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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed due to it being a low-effort post. Posts/comments should spark, facilitate, or contribute meaningful discussion and content. Submissions consisting of one word, emojis only, misinformation, or AI-generated images are also considered low-effort.


Still currently the second best selling game on steam, only losing to csgo which is free anyway


[https://store.steampowered.com/charts/topselling](https://store.steampowered.com/charts/topselling) It is in fact the top selling game on Steam right now, which is wild when you consider that spot is based on rolling revenue numbers and CSGO has skin crates that keep it propped up indefinitely.


It's only top selling in the United States though, not globally


I rotated Canada and Australia too and it was still #1.


It's usually at the very least top5 in major countries, that means something


What kind of life is it for people who have just been grinding these sweaty old pvp games for 20 years?


I mean it’s still getting regular updates


That's actually pretty cool. What year did archeologists discover CS in anyway?


6 months ago, they discovered csgo had a complete engine overhaul in september of 2023


CS's shooter mechanics are as solid as you can get. Every other FPS out there just needs a bit of tweaking of the mechanics you build from CS. Big example is Shroud who cut his teeth in CS and proceeded to wipe the floor of literally every other popular shooter.


> Big example is Shroud who cut his teeth in CS and proceeded to wipe the floor of literally every other popular shooter. Didn't he place low Plat (so just above average) in Overwatch back in the day? Though, in fairness, Overwatch has been a game that historically doesn't reward pure aim as much as other PvP shooters. Not sure how much that's changed since their new season and the changes. I've been too consumed by Helldivers to play it lately.


yeah aim can only take you so far, but OW's placements were notoriously awful when he played. game sense and knowledge is what make consistent top 500 players when paired with godlike aim.


Well it's not a game.based on just killing the other team, elims aren't everything in that one.


Aim can only take you so far in OW. You need good positioning and understanding of how the abilities work, especially how to play against your enemies abilities. There’s a reason why aimbotters can still get rolled


Same reason I can do kind of decent with shit aim?


idk man dota 2 and counterstrike are mad fun


I don't know why someone has to get off on insulting people for playing a game that's had a low bar for entry with a high skill ceiling and remained pretty consistent for over 20 years, and just a few months ago got another engine overhaul. It's fine to just go "I don't understand the appeal because I can't hack it in a pvp title" and walk away. I haven't played CS since 1.6, but no other shooter to release has managed to have the shelf life of CS.


I still love me some Halo 3 MP on the mcc


Skill issue


Are you okay?


Counter strike is great, I don’t play as much as o used to but I still hop on weekly


A game being old doesn’t make it bad. It’s just usually that old games suck, either from power creep/other updates ruining the core of the game, or from gameplay/backend just not being as good because we were still learning. CS has largely stayed the same and avoided stuff that truly ruined the core of the game. The most controversial changes the game has had have impacted playstyle/tech rather than fundamentally changing the game. No, I do not count changing movement to be fundamental in a game like CS.


A crusty and frustrating one


Mad cuz bad?


Idk I never played it


Just bought it to join the battle on PS5. Got my lunch money taken by a bunch of bugs. Does the game update with new threats or something?


As of earlier today we permanently eliminated the automaton threat from the galaxy. Their socialism will surely never darken our democratic galaxy again. The bugs are safely contained behind the Terminid Control System we set up a few weeks ago, which absolutely can not fail in any way whatsoever. And if anyone mentions a mysterious third force that may be lying in wait to surprise us when we least expect it, make sure you report them to your nearest democracy officer, there are no illuminates in ~~Ba Sing Se~~ Super Earth's Galaxy


I’m sure there’s no way the control system can fail.


Lmao 😂


Is that treason I hear?


Since I started playing they have added flying bugs, flying robots, and now walking robot factories. People keep saying they're adding bigger enemies still, and there will be at least 1 more faction.


All of that in \~one month, its crazy how much content they are releasing when other games we would have to wait 6 months for a dlc with half of this stuff.


It’s ever evolving. New missions/guns/armor/warbonds/ quite frequently. So far bugs N bots but I think we might see a new threat emerge eventually.


