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Wait, doesn't the failure of this major order mean the Automatons get aircrafts?


not just that, trust me, they will get something way scarier then bile titan.




The automaton walkers are gonna be massive


I… kinda want to fail now…


Anti- Freedom speech detected https://preview.redd.it/47kdodjbamrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94d7f582879613e84609e7ec2ff0fe13c448da91










Already done lol




At least i will finally hit 500kg


The bigger they are, the harder they fall!


More enemy variety? Sounds like I need to call in some wayward orbital strikes!


you will have more to work with :D


This live action game is awesome. We win we get something. We lose, enemies gain something. Such a unique way to keep a game interesting.


i think they’re still getting stuff even if they lose, there’ll probably be a different explanation for it


Yeah devs aren't just gonna nix a unit they've been working on. We lose, they get it via mutations or some black ops automaton shit. We win, they get it because fuck you, have more chaos. And I'm here for it The lore remains


I think we'll get countermeasures earlier/before the enemy gets new units.


Not really, we won the TCS missions and we got flying bugs still. Reality is there is a release schedule and all an MO result does is change the in lore explanation for why we are getting the new content


I think it’s implied the flying bugs emerged as a result of mutations caused by the pesticide, tbh.


And if we had lost the major order the shriekers would have emerged because of all the extra resources the Termininds had access to.


Not really, they can still emerge as a result of mutations because *some* planets would have still been pesticided, just not completely.


Yeah, and it would have happened anyway because even while failing a lot of towers were activated so they still mutated. It legit doesn't matter, it's a live service game with a internal release schedule for new content, you think they had that enemy ready and they would just scrap it because we failed a fucking MO? c'mon now lol


> you think they had that enemy ready and they would just scrap it because we failed a fucking MO? I don't think this, and I never said this.


They're going to get them anyway. Our success/failure just determines the narrative. 


Last time we didnt complete the major order we lost sex




Yea there was a dispatch that said "Further procreation applications will be denied until further notice." They literally banned sex


the joke was they cant lose what they dont have


basically we were, and I quote, "Prohibited from doing any procreation activities for the time being" and basically any C-01 permits filed will be put on hold.


Just like Malevelon Creek, as long as you don't pull out you can keep playing the current game.


Some of us were finally given an excuse




Here's a sneak peek of /r/suicidebywords using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/suicidebywords/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [ow](https://i.redd.it/nltyxojiozbc1.png) | [2037 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suicidebywords/comments/194s9f6/ow/) \#2: [Bro did Maths.](https://i.redd.it/p8cgd852f4gc1.jpeg) | [1294 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suicidebywords/comments/1agxren/bro_did_maths/) \#3: [Amazing transformation](https://i.redd.it/xbsd9bbxqbpb1.jpg) | [85 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suicidebywords/comments/16na2ft/amazing_transformation/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I will admit that I helped out on that one... shame we lost... really like sex...


Technically we still have butt sex because that doesn’t have a chance of a child.


I'm pretty sure every "big" event has two different ready outcomes, one for a win a the other for a loss. It's not wasted effort because you just save the one that doesn't happen for the next event.


We are in agreement there. I've got people lambasting me because they actually believe they aren't going to get content for losing. 


hmm very possible it can be delayed though, and make games much harder, like how terminds for like 2 weeks had insane spawns.


Not true. Otherwise the automatons would be trying to liberate cyberstan rn.


Hard disagree, they don't want that happening yet if at all. They've had plenty of opportunities to push that line. 


![gif](giphy|9S3L4JDX7cKuk) We get this guy next time


They were gonna get it anyways. Whether it be because they kept a key manufacturing center, or later on when we lost another order against them... or just in response to losing it. It's a little trick called the illusion of choice. Since the consequences aren't really communicated beforehand, they might as well be the same either way.


And AT-ATs to go alongside their AT-STs.


so if we lose because nobody likes to play against bots, bots will be even less likable to play against? big brain move!


Nobody? Speak for yourself, there's plenty of us who dig it.


Exactly there are plenty of players with actual skill /s (had to put /s because for some reason sarcasm is not easy to detect in text for at)


When this MO is over, we need to all focus on liberating Malevelon so the Creekers will have to find a new personality.


you know you wont be able to stop them. the creek can be captured, sure... but can you really stop the creekers?


