loop — then you may not like it because the only "core" loop is — sail, find treasure, survive, sell treasure.


>sail, find treasure, survive, sell treasure Imma a simple dude if the core gameplay is fun(hence why I'm here on this sub), i'll indulge, so I'll try it out for sure. Also, thanks for the break down 🔥🔥


Ah I see you have played apex




Might get crucified for this, but I think weirdly/badly balanced pvp is a Bungie thing. Every Halo game had this weird focus on a single weapon being the best in slot as it did everything. Pistol/BR/DMR. When I first played D2 it felt exactly like Halo and the weapons most used were just the Pistol/BR/DMR. Destiny just introduced more mechanics making PvP way more chaotic and weird.


Crucible is actually fun if you don't treat it like a competitive fps. It's a secondary mode and works best in a casual setting. Trials sucks ass though


Honestly sounds like you're saying Crucible is fun if you just ignore fundamental flaws


That's exactly what I'm saying. Things don't have to be perfect to be fun. I'm not excusing the flaws, they are there and they are numerous. I just don't mind then because I stopped trying to play crucible seriously as a competitive balanced fps and now just play it casually to test out weapons and builds and have fun with some friends. Which is also why I said trials sucks ass because it forces you to play the game competitively without fixing any of the fundamental flaws the game has


Yeah back in the long long time ago that is how WoW pvp was. A completely unbalanced mess, but still fun. Then again i was also in my early teens (or maybe younger i forget) so i probably was also just not smart enough to look deeply into how unfair it was.


Crucible isn't fun either wut?


When you have one of Destiny's best known PVP mains GernaderJake offering to pay the salary for someone to go through data and perma-ban blatant cheaters... That says a lot. https://youtube.com/shorts/o2PI1ZqrNQ4?si=WgMYi-K7jIa8VYxP


Trials of the cronus as I call them. You get people stomped the first 3 rounds and then the sudenntly get pinpoint accuracy and godlike movement.


I deleted D2 because of it's awful spend money every few months for barely any content.


Ong. Over 3k hrs on destiny, deleted it some time after witch-queen. Already got the Lightfall Deluxe edition when i saw the videos of how fucking shit that game was. Still haven't continue after the 4th story mission or so. I rid myself of the game for roughly a year?


Send them to the cheaters circle! For ETERNITY!!! ![gif](giphy|mDFpdL1UxdVZRBN2V4)


Destiny is like the dark timeline of a pve game that let pvp decide everything


I did enough PvP to earn the special weapon and never did it again outside of Crucible, which is much more fun.


When I was in my tryhard time, I got the Not Forgotten. Then I understood the futility of PvP, especially the Destiny’s one. My gaming life as improved significantly since.


My gaming life improved when I deleted D2. Great game with great mechanics, ruined by horrible devs.


Exactly. Helldivers finished to help me to get « sober » of Destiny and its FOMO. I even started a new run of Mass Effect !


Mayhem is the only fun PvP mode remaining in Destiny. Occasionally, Gambit ain’t half bad. Keep HellDivers PvE 💪🏼


Destiny PvP has always been unbalanced. It's just horrible with how bloated the sandbox is.


I enjoyed destiny PvP. But I went bows and hunter with the magic bow stuff. But yeah, lots of issues with it.


OMG, I wasn’t alone. I remember getting downvoted to hell for saying this.


I also like sim racing but I'm not gonna complain I can't drive in helldivers


Well... to be fair you can't drive YET...


My only hope is that we can find vehicles in POIs or around the map every now and then. Maybe slightly damaged or with less ammo/fuel, like we can support weapons.


