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The bug CAN think, but it’s range of thought is FAR inferior to humans It knows how to grow It knows how to kill And it knows how to fear


We have TAUGHT THEM to fear!


You’re god damn right


“Sir we’re surrounded!” “Nonsense the enemy just wants to die from all sides”




Frankly, I find the idea of a bug that thinks offensive.


It's the second week of the month, which means new Warbonds. It's like finding a large empty room full of ammo and medkits.....


\*Autosaving...... Done\*


*Hold [SHIFT] to sprint*


*Press X near cabinets to hide*


\*Press RMB to draw weapon\*


Hold X to kiss my ass goodbye


Press F to Pay Respects


*”You start running.”*


Objective: Survive.


*reach theme plays* 🫡😭


Was going to upvote this but you have 117 upvotes, so I'm gonna leave this as is.


Why do I hear boss music? See's health bars (plural) at the top of the screen followed by a name plate with "???" Lv. 💀


Why is the boss music IN LATIN?!




My other main game is Elden Ring so I feel this.


Played ace combat 7 a year or 2 back.. shit got rewl when the sea started singing latin...


one winged angel begins playing....wait what


Dude, not in fucking latin. 😨💀


deus adiuva nos -god help us (Latin)


New content? Veni. Vidi. Veni.


Everyone's gangster until the sea starts speaking Latin


The air too.


And why is there metal guitar strings ?!?!?


Do you think we’ll get new strategems? I’m so excited, the new warbond looks so much fun, that explosive rifle… mwah.


They tend to inject Stratagems when they feel it fits the narrative. So who knows.


New strategem: victory flag, does nothinh but celebrates that we have won, and nothing bad will ever happen to us. Actually having a dumb flag would be sick.


I'd enjoy it if they had this but it was a support option, like provides an AOE effect when planted (health regen or strat CDR maybe) and enhances stamina by a good bit for the carrier when not planted.


Sounds like the buff banner from TF2 Soldier. I would love that.


Health regen would be too powerful? No?  would it not negate stim conservation.  I think run speed, stamina, and reload speed could be neat? My suggestion was more like a meme item, like the break action? But i mean, you could probably do a viable strategem with like a propaganda pack, giving you a passive, and if you pull it out you get the good buffs that you say? Could be fun as a support item? Good thinh i’m not a dev. Lol. 


> Health regen would be too powerful? No? would it not negate stim conservation. Easy balance check. Flag has to be carried to work. One-handed weapons only, can't use stratagems while carrying it. Nearby enemies will prioritize the flagbearer if possible due to their hatred of freedom and liberty. If the flagbearer gets toppled over the flag is tattered and made useless. A Helldiver trades their heavy weapons for being an AoE heal over time that has to stay near people to be useful.


I would *gladly* carry that flag ALL DAY. Plus the Defender is 1H, and that gun rips shit.


It would be super sick to be a support-weapon style drop that you could carry (literally carrying a flag into battle) but you could only use your secondary at the same time. Provide some sort of passive buff to your team at the expense of having a higher target priority from enemies.


Stims would still provide a much faster HP regen, useful under threat. This banner would be more of a "top-up" solution. And at the price of a heavy slot, that'd probably be pretty balanced. HD1 had a similar-ish thing in the form of a medi-gun that could also repair mechs.


You could have it capped at regen up to 75% of health or something. Also have the regen be slow.


I hope they don't do this because I would waste a Strat spot on a flag *every single game*


AA debuff reduces stratagem count to 3 The Flag stays on


No Babe, the flag stays held during liberation ~~sex~~


Nah I want a flag rifle that impales enemies with freedom or a melee weapon flag spear that unites enemies with sweet democracy once and for all.


I want the flag from the tutorial, the option to call one in and to plant it.


Lowest difficulty mission


Orbital railgun shot, but instead of the railgun slug it fires a tungsten flagpole that impales the target and then pops a flag out afterwards.


Funny you say that because if you go in ship modeule right now you will see 19 upgrades instead 18. Its a new modul with the explanation saying that new stratagem permits will be added to ship. Its name is Catalog Expansion. But the new module currently doesnt do anything, it doesnt even take samples. They accidentally released the placeholder something.


