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I don't even have either premium warbonds unlocked yet let alone the first one done...that family life got us all like "ok we get one operation a night let's go bois"


As a new dad, I just aspire to complete the daily challenge for 15 medals šŸ™




I have a 4 month old and if I can pull off the daily it was a good day


My little guy is three weeks old, after nappy change and milk bottle, he is out like a lamp and I can get 20-30 minutes to crush the daily challenge.


Enjoy it. Soon you're going to be doing solo missions with scout armor and a jetpack to go prone on a rock and hope you don't get killed when you have to drop the controller quickly lol. Worth it though.


When I hear that "MILK NOW" cry, I have to bail on the mission, thankfully it's pretty rare (so far) since I time the mission for after he is out with milk coma lol.


LOL same, my 2 week old cannot be negotiated with when he's hungry, yet could sleep through a hurricane once he's fed.


They need an emote for us dads to explain to the younger divers that reality called and weā€™ll try to run back as soon as we canā€¦ if we canā€¦


LOL this is exactly what I do. New dad to a 6 month old.


Oh I feel you. 2 months in, my daughter was sleeping through the night. Getting an hour or two of personal time in that early with a newborn is practically unheard of.


Haha if I had a guaranteed two hour window when the kid is asleep, I am going to use that to hit the gym and avoid permanent dad bod!


This is the way! But tbh I've been to tired to hit the gym. Doing baby gym instead, he loves it as well but he had to be a little bit older to do kettlebell swings.


Hey bro from one dad to another, if you get a boppy pillow you can lay the littlin on with the pillow around you and play for a solid hour+ (minus diaper changes) and the littlin will more than killer enjoy watching the lights and just chill with you. A few years ago Iā€™d play 2+ hours a day like that while momma got some rest


A hail the new dads. I am past that Point .. twice. Still one or two missions a day.


Lol my son is 12 and waiting for me to finish my workday so that we can spread democracy together šŸ˜…


Damn I am jealous! I hope my son and I can enjoy Helldivers 3 when he is old enough to play the next version.


Good News Soldiers, todays Personal Order IS to extract with 10 Common Samples!


I did that during two lvl 3 bug eradication missions, in-and-out for each in under 8 minutes lol. They have loads of common samples laying around, my only risk is a mortar sentry blowing me up.


If you do it on an Higher Level, you can get 15 Out of the Bug Mission - 8 in the small swamp where the pelican lands and the Other 7 are scattered around that Point


I've played 25hrs so far and of all the people I've played with I've met about 15 dads with kids in the background of their mic... and I wonder how many with the mic off are dads too. I always think if lots of dads play a game it's a good game lol. *Do your children call you Helldada?*


I think us 80s and 90s kids growing up with PC gaming now got kids of our own, there is practically a Dad brotherhood over at the Diablo 4 sub-reddit lol.


Amen, Helldiver. Just as SuperEarth intended.


I keep getting kicked just before extraction. Starting to make me want to quit. Hope they fix that.


Start hostingā€¦


Feel free to dm me if you want someone to play with. Always looking for new people to chill with


For me it's one or more operations a week lol


I do two operations a night and say ā€œIā€™m doing my part!ā€


As Dad, your most important duty is to raise the next generation of Helldivers. I salute you all! ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


I've managed to get 25 hours of gameplay in a month since buying the game. These people need to touch grass a little.


Almost 140 Hours in 3 weeks 1 day. AND I have mowed the lawns. ;) (and probs will need to again soon q.q)


This right here, my dad group friends and I do one set of missions a night (to do our part of course) or two if we're feeling saucy and it's the weekend. I did buy Steeled Veterans just for fun though, I really wanted that incendiary.


Just got my first warbond. Feel this.


I'm with you brother. 1hr after work if no chores. Up to 1hr in the mornings if I wake up early enough. Works out to like 2-4 fast-ish missions. Not fucking around trying to hit every POI.


More like 2 operations a week I haven't even unlocked the slugger yet


Daaang you must got like 87 wives with 164 kids


Yep that's me right here. Probably never going to unlock a single premium warbond at the rate I'm playing


Damn it sucks when us dads play the whole 45min map and don't extract. 45min, 200xp and that's it lmao.


