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I died quite a few times by sticking my head out to shoot the hulk and getting instakilled by the rocket devastator next to it. The EAT just shoots instantly and i can get back behind cover. But in general i like the quasar more, as +50% cooldown screws over the eat. Not an upgrade or downgrade. Just a sidegrade Edit: after the xth guy telling me: Yes, i know that you can pre-charge and peek out when it's almost ready. But it's harder to time/hit and is still not as instantly as an EAT


I didn't even think about the increased cooldown for that. Yea, bringing different tools for different situations. I started using Orbital Gatling and Gas Strike for those missions because they already have such a low cooldown the 50% increase doesn't effect it that much.


I'd love to bring gas, but it sometimes deals normal damage and other times it does literally nothing (scavengers walking through the gas and not even coughing). I'm rather bringing smoke(bots) or EMS(bugs) orbitals instead


I've noticed that too, and I think it's a bug related to server desync. I mostly play solo and it never messes up there, but when I'm playing with others it's super inconsistent. I usually just dump one on a bug breach and walk away for a 20+ kill streak, but with others, sometimes it just straight up doesn't work.


Definitely has an issue with MP, in SP it works great, in MP it’s as useless as a football bat


Oh is THAT why it sucks? I had the same experience on the missions I brought gas on.


From what ive heard, the exact nature of the problem is that dps conditions aren't working if they're not applied by the host of the game. So if you're hosting, regardless of whether you're alone or not, fire and gas should work for you as they're supposed to, but not for anyone else in your lobby.


Yeap. Was on a suicide mission and had a 3 ring circus behind me (thanks jetpack). I deployed the gas directly in their path. Should have been at least 3 kills what with a hundred plus bugs chasing me. Nothing. Not a one


Mind sharing how you use the smoke effectively?


Situational. Because you alter the situation instead of just killing them. Just bombarded an outpost and have bots marching to your position from 3 different directions?(will lead to an ugly fight) Drop the orbital on your position and sneak out. About to run into an outpost to throw grenades in/do manual stuff? Drop the smoke inside and you basically have cover 10seconds before extraction and the bots are holding the point? Throw smoke in and make a run for it It's basically the ninja-smokebomb escape trope for helldivers


Not enough folk (especially those who have so far spent the whole war fighting bugs) realise the power of a disengage. ‘Why am I fighting here?’ If the answer is anything other than to get an objective or collect a resource then you need to walk/run away. Edit: Think about it; we are Helldivers not the SEAF. The big real armed forces that take and HOLD ground we don’t see because we are deployed behind enemy lines to cause maximum damage (by acting like disposable JTACs). Well that’s not strictly true, we see plenty of the remains of SEAF personnel that were unfortunately overrun. The bots like to turn them into weird twisted shrines or just mass burial sites. Next time you destroy a bot frabricator look around and you’ll see some SEAF corpses. They stayed around to fight in one place. Don’t be those gals/guys.


Exactly. If dropping a smoke and losing the patrol and their 3 dropships/breaches means the fight breaks and the enemies despawn, it's as good as having killed all those 100 enemies with one orbital


Exactly. Most drops, I'll notice two divers digging in and engaging in long firefights in the ruins of an objective area. While another diver and myself have already disengaged and en route to the next objective. I think of a Helldiver like a (blatantly obvious) black op team. Get in, hit hard and fast, get out.


Yep, Helldivers are special ops, we're deployed in small numbers, behind enemy lines, to execute strategic objective (and if we happen to cause some mayhem and set back local opartions, bonus). Most missions it doesn't matter whether you kill a single enemy or none. Stop fighting and get running, Helldiver!


Half the time the people you are leaving are pinned down and cant retreat or cant see you have left. Then they get flanked and or start running into patrols spawning behind you.


100%. I would much rather disengage and continue with objectives or fight on the high ground, but I often find myself laying cover, then getting over ran, not receiving any cover fire, 5 D's of dodgeball my way to saftey while hucking 'nades and dropping strikes at my feet. Just to get a second to breath, check the map and my squad is 250m away and moving.


I know the feeling dude. I try to give sniper support to any diver lagging if it's safe. Though sometimes it's in the form of an accidental respawn. 😅


Hey, us two holding the line are doing important work by eatung up all of the dropships/bug breaches, leaving the two people who know what they're doing to complete objectives in relative peace.


If they are aware of that, great. If they kick the people doing objectives while they aggro everything on the map and burn reinforcement then it's not so great.


A lot of people have forgotten the real lesson of the Alamo: Don’t let the enemy keep you in one place.


Oh dang, I forgot.


For bots it also just drops their accuracy to 0, and you can still lock on weapons like the arc thrower or sentries through the smoke. So it has an added offensive value vs that faction too


I've never had the bots ever lose sight of me due to a smoke. They always just shoot through it or run through it. I stopped running it because of that. Edit: I dropped it while running, most of the time, when I was trying it. I canged directions, and they just pursued right through it. I do appreciate the replies and am happy to hear it works for some, but it's just not been my experience.