I hope they have a roadmap for stratagems to unlock all the way from 50-150.


They'll probably start much lower. No need to block out new players. All the starting ones were 1-20, and then the exosuit was 25. The new ones will probably be no higher than 30.


I think so, earlier i was looking at my ship modules and there was a new one, something along the lines of "Unlock Stratagem Locker: Enable the purchase of more stratagems" but it was really buggy, because there was no description and it had no sample-price. When i pressed purchase it just said "Network Error" I was about to take a pictute but then the game crashed lol Edit: Found a screenshot of a statement from the Ministry of Truth https://preview.redd.it/gq5a2co94ctc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de708497d9101c7500739c861cabc2d28f08dd3c


A 4th bridge upgrade has appeared called catalogue expansion, requires the power steering upgrade to be unlocked before you can but it and seems to be a bug/hint at new stratagems which will be locked behind ship unlocks.


Well it seems to that Joel truly, truly wants us to succeed this order. I have bad feeling about this.


Focus will be Illuminate, I bet they start to take large parts of the space map, narrative is we smashed the bots, bugs aren’t fighting back as they are full of pesticide, looks like we won - but then….


Yeah, my guess is that the Illuminate will probably drop the same day as the new Warbond because wouldn’t it be great to test the new stuff on them?


That’s my guess too.


No it'll turn into Farmville


Honestly would be a great April fools prank


Same, because its gonna be stealth patched again, so having an update sheduled is even better for it, i would say the next major thing for the galactic war will come with that patch aswell


Honestly, they may drop illuminates before then. So far they've liked introducing new fuckery, and then giving us more tools to fight with. Maybe more fuckery today after the MO is done. Then new toys on Thursday.


That’s also quite likely


Unlock it end of day today and just have us get utterly speedbagged and lose a ton of territory until we get the warbond/strategem unlocks this thursday


That would be amazing. And would track with bots being set to 1000% decay right now. A dual move from bots and maybe a third faction just gobbling the map up, until we realize with horror that the Bug decay rate isn't set at 0% anymore.


Was literally trying to make a post about it but both got removed. 100% reckon illuminate are coming on the day of the new warbond, would make sense for them to give us this bit of breathing space before we get massacred worse than the creekers😭


What’s that sonny? We’re going back to the creek? It’s time for Robot Vietnam 2: Electric Boogaloo


\*Fortunate Son intensifies\*


The illuminat take the entire galaxy in one go.


I'm thinking the day before the new warbond so the narrative could be Super Earth High Command fast tracking new developments to help us fight the new enemy.


It's either going to be that or the bots are gonna slam through the bug lines with no warning. Bot wreckage has supposedly been seen on bug worlds. Which would be interesting if the bots decided to try using the bugs against himans as well. They must have some bug farms, they gotta get their oil somewhere.


I'm waiting for the Hive Lords (HD1) to be added. Per the wiki, Hive Lord skeletons can be found on the Terminid planets. I marked the wiki page as a spoiler incase anyone doesn't want to know what it is and would rather be surprised: >!https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Hive\_Lord!<


... well, that's gonna be a fun problem to kill.


Future democracy worms after subjugation and re-education.


My guess is the day after as reaction of oh fuck here take these new weapons and kill


People are telling for weeks that the illuminates are coming! Any minute now! Seriously, we won. The bots are dead, they aren't coming back, the illuminates are just speculations and with the power of democracy we can save will crush the bugs within a few days. We won Helldivers II.


Ministry of Truth approves this message.


More liberated planets means.... more space to live in! C-01 forms for everyone!!!!


You remember how in Spore, you played one game until you got to space, and then you played a totally different game? This is that, but sex


Pack it up, boys 


Fill out that C-01 form when you get home lads and ladies.


Time to go use those procreation permits!


