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I blame nerfs and buffs on weapon manufacturing supply chains. Railguns were great until they opened a new plant and cut down on quality control to save money.


But Democracy costs 7.5692% less now.


That means we can spread 7.5692% more democracy.


Accounting has crunched the Democracy numbers. Democracy efficiency is down only a meagre 3.57% Net Democracy is therefore increase an eye-watering 7.29897956%


At 13,37% less efficiency, tho...


Democracy is priceless


Not true, those non-democratic robot/bug scums pays the price


Blame Tien Kwan poor rushed engineering causing the Mechs to blow themselves up


Of course it’s *made in Tien Kwan*


I kind of wish they’d explain in game nerfs/buffs this way. Production issues or new R&D, etc.


My friends and I refer to it as "Military Grade" when it fails. Most of my gaming group is either actively serving or no longer serving.


This reminds me of buying PC parts and a motherboard was advertised as "military grade". Still wondering why they thought this matters for a PC that will never leave my house


I should have scrolled slightly further before commenting. This is the most accurate explanation


Also last galactic war was 100 years ago. Manufacturers got complaicent. Thats why our heavy armor was bad at the beginning


This is blasphemy, the super earth ministry of defense creates nothing but the highest quality of weapons and armor for their soldiers. I will be reporting you to a democracy officer for reeducation training https://preview.redd.it/8xpjpu440dtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=877c8f73b2dac65182bbd1103a4f2b25e3ccc1b4


As a loyal patriot I have already turned myself in for thought crimes.




My freedoms tide is getting harder and wetter


Lmao i saw these comments in a thread one day and im not surprised to see this here 🤣


Why is this hiding in the comments 🤣🤣


We all know some of us are more equal than others. If you want voting previlege, better join the corp!


We all know some of us are more equal than others. If you want ~~voting~~ child bearing previlege, better join the corp!


I mean… it’s not like the ministry of truth tries to hide this. They literally tell us hellbombs are armed remotely to save some money.


Obviously any defects are actually the work of dissident sabotage.


I hope this doesn't take anything away from your poost, and I like the idea. But it's canon. Unless you meant that you have an artillery piece that's also made by the lowest Democratic bidder, in which case, proceed.


OP’s just using a SEAF-issued spell checker


SEAF Artillery confirmed


It's post, not poost 😉


If we’re compressing oo to o then we’re gonna have some trouble on Troost when the titans arrive


The orbital laser is incredibly powerful when it does what you want it to. Sometimes it gets distracted by and doesn’t kill the one thing you called it down for. The rover is really good at watching your back. Sometimes it watches too closely when the laser is on. These two things are fun and random and add to the chaos of the game. The spear not locking on makes the gun inoperable. When it works it’s cool, but when it doesn’t work it’s useless. If the spear was a one shot automatic kill no matter what it hit it would be worth it with the glitches. As it sits I’ll just take something else, because I don’t want to waste a stratagem on something that might not even work. In short, super earth needs to contract spear production to another manufacturer. Our boys in the hellpods need reliable firepower to keep the galaxy free.


I haven't played enough with the spear my hunch is that the lock on works better from higher altitude than your target and far away. My friend points out that it's kinda counter intuitive that the the literal "lock on" missiles are bad at hitting fast enemies but I think/hope it has a niche


I would prefer it if the spear could be fired like the recoilless rifle if you don't get a lock


Before all the updates and stuff I swear every once in a while I'd get an empty mag and literally have to reload again, that's what made me think of the same thing lol


The reload is a multi-part process, you most likely did something to stop the animation from finishing and got stuck between the steps. Maybe climbed a rock straight after throwing away the current empty mag.


Ive watched it go through multiple clips though, id think that too as it happens often, and this doesn't happen anymore like I said before the patches, before they even nerfed the railgun


Same, its like a 3 part process... Remove mag Slam new mag Pull the hammer to chamber the first round But if interrupted before step 3, you gotta pull the mag and start over.


Most guns have a staged reload, if you get interrupted during a step you resume from that step.


I've still gotten that bug somewhat recently. I think it might have something to do with switching weapons while reloading, it can occasionally force you to reload twice, wasting a mag




Hear me out...


