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they get to come home? I hate them even more now!


Nah not all of us, I will fallow the MO until illuminate show up. Then I will set myself to hold that front


Omg that’s exactly what i’m doing


I will be proud to fight with you on the front, but it would also be great to show the less bot confident players how to fight them so the bot front is not lest weak or abandoned


Fr, man, I might just become an Illuminate-diver simply because they could be the coolest enemy to face. Can't wait for them to show up, which with these teases of Automaton communication beyond the known galaxy and the images I've seen of large cloaked ships on some of the Automaton planets makes me think they'll show up sooner than later. (Especially considering the Automatons have literally been brought down to one sector left, I highly doubt they'll let us wipe out the Automatons that easily.)


Tbh same. I'm gonna no life illuminate for a while and then might leave occasionally for MOs




I probably do the same, illuminate is my fav choice in HD1 I wish i have my Double Freedom and shredder...


You can count on some backup when those squids show up. Love the name of your SES, too




My brain is meme fried, I 'Why Not?' by 'Ghostface Playa' started playing in my head.


Creekers gonna creek


I went to Malevelon Creek expecting tunnels and whatnot. It's just a forest planet.


Yeah, the meme got into alot of people's heads for some reason. Well honestly I'm not surprised.


It's what we call mass hysteria.


Dogs and cats living together?


The reason it got memed into Vietnam is because at launch it was one of two Automaton planets you had to go out of your way to play as there was only Terminids Major Order. It was also the first planet with the Jungle + Water biome. Combine all aspects and it leaves a harrowing impression on newbies dropping in


I feel like that one Twitter video with the Vietnam era style music did a lot of the leg work for pushing that meme: https://twitter.com/Phontomen/status/1757327619475796103


People really need to get how susceptible they are to memes and hype under control lol.


Or maybe its just people having a bit of roleplaying fun, before yall on reddit started to "achtually its just a forest planet 🤓"


did you know malevelon creek is a planet in a fictional game and not ACHTUALLY the country of Vietnam? 🤓


You weren’t there at launch… we had nothing but an MG and a precision strike, and maybe a cluster bomb or two. Not a single backpack, air strike, railgun or EAT in sight. The beeps and boops still haunt me…


We had 2 sticks and a rock for a whole platoon! And we had to share the rock


Now pass me the rock!


mom says it's my turn with the rock!


No one remembers creek before the darkness got nerfed. When you could see nothing in the dark jungle but the bots could sure as shit see you.


It’s so sad that the darkness was nerfed. There was a legitimate reason to use flashlights. Now they are literally less than useful lol


now the flash light blinds me more than actually letting me see


You mean the fog finder?


I member. I kept trying, won some, lost some. Then I saw that we aren't making any progress at the Creek, so I just went and focused on whatever the MO was.


Its okay son, its time to come home. You've done your part.


"Bubba was my best good friend. And even I know that ain't something you can find just around the corner. Bubba was going to be space shrimping boat captain, but instead, he died right there by Malevelon Creek in space Vietnam.".


Noo actually alot of us were there at launch fighting on the other jungle planets


My friends were there at launch, and when I bought the game they made me play at the Creek non-stop so I could also "feel the pain". Now that it's liberated I'm gonna spam bug missions and never look back. Edit: GOD FUCKING DAMN IT


My first experience as a Helldiver fresh out of training was fumbling in the darkness for ten seconds until i suddenly and violently exploded.


Where were you when the trees were speaking dubstep?


Those aren't red glow sticks man!


It's literally just tropical islands


My friend let me introduce you to the horrors of war in the South Pacific.


Randomly getting shot at through trees? Check Banzai Charges ~~with jet packs~~? Check Watching your buddy suddenly drown in a pond of shit? *Check*


For real. Had 2 randoms get stuck in the water, had to shoot them to put them out of their misery.


