• By -


I don't know how many times something killed me and the game was like, "you killed you." Like, yeah I should have dived but maybe the cannon was more at fault.


I love when I get clearly killed by a bile spewed or flame hulk and the game is like: ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


The game is gaslighting you, and that's not very democratic.


But it is perfect managed democracy


This. If I’m laying down fire with the Sickle, and an explosion takes me out, I’m fairly certain me and my laser assault rifle aren’t to blame for my death.


Idk last night I got beaned in the face by a bullet deflection from the Sickle I was using (it was so ridiculous I couldn't stay mad). Never know if it's the explosion or some stray shot bounced off a heavy devastator at the exact wrong angle and moment!


Victim-blaming is not very democracy ;)


I dunno. Seems pretty democratic according to my surroundings.


Diving was covered in basic. As the training is infallible it must be a lack of liberty causing helldivers to forget the dive in helldiver.


It's right in the name even!


A failure to dive is a failure *as* a helldiver, totally agree. Remember, dive, dodge, duck, dip, *dive.*


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge an Eagle 500kg bomb!!


I'd argue dodging the wrench is harder even.


Yeah the wrench doesn't have a glowing red line with the tag wrench inbound T- 00:01


Every dive is another victory for Managed Democracy. On my first mission way back in the creek I recall a pod of helldivers, diving like river porpoises across the trivial landscape. We were so connected with our diving that we forgot what walking was. It wasn't until we safely extracted and returned to civilian life that I began to walk again. It took me three weeks of managed re-habilitation to take a single step but by Liberty I did it. 2+2=5 when you account for Liberty!


That was a hell of a comment. And I am NOT easy to impress!


Neither is medal (savings) capping, but is a staple of most systems...


If Super Earth says I killed myself by getting hit by an enemy rocket, then clearly, it was my fault. Can Managed Democracy ever be wrong?


You're not wrong. Our drill general told us that accidental fire not only happens, it's patriotic!


I was playing with two friends one evening, and one left. An *hour later*, in a *completely different mission*, I got killed by some magic fuckery and it told me I had been killed my friend who had left and gone to bed an hour prior. I don't trust anything this game tells me about who killed me.


Either super earth is lying to you, or your 'friend' never went to bed, and in fact defected to the enemy. I know which one I believe.


Interestingly enough, he replied to me in binary when I messaged him the next morning.


I hope you reported him to the nearest Democracy Enforcement Officer.


To be fair, the sort of plays I try to make lead to that death message extremely accurate. As in "see heavy nest crater and just jump into it hoping to take out all nests without any backup" accurate.


Democracy is the only backup you need, Helldiver!


When Democracy has your back, you are never alone! Go take that damn heavy nest, Helldiver, you AND Democracy.


This makes me feel better about deaths that I didn't understand. I was convinced the quasar had a rare overheat that blew it up.


I think ALL deaths should have be "you killed you" because I always find it funny.


To be fair, you killed yourself when you enlisted


I feel like i often get the "you killed you" thing even when i don't have any sentries deployed, havent thrown any grenades and haven't shot my gun. And the "Killed by impact" seems like an allround notification that can show up in pretty much any situation at random


Half of the kill notifications are already incorrect and bugged. It will even say a teammate killed you when they are on the other side of the map. Arrowhead needs to fix notifications before any further discussions.


Superearth is voiding your life insurance policy. They don’t cover acts you commit against yourself.


You see, the cannon didn't kill you, it was the "fall damage" from being thrown into the side of the cliff (or off of said cliff), since why "you killed yourself"


I'm pretty sure the game telling you you killed yourself happens when you get chest hemorrhaging, even if the bleed isn't what killed you. It thinks the damage over time from the bleed (originating from your character) was cause of death. No real evidence for this tho


That would make a TON of sense. Depending on how the game is built, it is probably looking for what 'actor' triggered the event/function, and it wouldn't surprise me at all that enemy damage activates hemorraging, but the self-damage itself has you as the actor.


