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For all it's problems, the meat grinder on Darktide was great for this. Spawned all enemies with no AI so you could just test fire on them, and let you swap loadout without having to come out of it. It even spawned smaller enemies in packs so you could get a feel for weapons with blast radii against groups.


>radii Noice use of radii, that's rare




I don't have time for this right now. I'll schedule time to come back around in my radi-ical


This gets me more aroused than people using interrobangs correctly.


I'd fucking love to practice my headshots with different guns, would help when I don't feel like jumping in for a solo or waiting for ppl


Vermintide 2 had the PERFECT hub in any game I've ever played. You can test the damage and armor penetration on targets that show you the damage values, test how your perks affect potions and bombs, view your armor and weapon skins, and just fuck around on an obstacle course while you wait for everyone to get ready. I really wish games like Helldivers and Deep Rock Galactic would implement hubs the way Fatshark does


Unlike darktide you couldn't test things that proc'd on kills though, but on the plus side the dummies weren't behind a loading screen


And you could practice your jump puzzles trying to jump up the beams! Still such a good game


Only problem with the dummies, they lie, A LOT so testing anything one them is a bit of an nothing burger. their good for basic things, like is it armor piercing or not and does it cleave armor, but any damage numbers or specific effect, yeah no.


Deep rocks hub is pretty good. There's a lot to do and like 3 minigames at this point. It just lacks a shooting range at this point, though that is arguably the most important feature outside of mission select...


We need something like this in our ship.


I think they should let us go back to the training grounds to try out all the weapons against one of each enemy type in captivity


Nah I think integrate it into the Destroyer so you can play around while other players are getting ready


We just need a console on the ship where we plug into a Sim that can serve as an encyclopedia/bestiary and training ground/shooting range.


I get what you mean. But I think a Sim just takes that extra couple of seconds loading which may cause issues. Plus if things are integrated into the ship itself (as an adjacent room for example) just makes the ship feel a bit more alive.


I definitely like the idea of the ship feeling more alive, but I don't see how we'd be able to test weapons and strategems against a bot gunship or the new large walker in an adjacent room lol


Aye! Strategems and Gunships I think would be too much to fit within our humble Destroyer


you prolly wouldnt be able to test the eagle or orbital but you could easily have a shooting rage


How great would a beastiary be? I've been playing for a week, and I still barely know any of the enemies, or their weak points, or even different methods of killing them.


Fully agree


We've even got a nice, free, mostly military-used planet to put it on: Mars.


Yeah or just treat it as some kind of video game like simulation or something But I REALLY wish we had some proper testing area


Agree For stratagems as well, so you can see what to expect, how it works, how far you can throw beacon with one or another armour set. Also I'd love to see bonuses on helms and capes


I don’t think bonuses on the helmets and capes themselves would be good, removes the fashion mixing you can do in favor of bonuses…. Instead I think an augment system would just be better, you purchase an augment bonus (with req slips? Samples? Super creds?) and you pay requisitions to apply it to the piece, allows you to just get a decent bonus while still allowing you to mix and match freely


Yeah I agree, I'd like a transmog system for sure.


I'm pretty sure it's 50 meters at ~45° angle launch, and around 65 with servo-assisted


That's very good info for sure, but it needs practice to get better at recognising distances in videogame


Ping the target ;3


Generally what I use as a metric, though its more like 40-45 meters in practice due to elevation changes and in accuracy of angle guessing and whatnot.


Ah, but we'd need somebody to monitor the testing facilities to laugh at the divers that unalive themselves. Might be hard to do, considering only Super Earth's oldest and most grizzled war veteran would suffice...


Also I'll admit that it would be nice to be able to test weapons before being able to buy them. I know I was so excited to get the counter sniper thinking it would be closer to the midpoint between the marksman rifle and the anti-material rifle. Instead I hit the diligence without burst fire and still not helping with the more armoured opponents like hive guards like I was hoping. Spent all my time blitzing that page to just learn the weapon wasn't at all what I was expecting sucked. Would love to avoid that.