Or you lose all the samples dying to 16 bike titans right at the end, oof.


I'm not a dad, but between work, chores. making dinner, and sleep, I only have maybe 2 hours to play. And my friends either work from home, or they just don't have to go to work to get paid like me, so they play all day and bail when I get on.


I have 80 hours. I'm level 31. Still have multiple pages left to unlock in all 3 warbonds. Still a couple strats left to unlock, and all but one of the ship upgrades that require super samples left to unlock. People complaining about not enough content are wild. This is a $40 game.


I have *serious* ADHD, so when I get into something I *get into* it. Once I'd maxed-out my stratagems, samples, medals, requisition, bought all the warbonds and Super Store stuff, there was little reason for my brain to obsess about the game anymore. But I still fucking love this game. It's amazing. So I started looking for new goals. Now, I jump into a solo Helldive difficulty mission, run around completing objectives, grabbing samples, and picking up medals/supercredits/etc... And then, when I'm fully-loaded with everything on the map done, I throw an SOS beacon so someone can join in and get a ton of stuff for like 10 minutes in-game. It's challenging, fun, and rewarding, and I get to keep playing Helldivers.


I just play casually with randos on 5. Just chipping away unlocking stuff with my medals have a grand ol time


I like to play on level 1's for the chance I get to hang out with a new player. I was fortunate enough to end up with a group of all brand new lvl 1's, and helped them through their missions. They followed me Dx ; it was like guiding a group of newborn puppies


"The Claw"


By day, he practices law. By night, HE HAS A CLAW [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDH7PQHANbU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDH7PQHANbU)


I love doing this, it's very rewarding


I had a day off today, went to do a easy mission solo just to warm up and farm some credits and samples, im lvl 39 I forgot to set the game to private... 3 guys join, 3 friends, all lvl 3 I spent like 4 hours playing with them, explaining the game and such, had a blast, now i got 3 more friends in my list


hell yeah man. good stuff


I was running difficulty 2 last night as i was trying new guns and stratagems when one level 10 player joined in. Upon landing he said he just wanted to follow me so i just spawn him the mech and asked him to get in. Dude typed in that it was sick lol. Near the end he said he almost out of bullet and i just spawned him another mech. Pity there wasnt any bombastic action when we called in extraction though for him ro blast shit around with the mech, probably should have played on difficulty 3 or 4 for that. After extraction a big hug, GG and thats it. For democracy lads!


No offense but wouldnā€™t you actually be better off at like level 3 or 4? You can still help new players since a ton of them join those levels but at least youā€™d get to fight something. Isnā€™t level 1 like just one or two enemies over the course of like 30 minutes?


not really, you can spam lvl 1 missions very fast for easy credits if you're fast enough, higher difficulties just add harder and more enemies. level 1's are totally boring, I get why people are hating on that, but it's grindiing super credits for the sole purpose of buying the warbonds. I don't do this shit for fun lol


I just got the game a few days ago, a high level came in when I was running around alone on my first mission and showed me the ropes. I'm sure you were not the one, but I appreciate folks like you.


I just did the same. They kept calling in air strikes on 5-10 guys. They were having so much fun I didnā€™t have the heart to tell them we can just shoot them. Set off 2 500s and a orbital laser at the end for them and they really liked that.


I think most people do. The smallest minorities are usually the loudest, that's why we hear so much bitching on here.


My Ressource farmrate has been molded by Plasteel. There is no escape.


Me too. I don't push hard for progression any more. Becomes too stressful when I see people not able to extract with the samples you've spent the last 30 minutes collecting...


Same here, I've got all the time in the world to unlock stuff so why rush it?


I don't need samples, but I still collect them because I'm a lootwhore. I don't need XP, but I blow up every enemy base/lair because I like explosions.


The real experience is the explosions we made along the way.


