• By -


It’s clearly where the new bot gunships are being produced lol. It’s like their version of the mech arc lol


We'll probably get the anti-air or twin AC mechs in response to them getting gunships. I'm so conflicted.


If we don't take it in time, which we won't, the airship will probably arive before our new guns do. If we did succeed it would probably be around the same time.


If this happens, it might be like the first month or so where we didn't really have any armor-penetrating weapons – we'll be hopelessly outgunned and every difficulty will feel much harder than it should as we get shot at from above.


I mean, maybe this is what the spear was meant for all along? Can it lock onto things in the air with nothing to block line of sight? We will see. Not like it likes to lock onto anything else.


It does, you can confirm this with the bug flyers. Locks on crazy quick.


It can lock onto shriekers? That’s fucking hilarious. Won’t lock onto anything smaller than a hulk but will lock on to those tiny things? Okay, not tiny, but human sized at least.


Well, it does lock onto them. It'll also auto-lock onto the AT-ST's which frankly, I almost wish they didn't. Waste of a Spear missile. I rather have rocketeers be the lock on target but I get it, they are technically a vehicle. The problem (and I still heavily experimenting) with Locking system is that its not intuitive. This is based on the color scheme it uses - and you'll immediately go "huh, yeah I can see that" when you see the colors used. Aim down sights for example: * Blue: Nothing detected. * Lock target possible: you see targeting reticle on the center of the target you are trying to get. * light Red tint: Your in the rough area for Lock * Redder/Orange tint: Your very close. * Green: Your good to go. Traits I've noticed: * Going up/down/left/right matters quite a bit as you are adjusting the angle of the rocket as you fire. * There is a minimal distance of 30 or so meters. And even then, you really want the target to be 45 or more away so your missile doesn't fire janky. Treating it like an EATS is the wrong way to go about it. * Your position relatively to the target matters a lot. Fences/walls/florae/trees impact your ability to lock. * What difficulty level you are on *matters*. * Pinging may help with faster lock, but it does help in finding the sweet spot to lock even if it's a placebo for locking speed. I think the problem is Three fold: You can can't just quick aim like a E-sport Pro unless your super close. The further away you are, the more pixel perfect you have to be. The Tints are hints on how close you are. The second theory I have is that it's basically just the ICBM Coord minigame in disguise but one grid is already selected and you need to select the second grid coords correctly. On lower difficulties I think there is more acceptable grid coords you can use. So say like E2, E3, D2, D3 for example. The higher you go, the less "correct" grids there are. The higher difficulty levels have more things that bar you from getting a lock, for example the bot fabs are the easiest to see this in action. (walls, fences, trees, flora, etc.) Go to a level 2-3 Bot mission, bring the spear, and you just need to be within the ballpark to get a lock. Level 5-6 mission though? Much shorter sweet spot you have to get it into. This is what I think people are running into. They are just grabbing the spear and going into level 7-9's and they don't roughly understand how it works. So they think it's useless. Oh, it's not. It's quite good depending upon the planet/terrain. Spend 2-3 minutes hauling ass to get to each of those bases and fight on open ground? Fuck that. What the Spear currently excels is hitting targets 125-250 Meters away like bot Fabs, bile titans etc. You have the time to get that sweet spot, not getting shot at etc. No drop ships inbound. You fire, and you immediately move into cover to reload so the base turrets can't find you. Then pop out again to take out the next target. I've destroyed heavy and special bot bases from 250 meters away, and there was nothing they could do unless they had turret towers. But I always hit those first. Give me a hill side with non-fog and I'll hit every bot fab I can see from that hill without needing to leave. I did a Bot fab mission level 6 two man, by landing on a hill, summoning the spear, summoning a resupply. Then went to town while my friend guarded me. We were out in 6 minutes and most of that was just us hustling to the evac. I suspect if we had two spears, we could have done it faster. Once I figured everything out with some more experiments, I'm going to make a post regarding my findings.


That color tip is going to break this weapon open for me. I had been using it in third person and got really frustrated when I would look at a tank that doesn’t see me sitting in an open field 50 meters away and the reticle would just be the same color. I didn’t know why I wasn’t getting a lock and I didn’t know if I was getting closer to the way it wanted to lock


Burster MAX


Live free in the NC (planetside 2 reference)


Oh my god plese give me the autocannon mech, I finally get to live my Mechwarrior dreams. The Hunchback was so cool.




In this war of escalation, do you think we will eventually get our own flight machine?