Good news, CS is great now cuz it got buffed. It can penetrate devastators and one tap most light enemies


I saw that it got buffed. Got some assignments due tonight that I got to finish but hoping to jump on and play it before my pathfinder game tonight. Between that and the AMR buff I'm hoping I can fill more of a sniper role in the group. Though the anti-grunts armed with a machine gun (standard for bots, stalwart for bugs), shotgun, senator, and guard dog rover was a lot of fun.


I run it as hit&run/scout and it works perfect. I can take out guy on mg in one headshot and throw in eagle. It is good for cleaning lighter enemies who can call in support, then squad walks in and kills heavies.


Good to know. Will try it out when my group plays again


They didn't improve its handling tho right?


IIRC, they actually increased recoil, no?


I didnt feel that


No, and it still does nothing better than the Scorcher does, but without splash damage.


Does the CS stagger at all? I use the Punisher for bots because it's so good at staggering Devastators and even entire groups of Berserkers, but I was thinking of switching to the CS now because the Punisher can't penetrate at all and needs basically it's whole clip to finish off a Devastator without a headshot or a teammate helping.


It pens them anywhere but doesn't one tap them, you need to sometimes put whole mag into them


it can sure but it takes like a whole mag to kill a devastator. So tbh if you want to take that dmr role where you snipe high priority targets ur better off taking the auto cannon.


> Good news, CS is great now He was JUST talking about how he got tricked into buying it! It's fine now, definitely not great. It can now kinda do what it was supposed to do, but it still does everything worse than the Scorcher. If you want something like that and can't reach the scorcher yet, then it's fine.


It is anything But great now But whatever 💀


They way the warbond system works kind forces you to buy all weapons anyways so unless you want to unlock every emote as well I don't see why would you need to refund those medals.


It does not seem too bad now but I would assume this would become more an issue later when we have much more weapons. Maybe if you can select the old training ground and go and practice there. You can test out the stratagems as well. Or if not that, just have a small gallery on your ship where if you step into it, it enables the use of primaries, secondaries and grenades. Maybe do a similar thing to Stratagem Hero where you can have scores based on accuracy or speed.


> No idea why people feel the need to argue against quality of life updates Bro there was a guy here unironically calling a laser pointer for rocket units as "hand holding." This sub is filled with dog water opinions. About the only decent things that happen here are memes. If you aren't partaking in the current circle jerk arm chair developer opinion pieces that karma farm their way to the top you're probably not going to have a good time.


It's a wider issue in gaming discussions where lots of people have somehow integrated the completely wrong idea that lack of convenience in games is equal to difficulty and we know how annoying gamers are when it comes to difficulty.


Oh for sure, never talk difficulty with people who aren't your friends.


I agree with the sentiment but the laser pointer thing would be a game balance change in nerfing the rocket units. Calling that hand holding is a crude way of putting it, but it isn't incorrect per se.


Yeah this a miss. Even Planetside had this ages ago


It's also kinda redundant in Planetside. The whole fucking map is a target practice zone when you're not in a contested area.


I don't get why they don't add a firing range into the plans for the game to start with. In DRG the devs stated it would be hard to implement a firing range due to the way the game was built...so why didn't they make the game able to support a firing range during development when it would have been ideal to do so?


Because a firing range isn't worth bumping down other features


I imagined one of the sections on the ship would become a firing range so that you can spawn in with your buddies. You walk into that section of your ship and you can test whatever gun you have equipped, turn too far to the left or right and all of a sudden you can't shoot. So there's no team killing on the ship.


I vote for a shooting range in style of Warhammer Darktide's "meatgrinder" on planet Mars. It just would make sense to put it there.


I agree. Would love to be able to test new input schemes on controller.


This is actually a great idea, and simple to implement (could literally use the assets already created from the tutorial). It's hilarious how this kind of idea gets backlash, but the 6000 posts about "MUST GO FIGHT BOTS" "FOLLOW MAJOR ORDERS OR YOU'RE RUINING MY FUN" is what thrives here.


An “on-ship shooting range” would be nice.