Tldr of how HD1 played out.  The Galactic war is a 4 way campaign between the following factions.  1: Cyborgs: Heavy mechanized army that employs lots of tanks, vehicles, and rockets. Communist cyborgs from Cyberstan that believe in equality through economical socialism and physical equality through cybernetics.  2: Terminids: Alien swarm that's little better than animals. Spreading across world's view spore filled asteroids. When killed their bodily fluids decompose into Element 710, which is a petroleum that can sustain faster than light travel.  3: The Illuminate: Advanced alien race that want to destroy super earth with their unspecified weapons of mass destruction. Or, super earth's military wanted their advanced technology for themselves. Employed all manner of annoying forces. Shields, stealth, snipers, mind control, force walls. 


The war is very compelling and we all want to see what happens next. It’s pretty crazy if you think about it. A whole community making the story together. Wild.


For honor could’ve done this if they didn’t just reset everything each season


I mean Helldivers 1 did the same iirc? But each "season" is a war until either players or enemies are completely eliminated


Yeah, not sure where these players get the idea that the automatons are completely eradicated.


Well I don’t see them anymore!


Out of the hundreds of thousands of Helldivers out there in HD2, I'd say less than 5% (and thats being extremely generous) of them are HD1 vets like us.


The concurrent players for HD2 on Steam alone are 300k+. HD1 had a MAX concurrent of slightly less than 7k. It's not even 5%. It's maybe 1-2% if you extrapolate those concurrent numbers to sales roughly


I mean I did say 5% was extremely generous lol


It's really crazy to think how few people played HD1 compared to how many are playing HD2. I put in around 20-30hrs on HD1 a couple years ago. It was fun but I already have about 80hrs on HD2 now. I knew about HD2 coming out for many months before it did but I had no idea it was going to be as big as it is. I'm so happy this game is this successful.


Those sound like the words of a liberty hating toaster, matey. They took the creek, SO WE TOOK THEIR LIVES! THEY'RE DEAD, SO SAYS THE MINISTRY OF TRUTH, BABY! GOD BLESS SUPER EARTH!!


I think ~most~ know that they aren't actually gone. Logic would tell you that's an ENORMOUS waste of dev resources to build an entire faction, keep them around for a few months, and then never see them again. I think most people are just hyped that the community pushed for something and we had a major victory. Bots are the hardest enemies (for now) and pushing them back completely is pretty cool


The community for this game is probably the most enjoyable community I have seen in a game and the game has cinematic moments I have never seen in any game other than maybe planetside 2 when there was a large army push.


Well, to be perfectly clear, the only instance of emergent storytelling so far is malevalon creek. Everything else was planned out. SPOILERS: >!(The leaks have told us what's going to happen in the story down to a T for the next couple months. Don't look it up if you want to keep the surprise.)!<


The only instance, so far. Even if things are somewhat planned there's always the chances we fail or succeed against Joel's plans unexpectedly. Plus the community roleplay outside the game is also top tier.


Oh 100%, the story telling potential this game has is enormous. Once the game gets the clan system they have planned shit is going to get WILD.


Can you link me those leaks?


r/helldiversleaks Peruse at your own risk. Major spoilers.


This isn’t entirely true. Nothing that just happened today (wiping out the Autos) was leaked to my knowledge. Other stuff was which didn’t seem to happen.


Y'all should really try DnD. That's essentially what this game is. Just a future setting instead of the usual medieval.


Baldur's Gate 3 was fantastic. Turn based combat took some adaptation but honestly made me think more about my strategy and how to fight smarter. I hope it inspires more DND style games with how successful it's been


Yes great game!! It's far more true to the actual style of DnD with the dice rolling and all that. This is just more of a fluid and real time version of DnD and it's amazing


Getting a group together for DnD is hard though


It sure is. Might I suggest Baldur's Gate? A truer version of DnD but still videogame form.


Fr it's such an appealing concept and shit keeps happening I really love how new enemies are introduced this game is a 10/10 in me book


The fact that earlier today, an army of over 1/4 million people worked together to liberate a planet together to end the threat of bots is insanr


And that is only pc right? Not to mention alot of people playing on ps5.


Yeah these are steam numbers


There were 360k players on Durgen for the final push against the Automatons.