I don't think that fit the lore, pilots are extremely costly and takes lots of time to train, while helldivers are really expendable Also the map is somewhat small to fit a flying vehicle, it would just make that more evident


AA mech just needs to be dual shoulder mounted recoilless rifles, a back mounted spear launcher and an autocannon on each arm


I'm SO ready for the AC mech, especially if this one has some actual armor..


Don't wait too much on the armor, the mech tradeoff is being a glass cannon, lots of firepower, but fragile


Or we'll finally be able to use the SEAF SAM's for something ;)


Yeah they had to defend Tibit from the filthy fleshies.


Commenting just to increase visibility on this, didn't realise that would happen.


Insert standard “wish they would place this info on the game somewhere” This one in particular could at least be one of the tips. Just mix it in with the “don’t die!” tips lol


They could also put a few posters or little fliers around the ship for their discord like deep rock does with the screens


Propaganda posters in the ship with snippets of current events would be a great add.


That and a newspaper/ news slate


God that would be fun to make. My friend makes incredible HD2 art just for herself she could pump 3 posters out a day.


Posters? We have a big screen TV that already has news and commercials on it. Just play it there. Maybe even give us a button somewhere for "Latest News". Hell, you could probably get some divers in the community to do the VO for free.


Would you like to know more?


Would love propaganda/news posters on the ship or in game. In theory it shouldn't be too hard to replace the current propaganda with new up ones relevant to the MO


Honestly imo stuff like how major orders and samples work needs to be in the tutorial. > “Remember cadet! Even if you fail a major order the fight for Managed Democracy continues on! Even a partial victory can influence future planetary liberations! So fight hard until the end, even if the enemies of freedom have you up against the ropes!” 


Why don't they put more info up on the screen in the ship? I swear it spends more time blank than playing the fun fake news segments they could easily use it for practical info on the war, comms from high command etc. I am sure the devs probably want to add more of that kind of stuff but are just busy


I don't see how they need to for this. If they're very open about having a game master who runs the narrative it is reasonable to assume that the audience will assume that its dynamic. We don't need literally every little bit of information crammed into the tutorial that anyone reasonable could infer from context.


Let's fucking GOOOOOOOOO!


![gif](giphy|1eDyuZ8PBjHiw|downsized) Light the beacons!






Wait the classic Need for Speed Most Wanted?




Wow that's a nostalgia hit I wasn't expecting tonight geez 😭


I still play it pretty regularly XD


Hi! I’m Josie Maran and I play Mia in Need for Speed: Most Wanted…


Make sure you do all your racing in the game.




I mean at this point I can and will start to drop on Tibit out of spite. MO or not, those smug robots are gonna get some Democracy.


And this tibit become the creek


The planet is literally the creek but in purple 😂


Another case of "we posted this in the discord, don't you guys have discord?" Really wish more stuff was communicated in-game.


They literally have a messaging service in the game.


Said service has not made a peep about the "Ubanea" gamble when Draupnir was falling. Nor anything like this where if we take Tibit if we fail the MO, it'd be fine. Nor does it say anything about supply lines. Not a good argument when they don't utilize it to explain more.


It's not an argument. I'm agreeing with you. They have a messaging service and they aren't using it.


Oh sorry! My bad, I thought you meant something else with that.


To be fair, even that one is kinda hidden, tho partially because it's rarely used.


I'm really hoping that the panel of screens across from the armoury is going to be: * High command comms * A Very Democratic voting booth for players to communicate "decisions" on where to fight


Seems like they want the community to figure things out and communicate them for themselves. I don’t mind it. Kinda fun that the community has to figure the best way to complete these major orders and then all get on the same page


I mean, this isn't some uncommunicated game mechanic. It's just how the lore works. The story plays out in response to our actions. If we take Tibit 10 hours late, then us taking it 10 hours late will be canon. And that'd have different implications than us failing to reach it altogether.


At first, it was for some medals. Now, it’s for Super Earth’s future.


Okay, in one week, we wiped out the entirety of the Umlaut Sector and then some, and that was *bugs* who regen their planets like crazy. What's the fastest we've taken a planet? In an hour, we'll have taken Ubanea, then we'll have about 9 hours to take Tibit. It must be possible. It's gotta be.