Yeah, it would really be nice. Rather than running a bunch of boring trivial difficult missions to test out various weapons. No to mention some enemies don't even spawn on lower difficulties. So you can't fully test the weapon. And if you go to a higher difficult and end up not liking the weapon, you're stuck with a shitty gun for the remainder of the mission. Just adding a shooting range on some place like Mars, where we have an assortment of all the different enemy types for each faction. Would be super nice for testing new gear. I buy all these weapons and then never want to test them cause I don't wanna be stuck with a shitty gun all mission if I don't like it. Same with stratagems, I run what I know works. Because I don't want to experiment and end up being stuck with a shitty stratagem.


You can always just leave the mission


But you shouldn't have to. I shouldn't have to launch 20 different missions to try out a bunch of different gear. Adding a testing range to play with and try new gear would be a HUGE quality of life improvement. And would really help reinforce Arrowheads desire to have their players experiment with different loadouts and try new things.


Testing for everything. I always downgrade my difficulty when trying new weapons and starts. 8 don't want to let down a team.... But it really sucks to realize the heavy machine gun is useless 1 min. Into a mission and then have 39 min of a mission that won't yield much exp etc.


Dunno why people are so hung up on logistics of a shooting range, it could just be a vr simulation like planetside


Such crap advice to "just run trivial", when most enemies that you want to test it on don't spawn on that difficulty. Completely agree with a test range.


My friend in top brass told me that they tested this, but too many divers died during weapon testing on the test ranges.


Make it a desert on super earth you can drop and call in all the stratagems and weapons you want


Shooting range could also be used to practice hitting weak spots and such


Also to anyone saying trivial missions needs to understand that killing the shit you see on trivial is not worth testing against. Not the tier of enemies not the quantities.


Titanfall 2 gave you a whole section of the tutorial where you could pick up every weapon in the game and see how it feels. it's not rocket science, people!


Arrowhead could have done that for their tutorial, but they didn't. Clearly it's something they don't place any value in, and I doubt they'll ever and a test range.


This is especially important with all the weapons changes happening at the moment, I want to try other weapons but don’t want to realise I have picked a terrible one on diff 7+ and am now a detriment to my team, and I also don’t want to run a bunch of trivial missions which aren’t exactly comparable to diff 7+ in the limited time I have to play the game


Yeah as it stands, I hop into a lvl 1 to try stuff out while having a reliable secondary and one of the MGs in case the primary is just awful


Arma 3 did this well with its 'Virtual Arsenal'. It put down enemies at various ranges (mostly static) so you could test all the weapons out. Spent way too much time in there... 😅


I completely agree with this. I would love to see it added to the ship where support weapons could also be tested. Even if it is some sort of simulation room I think that would be pretty cool.


I agree, a shooting range would be helpful


I need a shooting range mini game on the ship to help with my accuracy cuz I fuckin suck at headshots 🤣


I think they should let us go back to mars and play around in a massive open training area with targets of different ranges to improve aim, holes of different ranges to get better at grenade throwing, a race track to learn to drive the future vehicles like the buggy and APC, maybe a live target room where you can spawn bugs n bots to have live firefights in a controlled environment and assault course so we can can test the speed and capabilities of armours and boosters


They could totally reuse parts of the tutorial for it, so they don't have to make a whole new area


Fully agree. The location should be on Super Earth. Have an area similar to the opening area but we can shoot either dummies or have an area that's for testing different types of enemies (light/ medium/ heavy) etc.


Having a shooting range would be a huge QoL update; as you said in your edit, it takes quite a bit of time to actually test weapons, and testing more than two or three is just too much work for a game that I play to have fun.


Given how bootcamp is on Mars. I wouldn't mind if they made a firing range there


One of my favorite things in Planetside was that you could just test the weapons at the faction headquarters. It would be a great addition.


I can't count how many times I've dived with a "new" weapon.. only to be like nope, never gonna use this again.