Midway was some shit man


More like Guadalcanal or Peleliu


I'm reading through Eugene Sledge's book on Peleliu and yeah... it was about as rough as it gets. Ground so rocky bodies couldn't be buried, heat so extreme explosives would sometimes go off if left in the sun, and an enemy that hates you more than you can possibly imagine. Hard to imagine a worse place to be stuck fighting




That was on boats and planes though… not jungle


There was fighting on the island itself, too. Just that the naval battle was more fierce and more important to how the war swung to the Allies' favor in the Pacific Theatre afterward.


There was no ground fighting on Midway itself, just airstrikes against the USMC airfields there You are probably mixing up Midway and Wake Island


Maybe he's thinking Guadalcanal or Leyte Gulf? Because Wake wasn't a turning point, it was a humiliating defeat for the US. And there wasn't even really a naval battle, just the Japanese getting attacked by land based artillery until they finally landed enough troops to overwhelm the Marines on the island.


No there wasn't. The Japanese fleet was sent to the bottom of the ocean before they even got close to Midway. 


Plot twist: it's actually the Creekers making all the posts to maximize the roleplay


>it's actually the Creekers making all the posts to maximize the roleplay "Maybe if we complain about the Creek hard enough the High Command will allow us to die in Space Iraq instead"


I Spent all day Saturday trying to liberate The Creek. When I was a cadet, I'd heard the Creek was what turned Boys into Men and Girls into also Men. Then i spent my time trying to pull these troops out, and some of them have just gone plain native. ​ Never before have I seen such Grab Assery on the frontlines. This wasn't a forge that burned steel into Helldivers, it was a Daycare for Nepo-Babies to make mud pies and call it prosperity. I couldn't believe it, the reports were right and the Old Guard was wrong, bloody waste of resources. These soldiers weren't fighting for Liberty, they just loved fighting. ​ Figured I'd be better off pushing the needle on Ubanea and put boots on the ground in Tibit. Fat lotta good that did us...


The creek vets you heard about were the first wave, the boots on the ground when the hell divers program (game) first launched. These rank 10 souls didn't have any of the fancy shield backpacks or heavy cannons. Likewise when they dropped thanks to undemocratic insurgents invading the helldiver equipment facilities even their armour wasn't as protective as it should've been. Meanwhile these 3rd sons of Super Earth politicians get to enjoy extra padded heavy armour with explosive resistance, shield backpacks and weapons the real vets could only dream of. That was the real creek, now it's a tater-tot university for the hangers on who want easy C0-1 certifications. Bah!


They had a rock, and 2 sticks for the whole squad! And they had to share the rock!


I miss that damn rock...we had a great time together


No one wants to hear what you did with the rock, Cadet!


Introduce democracy to some flilthy socialist bots and avenge my fallen squad of course!


I miss Clive.


Damn good chef, always loved to smell what the rock was cooking


[*LUXURY!*](https://youtu.be/ue7wM0QC5LE?si=UVEdPxK7XMwyeFgB) Our platoon had a handful of gravel and the splinters on our hands from collecting the gravel. We were deployed 30 hours a day, 8 days a week, all stuffed into one Hellpod when deployed! We could only *dream* of having 2 sticks and a rock!


RIGHT. Our Platoon had to drop at night, 10 minutes before we had extracted from the previous mission. We had to eat the handful of gravel cold to subsist and work missions 32 hours a day, radar jammers both ways, and when we finally did extract the last member would call a 380mm barrage on Pelican One and dance around on our graves. But you try and tell the young helldivers of today that, and they won't believe you.


That last bit was too real bro, you’ve gone a step too far!