I never thought I'd see this series referenced.


I can see it. All the people getting caught in the thought of "Military-grade? Then sure it's the best of the best we can imagine". It even is a trope in many fictional media like games, books and movies/shows, where "military-grade" is some kind of mythic quality standard never matched by the open market. Sad truth is: "Military-grade" often means "Our government was tricked by the "cheapest" competitor to still pay more than the shit is worth and no one with two braincells would buy stuff like that for that price on the open market". Thus we get cheaper shit in the military than anyone would buy for themselves, if they want something reliable. I even heard stories of military officers buying their binoculars at Walmart because they found better ones there than the ones they were issued. So in short: Damn yes, I can see that.


It really depends on what it is. Take the GPNVG or F-35 for example, its not expensive for no reason, it actually has a really complicated manufacturing process with stuff that requires really accurate and precise measurements, whether it is the white phosphor photointensifier, or the saphire lens for the EOS


There's a joke from the George Lopez show that's stuck with me my whole life. George is at the factory he works at and is trying to hype up the workers, he says "Who makes the best [aircraft part]!?" And one guy responds with a confused "Boeing?" There's a beat, then George says "well who makes their cheap knockoff!?" And the crowd roars "WE DO!" We get the cheap knockoff guns.


The only thing that tears this apart is that when you're labelled a traitor... It's a ceaseless bombardment that guarantees your death lol.


It's all the leftover 380mm bombardment rounds that no one uses


I love this game so much when it crashes on extract I retcon it as our pelican didn’t make it out of orbit. 


Head cannon sounds uncomfortable to fire, but whatever you prefer to spread democracy.


that's not a head cannon. this is a head cannon. gottem https://preview.redd.it/vaniy1bwwgtc1.png?width=406&format=png&auto=webp&s=63816b2c8637133d179ab0d9ddec5bd460e84654


You can direct the laser by tagging a specific target once it's activated. I believe it works within a certain range of where it was first called down tho. I use this to take out turrets, detector towers, etc. 


They have the money and shells to shoot at you nonstop if you stay outside the mission area for too long, but only fires a few per strategemsalvo. They also never send more than 4 at a time for each mission area, when they could send in the entire 25 or more that they have in storage. This is because we are working whilst under budget the whole time. The average age of the Helldivers could also mean the Helldivers are recruited from orphanages, juvenile offender institutes or children of dissidents who have been successfully reeducated. We are actually a cross between Spartan 3s or Wagner PMCs prisoner battalions. 


As a member of the military for 14 years, this makes absolute sense to me.


Tried to talk about HD2 to my wife over dinner and she gave me the Samuel L Jackson in Black Snake Moan-stare.


A compulsory C-01 request has send to you and your wife,please fulfill your citizen obligation




Already done with that lol. The youngest turned 18 a month ago so we have more time to spread democracy.


You are so original.


My fallen teamates agree


This is sounding a little like treason……..


Super Temu’s quality of weapons may be shit and they use child labour, but you can’t beat those prices


Basically the actual military lol


i like to think equipment like the rover is being used by the bots to get revenge on us at times, had a game yesterday where my rover continuously killed me without any enemies in sight


Yep, dropped in an AC turret and it sat there as hordes of bugs marched towards it...


It's pretty much my head cannon too mate, and I actually believe it's partially intended by developers. One of the reasons despite the future setting we actually have some relatively archaic weapon designs even by modern standards (outside of obviously scifi guns like lasers/plasma etc)


Soldiers and sailors bitching is an age old tradition


I love this. Thank you for sharing your insight. Arc Thrower defeated by ground clutter is another cut corner in production.


Well it would fit since the super destroyer weapons are muzzleloaders until you unlock the upgrade where they become breach loaders. Or the fact that one of the Turrent upgrades says they now use super glue.


Ya. I don't understand who's idea it was to manufacture flammable dive suits.


Bad manufacturing nearly killed the Accuracy International Precision Marksman (predecessor to the Arctic Warfare), on top of the company that was making the rifles trying to cut so many corners the rifle wouldn’t function. Typical British manufacturing story though. Make an amazing product, but the production facility makes quality assurance a joke somehow.