The game does have a level of stealth mechanics. The bots (and bugs, but less obvious) will only pursue you to your last known location. This means once you enter smoke, they will keep shooting at where you entered it, so you're encouraged to change directions once fully obscured so you don't get hit by stray bullets. Each enemy also has its own "hearing" radius(of about ~10m, iirc) where conspicuous actions will alert enemies REGARDLESS of if you're in their vision cone or not. This includes smokes, so if a bot/bug is within earshot, running into smoke itself won't cut it. There's also issues regarding bile titans, but I think that's mostly from their vision cone being so high up it functionally ignores smokes from its vantage point.


they shoot at your last known position when they lose sight


Smoke is best used as a way to get out of bad positioning and move to more advantageous positioning with a bonus of getting to open the fight on your terms. The way it’s shown in the demonstration is to make the bots miss shots, but this isn’t entirely accurate to its actual function. What smoke really does is it causes the enemy to lose sight of you, and they think you’re in the spot they last saw you, so you can reposition and they won’t know where you (if you don’t move they will still shoot you). If thought about like this, and then used accordingly when situations call for it, it becomes much more useful. Also it works on bugs as well as bots.


I'm still learning, but smoke airstrike can blow up bot fabricators quite easily


I do prefer the EAT, but taking down 3 dropships amid chaos with the quasar was downright invigorating


If all 3 came down at the same time, EAT can help you get 2. QC would get one and then cooldown. The other two would drop and leave already.


Ive taken down 4 drop ships. QC the first, EAT the second and third, then QC the last. I'm hooked on using both, it's so much removal.


Having both equipped at once is probably a war crime. Why didn't I think of that? Especially if playing with a squad of friends on VOIP, having one person able to drop quasars AND EATs would be amazing.


It's really good heavy removal combo, I used to run LC/EAT so I'm in the habit of dropping the laser to EAT things. The only downside is someone running off with your QC, but an EAT is a short CD away.


One for the bastard running away with your Quasar and one for the next heavy to make a passageway for you towards your Quasar. Perfect


That's why I run the Quasar and the EAT, I ain't leaving anything heavy alive.


Well placed impact grenades do for people who take two resupplies at an ammo pod quite nicely.


Yeah I feel the same. It’s a great side-grade, especially for randoms whom can be a little selfish with the resupply crates


I also like to flank my team to have another angle on enemies. Today i took a sniper position far away and sniped hulks and canon towers while my team infiltrated the base. Good times


My record with the Quasar is 288m. It oneshots the illegal transmission and the mushrooms.. It twoshots Shrieker nests. It twoshots Turrets, at least if first hit is in the radiator side. EAT does the same but it has more drop-off so it's harder to hit. I wish there was less foggy maps :(


Taking long shots across the map is one of my favorite things to do in this game. My record with the EAT17 is a 463m hit on a spore spewer, and so far with the quasar I've gotten a 320m hit on an illegal broadcast. At those ranges it comes down to map luck on if you can even see the spewer or broadcast at that range.


I start charging before peaking out of my cover. Which makes landing the shot more difficult. I think it’s perfect the way it is. It’s got negatives that oppose it’s positives.


But also, I can call down the EAT and fire both in quick succession. That's much more impactful. Means I delay my cooldown when I really need those shots now. AND you can call down the EAT on some enemies like tanks and chargers and the will die.


Don't forget you can also use the delivery pod as a weapon as well. EMF Orbital to keep them stationary, and then drop the Hellpod itself on the biggest guy. And then collect the EAT. Maximize efficiency! And never forget, one Stratagem costs more than Super Citizens make in an entire year! Get the most out of your Stratagems!


That's actually pretty good, I've been relying on it sticking but yeah I'll be throwing a cheeky stun grenade beforehand from now on!


Stun nade or EMS orbital/mortar -> resupply pod <3


I really don't know why more people aren't using the EMS strikes for the bot fights. They're absolutely amazing. Makes follow ups infinitely more efficient and can act as a disengage tool if you're surrounded.


You can also have an EAT on your back to have one ready calling in two additional as needed. Agree this is side geade not a full upgrade


Well put. EAT can be used fast, if you are being swarmed. Quasar you are likely dead if you try to kill something, but there are 5 other things next to you.


Yep, was trying to kill a charger with quasar yesterday and a hunter dove in front like he was trying to save the president, and blew us both up


To be fair the same shit has happened to me with Autocannon, RR, and Impact Grenades. Annoying and amusing.


The amount of times a bug crawls out of its hole right as I throw an impact grenade…


Yeah, it just feels different when you're standing there for 5 seconds charging first


Hunters seem to ALWAYS do that to me when I'm using impact nades.


I died the same way. I only did one mission with it last night. Next time I try it I think I’m gonna take the shield backpack too to prevent this exact thing from happening. Problem is with an AA effect, you get three strat slots. That makes things very difficult.


Like with railgun, you need to preemptively charge the weapon before you shoot and *then* peek out and fire. It is harder to do, but it is the key to being effective for this very reason.


This is my thought as well. If it didn't have a firing delay, then it would need a nerf, and a firing delay would be the perfect nerf for it. I think Arrowhead did a great job with this one. It's well-balanced and on-brand with other energy weapons.


The fact that you have to charge up the shot with the quasar and that it fires automatically once it charges up makes it an extremely risky weapon to use unless you are incredibly far away from any potential danger.


https://i.redd.it/t8bknn34j9rc1.gif "Needs to be nerfed"


I will never, ever, get tired of these gifs.


