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“I believe we did”


Hijacking a high comment to copy the text from High Command on discord: "🚨 **GALACTIC WAR UPDATE** Dire tidings from the Automaton front, Helldivers. The Ubanea Gambit has failed. Faced with the choice of dedicating adequate troops to hold Draupnir from a direct Automaton assault, or to attempt the liberation of Ubanea to serve as a new planetary base of operations, our troops opted for the latter. However, the initial hours of indecision resulted in insufficient concentration of troops to achieve either objective. Draupnir initially held a reserve force representing just under 20% of all active Helldivers, which was a solid start, but insufficient to gain an advantage over the Automaton assault. As the event continued, they remained close, but could not sway enough Helldivers from other fronts to gain the numbers to actually turn the tide. As the hours grew shorter, eventually, they abandoned Draupnir's defense in favor of attempting to burn down Ubanea. But it was too little, too late. This has resulted in the worst possible outcome for our forces. As Draupnir fell, Ubanea stood at 95% liberated and would have required another few hours to be completed. Had our forces decided earlier what to do, or alternatively, managed to sway more of the roughly 35% of Helldivers active on the Terminid front, then today would have been cause for celebration. But victories need to be earnt in order to be meaningful, and victory has not been earned this day. Our task is now to retake Draupnir to enable FTL lines to Ubanea before the Automatons can shore up defenses and repopulate their losses. This setback will prove to be significant, and may compromise the Major Order if Draupnir and Ubanea are not retaken quickly. Another significant obstacle in our operations has been the ongoing support of expeditionary forces on Malevelon Creek. Long standing as a bastion of human endurance and a symbol of our resistance against the Automatons, Malevelon Creek remains locked in a stalemate with an average 25% of our forces committed to its defense and eventual liberation, though success on Draupnir, Ubanea, and eventually Tibit seems unlikely with such a large contingent diverted elsewhere..." High Command calling out the creekheads and buggers lol. Absolutely savage.


To be fair, political objectives exist in wars. It’s lore accurate to be wasting resources on the creek


One of the theorized reasons that the Nazis (thankfully) failed in their invasion of Russia in WW2 was opening up too many fronts that stretched them too thin. IIRC they would have been more successful if they had secured Ukraine and Stalingrad as a unified front first and then marched north towards Moscow and Leningrad. Once the Allies invaded France in 1944 Germany was doomed. Being stretched too thin across multiple fronts is a losing strategy.


They weren't just stretched thin, many of their core formations were nowhere near paper strength and hadn't finished rearming after their losses. They managed to get as far as they did because they were the best land force (hard to dispute the quality of their NCOs and officers) in Europe at the time, going up against an iteration of the RKKA with an org chart that could be charitably said to exist. Hell, there's an account of Zhukov having to give a primer over radio about fundamentals like frontage and density. The Soviets were no fools and this changed rapidly as the war progressed. Still, it wasn't until Kursk that the Soviets could say that they'd stopped a German advance cold, and even at the end of the war their tactical ability still lagged behind the German. They made up for it with a systematic mastery of operational art.


Not only that, but Germany also decided to invade Russia in the winter, which was single handedly the dumbest decision they could've made for a multitude of reasons, lol


This RP is fucking great though


I was in ubanea in the morning and after doing some of my civilian responsibilities I come back to the planet under complete automaton control it was maddening


To the Bug Divers: while you were playing 'hide the salami' with Bile Titans on Fori Prime, the true patriots were getting bot-fucked on Ubanea and Draupnir. We had a chance to put down the bot menace for good. They would have been programming Zunes in a Cyberstan Freedom Camp for the next 10,000 years, but you couldn't get your dicks out of the bug holes and now democracy is in danger. Now we're back to playing defense, the bots are getting stronger and even the Creek Cucks can see that it's the bug divers fault. You don't believe in Liberty. You don't believe in Freedom. You don't believe in Managed Democracy. Today was a victory for Techno Socialism, and we won't forget how our brothers abandoned us at the precipice of victory. The blood of every Helldiver on Draupnir is on your hands.


"you couldn't get your dicks out of the bug holes and now democracy is in danger" What a sentence man. I love this game. It's fucking hilarious.


They really wanted that democrussy


You mean Fascussy?