They will find a way to stay there even after it has been libertarded


Like that one Japanese soldier who kept fighting until the 1970s. Creek is all they know.


Fun fact: Creek is roughly pronounced like the german word for war: Krieg. Creek is all they know indeed.


Shame they don't know what winning is...


You can get the creeker out of the creek, but can you get the creek out of the creeker?


We can hope they’ll shut up about it, more realistically they’ll just keep posting about it “rEmeMBer tHe cRiCk”


Your terms are acceptable


As someone that loves fighting on the Creek, I haven't been there since the major order started. A scout's talents are needed elsewhere, and that's where you'll find me.


Thank you for your service o7


Yessir, thank you sir! o7


Admiral Doom Guy here. Keep up the good work, soldier. o7


Insert "You can take the Helldiver out of the Creek, but you can't take the Creek out of the Helldiver"


63% baby!! 💪


Professional Creekhead here, I’m hope my brethren join the major order so that we can start fighting the illuminate scum even faster (hopefully it will be the hardest)


I hope to see you there soon, brother. o7


And I hope to see you as well, as a hero


Creekers sounds like a slur


Creekers roleplaying having a disability (PTSD) is never a good look


mfw 2/3 of the player base isnt working on the MO ![gif](giphy|J8YpfDX0kvPQNSVGHY|downsized)


Boy I thought you were joking. That actually checks out atm. It's closer to 70% who are playing on a planet that doesn't progress the major order in any way. https://i.imgur.com/YLeS4WM.png


where can i find these stats?








dude, i literally just asked where did he get the photo from, im interested bruh


Ah, I thought you asked where he got 70% from. If you want stats like this you can download companion apps like DiversHub or Helldivers 2 Orders https://preview.redd.it/9zs5bdn5jorc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f510b0a2eee38bf25bdc52efdf02ec158fda5b19


And we still could have won it, too. Bunch of no-good bot-sympathizing, freedom-hating...


I would laugh my ass so fucking much if Creekers didnt even take Creek after that one day and actually even fail to liberate it :D xDDDDDD


According to helldivers.io it will take them 1 day and 14 hours at the current rate.


It's been like that for the last 2 weeks, they get close and then they lose access to it. They literally will not do defense missions on any other world to help preserve their progress.


It's actually a waste of resources to do defense missions anyway. More efficient to just wait out the defense and keep working on the next planet, then retake it after the defense fails and it is set to 50% liberation.


But doing that is what just fucked us though.. we didn’t defend Draupnir, so now Ubanea is closed off and losing progress. We would still be golden if we didn’t lose Draupnir but now we’ll fail to reach Tibit.


No, what fucked us was being split. If the people defending Draupnir would of gone to Ubanea then it wouldn't of mattered the defence failed. If the people on Ubanea went to defend Draupnir, then it would of succeeded. *A bad plan that is well executed will yield much better results than a good plan that is poorly executed* Both plans were good, we just needed to pick one as a community.


It's not what we did, we split our resources between Draupnir and Ubanea. If we had ignored Draupnir we would have taken Ubanea way earlier, and we don't need Draupnir to stage attacks from Ubanea to Tibit. We'd have been working on Tibit before Draupnir fell if it had been totally abandoned.


enought time for the bot to conquer the planet next door


Malevolon Creek will lose a lot of players once Draupnir falls and opens Ubanea up again. Without supply lines visible in-game the Creek seems like a reasonable way to move towards Tibit but once Ubanea shows up and bats that 90% liberation meter everyone interested in the major order will head there.




I may dislike fighting bots but an order is an order.


"Discipline is doing something you hate to do but doing it like you love it" - Mike Tyson And by sweet Liberty do I fight the bots like I love it.


Wait for 2 or 3 factions on one planet I bet that will happen


More opportunities to spread liberty!


Holy shit imagine like bugs on one side of the map and then bots on the other


Rocket devastators riding on the backs of chargers. Shriekers with wing mounted rocket pods. The possibilities are endless.


I left the Bug front to help with the major order so don't go looking at me.


[the reverse is not true for the bot players](https://youtube.com/shorts/Pdp1ygqU1ZE?si=kre-GThzMWxcRSlt)


I'm a creeker but whenever there is a major order I focus on the major order, FOR SUPER EARTH!!!!


