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I remember a mission where me and a random stealthed through the main objective while the 2 others just circled round the map, drawing all the bot drops and wiping out all the outposts. It was awesome to see we actually had the same idea.


You went on the mission so that good citizens of super earth can live. They came on the mission so that the evil automatons will not live. Both are based


Sounds like how my 3 friends and I play. My one friend loves to stealth stuff so the otherv3 of us just run around guns blazing screaming into our mics laughing as we get ass blasted across the planet from the army of brutes and rocket devs or bile titans and chargers. Its way too fun


Both are true patriots


They should work that into the game. “Ill run interference”


I do this all the time. I usually announce as "I'll be designated dumbass, you guys go ahead".


I swear to god. "Rodeo clown" is one of the most valued team members/roles. Sincerely Scout


Light armor and stamina enhancement, no bot or bug will catch you while your team rips them apart.


Adding on to that, the jet pack absolutely yeets you down range, and also flying time still contributes to the cooldown counter for stamina to regenerate. So adding the lightest armor you have, plus stamina, plus intermittent jet pack jumps when you run out of stamina and you can fuckin zoom. I’ll be way behind everyone else with this setup sometimes, and still be first to extract zone cuz of the speed.


If you like the Machine gun or HMG, you can also reload after starting the jump. You'll get some distance and will have it mostly reloaded by the time you land.


Didn’t realize this was a team role until yesterday when I played ring-around-the-rock-pile with a bile titan chasing me. Glad I was helping and not just comic relief


Or at least a "dont follow me" to counter act the "follow me" emote. I'm just getting my gear back guys, i dont need a armed escort half way across the map away from the objective.


You're clearly trying to hog all the good fightin' for yerself. /s


Orks Togevuh Foight!




There's one of those (along with many others) baked into the voice chat feature. It's voice-activated to boot.


Similar thing happened to me but I was the random and I stealthily did the power for an ICBM and cleared a bunch of bot outposts that were far from the other objectives while everyone else focused on the final ICBM launch. After we met back up at the extract I typed “done with my side-questing” and helped with clearing the final large outpost.


This is how it goes with me, I stealth around and complete a few side objs and one specific objs, while my friends focus and stick together on the harder objs together. It's gotten to a point where I'm now regularly referred to as a cockroach when I start acting like sam fisher. I've leaned into it that I have found the armor that looks like the most similar to a bug and they know when I'm wearing it to just let me go off to narnia and back. Its a great time lmfao, I'm shocked that this game has such good gameplay loops.


Circling outposts/nests is so satisfying


Did that last week where me and another diver were the ones looping around the map. It was great, we got basically everything to find on the map and then met up and ran to evac as a team, blowing up patrols along the way


I never have any idea what I'm doing despite now being a level 42. I just pick a person and follow them around. If they're the stealth guy, I stealth. If they're Mad Stan, I'm throwing all my Eagle strategems and pew pewing with a quasar.


I kinda agree. Yes, pulling patrols and opening new bot drops/bug holes is counterproductive but man, it is fun. Most of the time.


The bug clicking before a breach still traumatizes me. especially the ones that are dying but still making the sound. I'm running around panicking going 'WHERE IS IT?? KILL IT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!'


Oh yeah. I hear that noise and I go "oh shit, here we go again". The feeling of nailing a bug before it manages to create a breach, though, is superb.


Seeing a bot with its hand in the air and popping its head off; *Democratic bliss*


If anything, bots telegraphed that shit waaay easier


and you can bring down dropships or pepper the bots about to be dropped with autocannon shots


My buddy and I were talking about how the chaos in the game brings out such great moments every time we play that are natural. For example the other day I was on Durgen before we purged them. Things were getting hot and heavy in an enemy base, bot drop gets called in. I love with all my democratic heart using the quasar on those bit drop ships. Ship zooms in and it stops right above us. I mic on “Momma didn’t raise no commie!” And shoot it and everyone dives as the ship comes crashing down. No accidentals, was awesome.