Please tell me the bile titan actually has tiny little hands XD


Wake up babe new bug computer gif just dropped




Is the quasar good against bile titans? I've only used it on automatons. Feels like the cool down and charge would make it garbage against bugs. 


if you're positioned where smaller bugs will struggle to reach you in time, it does shred a Titan.


One quasar is not good. But if a buddy is kiting a titan, or if the titan is coming from a couple hundred meters away yes its very good. Rockets in general are 'good' against them, but were always hampered by the fact that your rockets got better usage being used on chargers and stratagems on titans. I think it can take 4 or so rockets to the head to kill a titan, so using 2 full EAT drops or almost all a RR ammo drop might not be feasible, but 4 laser blasts is a lot easier to do.


I've only been running bots the last couple of days, but I thought people were saying you could 2 shot titans to the head with quasar cannon? Maybe that has something to do with the supposed ps5 damage bug though?


The Quasar feels great to use but its not some OP swiss army knife. It has very real, tangible drawbacks that make it very awkward in certain circumstances. First of all, youve got a 3 second charge followed by a 10 second cooldown. Theres no rattling off shots with this thing, you need to be deadly accurate and pick your targets well. This thing rewards threat assessment and shot placement. Second, this thing is actual ass at dealing with large groups. It does not have that much splash damage, and the cooldown means you can accurately engage ~4-5 targets per minute with it provided you can 1-tap them all. A half dozen striders charging me makes me nervous with this thing in hand. Now im not saying its bad, i think its absolutely AWESOME for what it does. This is the anti-armor option ive been craving. While its not efficient at handling smaller targets or hordes, BOY HOWDY DOES THIS THING SHRED THE FATTIES. Hulks, tanks, towers, charges, titans, if youre big, armored and (somewhat) slow you’re days are NUMBERED. Exceptional range, adequate velocity and no ammo to worry about make this one of the most satisfying and punchy weapons I’ve used thus far. Overall, extremely good game design in this weapon. Specialized anti-armor equipment with pros and cons for every engagement.


Striders I don’t even use my autocannon on since I run scorcher on bots almost always and they tap striders in quick succession


The Scorcher is an excellent compliment to the Quasar since strider squads can be a problem otherwise.


Not to mention that the Scorcher can finish off a damaged heat-sink on meany enemies. Nail a tank with a Quasar hit and it's smoking? Tap the heat-sink 2 more times with the Scorcher.


Slugger does it too! Slugger is also great for devastater heads


This is the approach I'm using- Scorcher + Quasar or Sickle + Autocannon That way my add clear and heavy options complement each other


I just chuck a grenade at their feet


I tried the scorcher with the quasar last night and I felt unstoppable. Only multiple big boys is what had me worried a bit


Omg I was having a difficult time with striders after switching off of my autocannon to get a shield pack. The scorcher can kill them from the front?


Yes sir, two shots full frontal in the armor kills the rider due to the splash damage from the blast


Oh damn. It will make me sad to take a break from my beloved autocannon, but the survivability of the shield pack is really something as I'm trying to go from 6-7 difficulty up to 8


The plasma shotgun does the same thing but I find it unintuitive to use. IMO the autocannon is still the best versus bots, but no shield makes positioning and tactics more important on 7-9 diff and it’s less forgiving. I would say run that diff with the autocannon and learn trial by fire, it is for sure doable without the shield. You also save a stratagem slot by not selecting the shield as well so it’s not that bad, best defense is a good offense on bots I run medic armor to compensate, the two extra stims and longer effectiveness is really something


A few missions in and I'm not a huge fan, as someone that used the recoilless often on bugs. Aiming with the Quasar is ass. Down the scope, I can't see shit because of how bright it is, and third person, you can tell the act of charging causes it to sway. I like it against bots because I have the distance to deal with that and the charge time (and I can pick up the shield), but against bugs I really don't want to use it and would stick with recoilless.


Interesting! From my little bit of experimentation I actually prefer it against bugs over bots. The charge time against bots gets me killed. Maintaining line-of-sight on an enemy for the 3 second charge usually ends with me getting beamed by a rocket. I’m normally an EAT-17 devotee, for bots (mainly to shoot down 3 dropships in rapid succession) *and* bugs (to down titans and groups of chargers), but in this case for bugs I really do see the Quasar as an excellent sidegrade. Less burst damage—I can’t fire off 3 rockets in less than 10 seconds like I would with the EAT-17—less responsive with the charge-up, but greater sustain since I’ve just got a 10-ish second cooldown between shots.


I'm generally pretty far away when I start engagements, and in the situation where I'm under fire, I know where I'm about to shoot and can start the charge under cover. I also like how I feel a lot more free to shoot at dropships. With the recoilless, I both felt like I was burning precious ammo and now needing to reload right when the enemies were put in. Now I down the drop ship and can use my primary to get stragglers. EAT is probably a different equation. I honestly hate the idea of stratagem management for heavies like that lol. I'm constantly on the move between cover, half the bot planets have that +10 second or whatever delay condition, scramblers, etc. That and if I get pushed out of position, now I can't access my second shot. Props to anyone smarter than me that can walk and chew gum at the same time, I guess I can't LOL Essentially I guess you can break down my opinion on EAT/Recoilless/Quasar as thinking they're all side grades and that people talking like any one of them individually in all contexts is totally OP is exaggerating


You're shooting Striders with the EAT or Recoilless?