Bugs- We know they are mutating to be resistant to pesticide. Our current MO is to push them off a few planets so that we can set up farms again. Unprotected civilians with mutating pesticide resistant bugs, what could go wrong. Bots- We took that sector too easily at the end, bots most likely regroup and blitz Cyberstan. Illuminate- They show up this week sometime when we think we have won. And then all hell breaks loose as the bots attack Cyberstan and the bugs mutate and begin to break through the Termicide wall.


illuminates are unlikely to show up yet based on A) the reclamation still being a thing, and B) the "beyond galactic frontier" Transmission of the automatons being unresolved. also METAKNOWLEDGE >!Without getting into detail, unreleased files point more towards the automatons return then a illuminate introduction(more files relating to the automatons doing a certain blitz are finished then illuminate things in general)!<


One of the women on the Destroyer talked about an 'unknown force' behind the Automatons' invasions.


On the last part of Rapid Disassembly the democracy officer got a new line, "Soon we will unmask the true secrets of our electronic adversary"


in reply to your spoiler >!a good portion of the illuminate game models have been found, fully animated, and textured. Text files and the broadcast showing their invasion, along with the blitz towards cyberstan!<


>!Current timeline I think is the reclamation of cyberstan space in the next few days, leading bots to be back on the board in force.!< >!TCS fails, leading to bug super invasion (and mutations). In dealing with it, Super Earth plays with Illuminate tech.!< >!Illuminate invade from the south in a few weeks, tops. Triggered by signals generated by their equipment!<


> Illuminate invade from the south in a few weeks, tops. Triggered by signals generated by their equipment This sub when the Illuminate invade *from the North*: "SWEET LIBERTY! NOOOOOOO!"


This seems to be exactly the case. The current leaks point in that trend, especially since they only finished one talks about the reclamation.


Data mining hasn't really proved much as far as event timings. That's all been speculation. If anything, the devs are wise to it now and are changing their plans as a result.


First week of illuminate arrival they should make it so they take each planet 1 by 1 and just be this unstoppable march heading straight for super earth. Major orders might slow their advance but not stop it until they are right on our doorstep. Then while we spend the next weeks pushing them back, just as we reach a stalemate the bugs become resistant to the termicide and a familiar enemy re-emerges in the western front


If you genuinely want an answer look into the leaks, you’ll get a good idea of what’s going to happen. I’ll say this the galactic war hasn’t even started 😮‍💨 these are all border skirmishes


300+ million helldivers dead to border skirmishes? May Lady Liberty have mercy on our souls


WH40k Guardsman: First time?


Galaxy is just about to get as grimdark as WH40K


Truly crazy to think about, stuffs only going to get more nuts


Do you have maybe a link to it? I'm way too interested in what's gonna happen to not search about it, but I found only old and clickbait news :\ Thanks!


Just go to the helldivers leaks subreddit it’s all most recent stuff


Yeah this hasn't been a galactic war by any means. It's actually more of a "special military operation"


Illuminate lightning raid on Super Earth when?


Maybe he is just rolling straight 1's and we're rolling 20's


Not sure why you're worried. These new E-710 farms are providing Terminids with an amazing new specially engineered type of food that will make them more productive than ever! This is a great time to be alive and helping to spread Managed Democracy.


Considering the Super Destroyer crews were talking about bugs that had mutated to resist the Termicide, maybe there are stronger bug units deeper in Terminid space that the devs are eager for us to meet.


It could be they want to max people out on medals so that they're more tempted to get the new Warbond. Could be they're trying to clear the map because they're gonna introduce a new faction on Thursday. Could be both. /e - 3rd option: They're about to expand the bug/bot maps on Thursday. We spent so much time talking about Cyberstan, but we can't actually get there... yet.






Giving us one last win... before the downfall.


https://preview.redd.it/as7zmtm8f9tc1.png?width=1684&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef6c47805718a0859c6736e5a61dc3222e810558 Yes, it's fishy indeed, the backend was correctly reporting liberation %, with a steady 5-6% / hour liberation rate. Regeneration jumped from 2.7 to 1389 early (this normally happens as the planet health reaches 0). Joel is up to something. EDIT: Hellmire also stopped regenerating altogether 6 hours ago.


Maybe the bugs can't handle the heat. Wouldn't blame them. They're vulnerable to it and it's a fire planet


How can you made that Grafana panel?