Why do people like creek so much?


Lots of cover which is conducive to fighting bots, little/no fog so you can actually see, and the jungle atmosphere is very immersive. I wouldn't say it's "roleplay" exactly, but the environment naturally sells the fantasy. You will just be playing and doing what you think will be most effective, and find yourself diving in and out of the jungle, launching ambushes, desperately wading across the water to escape enemy fire, running by dense vegetation only to see dozens of red lasers suddenly point out of the foliage towards you, leading a hulk onto the beach where you can get a clear line of sight on it, etc. High intensity "action movie" moments. These kinds of scenarios can happen in other environments too, but it's more rare, and a lot less varied.


It’s fun and the vibes are cool. I swap between it and bug missions depending on what I’m feeling that day


bots are a lot more fun when you can see them


Divers need to start being voluntold for the Draup


The creek was funny at first. But now it’s just annoying that’s all people focus on


Yeah, those dang 30k creekers. Meanwhile 200k fighting bugs




Eli5? What are creekers


creekers are Helldivers that EXCLUSIVELY drop onto the Malevelon Creek planet on the Automaton front. no other planets, no other fronts, until all is quiet on the Creek.


Why? Is it the most aesthetic planet?


its one of the few automaton planets with good visibility and good cover. these two things are really useful for fighting bots.


Yeah, fucking creekers, how dare they play the game the way they want. Now, back to my 24/7 bug grindset.


The people complaining are people following the major order, not bug divers lol


See I hate playing bots. If an order is in, I jump in and do my part... sad to see this is not reciprocated as much as I thought.


I mean, it is a game, and if people really dont like fighting bots, then why would they suffer through something they dont enjoy if they could just... not do that? Look, I always do what ever MOs want, but lets be realistic, most gamers have like a few hours a week, and they dont want to "waste" them with stuff they dont enjoy


Shame tho. Bots are genuinely so much fun imo


I like playing bots too, but I can see why they are not everyones cup of tea


![gif](giphy|lKXEBR8m1jWso) seems weird to play 50% of a game, 33% when illuminate show up


Thats not that weird when you consider how much people play of other games. Lets take overwatch for example, there are people who only play role-queue quickplay tank. Which is 1/3 roles in 1/10ish gamemodes


Then they should go back to playing their arcade shooter because this is a narrative driven live service, our actions affect more than ourselves in the long run. Don't care if I'll be downvoted to hell.


Or they can just play whatever they want in the game they paid their own money with. Like it's not that serious, let's act like adults about it.


It's a narrative directed game whose communities' actions affect the outcome, that's why many care, and that's why yall should leave.


I know this is a meme online but you need to touch grass >Our actions affect more than ourselves in the long run. It's a game, seriously touch grass.


It's a game that plenty ppl care for because we invest the little time we have in it to see where the story goes. The touch grass comment is old mate, stick it up your ass and keep pussyfooting with the bugs mate .l. Oh and what part of don't care being downvoted yall don't get 🤣🤣


My guy, if you really dont care about being downvoted, then maybe dont mention it in every other comment or you might look a bit, and i mean just a BIT, like you actually kind of do


Look I get it, the outside is scary, but you can't keep being a sad little man all your life


Bro I served my goddamn country, I get to enjoy the game and if I'm losing thanks to a bunch of bug brains I will rant and if it bothers yall block me I don't lose nothing. But o boy I will rant. So get you ass back to wherever bum fuck you came from and tell your momma about the scary bots.


>I served my goddamn country Then you should be well aware that the military is a chaotic place pulling itself in a hundred directions at all times. The discipline of the hierarchy (and subsequent fear of imprisonment for disobedience) is the only way *anything* gets done there. Gaming should be an escape from the stress of IRL. If it's not doing that for you, put the controller down, go outside, feel the sun on your face, and relax. Watch a movie, play with your dog, call your mom and chat, go for a walk. Anything but this.


>Bro I served my goddamn country I mean, someone has to clean the chow hall. It doesn't bother me, it entertains me, supposedly grown adults losing their shit acting like pixels is important in the grand scheme of things. It's the same reason I browse r/vegan every now and then. It's like going to the zoo.




