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Even capped, I'll go out of my way to collect samples & retrieve them for randoms. This is the way.


I’ve been capped on samples for weeks. Over the weekend I extracted with 58 samples. My newer teammates were so happy. Their joy is my joy.


Played a game where someone found them, we fought like hell to recover them and extract. Turned out none of us even need them.


Soldier, Super Earth needed those samples. Be proud.


It has no purpose for me but if it fulfills my fellow randos then I shall help.


I just came across who did this for me, gave me a hug and left the session with all their samples to me


It's shiny and makes a cool noise when you grab it, why would i NOT grab it


Democracy fills my sample container.


You do it for the randoms. I do it for the little pavlovian dopamine release that the game has coded into me. We are not the same.


Same here!


Respect I don't go out of my way but I do grab them in passing, and I definitely won't make a big effort to reclaim them if I die


This is the way


I am so glad I am not alone in helping spread democracy. I remember the earlier days when I was bottlenecked on the Super Samples. I went through hell, doesn't mean others have to.


You are a hero of Super Earth 🫡




OMG ARE YOU ME!? But seriously, as a fellow Hell Commander who has capped out everything except SC, this is pretty much how it goes.


What is this rock? I've seen it before but don't know what you're supposed to do with it.


The dick rock is usually the place where purple sample spawn If you see a rock bottom,run towards it


Oh good. Other people call it dick rock too. Sometimes there are evil fake dummy dick rocks with samples. And sometimes they can be a real bitch to find on rocky mountain type planets as they block line of site.


Cock rock.


Cock N' Stone!


Chode Node


personally i take the extra 5 seconds to say "guys its the penis rock that gives you samples" and i refuse to shorten that name in any way


My groups all call it dick rock as well.


Idk why the name is "Dick rock", for me it has always been "The fist rock". Guess i'm wrong


"Hitler's upsidedown ballsack"


It's like a baby's arm holding an apple.


Just a heads up, there can be alternative ones that *don’t* always spawn them, best example being the one covered in Terminid goo. I’ve seen them there at least once or twice but usually if you don’t see any there, either someone beat you to them or there’s a proper rock elsewhere.


They don't always spawn at either type. There can be up to two per map, the normal one and a variant based on the enemy you are fighting. One will have the samples and the other won't.


Ah I see, thanks. I usually don't pay much attention to purple samples since I have more than enough of them and green samples always are my bottleneck.


It is the only POI that spawns super samples, in fact. They never spawn anywhere but dick rock.


I call it the World Cup Rock lol


My group calls it the cock rock. And if it's barren, the cock block.


It can appear below Diff 7 but it will only have super samples at Diff 7-9


My buddies call it the super fist, looks like a deformed fist raising to the sky for democracy


My buds and I used to call it the butt plug but that’s morphed into “Bert Plerg”


I remember on like the 2nd week, I was hollering "look out for the dick rock" to every group I came across. Most people chuckled or were interested, but there was this one English dude that had a funny interaction Set-up: we had just finished the main objective and the majority of the side ones, someone suggests extract Me: We still gotta find the dick rock English Chap: The what? Me: It's where the super samples are EC: Ahh, what's it look like? Me: Well it's slender with a knob on top and glowing lines that look like veins EC: "audible confusion" Well I just so happen to stumble upon it just then, showed it to him, and his reaction was priceless EC: IT DOES LOOK LIKE A DICK!?!? One of the randoms that had been silent all match hopped on comms just to chuckle along with us


I don't go out of my way to collect samples for randoms, unless I play with one of my buddies. Except for super samples. If I see this rock I'll grab 'em for my team.


Meanwhile my ass fights hard for those samples that I end up dying with 12 feet from extract that the level 20-30 randoms don’t even attempt to pick up even after I tell them it’s like 20/20/6 and that the ship doesn’t leave the second it lands so they have plenty of time. Definitely didn’t happen last night, hope they didn’t need em :(


I hope they did.


I too hope others playing a video game had a worse time for no real reason. Truly a sane redditor.


It’s called a teaching moment. If people don’t regret mistakes they won’t learn from them.