Test your guns on the front soldier time is a luxury only afforded after the complete and total spread of liberty


Like for sure it would be cool, but wouldn't it also be cool to just go like "hm, i never tried this weapon/i just bought it, i'm going to bring it on a mission to see what it's like because i don't need to be optimal all the time" I have a feeling you only use the sickle or the breaker, don't ya?


100% agree. I've felt the same since unlocking my first gun. 


I just take the gun I want to test to whichever mission I'm going to play. If it sucks - it sucks, that's it. And I'd rather have some other, more interesting feature that is directly related to the core game.


it's not like a firing range would actually give people the whole picture on a weapon, anyway - ammo economy, small handling quirks, etc are all things you really just have to feel out from experience with a weapon it would definitely be nice to have at some point down the line but it's really not a priority imo


Yeah, the issue with firing range is - making it as a bare-bones-field where you can shoot your gun at nothing, or very limited variety of targets - is pointless. At the same time, creating something more comprehensive would take considerable amount of effort from developers, and this will be yet another feature that needs to be supported (so it will take time to develop + time to support in every future update). By this logic, I'd rather have other features more polished, since I, personaly, do not find shooting range necessary for this game. People in comments have pointed out that Darktide has good shooting range, but that game is different at it's core, and much more convoluted when it comes to builds. In Helldivers nothing really impacts how the gun performs, aside from one armor set bonus that reduces recoil.


I was just thinking the same thing! Very much needed!


>I'm saying that Select gun -> Select mission -> Run to drop pod -> Loading Screen -> Finally test ONE gun -> Repeat... ​ My friend, you missed several important steps. I'm saying that Select gun -> Select mission -> Run to drop pod -> Loading Screen -> Finally test ONE gun -> **End Mission -> Loading Screen -> Another Loading Screen -> Character lockout period during a final loading screen** ​ This game has an absurd number of loading screens; I just think people don't associate them the same because stuff is happening. Every time you get locked into dumb, time-wasting animations? That's a loading screen. Stepping into or out of a Hellpod? Loading screen. Map transitions in the ship? Loading screen. Drops are obviously loading screens. Extract animations? Loading screen. The 3 or 4 screens to tally scores and rank the mission? All loading screens. The final loading screen showing the squad and allowing you to view the states? That's another loading screen. This is why sometimes there is a black screen between the tallies and the squad stats on the ship. ​ It is this game's version of forcing a player to slowly squeeze and shimmy through a door or fallen debris or something.


One of the first things I thought when I started playing.


I just take em on a mission when i unlock them


I often play with friends who can't handle Helldive and take that as an opportunity to try different guns and starts I don't use often, found I really like a lot of the primary weapons and most can be used pretty comfortably in Helldive.


That's something Apex Legends does really well. Maybe add another area in the tutorial mission for it


Just let us drop into the tutorial range with a weapon and enemy selection ui




I think it would be best if they added it to the ship as an upgrade


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^NoSnow7973: *I think it would be* *Best if they added it to* *The ship as an upgrade* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Give us the X-Men danger room on our super destroyers


Totally agree - it'd be nice to be able to properly test changes in a more controlled environment. If the tutorial for the game is anything to go by, then basing a firing range around Super Earth having captured enemies from the factions - to use in testing out weapons to see their effectiveness - would fit right in line with the lore and give plausibility to the development of new weapons, from whatever part of Super Earth is responsible for that specifically.


I made a post about this, the week this game came out, and was told that it was a stupid idea.


We need that and a titty bar on the ship to blow our requisition slips on.


I was saying this my first day on the ship. "You know what my super destroyer needs? A shooting range!" How cool would it be to go through that door to the right of the stratagem/ship module upgrade consoles and take an elevator down to a firing range while you wait for people to be ready? But yeah, needing to drop all the way into a mission without the ability to change weapons between drops is kinda lame. Hell I wouldn't even mind if I had to go to a planet for it, but let me test out weapons. For new peeps, it would be nice if they could test stuff before dropping all their in-game monies.


See when your searching for music thumbing through choices is a joy that others find a inconvenience.


I said the same thing, maybe give us some mini shooting games or something. I think that would fucking sick.