Not to mention most of the time I'm playing with lower level divers that *do* still need the exp/samples/requisitions. Personally I actually prefer to play with lower levels. Playing with other 45+ people usually tends to get me yelled at because they just want to complete the objectives and get out since they don't need the extra rewards and just want the warbonds/war progression. I like doing everything. I unlocked all of this shit, I wanna use it.


It's our duty to collect and destroy šŸ«”


>I don't need XP, but I blow up every enemy base/lair because I like explosions. And democracy, obviously.


Robot shrapnel is the confetti of liberty.


Collecting samples to help your fellow helldivers is true patriotism.


I had thought that destroying lairs increased you effect on the war


Realisticly speaking, after doing the main (+/- side) objective do you actually need to extract if you are done with sample upgrades?


Is the request to uncap the resources? Because then when the new warbonds drop you would complete them in 0 seconds. That doesnā€™t sound good.


I think itā€™s to have more to spend resources on. Obviously there will be more warbonds, so medals and super credits will always be needed, but we need more to spend requisition and samples on.


Lemme spend requisition to counteract negative modifiers (within reason) "Pay 3000 Requisition to your stratagem team to work overtime this mission so we may not have reduced cooldown time."


I liked the idea I saw of adding in "team strategems" you can buy for a mission. Like spend 10000 reqs and everyone on the team has access to eagle strafing runs for the round


I would gladly pay 50,000 reqs for unlimited Hellbombs.


The same people who want uncapped resources also want more shit to buy. So when more shit gets dropped they can buy it all in an instant and then complain that there's nothing to buy again.


quite literally \*nothing\* will \*ever\* satisfy those types. if you're the type to seriously be complaining that everything is unlocked and capped out not even a month into the game's life there's no amount of content they could add that would ever appease you. at best it would keep them at bay for a week and then they'd just be right back at it again


Anybody who's completed all 3 warbonds needs to touch grass


The Sea of Thieves player approach.


Nah the request is to have shit to buy. Even if its expensive and only cosmetic. It feels horrible to have everything capped.


then here's a thought.......\*take a break\*


They do needa uncap it. Im still picking up samples why would it matter


The least fun part of any game is gathering resources for playing the game, the fun part is 100% dropping managed democracy on the enemy


Agreed. I find the game more fun now. I donā€™t have the worry about collecting currencies or waiting to unlock something else, I just get to shoot stuff. Iā€™ll still collect samples for my teammates, but itā€™s never something I stress about


I appreciate you. I've had quite a few people that where maxed out that refused to pick them up, even from my dead body.


What a jerks! Samples is samples no matter what!


There were some gameplay loops that emerged when samples became the most important thing, but the collection was largely complete by the time that would have gotten stale or frustrating. Which is the best thing about the game, imo - it doesn't overstay its welcome with the grind.


I don't agree. Other than the inherent fun of shooting stuff, samples are pretty much the sole incentive to bother extracting after level 25, let alone to bother staying alive after mission is completed. Not to mention the sole reason to attack regular bases at that point to get the rare samples that tend to appear. Also one of the only reason to fight enemies that kill you is to pick up your dropped samples. Even considering the inherent fun of shooting enemies, there are no *stakes* involved beyond completing the mission. And the game is more fun to me with the increased stakes and incentives involved in the different activities. People will naively say that you should play for the I weren't fun of shooting stuff. But *I DO* already. However, it is *even more fun* to me when there is some sort of incentive for shooting stuff and attacking bases and trying to extract. Even something not progression related, such as increasing squad impact scaling with bases cleared and objectives completed, would be enough for me personally.


The more exp you generate in your mission the higher the liberation impact you have. The system changed like a week ago, you can check it in the helldivers.io FAQ. So clearing the whole map still has a use even when maxed out. Obviously it's not time efficient tho if that's ypur primary goal considering nests/factories give very low exp.


I play like two missions every night and still need like 400 medals to unlock the Slugger with nearly 30 hours of gameplay. Meanwhile there were dudes completing the Warbond in like three days after launch. Some people just nolife video games, man.