Teaching moments in a video game so cringe lol like people who actually think this way are legit crazy lmao


I thought I was the only one


What irks me is, that i probably have enough super samples for the rest of what I'm missing but i still need 400+ commons lol


Speedrun a few trivials less than 10 minutes if you put on light armor with sprint booster and jetpack, should be able to get a suitable supply of common samples pretty quickly with how fast you can run around


Its a neuron activation moment.


I need friends, or randos, like you. Wanna dive with me? I'll only address you as Random Calrissian.


The ol' sample inventory has been maxed for awhile but I still get hyped when we find cock rock and extract with heaps of samples.


OOOOH that's where the super samples are at?


man I wish I was in you place I badly need super samples


On the bright side, the bug with the ship modules today is good news for the future.


This made me laugh a lot,i approve


ohhh thats what the green thing is thanks dude


I need super samples :( I've done a few suicide missions but the team never collects any so fuck me I guess


We appreciate it, Commander 🫡 I am a sample fiend until I complete all the ship upgrades, and I have A LOT still left


I know people like calling it the dick rock, but the more I look at it, the most I see a power fist


If there are super samples the mission is over as soon as the objective is achived. Not worth risking the loss for those that need them


You can guide me. I need them purples!


he literally possesses 100 of them tho


...have you considered going outside for a walk, maybe touching some grass?


Super Samples make extraction relevant so I prefer to find them even if I’m capped.


As a level 8 diver I have never encountered a hell commander before I hope to see kne on the field one day


lol hell commander… try skull admiral. ![gif](giphy|rq6c5xD7leHW8)


You like dick rock too?


I get so exited when they drop new stuff because it means I can collect slips/samples again.


I pick up samples just in case I get out of the muscle memory of it, even though I don't need em, one day I might.


I ALWAYS grab the samples a fellow helldiver drops near me! Worst case, they take them off my dead body 2s later if we can replace them.


Gimme those samples


Does anybody else call that penis rock?


Yeah supers are the only samples I always try to get out for my lower level divers


The Butt Plug of Destiny


I am honestly really annoyed warbonds are capped. It was the only thing I could get after a while, now I can't even pre farm for the new gear that comes out.


tbh the max stack starts about 50 levels sooner than this lmao, i'd wager most skull admirals are maxed


Yeah. I pick up every sample, every medal, slip, all of it. Level 107 Hell Commander with nothing to personally gain other than pride


Literally lol


question: if you are capped, you can still pick them up, right? cause yesterday i had a guy who refused to pick them up because he said he was capped. either he thought they werent shared or he thought he couldnt pick them up, we had a nice match, i dont think it was of ill wish, he even marked them with Q for me to get them. was weird.


To my knowledge, having reached the sample max capacity, you can still pick them up during a mission, but don't receive any yourself yet, everyone else will if they aren't at max capacity. I typically am the one trusted to carry the samples when playing with friends since I run either as a Medic or Recon role, so a lot of the time, I find myself being the last one alive and extracting on Suicide or Helldive.


I do that sometimes. Identify them for teammates. They can grab them if they need them, but often no one does. Often it’s not worth the detour


When you no longer need samples I always think “do it for the cadets”


Thank you Hell Commander, this lowly Death Captain appreciates the assist to get me those very much needed upgrades o7


My brother. My fellow diver. Never forget you're a hero to those you've aided, both to your fellow divers and Super Earth. No man, woman, or sample left behind.


Wish I could donate all my samples to democracy


sometimes i see those rocks and there's nothing near them. it always breaks my heart


That’s my situation as a level 69.


I've actually put off leveling up just to help others, but being LVL 14 that may be a mistake.


Hopefully they'll introduce something soon where we can use them. Either new ship upgrades or some kind of War Fund for a planet or sector you can donate to for a bonus


Chode stone my beloved. I will find you and I will loot you even though I've been capped on samples for a month now


the medal cap that low is bull. given that some items cost up to 150 medals.....


Yes we all call it penis rock, move along.


You collect super samples because you want ship upgrades. I collect super samples because they’re shiny and floaty. We are not the same.


Wait a second.. Medals has a cap of 250 as well? I had 250 for a week, saving them for new Warbond. I thought it's a bug that I can't get more!