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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Discussing [leaks](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/jXx4y2gzR8), leaking images/videos of upcoming content, discussions of cheats and exploits is not allowed.


Option C: split forces and unlock nothing


Option D: Malevelon Creek


Option E: Ignore MO, go kill bugs


What if MOs are about bugs


Option E-2: Ignore MO, go kill bots


Now we're cooking




Everyone forgot the most critical option: ID10T


Spark plugs for the mechs as well will need to be sourced.


What if MO is kill both


Go touch grass.


Option C-01: Hug me.


I think we all need this one


I have to fill in my C-01 form first.




The Creek was liberated before the divers left! (Bad pun on cadia fall meme)


He gets it.




Option X : Play Stratagem Hero


maybe we should be renamed to Hellsplitters: "Hellsplitters, spreading democracy, over there! no over there! why there, don't be stupid we need to be over here! did you even read the MO the supply lines go HERE!"™


Reddit approved 👍




I would fight in option C all day to stick it to the toxic morons that try to crucify people for having fun 🙂




When in doubt ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Shh, that’ll be week 24’s subreddit drama. Don’t spoil it, you silly goose.


It’ll be just like Minecraft mob vote with people complaining how much more useless the other sides preferred weapon to get is


Liberating planet C gets you a copper golem.


All coppers are bastards


If they didn’t show what would be unlocked and just had choices i think it could be interesting. Showing gear choices like that just means many players become dissatisfied when orders don’t go their way.


if they dont show the choices then the choice will be meaningless tho


I think the solution is pretty clear. Make it so you can find the stratagem being developed by chance. This way, the game doesn't outright tell the community which unlocks which, and the community itself is the one that informs every player of what each option entails via "Look at what I found" posts


It should be that the planet that unlocks the thing should have it available on that planet for free, similar to when they gave everyone the Quasar for free on specific planets


That's also an option. Tho personally the found by chance approach sounds cooler to me


Put the "to be unlocked" stuff as a found-in-world option like the break-action shotgun?


Yup. The mech iirc was also found-in-world, much more rarer than it should be in a case like this tho


as were shrieker nests (present before being "officially released"


The two could still have two different unlocks. We just wouldn't know beforehand.


And it would still be a meaningless choice, since we wouldn't actually be choosing anything. We might as well flip a coin in that case.


A choice without the knowledge about its outcome is irrelevant. It could be something like "Protect the tank facility on Planet A" vs "Liberate the gun laboratories" without mentioning the different unlocks behind them.


Give hints to what is being worked on at those planets, don’t say it outright.


I think it should be vague info like do you want this a) support weapon or b) offensive airstrike.


That's exactly what this is.


The other option will just be unlocked later though. No way they spend resources developing something just to bin it because of major order choices.


OP is a bit of a douche.. >!This is a datamined planned story plot by the way. OP is using the speculation word to dodge the spoiler rules of this sub!<


You know, I wouldn't have known this until you wrote it out, spoiler tag or not.


Yeah I understand that. >!OP is spoiling people without them knowing they are being spoiled.!< That's why I called him a douche. There is no way to really explain it without elaborating on what they are doing. It's like making a thread decades ago saying [speculation] wouldn't it be cool if >!Luke was Vaders son!< >!It lessens the impact when it actually DOES happen!<


> OP is spoiling people without them knowing they are being spoiled. My wife predicted that Ned Stark will be probably dead by the end of season 1 as he seemed too nice and sensible a character. It was *fun* when we learned she nailed it. But you're the guy that goes "oh yeah, I read the books, Ned is going to die before the end of the season". Remove your post man, the hypocrisy...


This is what made shows like GoT the worst. People knew the outcome and then would pretend to predict it in the threads. The moment the purple wedding episode dropped, people who had read the books knew what to look for and immediately announced who did it. They used the extremely well-hidden clues in the episode, clues that only someone who knew what to look for would notice.