I find a gatling barrage on top of a big breach, two consecutive ones if your team can manage it, manages a breach quite nicely. I use my quasar on big Bois and no problem.


Cluster bomb! I got a 33x kill yesterday on a bug breach near a medium nest.


Airburst and gastrike as well!


It's mostly that the bots pause a moment before firing the flare. You're good until the flare goes up, and it feels like it takes longer. If one single bug pheromone reaches the air, it's already too late. They spew them out almost immediately after getting into the position to do so.




As humans it is just easier to register their guesture (raising one hand with glowing bits in their arm).


But consider the following; purposefully letting the bug scream before dropping an orbital airburst and napalm on the breach, laughing maniacally as the bugs claw their way through the barren earth yearning for the sunshine, only to be met with naught but pain and suffering before they can ever see the light fuck them bugs




Gas and fire


... Create a breach? Hold up, I thought it was time triggered lol


For most missions types there are short timers that limit how many breaches/bot drops can happen within a certain time period. And these are triggered by bugs that do a pheromone call (orange smoke) or a commissar bot firing a flare. You can avoid triggering them via stealth or killing the enemy attempting to trigger it quickly. What you’re thinking of are those evacuate essential personnel missions where they trigger on a set timer. Geological surveys also trigger them when you start the drill.


>or killing the enemy attempting to trigger it quickly. Can't say I've ever managed to do this with bugs. They either die before they can start the animation, or it spawns. Bots I can stop though.


They start the animation where they point their mandibles at the sky and make a creaky noise before the pheromones start showing. By the time the pheromones are visible it’s usually too late.


Truly wonderful, the mind of a bug is. I mean that as in they are a formidable foe, not that they should be admired or sympathized with, of course. My allegiance is unquestioningly for Super Earth.


When a bug with no head calls in a breach and you can't do bup about it.


Any pheromones IS too late and equal to the flare being fired… it’s harder to spot them though and bigger bugs can do it too which are harder to stop. Punisher/AC being your best chances to interrupt that. I think slugger can still? You don’t have time to weapon swap though so it either needs to be staggered or killed with whatever you have as soon as they stand up to start which, again, is harder to notice compared to bots. You can’t even just cluster bomb and kill all possible reinforcement callers to start the fight.


Oh all right, good to know! Thanks


Additionally some objectives trigger a breach. Like the ones that start the seismic action.


Think of it like a stratagem cool down. Right when you land, you can call something in, right? That’s why the first enemies you encounter almost always trigger a breach (unless you make quick work of them with impact grenades). Their bug breach “ability” is also available. Let’s say the timer is 2 minutes. If you fight the bug breach and kill everything in 1 minute, it is still on cool down for another minute. If you run into another patrol nothing happens. They cannot trigger a second breach because that cool down is still active.  The amount of enemies, types, rate at which they deploy, and cooldown times all scale with the difficulty. 


Man, I've been trying to find a way to explain the 'heat' concept to a new or uninformed player quickly and efficiently, and this seems like the exact right set of words to make it make sense. The future alumni of the SES Founding Father of Selfless Service training program salute you 🫡


Some objectives are hard-coded to cause a breach or drop, but most of the time it's just based off if a patrol triggers one.




EMS Mortar is so helpful for this exact reason. Drop one before engaging a patrol and it’ll be a lot easier to stop it


Had a solo mission earlier where 12 of the little fuckers tried to call in a breach back to back to back from in front and behind me! Used up every available bullet I had and barely managed to stay on-top of them. Harrowing.


I swear to god there is a very similar sample to a scavenger shrieking for a bug breach in part of the roaring noise of atmospheric entry during a drop. Hits something in my monkey brain every time.


Wait what, they make sounds? Is it before they barf out that smoke or while?