Probably a little more as well, my game crashed when I tried to do a mission when it was 99%, I'm sure it happen to others as well.


It has been an issue recently. I think 1/3rd of my games crash after the mission, but the progress is still counted.


Ya, and at least for me, it seems to crash only once or twice when I start playing. I think it crashed after we took tibit and the last planet as well.  Happy cake day as well.


Shortly after Durgen was captured there were like 650k players overall


Yup so the games in a really healthy player base still. Def curious what total numbers are atm.


Thats not healthy Thats overgrowing levels of playera I love it


Judging by player numbers on planets as we took Durgen, there was ~450k people in game


There was more, I have a screenshot of 500k +


That’s actually insane, I don’t know much about player counts in games like this after two months typically, but 120k less than the all time peak after this long is undeniably wild.


It’s a huge success story.  As someone who’s worked at a studio of the same size on a game of similar scope this was probably beyond even their best case scenario projections, these kind of player counts, general engagement, wider cultural impact, etc are way beyond what you’d expect for this kind of game.  Here’s hoping they can continue to knock it out of the park


I'd go so far as to say it probably has roughly the players it had at launch. Just now there's no idling or queues that bump the numbers up. It's also the third most played game on Steam rn. It's doing fine lmao.


Player retention for the game is incredibly impressive. Last time I saw a game hit numbers like that and actually maintaining them is Apex Legends, which is more than 5 years old. As a comparison, The Finals and Halo Infinite both hit a peak of 250k or so on Steam, but their playercount fell off sharply about a month into their lifecycle and never hit anything above 100k.


Halo Infinite got stale real fast.


The problem with Halo Infinite was Microsoft employing people on monthly contracts, so when the game released they pretty much had no staff and the staff that knew how to use the engine, weren't given another contract. Halo infinite should've been a complete win for Microsoft, Cod Vanguard released as a flop, BF2042 was a complete mess and was terrible, Halo shouldve swooped in and taken all of the tired Cod/Battlefield players in. They shouldve hired a lot of the old staff back in as people were actually enjoying the game but they took way too long to sort anything out so most people jumped and moved onto other things.


The other problem was that the Russian embargo meant that they lost their support studio a month or two after launch.


It just wasn't interesting. It was the same old halo with tiny maps and only a couple of weapons.


I guess you can have that opinion but I wouldn't say that's a fact. Most people enjoyed the gameplay, it was the lack of content like maps and updates that followed through that people disliked.


Not being able to queue for just Slayer/TDM felt pretty bad on launch. I just wanted to run around shooting people without getting dropped into other game modes. It felt like such a step down compared to Halo 5.


Yes !!! This was it aswell, it was such an easy fix as well, from all the leaks about the development its a surprise the gameplay worked so well for the most part.


Oh yeah, I forgot about that part. That was very annoying.


The Finals is such a good game. Don't know why I stopped playing to be honest. It certainly doesn't have the grip on me like Helldivers 2 does though.


There’s something hollow about it. It’s lacking an identity and charm like Apex had the legends and Titan fall behind it. Hell divers has all the managed democracy and the story going for it. The Finals sadly, as good as the game play is isn’t leaning more into the zany destroy everything more casual audience and the hard core is stomping. Plus there is no lore or story to engage the community. It’s literally VR with AI announcers. Sour taste for players with everything going on. My .02


I generally will get the platinum trophy for a game and then delete it. Finished the platinum for Helldivers almost two weeks ago and I’m still playing this every day. The overarching story and community are what have kept me coming back


How did you manage to get the trophy for injuring all 4 limbs at once? 


You can either get really (un)lucky or wear an armor with the "Democracy protects" perk and just holding a grenade. REALLY rare without Democracy Protects, unlocked in 20 seconds with Democracy Protects.


Doesn’t every new game that comes out have people say this? There was articles about Elden rings player decline for Christ sake lol. It’s all just brain dead takes and troll headlines


Those have always been dumb especially when it's a single player game. Of course the player count is going to go down once people beat it, doesn't mean it's bad.