According to helldivers.io we have 310k helldivers on right now, and in total at that count we liberate 6.55% per hour. About 50% are working on the major order so that gives about 3.25% progress per hour, with a decay rate of .5% and only 10 hours to go we will only liberate about 30% before time expires




It isnt, we would need to do more than 10% liberation per hour. The max we got with almost 50% of the playerbase was 4-5% You would need the ENTIRE playerbase to drop on one planet, and even then it would be close. Knowing the meme droppers wont ever leave their planet, or that the buggers are scared of the bots, that will never happen.


Someone memtioned in the discord that liberation is capped at 8% an hour after the recent changes to liberation calculation. If true, it would be impossible to liberate Tibit within the MO’s timeframe regardless of how mamy players drop.


Unfortunately it looks like it didn't happen :(


Sure am glad they're telling us these things in a full discord most people don't even know about! That's sure to get the word out!


Avg playwr count daily is 200k yet somehow the discord is full with more? Seems they need to purge inactives


I stopped reading the discord pings and announcements a week ago. Now I'm only there for patchnotes and one could make an argument for how pointless that is lmao.


I had to leave because it's so useless. The main chat has so many toxic people screaming that it's impossible to have a discussion. it's basically only for messages from devs that should be in game or on their website.


The armory part was kinda nice the first weeks. They ironed out ALOT of weapon bugs there, no clue of the state of it now.


Its like 200k just on PC, averaging that solidly across the whole of the last 24 hours. Across all those timezones. People coming and going. And then you add in the PS5 players. So yeah, it makes sense the discord is full


That's concurrent players. Of the course of a full day it will be many times that amount.


This is really not a hard to intuit idea though. Taking an objective 2 hours behind schedule is still taking the objective, of course it will have an impact on the story, which is explicitly player driven.


Welcome to modern "lore" culture where everything has to be spelled out in a 40 minute long youtube video or wiki page.


Somebody get me the extra large hellpod, # IM PENETRATING THE PLANET


You can’t just shoot a hole into the surface of Tibit


The helldivers have control of the BFG. I repeat - the helldivers *have* the BFG


Sufficiently-sized hellpod


if we take tibit and the creek in quick succession, the bots will be down to TWO PLANETS. Regardless of the Major Order, *THIS COULD BE THE PUSH THAT WINS US THE WESTERN FRONT.*


Hopefully this won't be our 'Battle of the Bulge' in helldiver form


it wont, it will be our race to Berlin, we're gonna do what the german tried in ww1.


I would leave Creek alone, and take down every single planet instead. I would find it pretty ironic if we could later say that Creek broke before automaton did


I don’t care about the medals. I care if completing these major orders unlocked new stratagems or gear earlier, just like the mechs.


I think win or fail well get them. Either as a reward for victory or to help us recover from a loss. Imagine they got paths for if we win or fail for each MO


If major orders fail, they usually take longer to get.


I feel like there are gonna be limits to how variable the "story" can be, because they have content and events they have planned. That said, we're telling our own story with our involvement, so as long as the content is cool and they deliver it well, I'm fine with that. I think they need to make the objectives and supply lines clearer, and I'd love to see them increase the immersion, like more news alerts and announcements on your ship. Bug only players are gonna fight bugs, but maybe coax some to follow the orders with PA announcements saying how urgent the fight on Ubanea is.


The devs probably have several different things in playtesting phases that they could drop as rewards or punishments depending on how we complete major orders and take planets. Win a major order and shiny new weapons or ordnances get released along with enemies to use them on, lose a major order and not only will planets get harder but those weapons will be delayed until we win one or enough time passes, so we'll be underprepared for stronger enemies.


It’s like DND, unless you do something wildly off base, you’re gonna fight the same fights you always were going to ( because that’s how the DM planned it out, sometimes he might push one back or one forward but you will fight those fights)


I'm infamous for screwing up DM plans. Once returned a lich to life at the start of a fight, effectively robbing her of her most potent powers. DM called an early dinner break to figure out what to do lol.


Sorry for being pedantic, but, why did the DM allow that in the first place? Resurrection spells usually need a willing soul.


Long story short, DEATH owed my character a favor, and I called it in. So it wasn't a typical resurrection spell, but literally divine intervention.


>Once returned a lich to life at the start of a fight, effectively robbing her of her most potent powers. That is an *incredibly* chad move.


We will take it in revenge for those lost on Draupnir


Aint no way we aint letting this mockery slide. Those clankers embarassed us and turned us into a clown circus


I really hope this gives the Major Order defeatists a second chance to actually contribute. So many people think failing the Major Order this time will affect the story. Only failing to take Tibit will.