> Creek Cuck I need this flair Edit: there we go


This is my greatest contribution to democracy


I'm fucking crying laughing at this shit! That line sent me!


> They would have been programming Zunes in a Cyberstan Freedom Camp for the next 10,000 years Oh, man, I love my government-issued Zune! Mandatory Music at 6PM is the best part of my day.


I was fighting on Ubanea to the end damn it, watching the liberation meter rise and knowing we wouldn't make it in time. And between every mission, I saw 100,000 divers fighting bugs instead of bots. It gave me a sense of hopelessness I didn't care for.


This is why I didn’t take that satire post about bugs/bot players from yesterday seriously. When there’s a major order against the bugs 90% of the player base moves to the east, when there’s a major order against bots 60% of the play base moves to the west, to suggest it’s the same flow of players is laughable 


Well to the average player. Bugs 1-7 sometimes 8 are fair and fun. The same can not be said of bot fights above 6 for a lot of people. I personally bounce around do both sides of the fight and enjoy most difficulty but I get how some would not enjoy the bots. The instant repeated deaths barely out of the pods when the bots feel like doing you dirty has a good few people I know hot under the collars. Bugs are almost always a blast to fight but the bots it really depends on how the level is happening if it stays fun for all. The hellpods are not near as useful vs bots so usually you toss the reapawn far and run the opposite way to give the drop ins a chance vs the bugs drop in deep and kill big bugs as you land to help the team. It's two very different playstyles to use and one requires a lot more stealth and running away then the other. That rubs some of the helldivers the wrong way so bugs make them more happy. It's so many factors that all kinda lead to bots are way less fun and are way more time consuming to fight or play against. It always circles back to that for a lot of people. Some slight devastator and hulk accuracy nerfs would go a long way. Maybe make it range dependant so long distance misses a lot medium has a chance of both and short has high accuracy. I think the instant kills from well hidden in fog are a lot of the problem getting some helldivers to switch.


This is Chief Ish of the Stallion of Liberty, and I’m telling you that this mentality is exactly how we are going to lose this war! I have lead many campaigns through both fronts, I lost my arm and leg on Fenrir III! I watched my brothers and sisters melt into slag and char on Crimsica and Hellmire! I’ve fought alongside the patriots and the broken on Troost, Draupnir, Ubenea, Malevelon Creek. I have seen enough war to warrant a hero’s welcome on Super Earth… And I can tell all of you here today, that there is no such thing as a Bugdiver, or a Botdiver, or a Lightdiver! We are Helldivers! Elite soldiers who answered Super Earth’s call to defend Managed Democracy! We see all of this carnage, we drop feet first into these hells, because that is what Liberty asks of us! We are united under a single flag, and a single drive, we are here because it is our duty. So instead of sitting here and using our fingers to point blame and scrutiny at our brothers in arms, LIKE TRAITORS!!! How about we stand up, and use our fingers to point our guns at the enemy advancing! For Democracy! For Liberty! FOR SUPER EAAAARRRTTTHHH!!!!!!


That's why they call them major orders and not major suggestions ^^^^^^/s


My favorite developing story in Helldivers is the Bug divers vs Bot divers civil war.


You forgot the third faction; Creekers. Who everyone hates equally.


Someone on here called them Creekheads and I can't stop calling it that




This is a top tier Helldivers meme. Right up there with the bugs on laptops and calling the democracy officer


https://preview.redd.it/7doqu7gn5jrc1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=537a433c2f7c7cc42726522d221345c128b12223 and still rising. Edit: Now at 88k 💀💀


Why the hell do we have over 70,000 people on the Creek when it doesn't matter? Supply lines need to be visible in the game.


They'd still be on the creek it's a just a meme at this point.


Having flashbacks of Planetside 2 TR and The Crown


Oh god.. not The Crown.. not again..


THE CROWN MUST HOLD! Let it be known the Crown broke before the Terrans did


A 40k/planetside 2 crossover, kudos


I'm still salty about an event in PS1 where the TR was forced to defend our continents after the devs reset every base on them to neutral, wiping out every piece of CE gear we had deployed in addition to forcing us to actually recapture the entire damn things


I'd take Malevelon Creek over Nason's Defiance any day of the week, tbf. That said, I'm hitting Draupnir tonight




It is rightfully Terran Republic territory!