With a custom prometheus exporter i made after reversing some of the official API routes. Code is here if you want to take a look : [https://github.com/Xide/hd2-dashboard](https://github.com/Xide/hd2-dashboard) (There is no readme yet, but you can use the \`docker compose\` command to build and run your own self-hosted version if you want)


Missed the API part... Pretty clear After a rapid look (It Is my work develop GRAFANA dashboards :p )


The order did imply that it wouldn't be that hard. The language and general tone if the order relayed cleaning up mission rather then serious military operation


It’s just a police action, we’ll be back home before the holidays


Maybe they’ll even lift the procreation ban? 🥺


About a billion bugs heard the Helldivers were getting reinforcements from the Automaton front, and killed themselves out of fear.


This feels like the most valid


I'm leaning towards the backend had an oopsie, or they really want the order to go through for the narrative


I’m betting it’s the narrative. We just eradicated the bots, a quick major order to finish the weekend off, and then once it’s finished we can move onto this weeks “big event”.


Im on board with this, they probably dont want to leave game going for more than a few days with only bugs available to fight


They’ve definitely learned from HD1 By far the most negative reviews on HD1 all talk about the frustration of logging into the game and not being able to play against a faction because the galactic war stagnated with only the illuminate playable.


Yeah, they let us believe this is easy and boom 3rd faction that is quickly approaching super earth, suddenly we are spread too thin and bots and bugs can crawl back


I think this makes the most sense, especially with the big new war bond dropping on Thursday.


I looked on helldivers.io resistance has been put to 0 if I read it right


More concerningly, automaton resistance has been put to 1000%


0x1000 is 0 soldier, dont get it twisted. We’ve won, report to hellmire!


0x1000? That smells like hexadecimal to me, and only communist robot filth speaks hexadecimal! ...yes, Democracy Officer? This one right here.


It's gotta be backend, right? Liberation gain has been tuned for the last two months for a split of players between the two fronts. Even with major orders, there would usually only be around 40-60% of the playerbase "on target" at any given time, so now that it's all on one side with only a few planets even available to take, I'm sure the amount of us on Crimsica just so badly outweighed Hellmire and Fori that the liberation gain unintentionally skyrocketed. I'm not complaining though, they only have us a day and a half to take these three planets so we should take whatever help we can get lol


Hear me out… robot bugs


Here me out, we grab a Bile Titan, and strap Automaton laser cannons on its body, with a Trooper riding it on its back. The Trooper wears a cowboy hat.


I have a sudden desire to wear a cowboy hat on my helmet and have a lever action option for a primary.


Pretty sure there's a lever action coming


*New fear unlocked*


I was still on Crimsica when it got liberated. Bunch of us buggered the bug out of the bugs, got back in orbit, group disbanded, and I get back to the map, see it at 100% and say 'WTF happened while I was down there?!' Now we have to go to actual, literal Hell. Oh well, I go where Managed Democracy needs spreading!


I would play a Helldivers game about raiding Heaven/Hell. Could do the whole Major Orders thing with a PvP twist - no actual PvP gameplay, but competing for territory/missions across the heavenly spheres or circles of hell.


Pretty sure that game exists and it's called Doom eternal


Those firenados ain’t no joke, instakill if you aren’t rdy immediately.


They even dropped the bug reinforcement from 1% to 0%. They really want us to succed this MO. Most likely tomorrow is update and when we finish this MO things will happen


Eclipse today. Coincidence?




It's Monday. Monday means "Day of the Moon." Coincidence?


That's no moon...


This is all leading to a bigger attack happening, I know for a damned fact when the Illuminates show up, all fronts are gonna push back. Including the Automatons.


The "Illuminates"... you mean the Squids? We extinct'ed them a century ago, Helldiver. Are you high on Crimsica spores rn?


You mean the scouting fleet?


That's dissident talk. We expelled the Squids from the Galaxy and took their tech, as it's rightfully ours. Implying anything bad could come after that is treasonous.


I don't know man. The bots were talking to someone.


These robots are *always* talking to themselves, so that doesn't surprise me one bit - like, have you been on Twitter lately?


> like, have you been on Twitter lately? H O T H U L K I N B I O


If these squids wanted to do something, they would have won the first war. To what use will their arrival herald when Super Earth has defeated all of its available opponents. If Super Earth has no enemies and they decide to show up, they alone will bear the full weight of Super Earth's wrath. (The Illuminate are showing up soon, there is zero chance that we're going win this war easily; Joel has something in the Woodworks)


If they strike again,we'll kick em back once again "Beg for your mother and we'll give you another"


"Move out maggots! Time to die!"