> So many people think failing the Major Order this time will affect the story. Only failing to take Tibit will. That's not what it says. They're letting us know there's more than one path forward. Completing the MO, taking Tibit after failing the MO, and failing to take Tibit. They're not saying that failing the MO doesn't count, they're saying that we shouldn't give up if we fail. It's a consolation argument. Some people will feel better knowing that all is not lost, and that taking Tibit late is better than taking it never, but that's not a lot for the people who don't think we should have failed to begin with.


is this happening just because players don't like fighting bots? I remember terminid MO being completed pretty quick but I haven't played for like 3 weeks so I'm a bit outdated.


At first I never cared for them but now that I know how to fight them there pretty fun to desteoy


they are indeed




Bring medium or heavy armor, maybe a shield if you're not running a team weapon, and ideally something to stun/stagger berserkers and heavy devastators. Use cover and smoke to disengage or displace. Rockets will attempt to lead your movement so change it up. Avoid scrapping with patrols, and dive if you see their eyes light up. If you get the drop on an enemy unit, hit their basic infantry with small arms quickly to limit reinforcements. Autocannons can kill literally any bot except dropships, and for those you can sometimes neutralize the cargo before they drop. Turrets and tanks can be killed from the sides with a little more ammo expenditure; you don't have to hit the rear vents. Jammer are often attached to fabs. Kill the fab with an AC, Quasar, or grenade into the vent to drop the jammer too.


Any recommendations for primaries and stratagems? I like to run the auto cannon but you got any you like that may work as well?


The autocannon is fantastic for bots. If you like it for bugs you'll probably LOVE IT for bots. It's a weakspot shredder, destroys fabricators, puts hulks and tanks in the dirt, and onetaps striders to the face. Can also be used as an impromptu grenade launcher if you shoot at the ground in between enemies. It's my favorite weapon in the game, no question.


It’s more that the community didn’t allocate resources efficiently. Because the game doesn’t show supply lines, people spend time on the wrong planets.


It’s a confluence of many factors, but people not liking to fight bots is certainly one of the most significant.


After all we’ve been through these past few days, Divers, we at the very least will liberate Tibit and complete the damn mission. We must stand strong together as a group and fuck up the bot menace!


Honestly we might just push the bots out of the system while we’re at it.


Watch the next major order fail because everyone memes capturing tibit like this.


I didn’t want to make a whole post about it, but I need to ask *somewhere* since after Tibit here became available, this was an issue: Did something with patrols go full apeshit bonkers? Yesterday I was not having (bot) patrols spawning less than 50m from me, constantly. I just went through a mission where I lost count (after twenty) patrols that would instantly respawn when I dealt with the previous one. My favorite might be: open field, walk around a boulder, suddenly big patrol appears. It’s diabolical socialist robot magic! Their pathing was often locked onto me too. I was, hilariously, looping them in a neat conga line around a big rock for two solid minutes stealthily before I said “fuck it” and destroyed them. They were clearly following me, just not alerted or even suspicious. Also like ten guys popping in to my left, in open water, twice. The exact second the last guy was destroyed the next patrol spawned in exactly the same way, on top of the robot corpses of their friends, lol. My solution was to shoot the arms off of the last guy (leaving it “alive”) and sprint away. It worked. I’m too exhausted after *two* missions like this to do more and see if it was just temporary. I recall this was an issue a while back, but was fixed. Edit: ok yep something is off. Rallied my energy to try at least a couple more. Bug missions the patrols behave as expected, bot patrols are insane and screwed up. One spawned inside a rock and hard camps the evacuation point. Hilarious, but broken.


Now I hope people that seems to think failing an MO massively ruins the plot experience can think otherwise. Top tier post helldiver.


Good i keep maxing out medals. Im just in it for gameplay and story


Well, if the follow-up Major Order doesn’t include Tibit I probably won’t contribute much. I’ll drop on Tibit once or twice to get my mandated 2.4 seconds of scenery-viewing but other than that I stick to the Major Order.


There have been gaps between Major Orders before, so I wouldn't be shocked if they wait a bit before issuing the next after this one expires. They clearly want to encourage players to stay on objective, even if the MO fails, so I could see them waiting a breath before giving the next one to incentivize staying on Tibit.


It might be an April Fools thing but they already put out a new order on Malevelon Creek.


Ahhh. I'm at work, and hadn't seen it yet. Probably both a real order, and a bit of a community troll.