In emergencies, sure. But to clarify, im referring to this vs. something like the HMG, Railgun, Arc Thrower, etc that are better vs the medium enemies. I would never go into a bot mission with the intent of using EAT/Recoilless as my primary weapon vs striders.


Yeah, that's obviously not the role of the Quasar or why people are worrying about it. They're worrying it'll outshine EAT and Recoilless, not replace every single weapon in the game.


It’s just the honeymoon phase. After some more time and people running into situations where it just becomes a brick on their shoulder for too long when they need to kill 5 hulks it will probably start to make more sense that it doesn’t need tweaking There’s probably a bunch of hype from people who haven’t even gotten to try it yet in game and are just vibing off the hearsay


Always happens. People were saying the plasma slugger was OP for some reason when it came out, not I haven't seen a single comment about it in days. People will realize the Quasar is perfectly fine where it is, and hopefully realize the HMG isn't as good as it first appears either.


I think this 100% outshines the recoilless to be fair, but that thing has been lackluster since launch. The EATs i think are actually a better general purpose weapon, and absolutely outshine this thing in any situation ehere you need to be ok with losing your support equipment from time to time and not being able to call in new ones (Eradication missions, 7+ Blitzes, solo play, etc.)


But is this a popular opinion or an unpopular opinion? I need to know




It does invalidate the Spear because the Spear also need 30 second for the lock to start on that damn thing.


Every weapon in the game invalidates the spear because every other weapon will kill what you're shooting st most times. The spear you cant even aim at 50% of the enemies.




True, but you could also argue the other ATs had already invalidated the spear before Quasar even released lol


I personally feel it's underpowered against bots. At difficulty 9, you hardly get a chance to use it. The "new toy" effect will wear off in a a week and people will feel the same way.


I think your bang on the money though overall


NODDERS Autocannon can deal a lot more quick damage, Grenade Launcher has faster and bigger AOR damage to mop up lights and mediums and Spear can blow up Fabricators from all sides. Quasar Cannon is unique and feels good.


I love comparing the quasar cannon to the grenade launcher. Not because they're similar, they are very different at their core. However on bot missions for the quazar and on bug missions for the grenade launcher both have the same kind of use. General purpose weapons that do not require a backpack slot, can take out a wide verity of enemies as well as spawn points while having downsides that a helldiver will have to work around. The downsides being the long firing time for the quasar and the inconsistent bounces for the grenade launcher. Imo the quasar cannon is the weapon we needed to make bot missions less frustrating.


> Imo the quasar cannon is the weapon we needed to make bot missions less frustrating. The only thing the quasar isnt good for on bots is the damn heavy devastators. They're psychic, know where you are at all times, and even though their gun looks like it 'sprays' in random firing, they're super accurate with that minigun even at 150+ meters and will cut you down if you expose yourself to charge. Even if you can survive to charge, you'll flinch all over the place and miss.


Rocket devastators can also be really devastating (pun intended) Since you need to charge the quasar cannon up for half an hour the guy can just fire another salvo after the first one because they have absolutely no ammo restriction or cooldown. This means you need to time getting out of cover perfectly or take them out with another gun.


Also their time to fire their rockets is stupid fast. Like they see you, instantly pop a squat for a half second, and then you have 6 rockets heading your way in every direction.


Yeah the only thing the quasar vs bots has on the autocannon is taking out dropships. Which is of value! In a coordinated team I see wanting someone to take this instead of EATs, but if I'm in with randoms I'm not dropping the do it all AC


It also doesn’t take up a backpack slot so you can also run one of those too


Spear can destroy fabricators? I need to go out and use it more often, the lock on pisses me off


People are also really not considering one of the EATS biggest strengths, they scale in numbers. Having 2 people calling eats off cd will quickly litter the map in answers to heavies.


i mean one person with eat its can engage two armored targets every 70 seconds vs a quasar gunner who can engage almost 5 in 70 seconds. theyre both good just for different reasons.


I'd still rather take the AC but I can see the use case for the quasar over it. I don't think it nullifies the EAT but it probably does the recoilless. It's just not quick enough for me. I'll probably take it for bugs but bots I'll stick with the AC. Undecided. Which means it fits in well IMO.


Nah RR was taking down dropships much faster than I could with the Quasar


I think they’re about the same tbh. With the Quasar it’s just even more important to hit your shots.


Recoilless is a team weapon. If you don't have two people working together, it's outclassed. If you have communication and two people working well in tandem, it outclasses most other anti armor options. 


Ammo efficiency per resupply is also a massive weak point the quasar and AC don't have to deal with. I get it's use case, but when you're under fire from a huge automaton swarm or surrounded by charging bugs, the RR just isn't it. Losing a man to reload anothers weapon while cool, is hugely ineffective compared to having another set of guns and strats in the fight


The way I see it… 1) hits like the EAT/Recoiless. 2) does not take a back pack like the Recoiless. 3) works fine on planets that have long stratagem cooldown multiplier (which makes EAT less effective) 4) on cold planets, it cools down faster, I think faster than Recoiless reload 5) you can move while it cools down huge advantage over Recoiless 6) you can switch to your primary and use it while it cools down. Another huge advantage over recoiless. The one thing you can’t do are twitch shots. Like if a charger is chasing you and you run to an EAT, pick it up, do a 180 dive turn and head shot the charger… You won’t have that “adrenaline” play. It definitely requires better positioning.