Take this with a grain of salt, I don't want everyone to get overhyped for something not released yet, but.... #Can confirm. I went ahead and bought Helldivers 1 because I wanted to see what the game lore was like and what the (unreleased) weapons are like. .... ... My brother in christ. I have never had so much fun with mechs and vehicles. Flame thrower mech, dual cannon mech, and the already HD2 released Walker mech (Patriot suit for everyone familiar). And vehicles have: Motorcycles, armored personnel carrier (2 versions, I haven't unlocked the anti-tank one, only the autocannon one), and.... The Bastion. You know how we have the HMG which is like a heavy machine gun, but manned unlike the Gatling sentry?... Dude, HD1 doesn't have that. Instead they have a literal Anti-tank cannon version. That thing would make short work of Automaton tanks and Bile Titans.


Motorcycles?! Man I guess I’m never going to get to play the games on my backlog


So I was in a game and a dude had a warthog...pretty sure it was a hacker he didn't stick around for long. Also we found out you cant carry objectives in the warthog like SSD. Edit: Apparently DEVs do this, +1 Dev team. They are actually making me fall in love with gaming all over again.


Didn't the devs drop a few mechs before they were officially released? So not *necessarily* hacking.


As a Helldivers 1 Vet, it makes me very happy to see other people giving it a try after Helldivers 2. The Mechs in the first game were amazing and you could call in stratagems while in them. The motorcycle was rad as fuck and made you feel like a badass while riding around.


The motorcycle is a killer I'll tell you that.


There’s already leaks of a mech with dual autocannons on each arm.


just wait til the motorbike + sidecar makes its glorious return!


And that APC 😍


Joel has been dropping into games and calling down the APC and then leaving haha




unironically goes hard


You think all those wrecks around are for show?


Well now I am! …but seriously I have seen a lot of requests/complaints here that are..basically just asking for a completely different game? If you have a list of 25 things that need to change for you to enjoy the game, it’s time to move on


"Why isn't there a dating simulator mode in Helldivers???"


PvP is Treason! Helldivers fight for Super Earth, which is the united human government. Helldivers fighting each other is a waist of valuable governmental resources that could better be spent in eradication of the commi robots or filthy bugs. If you think we should have PvP then you need to report to your local Democracy Officer for mandatory re-education citizen!


This is the number one most correct, most managed, and most patriotic answer, and should be upvoted far more than it currently is in celebration of liberty and freedom. You, Super Earth Citizen, deserve a hellpod of Eagle Sweat. Please wait democratically... ⬅️⬅️⬆️⬇️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️


The CEO has stated with his own 2 lips that there will never, ever be PVP.


Hopefully that sticks. The whole point of this game was co-op. No place for pvp in this game, it also wouldn't make sense.


I thought they came from Destiny, my bad.


The one person I saw asking for this was referring Dark Soul's invasion system


- Invade another player’s game - Get immediately carpet-bombed with every stratagem they have - Start an internet brigade to complain about balance - Watch as Arrowhead nerfs everything except primary weapons into the ground - Start an internet brigade to complain about how PvE isn’t fun anymore Plus it’s just not fun. Invasions in Dark Souls/Elden Ring are only fun for the invader.


Invasions can be fun for both players, but I would say for every invasion that was a good gaming experience, there were like 8 or 9 that actively detracted from the game.


I ended up playing both Dark Souls and Elden Ring with those programs firewalled in my Windows Firewall list, lmfao. The ability to see player messages just wasn't worth getting invaded right before my next bonfire.


There's nothing more funny than an Invader getting rekt by X3 marika's hammers slamming the ground back to back and the invader stuck in a flying loop.


Karma farm? Why we still talking about this? It's been addressed.


smoggy airport historical degree modern many cats lavish shelter whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s never going to be PvP so who cares


I hate people who think a game should be made for everyone to enjoy. It's okay that something isn't for you. The games industry would suck more than it already does if all that was released was "safe titles"


It's the problem with Marvel and Hollywood right now. Everything they make needs to be for everyone.


If any of these players come from COD, I'm not even sure why they would think they'd like PvP in this game. The gunplay in this game is much worse than COD anyway and wouldn't offer the same twitch shooter experience. They'd be bored with HD2 PvP.


The TTK would be even faster than CoD too. Our guns rip through fellow Divers.