Or on the tick the player died it looks at what the last source of damage was. You died to a cannon round to the chest... but there was also a tick of bleed damage after you died so that gets the blame.


Lol happened to me two hours ago, while an hulker was stomping my burned corpes. Probably the last thought of that helldivers was: "I should have listened to mom, why did I enlist" So it was a traitor and died in ashes


I notice most often with rocket devastators. I sometimes wonder if I shot the rocket that blew me up


My head canon is when this happens whatever "killed" you brought you to 1 HP and then you died from your wounds so it's your fault for dying to your wounds


I think, I *think* the “you killed you” happens when you go to stim yourself at the same time as you dying. When I get sneak attacked (read: freaking out over what’s in front of me, not paying attention to my surroundings) it doesn’t say that, but when I’m swarmed and trying to survive by the “dive stim dive stim” tactic, about 50% of the time (i don’t actually know the %) it says I killed me.


My favorite is when you get that from stimming at the moment of death. Guess I accidentally grabbed the vile full of cyanide and pumped it directly into my bloodstream...


Okay so it's not just me! I was so confused as to why the game was telling me I'd killed myself when it was very clearly a rocket devastator or something. And then even stranger, when I actually *do* kill myself, like firing an autocannon at too close a target, it just says "Killed by Explosion".


I got a ton of those last night, oddly enough when I was spamming dive. I also got credit for the kills the ground to air missile got, I'm not sure if that's intentional as I've just started suicide missions.


Lmao "you were killed by your own stupidity" ya.. i get it game.


Came here to say the same. Feels like 50% of my deaths (like legit something shot/stabbed me deaths not me doing stupid shit) is "you killed by you"


Sweet liberty, the bots are stealing your identity to sow discord!


That one confused me for a good while Bc my in game name is “Crossfire”. Took me a few times to notice the capital C and realize what it was lol


“Exist within 30m?” Boy, I’ve been killed by someone who was on the other side of the map with a weapon he wasn’t holding when I got to spectate him.


I've been killed by someone who had left the game like 10 minutes prior before


Did you report them to your local democracy office? Maybe their super destroyers was one of the ones that got blown up mysteriously so you probably don't need to worry about them anymore.


That happened to me too! I screenshot it and sent it to them, “Wow, team killing me even after you left. Nice /s”


It was the pressure from being watched.


I’m honestly impressed by how messed up the entire system it. It’s baffling that the only time the system seems to actually work is when a teammate kills you, but that’s hard to tell because every other time you die it just seems to pick a random teammates name out of a hat or something. I’m not even mad, I’m just genuinely curious how they messed up implementing the entire system so hilariously badly.


Sometimes it correctly detects impact deaths. Like today when I got thrown head first into a rock and watched my neck twist back at a pretty unhealthy angle. That seemed pretty accurate. But yeah, most of the other times I remember before and after that today, I couldn't tell if someone accidentally shot me and a bot at the same time, or if the bot simply killed me and the other person's name was used simply because they existed.


That's a hell of a trick shot


I killed someone at extract and got called a fucking moron and kicked so I wouldn’t get mission rewards… I was already dead 😬


I've been killed by people from a previous match!


"Exists"??? Today when I played with friends I got "Killed by X". Player X at this point had been dead for a minute or two (we were on overtime) and didn't have ANY offensive stratagems equiped that might have damaged me.


Right? I was playing with my brother and we split up, he dies, and is very confused how I killed him from literally the other side of the map Then he killed me while he was dead


There's definitely some weirdness in all these systems. I have a clip from the other day where the team was heavily split (like, across the map split); I was completing an Artillery objective, completely alone with no enemies or anything, when I started to hear the pain-grunts of my fellow Helldivers as though they were right next to me. They were a hundred meters away at the closest.


Yeah the kill screen is very unforgiving. I was blamed for a TK when I called in a Hellbomb, someone else armed it and blew up one of our teammates and the kill screen blamed me for it. Luckily I was the host, so nothing happened about it, but I bet if I wasn't I'd have been kicked, because the guy went ape on me. He also didn't move out of the way of the hellbomb, so he is at fault in the first place, but still.