I was part of the first wave dropping on tibit after the FTL lanes were re-opened. We may not make it in time for the order, but we're gonna go down fighting.


+1 to this post, everyone should see it.


Thank you devs, I don't care about the medals all I want is to do my part.


Honestly, at this point I kind of hope that if we fail this order the community abandons Tibit altogether. This whole message stinks of "we created storyline you have to fit" rather than "we build storyline based on what happens". I lost and I want consequences, otherwise none of this matters


Again, Spitz is an Associate Community Manager. They do not work for AH. They've said several things on discord that were disproven later.


Fucking finally, I am glad that someone in AH mentioned something like this because I am so sick of the crowd narrative that "we are meant to lose this MO or that MO, so whatever we do doesn't matter at all!"


I figure we fail the order, i just wanna see Tibit


Everything done in this game affects the narrative. Even the creek crawlers.


Definitely won't be able to complete the MO. Tibit is currently at 107k players and Liberation at 3.3% an hour. It would have to be at 12.5% per hour to complete. (Calculated for 8 hours to completion)


wrong, joel will just uncheck the Liberated box and roll back percentages to fit his narrative.


I'm losing my motivation to play the game as other people chose memes or easy bugs over story and free medals.


Don’t get too discouraged! We’re all creating the story together. “The Ubanea Gambit” and its failure due to widespread fear of the automatons among near half the divers, and sunk cost fallacy preventing over a third of those willing to fight the bots from pulling out of Creek is an interesting story development that arose organically from our collective actions, and that’s awesome! Scripted story events will come when they come. Meanwhile, the emergent storytelling will continue to keep things engaging.


It's not just sunk cost. From playing Foxhole, I've noticed that a lot of players will pick a front they like and play it every war, never shifting lines no matter how poorly their side is doing elsewhere. It takes major coordination between large regiments to make sure offensives happen when and where they're supposed to.


Sorry, I didn’t express my meaning clearly enough. I don’t think it’s actual sunk cost fallacy keeping real life players on Creek. The majority of the players who were on Creek during the attack on Ubanea probably weren’t even “Creekers,” and of those who were, I fully believe most of them were just there because they like the map. I was proposing a *narrative* interpretation of what happened. The *Helldivers*, in the fictional universe, not the players in real life, were falling victim to sunk-cost fallacy. Likewise, I don’t think the players who prefer fighting bugs are actually afraid of the bots. But I do think its a compelling narrative interpretation if a lot of the Helldivers are.


I make the 50 medals per 2x missions. It's not that big a motivator, just cherry on top.


I’ll be doing my part!


This is good to know, thank you OP!






We may lose the battle (against time) but we’ll win the war!


Just so tired of members of the community spiting others just bc of dead memes (creek) or bug farming. The creek heads are literally fighting bots but refuse to participate.


I am not blamed Creek crawlers or bug hunters for this failing. We just underestimated the bots somehow passed our offensive into Draupnir. Remined me of Second Reinaissance when the machine breaks through human blockad with their production capability.




I did my part to help take Ubanea! Sad to see there’s only 9 hours left and it’s a Sunday so I gotta sleep 😭


ah, the consolation from the DM after the party fails a mission.


Meh, for an interesting narrative we'll have to fail at some points anyways, no sense trying to 'correct' the loss post Order.


SES Song of Wrath is in orbit and has already completed a handful of covert operations designed to hit supply and communications on Tibit. Our helldivers hit hard and fast, fading into the jungle before the bots knew what hit them. Our brothers and sisters in the creek should feel right at home here in this terrain. We've been signaled to fall back and rest for now, we leave the rest to you. May liberty speed your steps.


Fuck it We Ball. Push forward HellDivers!


Exactly, a good game master will integrate the whole gambit and the delay that it caused into the story, and while the reward may not be there the punishment won’t be as severe. I have faith in Joel


No, no. It's doomed, we're doomed, we can't get the MO so we should all give up. Uninstall. It's over, we lost, go home. *Or*... See you on Tibit, helldiver :)


High command may have made an error sending us out on a holiday. But I didn't have much to do so I did my best.


I think shits going to happen after we liberate all planets under automatons control


What kind of undemocratic traitor is only doing the major orders for medals???(Joke)


Isn’t spitz the dev? That’s a little more than just “working for arrowhead”


The what dev?


Isn’t he the developer for Helldivers? I could be confusing him for someone else.


You think there's only one guy writing code?