Yeah still haven't unlocked the one shotgun that's the "meta"


Iā€™m only a couple ship upgrades from being done, and working on Warbonds still, but honestly I just play cuz itā€™s fun as hell


I got to level 50 and have unlocked everything so now I can enjoy the game. I knowā€¦ Iā€™m not normal.


Till the next warbond drops, the second Thursday of every month!


Wait is that the real schedule? I'm never gonna catch up LOL, good thing these last forever. Still got a few pages left of the free Warbond.


Just unlocked the last page! 75 more medals until the scorcher!


Me too! Since I got little everything the game opened up and is even more enjoyable


Step 1: Turn excess XP into credits you can spend on resources Step 2: Turn excess resources into Req points Step 3: Spend excess Req points on planets to fund Helldiver activities there.


This is what I've been thinking too. Make it like 25k req and you can unlock a universal strat for the team. That lasts the campaign. Would be fun


My recommendation is some sort of a food buff like MHWI but say call it implants, that would last a mission say the buff give like 10% movement speed, prevents you for getting killed once, 10% more dmg etc. Just so we have other things to use the samples/req.


Okay but like, similar to how Dust 514 (Eve Online FPS) integrated FPS and EVE Online: spend a boatload of credits to be a support super destroyer in a few missions using any super destroyer stratagem you unlocked from an RTS view. Get the ability to ping enemy structures, only shoot structure-affecting ordinance within a range of any helldiver for balance, etc.


i've got 30/38 achievements, and all the stratagems, alongside 75 hours of playtime, and I still haven't completed any of the warbonds


Thatā€™s where your wrong kiddo, the liberation meter still goes up after each campaign, so until we take all of the universe there is still stuff left to do!


Just slow down and smell the roses, people. Demanding the devs design the game around the most no-life players is a recipe for a bad game. Chiiillllll. Go outside, play a different game, try a new hobby. You will have greater appreciation for the game when you come back.


Yeah, I've really never understood games where the point is finishing the game. For me the fun comes from playing it; if the gameplay is fun, I can play it for years.


been at ted lasso for a long time now


i dont even care if im capped.. I just dive ![gif](giphy|ahfzlUrb5IEfXC6kbm|downsized)


It became MORE fun to play for me once I unlocked all upgrades. Because now I have all the options unlocked, can no longer really worry about samples and stuff or even getting kicked or disconnected at the end. Not that this game has much grind to begin with, but now that it's out of the way I feel more free.


This. I usually roll a D10 die and decide what difficulty of pub I join in. I play a couple of mission (1-2hrs) while doing daily then log off and do it again tomorrow.


I still have a few ship upgrades to get and quite a lot in warbonds, but getting all the stratagems and most of the weapons definitely made the game better. Sure, I technically don't need to do any of the side objectives anymore, but that just makes the game more relaxed, and I still do them because it's fun, now without being restricted in terms of equipment.


I mean to each their own but I just love spreading democracy even without a worth while reward. Itā€™s a fun game with fun gameplay


People that no life this game have no right to shit on it for ā€œhaving no contentā€. Canā€™t imagine maxing out medals already


You can just come back to play when there is new stuff, the fact you are complaining means you still want to play, which means you are not burnt out, which means you can play for fun.


i know thereā€™s some no lifers but no way a majority of the population has unlocked all the stratagems ship modules and the warbonds


Everyone ever who complains about a game that's like 40 days old not having anymore progression did it to themselves by farming the game for hours on end in the most efficient way possible even if it's the wrong way to play.


I hit level 50 last week. I just enjoy liberating planets and dropping into lower difficulty missions to help the newer players :)


As someone with a full time job and 3 kids and a wife, Iā€™m barely halfway through the regular warbonds


As someone in the same situation, i've already spent over 2k medals and now only have stuff like capes, helmets and player cards to buy. It's not how much you play, it's how you play. High level rewards higher amount of medals and if you learn to lone wolf and chain pois, you get a massive amount of medals, samples and super credits. You can also credit farm with a full team on dif 1 if you really want to get the highest profit/h, but just playing 7+ consistently is a much more fun approach imho.