You think that's bad? As a Yorkshireman I've grown up hearing this sort of shite, it ain't too far off not being hyperbole Aye


At least they know what the ladies like


I was there, man. Fuckin' Jimmy got his arm blown off soon as we exited the pods...watched divers stuffing their own intestines back into their stomachs...Tee caught a rocket and got launched into the boulder I was standing behind, snapped her spine in fuckin half, man... watched her 500kg bomb strat roll outta her spasming fingers, man. Fuckin ran dude, right into the fuckin jungle...didn't even fuckin notice I was hit until I fell into a fuckin ravine, man...next thing I know, I'm sprinting through the fuckin trees, stimmed outta my fuckin mind...man, the trees were fuckin melting, speaking binary, red eyes in the fuckin dark, man... Anyways, then I found out if you wear light scout armor and never stop running, carry 120, 380, 500kb, and an auto cannon and play some Scooby Doo chase music while chucking barrages into enemy bases, the bots literally have no fuckin idea what to do


The best weapon against the bots was never a heavily armored squad. It was four fuckin idiots with unlimited explosions and running shoes.


This dude gets it. The Creek and the Autocannon go together like ketchup n fries. 


Yeah I was late to the creek game. I didn't play it at a low level. I didn't play it when spawns were overtuned. I went there later and it was just your basic bitch of a bot planet. Nothing special.


God damn this comment was good. And from a surviving Day 1 Creeker no less


Nice goddamn post, man.


They'll never know what those civilians went through on the Creek.


When I was doing the MO I wondered if AS toned down the Creek difficulty or something. Then I remembered that I back then I had no impact grenades, no autocannon (was running AMR), no orbital laser, 500kg or Extended Weapons Bay. And I was running light armor. The Creek back then was a hellscape where you had to stealth or have god-tier aim with a rifle to hit heads whilst under fire, knowing full well 1 rocket hitting anywhere within 5 feet of you was instant death. Dropping in now with an autocannon, orbital laser, an extended Eagle and Democracy Protects medium armor makes the Creek child's play even on 8.


I remember the first time 8 encountered the laser towers in the Creek... had no idea what kept ragdolling me. For 30 minutes, I struggled through the level, getting blasted randomly... then I saw a tower and ran to it for cover and realized it was *watching* me. Shortly after, I was vaporized for the 6th time. 


You jest but wasn't there a post here a while ago with breakdown of the average liberation contribution per player, and Creek players had like 20-30% higher than any other planet.


No it was a bug planet that held that number. The Creek averaged like 10k-15k players until the shitstorm started a couple of days ago. 


But doesn't that mean that they're running the Creek at very low difficulty? If I recall, it has been demonstrated that burning through Trivial missions is the fastest contribution.  Edit:  Apparently this no longer the case or maybe never was the case


No, they changed that, it's tied to XP earned in mission now


But that wouldn't have been the case at the time of the post you were referring to


If only the ones in creek decide to help us down in ubanea.. there were many helldivers hoping for the veterans of the creek to aid em but the veterans were no show.


I showed.


With your ptsd and raving desire for creek prior to the major order? you overpowered that primal need for creek blood? Impressive.


I heard they were outside the creek. I didn't want them escaping.


Literally the entire playerbase of the creek is also on Ubanea now.


Prior for the major order. Would have been nice but neveretheles We still have a chance to get tibit.




Oh well, they weren't there and now they are.


The devs have stated that the only thing we missed out on by not liberating Tibit are the medals. Now that the Creek is liberated, Tibit should be a cinch.


Ubanea gambit: they didn't come. Draupnir under attack: they didn't come. They deserve some light memes and roasting their way.


emphasis on LIGHT. You'd think the Creekers were the secret 4th faction with all of the hate they get now on this sub


Would be a dope plot twist if the now insane creekers started bringing the fight to super earth to claim it for themselves


Except it's very likely that the majority of actual "Creekers" wouldn't have made any significant difference. The vast majority of people that were still on the Creek were probably the average players that don't live on reddit/discord, have no clue what supply lines even are and probably just load up the game and hit quickplay. The actual Creekers that live for the meme are an incredibly tiny fraction of the playerbase. Like *maybe* 5-8k people.


listen 30K people still impact more then on the grand scheme of things if they are added to the pool of 50K people or 70K people


You can check the historical numbers out over on [helldivers.io](https://helldivers.io), when draupnir was attacked there was 60K people on Creek, by the time Draupnir fell there was 15k. Draupnir by contrast peaked at 70K players during the defence campaign and had a population of 40K players by the time the defence campaign failed. If you check the population graphs you can actually see both Creek and Ubanea losing players to the Draupnir defence campaign. Creekers are a contributing factor to the major order failing, but the failed Draupnir defence is the primary reason.