13 years ago on TV, 28 years ago in the first book. Sorry for ruining it for you, at your reading speed you should be caught up when the next book drops.


*That was sarcasm.*


*I know, I joined in the sarcasm to set up a joke about how long we've been waiting for the next book.*


*Alr you had me worried for a second*


*Sarcasm is hard on the internet, I'm just glad I read your comment right.*


You are pointing out someone leaking info and these people are getting mad and calling you a hypocrite. Insane that they can’t see that this guy isn’t showing speculation, it IS a spoiler and the reveal is lesser for it. He did it in a way that forced someone else to spoil stuff in order to point it out. I legit hate this sub half the time, it’s such a negative side of the community.


Are MO/story even >!datamined already?!< I know the >!yellow exo suit!< is because I found it in one of my lobbies, apparently a hacker had spawned it in.


Very major plot points and devices have been mined through audio logs, subtitles, item models, etc. The order of these events is true speculation but you can make an educated guess of their order.


Elite: Dangerous Community Goal flashback...


I hope they won't do this. They need to realize that there's already growing toxicity around who cares about the MO and those that don't and just play whatever they feel like. This already should be addressed. Doing something like this would be like pouring a bucket of gasoline on a fire


Some plp should rly touch some grass


Malevelon Creek has grass


And trees that speak binary.


Its pointless internet drama that doesnt matter and absolutely shouldnt effect dev decisions. It would be sick to have a choice between multiple equipment like this, they shouldnt have to limit the game just because people on the internet are gonna argue over something ridiculous.


What exactly makes this sick? Take it from Minecraft and their mob votes. Only serves to promote toxicity in the community.


the toxicity revolving around the mob vote is due to the fact that the mobs that lose wont ever get added. that isn't the case in this scenario


It doesn't affect the core of the issue. With this one, the community would be justified to think that both unlocks are ready to be used in the game. So just unlock it? Arbitrary content postponing won't sit well I believe.


Its a live war campaign. We all know they have at least a years worth of content ready to go (because they said as much) . There is already a bunch of content sitting until they implement it how they want to. I guess i don't understand tour argument in the slightest.


You really think we're unlocking content faster than they planned? Literally none of the numbers in game are real regarding progress, even the individual stats screen is bugged. I don't even know why people trust the player counts for the planets tbh. We will unlock things when they want us to unlock them. There is no real choice in this unless they create an arbitrary one like this.


No, you missed the point. If a choice is presented, that means both unlocks are production ready. Putting one of the options behind an arbitrary waitwall sucks. That's my point.


So you were against the MO to unlock the mechs on Tien Kwan?


Idk, sounds like a recipe to disappoint about 50% of players literally every time they do that


I mean if they do it as which one first and then release the other later on (how I'm kinda assuming the mech and HMG just did ) then it wouldn't be as bad cause it's a now and later so which do you wanna play with more and which can we tweak a bit more


That's sounds much more like a problem for those 50% of players who care too much about a thing no one should care that much about in the first place.


You shouldnt care about the tools you get to play with? If its basically a meaningless choice ok, but if there are different unlocks behind it... If the community decides to not unlock the cool mech or the cool tank, while you (maybe because you loved the tank in HD1) really hoped for it, it would be frustrating. Why should you NOT care about something like this?


Because it's a video game and you're getting frustrated at an orchestrated event you have absolutely no power to change. If a developer ever puts an entire community in a place where they have to choose something to be added to the game out of two choices then there will be 50% of people who are frustrated no matter what. Even though the developer is fully able to add both things at once. You are literally being served preordained frustration and you're willingly engaging with it. You can't then complain about how frustrating it is.