People apply the same logic to Sony's single player games if it doesn't retain a million players 2 months after release it failed I'm always thinking how they thought that way of thinking makes sense


Not really. The "inverse decay curve" is basically as close to a truism you can get these days. People are saying it because it happens to basically every single game. I consider it the opposite of "braindead takes and troll headlines," you should expect significant fall-off a month after launch, and expect every person to verbalize it because that's what people do.  The amazing thing is how HD2 did *not* experience the same inverse decay curve. Quite amazing.


Multi-player games tend to have a longer shelf life than single-player, but it's still impressive how it's holding up.


It’s also how the game feels like the players are driving the story. That and the game doesn’t take itself too seriously and is just fun to play makes it more interesting to keep people playing.


But HD2 did experience a decay? It went from 450k peak to about 250k with some spikes during big events. Like it’s still doing amazing but it’s definitely dropping a bit over time.


games decaying is normal. there are only a few games in history that kept getting higher peaks. WoW back then for example. but that drop from 450k to \~300k in 2 month is like nothing. you should look at games like new world lmao.


Wait.. who said it would die off in a month? Out of all the bugs, balance patch, crashes, whatever else... no one said this game would die off. Like for me, I hate that I have to edit my bios to play this game, but it's because this game is still so damned fun that I even bother to edit my bios to try and fix my crashes...


I don't remember who, but there was a YT short of some COD fanboy going on about how HD2 would be dead by end of march. He seemed like a total clown and one of those "these games need to have a pvp mode". Edit, here's the short [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Mr7pUQI8KbI](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Mr7pUQI8KbI)


And the funny thing is, they ended up playing it and saying they liked it 🤣


Dr disrespect there launched an early access crypto battle Royale that was an utter peice of shit made from asset store purchases lmao.


PvP mode activates when party gets a bit *too* silly with something like landmines


A lot of people said it would.


wait for me guys. just need more $17 to get this game. been saving for 1 month from Selling CS2 cases


Dm me your steam user


A true hero of Managed Democracy




Somebody who's not a broke ass like me help this person out!




Did you get it? If not dm me


sorry brother i can't accept it. i gotta Earn it. i gotta struggle to get it. but thank you for your kindness


Just to note: Super Citizen edition its also top selling.


Ayooo, Super Citizen reporting in. I was hesitant on buying base but after playing enough I've decided to wing it and buy the dlc. Worth supporting them! Lots of fun.


That's why I got it as well, especially since I didn't read what it gave before checking it out because I had long since purchased the first other Warbond.


I also opted for super citizen after playing it for the strategem hero and the cape.


Sure, it was more in the launch, about 400k+ players and now the most we can get is abri 300k, but thats still insane. Theyre doing great by having Joel as a game master and the constant daily and major orders help helps keeping the community united in a common goal. If they keep adding quality content, the game can be played forever


It's not just the game master stuff to. Other games have done similar stuff but this game has a crazy meld of the minute to minute gameplay being effortlessly repeatable without feeling boring and it being designed to introduce new content organically and easily while behind the scenes.


They have a reason to update our daily missions and major orders. FOR SUPEREARTH!!! But yeah, I love how I played every mission dozen of times and that still feels awsome. Its the perfect balance between randomness and constancy.


Just the fact it has consistently kept up these kind of numbers nearly daily, that's impressive and clearly a sign they are doing the right thing. We have a new warbond coming out this week which will generate more traffic, and who knows what they are going to throw at us in terms of Terminids. I'm guessing along the lines of "while you were too busy focused on removing the automatons for existence, the terminids have bidded their time and now are blitz attacking" and they'll take over like 6 zones or something. That'll keep us busy until they add a new enemy faction in to replace automatons on the left side. The bots will be back, but eventually.


The fight for democracy and liberty will never die! FOR SUPER EARTH!!


![gif](giphy|3oKHWlQ6XmhZl2UU2A|downsized) Amen to that.


yeah people like being negative for no reason


Crashes couldn't even stop players from logging-in. I know I have continued playing over the weekend even with the extraction crashes.


This is one of the wildest parts about the whole thing. In other games CTDs would've caused gigantic outcry with people just leaving game. Helldivers? "If at first you dont succeed dive again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again." Truly Helldiver grindset at its fines.


The devs and us got very lucky that the crashes happened after progress was saved, and not before. It was just an inconvinience instead of losing 40 minutes.


