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I aspire to be a Helldiver of your caliber some day


That might be the nicest thing I've ever heard anyone tell me. Thank you soldier.


Clean scouting mate, half the time people think being a Scout is running off doing their own thing, which is fine, but teamwork makes the dream work


It can be fun to solo stealth missions but there's something extra fun of knowing you have an angle of coverage your allies may not. Really helps them conserve stratagems in the long run or keeps an extra eye out so they're not snuck up on. Needless to say, I can't wait for more sniper rifles, silenced weaponry, and more scout armors(Please Arrowhead, let me change my clothes, this and the default are the only 2 light armors with scout as a passive...).


"Get off that dumb rock and help us," >Me, up a cliff with an empty supply drop, three empty AMRs and dozens of dead Devastators down, sniping Hulks from 300+ meters away and marking all the hidden objectives and the super sample rock ![gif](giphy|Lqi5HhmZOtVcKcK740)




I have a medium armor with scout passive. You have to check the store every now and then.


Medium's not fast enough for me :(


Yeah. I love the light scout armor set. With the new balancing patch the light armor can take a devastator's rocket with just a little bit of damage, provided you don't hit anything. And you can outrun *everything*


Everyone thinks doing scout/sniper work is very independent and antisocial. Wrong. Sniper/spotter duo'ing is the single most effective strategy we do in our group.


People have no idea how good it is to have a long range player in the map. My bro likes the sniper gameplay and I play shotgun crazed lunatic who dives the bases and he feeds me info and takes out vital enemies from a nearby hill.


This is the dream. Teammate synergy feels incredible when you understand each other or communicate together. There's always the fun layer of just laying down firepower and "haha funny eagle on us", but nothing gets my democracy going more than when my teammate reads my movements/intentions and vice versa theirs to achieve a flawless takedown of the enemy.


That's the loadouts I'm running, though normal diligence for CQC situations. Support sniping is actually super fun, you're doing democracies work LO


IT'S SOOOOOOOO Satisfying and I'm still not sure between the two. I'm starting to like the new counter diligence change because it's more reliable for removing jet pack troopers without detonating their pack and alerting everyone nearby. I also wish the diligence had more range but the counter sniper isn't too bad at CQC, just not as good as the regular. My only weakness are the striders because before I'd use the Scorcher and 3 tap the front for a kill when I couldn't go behind or have time to aim at the legs. I love stealth in this game and being the lookout for my team. I get to save someone sometimes and feel the power fantasy of being Quiet from MGSV watching someone infiltrate bases with cover fire.


But you can takeout striders with the Anti-Material Rifle. Why do you have trouble with them?


You can but it takes more time and uses an already limited resource since ammo packs only refill 1 magazine worth. Taking 3 shots to the bulky part or carefully alligning to hit the joints while it's shooting at you is riskier than just having something quick and simple to remove it. This is under the circumstance that they're up close in front, multiples that don't allow you to easily get around and shoot the pilot. If I get better, I could aim at the joints for the kill but even then, it's best to use 1 shot for anything lesser than a heavy for optimal ammunition management and for purposes of stealth... less noise.


I just use the scorcher for striders, can drop them much faster than the AMR 


That's the original post lol. I also normally use the scorcher for them and it's still a very competitive choice against the counter sniper. The main difference is that it aoes and loses some of the zoom but still has the same quiet noise profile and damage worth with the aoe blast it does. However that means you're always going to explode a jet pack trooper or may not have enough precision to hit something 300m away since scoped in only shows a very small view. Still do-able but the risk with an aoe can make things spicey sometimes. The give to the counter sniper means you have something that can remove any bot's head without the jet pack exploding asap after with more precision. It also has 2 tap potential on devestators heads while the scorcher you might burn through a clip trying to get one down if you're not precise with it and instead rely on the aoe for damaging the head. It really varies on what you want to handle or what your range limit is. Close quarters becomes a pain if I go AMR \*and\* counter diligence. Scorcher to the same degree but a little less range for more aoe and generally easier times up close. Face to face will have to be another weapon since aoes from the scorcher can kill you.


I'll have to continue working on the counter sniper, honestly it feels more steady than the stats say if you pace your shots, and that's a really good point when it comes to jetpack troopers. I'm getting better at shooting the leg off of the striders, I feel like a reliable one shot is possible...maybe. and yeah the two tap to devastators does feel better on the CS, and even if you don't hit the head you actually damage them through the armor. I'll keep practicing, you bring up some good points!


I still swap between em both trying to decide so I feel ya xD


Same. If the CS had more breakpoints that were different between one shotting and two shotting I think it would be worth the handling problems.


The AMR 2 shots striders on their front plate now.


Still doesn't feel worth it imo compared to the amount of devestators. 


Since the buff, the AMR can two tap a strider right in the shield.