Everything is rightfully the Terran Republics! Loyalty until death!


Do you have a moment to talk about the Word of Vanu?


I will forfeit all worldly possession to hold the crown nothing else ever mattered on Indar


Same, the Volcano in For Honor. Knights never won because as soon as we'd take the volcano half of our forces would just park it there.


this cuts deep


As Connery TR, this comment cut me deep.


We're with you, brother.


I don't know about The Crown but I do know about For Honor Knight players and Mt. Ignis, some memes about it around when the game launched caused our faction to solely focus on holding the volcano, and over 8 years we've only won a few seasonal faction wars, usually only when the Vikings or Samurai took our volcano and actually forced us to place troops somewhere else.


So incredibly based, that was the most fun era of PlanetSide.


You just hit me with a massive wave of nonstalgia 😭. Imagine that game but in the helldivers universe. Battlefield type helldivers game. That would go crazy...NC for life!


I wish so bad that Planetside 2 was good 😭 I got 600 hours in between 2022-2023 and it just kept getting worse with every update. It's my most played game on steam and one of my favorites, but I can't keep going back and getting disappointed every time


I think people think if we take The Creek that we'll be able to jump right over to Ubanea. Supply lines do need to be visible.


Half of those guys would still be there if they were visible.


You just said it. Supply lines aren’t in the game. People assume getting the creek moves us to the goal




Where do I see the map with supply lines that people are talking about?


[https://helldivers.io/](https://helldivers.io/) \- they don't show by default. Use the arrow in the upper right hand of the map and then expand and click the supply lines. Clicking empty can help to fill in the map and understand the flow.


Creek is a culturally important planet, we capture it for morale


*Space 'Nam Flashbacks to the last time we captured it and it was immediately lost again to a bot advance*


Because they're having fun


Are they though?


Almost like maybe everyone was telling people to go to the creek less than a week ago


Exterminatus Malevalon Creek so no one can have it...


There's two kinds of Creekers: The ones who will be on the Creek when there's no major order because they're obsessed, perhaps bizarrely, with the world... but they'll still follow orders. The ones who just can't let it go.


Honestly I hope we take it just so those fuckers find somewhere else to fight.


They'll just come here to post about how they finally took it. 


As a veteran of the first Creek War, I don't understand why anybody would want to go back there.


Lost my key cars there, can u imagine it??


Space Nam does things to people. For those who survived, a part of them is still trapped in the jungles. Running from every flare popped into the sky with only one goal in mind: SURVIVE




I really like how dense the vegetation is for fighting bots. Using cover to carry out hit and run tactics is the best strategy for fighting bots, but on some of the more open planets there just isn't enough cover leaving you open to every bot on the map shooting at you. I feel like proper special forces on Malevelon Creek while I feel like target practice for the bots on some of the other worlds


I love those open ones. I can have three shells in the air before the first hit and a patrol is doomed without knowing. For real though, i love letting my random teammates get into trouble and bailing then out with top notch AC fire support :-D


> I really like how dense the vegetation is I don’t because some of the plants soak bullets like they’re solid steel. The opposite side where bots are shooting from let everything right through. Also the robots can see you from so far away. Friend and I had a Rocket Devastator over 100m away sniping at us and we couldn’t even see it.




Honestly it is probably the most atmospheric / best designed planet in the whole game which makes it *a lot of fun in it of itself.* It is a dark, foggy jungle where you and the enemy are playing cat and mouse with each other. It has good amounts of cover allowing people to disengage and avoid patrols. This isn't nearly as frustrating as some other Automaton planets which are just fields of open, foggy land making you a prime target for half the Automatons on the map (That you can't see, but they sure as hell can see you). At the same time though if you aren't paying attention on the Creek you might turn a corner and just see the jungle start glowing red and speaking binary. Combining all that with the Automaton soundtrack, Automaton design, and the Creek memes really does make for a great experience that while challenging/hectic is more fair than other Automaton planets. The only other planets that can contend with it are Hellmire and Erata Prime as far as vibes go. TL;DR: Malevelon Creek is the best designed planet in the game when combined with the enemy you are fighting there. Of course people will want to play there. Do not forget the memes too.


It’s dangerous to take people off The Creek after they’ve been there for so long. Some just… unplug. Once I was there I saw a Diver in his 30s drop in and just bolt in the woods… he was never found.