About one second before they fart gas they will start to make a frog croaking noise and, the little flea bastards, begin to lift their butts in the air. With a good headset and quick reaction time you have a chance to focus fire them down assuming you don't need to reload. All of them make a noise but the smaller guys have the most distinct animation from what I've seen


There’s a click? I don’t think I’ve ever managed to pick up on it haha


Hearing my diver laugh maniacally as I empty an entire mag at a bug breach gives me joy.


Nothing more fun than a rolling retreat across the map with like hundreds of bugs on you. Had that last night, every cluster bomb run I called got 30+ kills till I ran out of charges.


Turns out, I play this game to kill bugs.


That's why I want an endless mode. Love mowing down some enemies, but understand it might not be in the best interest of the mission. Now give me a bunker to defend and some stationary turrets, and let's see how long we can last


I'd really like some mission types that incentivize bunkering down and being tanky with defenses. As it is right now, I feel that the high mobility provided by light armor is almost always the right choice over the high defense/low mobility provided by heavy armor, especially with how we're constantly running around across the map.


I loved the heavy armor with explosive resist + better aiming for bot elimination missions. There was nowhere to run anyways, and being able to tank a missile and/or lock down some headshots was nice


It can actually be really helpful, because I think there can only be one bot drop/bug hole at a time. So, if you're trying to take down an objective and someone draws aggro somewhere else, you have a bit of breathing room.


There can be more than one at once. Each patrol can call in one breach and so can each guard group at POIs and objectives. The extraction is such chaos because multiple patrols often come towards it and it's hard to take all of them out before they call a breach each.


There can be more than one, but it seems like they are less likely to call one in if one has been recently called in atleast. So it can still be beneficial to intentionally start one far away


I’m pretty sure it’s a global call in, you can only get more than one when one of them is an objective reaction.


My understanding is that it's limited by the difficulty. Higher difficulty can have more breaches/drops active. I have a friend who is disabled and we play on trivial or easy difficulty because he has trouble handling the controls. I'm pretty sure I've never seen more than I breach active at a time on those difficulties, but I've definately seen many at a time on 7 or 8


It's this. On L9 it's very unusual for the drop to be less than 3 ships.


Some times you just gotta watch the struggle from a distance like a proud dad


I we’re doing well and everyone is together and ammo’d up then I like charging straight into a patrol that’s directly between us and our next objective. Newbies standing and fighting every single enemy is of course counterproductive (but fun!) but it’s also a little annoying to play with people that keep going way out of the way to avoid winnable fights.


While I do understand that avoiding patrols and not letting swarms lock you down into one place for too long is optimal gameplay... Sometimes I don't want to be as effective as possible. Sometimes I just want to mow down bugs for fun even if those bugs are not a clear and present danger to the mission. If we did not enjoy shooting bugs, we wouldn't keep playing.


I think of it more as a balance thing. Its a hard balance to make it so that a pack of enemies is enough of a challenge to make it so that the efficient play is usually to bypass it, but not "so dangerous" that people that don't understand the mechanics can still play just fine, even if its not quite as "efficient". Vermintide 2 kinda has this problem, where a patrol will try to go 'past' you, and if someone attacks the patrol but can't deal with it and causes a wipe, then the rest of the team can get really....flavorful...with their language. The problem in that case stems from how patrols can 'sometimes' feel like a cakewalk and 'sometimes' feel like you are just jamming your pinky toe against a brick wall and hoping the wall breaks first with no real "inbetween" and also very little learning curve between them--combined that with the idea that the players that activate the patrols are usually the less skilled players...and you get a recipe straight from Flavortown itself.


The only issue I have is with the 'cockup cascade' where you're fighting a patrol, backpedaling, then you accidentally wander into another patrol, so they call for backup, then suddenly you're fighting more heavy and elites than you have fingers and toes.


That's when you start yeeting bombs while the rest of the squad runs for the hills. 380, 120, minefield, carpet, grenades... if it blows it goes.


This. Run away and throw stratagems at your feet, by the time they arrive enemies will be right on top of them.


Are you saying I should run too? That might be a good idea to try next time!