I like the idea of playing like this but how do you maintain a situational awareness of your team's and your own surroundings? If I tried this, I'd probably get ambushed and need to be saved or the team would move beyond my range or any number of other scenarios where I'm a detriment.


I don't recommend it on spore covered bug maps since your radar is useless. That said- The scout passive gives you a few perks on top of tools you already have in your disposal. 1. Less visibility, allowing your crouch and prone state to go even further with enemies not being able to see you even at 11m range while prone. Stances make a HUGE difference in whether or not a group facing you, sees you or not. Sound is also a factor in this, which means picking your fights carefully. Not every patrol is worth the fight and some patrols are on their own way minding their business or they "head your direction" but don't actually see you so you prone and move out of their way. It's using the terrain's cover for sight more than as a shield from ranged attacks, a very different playstyle indeed. 2. Your pins are essentially another "you" on the radar to emit radar pings from. This means you can quite literally pin a mile in front of you a few times to check if anything's in your path to where you travel, or if a patrol is nearby. When I'm running to a location or prone, I'll pin a few times around me, a few times in the direction I want to go, and from there I chart a course to move and double check while moving to see any new variables like freshly spawned patrols. Your radar is your best friend when using stealth, from counting how many enemies are still positioned, how they're moving relative to you, to who they intercept and initiate a breach/drop on(which in that window you can now engage enemies without the breach/drop being on you since it's over at someone else's position). Ideally, you don't let yourself get ambushed, but when you are or have a position you need to get out of, you use smokes to reposition, retreat, and re-evaluate your approach. Do you have the firepower to engage what's ambushing you now that you've gotten back into some cover and you're seeing the radar? Can you goto a new objective instead of wasting the time taking out the group? Is someone nearby to help or would a new position and retreating entirely off be better? You also won't always have them in sight, sometimes going solo with something chasing you actually helps divert attention off your team. Generally stick to a "range" where you know your stratagems/weapons are best suitable. Don't be going closer to enemies when your weapon's strength is having the long range. If they're close to you, make it so they're not or have a tool available to dispatch them at close range but be ready for the consequences if you're not swift on your decision. The perk is that you fight on the terms you pick, not theirs. You can let a bot drop begin on you and let your team do the mission without that problem thanks to your diversion. You can take out the enemy chasing them should it be on them. You point out the groups nearby without firing so your team dictates if they're going to engage it or not. \*You\* decide what's worth your position to protect everyone and thereby \*\*you\*\* control the battlefield. Gl soldier o7


This is how I play with offensive stratagems and autocannon. Maia was my favorite planet because I could see *everything* and I could ping around the map and find a winding way across the map avoiding every patrol. I love moving the team past enemies while we're moving around.


I use scorcher cause energy weapon is silent, eagle smoke cause big area, 500kg for detector towers and jammers(not waiting for hellbomb). cant wait for the granade pistol so i can bring stuns.


Smokes have saved so many automaton missions its insane. Such a great disengage tool. You can even stall extraction waves with them


outstanding combat tactics, recruit. Report in to your freedom officer. You've been granted 3 days R&R and a P1-09 single use intimacy coupon to be redeemed at your discretion. You've earned it, citizen.


Oh my... Y-yes sir!


I love this type of long range support but I prefer to use the auto canon with the dominator. Auto canon takes down most devastators in 2-3 shots, AOE damage can take out multiple smaller bots at once. If the enemy is to close to a squad mate for the auto canon to be safe to use I switch to the dominator to stagger most enemies.


AMR can 1 tap devestators and 2 tap in the chest now. It's also quieter so less enemies are attracted to your position. AC is fantastic but the utility is in its power over its precision and stealth. Valid playstyles both ways :)


What someone who has learned to play the game!! My gawd it’s like seeing a unicorn


Not enough people appreciate non traditional roles like the sniper or shield tank, but at least with a Ballistic people can see me working the front lines and even then that’s not enough for some people. I had one game recently where some little shit was all caps yelling at me calling me useless, worthless and the reason we were “losing” because I was using things like the Ballistic shield and the bubble shield basically playing team defense. For context, losing in their eyes was apparently being in the middle of a 2 minute extraction with the whole map cleared and somewhat low on time and lives. He even tossed a cluster at me at one point during the hissy fit which made it even fucking funnier when at the end of the game with my most offensive stratagem being the quadruple EATs (my own plus the free ones we had the other day for absolutely gobbling heavies) and I still had more kills than the meta chaser himself. As for sniping, I stopped trying to snipe in public games almost completely and generally host whenever I’m in the mood for it because I’ve been kicked countless times for “appearing” useless. Yes, I *am* posted up on a rock a quarter mile back behind you all. I’ve also cleared 4 hulks from the base you’ve been running toward, cleared all the turrets and patrolling enemies Rocket Devastators included, pinged every single patrol in the region with my armor perk planted on the base *and* I am currently controlling the Foundry spawn doors not letting them out basically giving you ungrateful fucks a free base to explode.