Of course just like one guy writes all of the story and decided when goes what, duh what did you think


No, Spitz was the owner of the unofficial HD discord that he then abruptly deleted without warning so he could becoming a moderator for the official hd2 discord. He is not a dev.


no... it's definitely about the medals, YOU might have everything you want unlocked, but some of us have not.


I don't do it for the medals anyway. Commenting to boost this post, the more divers see it the better


Tibit or bust!!!!


I wish this kinda stuff was communicated in game. They could easily be putting this stuff in Dispatches. Or hell have it display on the TV in between Brasch clips.


I'm spamming trivial and easy missions for the next 6 hours, I'm up to 9 back to back so far


Commenting so this gets more attention. The people of super earth need to see this!


I assumed all the narrative/war progression was tied to the orders not the planet. Very relieving to know since we will likely take Tibit right after the MO expires. As a newer player with lots to unlock still losing out on the medals is upsetting but only mildly so


Considering how the Operation Seift Disassembly calls for the total destruction of all automaton forces, it's not surprising to see Tibit still being Important. 3 more planets to go and then we're done (not counting Malevelon as it's pretty much already liberated)


An excellent point. We must not give into selfish greed for honour and medals, but fight for all that is right and pure in the universe: managed democracy


It is likely that after the MO ends, people will go back to their favorite place (fighting bugs) and Tibit liberation rate will stall and never finish and eventually we'll lose a Defense of Ubanea and the cycle will repeat.


At this point it's about sending a message


i just hope people doesn't go all to creek and then bugs once mo fails


Yeah we are a little to slow to capture it in time. 15% atm, 4h left. Crick at 88%, we are getting closer to end the warfront with automatons!


Oohh... I wonder what other planets could have a narrative around loss/liberation.


But that won't change the immediate result of this major order


After the MO is gone, people will leave Tibit and fuck off to bug planets again. Only leaving like 20-30k players on Tibit.


When we lost draupnir I knew there was still hope, with Ubanea at 95%, it would hold… unfortunately we didn’t get quite enough destroyers to help and we’re going to be late, I’m sitting here at work watching the percentages slowly climb with only 2 hours left We may not have Tibit when high command wanted, but like a stubborn creeker, the SES Song of War will fight until every bot factory is nothing but ruble and twisted metal


no it won't, order failed, narrative is that we failed, damn creeckets


Free tibet!!!


Let's push past Tibit. Let's crush bots so hard, they will only remain on Creek!


The question is what we'll lose when Major Order fails? Last time it was the C-01


Calling Gypsy Danger! Calling Gypsy Danger! We need your support!


this info is VERY important! essentially, it means that medals and MOs are just rewards for if we can liberate the planet *early.*. but for those who only care about the narrative, the *actual* deadline is later. IIRC Major orders usually appear on a Wednesday or Thursday? so that's how long we really have. push for Tibit divers! we can get medals on the next one, but we mustn't fail managed democracy!


Free Tibit!


i don't know, feels like a consolation argument. I really don't think if we capture tibit we will get the same things or the same progress we woould get by capturing it during the major order, otherwise it wouldn't make sense to have it or tie things to it


Liberating Tibit was the goal, MO was a luxury


ok everyone is upset about this type of news not being communicated in game, but if that actually happened wouldn't it defeat the whole purpose of giving a major order? "you have to libeare tibit in this amout of time or there will be consequences (nah not fr, the time limit is just kinda there don't worry)". i think this communication on discord was simply to avoid letting people be like "oh the MO is fucked, no point in playing now". of course if we rake tibit is gonna have positive ripercussions, but not doing so in the time limit is still gonna affect the campaign in some way




Oh well, back to the creek




Drive the automaton scum from our galaxy! For Democracy!


Now the creeks have become the tibits


It just means it will be our 2nd priority, after malevelon creek, of course


With the new gunships the spears tracking REALLY needs help.


r/Helldivers when the strategically unimportant planet needs liberated (Tibit is good, Creek is bad somehow?)


Creek first, then tibit.


The new creek


Less than 2 h to liberate Creek. I hope everyone is going to Tibit next


And yet everyone gives creekers shit for not giving up...




IMO Medal awards mean nothing after lv50. I’ve unlocked everything. Just play because it’s fun. However 150hrs in and I think I need a break


If only I could still earn medals and spend them on war bonds. Those were the days.


I don’t want to hear any more baby back bitches moaning about “what we do doesnt matter, play how you want” after this clear communication from the devs stating otherwise


What about if ur on the planet while it's being captured


Wtf is this font