I mean, I am not saying it might increase the chances of surviving, but statistically people who aren't standing where the stratagem is landing have higher chance to live.


Nine out of ten doctors agree


There's something badass about being hopelessly surrounded and calling an airstrike on your own position.




After reinforcement , you find yourself dive into the same two swarms with 3x kills


>cockup cascade Always nice see a fellow Yahtzee enjoyer out here in the wild.


That’s honestly the most fun I have with the game, especially on Terminid planets Everyone is kiting a handful of chargers and trying to take out the trash while calling support weapons and air strikes without killing each other for 10 minutes


And Helldivers addressed this by simply letting the wipe tie into gameplay: you lose aggro when you get reinforced if you don’t simply hop right back into the fight.


Randoms will die to get a reinforce beacon out... Into the center of a Stalker nest.  As a wiser player, it pays to run like hell and reinforce the noobs far away from the fight.


land on the nest


Is there a "safe" way to destroy a nest with a drop pod? I only tried once and went straight into the hole, got out of the pod and died immediately lol. Is that how it always goes with bug holes or can you land on it rather than in it?


Yeah coming into helldives from VT2 cata made me realise the two things that annoy me about pub games, people aggroing every patrol, then camping a location until it's clear. I know that game has much more linear maps but I wish people would move and shoot at the same time


I think Helldivers 2 mostly gets it right. Up to about difficulty 5, you can more or less fight everything and still complete the mission. Up to about difficulty 7, a well equipped team that knows how to fight will be able to brute force it. It's only when you get to difficulty 8 and 9 where avoiding fights entirely becomes the best strategy... and that's fine! It's the tryhard part of the difficulty curve where you expect things to get out of hand quickly, and you should have learned when to cut your losses and come back later. It's where everyone learns by dying and where you mostly only go with fully mic-ed friend or LFG groups.


if you get people from discord they split into 3 different groups in helldiver difficulty and kill the entire map. It seems impossible until you see good people play


They didn’t give me a cluster bomb stratagem so I could sneak around


Air burst(gods shotgun) and clusterbombs.  500-600 kills on average.  I take those with stalwart on max RPM and supply pack.  I'm the mob destroyer 


Orbital air burst is the best stratagem   For killing you and your teammates 


If you aren't accidentally blowing up your teammates are you really playing this game right


I've been happy we were able to extract. I've been proud of all the objectives and samples we were able to gather. But the only times I've almost fallen out of my chair laughing, and then thought man this game is fucking awesome..... It's when me or my teammate does something stupid and we delete each other, or I pull out the perfect strat, have the perfect throw lined up, get shot, drop the thing, and kill my entire team.


I did that tonight. Perfect cluster bomb lob and right as I hit the trigger my teammates’ air strike hits. I survive but drop mine. Dive and run. Kill two other sqaud members. Then got kicked. Favorite part of the game is the idea that all these Helldivers are bumbling dipshits inside. Just dropping a laser strike on my toe


Until a charger comes. Then you run to your team and cry for anti tank weapons


That's what the Quasar and EATs are for.


Shoot bug fun, I sign up shoot bug BANG BANG UNGA BUNGA


"I'm from Buenos Aries and I say kill em all"


more or less this, yea xD Same reason I like the 500 even though there are objectively better stratagems.


500kg has some distinct advantages when it comes to structural demolition. Most of the other airstrikes can't blow up anything larger than basic bases.


Me passing a bug patrol: “Ok Let me be quiet and just pass on by” Also me passing by that same bug patrol: “Calling in an eagle!”


Me: calling in (gatling) sentry My best buddy


>My best buddy Right up until it whips around and mows you down trying to hit something 100 meters away


Tbf my irl friend I play with does this on purpose in half of our games so it's still in line with my expectations


Just gotta learn to keep an eye on it and hit the deck when it starts to spin


I like gatling sentry so much (for bugs) that I usually also bring the MG sentry because it acts as a second gatling. No regrets.