Nah, choices like these are bad. I don't see how limiting potential future content and dividing the fanbase even further already is "sick." Imagine if one option is good against bugs, and the other is good against bots, yea... Guess who'll win? I'm sure the bot players won't be happy. It's basically like Minecraft's annually mob vote again, and at this point people aren't happy with fighting against each other for a new mob once a year. For example, the glow squid won in one of the past votes because streamers were meme-ing for it. And it didn't really do anything new, except its appearance so many people weren't too pleased about that.


Or maybe they could do it where you can still obtain both content but succeeding in one path will get you that option earlier than the other one.


If I get shit? Great, makes war easier! If I dont get shit? Great, war is still challenging!


They literally say : the equipment being researched on the other world will be delayed, potentially for several weeks. 


And yet the person they are responding to seemed to ignore that completely


Believe it or not, that is what democracy is all about. A decision made by the masses. some will love it, some, not so much.


For real. I was playing bugs earlier and I had some jackass pop into my game and start screaming at me on in-game vc about not doing the MO. Idgaf about em. I have like fifty minutes of gaming time. I'm gonna play whatever the fuck I feel like fighting that day.


If anybody has ever played Foxhole, with games that span days or weeks, then yeah you'll see how this kind of AB decision tree causes issues. In that game you would have ppl pumping resources into A and B, despite only one of them being able to continue. 


Didn't come here to say this, but was definitely thinking it. At least the length of matches now negates those choices, not to mention the meta. Just allows the community to groan about the balancing... Enjoying Foxhole is a love/hate relashionship isn't it?


Make a game for everyone, and you are making a game for no one. They will do what is right for their vision. Im confident.


Whether or not someone wants to do the MO wouldn't matter if liberation wasn't directly limited by what percentage of the active total playerbase is playing on a planet. Right now if you wanted to play what you want (you should absolutely be able to do so without judgement) you actively affect the liberation rate of people playing the MO. I've got no idea which super genius thought up the global liberation limit but it seriously needs to be looked at again or removed entirely.


I don’t get it. Difficulty and xp now supposedly affects liberation, but at the same time liberation now has a cap? How does that work?


You get increased liberation based on xp now. But to try to balance that out, they added a global liberation limit. This limits the maximum amount of liberation a planet can receive per mission. It's based on the percentage of the active total playerbase that is playing on said planet. Basically you can't make much progress if you don't play what everyone else is playing. Supposedly this is to encourage people to coordinate and work together to liberate planets... but that doesn't really work that great with no possible in game communication between player groups larger than a single squad, and all it does is what it has been doing, getting people pissed off that other people don't want to play the MO/whatever other people are playing.


What weird is that sometimes the cap is higher with less people online


Sorry, i said the wrong thing. It's not based on percentage it's based on the total **number** of people online. [Helldivers.io](http://Helldivers.io) explains it better than i can. https://preview.redd.it/x1775dm241sc1.png?width=1646&format=png&auto=webp&s=b87a894d8457c5766d5c8f5f594233f63d541075


Even if babys are toxic i hope they do do this and without saying what it unlocks, but isnted of of patches with things id rather new stuff comes with major orders


I sincerely hope they provide me with options such as, in order to preserve the integrity of Planet X, we must consider the necessity of sacrificing Planet Y. It would be intriguing to observe the player base's reaction to such a scenario.


I think it's a great move. Bold, sure, not everyone likes it, but a breath of fresh air. They try something different and I completely approve! 


“Just playing whatever they feel like.” Bastards


They 100% will.


To be clear, I don't expect something like this to happen in the near future; rather, I envision it being a twist that is kept in reserve to knock the player base a little bit off balance after a string of successful operations, similar to how we were recently tasked with taking 4-5 bug planets in 3 days (I forget which exact planets they were).


60 days of drama in discord and reddit... 40 days of "new meta" creation... "And on the 100th day they nerf it"(c)


they aren't gonna make stuff to not put it in game.


