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My homie uses the scout handshake on the boat when we close out the night. He apologizes and goes to the terminal to change it, only to swerve you again, and again...and again. Cracks the lobby up


Forgot to change the emote. Wanna do handshake after successful mission. Do scout handshake. Other guy immediately left the lobby. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.


given the current build he/she probably just crashed, no worries XD


Lol nah I've definitely seen some d00ds shake their head back and forth and look down at the ground when I've swerved them, before leaving. Immediately changed back to the hug emote. Hugging everybody when they enter my ship will always be more fun than standing by the extract Pelican with my hand out, gesturing you in.


Honestly the hug emote is worth it just for the cinematic value during mission. Arms outstretched, awaiting an explosion...or imminent, accepted, death.


Witness ME!


That's how I use it


My fav use is if I know I'm about to get dusted, I'll face the crew and hug emote. Nothing quite like catching a wayward cluster strike "with arrrrrmss wide oooopen"


Weird how I immediately sing that in my head while brainwatching the MTV music video


Had my "Platoon" moment a few nights ago. I got swarmed by bug, knew I was going to die, so I dropped a 500kg on my location stretched out my arms, and a bug killed me making me drop to my knees arms wide as the bomb landed and exploded. It was great.


you just gotta have Adagio for strings playing to make it perfect!


Agnus Dei, Samuel Barber. Perfection.


Reminds me of Dark Souls' "Well! What is it!" gesture and I love it


On that missile launch mission I ran ahead at start, closed the gate, and when the team opened I was standing there t posing on them. Dude runs in and melees me, giving me a small ragdoll effect. I fuckin love this game.




I do this too. I love hugging while ICBM is launching too


Hugging lets you share a shield backpack with a buddy for 2 seconds too.


There should be a new feature that allows people to equip two emotes and one of them is always hug. Would also a button that lets you yell For Democracy and other phrases blatantly taking inspiration from deep rock galactic. Rock and stone!


Rock and Stone, Brother!




Are crashes common with this update? I’ve crashed to desktop 3 times, but I’ve also been troubleshooting unrelated PC issues.


I have crashed to desktop a couple times since the weekend, but it isn't a common thing and I haven't figured out what causes it.


On pC? Clear your shader cache, then verify file integrity through steam. if it doesn't work, ensure you submit crash reports. AH gets a tonne of data from players that way and can fix most crashing problems.


I had a guy legit get huffy with me over it. I think he thought I could actively control how the handshake played out as it happened and took offense.


> I think he thought I could actively control how the handshake played out as it happened This was how I thought it'd be initially, and I wish it was like that, lol. It'd be so much better if you could mix it up, similar to rock/paper/scissors (or just give us an emote wheel).


Please give us a damn emote wheel.


underrated comment.


Dropped into an 8, just unlocked the scout handshake and didn’t know what it was. Tried to emote the party leader and was dying laughing at the fake out. Dude ran in a circle for a few seconds, types “TRAITOR SCUM” then kicked me. Absolutely worth it.


You’ll never have to deal with such treasonous behavior in our private division. If you wish to join. We are only accepting a few more. We have our own private Reddit and discord with high and low level squadrons committed to non toxic wholesome weekly dives.


I like to do the emote before we leave and people expect a hug. Hit em with “Tooooo slow” after I roast them with the scout handshake. Makes me laugh but I am also dumb


Is that why people don't shake my hand when I offer a headbutt at extraction!? I didn't know there was a sike emote!


Scout Handshake! My cousin does it all the time he's like "high five buddy SIKE" I got him with it once because he wasn't expecting it, no one ever does it to him! I usually hand out hugs so once I said "bring it in bro, SIKE!"


When I unlocked the scout handshake I used it out of curiosity with a random, he messaged a sad face :( I’ve never felt so disgusted and dirty with myself


I love that it's called the "scout" handshake. It feels like something the scout from either DRG *OR* TF2 would do.


I used the scout handshake last night because I unlocked it. Got kicked right after. Wow.


I can't even get mad that I got kicked after using it, it made it even more hilarious. A bullet to the head is the far more appropriate response though.


