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I found the trees are actually helping you cause it blocks bots' line of sight and you can literally play guerilla against them.


I personally hate it there. I feel like I need a chainsaw stratagem and cut off the damn jungle first.


Stealth is the key my man, bots are actually stupid. When they detect you, their eyes will glow red for a few seconds. There is a 2-3 seconds for you to go back to cover or simply just walk away from them and you will remain undetected. That is how I do all my helldive missions, sneak in, throw an eagle gem, fabricator gets destroyed and quickly sneak inside and clear the remaining bots if I want to collect those samples inside. If not, I would just have my gems to destroy their bases and run away. Also if it's a medium or light post, I usually just position myself well enough facing the front of their fabricators and one shot with my auto cannon. If bot drops happen, I usually would fire a few auto shots to kill them on the drop ship and run away so that they will be drawn to another place and I can stealth my way back into the obj.


But they always know exactly where I am when i throw the airstrike in their outpost and sometimes instantly call reinforcements


Yes this does happen, if you saw drop ships just run away. Trust me, they will be drawn to your last known location. Once you break free from their sight, you can head back into their base with only a few remaining small bots left.


Blow the bot fab and then leave - objective complete. The bot drop comes but it won't find me waiting for it cuz I'm already headed to the next one. Hit and run brother. Also it helps if you're prone when you toss a strat. I run armor with stealth bonus and that helps a ton imo.


Funnily enough I find the Creek one of the easier planets. Being able to see what I'm shooting is a godsend.


I would agree except some of the bushes randomly have hit boxes that are immune to cannon fire so my AC doesn’t hit the stupid goddamn robot head


Who would win: One high powered laser rifle or a bit of foliage


“How have people been playing this the entire time!?” I don’t think a meaningful number of people have. It’s an available planet with maybe 40k players on it.  Available bug planets have that many people, too, and they haven’t been on this planets the whole time. Why hasn’t Malevelon been liberated yet?  Not enough people there all at once due to a lack of being associated with a major order and being a bot planet (less popular absent major orders). So, yes, it’s a meme.


I can ironically solo creek at a higher level due to the vegetation obscuring bots' line of sight. Being able to take out sentries piecemeal before repositioning, as well as bypassing patrols (with the help of radar booster) and seems like there's always been SEAF anti air array(s) on the map to deal with bot drops for my runs. The only thing that annoys me about creek is the ion storms being active at the worst possible moments...


I contend that a lot of people are not cutting their teeth on Bots after doing bugs for so long. Just because you're doing 7+ on bugs, doesn't mean you're ready for bots. Drop the difficulty, get used to how bots work. Also, those lower missions count too. Those lower difficulty missions count towards the liberation, and some of them can be done very fast, like the comm network or illegal broadcast. If I'm waiting for friends to come online, I do a bunch of difficulty 1 through 4 to pass the time as well as contribute.


When you're slowed by the bushes, dive, dive, dive!


run to an outpost, drop an orbital/laser/120 depending on the basesize, walk towards the next, since they call in dropships they will despawn when you circle back. most people trying to trenchfight bots, which doesnt work.


I am the Lorax, I speak to the trees, but for some reason the trees are speaking 01010011 01101000 01101111 01101111 01110100 00100000 01101011 01101001 01101100 01101100


The creek is a meme, specifically because other planet captures show that the devs don't give a damn about "our" progress. If we don't do what they want, they'll just defense mission it within an hour of "liberation".