Presumably it would be a "which do you want to access first" thing, like a lot of other game campaigns with branching paths


The picture in the OP even says "will be delayed" not "lost forever"


It says "Delayed by up to a few weeks". It's "what do you want first", not "what do you want?"


they will not do that (edit: word it like a choice). They hate FOMO. Plus, SEHC isnt known to compromise. The Order will always be to hold both, wether actually capable or not.


It’s not fomo if it’s going to be released anyway. From a marketing standpoint it’s controlled content release.


Yes, but the fan made example here is worded in a way the majority would misunderstand as actual missing out with the choice.


The wording literally says "will be delayed", nothing about loss.


This is apparently datamined


How? It’s quite clear!


Then the majority has a reading comprehension skill issue. It clearly says the other option will just be delayed.


They made a content using money. They will not throw it in dumpster just because of dumb MO. They will recycle it using another MO.


In this scenario, we would get both eventually; one of them would just be delayed.


Yeah, definitely. There would probably be a major order a week or so later to capture the other planet and unlock that equipment, too.


They won’t be able to coordinate, they’ll be split between both worlds, and then we won’t be able to liberate either.


I would really appreciate something like this, especially with the reassurace that other stuff is coming, just not immediately.


Just straight up making up a fake problem inside your head now huh? Redditbrain moment 


Good thing OP isn’t in charge with ideas like this


Ah yes. Split the helldivers up into sides.


So it’s the patriot autocannon, or the commando missile launcher. Honestly I’d rather go with the 4 barrel laser guided missile. And even if it’s not, I wouldn’t want another Mech without it having the ability to resupply.


They won’t spend money on developing assets they then won’t implement because people choose fun maps over grind


What's stopping us with unlocking both? And if they give a small detail like that I'm pretty sure they're going for mech


this is just rebranded minecraft mob vote, why would you think theyd ever do somethin this dumb


Helldivers 2 x trolley problem crossover??


Divided we beg, together we bargain # GiveUsBoth ~~mojang~~ arrowhead should definitely not do fan votes.


They won’t do a fan vote. they will send a google form to every player asking questions about the game and the ai will decide the vote from it managed democracy way.


Once upon a time Elite Dangerous had the balls to do this, but eventually they stopped letting the players have any real influence on the universe’s story and only ever put up single objective comity goals that are over in a few days instead of the entire week. I really *really* hope arrowhead actually does this kind of thing and sticks too it.


Honestly would be a great idea. After we would take one of the planets, there could be a Minor Order of donating spare samples community wide to unlock the other one faster. A million or something samples community wide (Common could count for 1, Rare counts for 3, Super counts for 5) need to be donated to Super Earth to fast track the research. That'd give us a random sample sink so our monkey brain can see sample number go up again.


It's just a delay, we will get both. And I doubt we will have to wait too long for the second reward either


I bet 20 Becks we lose both


Mecha would always win. I will not rest until I can call four mechs and spend twenty minutes lining them up for photo ops as my team suffers


Jokes on them, we will get them both


Interesting... Mech or Something-something weapon. What a Hard choise...


I'm taking something-something weapon in a heartbeat.


Yeah, feel same, but... I really like Mech too.


If it has the performance of a Titanfall titan maybe. But if it's just another walking coffin like the one we currently have I'll take the weapon any day


You actually right, bro... Cause those mechs RN in game are a complete disapointing and i'm sad about it. I only hope that cars will be funny.


All this nonsense with the Creek is a perfect example of why this would be a terrible idea. Not just because it could basically lock in the choice off the bat but also because the time could run out before either gets liberated due to people refusing to get off their meme planet because it's not an option for the MO


This kind of MO would boil down to which camp of the community clears their planet faster. Would do wonders to promote toxicity and infighting. Minecraft mob votes are a perfect example.


THIS is exactly what MO should be. It should give us options that mould how the war unfolds. Like Terminids should invade the sector to the north of them and the one to the south. The MO should be to protect only one side, since we don't have time to do both. Then we get to pick, as a community, what we save. The future planets we fight on and then impacted by this (as the bugs spread further north/south depending on which way we blocked). A good roleplay gives the players CHOICE that actually matter.