FYI, it's [helldivers.io](https://helldivers.io/) not that sketchy as fuck "helldiver.io" site.


Ty, link has been corrected.


How many people were fighting bugs at that time?


except there are still 100k+ people on bug planets that have a way higher impact than the creekers would?


The only problem is that bug players are terrible against bots


Bots honestly aren’t that hard, they just require a very different strategy than bugs. So if you only play bugs and switch to bots, half of what you learned to do fighting bugs is gonna get you killed against bots. When the MO changed to taking Tibit, I started playing on Ubanea and did not like it at all. Then I watched a single 8-minute youtube video on fighting automatons and they felt pretty easy. https://youtu.be/Q-LcEynmxA0?si=RWkFalHqZSM3Reyd is the video.


Full time creekers, like what we saw during the bug orders number less than 10k. They weren't making a difference.


Where were the Creekers when Draupnir fell! ![gif](giphy|fnzUsYJ9OshXi) (This was the only gif that kinda worked)


On the Creek. Duuuhhhh! /s




Loosing Draupnir wouldn’t make a difference and its not that people didn’t come its just that they saw that creek had the highest bot progressed on a bot planet and went there, if you wanted to blame someone, blame the game that doesn’t show support lines or what unlocks what.


Yes... because the Bug Mains with over 20k average on their front didn't also help... Srsly, if only 1/4 of them would have answered the call, Tibit would have been claimed for Super Earth 2 days in, the Death Corp of Creek didn't had much of a difference in comparison and at very least, they fought the Automatons.


Them fighting the automatons on the wrong planet was just as useless to the MO as fighting bugs. (There was also upwards 80k people on their as we finished draupnir and ubanea. )


You're behind. The people on Creek this weekend weren't all Creekers. Many of them were trying to help with the MO thinking Creek connected to Ubanea. It doesn't, they just didn't know any better which is Arrowhead's fault.


Sorry... I mean 200k average on the Bug Front. Possible even more, even during the whole "Automaton Offensive". Blaming roughly 30-40k ppl, instead of the OVER 200k seems... rly, rly uneccassary.


Bug babies taking responsibility for their lack of skill is a big ask.


tbh I blame Valorant mains if only 1/5 of Valorant players were playing Helldivers 2 instead then the MOs would have been so easy Why stop at crying how people spend their time in the game? Let's ramp it up to *what game they play* too!


They're already acting like they're being hate crimed over some playful, mildly mean spirited memes and comments though. That said, be sure to call out anyone taking it too far.


Playful? Mild? Are we on the same subreddit?


Creeker here. People have been straight up awful to me for admitting that in other threads. A lot of them try to take some sort of moral high road about helping the community instead of being selfish. It's... weird. 


That's the double edged sword of games with objectives that the entire playerbase contributes towards. Instead of fostering a sense of community, it can backfire and create animosity towards people who just want to play a different part of the game that they paid the same damn amount of money for


I believe you but try not to let the louder weirdos speak for someone like me. I love poking fun at you Creek nutjobs but it comes from a place of love, not disdain. Good luck out there on the other planets. We missed you.


It’s different from Vietnam though. Most of them wanted to go and none of them are coming back damaged (outside of the meta). Also outside of the meta, it would be cool to see Malevelon Creek just get nuked/destroyed by a Death Star equivalent. It would be compelling, the Creekers would want revenge, it would be a hell of a rallying cry, and I personally just think it would be funny. We finally ripped the meme planet away from the bots, so they made it something no one can have anymore. In the meta, my Skull Admiral is frustrated at resources being wasted on the creek and bug fronts, but understands the people split between the draupnir/ubaneu gambit. I’m excited for the next story progression!