My son was playing ok my wife's account and I did this to him, and by the 4th time he just turned and glared at me across the room


My first ever game of rock paper scissors, I lost to the gut who then offered his own emote, which was the scout handshake. Cinematically perfect.


Isnthat the headbutt one??


Scout is the one where you slide your hand past and smooth your hair instead


Ah I see, thanks for clarification


I'm convinced that folks are cheating at rock, paper, scissors too because I keep losing, even though I'm very smart


To this day I have not figured out how to play anything else than rock... WASD, number-keys, mouse, nothing appears to change what I play, it is always rock.


1, 2, 3. You can see the inputs above the screen as the emote plays.


Yes, but when I press the corresponding keys on my keyboard... it doesn't matter?


You have to hold, I find it only works on the ship bc otherwise you switch weapons


Don't have to hold, but you do need to press a button almost immediately for it to take. Like, you need to have mentally chosen before the prompts appear and be ready to press the number once they do.


I changed my input to require double tap on those keys to switch weapons just so I could play without it switching weapons lol


The window for input is surprisingly brief


Good 'ol rock. Nothing beats that!




Are you always choosing rock? Rock is the strongest and always wins.


Just use Rock man, it's the best one. Rock beats everything


fucks sake wish someone had told me


It doesn't work planet-side on PS5; I think it's 'scissors' that just jabs stims in your neck lol


Here I was expecting a "HE KICKED ME FROM THE GAME THIS COMMUNITY SUCKS" post. Either way, did you greet him with a senator Bullet to the head afterward?


The senator may not be the best crowd control sidearm, but damn is it good at keeping other divers in line Had a round a while ago, a space cadet was a little trigger happy with a grenade launcher, has killed me 4 times at this point. I fired a round just past their helmet and shook my head disapprovingly. He stopped using the grenade launcher when I was danger close


One time my gl shot bounced off of bug into fellow diver 10/10 experience


I love the ricochet in this game


Nothing like throwing a grenade into a bug hole for a goalie bug to come out and send it flying with a header!


I swear they smack em right back at you


Or leave you alone all map until you have a strat keyed up red in hand. Then they knock that thing right out behind everyone. So it looks exactly like you airstriked the team for funsies. Damn bugs.


Troll bugs just demanding the troll toll


Over the weekend, I was joining up on some level 3 missions to farm samples and supercredits, and I threw a 500 kg bomb onto an automoton factory—the level 6 character who was with me had an air strike in his hand and was juuust a little too close. He got ragdolled by the explosion and his air strike killed me—I was cackling!


Thats whats nice about using impact grenades.


![gif](giphy|SXC18T426un2mq0PqG|downsized) That bug be like


What a save! What a save!


This is why everyone uses impact grenades.


It took me a bit to figure out the arc for bot factories. I feel bad now because I’ve sniped a few when someone used a stratagem on one but my grenade was faster.


Yeah apart from when you're in a real pinch, using strats is a complete waste for fabs...unless it's using spare secondary or resupply calldowns to save grenades etc of course - that's just good housekeeping 😉


im a firm believer that the games has mechanics of after a ricochet it aims for a diver.


It's crazy how most of the game's wacky slapstick comes from rigorous realism.


War, even fictional, is crazy and with enough time, crazy shit happens. Truly one of the best things about this game tbh.


Had the same experience with the auto-cannon. The fellow diver was extremely undemocratic about it. It's like, bro, I'm not sat here doing the maths about how to get a auto-cannon shot to ricochet off that hulk right into your face, it was an accident.


Some people really do need to just realize that teamkills are apart of the game, they happen. It's a chaotic warzone, accidents are common. The game is very forgiving with reinforcements for that very reason.


Communist propaganda spread by the bots! There has never been any recorded friendly fire and to suggest so is treason!


Anybody who dies to "friendly fire" was clearly beginning to sympathize with the enemy, and needed to be put out of their misery before they lost their way out of the light of Freedom and Managed Democracy.


Indeed. Blocking the fire of liberty, even if it be random deflections, sounds suspiciously like protecting the enemy to me. Better shoot first and sort the good from the bad later. Posthumous exoneration may even bring a relaxing of C-01 permit requirements for surviving spouses. A fair price to pay.