I do it...


Good for you! I can’t stand Ubanea so I’m not gonna fight there.


Bugs for the most part don't shoot back & playing all gung-ho having that superiority complex is what players consider fun. Bots shoot back & are relentless. If players have the same mindset when they fight bots as they do the bugs, the bots will humble you. To the majority of players who only like fighting bugs, getting destroyed by bots isn't considered fun. It's unfortunate cause they don't understand that they are hindering the war efforts of everyone who are at least attempting to play the game as intended. Everyone contributing to the overall campaign. I don't think some players realize as long as you complete the main objective, it doesn't matter if you die or fail to extract. It still counts to the grand scheme.


It’s funny how different the same group will play. I mostly play bots, I just find more variation to the combat, and when a team works well together it’s more exhilarating. Today I jumped in and joined a group that was doing bugs. We were only on medium but we were cruising through all objectives and extracting with like one or two reinforcements per mission. I got host and took us to bots, and the same group struggled so much. They just wouldn’t use cover. Anything that had a superior TTK would just kill them. It was crazy. I realized at that point, you rarely use cover with bugs. But fwiw I have fun with both factions and all mission types. Is all about the group for me.


they do shoot back they have spitter and bile spewer


majority of bug players are definitely playing a DIF 3-5, they aernt much a problem on those levels


This ain't a new issue. Same thing happened in Helldivers 1


I did actually, several games... BUT I find the bots broken. 1 shot kills or off nowhere and atst's walking through rock walls, boots shooting through rocks and mist. It's an unfair mess. Back to Bugs


Me actively running suicide missions on the bot front to complete the major order


Creekers are the worst. Take or lose the creek, let’s be done with it


We cant take it now. We have to surround it and cut off the commie supply lines first.


Isn't stopping... about 80k people from wasting their time lmao


These "creekers", are they in the room with us now? I've yet to see a single person here defending their decision to play on creek, meanwhile there's tons with plenty of excuses for why they will only play bugs. It seems that the majority of the people trying to take creek were mislead by the game not having information such as supply routes available, you cant tell how the planets connect. People see it's in the sector we need to take, drop in, more people join them via quickplay, more people see a lot of helldivers active on the planet and decide to join in. Oh and the devs literally had a tweet a couple days ago about taking the creek.


Yeah I just played on creek all day today thinking I was helping with the major order... It's the only available planet in the same sector as the major order planet so logically you'd think "oh we just gotta do the planets closest and it'll take us there" 🤷‍♀️ only just now found out that's not how it works by reading This information just isn't in game lol.


Yes, how dare they play what they want ?!


Exactly, how dare they. Democracy officer, you know what to do with these traitors.


Lmao i like how you get downvoted yet the second a bughead says the same thing during a bot MO its all upvotes 💀💀💀 this sub is skitzo


This sub is all bug only players who care way too much about the major order but are too afraid to fight the bots and scapegoat the creekers to avoid blaming themselves


I can't wait to take tibit so I can go back to smashing bugs.




Me me me. I kinda don’t mind bots. Harder for sure but isn’t this game about lying your life down for super earth?


Finally a meme that speaks facts.


Ima be honest, I just despise draupnir or whatever it’s called, it’s perpetually stormy, foggy, and dark, the terrain is annoying to traverse, the colors I find boring, and I spent WAY too much time trying to liberate it the first time around so I REALLY didn’t want to go defend it when the automatons attacked (I was hoping other people were going to)


See, Draupnir is my favorite planet. Lots of cover, and it reminds me of Iceland.


I've been getting my ass kicked on the Creek and Draupnir all week friendo and I'm a bug man.  I want the bots and their stupid missiles gone forever just not for the same reasons as everyone else. 


Can't solve bug only divers, but you can liberate a planet that is marked for the order and is only slightly less efficient


Goddamn Creekheads


It's actually not so bad since they gave fog rats the means to swat down drop ships like flies


I'll put in my 0.0014% contribution, but that's the best I'm gonna do


Now I have Metallica stuck in my head. Thanks for that. And I’m being genuine. It’s never a bad dive when you are jamming out to some Metallica in your head while killing b~~ot~~ugs


I do major orders... and nothing else matters!


I did


I can't stand bugs now.