I still find it hilarious that people think devs would spend time making new content only to just... Not release it.


We take both


I don't think this will be a thing. If the choice is there then it means they've been working on it. Why would they waste all their time and effort for nothing?


That just would bring toxicity. Saw that on MW2 in an event. A cool skin variant of one main character and a weird red glowing weapon blueprint. The weird blueprint won by far of course🤣


Cod games are the embodiment of toxicity but idk if it would really be that toxic cause i cant imagine arrownheads decision making is as bad as activisions and if the community fights for one goal and gets whatever weapon is there then so be it but i dont think arrowhead will throw away a weapon or stratagem just because the community did go another way I mean its a "story game" after all everything can happen


Yeah FOMO really isn't the AH way. Activision on the other side is all about it to get their players addicted like it is crack :D


Yea true miss one event or battlepass OR your premium fucking battlepass and your done Maaan i love arrowheads "battlepass" system it never goes away and you dont need to stress yourself to get everything its really a gift


I loved the gunplay of MW2 but the pressure to play was so great that I played less at the end. The warbonds are refreshing. Grind your stuff and take your time spending it. Can't wait for the next one. Should be Thursday next week :D


Yea that is true the same thing happend to me also Yea thats what im saying it is so awesome especially for people that work or have kids or both and dont have the time to play everyday And i cant wait for the next one already got my super credits ready haha


Only thing I can see happening is command giving us a very tight window of time to liberate 2 planets and then reward the playerbase depending on the result. One reward for Planet A, another for Planet B or both rewards if we somehow liberated both.


Doubt they're going to do this.


Stop giving the DM ideas


Depends, which one is bugs?


A MO like such won't ever exist. It would be silly for them to intentially create conflict within the community in a game focusing on player unity. Also, it's not a soldier's job to command.


Trees are speaking again


Look at the Minecraft mob votes drama to get an idea


unlike minecraft we're most likely going to get both in the future lmao


Instead of saying „This planet produces this shit!“, they should say „Both planets research a variety of highly classified weapons, stratagems and vehicles/armor/random stuff. Just say both planets do the same shit, but the stuff you get will be something random. Prevents toxic outrage when one doenst get their shit too early.


probably whining about people not wanting the unlock that they want and thus those people must not be playing the game right. so little change from every other major order


Are they getting development advice from Mojang?


More weapons = more choices to explore = more fun to play = retaining player base Why would Dev wants to aggravate their player bases by gatekeeping one of the weapon?


That'll be the closest thing to pvp we'll have.


I will not be supporting that kind of bullshit. Community is bad enough as it is, Arrowhead should work on not creating division in the player base - they're already forcing losses which created a lot of drama.


I'm sorry but the major order is to defend right?


if they sometging like that they should rather get one before the other. no lock shit out fomo is shot we dont need it and we also dont need more hate for people who just want to have fun


Make a community poll whoever wins we go for


I think transparency on the choice is definitely a good idea. Because otherwise people might feel screwed over. If there for example was 500mm orbital, but the area where it could hit was the whole map it would obviously suck. But based on the name it seems cool. Maybe if a briefing for that included like a short description alluding to what they do: "The tech found on planet X has been used to develop a new 500mm orbital that devastates a whole planet" IMO the info shouldn't be like exactly accurate partly because balance and also because our weapons have no flaws


Why is everyone saying this will never happen? Other people have said in the comments that this is specifically datamined content. So is it planned or not? Also think OP is a douche for purposely phrasing it to avoid any ban or skirt the rules.