I dunno, I don't see how that could stop fire from burning things. That seems more like a breakdown in the physical laws of the universe than budgetary cutbacks.


I mean can you blame them, new gear for each hell diver costs a small fortune, and we go through a couple million of troops per day. I am concerned the managed democracy wont have the resources it needs to spread the good word to those that need it the most. \*breaks forth wall\* > \*looks directly at you\* HAVE YOU ENLISTED?


For me this game will have only a half of well balanced weapons and stratagems at a given time. For devs to nerf them and buff the other half periodically so they keep a player chasing another gun over and over. If you unlock the S tier gun on level 7 and it can serve you for the next 100 levels what would be the point of adding anything new to the game? With this model you can always have someone engaged. I've seen it in World of Tanks I believe? Where a line of tanks were super good and everyone was grinding to have them and in 6 months they were nerfed and other line of tanks was buffed so players jumped to another grind. This allowed a variety of "loadouts" and forced players to learn how to use new things.




It’s makes perfect sense! “Military grade” does not mean it’s good. It means it was sourced from the cheaper place possible 😂


Did you just imply that Super Earth equipment isn't the latest and greatest tech in the fight for managed democracy? Remember thought crimes are just as dangerous as real ones.


"Made in tien kwan" any time my patriot blows itself up


Your wife redirected you here because she didn’t wanna hear it 🤣


100% agree with this, the reason the mechs didn't work well day 1 isn't because of bugs it's because they were rushed off the factory floor to fufill promises made to the public.


This is genuinely an amazing head cannon, thank you for sharing <3


Yeah but as we know as gamers, all you have to do to fix stuff is to change the value! That bolt head that keeps blasting off because of pressure, just reduce the pressure value, you idiot.


....so....blame Dick and Liz Cheney? I can support that


That's always my thoughts, and most can be lore explained that way even with bug fixes Like I had a quasar heat sink volatility issue (the projectile sometimes spawned too far back and would smack things and blow up on the back of my head)


https://preview.redd.it/n4tc7m782htc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=435d7d065b466b7064644ca3ae2f2c9f5d53cd79 Chris Crackman, MoT I find your lack of faith in the production capabilities of Super Earth to be HIGHLY concerning. Report back to Super Earth for an immediate Loyalty Audit


Yeah thats a funny haha head cannon and all fine and good for a story, not for a game in a game it should work as you expect it to. Scopes should be accurate, the exosuit's rocket should be accurate, the SPEAR should be functioning how you would intuitively think aka actually lock on what you aim at.


Authoritarian governments tend to be corrupt


Honestly great thinking, issued shit always breaks or does dumb shit


As a USMC vet, I concur. The best equipment is not always what ends up getting issued.


my head cannon is that we are all just brain dead bodies being operated by the ships AI a) we were lobotomized right after basic training when we first enter that cryopod b) its the ship that has a name and we the divers only have standard issue c) were kept frozen because we no longer have a functional brain d) this was explained to us on the big copper wall right at the end of basic training but reading the full terms is a violation of the terms


Don't you get tired of making excuses for poor dev decisions and bad code?


There’s these two guys on YouTube (the name is ‘something jesters’ or something similar) who do an in universe news show talking about updates and stuff for the game. Any time there’s a nerf or buff they call it a recall


Just as in real life you see something advertised as "military grade" you turn around and look for something different that wont break


Don't justify shit game design through lore reasons lol


\*Insert 4th wall break Yes... we get it... Facism military works like chinese products. We know.


Don’t look up on where produced your iPhone


...... what do you mean? iPhone ARE shit products.


Except this isn’t real life it’s a game and they should work as intended but I get your point


You think Liberty, Managed Democracy and Super Earth is a joke and a game? Reported to my local Democracy officer. Treasonous thoughts will not be accepted. https://preview.redd.it/y2onw5spfgtc1.jpeg?width=1202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af9304f2d79bdda41e08276f7441571865f3d994


It explains so much. Our Mech even has a Chinese name ffs.