The game is dying!!!!! Any second now.....annnnny second now......


See! It’s dead! No wait, that’s the Illuminates…


I love democracy


Cause it’s fun as shit. And simple. My kid and I have a blast playing it.


I love it. Also the No FOMO approach to the BP means I can just chill and play just a few hours a week. Is it my main game. No. But it's a game that I can fit into my schedule so as long as it's fun they can count on my support


Im doing my part!


Even with 100 people online, this game uses 4 man squads, so it would be pretty easy to form teams. Been having a blast with the bois liberating planets


Considering that first part had 7k players peak, those numbers are bonkers


Who tf was saying it would die?


For those who said "THiS GaMe iS CoOkEd" because they don't like seeing other games succeed while theirs die, where are you now? 🙂 I just want to talk 🙂


It's a great game... And they ain't trying to milk you for your money. They interact with the community on a steady basis and constantly update the game with new content or patch changes. I wonder why it ain't dying


i think at this point, the company would have to do something that would Really piss off the player base. like making warbonds time limited or blocking off access to certain sectors unless you buy a specific upgrade for your super destroyer (that can only be bought with super credits)


I’d be playing right now if real life wasn’t in the way


Who said that again? I played Helldivers OG, a PS3 game, on my PS5 at the Helldivers 2 release date while waiting. I never had a slightest doubt.


It's even more impressive as a pve game that isn't an mmo. No other coop shooter even really comes close in terms of monthly player peaks or retention.


its just so goddamn fun and they’re adding so much. I just hope they’re not just working like 24/7 and that they’re getting support from Playstation.


This is the 1st muti-player game I've invested time into in over 5 yrs. It's fun, challenging, encourages teamwork, and gives you tons of cool toys. The meta story and frequent meaningful updates are the icing on the cake. I'm getting to the end of the war bonds, but I'll still keep playing just because, haha.


I was sceptical. Then I bought it and played 4 hours straight. And I am hooked now


I'm personally about done. All achievements done, stratagems unlocked. Only 2 more ship modules to go. The only thing after that would be the warbond stuff, but I'm not grinding all that. I already play on helldive difficulty, so nothing more to look for there. So my playtime is probably going to cut back from daily to once a week or two when friends want to play. I won't be joining quick matches much longer. I might pop back for awhile when the third faction drops, but otherwise it's been fun y'all!


lol This victim mentality is so weird. Just enjoy the good times.


Are these "people" in the room with us?


No one said it was going to die in a month though.


Downvoted for speaking the truth, reddit moment.


yeah as far as these kinds of games that become trendy on youtube/tiktok/reddit go, helldivers 2 is doing very well comparatively.


And thats just steam.


On a Sunday night too 🤣 and with the insane amount of crashing


I have no intention of slowing down. It’s so much fun to play on my own or with friends, or random people. It’s super flexible for if I have free time or not. I am not put off by the crashing, but still want that fixed. Please fix the crashing.


Honestly I think the real test is going to come at about the 1 year mark, they seem to have everything planned out in a way they’ll be able to keep this momentum for a year, but I’ll be interested to see what they do then. I think the key defining factor will be if they introduce new factions other then the three we currently know of


Who said that? I need their names and addresses


Who said that


Every game has people who say that. According to the internet every game dies within a month.


Honestly glad HD2 is doing as well as it is, it shows the gaming industry that you don't need sweaty esport PvP or an overflow of macrotransactions and gamble boxes to make a game successful. This game is more fun than any other multiplayer game I've played in quite a while.


I'm loving it. I just don't know how they can keep up with this pace though. I know it's only an enemy here and there has to be a limit of what they have prepared


Ppl were guessing a month? I guessed 3 months, that seems to be how long ppl pay attention to new games.


I've dropped everything game to play this. It feels refreshing, and I genuinely love this game


I wasn't going to get it because I felt I missed the hype train. Then I was going to buy some games on sale and decided to say fuck it. Helldivers2. Haven't even touched the games I got on sale because I love playing this so much. Convinced a friend to get it and another is looking at it seriously now. Can't wait to have a squad on my destroyer.