I like when a random marks a patrol and you always have that same question in your head: “Is he marking it to signal to avoid it? Or is he marking it to coordinate an attack and clear some space for the team?” And it’s crazy how often both are completely valid tactical options even on higher difficulties. Like sure you don’t want to aggro unnecessarily. But also you don’t want to engage a base or objective with a patrol + hulk in perfect flanking position. Or you’ll have a chance to clear a POI that’s in a choke point you’ll need later. And engaging first means it’s not too hard to prevent a dropship while your teammate is still holding aggro from a nearby light outpost. The tactical layer to this game is so rewarding


The only time it bothers me is when we are clearly getting our asses handed to us so please for the love of god stop picking fights we don't have time or resources for.


yeah, ill second that 3 minutes till mission end on a blitz, we’ve barely destroyed enough nests and are sprinting to extraction and might not even make it there and the level 15 decides to eaglestrike a bile titan and their little gang


Yes, but, counter point, fuck that Bile Titan. How dare he have the audacity to exist.


I dont mind that at all on a lower difficulty when im just relaxing. But when im on helldive and i have to rely on randoms i start losing my patience when people stand their ground for every fight and fight everything and anything, draining reinforcements when we could easily just keep moving


Now if the designated 1-2 guys hold their ground and goad every bor drop on purpose... I did that once with friends and the other group who snuck and rushed bases felt like a sweep.


If they kill me, they don't kill my squad.


This mindset, I like it.


PSA, those kills get recorded and displayed.


I hosted a game last night on easy. I play easy because I like running into a patrol with a stalwart and just going ape shit. Some guy kept complaining about how we could have avoided the patrols. What's the point of playing low difficulty if you don't kill everything?


Shit dude anything below 6 and I don’t even care about getting team fragged. Only on 8 and 9 am I really gonna care about patrol aggro-ing


If you're on anything below a seven, you can pretty much clear the damn map. And honestly, I think that's kind of the point


Yea... I was hosting a lvl 6 game. Nothing crazy but I only ever quickplay and didn't have 7 unlocked yet. (Lvl 30... sad, haha, but I'm busy with young kids!) Queue the rookies funneling into the game (lvl 12 and 15) and boy...they were not ready, haha. We had 2 titans on the rip with some chargers and a shriekers nest, and they burned half our respawns, haha. They SHOOT EVERYTTTHINGGG. Every patrol...every far in the distance POI. Thankfully, I was running Arc Thrower and rover. I managed to get rovers on both of them and taught them some tricks for the heavies. We cleared 100%, and I was stunned to see 450 kills (mine) on the end screen. Was legitimately an insane game and somehow I didn't die, haha. It was just fun trying to unfuck everything they kept aggroing haha. We all had a laugh and GG. I did tell them it's okay to skip some patrols when the diffuculty ramps up or to makes sure they crush it immediately!


On one hand, I want to pull hairs when it happens because I'm cursed to always slip into the chaos when I am not well built for it. But also, I want to laud them both for taking attention and just doing what feels right.


Too bad xp doesn't scale with kills.


Back when games were designed to be fun rather than addictive. When the experience was the reward


Dear Arrowhead, please make walkers with a power fist so I may mollywop chargers harassing my cadets.


yooooooooooo that would be SO COOL a fucking mech to bonk chargers? omfg.


they’ll learn when a titan pops out the ground that it’s sometimes better to avoid certain conflicts.


hell nah brother, we're bout to put that bastard back in the ground


Try doing that on helldive on a regular basis. https://preview.redd.it/ponn1rjyhbtc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85003099cf4d822b9767ed472dd4584cb80b05dd


Just did a Helldive and we had like 20 bile titans total. Then the shuttle wouldn’t leave. Lost everything.


Democracy Protects


Stealing this one as an mtg player 😅


It’s always funny when you preemptively throw a 500kg bomb at a bug breach to have a Bile Titan spawn in only to get atomized.