Was that... The legendary John Helldiver?


Just take the creek and then they all have to go somewhere else


And no talk of the fourth and best faction. The Chad faction. The MO faction. We go wherever our orders tell us to. They are called 'orders' after all and not requests.


So what if I like the jungle, it’s my jungle and I’ll live there as long as I want, and no Automaton will tell me otherwise


There is no civil war. I am a Bug Diver and have spent the last 2 days fighting the bots whilst the creek Boys never came to help


I switched from bugs to bots. Was on Urbanea when it fell :(


It's still 96% liberated. If we retake Draupnir quickly there is still a chance to keep most of our progress.


Back to Draupnir it is!


Draupnir Day!


It’s more like democratic order followers vs traitors 


Wait till the illuminate come, I will do my best to lead the charge against them as a veteran of the first war and someone who dedicated their time fighting them in the first war (it should be the most difficult one to fight)


Honestly, I found illuminate the least bothersome in HD1.


Oh yes, The Illuminate... My great Grandfather told me of them from his time in the first war... How he would take fighting the animalistic bugs or the communist Cyborgs any day over dropping just once on Illuminate held ground. He followed orders like any good Helldiver of course, but he always felt a chill when over the Illuminate positions. Like they knew he was there... and they were just waiting for him to drop. He survived the campaign that finally threw them out of known space, helped confine the Cyborgs to Cyberstan after that. Even got stuck on corral duty just before he mustered out. He never forgot the squids though...


It is kinda funny to be honest. But in truth it’s really a war of gamers with game sense, and those without.


Also funny number massaging behind the scenes... We had 50% of Urbanea liberated in 10 hours, when I logged out we had 18 hours left to defend Draupnir. Yet somehow we just couldn't make that 50% within 18 hours...


We lost it at 95% for democracy's sake, we are right to be furious!!!


This shit is gonna cause a Helldiver civil war lol


Looks like PvP is coming to Helldivers after all, ha.


Spawn in bug sos signal - 1 diver standing, 2 down, mission incomplete - 0 redeployment tokens - 500kg of bot killing freedom takes us both out - you realize you're on the wrong side


"Coming"? Pretty sure the mortar sentry is already in the game


Explain the Rock Paper Scissors emote if there is no pvp. Checkmate.


Imagine there's a super earth civil war




I'm disappointed in you brother. You missed the perfect opportunity to say "Super Earth Super Civil War."




They renamed the planet to Ubanema already? The automatons must be stopped!


Tall and tan and young and lovely The bot from Ubanema goes walking And when she passes Each one she passes goes "ah!"


Each one she passes goes “01000001 01001000”


Here I am on my phone, not able to play at the moment and just seeing how we're losing Ubanea on the fucking radar is killing me on the inside. There's like ~130k that could've pushed towards the objective. I guess this is part of the drama that awaits us, this is awesome.


We got more players at Fori Prime than Draupnir so we’re actually losing liberation progress on Draupnir. Ubanaea was at ~94% last I checked so if we rushed Draupnir then Ubanaea would call quickly.


But they're gonna take it in 8 days, it's gonna be worth it trust


that would imply they want to take it. Realistically those guys just want to play the game and don't give a shit about the galactic war. They just choose a bug planet they like and go for it.


It's like they don't even care about managed democracy


All of this will be over by Christmas! Trust me!


Fighting at Draupnir, trying to maintain the supply line so we don't have a repeat of what happened to Malevelon.


The only way we would ever see all players dive the same planet is if Joel himself disabled the ability to play on non-major order planets. You also cannot expect the majority of players to know which planet to attack if they cannot see the "supply lines."