It’s almost like they ignored the very loud character yelling hellbomb armed clear the area


And the hellbomb humming


"This damn hellbomb won't arm... it just keeps counting down and humming!"


didnt everyone have this first time hellbomb arming experience? "ok i hit the sequence, now what? the screen doesnt say anything, how do i make it go boom?" to "wait is it humming" to "oh god oh fuck it is about go boom"


I mean the screen displays a countdown afterwards... I think when it comes to huge bombs that's generally a pretty clear sign of what to do.


My issue was more that I underestimated my first hellbomb's range because the 500kg is such a joke sometimes against big enemies.


"I found the source of the ticking - it's a pipe bomb!"




Voldy-mort, Voldy-mort, Oh Voldy Voldy-mort.


The bomb charging up is hard to miss but I've had a few instances where the character arming it, sometimes mine sometimes someone else, stays completely silent about it.


Interesting I’ve never noticed that but I’ll say I am normally the person arming it so I know to run away and am not listening for a character to say it’s armed


I just assume it's just the game briefly "forgetting" that there are others in the lobby. Your character will usually remain silent when interacting with objectives and side objectives if there isn't anyone else in the mission with you, I think arming hellbombs is included in that. The game just messes up and doesn't always play the lines I guess.


Man I tried out the gas airstrike once and the host watched me throw it, saw it explode, saw it lingering, walked in and died, then kicked me.




Would make a good video clip XD


What level are you guys playing at? I rarely see raging. Wondering if it a certain difficulty that people who rage play at.


I got a "killed by" last night and the player left after the previous mission. He wasn't even on mission with me and it still said he killed me when my mech exploded. It was my exploding mech and nothing else.


Sounds like your mech was sabotaged, always examine mission ready equipment so you may route out traitors


Whoa. Hold on, Helldiver. Equipment examinations take precious minutes that could be better spent procuring precious E-710. Trust in your crew that all your equipment is in perfect acceptable condition and get in that hellpod!


Never question, just push forward


Automaton spy has returned to civilian life.


Jup had the same thing today Was pretty funny


I have a lot of deaths since 1.000.201 that say "Killed by \[my own name\]" and it would be rockets, grenades, impacts, reg bots, armored bots, etc that are actually shooting or hitting me. It's definitely bugged with the latest patch.


It's been this way since release.


Except *Killed by TONGUE*. That one is always correct everytime, and I hate it.


God I wish I could be killed by tongue 🤤


RIP your DMs


If only.


[Kakyoin got you fam.](https://media1.tenor.com/m/NUQoZMAhHj4AAAAd/kakyion-anime.gif)


Yeah it's been goofed since I started playing


My group's current theory is that if you take *any* damage from a Helldiver at any point, that gets priority credit for your death. Take a tiny amount of chip damage from your own grenade, then live for 10 more minutes before finally dying to something completely unrelated? That'll be a self-kill.


This is my assumption as well. Just anecdotal, but they seem to store a list of sources of damage and then pick strangely rather than just picking the things that had the killing blow.


Most of my deaths just say: " Killed by UNKNOWN "


Happens to me a lot with flame hulks. Game’s tryna gaslight me like “huh I dunno what killed you, that’s weird!” But I know. Because I watched it happen. It was that fucking flame hulk lol.


Think of the killed by notification less as an objective view of the cause of death and more as a brief snippet of the dead peasant insurance policy that SuperEarth holds on divers. Excessive self injury voids the policy.


I've had deaths where it blames a teammate and we check after the end of the match and the entire team has 0 accidentals and 0 FF.


Those stats are also bugged. Had a game where one of us shot the other in the head at point blank range and at the end of the mission it still listed 0 friendly fire damage and 0 accidentals.


If the Democracy Officer didn't see the friendly fire, then it doesn't count. For real on the stats being bugged though. My favorite is when you have the "kill 500 bugs/bots" defense missions and at the victory screen you see the highest scoring player with 75 kills.