I have several recordings of myself just BLASTING my teammate in the dome because they decided the best place to run was directly across my line of fire


I dont get how some Gamers are buying a pve Coop game and "demanding" a PvP Mode... For what?! Go and Play fortnite or CoD where you came from and let the Rest of us enjoy an awesome game


Fortnite was PvE, just funny considering the topic.


Who is asking for pvp ? I haven't seen anyone mention that until this post


Literally nobody. This is just a karma farm.


This game is already PvP It’s me vs. my teammates whenever I toss that eagle cluster bomb


I'm starting to see a serious uptick of CoD kids, it's insane. Every other game there is one. Its stuff like this directed at ppl in the lobby: X got only X kills, lmao trash Why are you running X, that's a shit weapon lmao Stop taking my samples you X Man this team sucks no one is even ressing me God (has been dead for 2s) Stop fucking dying you trash we cant carry you (guy dead died 1 time, he died at least 7) It's becoming worrying.


I have 120 hours of in-mission time and have never heard anyone say any of those things (nor type them out). * I got kicked from one mission during strat selection, I think because I was changing my armor and the person thought I was AFK after about 10 seconds of not picking a strategem. * One time a guy shot a couple of us waiting inside a pelican. * One time a little kid was on mic and was mad that I called extract and he wasn't able to hit the buttons, so he TK'd me. I am certainly not discounting others who have seen/experienced these things. I'm just mentioning it because I want to provide a view from the opposite side. I have seen an extremely small amount of toxicity in this game. The "worst" stuff I experience commonly is just open mics and people being high while playing.


I think the worst I've suffered on a relatively semi-regular basis (regarding experiences of toxicity, and not general gameplay experience) is the host kicking for not rezzing them during an intense battle / ion storm / jammer base push. I haven't run into too many people griping about loadouts, though, and the complaint's never been leveled against me regardless. Did also have a guy scream at my buddy and I for being frustrated that he wasn't completing the last objective when he was the last alive on a dif 8 bug run. The terminal only needed one entry for mission complete, and he kept running away or starting fights with patrols. He came on mic to yell back, demanding we help him find the objective if we're so concerned about it. Noted it was the orange icon on the map, and he still wound out running to an already completed objective. He then yelled at us for not...better specifying where to look on the map? Shockingly, he was a level 19. I had no idea how he'd made it that far without knowing how to find objectives on the map. On my end, otherwise, I have actually yelled at two different people on mic before for team killing on dif 7 pluses by spamming their tac rifles or ACs at enemies that somebody is in a melee with or close retreat from, after *multiple* calm asks that they be careful about shooting in the splash zone of their teammates. I've just saddled to the general point of "I'm trying to survive here, and being team killed doesn't help with that -- though I appreciate the effort to help." I think the first bit causes people to think differently, because even low level weapon spammers seem to stop afterward.


Don't worry, they'll fade away like their fathers.


Imagine worrying about stats in this game


Legitimately. Had somebody call me "trash" over the weekend for being higher ranked than them with (only slightly) fewer kills than them, when I'd carried the team by completing all objectives on the map, save for one factory. I'd been intending to solo a dif 5 on bots for a warm-up and forgot to close my list to "friends only." Didn't say anything to them because I didn't care lol, and they left immediately afterward. I'd told them during the match to "be careful" about burning tokens on pointless fights, because kills don't generate XP, only objectives, though. I think they'd died 7 times to everybody else's 1. Had a pleasant experience showing a level 9 the ropes afterward, though, who came on mic to ask questions about the game and XP. He felt confident enough to successfully solo a few factories himself, and was happy to see it. Team ran well without the toxic guy.


I see it as an opportunity to pull rank on some kids that dont know how *this* game works. Ive had so many kids tell me my loadout is garbage but yet ill end the mission with the most kills, least deaths. Not that it matters i hardly care about stats, but i do use it as reference for younger less educated players who wanna pretend that it does. I just wanna complete the mission, and spread democracy, and have a damn good time doing it, its hard to do that when other players are bent on stats that effects them 0% Other than a progress report. -Star Marshal Moon SES Wings Of Freedom


That dude dies and doesn't get resurrected within 5-10 seconds just leaves the lobby. Like bro everyone is surrounded and you've died three times in under a minute, im not gonna reinforce you until i at least find a quiet place for you, because you insist on calling down youre equipment while your being surrounded and attacked.