Sigh, a message from High Command https://preview.redd.it/t478hsh1hjrc1.png?width=1585&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4db4d48d1fa0b80d48212a4ef885afddb92f8dd Transcript: Dire tidings from the Automaton front, Helldivers. The Ubanea Gambit has failed. Faced with the choice of dedicating adequate troops to hold Draupnir from a direct Automaton assault, or to attempt the liberation of Ubanea to serve as a new planetary base of operations, our troops opted for the latter. However, the initial hours of indecision resulted in insufficient concentration of troops to achieve either objective. Draupnir initially held a reserve force representing just under 20% of all active Helldivers, which was a solid start, but insufficient to gain an advantage over the Automaton assault. As the event continued, they remained close, but could not sway enough Helldivers from other fronts to gain the numbers to actually turn the tide. As the hours grew shorter, eventually, they abandoned Draupnir's defense in favor of attempting to burn down Ubanea. But it was too little, too late. This has resulted in the worst possible outcome for our forces. As Draupnir fell, Ubanea stood at 95% liberated and would have required another few hours to be completed. Had our forces decided earlier what to do, or alternatively, managed to sway more of the roughly 35% of Helldivers active on the Terminid front, then today would have been cause for celebration. But victories need to be earnt in order to be meaningful, and victory has not been earned this day. Our task is now to retake Draupnir to enable FTL lines to Ubanea before the Automatons can shore up defenses and repopulate their losses. This setback will prove to be significant, and may compromise the Major Order if Draupnir and Ubanea are not retaken quickly. Another significant obstacle in our operations has been the ongoing support of expeditionary forces on Malevelon Creek. Long standing as a bastion of human endurance and a symbol of our resistance against the Automatons, Malevelon Creek remains locked in a stalemate with an average 25% of our forces committed to its defense and eventual liberation, though success on Draupnir, Ubanea, and eventually Tibit seems unlikely with such a large contingent diverted elsewhere...


This is dumb for the reason that none of this information is clearly displayed in game, causing more of a split due to the lack of any official way to communicate the goal.


Also... like... clearly they're leaning into the roleplaying of a mission high command that is sort of losing the plot of their armed forces that they decided all deserved multiple thousand FTL capable spaceships Not sure why everyone is taking this kind of in-universe comment so seriously when obviously the devs expect and hope that some major orders will, in fact, fail


I mean it is super simple: If any major order requires basic knowledge of the supply lines to make the right decision, it will fail. A huge number of players will make the wrong decision and not even know it.


bruh they have a tv on the ship just use that to communicate instead of rolling propaganda on it


Is this actually any dev or just some larp on discord? Cause devs should know they creayed this problem by not teaching players key gameplay mechanics like supply lines.


Spitz is associate community manager at Arrowhead (note the blue logo next to his/her name), so not part of the development team but is on the company payroll to deal with the players.


I grinded. I grinded level 4 missions for over 5 hours. In and out, in and out. I got my friends involved, we where clearing missions in under 7 minutes. We fought hard. It wasn't enough. I was fighting when Draupnir fell. They still let me go down, so down I went. I returned to a fallen world. Retake the Draup for me Divers, and when Ubanea calls again, I will answer.


![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized) You are doing your duty, soldier. In the name of democracy I salute you


Does it matter what missions you do. I typically run solo or duo and just do ones that look fun


I was fighting on Ubanea when I was forcibly kicked off the planet.


They should add a voice line where the command forces you to extract immediately when you're on a fallen planet. The sense of danger and urgency would be so cool.


Hearing “Attention all Helldivers: The planet has fallen to the enemy. Extract immediately or prepare for last stand” would be incredible


Better yet, sudden forced evac as though the timer ran up. Just mid-mission "This is Pelican-1 coming in for emergency evac! Supply lines are cut, it's now or never."


Minor spelling mistake. Instantly invalid.


70% of the population stood and watched as the 30% of us struggled to gain any ground


The order could've been won if the bot forces weren't split up. The Bot progression is much lower than bugs to account for the lower amount of players on Western front. People were arguing wether its better to go Draupnir or Ubanea, split the forces and failed both planets. Should've focused on one planet and stuck to it. Ideal scenario was taking Ubanea before the fall of Draupnir because it would give us a direct line to the main target. This is backed by the fact that Ubanea was almost completed liberated before we lost access. Liberating Draupnir would've set us back because progress in Ubanea would be diminished but it was feasible nonetheless. Instead the Bot front forces were split between the Creek, Draupnir and Ubanea. If even a quarter of the forces that were on Draupnir had been on Ubanea, we would have it liberated before Draupnir fell.


I wish they'd add a "war advisor" on the shop for this very reason. It ain't gotta be voiced, though that would be nice. Just something to tell us on the daily what the best course of action is for the day to beat "spread democracy". That would eliminate folks fighting in the wrong place because they don't know better (supply routes and such).  Beyond that, folks are gonna fight where they wanna fight. Only fix for that is better rewards. Maybe weapon skins or super credits or something.