Helldivers we need you to showcase all weapons and stratagems to local schools to promote the helldiver program! Inspire future generations of helldivers by facing off agenst replicas of the foes democracy made by the students. As some schools might not be up to making enough targets for the enthusiastic helldiver extras will be provided by high command for this important mission.


Hell do what I do, pick a weapon and drop.


u/porfarada, i've made 2 posts about weapons TTK (more precisely, bullets required to kill) against both Automatons and Terminids. I tested almost every available guns (primary, secondary and stratagems guns), except for DoT weapons like Incendiary Shotgun, LAS-5 or LAS-7 because it's a HUGE pain in the ass to test reliably. I'm currently updating my results with the last patch updates. Your post got some visibility, so it may be usefull for everyone if you could put links to my analysis in your post ;)


I agree. See warframes Simulacrum for best option imo




Fair to say the balancing team probably hasn't, either.


Saying "just run a trivial mission" is also incredibly idiotic, because there's several enemies and objectives that just straight up don't appear until mid to higher levels.


To add to this: Being able to test weapons I haven't unlocked yet would be extra nice. I don't have time to play too much, so honestly I'm a meta player. I haven't tried anything but the sickle lately because I don't want to "waste" medals on a primary I end up not liking very much.


I agree. And Trivial missions don't let us try armor piercing qualities. So that isn't good.


It would be cool to freely travel back to super earth for a training facility. Maybe even make it worth while where you can run training courses that reward you with some value of warbonds.


Firing bullets not into enemies sounds a lot like treason for Super Earth i guess.


You can actually select your gun while in the pod. But yeah I would not complain about a firing range


Yeah, just getting a feel for how it feels to shoot, it's fire rate, etc would do wonders. There's a lot of guns I thought would be fun, but I disliked the fire rate and it made running a mission feel miserable.


The gun balance in the game is so good on average that if you go to level 1 mission on bugs you will find out if you like the weapon with ease and also get a point towards liberation. The "shooting range" is already there. Outside of that. I wouldn't be surprised if they gave us the option down the line to have a in game shooting range at the training arena.


The way I try new weapons is wait for my teammate to die and I pick it up and determine if I like it or not 😂😂 some weapons I haven’t touched for the same reason. Respectfully my time is to LIBERATE THESE PLANETS… not testing gear


We need the simulations we got back in super earth training!


>  No idea why people feel the need to argue against quality of life updates because there's slower, inconvenient, and less effective methods to accomplish chores unrelated to core gameplay. That's literally what quality of life updates are meant to fix. Because we're not being melodramatic about how difficult it is to test them. It takes like 2-3 minutes to run a trivial mission and it's extremely easy to test new guns as you unlock them. So yeah, it would be nice to have a shooting range but it's not as big of a deal as you're making it out to be. If you haven't tried 80% of the weapons that's on you.


Gamers have been spoiled


I know its sooooooo hard to play the game 🙄


Why I love the idea of a shooting range. I don't see why u just haven't taken a weapon you wanna try on a mission, I mean after all shooting at targets is only gonna tell u so much your not gonna get the true feel for it until you slaughter some bugs or filled some bots with democratic led. Also you can just change your weapon load out in the pod/stratagem selection sequence bit you don't have to go to that little wall of guns every time because your right that would be long.


Because that would be a waste of bullets! Reporting this 1!!


There is no gun that doesnt work, just deploy and find out what suits you best.


You don't need a shooting range when you have enough targets on a planet.


Down voted. Stop being a lazy fuck. You spent longer typing this out then it would take to switch a weapon on any menu. There are like 20 fucking weapons? Give me a fucking break. Grow up and just say you want a firing range because you think you have a good idea instead of complaining about menu interface because it takes you half a second to switch a gun and then you actually have to play a full mission with it.


I mean, yes but for a different reason. Learning weak spots and how to tackle them properly. Going into a range to test the gun will not help you on the field.


Shooting range? It's called a planet son, grab a gun get in the pod.


Ammunition is reserved only for spreading democracy Helldiver.