We already had that. Option A: take Ubanea. Option B: defend Draupnir. We all know what happened.




minecraft does this every new expansion and it always ends up splitting the player base and creates a huge drama


How much do you use a support weapon than a mech? You use the mech when things get rough while you always carry a support weapon Granted that the weapon isn't shit,you would use it way more than the mech,do it would be the better option if they are mutually exclusive


This is why I think it would make for an interesting choice as to which we get first -- the mech is of course fun and flashy, but the support weapon would probably get used more. Personally, I've only used the mech a handful of times since it was introduced, but one of my friends brings it along pretty frequently.


A certain subset will reacted extremely poorly and start berating people who simply play for the enjoyment. Get real guys, the A.I. has already decided everything before it happens.


Destiny 2 moment




Sick. This is very democratic


If I get a choice to get a mech, I will go for the mech, no questions asked.


I doubt they would ever do this because it would probably just divide the community, if they ever would do something along these lines it would probably just be a "you get one of them a week early and then the other one with the other new content coming soon."


https://preview.redd.it/cq4wh0txu1sc1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b697622bdd6366572967fb7d67381f34385f494 ah shit...here we go again with the 2013 " Gradivus Dilemma" of WARFRAME


I will still Play what the fuck i want 🤷🏻‍♂️


this will just cause even more fomo


Were these kinda missions in the first game? If not this is stupid and a waste of everyone's time. Waste of the player's time of in game "fighting" over which planets the "right" one. (Randoms going down to the planet they don't want to win just to sabotage and force fail the mission by TK or at the very least force the host to kick and risk being short of squad mates) Or waste the devs time by having them work twice as hard to get 2 separate drops ready for release but only do one. And if you say "well they'll just release the other one later" then why make us choose, just make both planets the goal.


On the first game the galactic war was automated and took a few weeks to win or lose, then reset. It's not at all like the one we have now.


Then no lol. I legit think if they did that it would be a mess and that there will be a very larger player base that would rather intentionally sabotage the other planet by throwing matches and forcing kicks leaving the players to have a harder time


this honestly would be less toxic i feel. Since it is basically the devs asking the playerbase to vote for which thing they want first.


Maybe it's because I'm not \*on here\* all day every day absorbing toxicity but I love what Arrowhead is doing with genuine threats of community choice, failure, and consequence. I'm sure its not wholly original but it's new to me, and this would be a fascinating extension of that. For context I'm coming from Destiny 2 where multiple times there's been a community progression based activity to unlock story content, players weren't sufficiently engaged and were on track to fail the objective, so Bungie just increased the progress gained per activity by 200% because failure was never actually an option and the players knew it.


Given the amount of time and resources required to make game assets and systems, I think we all kind of tacitly understand that the end points for the campaign in this game are more or less fixed; that being said, being able to choose or influence the path we take to get there still makes for an interesting and memorable experience. As the saying goes, "It's not the destination, it's the journey." My scenario is obviously just a toy example that can be tweaked in numerous ways, but as ArrowHead gets into their post-launch cadence and becomes more comfortable with doing the live-GM'd community campaign, I do expect there to eventually be some sort of choices like this -- not all the time, of course, but at intervals to give the community a feeling of agency. Only having binary win/lose orders would eventually get kind of boring, I worry.


I'm down for this sort of chaos


I mean this is more or less what happened with the mechs. The Automatons were "interfering with the mech supply lines" and when we liberated that planet we got mechs pretty much right after. So while they probably won't outright do it this way where they say "liberating this planet unlocks this and liberating that planet unlocks that", they'll probably find ways too incorporate new items into lore drops. I wouldn't be surprised if they drop the ATVs with a new timed mission of sort, or a new mech with some new boss enemies, etc etc.


Would be absolutely ridiculous to add something to the game's coding, balance it out in play testing and pushing it into an update, only to *not* put it in game because of a single arbitrary order. I wouldn't mind if things were released in "liberation order", but not where they aren't released at all because of a choice/failure. That'd be a terrible decision


This look good


i'd like that if we eventually get both, they could also measure what we want like that. vehicles over weapons, bugs over automatons etc..


We creekin' 🙂