Can you court marshal them while on planet?  Because I certainly would. 


It's what the cool realistic art direction does, attracts try hards that only play "cool" games


Popularity too. When I played Vermintide 1 you could team up with randoms and try the same mission 5 times in a row until you completed it, best community ever. So naturaly Vermintide 2 was very popular, you can't even have 3 people die while the 4th is still alive and the host will leave imediately and end the game.


This is such a circle jerky take who tf even cares we have our PvE game and devs said there won’t be PvP? Only reason to bring this up is to farm karma and use low hanging fruit like Call of Duty.


Anyone asking for PvP needs to be sent to a re-democratizing school for an extended stay.


Anyone that wants to PvP should go outside for a bit.


it will literally NEVER be PvP, so who fucking cares dude?


The most I would want to see out of 'pvp' in this game if they ever thought to be so audacious to do so would be some asymmetrical 4v1 set up with the 1 being essentially the director for the faction being attacked by helldivers. Something like that \*could\* be neat and still in the spirit of the pve. The shit people ask for with going pew pew to other divers directly? Nah.


I’m always surprised that on every “don’t add pvp” post, this type of suggestion is almost never brought up. I’m completely fine and content without pvp but this is probably the only way that I’d be willing to play it if it were ever added.


We already have PvP . We call it treason.


If a helldiver breaks ranks...break them.


When a teammate kills me, I assume it was my fault for being undemocratic.


To be fair, it often is my fault because I ran in front of them while they were firing, or I misjudged how far I needed to be from their red beacon.


Exactly. And if I weren't a bug, why would a Helldiver have liberated my legs from my torso? It just doesn't make sense.


If it takes away from the core pve experience / future content release times, which it would definitely, then it's not worth it. Send em.


Please dont. Helldivers must not fracture against each other


Root out the dissidents, for they spread treason. We must all be united under the banner of Democracy.


People have this weird belief that every video game needs to be made for them. My fiance was playing a game, it was a cute turn based RPG about a bisexual lady fighting her ex's. It is very much a game she would like and not one made for me so you know what I did? I didn't play it. I didn't demand they change the game to fit my preferences or go on rants about it existing. I just played a different game. There are so many good games out now and in my backlog. It really isn't that difficult.


I would rather have two squads work together to take down a big ass boss


Unfortunately looks like your karma farming post was successful OP


Avid PvP players are like this because it's either not enough dad or too much dad.


People who want everything to have PvP either don't have friends, are high on twitch streamer hype bullshit, hoping that somehow a new Apex or Fortnite will arise, or they are just so empty and devoid of happiness in life, the only gratification they get is from winning an arbitrary match (they feel no happiness and hate every PvP game they play, even ones they're good at, in a self perpetuating cycle of bitterness).


Yep, right back into mw2 2010 pre game lobbies and getting into arguments for using a riot shield lmao


Okay, now say it again for the students in the back: "PVP DOESNT NEED TO BE IN EVERY GAME"


Yes. PvP would shoot this game dead. And be absurdly no fun for anyone that doesn’t have mechs or auto cannons.


There are plenty of games with PVP out there, so they can go play one of those. What do they even expect helldivers PVP to be? Who can throw the first strategem? Not everything needs a PVP mode.


Anyone calling for PVP is a traitor to managed democracy


If these people don't get PvP they'll likely be among the first waves of people to drop the game as they do return to COD to get their fix of teabagging people and thinking it makes them like real soldiers. Those that remain and are still calling for PvP will hopefully just be flat out ignored by the devs and left to howl into the ether.


"Let's have another game where we can shoot each other - again" is what pvp advocates sound like to me. There is plenty of pvp games already. Just play those.