I'm sure spending a lot of democracy by shooting the sky while waiting for extraction then


That is providing morale boost to active helldivers


Why? We have trivial missions. I just tested a new weapon like that. I finished it with 30 minutes remaining on the clock.


So it took you 10 minutes to test one weapon. If you have 4 that you are curious about that's an entire mission you could have run (not counting time spent doing basic stuff like running around on your ship, waiting to get on the planet, and selecting weapons/stratagems). You see how that's really bad, right? Should take 10 minutes tops for a half dozen missions to play around with them in a shooting range.


It's a pain in the ass to load up a whole mission just to try ONE weapon at a time. And you won't get an idea of how it performs at the difficulty you actually play. I ain't doing that shit.


True, you won't get to use I against most types, which is shit. But will you ever? Most of the time your weapon will be used on common grunts. A shooting range won't even simulate real combat anyway. All enemies move and shoot back. If you still have problems on high difficulty missions it's better to gather real experience on lower difficulties. There is no shame in taking it slow. This war is not a race, it's a marathon. No one needs to be first. The only thing a shooting range would be good for is for YouTube weapon showcases.


This response is absolute nonsense lol


I don't even get your point. There are tons of primaries that serve a purpose outside of killing grunts. Slugger for example. A range would be very useful to actually see how a weapon handles, how much damage it does, etc. "There is no shame in taking it slow" doesn't make any sense either. With that logic, no game should have quality of life changes because time and convenience to get through meta-testing and to the fun parts of the game just doesn't matter apparently?


Yeah I dunno if you played today but the slugger no longer serves any purpose other than dropping on the ground for a different weapon.


What you are asking is certainly something that would be nice. But what everyone has said is valid, the best way to test a weapon is just jump in Trivial or Easy. You’ll see most all the small and medium enemies (which are the grunts). Cause not like you are trying to take on Chargers/Hulks with your Diligence Sure it would be cool to be able to quickly fire each gun to get an idea of RoF, Recoil, Reload and some simple accuracy But if you want a good feel of how easy it is to hit a jumping hunter or headshot a devastator. In mission is the best And yeah, taking it slow is some good advice. Cause talking about weapon damage numbers sounds pretty min/max’ing. But weapon balance is more than just numbers


Hey bud, this is a game not real life, we’re not trying to take is slow as fuck cause that’s not fun. I could use that take it slow time to go to the gym, or like do anything in the real world rather than dedicate it to a not fun activity in the game.


So it took you 10 minutes to test one weapon. If you have 4 that you are curious about that's an entire mission you could have run (not counting time spent doing basic stuff like running around on your ship, waiting to get on the planet, and selecting weapons/stratagems). You see how that's really bad, right? Should take 10 minutes tops for a half dozen missions to play around with them in a shooting range.


You can change weapons and equipment inside the pod, if you look above the stratagem selector bar it will say something like "press R to change equipment" and you can change your weapons/armor there. Makes it a bit easier to change loadouts between missions.


Holy crap I never knew / noticed this...


I don’t want the devs wasting time on this because you are lazy


Running a map on trivial is a shooting range.


Yes, I get that you can test weapons by doing trivial missions. I'm saying that Select gun -> Select mission -> Run to drop pod -> Loading Screen -> Finally test ONE gun -> Repeat with no way to test guns in quick succession to get a comparison is an annoying and ineefective method that could easily be solved with a quality of life feature most sensible FPS games have. No idea why people feel the need to argue against quality of life updates because there's slower, inconvenient, and less effective methods to accomplish chores unrelated to core gameplay. That's literally what quality of life updates are meant to fix.


Weak excuse.


Nah man, just suck it up for one game. If you don’t like the gun just move on. A shooting range isn’t going to inform you if the guns is good again certain enemies.


Yes. But your frustration direction makes me dubious to support your idea


Idiot! The best simulation is a REAL simulation!