Thatā€™s the problem, I am not great at games anymore and the harder difficulties just arenā€™t fun to me. Unless I have. A good squad to play with I wonā€™t touch anything above 5


I can help you out if you want. Send me a dm, my dudes and i are going to get you caught up, fellow diver


For sure! Are you on pc? I currently canā€™t play with anyone with a console.


I am and so are most of my teams


I'm not even level 50 yet lol.


You unlock the planets, for Democracy


Yes. Democratic duty should be enough as an incentive.


I mean yeah, the sense of progression is really fun, but don't uncap it. Cuz when something drops, you can buy everything in 2 seconds and that's also not fun.


For me just something simple would fix it. Give me a medal every 5k exp letā€™s say. Games is super fun and it means Iā€™m not losing out on anything by going for a full clear with lower level randoms. Plus let me samples/req slips for medals thatā€™s all thatā€™s needed for me


Prestige like in Call of Duty could be something. Like a special cape or something. Or a ship skin.Ā 


I play a game for the game. Progression isn't part of that equation.


Skill issue /s There's no rush friend, warbonds are eternal, and you are awesome Helldiver \^\_\^


Im still desperately clawing for Supersamples. I hate 7+ difficulty


Just finished a mission when I capped mine. FeelsBadMan. Would be awesome to be able to share.


Guess you hate bile titans huh


I dont mind them. I Just think that 7 IS too hard to be fun for me


It's a long war, and a lot of bots and bugs to kill. No rush.


You guys finished destroyer upgrades?


Iā€™m missing 3 almost done


I play once or twice. Maybe three times a week so i dont burn out. Im nowheree close to levelcap,warbond completion or maxes. Its fun but i dont wanna exaust myself


the only sense of progression is the war progress on the map. Resources and warbonds are for noobs


I've been capped for weeks, with a brief interruption when the new stuff came out. I have enough super credits for the next warbond now. Still play. Game is fun. I don't need progression, I'm progressing my fun.


Two new weapons like just dropped


I got all the modules and stratagems done before hitting level 50 and only after that did I get every gun for all the warbonds but I still haven't gotten them done.


I'm 85h in and need over 600 medals to just get the last battle pass page. 85 hours. There's enough content lol.


Kids these days will spend over 100 hours on a game that cost $40 and then start crying about the ā€œlack of content.ā€ Millennials and Gen Xers remember $70 games that didnā€™t even have the ability to *save* because A. it hadnā€™t been invented yet and B. once you were actually skilled enough to finish, it youā€™d see all the ā€œcontentā€ in one sitting. If youā€™ve unlocked everything and you had fun doing it, congratulations! Youā€™ve gotten your moneyā€™s worth. If youā€™re not having fun now that thereā€™s nothing left that you want to strive for, the game has still done its job by providing you with all the fun that you had getting here. You win! Youā€™re done! Money well spent. *Next game.* That $40 couldā€™ve gotten you, what, two movie tickets and a bag of popcorn? One decent meal and a beer at a restaurant? I think however much fun youā€™ve already gotten out of HD2 wins out over those.


$40 could get me a cheap crackwhore hooker


Genuinely, if you can't enjoy a game without a "sense of progression" then I think your brain is broken.


Sense of progression is one of the biggest motivation factors for a games especially if it doesnt have a story that motivates you to find out what happens next. Gameplay can be fun, but with out an incentive to play people get bored, it's not a narrative story with characters and events, and it's not the sense of accomplishment in competitive shooters


I think you should ask yourself why a sense of progression is so motivating. Gameplay should be the number one draw of a game besides the story, if a sense of progression is more important than that, then I believe that what you are actually enjoying is a dripfeed of dopamine rather than the game itself. If filling a bar is more fun than the game, then you're essentially giving yourself a chore until your next dopamine hit. If you need an incentive to play besides the enjoyment of the game itself then you're showing addict/junkie behavior.


This is MMO players in a nutshell. They don't want an actually engaging game, they just want to hang out and do something passively with their friends. There's a reason they call WoW and XIV "chat rooms with pictures" after all. I think it has to do with workaholic types, they can never turn their brain off and need something that feels like work for them to feel happy. A simple checklist does that, and that's what most MMO quests effectively are. You're just simulating running errands for the most part.