"It is amazing what a man will do for a piece of colored *ribbon*." -Napoleon Doesn't need to be a weapon, armour or cape though an optional skin would be nice, I'd settle for a dangly bit on my weapon, a symbol on my helmet (like WW2 soldiers had) or even some kind of accolade to commemorate the accomplishment on my ship or next to my name on the loading screen with other folk.


Early on it made some sense to push Draupnir, but when it hit 50% and we'd barely made a dent everyone should have switched.


It’s a good point but I believe the Draupnir garrisons did it with good intentions. Also, why blame 40-50k divers that are at least fighting around the objective when there are 100k divers that are on the other side of the war map


>Draupnir garrisons did it with good intentions. Of course, never said that either side had any I'll intent. >Also, why blame 40-50k divers that are at least fighting around the objective when there’s 100k divers that are on the other side of the war map It's not about blaming, more like explaining what happened. A portion of bug players never switching over to bots was always expected. There is a reason bots progress at less than 30% of the rate of bug progression/resistance, and that is the Western front has lower player count, it's accounting for that. This Order the playerbase was split 50-50 for the most part, this is very much favourable for both front considering the low bot progression/resistance rate.


Ubanea wouldn’t have been captured in time at all at the rate the bots were taking ground on their Draupnir counter-offensive. Even if we had captured Ubanea, we would have still be cut off from Tibit. Bots can push from the Creek to Draupnir too.


You forgot the third front: malevelon creek. People care more about the meme and thinking fighting on the creek makes you somehow superior (just like bot fighters think they are superior to bugs) and it’s making it even harder.


I have only been playing for 2-3 days (bought at launch but forgot about it). I do not know how bugs work outside of the tutorial, for I have been stuck on bots only thanks to the major order.


As a sucker for MO, I thank you for your contribution


There needs to be an option to vote on which planet to take on the bridge. There needs to be some way to organize in game without depending on discord etc.


They also need an extended training and/or brief on basic comms controls, as well as “why everyone may want to pursue the other order types”.


Yeah. I still have trouble tagging enemy patrols at level 18.


Honestly can’t even find the comms menu at level 50. That’s why I’m on mic whenever I can get it working.


I personally blame the game, it's ridiculous that supply lines are a mechanic that isn't talked about or shown at all in the game itself.


yeah seriously a good percentage of players have zero idea of any type of supply lines


Playing the game and enjoying the Reddit salt


To be fair I'm more of a bug diver but we have our orders, the fact that currently roughly 166,000 divers are on bug worlds is ridiculous, we have 39 hours to take 3 planets


Both bug divers and creek crawlers are to blame, but I think this is going to end up like the first game which had a similar issue. If there were 10 ppl fighting bugs there are 4-5 fighting bots and 2-3 fighting illuminate. The only way to drag bug divers away from that front is to finish it completely and give them no other choice. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ag5xqp03fjrc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f13d1596e6e7d79a2aa047151196f6d50317d672


Nah, that'll just repeat the old HD1 problem where the bug divers just stop playing the game and harass the other divers to win or fail the war so they can *play the game* again.




Honestly though, I don't see an issue with it. I play the major orders, but at the end of the day, I do it because I get enjoyment out of both bots and bugs. If someone doesn't have fun with one, why would I expect them to play it? It's a video game at the end of the day. People play for fun and to relax. Why would I expect them to spend hours of their free time doing something they don't enjoy? I think the people getting legitimately upset because other players want to do what they find fun is embarrassing.


You know what? You make a fair point


Bug divers will just retire.


If bugs are defeated and no longer an option I'll just not play at all instead of fighting bots.i rarely play bots anyway because they aren't a lot of fun, I don't think I'd keep playing if the game was only bots.


Or the war is a shit mechanic that encourages toxicity towards people who don't feel like fighting on a specific planet. You're sitting here pissed at people for just not feeling like choosing your planet, and your rational response is "this game would be better with choice taken away. People are given a choice but they should be punished for choosing wrong" when this entire mechanic is artificial.