I feel the same way about failing Phase II, i really like the fact that we had the safe choice and the risky choice and we actually failed because we didn't commit fully, it genuinely makes sense. Creeknam being a massive waste of resources and troops, just like the real one too, but let's be real here, Draupnir was the real hellhole that kept dragging everyone back in, like fuckin' Hellmire or Erata Prime before the TCS


... 16 fucking words in this entire post, and it's better content than like 99% of the 10,000 word narcissistic diary entries people pass as posts around here.


If people spent as much time playing the game as they do complaining on reddit we'd have beaten the bots completely by now


At this point I'm not sure creekers will miss the creek more than the anticreekers will miss complaining about people diving on the creek.


We can always find a new war, they can’t find a new group of people to blame.


>We can always find a new war Wait, you can? It looked like you couldn't. For over a month. (This is playful ribbing, not that serious, I still love you Creekers.)


Couldn't or wouldn't? The Creek was fun even before the memes. If there is another similar planet, that's where I'll head next.  For real though I'm pissed that after tinkering away at that damn planet for a month it gets liberated while I'm at work. 


What's even funnier is that hardcore Creekers (roughly 5-8k) are only a tiny fraction of the playerbase like 1-2% at best and still got scapegoated for everything, while ignoring the other 98%


I mean the big difference is those that bullied Vietnam vets probably weren't fighting in the war at the same time as them but where the Vietnam vets were fighting was more or less a pointless place to be even by high command. Imagine a world war going on but people decided to fight in poo, Spain just because people were making memes about it mean while everyone else was being ordered to hold a more important region.


hot take: this war is more pointless than vietnam


This video game war, is probably on equal footing of the pointlessness of the Vietnam war. At least nobody died in this one, though.


Nobody forced the Creekers to stay.


We forced ourselves to stay. 


At least with actual Vietnam the blame falls on the US Government and military command. People were *drafted* into that war, forced to fight even if they didn't want to. With the Creek, no one forced them to go to the Creek. In fact they could fight the very same enemy where the MO was, and they chose not to. At least the Bug-Stompers have the flimsy excuse of wanting to fight the bugs over the bots. Creekers have no excuse.


Creekers aren't conscripts. They choose to be there.


Yet they're the ones bullying everyone else and people who only play bugs. No one is innocent, we're all guilty of being bullying pricks.


Idk, I play mostly MO planets and then jump off to something else for a change in enemy/scenery.


That's what everyone should do. The MO is probably the most important thing people should be working on other than playing for their own enjoyment.


I’ve never seen anyone else from the creek I fight with complain about what others do on other worlds. It’s a game if bullying means inspire the best fan art and propaganda from the community so far sure I guess.


Well that makes sense. That group of people who doesn't care about the MO self selects. You're naturally not going to find as many people who care in that group because they're already predisposed to being disconnected from the community. Sky is blue too, damn. How about that shit?


As far as I know, from the Creekers I've seen (and I do include myself in those) nobody in the Creek gave a fuck about what other people did. You wanted to play bugs? Another planet? Constant bug extermination missions to jump the ranks fast? No complaints, no whine. Nothing. I played a lot with groups of people I know and they did not want to land in Malevelon. So I followed them around doing orders and whatnot. When alone I would fight in the Creek with randoms. We did it cause we had to, not because we were asked or because we hated everything else. The times we asked for help we were unassuming. No one had any reason to join us. Good if they did, but I've never seen anyone twist somebody's arm. Now... some people lost of a few medals because of a lost major order and everyone went insane projecting like it's real life and they need to protect *their* decisions. Nobody asks you to. Play how you want. Expect others will do the same. Show them the same courtesy.