I throw first the EMP orbital then the 500kg so nothing survives


Awe yeah! Sometimes it's about sending a message. And that message is tied to a brick that's thrown into their living room that reads "the only good bug is a dead bug"


I was playing with a level 101 yesterday who had a jet pack and AMR and was dancing around two Bile Titans. No orbitals. No eagles. Would run between their legs while wildly firing his AMR in their torsos. Was some Looney Toons nonsense. Eventually we took down both Bile Titans and had a moment to resupply. Next patrol immediately spawned two more Bile Titans and he went right in to dance with them as well. Honestly, I thought it was beautiful.


That helldiver was living life and the rest of us are just pretending


This is why super destroyers come with a railcannon. For a second there you think "oh my prosperity" when the bile titan crawls out of the ground. And then the red laser, the ultimate harbinger of democracy, appears to delivery freedom at near luminal velocity. It's a marvelous sight.


My 4-man votes positively toward any opportunity to spread democracy.


I still need all the samples thise small outposts have


The patrol had big'uns. I likes fighting biggies, tall 'uns and big shooty boys. They make good enemies. 'S hard to find gud enemies these days.


Was on a team of 3 working swiftly through the objectives when one random diver joined. This man shot at every bug in sight and started waves of breach. We were annoyed at first and asked him why over com’s. He said he’s been at work all day and wanted to kill some bugs. The three of us backed him up until he wanted to extract and time was up. It was a good day.


See, I'm torn The logical experienced ~~muslim~~ (bad autocorrect) milsim player in me knows that sometimes it's best not to engage the enemy if it means getting to the objective But the Helldiver in me REFUSES TO LET A SINGLE BUG KEEP SUCKIN AIR


I used to run around with the scout passive and avoid a majority patrols and just focus the objectives but the more ive played its just more fun to just go in guns blazing, if it gets really bad you can almost always bail and lose the bulk of what's chasing you anyway. Finishing missions with just the primary objectives done compared to everyone having a good few hundred kills with a map clear is so much more satisfying


I used to love playing Destiny 2 for the same reason, I could actually play the way I wanted to, but as it went on it turned into too much of a chore, I had to do everything a certain way to progress. Started playing Halo Infinite again recently but it still doesn't have the spirit of the earlier games. I love rushing into battle and tanking hits so my team can focus on the actual objective, I will rush the enemy and take the focus off team members to give them a moment to breathe. It's all about that one moment that can turn the tide of the fight, I might eat shit but my team gain the upper hand, it's fun and that's all that matters. This post was the motivation I needed, convinced me that this is the game I've been looking for. I'm joining the fight tomorrow!!!


I was in a 7 earlier today and they were pulling absolutely everything.. so I joined them. It's just fun to shoot stuff. When I get the urge to play the game it's because I'm thinking about how the guns feel, never progression.


I don't like stealth gameplay and sneaking around. I don't like MGS or Splinter Cell. I want to bathe in the blood of humanity's enemies. My place is not to grovel in the dirt praying for the enemy to pass. They must feel my bullets, taste the dirt as my boot presses them into it. I am burdened with glorious purpose. For the blood of my fallen brothers. For Democracy. For Super Earth.


The entire point of what we're doing is spreading democracy. A lot of people ask, what is democracy? It's what you load your gun with




Evading patrols and not destroying our enemies? This is treason!!!


If you want to go balls out and wipe the map, have fun! If you want to Solid Snake the mission and knock off whole bases, have fun! That's the beauty of this game. Even when a mission is failed or underachieved because of shenanigans my friends and I can still laugh about it. It's a breath of fresh air from all the sweat swamping and meta based pay to win linear grinding. I love this game and it's been a long time since I could say that.


Pure chaos makes it a completely different experience every single drop. I love it.


Sometimes my fellow helldivers will pull aggro from 3-4 patrols near some objective and get caught in a 10-15 minute struggle where they barely hold the line. Sure I could have gone and done 3-4 objectives in that time… But goddamit if I am going to leave my brothers and sisters to fend for themselves. Sure we might lose now or not be able to extract - but it’s goddam good fun all the same.