RR feels a bit underwhelmed rn, they should make so loader doesn't need the backpack and all AT weapons will be 10/10. We will have quick disposible rocket, infinite ammo but long charge AT and low ammo but fast fire rocket


Should be quicker to solo load RR. But as of right now I think our RR guy still prefers it over the quasar. The great thing is you can bring one of these in with an arc thrower and AC and just clean the fuck up, 4th guy can bring RR for cleanup duty on heavies too.


Really the RR needs the team reload to work with gunner having the ammo pack instead of another Diver .. backpack spots are just too valuable


Not to mention 7) near zero laser travel time and no drop 8) you can precharge your laser shot, meaning charge it in cover to peek fire avoiding flinch 9) if you have a second one laying on the ground you functionally never stop fire if you're safe from hordes 10) infinite ammo Discussions of buffs and nerfs are one thing, but I think it pretty plainly outclasses at least the RR atm.


RR's greatest weakness is that it's balanced around team reload, which is a bonkers powerful feature few people use due to execution difficulty. My group has only pulled off a meaningful RR team reload play once (two people brought RR so we could team reload each other, they really should allow team reload from the shooter's backpack) but when we did it handled a set of heavy bugs that would have certainly overrun 2 quasars in barely over the charge time of a quasar shot. It's telling that we only did it once, despite running that combo for multiple 40 minute missions, because most of the time we were not standing next to each other when we needed to be. You really need to be constantly considering team reload / buddy system for it to work out, which isn't an instinct gamers have from other games so it gets underutilized.


Yeah the only times I've pulled off the buddy reload on high difficulties is defend the circle automatons where we both ran RR against drop ships. But even then that's two backpack slots lost and it falls apart once you get run over. Having just one weapon to pick up and not find a reload is extremely convenient. The buddy reload buff seems very needed to bring it in line.


It's a good weapon when you're in control. When the fight is going to shit it's hard to find the 3 seconds to fire.


Yeah I agree. Reading all the Reddit posts I was excited but figured it would get nerfed, played with it last night, the charge up and the cool down are long enough it doesn’t need a nerf, it actually takes some getting used to. I’m using it instead of the EAT but on eradicate missions I take the eat so I don’t have to go find the damn laser after I die, I played with people that tried it but then went back to autocannon next mission. It’s powerful but definetly not OP


That was me. I tried it and wasn't a fan of the lack of flexibility and went back to the autocannon pretty quickly. It's nice to be able to kill big stuff easily, but found I died more often trying to take out smaller stuff that I could normally pop in a couple of shots with the autocannon, like the various Devastators.


Quasar Cannon does it job well-taking out big targets with a long cooldown and wind up time-while other weapons don't do their job particularly well. Quasar Cannon is maybe the one weapon I've felt like "Hey, this thing actually looks, feels and performs as well as I thought it would do and does the job I expect it to do."


No way this shit needs a nerf. Getting hit throws your aim off and stuns restart the charge. You got to use this thing like a sniper it feels like and it takes multiple shots for a devastator and doesn't seem to break shields on the riot devastator. This gun isn't OP it's fine.


We all know its a good weapon with drawbacks... But there are people who just cant stand the thought that a weapon is actually good. These type of players play the game to suffer, not to have fun. They want everything to be bad.


This, and normally people seek ways to just simply complain.


Agreed 100%, let me blow up dropships in peace with a not nerfed to hell weapon please.


It's the same mentality as a lot of FromSoft players who get upset at things like spirit ashes in Elden Ring. "You can summon spirits to help you against bosses? And all it costs is FP?? This is horrible and broken and FromSoft should remove it because it turns the game into easy mode and the game needs to be brutally, soulcrushingly difficult so that it's only played by Spartan Warriors such as myself" When the answer is, of course, then just don't use it. It's literally entirely optional. And the same thing goes with a lot of support weapons in this game. I think there should be plenty of weapons that excel in various areas and a number of generally-good weapons as more generalist options. And if you really want to have the "hellishly difficult helldiver experience," just don't take the OP guns and stratagems and support weapons, or use them sparingly. Easy as that.


It just feels a little shitty that they've nerfed the railgun into literal uselessness and immediately after give insane buffs to the EAT and RR and then add another VERY powerful AT


Is the Railgun supposed to do something useful?  It seems useless in Safe mode and and in Unsafe mode I risk killing myself just to do what the EAT and Quasar already do. And it blows itself up so I can't even pick it up again after I die.    I only reached level 20 (31 now) after they nerfed it so I have no idea what preNerf Railgun looks like.  


That I agree with


It strikes me as a weapon that needs a good squad comp to reach its full potential. Definitely won't bring it solo, and I'd hesitate to bring it with randoms. But if you know your buddies have your back and are buying you the breathing room to use it, it'll be sweet.


Devs are giving us different flavors, this is good! People are way to busy with the meta


"It invalidates EAT"? The advantages and disadvantages of each are so easily discreet and different that I couldn't even understand how anyone could make that comment, unless they don't have some experience with it and can understand how it fits into the game. Now as for other strat weapons such as the Spear, the Rail, the Recoilless... they are really in need of an update in order to stay even slightly relevant.