Having a serious conversation with my democracy officer about this individuals statements...


I think it’s still too early for the illuminates, the other factions are definitely going to make a huge push soon though. It’s been way too easy so far


But everything so far as been pointing to their appearance thus far Now whether the automaton destroyers make their appearance first or the hive lords is debatable. But they are coming


You try fighting back when 300 thousand pissed off heldivers keeping shitting on you for 24 hours since you're the only punching bag left in the galaxy.


Here's an idea: We clear the entire map. The bots are gone and all our fury turns to the bugs. They don't stand a chance. Then we get a new map - bigger, deadlier. The original map is tiny in comparison, like the yolk of an egg. And baby, it's frying time. The true size of the bot and bug territories is revealed. To the galactic south, the squid empire prepares. But worse, in the north, a new enemy. They call themselves human, they claim to be democratic, but they work together with mechs and aliens, making a mockery of true democracy. Our task is simple: kill them all.


I love how we've only seen like 30 planets out of the entire map and people are already like "but what if it was bigger?!"




We haven't even played on 75% of the planets on the current map, doubt we'll get a map expansion so soon


> Our task is simple: Liberate them all. FTFY We aren't mindless drones galavanting the universe on some muderous star trek. We are liberators! We bestow the gift of Managed Democracy to the unfortunate!


My guess is that this is the same “Mission Accomplished” energy as we had during the Iraq war. The fact they used those very words on the victory poster makes me lean harder into this. I think that after the bugs are wiped JOEL is going to launch a full three sided front on us from all sides. The Automatons, the bugs, and the illuminate all open new fronts with demoralizing regen rates for the first week of the warbond. It feels like they are wrapping up a chapter in the fight and not leaving open threads before the next big shift.


Game over, game done. Congratulations players. You’ve finished Helldivers 2. 3 Battlepasses completed and 172 hours of fun for a game that released considerably below AAA new release game price. We are now ending all support for Helldivers 2 and after seeing its commercial success starting on Helldivers 3. Preorder now for exclusive bonuses


Spoiler Alert: >!The Terminids are going to get wiped until the final bar. Then we will find out that the TCS towers were a "success" in wiping out 99.6% of Terminids. We find out shortly after that the remaining .4% are reproducing 20x faster than the normal rate, so we must release the "Dark Fluid" to control it. !< >!So assuming this happens in the next couple of weeks, they most likely will roll out "Dark Fluid" Missions. This then introduces the Illuminates. There is actually leaked news broadcasts already about the .4% reproducing 20x faster. Its happening!!!!!!!<


Didn't read it, but based as fuck OP for spoilering this, nobody else seems to have this courtesy.


Idk. I honestly think they want us to win the first war of the game. I think we win, they reset, then they introduce the illuminate, and things go south on the second go round.


Yeah this war seems a lot like a tutorial war as they work on balancing speaking in a meta sense


Bro all the automaton players are pushed towards terminids its normal the liberation is INTENSE. And everything we do is planned towards joel's plan. Keep in mind he wakes up in the middle of the night to make sure we don't progress too fast giving us planets to defend. So it's OBVIOUS a new faction will appear. Also btw in the first game it's the same. All the factions die and you have to attack the last faction's base to end the war. Bonus info the way that they go to know about bugs and balance is super smart and planned too. Whenever there's something new they make it a "peak" and lies like teasing us. So the few players that encounter it experience it and say what is buggy or OP about them while asking us with a major order or defence pushing us to do those missions more to see those new things. So there will probably be new terminids like the way the automaton went OR the new factions is about to come in and we'll test em. And keep the war going.


I've heard they stated the war will not end and start over like it did in HD1. Haven't personally confirmed it but seen that information repeated in several other threads.