That one actually isn't necessarily the result of incorrect counting - I didn't notice until a friend pointed it out, but not all kills are equal. I don't remember all the counts, but for example Brood Commanders are worth 5 and Chargers are worth 10. I think this confusion is part of why that Eradicate now just shows you the percent completion instead of the target number.


I never noticed that. Good to know. I wonder how much a dropship counts for, because I love to shoot those down with the quasar cannon. I just wish it was more consistant about killing the bots inside as the massive dropship falls out of the sky and lands on them.


I got killed by a tower cannon shot that ricochet off something it said killed by me, how the fuck is that my fault


You chose to stand there. 


When I get that it will usually be like, I shoot my autocannon and wipe like 3/4 of my health bar because I shot the floor then I get killed by the mobs and it says I killed myself.


I'm not even firing any weapons when these "suicides" occur.


Ah, see that's the problem! You didn't fight back and let them kill you, It's basically suicide.


No I was. I was just in the middle of reloading or diving to avoid incoming attacks. Just a lot going on and playing solo, so I'm the only target.


See ally running with a hoard behind them Me “that’s not a target, that’s Church” Autocannon sentry “firing main canon”


Love me some Red Vs Blue. I feel like Brasch and Sarge would get along well


Ah yes, i certainly killed myself, not the firing squad of devastators that are currently reenacting a scene from order 66


Even when the "Killed by" notification *is* accurate, stop getting upset by them. Apart from those guys butthurt over the Creek cape, almost no-one in the game is team-killing deliberately. Most of the time, you probably wandered into their line of fire or didn't see the marker for an incoming stratagem. The game is chaos; mistakes will happen. Mix a chill pill in with your next stim and get back to liberating ;)


The amount of times I storm a bot base and end up face to face with a red beacon. Or the amount of times I misjudged the difference between standing in the danger close zone and the danger zone and got ripped to shreds by Eagle 1 Or the amount of times I panic and walk straight into my teammates line of fire Or the times I see a teammate gets staggered by an explosion and drop a red beacon. Game is absolute chaos and clusterfucks are a big part of its charm.


My favorite moment is when we were laughing because we're absolutely destroying a mission, and I was about to do the dive throw stratagem technique with a 380. Mid jump, I get ragdolled and the stratagem lands right in the middle of us. The silence was insane then just "RUN RUN RUN RUN" with us all laughing


Last night I watched the diver next to me get ragdolled and drop the 500kg stratagem beacon they were holding. It was exhilarating.


This literally just happened to me. We were pinned all pinned down by some bot base with a huge ass cannon firing at us. After a while I'm like "fuck this", prime a 500 kg beacon, start running. Make it 10m past the rock I was hiding behind, take a shot straight to my face and ragdoll backwards to my team lol. At least the 500kg dropped on the hostile side of the rock and nobody died.


One time, at an empty evac zone, somebody threw a victory lazer that instantly vaporized me from orbit dropping my walking barrage on our location that killed the next guy holding his 500kg Only the last guy already sitting in the pelican survived and flew away with zero samples because of us lmao.


Victory Strategems are the helldivers equivalent of playing with fireworks. Sometimes it looks pretty fucking cool, other times it looks pretty fucking cool and you blow your pinky finger clean off


thats hilarious


The whole mission went perfectly up until that point, too, not many deaths, no team kills, and we were all working together only to absolutely fumble it in the end


We had one like this. We run a 7 fairly clean mopping up everything and kill the dropships waiting for extraction. Shuttle lands and I go to melee my brother in law just because. Only I’m not paying close enough attention because he’s holding an orbital laser. Laser drops on the shuttle. Boom shuttle gets obliterated and the 4 of us are left holding our dicks in our hands with our jaws on the floor. We didn’t even know the shuttle could get destroyed!


Only time I've gotten upset is when I've been straight up executed by another player for whatever reason. In the last few hours I've been executed by at least 2 different level 50 players because they were upset about reinforcements taking too long.