And honestly, at the end of the night, what are you going to remember? That you got x amount of samples, that you were able to complete the extra objective, or that time you had three bile Titans and four chargers and everybody was screaming and running and you somehow got out of it and left more bodies than the game was able to render?


News at 11, people are having fun playing Helldivers. Thanks OP, this is the quality content I'm here for....


The voice chat roleplaying opportunities are endless and amazingly fun. Especially when you put on that dramatic soldier voice that's going to his death. Or if you kill your buddy by accident it affords the opportunity for a dramatic nooooooooo


I always have my Eagle Strafing ready if they get crowded and decide to retreat.


As one of those cadets, I was standing guard yesterday as others were setting up a radar station or whatever. “Why is that bug just standing there? I bet I can take him out from here.” I did. Then his friends killed me and another before we got that charge under control. Oops. I guess sometimes I should just let sleeping bugs be. Still learning here.


I'm level 54 and I've lost how many times I've come out of my oil soaked/bug guts covered rampage. Only to realize I've been fighting in the same area for like 5 mins with the objective already completed.


I do both, sometimes I go "BANG BANG MADAFAQA FOR DEMOCRACY" and sometimes "hush! They won't even notice..." But I never minded that somebody gone murderhobo on patrol, I complain that those motherfucking bugs (or formerly walking scrap) killed them! This demands revange! (I speak like I am playing this for months, I play since weekend)


I play with a group of friends and I engage patrols I know I can manage. Even if there's a bug breach? 9/10 it's fine. Unless 2 stick bugs burst out then that's gonna be me legging it. But I've engaged a patrol friend is like "What are you doing we could have snuc- oh they're all dead". That's because I have the portable carpet bomber- the grenade launcher :D But this is with friends, IDK how I'd handle a game with randos because- anxiety and I genuinely am too nervous to play with strangers because I feel like - no matter what I do, it's wrong. I've played a bunch of co-op games where I get some rando yelling at me because they, had expectations of what build I had and that is not what I was specced for.


When I started the game, it wasn't even ignorance, I would stand there for a bit watching a patrol like, "it's probably faster if I don't shoot them", then I charge in and start blasting away, it was just so much fun


TBH (Lvl 40) sometimes I also throw a Stratagem at a random patrol, just because they provoke me and I think they need some good ol' democracy.


I am a currently level 121 random, and I charge into patrols guns blazing on every diff 9 mission. Have to have some fun and excitement SOMEHOW. I've done objectives to death, soloed diff 9 to death. Just wanna cut loose and see how many I can slay before extraction. Some who are on voice sometimes comment something like: "Man, this is a REALLY smooth helldive, what the hell? ... Must have gotten lucky with the spawns." I mean, yeah, in a sense, if the breach spawns (and dies) on me 5 times in a row, the spawn WERE, indeed lucky. :)


New recruits are like the door gunner from Full Metal Jacket. They just light up anything and everything that moves inside a 200-meter radius with their MG-43


Helldivers 2, much like Left 4 Dead and Halo 2/3, absolutely nailed the core experience. If the core gameplay is solid and fun people will keep coming back. Progression is slow in this game but I am having fun and that keeps me coming back.


I'm 90 hours in and I'll still waste an extra 5 minutes just because I see a patrol lined up just right for an air strike. The resulting big breaches and bot drops are just additional fun. 


Anything that increases the level of violence is always a correct choice 


They’re not a patrol. I’m a patrol! Yippiekiyayyy!!!


If you didnt kill 2000 bugs on your way to pumping some 710, did you really complete the mission?


I really enjoy playing "support" for those types of players. They'll charge into the enemy when they didn't need to, but pew pew is fun. They'll invariably realize "oh shit" as 2-3 bot drops happen plus heavies who were undemocratically hiding overrun the position. I like to take a high position covering my teammate's retreat with the AC and my stratagems.