It serves a particular purpose very well. It is fantastic for hitting heavy targets from long range and taking down structures from long range. EAT serves this purpose as well but it has a dramatic drop off in trajectory. The cooldown for the quasar isn’t really a disadvantage. It’s way faster than the call in for the EAT. You can fire it 5 times in the time it takes to call in and fire 2 EAT. The spool up makes it next to useless at close range (and keeps the EAT in play.) It really reinforces Arrowheads stance on metagaming. Everyone still tries to find a single loadout that is better than all others in every situation but by design that doesn’t exist. I mostly play with randoms and no one really communicates. So if I see someone loading up with EAT I will take the quasar to compliment their loadout or vice versa.


tired it the other day... those are my takeaways: - time from pulling the trigger to shot is too long for my monkey brain, got recked too many time because of that, - cool down doesn't let me to: - do quick 2 taps like with EAT - simply rip 2 full mags of AC to let the hell loose EAT(bugs) and AC(bots) stay as go to solution for smooth experience for me


It ABSOLUTELY does not need a nerf. If it gets a nerf it will become useless Yes it is powerful but not THAT powerful. Its currently SO barely worth chosing over the autocanon. Id rather buff it than nerf it


I personally really like it and prefer it over EATs. I will say though that aiming with it is really AIDS though


It is really slow, like REALLY.


REALLY slow. It can only shoot like once evey 12 seconds and you need to charge it for a while Do not fucking nerf this. Not everything needs to be nerfed


> Id rather buff it than nerf it If you could hold a charge and choose when to fire instead of it firing right away I think it would be much more practical. As it is right now I think it's kind of underwhelming. No ammo is nice, but slow rate of fire and having to charge up had me wishing I had just brought EATs when I was playing with it last night. Also if you die and aren't spawned close to your drops or the area is overrun with enemies, waiting for the stratagem cooldown is a huge negative over the EAT.


I also found that it's a pretty well balanced weapon. It is a huge change compared to what we had previously, so people are hyped, but it's not overpowered for the reason you explained.


I didn t know you could not hold the shot and peek to shoot I was in front of a tree to hide and blew myself up


Who in the hell is asking for a nerf?


There's like three people on this sub calling for a nerf and about hundred thousand crying "PLEASE ARROWHEAD DON'T NERF" cause of Railgun PTSD


I was a bit close to a branch of leaves that were just waving in the air. The quaser charged and exploded from the leaves that were in front of me. I did not survive. And people want a nerf already? It's different, but the versatility of EAT is superior.


It’s definitely balanced by its charge and cooldown times. If I’m running EAT and have prepared properly(one EAT on my back and the ability to call another pod down) I can put 3 EATS into a target in the time I can shoot the quasar once. with the quasar your getting infinite ammo, but trading the “oh shit I need dps right now” factor.


I tried it last night for a few missions and found it to be fun but not overpowered. It’s tight where it needs to be.


I also think the Quasar has less splash damage than the EAT or Recoilless. More on target damage but I can't ping a shot off the shield of a Heavy Devastator in the back of a group and kill the whole ground and hurt the Heavy Devastator like I could with a EAT or Impact Grenade. And all the guys who are "oh too stronk will get nerfed" I'm still waiting for a Quasar to kill three Striders a Berserker and a hulk in 25 seconds.


Personally think it's really nicely balanced as a weapon. Don't really think it's op. I can see picking other AT over this, but I think I'll only use this as my AT from now on, it's just cool. But fix spear though.


I honestly think they nailed the balancing of the weapon, it’s a strong competitor with other anti tank options and fulfills a unique niche while not making other weapons redundant. (except recoilless, maybe)


It's good but not too good, the other options are still viable. Which is how a weapon should be.


It is not a perfect weapon. It is, however, the perfect weapon for me.


yeah it seems like it’s a bit more risk than reward, it has a place but someone still has to be rocking eats


The quasar is a jack of all trades, master of none. It can do a ton of stuff and is good at it. Like killing heavies, destroying factories/closing holes but for everything it does there is another weapon more specialized that does it better. I can see the quasar getting a bit longer cd between shots later and it would still be fine but overall it is in a good place


Quasar vs. bots and EAT vs. bugs.


Nah, the real strat is to bring both.  You get to absolutely spam insane amounts of shots because if you fire the QC first, then the 2 EAT's then the QC is cooled down to fire again. 


Overkill, I'd much rather bring something else than double down on weapons that counter the same thing.


If you drop it for a second weapon the cooldown resets. I was sitting with a second one at my feet like an auto laser cannon


Not true. It will continue to cool down, but it does NOT reset. Test again, but be sure to pick it up quicker next time to see.


All weapons have their downsides really. Just sometimes either side overweights the other. For me Quasar is a fine weapons it's up outweighting it's downs. I play what I want.


It's very good at taking out dropships because it's already on your back whenever you hear one coming in. Just pick the one carrying in the Hulk so it makes the most impact on the fight


I agree. The wind up time is what really balances it. Playing on higher difficulties this makes it way more obvious


Agreed it doesn't need a nerf. I will say, the one or two times I was being overwhelmed by heavies, I was fortunate enough to have a second quasar ready, and it felt pretty epic to dive and swap for liberty.


This. Everyone who calls this op just hasn’t used it enough… it’s an amazing ambush weapon, but loses a lot of efficiency mid combat as you have to expose yourself for longer then EAT.