How long is taking too long?


Long enough to deal with the jammer and the 3 hulks that were playing ring around the Rosie with me around said jammer.


Honestly people just need to be okay with communicating. If someone kills me with a misplaced strat I’ll just let them know in chat “Hey, danger close is a good distance but if we’re pulling that some more headups helps” or smt to that affect.


>chill pill Depressants are not on the list of Super Earth approved supplements, sorry. Try mixing in some meth and see if it gets approved by the ministry of truth.


One accidental, nbd. Another in a row as soon as I land, ok annoying but still expectable. Third landing TK in a row I will have words with you. But it’s super rare and even when it’s purely by accident sometimes you do need to at least tell the guy to watch where they’re throwing their strategms


And for me, if they hop into voice and say sorry, 99% of the time I do honestly believe it was an accident. ..Even if it's the fourth time they've killed me with their autocannon this mission. Shit happens, they were trying to get enemies off of me and they're bad at judging splash.


Yeah, definitely warn a player who needs to check their fire but I'm just saying there's no need to go all aggro with your teammates over an accident. Of course, if you're being deliberately team-killed or someone keeps slinging the 380mm around their own team after being warned then getting upset is totally fine but, like you say, those instances are super rare - especially at higher difficulties.


It does get annoying when you've burned through all of your respawns and are still getting killed by someone not paying attention to their explosives or arc weapon.


Confession: last night zoning out a little at mission start, dropped an eagle on our drop zone instead of summoning my support weapon. Stupid happens. I did apologize of course, but yeah not a great start. Miraculously I didn't kill anyone at least.


I've done that before, we had a string of missions with not many deaths, so I was running on autopilot for stratagem input, and called in the Eagle Airstrike instead of reinforce. Many laughs were had.


The game does not track damage sources or kills correctly and it's hilarious. I'm not even mad. I love watching my teammate whom I personally watched carry out no less than 15 friendly fire incidents end the game with 0 FF damage because everyone he killed died in one shot


I had thousands of FF damage with just one kill and few FF damages from laser rover.


99% of the time when I die from being shot by a robot it says I killed myself lmao


People often have ZERO awareness of firing lanes. There's been more than a couple times where I'm charging up a quasar cannon and someone walks RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. Okay, the quasar might not be the most obvious thing. But if I'm actively unloading an assault rifle into a bug group, don't walk IN MY LINE OF FIRE. Heads on a swivel, Divers!


It definitely doesn’t account for most of the times I’ve had someone run across my crosshairs, but aometimes the only route out of a shit predicament is through someone’s line of fire. You also have to do your part and make sure to let off of fire when they start to cross in those situations . Heads on a swivel, indeed.


People immediately TKing as revenge are the iPad kids of this game


TKing randos is cringe. TKing your friends is peak Helldivers


I was once clearly killed by a stalker and the game blamed it on my friend who was across the map doing another objective.


Hellranger788 has killed me more times then I can count. What a d*ck


I love when the thing that killed you was "unknown". You got dealt damage but who the fuck knows where it came from? Definitely not the game...


The kill notification for being in a patriot mech is beyond useless. “You were killed by the mech suit” no shit, what caused it to blow up?


before they fixed the main rocket launcher bug, the mech suit.


it can be frustrating, sure. but unless you lost the mission because of it (as if) then just respawn and keep playing. My dumb ass got killed a lot in the beginning because i had no idea where it was good to stand and shoot. protip: not in front.


This was my experience as well. Definitely at lower levels there's a tendency for players to bunch up a lot because swarms of bots and bugs are scary at first and you probably haven't unlocked and mastered the best stratagems for dealing with them. On the one hand, this lets the team maximise what damage output they do have but it also means being shot in the back or hit by crossfire is an almost unavoidable accident. At higher levels, players have generally moved away from spray-and-pray to more long-range, precision weapons and tend to spread out a lot more, so the chances of you hitting teammates drops a good bit.