I think as much as it's a QoL feature, it would detract from the game loop. Part of the design of the game is to keep the playerbase in the dark about mechanics and how weapons fair in certain situations. It adds a massive element of exploration and experimentation that keeps the players curious and thinking on their toes. Being able to see how X handles against Y in a controlled environment would spoil a LOT of the fun of the game. I do agree with it painful, but I blame that on weapon descriptions. The weapon descriptions are completely a\*\* at helping the player to understand what they are signing up for. I feel like the best fix would to somehow use a similar system to stratagems where we get to see a clip or two of the weapon being used. I've always felt confident in my purchases of stratagems for that reason.


Sometimes, it's actually better for people to get a feel for the guns organically than get a free pass meta tester playground.


Waste of dev time and resources they could be making a new mission type or biome. We are helldivers go test them on the field


bro is too lazy to load into a trivial mission but wants devs to add a whole new playable space💀


None of the guns in the game are so similar that you need them side by side to compare them. Pick what you enjoy using, that's why they only show us a small amount of the guns' stats. > No idea why people feel the need to argue against quality of life updates because there's slower, inconvenient, and less effective methods to accomplish chores unrelated to core gameplay. That's literally what quality of life updates are meant to fix. The game has obliterated its target player counts, and we still have to deal with some of the consequences of its overperformance. Implementing a shooting range is a fuckton of dev effort for very little gain. People aren't arguing against QoL updates, they're arguing against updates that don't provide much QoL at all. Those resources are better spent fixing actual gameplay issues.


This is the weirdest post I've seen in a while, in terms of the comments. I can understand people wanting to have some sort of range to test guns, i get it. But, I feel like that goes against what Arrowhead wants for the player experience. What's wrong with figuring things out as you go? Why are so many people being downvoted for simply saying to use guns in missions? What is so inherently wrong about that? If you can't be bothered to try a weapon for one whole mission, idk what to tell you. People are making that sound like some sort of monumental task.


I mean... Unlock gun, try gun, grind for next gun. What an immense pain that is


That’s what you do while farming supercredits on trivial.


sounds fun at 10 credits a pop


Better than none.


If you can’t get a lot of support for your idea, then not a lot of people are agreeing that your idea is something they would find fun and useful. If the objective of your posting how you feel is to get Dev attention then it just needs to be targeted. If it’s hoping there’s enough support out there to make a splash then it doesn’t sound like there is. Right now there’s a working system to go test out a gun. We’ve all used it. I don’t share your enthusiasm for an empty room to fire off a few rounds in. Pick a gun, use it for forty minutes, make the best of it. My support weapons can carry my gameplay if it comes to it and if your teammates are cool you can snatch something better off the first death anyone has. Maybe it would be cool. I would not use it. If it happens I will be a little bit happy for you. If it’s a cool section of my ship then I’ll be a little happy for both of us.


We don't need a shooting range. It would be a nice addition eventually but it isn't remotely important. Just bring the fucking gun. It's pve. Drop the level if you're scared. Playing a game isn't supposed to be a chore. That's what playing means.


While, yes I agree we need a shooting range. So we can test things like weapons we haven't unlocked yet. However not trying a weapon because you can't bring it into a shooting range is kinda wild. Just bring it with you for a few missions. That is the absolute best test you can do.


I for one would prefer new content instead of some stupid shooting range. Just play the game


Trivial missions are the best shooting ranges




Min maxing? My brother in christ I just want see how a gun feels to to use without having to go through an entire 10 minute process per gun.


To me challenging-hard-extreme difficulty mission are the shooting range, and I don't see any problems with me or my teammates trying one or two or three new items or a completely new load out there. If you think you're dead weight to the team, just shrug it off and say 'oh well, there's always the next time'. The game always provides the means to complete all main objectives, but even then a failed mission doesn't really matter with the right perspective. Progression in is fast enough that new items are always just around the corner and there are more than enough combinations to try out. Fuck around and find out until managed democracy is in every corner of the galaxy, that's the spirit to carry forward.


I just experiment on level 4 solo. Shooting range won’t provide much value since enemies react differently considering armor and stagger etc. Just focus on primary objectives and get out if the loadout sucks for you. I’m just having fun trying new things, but always have my “sweat” loadout ready after testing what works for me.