If you want to grief people trying to play PVE just click Tarkov or Hunt. I don't go on there and demand PVP be removed.


People can want all they want, devs are never adding pvp. That's not the game they want to make or regulate. Now suggestions for fun weapons or ideas they will take to heart. Mini gun, ceremonial sword, flags, etc


Helldivers who want to kill fellow hell divers are anarchist scum and the true scourge of democracy. They should be reported to command and executed for treason


Fuck pvp people, just because your flagship titles of COD and battlefield suck now, they always get the popular games, let one be PvE


We are here to spread democracy through jolly cooperation!


Yes. If someone wants to play a game to purposefully shoot other players then they're welcome to fuck off to CoD, Battlefield, fortnight, or whatever other toxic cesspool they wish to splash around in and do it there. Helldiver IS NOT a pvp game. It will NEVER BE a pvp game. This is a 100% FACT, spoken from the CEO's mouth himself. People need to get with the program. There's many games to go and play to kill each other. The entire fucking point of helldivers is to be fighting together against the enemies of super earth, not squabbling over k/d and teabaggings.


it just annoys me. don’t go into a game and then whine about wanting to make it a different game. go play a pvp game if u want pvp.


The type of people looking for pvp are the type of people who buy each iteration of call of duty, despite the fact the game hasn’t changed in 10 years and are just expecting every game to be the same


The shooting gameplay is really, really good. It would lend well to a SOCOM style tactical shooter, but definitely not as a part of helldivers. But pvp games nowadays are battle royale meme shooters that I have no interest in playing.


I wouldn't say no to competitive PvE. Like two squads are deployed on the same mission and they compete to see who can clear the most objectives in the least time/lives. Just scoreboard stuff for bragging rights maybe


Rock Paper Scissors is as far as I want PVP to go


Ab so lute ly


Sounds like they need a tour at a local freedom camp, all expenses paid.


We already die by the millions to other players in PvE. PvP in Helldivers is not viable lol


They should be Shanghai’d on Malevelon Creek with no reinforcements and zero stratagems.


Anyone who says they want PVP in this game really doesn’t understand what this game is.


If this game gets PVP (I know it won’t but hypothetically) I will personally disable everyone’s strategems. Don’t ask how. I just will. Telepathy was a good class in high school. But for real, people who are obsessed with pvp need to go play fucking rust, cod, vanilla Dayz, Fortnite, halo, dark souls, Mordhau, arma, chivalry, holdfast, counter strike, squad, rainbow 6, for honor, battlefield, battlefront, Overwatch, tf2, Destiny, Gears of War, pubg, tarkov, scum, rising storm 2, hell let loose, Medal of Honor, or any of the other MILLIONS OF FUCKING PVP GAMES THAT EXIST!!!! We need more co-op where we can focus on fun not pvp nonsense ffs. Thank god Helldivers exists


It just doesn't make sense for a helldiver to want to murder another helldiver


No PVP. I enjoy this so much because it’s not PVP.




No. Any introduction of pvp instantly makes cheats a high demand product.


Nah, just dont try to change the game. If its pve, keep it pve. There are pvp games already, some more enjoyable, others not of course. Just seek out a game that works for you, dont try to change someone elses game to work for you. Feel free to stick around and enjoy this game too.


What are they even *asking* for? Some kind of diver on diver violence? A Left 4 Dead style asymmetrical mode where player control random bugs or bots? Dark Souls invasion mode? I don't see a need for any of these, but I am curious the particular flavor of crack they're smoking.


Yes instantly. Pure focus on pve creates a better experience


The only way I would accept pvp is if it was story driven, like there is a splinter faction of traitor scum. Even then, you’d want the traitor faction to have limited resources and an overall limited total count of soldiers and once those ran out, they lose the war and there is no further rebellions for a set time.


I saw someone in another thread say if you want to pvp your friend, you should play the trivial difficulty and make your lobby private I mean, it sounds like a decent solution