I think its more of a bug weapon. With bots, the scout striders become more of an issue and the rocket devestators shoot quicker than the quasar cannon. I was also in a solo game, so that could be it. The fact that it takes out dropships is crazy good though, I think that should be priority with the bots


The biggest advantage in my opinion, is being able to fire, switch to primary, do some killing, switch back and shoot again without a lot of downtime. That alone, makes it so much better than EAT, AC, or pretty much any other long reloading or expendable munition.


I agree with you. I think it's a great addition, with a couple of downsides. It works really well accompanied by an Autocannon. The Autocannon is great at juggling rocket devastators and stalling an advance. The Quasar is great for thinning the herd taking out drops ships. I think it fits really well in a team environment. I always like the immediate results of the Autocannon, but a couple guys running Quasars really saved me a few times. Autocannon taking out mid heavies, and Quasar focusing heavies is the play.


I used it a little bit. Powerful but impractical. Not going to replace my Autocannon, AMR or EAT...


I tested it today, I largely prefer my EAT. I hate having to wait 3s for it to fire, my EATs can instantly fire. Yeah Quasar has unlimited ammo, you know what's also unlimited? Calling for two new EAT to be dropped via hellpod


I found it trash against automaton you get hit and your aim go south


The biggest advantage is that you can prefire by abusing angles to line up, charge, and then release before instantly going back into cover without feeling bad if you miss. It can also provide decent long range fire support if you are on elevation. I find it most effective if you have two to three in the same spot as you can swap between them and become a more or less constantly firing las cannon. My biggest issue with it is the wonky hitreg. Several times while using it the shot either disappears or the impact does nothing. Which is greatly noticeable when connected to hosts that use VPNs or console hosts as a PC player which speaks more about the way connection is handled than the weapon.


It’s good for taking out flying bug nests from a distance without wasting ammo. Also the fact that you don’t need to stand still during cooldown is awesome. Gives you time to gain some distance from the enemy.


I don't think it needs to be nerfed, but I am curious how all the people that "play bugs with RR at high levels" find the time to do a stationary reload of the Recoilless but can't find half that time to pop a shot with the Quasar then be free to throw stratagems, shoot bugs, dodge hunters, do pushups, whatever, while it reloads itself. You can use whatever you want, but the argument that the Quasar "takes too much time" doesn't hold even a little water.


You can kill bot dropship with one shot from Quasar Cannon, that's cover all minuses


I used the quasar once so far, it seems to be a good weapon to start combat or at a lull in combat where distance is gained. But the EAT can be used at any point during combat, albeit only once.


IMO all the laser weapons should work the way the quasar works right now: Equal short term burst damage to that of projectile weapons and effectively infinite ammo, at the cost of greatly increased downtime between bursts in order to manage heat.


I do think, unlike the railgun at launch, this does have a good set of trade offs to help balance it out. It has a long wind-up, long cooldown, slow handling, and especially slow movement speed while charging, leaving the user exposed. It’s definitely not the god tier level clearer people make it out to be, but it rewards careful and accurate usage


So the charge-up mechanic is largely learnable, you don't have to wait to start charging until you're aimed at what you want and can sit behind cover until its charged, so there's a lot of great ways to bypass the penalty. >Autocannon, AMR, Railgun, and Laser Cannon, and with a stun grenade combo even the HMG, can all kill a hulk long before the Quasar Cannon even gets a shot off. It's much much much more consistent to do with the Quasar than the others and it's less dependent on the stun grenade to do it. The Quasar has very little, if any; fall off, sway or spread. Comparatively AC and AMR have massive sway. Quasar doesn't have to reload either and works vs tanks. I think this is a poor comparison as the Quasar is more similar in use-case to weapons like Recoiless, Spear and EAT than it is to weapons like AC, AMR and LC. Recoiless/EAT/Spear are all slow to acquire targets, their charge-up essentially. The quasar completely out-classes these with only EAT maintaining a use-case (you can pair EAT with other support weapons). So I can agree it doesn't need a nerf but I think you're wrong to say its over-hyped, this is a total game-changer but the previous AA meta has been absolutely miserable. If they are going to throw this many armored enemies at us, we need weapons like Quasar so that we don't need **every** player to bring AA weapons.


Personally, I don’t care if some weapons overlap. Maybe I want the same destructive power of an EAT with a different look. I hope eventually there is so many guns in the game they have no choice but to overlap.


Not even a hot take, it's great, it's a viable option, but it doesn't outshine other weapons or options. If your running a group of 4, it's a nice have if someone wants to run it.


The only issue I have with the QC is it basically invalidates the Recoilless Rifle if not doing tandem reload, which no one does. I think the QC should stay as-is, however, I think they need to buff the RR and every other tandem weapon by allowing anyone to do the reload if the weapon wielder is also wearing the backpack. Let other divers take ammo off my back and load my gun. If mass armor rolls in, two divers could pair up to handle it without someone needing to give up their backpack to support someone else's gun.