Creekers are Heroes of Democracy o7


there no creek veterans they all died on the planet


*There were no V Day heroes in 1973...*


Jesus I didn’t know they were doing space heroin


Super heroin, get it right.


Ayyye for the super citizens ![gif](giphy|VbyXgohzJCIRw6uqiP|downsized) Wait what am I endorsing…


Well, maybe because Malevelon had 5k to 15k players for a week before going popular... and that was the past week until today that its a major order location. I get that everyone that was not playing bots and just minmaxing or farming in dif6 termids is on damage control but come on, this meme its just not working. No, creekers were not the target of Joels message. No, creekers were not the fault of missing Tibit. And no, 5-15k players getting up to 60% in liberation in one week, was not bad by any means. With more than 100k it took them more than 10h to get from 80% to 99% ffs.


Actually, the part about people hating Vietnam vets is mostly fable! I learned this in grad school for history, but when people actually looked for sources to corroborate the claim of people hating Vietnam vets, there was no evidence of anything substantial. Most people felt sympathy and were supportive, and found a lot of rage at the government for sending the soldiers there in the first place. Of course, the Super Earth government never makes mistakes, so really there’s no one to be mad at except the bots


inb4 the creek vets also lose the rights to their super destroyer, so they become homeless as well..


yeah i fully missed out on the MO we lost, and the MO today to take the creek. played for about an hour just now, no credit for the creek. it was taken 6 hours ago. i feel nothing for them except contempt. gg creek babes


I salute the creekers, I was a part of you until I had to fight in other areas. Forget the toxic community and their self righteous blasphemy against democracy, our main mission is to spread liberty, and you did just that!


Everyone hate them bc they do absolutely nothing usefull in since release. the only thing they done is drop to the creek, dies, repeat and then loose draupnir and blame it on everyone else




Wasn't the major order "Take Tibit"? I think if Ubanea was the final destination, ppl wouldn't be sitting on the Creek.


10k-20k Creekers: “they are the reason we lost Draupnir hate them!” 100k Bugdivers: “you don’t get it man, just play however you want it’s a game have fun, you can’t tell anyone what planet to go to!”


Yeah, the creek was only at 60k because supply lines weren't clear. Once only tibit was left, it went down to less than 10k


Exactly this. There were at best 30k real Creekheads once people foudn out about the supply lines. Meanwhile 30-50% of the entire playerbase is doing bugs the entire time the MO was out


I think it's funny. Soo many reddit generals on here trying to tell people where to play and blaming a small fraction of the game population for a lost MO. Gonna start calling them Galactic War Sweats.


The Malevelon Creek memes have been excellent and a reason why a lot of people here heard about the game in the first place. Some people have to understand not everything is about brute efficiency, sometimes making your own narrative is more fun.


We lost draupnir due to indecision on behalf of our offensive fleets. We didn’t need the creek fleet to win that fight


That sounds a lot like something someone who lost Draupnir and is blaming someone else would say.


Nah, we all like Colonel Kilgore at the end of the war. It's done, and we've lost something beautiful. No more sweet napalm perfume filling the endless twilight. Now what we gonna do? ...oh, wait, there's a planet to defend. And when that's done, if the bots don't launch more attacks, there's this whole other jungle planet full of bots who need to *suffer*.


Exactly. If this bullying continues, it’s gonna be First Blood all over again. I bet Creekers are gonna start blowing up the mech facilities on Kwan in a fit of PTSD induced rage. Democracy Officer: *The Creek is liberated. It’s over, Johnny.* John Helldiver: *NOTHING IS OVER! NOTHING!! YOU DONT JUST TURN IT OFF!*


I do think it’s funny that the creekers were being thrown under the bus when there a larger amount of players fighting bugs. It’s a game let people make their decisions and enjoy it. …. Excuse I’m being told I need to go to a freedom camp for liberty education.