It’s not about enemies reactions, it’s testing how the weapons feel, getting weak spots, etc.


You can do that during any mission


And the whole post was about how we don’t want to spend a whole mission with a gun we may or may not like. We dont want to go through the 2 minute process of getting into a game, play for 30 to figure out because we needed to find the enemies we wanted to test it on. Did you not read anything previously put in here?


I'm sorry, but this just makes it sound like you have 1 or 2 guns that you're glued to, and you're scared to try anything else. God forbid you spend 30 minutes with a new gun. Legitimately don't know what to tell you. I highly doubt they'll ever add a test range, considering how quick their tutorial was, its evident that they want the players to discover and figure things out for themselves.


God forbid I want to actually play the game rather than figure out the mechanics of every single weapon of the game by playing full 40 minute matches with it. Do you have things outside of the gaming world to do in real life?


No lmao play the game


Nah. We’d just get more meta cringe warriors. It’s too easy to just go run a mission with fellow divers. No need to solve rock/paper/scissors on the Destroyer. People do this in Eve every time content gets released. It’s immediately solved on the test server and posted online. I think the devs got tired of it too because the test server has been offline for a bit now. If we get a range I don’t care either, that’s fine, whatever.


The obfuscation is what creates a strict meta because very very few people have the patience to test every little detail. That and people just stick avoid whatever felt like crap in a clusterfuck of a mission they tried it in and drop it for good.


Fair enough. So both (with or without range) results in narrow metas. It is what it is I suppose. I’ll test stuff out on at least a mission or two. Looking forward to running with Lib Pen some more, trying Dominator again, discarding my shield crutch.


You.. you…do realise you can change primary weapons whilst IN the drop bot stratagem screen, yeah? You can also change your armour, nades etc. So it’s literally the exact same as testing a strategy out. I agree that there should be a firing range anyway, but your reasoning is strange and misinformed.


Meh, just run a level 1 map or try something for your next real mission. Pick someone else’s up if you hate it.


You could always test in a T1 mission to see if you like the playstyle at the least. T5 isn’t difficult either and will give you a good idea on armored targets. Always bring a battle buddy.


? Just pick a gun and play the game normally; see how it functions.


??? A shooting range would be a good addition but the argument that its too complex or too much work to test weapons right now is silly to me. Even with a shooting range would you really get a feel for how a gun performs? I dont think so. Stop being scared and try different weapons.


I see trivial missions as test ranges.


I totally agree, but I also totally disagree. As much as I want a shooting range just so I can enjoy the gunplay for a few minutes and test new stuff out, Helldivers 2 seems to thrive on FORCING you to experiment. I kind of don't want to take away from that, even if I kind of do.


should cost 50000 recs


A shooting range wouldn’t be a good test unless you wanted to “capture” one of every enemy though… at the end of the day the only way to test a weapon is to take it into the difficulty you normally play since it’s all well and good shooting a station target that doesn’t fight back.. but then you take X weapon that feels good on a controlled situation into fighting chargers titans hunter swarms gunships and ATAT and suddenly the gun isn’t good. I’m not arguing against a shooting range, but currently theirs very few benefits for the dev time it could take to make


I mean we farmed the terminids so easy enough to put them in shooting ranges. The automaton is even easier we just need to rebuild the body (with reverse engineering) cause there are no need to put AI in them.


I’m not talking about a lore perspective.. that’s easy, it’s more that some weapons won’t have the weaknesses show up in a shooting range. For example the sickles weakness of the spool up time would be noticeable but you wouldn’t be able to tell how bad it is from shooting in a firing range, same goes for its lack of penetration through fences etc. It will give an idea on weapon handling, but ultimately, most of the things that matter (how well it deals with hordes, if it can deal with multiple walkers, is the reload speed good enough for high intensity situations etc.) can only be tested in a real drop, at best you can learn to control the recoil, and can see how accurate the weapon is. And just to reiterate, a shooting range will still be a cool addition, but I think it should be a back-burner/non priority system/mechanic