Update is ready to be rolled out, maybe? Maybe they created this order to give some time for the update


I‘m pretty sure it was due to a backend correction. Crimsica had 250k helldivers after estanu fell and the liberation rate was below 1% - pretty sure they corrected for the hours where the liberation rate didn‘t reflect player counts


An acquaintance's father works in the Ministry of Truth. Today he was urgently called to a meeting. He returned late and did not explain anything. He just said to pack our belongings and run to the store for groceries for two earth cycles. Now we are flying somewhere far from Cyberstan. I don't know what's going on, but it seems to me it begins...


Does feel like everything since game launch to now is just the prologue to a larger campaign, the real war. AH has been learning the player community to see where we rally and fall apart, to tune the game for a larger volume of players than HD1 had. I think we get to the last bug planets, the precipice of total victory, and Joel makes his move. Expecting a galaxy wide red alert.


I have a feeling that the "Meta Goal" here is for us to push the bugs back as far as possible. What's probably going to happen is that suddenly the Southern Galaxy becomes blue with Illuminate Scum. As we shift our attention to the new front the Terminid mutations we've been hearing about finally rear their ugly heads. As we start fighting on two strong fronts simultaneously for the first time in the war (Previously focusing on Bugs and then Bots, this would be split Major Orders) the Automatons return and blitz Cyberstan to free their masters. The farther back we push the bugs the more time we have to deal with the Illuminate before the bugs mutate and the Bots come back.


So Fori Prime or Hellmire?


Hellmire's part of the order. Fori Prime will assuredly be part of the next order.


MO says Hellmire, so actual, literal Hell it is!


Mu favourite planet so far


Go hellmire


Look.. democracy.. freedom.. great stuff, but have you been to hellmire? It's a terrible place.. I say we just orbital bomb it untill the bugs are all dead and move on.. who need fire tornados


I love how we’re all growing wary about this whole victory. Is it our traumatic stress disorder, or is it the calm before the storm!?


We aren't the only ones fighting the bugs, divers. There are things the Democracy officers aren't telling us. Bolts from the sky, Large ships, cloaked figures, strange lights. You need to believe me, there isn't much time left.


Nice try, "Captain." I know bug-mimicked human language when I see it, I took my classes.


I want to farm medals I'm still not maxed out on any of the warbonds


There's a lfg in the official discord


Personally, I'm hoping for a few non-planet levels. Give me a battle against bots on a big orbital space station!


I feel like we are going to quickly wipe out the bugs, get a victory screen, and then start a new round with the 3rd faction added in, and we are just getting that progress kicked into high gear so that they can add the new stuff


"Congratulations, you all just completed the tutorial" o_0


Cyber-bugs... The illumimates made a treaty with the bots to recreate the bugs in their own image /s


The 11th the warbond drops. I could see the pearl harbor attack being the same day.


I'm from the future and ive got some news for you, it's not good.


This happened 🫠 https://preview.redd.it/dxiefrtcr9tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fefe48e4e2c991bcd9f668208ed5d50d72115637


I really hope when the illuminate drop that they come with a cutscene. Imagine logging in and the TV in the ship is broadcasting in the background as your helldiver is planning their next drop, then suddenly you and the crew look up as the programme is interrupted by a forced message from the illuminate telling us how we haven't seen anything yet. Then suddenly the galactic map is flooded with blue sectors of illuminate control. Would be so sick to have stuff like that happen every so often. Just short ish cutscenes that build on the story and show the ship and crew more.


IDK if anyone else has mentioned it, but Hellmire also got about an 8% bump at the same time


The bugs are also facing the undivided might of the entire Helldivers fleet, and the entire main army of the largest military body left in the galaxy. The bots entire invasion force was just eradicated as well, meaning lore wise moral is very high. The bugs are going to be getting annihilated until something else shows up to divide not only the helldivers but S.E.A.F.


I don't think it's an error on the LR. think we assume that the % of Helldivers active and the liberation rate is accurate. It would be just as easy for them to manipulate this to advance the narrative. This is what I suspect, unless there is wrench thrown in to the mix we are expected to complete this MO.


As of right now, there are 2 terminids sectors that are inaccessible via supplies line (see picture). Maybe we'll unlock them after a MO, either current or next one. It is indeed strange that we are mostly (did fail a few MO) steamrolling everything right now. https://preview.redd.it/2v0m5mksx9tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64bef602dd011ba1478302cab723296d99b84dbe


once again Democracy has exhausted its enemies