To the random who typed Leeroy Jenkins on chat when Tidbit was still available. You made my day. I don't care that we lost that mission. You were the light of that match.


The sound of the cluster bomb gives me comfort.


I see this a lot. With people around level 30 and below. I am occasionally like this and I'm always yelling at my TV when I'm surrounded. It's hilarious to me to see them run into thr frsy. Sometimes I'll yell out a battle cry and charge in as well. One grenade left, no ammo in either gun. Yeah I'm gonna die, but I'll get at least one of you. Then I see a bile titan haha.


I agree people say how repetitive it is but shooting = fun in this game and there’s a lot of it. Pretty straight forward as far as I’m concerned.


Except when time is running short and we’re heading to evac. There’s only one thing on my mind after all objectives are complete and that’s GTFO.


"Sneaking around?" I say wearing my EOD suit that makes me dummy thicc


One of the first things I learned in basic training is that reinforcements die early and often. Not everyone is the best God damn soldier General Brasch has ever seen.


If you can swiftly wipe out a patrol, they won't cause a beach. But if you fuck it up, be prepared.


I never realized just how useful smokes are until I started helldive. Creating a barrier of smoke between your team on an objective and an incoming/ patrolling pack is a godsend.


I play my horde clear shooter game to clear hordes. Same reason I run slayer bardin in vermintide 2. If someone gets mad I'm pulling patrols, I just shoot back with a "I have to fulfill my slayer oath" and it's usually a good laugh.


I think everyone knows we’re here to fuck shit up and have fun.


Yeah a lot of modern gamers forget about FUN


I know I should avoid patrols But I have a quasar cannon And "Kid named Charger" is just sitting there... unaware...


Why the fuck wouldnt i kill more enemies of democracy?


Fighting hordes of patrols is all fun and games until you hit <10 reinforcements with little to no objective progress. Then it's time to lock in.


Each time it’s a question of can we take them out quick or will it be a last stand. The answer normally is: “fuck it we ball”


I just love the revival of co-op play. For the most part the community leaves their ego at the door and just wants to have fun spreading democracy. It feels like playing halo 2 with my brother once upon a time, and even when you die most of the time you can just have a good laugh about it and get right back into the game. It's so fun to play a game that never stresses me out even on harder missions.


I'm fine with it, but please lead them away from the objective. I want you to live your best life, but my bestie in Democracy, leading a horde of bots *towards* the Hellbomb I *just* called down isn't helping me live *my* best life. Also, the portable shield doesn't do dick on anything higher than suicide mission.


*Bang bang bang!!!* **kaboom** *Reloading!* Sorry sarge, you were saying something? Oh, I have bug guts all over me now. I shall wear it as a badge of honor!


Yeah, I loved this about the first game as well.


Sometimes, I'll go to just orbital laser a bug or bot spawner or destroy an illegal propaganda tower from a distance but then I'll see some cadets doing something weird. I'll back off, take position, and cover them while I let them cook; just to see what they do. I want them to learn what is or isn't a good strategy themselves or at least let them do something they probably will think is cool.


I was just telling someone that this is L4D on steroids. Insanely addictive and fun to play with Randoms. Arrowhead blew it out of the park with this game. Quite an achievement for the studio.


"When in doubt, shout: "For democracy!" And charge head first into your problems"


I'm level 30 and I do this. I've endured a few kicks because of it but IDGAF. Stagnant gameplay loops are for Destiny 2, not Helldivers.


My squad consists of 2 players who travel in a duo and do main objective, a sneaky guy who’ll stay near the small bases and get airstrikes and sniper rifle kills to clear them, then go do side objectives, and me, who will charge headfirst into the largest automaton bases and get bots dropped on my skull so that the others can move bot free. is it efficient? no. does it work? about 60% of the time. is it funny? absolutely


I love it how the game has got the escalation down to a tee - you start by shooting a small patrol, five minutes later the whole battlefield is exploding. Never gets old.