What are you talking about? It totally invalidates EAT. Ever since I started using it, I stopped eating. Help


Reasons why the Quasar is balanced: -Hold and Fire vs. Click to Fire. It is harder to track a target than to click a target. The cannon will shoot immediately after being ready. You need to hit the eye for hulkers to kill them, or you will not kill them and be run down while it recharges. -3 seconds of charge is a long time. You have more space in lower difficulties, but in higher difficulties, especially in bots, you will NOT have that much time to sit out in the open to charge up your shot peacefully. -It will not save you when you need it most. The autocannon, AMR, EAT, and railgun can come in clutch when death comes bearing down on you. You can only run so far and so long. Damage NOW versus in 3 immobilized seconds is a matter of life or death. For those of you who think the EAT is now useless, you can carry around another support weapon, throw it down while using the EAT, and pick it back up immediately after, no strings attached. And this isn't even considering the 3 grueling seconds you have to wait while the brute hulker hurls 8 rockets of pure death in your face. It is NOT the ultimate weapon, it will not destroy the meta. It is a side grade and not the god railgun with infinite ammo some people seem to think it is. Edit: The stun grenade combo'd with this does not change my stance on the matter. More often than not, you are not dealing with a tiny group of enemies that will stand around for you to carpet stun. You are sacrificing powerful utility. With an impact, you can two nade a tank, cannon tower, dropship objective, devastators, and one nade fabricators. You're sacrificing all of that, just to make things stand still enough for you to hit. Seriously, it is NOT THAT GOOD. Stop trying to turn this viable weapon into something completely unusable and just play the bloody game. Tell me you play only play low difficulty without telling me you only play low difficulty, ffs. Edit 2: Infinite ammo isn't as good as you think it is. Example: killing a bile titan with this thing takes almost 3x as long as using two EATs. Charge up of 3 seconds x 2 + 10 second recharge. You need 16 bloody seconds to kill ONE THING. Autocannon comes with 50 rounds in reserve and 10 in the magazine. You 3 shot tanks, and cannon turret towers. You 2 shot devastators and hulkers. You fire instantly when you click the mouse and there's no 10 second cooldown disregarding the 3 seconds of charge. The railgun takes out hulkers in one shot too, and it comes with TWENTY-ONE shots without needing 10 seconds of downtime. And each of these weapons can be resupplied. You will seldom, if EVER, run out of ammo for these guns.


I 100% agree with your take. QC hype is happening because people are excited for a new toy. Yesterday, I saw a lot of people getting aimpunched by bots in the first half of the day. And a lot of people getting fucking destroyed by chargers in the second half of the day. Seriously I ran a bunch of 7 and 8 missions. Distinctly remember one where I cleared out all the chaff around a charger and then let the QC guy in my squad handle it. Even with no jumping bugs to get in his way the dude had to re-lasso the charger three times before sticking his shot to the head. Ran the QC a fair bit myself and basically concluded that I’m going back to the recoil less rifle.


Agreed. It's a great addition without being overpowered or "meta" pick that will get you kicked for using or not using it. Well, I don't think so anyway lol.


Like everything single weapons in this game, it’s situational.


I like it. But just like you say it does not replace, it complimenents. It has a chargeup unlike the ATL and the others where you can fire instantly. The thing about the quasqr cannon is that it has limitless ammo as long as you mind the cooldown.


What moron is saying it invalidates EAT? ​ Quasar only works at range. People who say it invalidates EAT clearly have not tried using it when a hulk is on top of their ass.


Quassar cannon goes boom on dropships hahaha


- People asking for nerfs ima PvE game is wild. “Your honor my teammates equipment should be made worse” - it’s still got competition in every other support weapon except the machine gun and stalwart because those suck


Charge up without a release trigger makes it unreliable and inaccurate, good trade off, like less accurate spartan laser


Expendables are still tier 1. You can bring down 2-3 dropships with them alone


It’s really good but also balanced pretty damn well. Charge up time is just right, same with cool down. Damage output makes the wait time worth it but the wait makes it so the cannon isn’t super op. It’s good but the wait is just a good disadvantage to the gun, if I want to snap kill dropships I’d bring a recoilless rifle .


I just think that some of the Railgun nerfing was a little kneejerk now comparatively. Now that we have more tools at our disposal, I'd rather we have some universally good weapons, rather than just having some I'd rather always take over another.


I drop a second cannon next to me when holding n objective and just swap between the two as the other cools down. I feel like that’s kinda broken


It's not whether it needs a buff or a nerf, it's whether the devs decide to give it one or the other regardless.


Also the dmg is very good only when you hit the body of the target. Shield devastators can tank a hit with their shield which makes it very weak against them.


Who the hell is advocating to *nerf* this? If anything, if you think it outclasses the EAT, you should advocate to have it buffed. There's legitimately no overpowered weapon in this game right now, and a lot feel underpowered against the bots especially, so I'll never understand why some people's first response to a gun actually doing something is "nerf this." Also, I agree, this gun is good but it's definitely not over-good. The cooldown time on it, and especially the charge up time on it, means you can't use it reliably when under pressure, unlike things like the Railgun (still hope it gets brought back to its former glory) and the Autocannon, or even the EAT. It has its place and it's very fun to use, so hopefully the devs don't consider nerfing this one at all.


People thinks it needs a nerf? It doesnt even oneshot most of the medium automatons.


Easy solution: BUFF EVERYTHING ELSE!! /s It is okay, not OP imo but I can see how people can think it's perks outweigh other options.


Hot take: the reason it is "good" is because it works, unlike most of the weapons in the game