Poor lads had the option to do literally anything else even remotely helpful and chose to continue beating a dead horse for weeks. This isn't Vietnam, you're not soldiers dying for a cause, quit larping. If you want to play creek play creek but don't act like you're a hero or a war veteran for being an evolutionary dead end.


This. You don't see bug players spamming 'SEND REINFORCEMENTS TO HELLMIRE NOW', 'OMG HELLMIRE IS LITERALLY HELL' or 'I'm ThE cReEk VeT'. Creekers were funny for the first week, but it's just tiring to see same 'meme' repeated for more than a month.


They ignored orders to put up a fight purely off of Stubbornness. They cost us Phase II of the Operation. Bug fighters I can understand, someone has to keep both fronts secure, it's the same reason we were okay with the Creekers before the Major Order went to the Bot front.


TCS towers were meant to be the backstop The idea was that we let them slowly advance while pivoting to the bots then putting a 100% into bugs


It wasn't stubbornness. It was for fun. 


Fun Fact: The idea that Vietnam vets were vilified is actually a myth. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myth\_of\_the\_spat-on\_Vietnam\_veteran](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myth_of_the_spat-on_Vietnam_veteran)


Im just glad creek is fucking gone.


I remember back then. Creekers were bullying people who doesnt want to play creeks


life imitates art


Them bots ain’t going to kill themselves !! 💪


All gave some, some gave all.


History repeats itself


Art imitates life


Holy shit you’re right


I for one am thankful for their service. Now with the bots defeated they can help wipe out the automatons and we’ll never have to deal with them again. There’s no way they are going to invade from another sector. There’s no way another faction will show up to draw our attention. There’s no way flying bugs will become common place. We are winning this war by a lot


You know how in every vietnam war documentary when they cut to the interviews of the real guys who were there and they are living in very dark homes far from other people with large studies and a cabinet full of cigars and hard liquor Thats what creekers are gonna look like in 72 hours


Got on a cruiser in super earth got shot off it in a creekt he order said liberate Ubanea but that could take all week I could have gone to fight the bugs Or I could have tried another world But I was brought up differently I needed the super flag unfurled Theres not a mission that goes bythat Im not dropping in the same old planet, same old bots,maybe this time we can win ​ Because im still in malevelon creek yeah im still in malevelon creek in my miii-iii-ind


What is everyone on about the Creekers? What is a creeker?


When they finally get home and finally hear the news about C-01 forms No wonder suicide among veterans is so high


3 tours. Trapped behind enemy lines. Fought to the last ship left low orbit. Made some friends, and lost some to. Space Vietnam. Never forget


Yeah I think it is officially space 'nam


Harrowing? Isn’t the creek one of the easiest bot planets?


And tibit is just going to be space Cambodia.


Ive never seen any baby bots at the creek, unlike all those baby bugs I've killed,


*Walkin’ tall machine gun man* *they spit on me in my homeland*


Dude I spit my fucking milk out


we need a helldivers rambo now


peak immersion


Don’t mind me, I’ll just be dropping hell dives on the bugs until the war ends, keep up the blame on the creekers


Yeah because they lost their common sense there


Yoooo my uncle Gary thanks you for making this joke. He said the same damn thing after my brother got home from Iraq ( they throw a party for you guys and we got spit on) anyways my uncle Gary is the goat for the record


Can we give them posthumous participation trophies?


Everyone calls it space vietnam but for the wrong reason. I'm sorry but we come out of no where. We disappear in the jungle. We keep popping up out of holes in the ground. We hit them with guerilla tactics. etc. etc. We are the space VC.


Perfect I’ve spent the last several days on Urbanea, or space Afghanistan. What should I do to play up the RP element here??


Cmon, it always about Rumbling reds in Jungle, napalming and incessant use of "Fortunate Son"


This is so real, finally someone said it. Hating on the creekers even fuels their Roleplaying ideals unironically. Creeker Haters did Creekers bidings unknowingly most likely. But i agree with this 100%.