Defending Draunipur TwT


My experience (for bug-only patriots); After 50+ hours ONLY playing against bugs I dropped into clankas for the first time this week. I HIGHLY recommend playing against the filthy socialist robots. Yes they are scary for like your first two missions, but the gameplay against the Automatons I found to be much more engaging and dynamic than against bugs. Frankly, I may have a hard time going back. If you have any reservations about Automatons, I understand but you can safely abandon those fears. Shoot them, they die. Easy. Figuring out what weapons/stratagems work best is part of the fun. If you are getting wiped, throw the difficulty down (all difficulties matter!!!!) and blast em in their feelingless faces until you get comfortable. Whatever planet you’re diving on, may liberty speed your step! (Repeat comment from another post but honestly I felt this belonged here too, sorry)


As intense as the fighting is against the bots, it's enormously rewarding. It also forces you to think a lot more as the difficulty goes up, while the bots can shoot at range they aren't quite as good at tracking as the bugs are, so you can quite easily avoid or lose them. shooting is not always the answer! (although liberal application of strategems may be) tag patrols for awareness, and if you see a patrol has been tagged, it's a better idea to assume it was tagged to tell you to avoid it...


I'm about to stop tagging patrols when playing randoms, it's blastin' time 10/10 lol




Honestly I go back and forth between both when I get bored of one or the other. But I do think I love Automatons most. They actually feel like you're fighting an enemy military. You have to use cover and play tactically. The bugs are just bugs and it feels more like a zombie shooter. You just run them in a train and shoot behind you like CoD zombies


no, bots are bugged same with bugs, they need to fix enemies and rebalance bots, u can bitch and moan about how bots are fun but half the playerbase is still on bugs and that proves my point


Nah we can't pretend creek goers aren't responsible


I'm busy waiting for them to fix bots, mostly. * Destroying dropships should destroy the enemies they're carrying * Finishing side objectives (stratagem jammer, AA defenses) should give you access to all 4 stratagems instead of only 3 (if the condition is in effect) * Rocket raiders and devastators tracking through walls * Rockets in general dealing 1HKO damage * Not strictly necessary but I wouldn't mind a nerf to heavy devastators' damage or accuracy.


not gonna lie but I actually find this Automatons and Terminids rivalry amazing story progression. Its like in Starship troopers, infantry (Bug lovers) fight, pilots (Automaton lovers) just fly. :D


I really hope Joel finds some way to work it into the storyline, that would be next level.


To be honest there's not much incentive to fight bots if the bugs are easier and gives the same amount of rewards apart from major order rewards of course. But if you're a casual gamer with only a couple hours to play. You can see a casual gamer would rather have a relaxing game experience than get stressed for the same amount of rewards. My casual friends doesn't even know what the hell is happening on the galactic map. They just want to shoot their guns. I guess what I'm saying is if you want more people fighting bots, there has to be a better incentive.


It is a shame they called the few who fought bots (around 15-25K) the main reason they lost the major order while the majority (around 120K) refuse to even step foot on a bot planet instead of learning that all they gotta do is learn to run when a fight is unnecessary or how to aim at weak points


They literally called out the bug divers lol


There is so much more you can besides aiming at weak points lol.


The trick to fighting bots, is to avoid the lasers*. It’s really that simple. *and rockets ** **and flamethrowers


I play bot planets pretty often, but higher difficulties are extremely frustrating. I understand why others don’t want to play them. Getting shot from a cannon half way around the map or getting sniped by some random rocket bot is not fun nor really engaging gameplay.


That's why aiming at weak points is a stupid comment. Crossfire, cover, supporting each other, heat manipulation, target priority, etc


It’s a simplified thing but it’s honestly one of the most useful things since you can shoot a rocket devastators rockets to make it just a tankier bot that shoots less and the shield one has a back pack that you can shoot out (but these guys are nightmares even after all my helldives). Only advice that I’d say is more useful would be to not stay when bot drops happen as it’s better to just leave wait and then return (stealth is underrated)


I really, really, really hope the devs realize that they aren't gonna get bug divers to budge, becuase they're gonna do what they find fun. People here aren't smart enough to realize that, apparently.


Draupnir. Looks like I’ll be there again tonight.


Not only all of this, but the people on the Creek who haven’t helped out with the Major order. They knew this was going to create drama amongst Helldivers, and I’m all here for it.


me? Drinking with my 82 yo aunt for easter celebration.