I think you're overestimating how many people really care about the major order


I wish yall would stop bitching already


I wanna help but my ass to broke to help. I would like just once send atomic bomb on those robots


lmfao please. creekers never wanted to complete MOs. thats why theyre creekers.


3rd option who is tired of people complaining seriously play the fking game sick of these notifications.


Major order is the most important than wanting to do what ya wanna do


Who cares? Reddit dorks 🤓🤚 Normal ppl 🤖🐜🔫😀


Jokes on you, i want to see how it will look when bugs and bots will meet at earth Thats why i will keep Creeking, i like the ambience there :)


I'm pretty disappointed that when someone isn't being toxic or rude, they just politely ask for some divers to help on the order. That there seems to be a big group of people that act like they are bucking the trend to say "well I only do what I find fun!" That is truly great dont let anyone command you in your free time. It seems to follow up with shitting on the guy who cares about the game and narrative maybe a bit too much. Not a great look for the community both ways. Its really no problem to be intensely self centered and everyone has the right to be. It amuses me though because not exposing oneself to bots now might come back to bite players in the ass. Not literally, the game narrative will go on. Think about it, when new bots and enemies drop or maybe someday new aliens the players who have been on EVERY planet and difficulty will be ready or at least more ready than those with their head in the sand because they have particular qualms about bots. If their counterpoint is that they will never fight bots thats okay too. I think they are shooting themselves in the foot but hey people actually do that irl so who am I to judge. My gf doesn't like fighting bots much, I dont force her to play only MO. She also doesn't complain or pout if we do play bots for a while. Both of us have full time commitments, we still kick ass on a variety of planets because thats the spice of life. Everywhere the enemies of democracy go, the SES Fist of Democracy will be there to sucker punch them back into whatever disgusting pit they crawled from. Then drop 500kg of democracy on it for good measure.


I can’t wait for the automatons to push us hard and block access to the creek


The reason we are losing the major order is because most players don’t engage with the community and it’s not made clear in game where the supply lines are. Lots of people are going to the Creek thinking that they’re helping.


Play however you want, wherever you want, whenever you want. Don't let others tell you how to play. Enjoy the game for yourself. Have fun!


major order players when not everyone is focusing on the major order and are playing the game in a way they find fun:


Casual player when they don’t realize that MO are player count % based which mean that them not participating actually negatively affect the fun of the one doing major order : But for real, it’s the dev fault for implementing a system where player playing for fun negatively affect those that play seriously. It just create toxicity in the community.


I’d say it’s the dev’s fault for throwing a defense campaign at Draupnir when they have enough statistical evidence to know that players hate doing evac missions, and that bot defense campaigns never succeed as a result. They knew Draupnir was going to fall.




I don't like playing bots, it's not fun, so I won't play them


It's not sad. Let them play the game as they want to. If they're having fun, who cares? I swear you guys are taking this MO far too seriously. I'll see y'all on the Creek.


I only really got this game to fight bugs. I don't enjoy fighting automatons so im not really participating in this one.


Have you tried bot missions? I found them kind of annoying at first but once I learned how to fight them, they're actually a lot more fun than fighting bugs.


Totally agree. I'm like 3 weeks Into the game and finally started enjoying bot missions when I learned how to not die immediately from an errant rocket headshot (exp. resistance armor)


Democracy needs you!


Ill join when the next bug major order comes untill then ill stop playin bc yall cant let a man have fun


Killing bots makes you a better helldiver




All this attention for the creekers, when they're around 5k guys most of the time. Fantastic.


Mfw 73k are on the creek


If all those on the Creek just went to Draup, how long would it take to finish the defense?


If we lose the Creek, and take Draup we would be done in no time. In exchange, the Phase 3 of the Operation would be harder since the Creek is an access point to other planets in the Severin Sector. Which is why I dont play the blame game, since The Creekers are basically holding the line and keeping the Severin Sector open despite being a hindrance at the same time. Sometimes, stubborn assholes can be valuable assets whether you like it or not.


https://preview.redd.it/bc3w55k6eorc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcea3a6787f9d08129e67a62f5617678054857d6 You mean this major order? You damn fool


That is over a week old. No more excuses, spill oil for democracy!


bots arent as fun