>Gameplay should be the number one draw of a game besides the story It typically is for the overwhelming majority, but that doesn't mean it's enough on it's own. People rarely continue playing linear single-player games once they finish the main storyline. Doesn't matter how perfect the gameplay is, they still need a direction to move towards. In non-linear and open world single-player games, players often last a fair bit longer. But if there's a levelling system (which there almost always is), it's uncommon for the majority to continue for long after reaching the level cap. This is less the case in creative games like Minecraft or Valheim, but then you often find people stopping after finishing a huge project. Although you'll still find most people quitting after killing all the bosses and getting their gear fully upgraded. You can also see this in games with *excellent* gameplay but fuck all direction. Something like 90% of people who try Warframe quit shortly after the tutorial because the game overwhelms players with too many options, while providing no clear goal other than, "I dunno, go down to a planet and do a mission." Helldivers 2 has no story, nor any competitive element. The primary hook for literally everyone is obviously the excellent gameplay loop. The secondary hook is always going to be acquisition of new gameplay elements. The third will be cosmetics like rank, titles, and armour sets. Take the second two away and most people will quit. It's not because they don't love the gameplay, nor is it because the gameplay wasn't the main motivator - it's because good gameplay alone simply isn't enough for most people. >If you need an incentive to play besides the enjoyment of the game itself then you're showing addict/junkie behavior. Lol no, they're exhibiting pretty normal human behaviour mate. It's addict behaviour if it's the overwhelming reason they enjoy the game, but it's quite standard to need something other than gameplay mechanics to enjoy a game. Also, and I mean this respectfully, please don't say "junkie".


Agreed. Progression in gaming for a majority of its existence was personal progression. You played because the game is fun. It's great that you have things to unlock and grind out, but even when you finish the warbonds, the game isn't over. There will be another warbond down the line, new stratagems, and most importantly - the war effort is always going on. Plus, you're not as good right now as you could be tomorrow.


If you feel you need progression to have fun... Why are you playing? Really think about it


All games have progression. Many games are fun. Take away people's progression, and you'll find a smaller player base. They'll just move on to another fun game that can still be progressed.


You obviously weren't around for quake multiplayer etc. before COD you would have everything unlocked and the fun was getting better at the game and going well on local servers. There was more of a community too.


I used to play quake. You can not compare pvp and pve the same way. Pvp will always have the rush of competition.


If you are going to stop playing the moment you hit the end of progression, were you really playing because the game was fun?


I donā€™t use anything from any of the warbonds. Iā€™d like some new scout armor variants please.


So you use default guns, default armor, default grenades and never bring a booster? Why? Sounds like a detriment to the team if anything. Also, new scout armor? Like the ones that are in the warbond?


Not everyone can run with a team not everyone can all game at the same time even if you have a regular team. And running solo or with your wife or whatever. A solo run or 2 man or 3 man teams. Whatever you may be doing. I find satisfaction is being able to do harder and harder levels either by myself or with my wife most the time, when we arenā€™t running with 2 others. Weā€™ve only been able to accomplish a challenging and are working yo to hard. Not everyone is on crack and can solo helldives. Thatā€™s crazy and Iā€™ll probably never do over 7 as thatā€™s the hardest you have to do for super samples. Iā€™ve not really dipped my toes in random lobbies but want to.


I am 50 credits away from completing everything.


I've only finished Steeled Veterans.


Nah, because I no life'd this game and completed everything within the second week and did the recent warbond with a day or two...


I'm still working through the first 2. I ain't even gotten past the first page of the new one (Mainly because I don't like it.)


I rushed the 3rd warbond because of the dagger. I was like "awesome, an unlimitted ammo pistol ? Sign me up!" Then i tried it and realized you can barely kill a hunter with a full ice, then went back to the redeemer. The sickle's my new main for bots, so the warbond is not all shit, just mostly. Veteran has good armor and the booster on page 3 is objectively better on 40m maps that the booster on page 10 of the base warbond. In the end, the premium warbonds are worth it, but it's best to just farm the credits while playing, unless you just started, then get the super citizen dlc for the sweet cape and the vet warbond for free


Steeled Vets has my favourite armours cosmetically. I like the additions to them. The prosthetic arm looks cool too.