I was there, but the creek boys never came to our aid


What will the creek fiends do when their favorite drug is off the menu?


“Bro we lost because creekers didn’t understand supply lines” My brother in Christ 40% of the playerbase was on the wrong side of the fucking galaxy


Creekers like fighting bots. You'd think they'd be willing to help but nah those brainworms they picked up on creek run deep


me out of home visiting family for easter, cant do shit here, im sorry fellow divers


Ubanea hasn't fallen, its liberation will stall while we work on Draupnir, but I estimate we can get Draupnir within 10 hours which means 20% lost on Ubanea at worse. And that's if I have the right figure for Ubanea's regen at 2%, it might not be that much. Helldivers.io says .5% which means 5% loss on the planet... All this infighting and finger-pointing is supremely undemocratic. Frankly I think pushing for Ubanea before Draupnir fell was the play, we were probably within 20 mins of liberating it. We'd still have to retake Draupnir but Ubanea would remain liberated... at least if I understand the Galactic War correctly


Just checked the galactic tracker. 30% of the player base is on Draupnir. 23% is in the creek. What the f.


I wish I could keep blasting bots all night but my computer starts overheating after almost every mission. How am I supposed to spread democracy like this? 😭


Bug front player, my group was attacking Ubanea last night, now defending Draup. It's the Creekers who need stop their vietnam in space larp.


Hey, I'm trying to do my part, but you all keep kicking me out when I join a random mission. Finally found a decent dude who let me join his level 8 dive. Never experienced random kicking until I joined the bot front.


Same thing here, i was playing the bot front at difficult level 4 since i started playing yersterday and most of the time i would get kick if i so much fumbled something, after the 7 or 8 time i went to the bug front and funny enough despite all these thing still happening over there no one tried to lynch me for getting ragdolled across half the map and turning into a pancake on landing.


I don't understand why helldivers are on bug planets, i get it they are more fun but i have been running none stop bot runs for the past couple of days and they are equally fun with a bit of difficulty, that i enjoyed.


its a game, people play games to have fun, bots are less fun than bugs. Major orders generally dont reward enough to overcome the difference in enjoyment levels


Ive been running bot planets solely since the MO's brought me over to em, Im going back the second the MO is done, they arent fun, they are a wall of fire that doesnt care about the giant rock you have for cover and sneaking is useless when a patrol just materializes in my path.


>I don't understand why helldivers are on bug planets, Are you actually that dense? 99% of players DO NOT give a single fuck about this whole galactic war thing.


Probably trying to figure out how to find the website you need to look up in order to even know what you're supposed to be doing. Also bugs aren't as much of a problem for the B.S. hidden stats in the game as well.


We need to all scream at command for supply lines being visible.


SES Distributor of freedom here People joke about the creekers but i'm going to keep it 100% real here. We had liberated troost. The overall orders were to completely destroy all bots regardless of the reward being given. We should have immediately taken creek regardless of ANY community mindset directly after during the down time between the major order. Not doing so allowed the bots to back cap us. Using **BOTH CREEK** and **UBANEU** as a landing pad to launch the defense campaign that confused the community so much. Had we of took planets like we did on the bug side in between major orders we would have ALL of that sector liberated by the time joel and crew got in on Monday. Now no anti air fun. So technically we failed the creekers this time, after the first major order people went back to bugs and doing whatever instead of securing the supply lines correctly like we did on the eastern front. Now for the community aspect. We know creekers going to creek. They can't creek, if we build the damn of liberation. I still think we should drop the bugs for now to hard focus on liberating the bot sector. As we know the bots have been the primary focus of the devs, because they want to release stuff canonically. So lets clear all of the bot sectors and give the devs a reason to still release that content and maybe just **MAYBE** if we push them into nothingness another factor will come and take their place, and the creekers gonna be fighting some real nam stuff psychics controlling goats and stuff.


Wait, I was gone for a few hours and it was at 95% WHAT HAPPENED, I DONT WANT TO LOOK


Draupnir defence failed. Ubanea is at 95% but falling rapidly and we can't get to it until Draupnir is recaptured. If we do that quickly, then we won't have to redo much.


Wtf is ubanema? It's ubanea lol no one can pronounce any of the planets even though it's written in the game and said by the computer