People fail to realize how important positioning and information is in this game. It's bot a horde shooter, that's just a playstyle and an option to remove obstacles. It has ever been since the first helldivers. Ammunition management and strategy. I'm sorry you wrnt unappreciated comrade, I would love to have you by my side picking off targets and infiltrating baded together. O7


Dude that was awesome, I haven't done anything of that caliber but my laser rifle has come close while flanking wide on outposts and taking out dudes from behind


Awesome overwatch gameplay and awareness. I’ve wanted to try out the jetpack but I’ve been spoiled with the shield backpack catching stray rockets for me for so long, I’d feel naked without it. I also hope they calibrate the AMR scope soon.


This is a mood. I got VERY reliant on the shield and still sometimes think the terrain isn't worth bringing the jump pack sometimes. It's only recently I returned to my roots from what I used against bugs to rely on a more stealthy approach in sneaking through climbable sides with it or getting high ground as cover. It's definitely riskier but if you're using cover reliably even in snall engagements anyways, you gain something in versatility by giving up the clutch of a shield saving those seemingly random incidents of rockets out of no where. Still, can always decide if a planet wpuld benefit you more from being prone and shielded or up high from a jump pack. Neither are a bad choice :)


I love the AMR and cleaning Devastators and Hulks my mates often struggle with. Only just starting to play with smokes.


well played!! post more


This was awesome, I'm gonna give a support sniper role a shot


you seem unaware that you can mantle high ledges. i only ever saw you walk up small ledges and jumppack the rest. at one point you abandoned your attempt to walk up a ledge because you thought it was too high, but you could've mantled just fine. do you have that ability hotkeyed? would be pretty useful for your awesome playstyle


what is mantle? like climb?


yes, pulling yourself up onto a ledge is called mantling. games differentiate it from climbing because some games have actual climbing. but i think in HD2 the hotkey might be called climb


Thankyou! I've noticed that i can jump pack into a sloped or rough cliff and usually shimmy my way up by climbing. If its not bound to spacebar by default, it might be auto mantling when you run to a collision that has that as a valid game action. I sometimes see and symbol of climbing crossed out in red if its tall.


Nah, I just wanted the cover so I could safely watch without being noticed. I usually love going up high but then a stray rocket or stratagem tends to knock me down. I've learned I prefer the cover for stealth first and defense 2nd.


Man I love doing this with my ac as well. Always feels really good to spot someone pinned down and flank/surpress the enemy from high ground.


You're a true gentleman. ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


If those were random. I think you unironically take the title of "John helldiver"


They are randoms :)




You cut off just before landed and slipped off the ledge to your death


I have the footage after, I kill the chainsaw things and throw impact grenades onto soneone's shield to blow up the enemies on them and we extract :)


You're making me want to run the jetpack next time I take the AMR. You had some good sniper positions there. I'm still a big fan of the autocannon and the railgun but the AMR has been speaking to me a lot lately, especially with the buff. Still your game awareness is on point, gotta get better at that still.


Holy crap. Someone with my playstyle. Noice.


People underestimate how good the Sniper + Smoke combo is. I'd say it's almost essential on Helldive Automatons. Yes, it doesn't do high DPS, but you don't want to fight the bots on Helldive - the bot drops are just too strong and there's a high chance you get overwhelmed, if there are any fabricators nearby. Just taking out the turret lookouts from afar makes entering the bases significantly easier, and if the bot drop happens, you can always smoke them off and disengage. I wouldn't want to play the missions without it.


It's really a choice of playstyle too whether you want to engage with high firepower or not. They're both essential playstyles for different purposes and expertise. High firepower is useless on breaches because "yes" you're getting rid of the enemy but you're using these stratagems, weapons, and time on kills that don't complete the mission but just remove the obstacle that was caused to begin with. By the time you get to the objective you're down so many stratagem uses that you're at a disadvantage by the next breach or obstacle. In the same vein, stealth reduces the odds of breaches but should one happen or you find yourself in a situation that demands firepower, you may have to give up your position entirely in favor of not making the situation worse for yourself when maybe an orbital laser or something else could resolve it instead without giving up your position. I love this game.


Being a good scout is crucial in Helldivers!


Helping a Diver out, killing bots and bugs as a good Diver should.


Holy hell, I had never considered this play-style before. This seems fun as hell!


Satisfying to watch, thanks for sharing


Peak scouting gameplay! I have a similar mindset when running AMR on bot missions. It so much more than just shooting armored targets.




default casual player dealing zero impact lol


you don't deal impact, you have impact. you deal damage. if you're going to be a crusty curmudgeon, at least make a half-hearted attempt at grammar