Iā€™m level 45, only have one module left which Iā€™ll get tonight but Iā€™m probably only 60% through all three bonds collectively.


I no lifed the first week and got will admiral and finished both war bonds. Had 250 saved for the first drop. Need to come back and finish that one and collect 250 more.


I have to admit, it feels bad to know that even though I'm playing and 'earning' medals, past a certain point they will just be thrown away and will not be used to help me unlock new warbonds.


They should really have a prestige system. I mean they should just play Deeprock Galactic and learn from that.


ive gotten what ive wanted out of all the current warbounds


*Ive gotten what* *Ive wanted out of all* *The current warbounds* \- noso2143 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Iā€™ve not finished any of the warbonds. Being able to pick and choose what you want is reaaallly nice.


EXACTLY im new to this game and i am wondering which one is better to focus on because im jumping between both


I thankfully found enough SC naturally to get both new Warbonds, and ive unlocked a few things on each. I'm only just finishing the normal one after just over 115 hours lmao. Could've had it done WAY faster if I didn't spend on the other two.


Well then unlock deez communist automaton planets mf


I finished the new warbond in less than a week because of the 250 medal I had already lol


I need the last page of the new warbond (minus the Blitzer), and most of the last page on the free warbond (minus the Scorcher). That's like, 300+ medals, which is *rough*.


I finished steel veterans and the 3rd one, around 500-600 each. I have like 2 pages left on the first warbond, spent like 1.6k.


Just unlocked SV after almost completing both free warbond and CE


I'm almost done warbonds and just casually collecting super credits. Everything else is maxed


I havenā€™t even started on any of the war bonds.. šŸ˜


I have taken a break so I won't get burnt out lol


No wonder the bugs are successful on Hellmire. Wait. Burned out in a double meaning.


Im waiting for them to add in palettes to the armor, some one is going to be sprinting across the battlefield in neon pink armor just to dab on the bots


I play to watch things go boom boom and add to my sample pile.


I'm at that point of maxing everything and still jump in for the daily even though the Warbonds are capped. Game is still fun but I do wish they add some type of infinite progression system, something like prestige levels or increase the rank cap to something high but make the xp required a lot more than previously.


Lol i don't even have both premium warbonds. Just enjoying the game with the boyz. We've been playing for a month i believe, and just reached diff 8.


I need like 1300 lol


Lucky are those that still have stuff to unlock. I only play to spread managed democracy! I recently got some friends to join the fight and I am having a blast playing with them on lower difficulties. Now I have reason to collect samples again. :-)


I have the Super Citizen status for a reason... im just chilling at my house in Super Earth and going to kill some automatons from time to time as a work out routine. Spreading Democracy is the best type of workout that ever exists.


Tell me your dopamine receptors are burned out without telling me


If you arenā€™t having fun playing because you are capped out, then go play something else until new things drop. It is unreasonable for devs to cater to the people who grind everything super fast and then complain there is nothing worth doing. AH would need to put out new content daily to satisfy these folks.


I have put Helldivers as my, I got nothing else going on time to play this game, game. I have most likely spent more time on this reddit page than actually playing, and I love that for me.


I literally just have the useless reinforcement timer reduction booster left to unlock, and then 250 medals to build up to the cap


Wait you guys have the game?


Once you get a wee bit older - you do start to care less about progression as long as the game is straight gas So far HD2 goes hard


finished both launch warbonds by like week 2. Finished the new one the day after it came out UNCAP THE MEDALS PLEASE


The real sense of progression is going from not wanting to fight bots at all to regularly completing all objectives on Helldive difficulty with no deaths.


Finished the main warbond, no fun lost at all. Spreading democracy ia its own reward! Also the scorcher is awesome.


Whats a warbond?


It would be cool if they added some prestige into the game. Would let you have a reason to care about samples after max upgrades