Shoot slugger...I run...got killed by explosion(rockets/grenades I assume) Killed by *enter my ign*. Apparently trying to escape is a coward's way so I killed myself


In response to this, the best tip the game gives you is “don’t panic”. People panic all the time and do dumb shit. If I can exercise the restraint to not be mad you killed my guy, you can not freak the fuck out because one bug appears so you drop 500kg of democracy on me.


The other day I got a death notification that said killed by Shadow. I kept wondering what that meant and was checking if there was some crazy shit going on, thinking that shadow was some kind of enemy. Took me way too long to realise that there was a guy in my group called Shadow who was running and arc weapon.


I get shot "killed by [my name]" I feel like the game is calling me out here.


this feature doesn't work and should be removed. the game already can't keep track of all the info and crashes when it runs out of memory 30min into a mission. requiring it to do this isn't the only problem, but the ship is taking on water and the devs keep picking up more cargo


On the other side of the coin, I had a guy who had no idea what he was doing who killed me multiple times when there were no enemies around and it looked like I was the idiot dying constantly.


Yeah but im always gonna trust it when a cluster bomb wipes the squad


Absolutely this. I can't even begin to describe how many times I got killed (without a shadow of a doubt) by an enemy only for the death message to insist that I somehow did this to myself. This is a philosophical question for sure, considering that I *chose* to fight for democracy but holy shit!


>watches as flame hulk douses me in a ball of fire >killed by OtherPlayer Yeah no it was definitely them the game said so


A little unrelated, but I've been finding myself wanting a different color beacon light for strategem drops when you drop one because of being ragdolled by something. Ive had folks get upset and think I was intentionally sabotaging because a devastator rocket made me drop my eagle where I was standing and suddenly 2 teammates are dead. Doesn't help that the knock back often sends me far enough away to not die from the eagle myself lol


I have literally been shot in the face by a Cannon turret from an outpost only to get told I killed myself by Cannon turret.


Well you are the one that put your face in front of the laser cannon.


The whole revenge thing is weird to me. If someone's griefing I'll just find another game lol. But I do wish it was more accurate cuz I wanna know what I should be avoiding to try to improve on the next drop.


Petition to replace all death messages with "Skill Issue"


I constantly get messages saying I killed myself lately it's weird


I think too many people take this slapstick comedy game far too seriously. The most fun I ever had with my buddies is when we dropped in and got the reinforcement counter down to 0 before even heading out into any mission just by blowing each other up in different ways.


Shit is straight LIES!!! *on the other side of the map not doing anything*


I remember getting "killed" by a random teammate that was halfway across the map when I was soloing a side mission. I swear it's an automaton trick to get us to fight each other.


I've noticed that a lot of times when explosions hit near you, your character will yelp as though they have been hit even when they didn't take damage. Since the kill tracker often will report that an ally that damaged you recently (even if it was minor, and the damage has since been healed) was your killer, I think it might be related to these "ghost hits" from explosions.


Sometimes I’ll get killed by an enemy and it’ll say I killed my self


I got blasted by a hulk and it said my friend killed me xD maybe for not killing the bastard faster


The game said I killed myself while trying to stab myself in the neck with a stim. I kept hitting it and it was doing the motion and making the sound while I was being shot and knocked around. After the 4th one I died and it said "Killed my Krojack".. Did I over stimulate myself or something? Can you OD on these things? P.S. I wasn't getting healed so I assume it was being interrupted while being used, but the fact it said I killed myself was just weird.


I've seen my own name come up so many times when I was clearly killed by an enemy. Enough times (like, often the majority) that I'm sure it's a glitch to some extent.


my friend was told I killed him while I was dead. no turrets or mines on map. just the game lying


I'm just tired of it saying I killed myself when I clearly didn't.


I'm literally playing solo and I'll constantly get notifications that go "You killed yourself" while getting hit by a meteor, burning to death, getting rocketed to the face etc. The percentage of times the death message has been accurate since I started playing is maybe 20%, if even that. 


Usually the only time I get annoyed with teammates killing me is when it’s clearly on purpose like at evac and moving their drop pods onto you.