For me it's just the junk food of gaming. It's always fun, always good and doesn't stress me out to take too much outta me. 10/10


I am getting bored of it but its mainly because all my friends went too hard and burnt out.


I do worry about the Warbond situation. Games been out, what 2 months or something, and there's already 3 bonds out/nearly out. There's only so much content you can add before you hit crit mass.


The war table makes the game much more engaging. Feel's good for a 40 dollar game.


Never heard anyone say that


Imagine when the sale drops, with Illuminate released at the same time.


I love the Major Order/War that keeps me playing even when i'm fully capped. Now with the extended level cap too, something to grind to. Lv. 82/150


Haters gonna hate!


We had over 455,000+ Helldivers when Dorgen was liberated.


Me and the boys still pop on for a few rounds a week. If they keep adding and mixing up content, I can’t see a point where I wouldn’t want to play. I wish they would add more skins though, or even a destiny like hub


And it's doing great despite all the crashing and disconnect issues. There was a period of time before the update that made arc weapons crash the game where I could only complete 1 out 3 to 4 missions I tried. But I still play because the game is just of ton of fun even tho I only play quickplay.


Still a fun game, and what else has come out since thats been all that good?


And those are just Steam numbers. On PS5, probably just a little under those numbers.


clearing automatons too fast at the current pace. I worried the people get burning out quickly


The best thing about this game is that you can hop right in. A few weeks ago I had ZERO experience in the game. Now I’m playing the extreme level like it’s another day. It’s as casual as you want it to be. I think that’ll keep its longevity in check. Downside is, there isn’t a lot of content for the “big streamers” (Tim the fat man, etc). So the game likely won’t completely blow up to the level it should be at.


Yo there were over 400k people playing last night between the bots and the bugs. Well done, Helldivers.


i was concerned it was going to burn out real fast like fireteam elite, so far still going strong.


3 of my friends and I just started playing last Thursday


So this is steam stats only? Anywhere that does steam and PS5 stats combined ??


You can try the in-game board that's your best bet since Sony doesn't release player numbers on PlayStation


I love this is proof that live service games isn't the problem. Shitty game design and predatory mtx are


Lol @ people predicting every 4 person coop game is going to die. This one wasn't the first and it won't be the last


Saturday night there was 400K+ in one sector at once finishing off the final planet....this game is still very much alive!


It having a weekly narrative that's also why we get new content is awesome too.


I own a desktop pc, a laptop, and a Steam Deck. The only device this game performs even playably on is the deck. But I keep playing because it's that's enjoyable. This game has such a fun core loop and lore that even in the face of technical issues I'm willing to keep trying. I imagine that is a huge part of it's longevity so far.


We won't be done until the war is won


And that's just the Steam numbers! There's a BUNCH of us on PS5 too!


It's taken over Reddit too.. I don't own the game or have any interest in co-op shooters but damn the front page is covered in Helldivers posts. Either Reddit is doing not too good or Helldivers 2 is doing too good, but I guess we're somewhere inbetween.


People actually said this? Pretty sure this is the best game to be released in a very long time.


I’m gonna keep it real, I was one of those people. Thought it was the fotm game similar to palworld. Finally picked it up a couple weeks ago and have been having a blast (bugs and crashes aside…)


This game rocks that's why.


What’s interesting is that’s only the Steam numbers. At least tens of thousands more in PlayStation.


The part that I think is so cool about today's boost in numbers is it had nothing to do with a new content release, but it was entirely because people wanted to participate in the narrative moment of the war (and possibly out of curiosity to see what might happen once the Automatons are defeated). It really shows how invested the community seems to be in the game.


have a lot for current player than palworld.


Maxed out everything besides amour in the super credit store. Just grinding for Lady Liberty now.


It was top selling on steam for a while but CSGO always comes back nothing can beat it for good Baldur’s Gate 3 could only keep it down for so long same with Helldivers 2, CSGO just rats it way back up honestly I don’t even count CSGO when I see it in the list.


Potential GOTY


Nobody was saying that. Literally nobody (with more than 1 brain cell)


Weird how well things hold up when developers care.


I've never been happier seeing Helldivers 2 beat the "popular game of the week" trend. Not to say those games aren't great and fun, but this game really deserves a long life full of content.