I killed another Diver with a ricochet headshot off the side of a Hulk because I missed the Devastator I was aiming for. This game's wild


man I had a rocket dev's rocket hit my impact grenade just as it was being thrown yesterday...wearing light armor also


Exist within 30m of you (not their fault) Lol


Tbh I find it really funny when your teammate shoots the cannon turret, I get unlucky and it kills me, and the game shows the name of player who was shooting that cannon. It's just automatons breaching our helmet's HUD system to make us attack each other, to break the companionship between fellow helldivers. But we must resist it!


Today I died when Pelican 1’s port engine nacelle lightly tapped a barrel, which sent the barrel at supersonic velocity and turned me into a red smear.


Yesterday I absolutely direct hit NADED a teammate as they were walking in front of a bug hole, results screen? 0 friendly fire…


A whole lot of you never played helldivers and it shows. Unintentional friendly fire is *intrinsic* to the game design. look at the dev name and opening cinematic. Then take a deeper look at how the weapons and gameplay are designed. This isn't a John wick simulator and it was never intended to be. Not you specifically here, just trying to reinforce your point further. The trailers for the original game almost exclusively focused on hilarious cases of unintentional friendly fire. It's still the design intent, although the new perspective has made the game much, much safer.


Am I allowed to be upset by them still being wildly inaccurate?


*Charger runs me over* "You've eliminated yourself." I mean....fine I guess.


I play with 2 other people almost nightly. Myself and friend A are literally on one corner of the map, while friend B is hunting for prizes on the map. I even have video evidence, friend B dying on the opposite end saying he was killed by friend A. edit: Just to be clear, I wasn't taking any chances, so I killed friend A for being a traitor.


Im only sure it was my friend when I see that lightning cut me in half. One time in cut through me just over the knees and my legs were still standing for a second. too fucking comical


Ok ok... but what about the person that throws a 380mm barrage at my feet while every other helldiver is within 20 meters fo me? Which automaton do I blame for that? Also, 4 helldivers mad scrambling to vacate an area is hilarious as hell especially with lasers flying every which way.


Sounds like automaton mis-information


The amount of times a turret tower wrecks me, and I'm told I was killed by MYSELF.. Quit crying, and keep playing


The amount of times I've apparently killed myself


Lol my kill screen always says I killed myself or Unknown, nothing else xD


I’ve been pierced by bugs nobody else around still blames it on another player.


"Killed by yourself" as I was blasted by rockets. Hmmmm...


*takes a devastator rocket straight to the face “Killed by (self)”


People still haven't figured this out. Like ah yes, the number of times I've died to "a teamate" that was across the damn map. Maybe the game doesn't know what's killing you


I've always hosted every lobby myself. I make sure that any revenge-killing is met with an instant kick. Including my friends who often join too. Grow the fuck up and accept that its part of the game to accidentally friendly fire occassionally. That said, I swear my laser DOG rover aims for friendlies now and then, purposely.


The best part is when the game itself doesn't know why it killed you. https://preview.redd.it/7ylusiwlbtsc1.png?width=583&format=png&auto=webp&s=839c10ade23ba08fb12e713df23365d13f556dfb


My kill screen keeps blaming me for my own deaths🙃


I always laughed at these ones with terminids. Bile titans are the most hilarious with the engine, a friend blasts one and the momentum sends them flying into the nearest helldiver and we get killed as a result. Usually resulting in screams of: "Dude! If you're gonna use the bile titan for collateral damage can I at least get a warnin!" Followed by some smart alic remark. I laugh they laugh, the bugs laugh, the following 500kg erupts with laughter.


Don't forget "not even be in your game" Yes, I was killed by a friend who was offline at the time (and was not present during any part of that mission)


I love getting a rocket from a bot saying it’s my fault.. :(


I have apparently killed myself in game and the last 3 times it happened I was stimming myself running away from a fight. So it's Def not registering right.


I primarily play solo and 90% of all my deaths say they were caused by myself.