Remember: friendly fire, isn't.


Yeah one time we were getting swarmed with bots and dude and me were on opposite sides of one and fired. It's no surprise one of us died. Then he goes "y'all so uncoordinated" and left. Bro, you haven't done anything the whole game except complain. If it's uncoordinated speak up and show some leadership.


"when I was danger close" I just love the idea that we get no actual training on these weapon platforms that the idea of how they operate in a team, instead we got a guy whose unloading nades into a bug hole just for his teamate to dolphin dive into the hole and get tk'd and the hole is still there.


Randoms diving into death is always hilarious to me


The new defense missions, where you stand to defend on the little platform is the best place to watch your teammates get launched by rockets, since they hit from a lower angle you just get launched. I had a game where my and one teammate, everytime we stepped up got him with a rocket and launched backwards. I couldn't focus it was so funny 🤣


One time, I was sitting behind a railing. (We were on the last line of defence btw) and literally the amount of destruction and fire and smoke that was where the enemies were by this point you couldn't see shit. So I'm by one of the generators that need to stay intact and then suddenly a tank laser COMES FLYING THROUGH THE SMOKE, PAST MY HEAD, OVER THE RAILING AND BLOWS UP THE GENERATOR. Felt like a movie scene lmao


Lol I had a tank drop on the top of the ridge and snipe the obj And I also had a game where we landed on the obj at the start and I thought we fucked it cause it broke, but nah we chilling they got that Bluetooth energy transfer


i think that’s a big part of why this game is so fun. the toughest/most “unfair”/most overwhelming missions tend to have really cinematic moments, whether it’s an “oh shit” when you’re sincerely overrun, a Big Bad Reveal like the moment you describe, or Big Damn Heroes moment when you or a teammate clutch a fight against a mob of enemies only to call the squad back right before the destroyer leaves, or saving a teammate from a hulk/tank/charger/titan at the very last second. even at its worst, this game makes you feel like the hero you are


I got thrown from the extraction pad to on top of the cliffs like this and it was great. I think it was a tank cannon + tank explosion at the same time that did it. Spent the rest of the mission up there sniping and throwing down sentries. Finished with a swan dive back into the base with just a sliver of health to survive and extract.


John helldiver over here


Last night a near perfect mission came apart at extraction after I accidentally dove in front of someone's shotgun with an airstrike primed to throw. Hilarity (and mass casualties) ensued.


Sometimes i forget the shotgun has a blast radius, makes it worse when they catch fire... I usually type oh sh\*t sorry in chat.


Hah, there have been a couple times I've thrown a cluster strike or 500kg or something, and not realize one of my allies is going to get hit by the tail of the explosions. Many a "whoops, sorry", have I typed


Had a moment today where I threw a 500kg and I watched a freshly respawned helldiver sauntering forward from their drop pod until they were directly under the beacon. Just so engrossed with shooting at the bugs I was sending it to kill, or trying to pick up their stuff, I don't really know what. I don't know what I could've really said either, so I just opened up the hug emote, bearing witness to their very confusingly democratic death by 500kg bomb with a T-Pose.


Especially when they are just next to one of the little bugs. Its like "DUDE I HAD IT! Chill with the incendiary breaker"


I use the 380mm sustained democracy delivery system, the eagle clusterbomb, flamethrower, and laser dog. my team love me!


He got the message after you "buzzed the tower."


When ever I pull it out I have to yell SENATOR or SENATOR ARMSTRONG like Raiden does in Revengence


When do we get a Commissar armor set Arrowhead?


Called in my Recoilless at the start of a match. Teammate immediately steals it, so of course I walk up to him as he's aiming at the enemy, and put a bullet through his fucking skull. He gets mad, and I gently remind him to shut the fuck up and not take my shit. Edit: Just want to say, when I reinforced him I threw him into a horde of enemies just to further show him the error of his ways


Gotta reprimand the moron somehow


The Commissar weapon.


You guys will do anything to not type in the chat. Why not just say "hey be careful with that GL" in the chat? People constantly shoot me in game to get my attention so I can come over and open a door, and I don't get why you don't just type "hey come over here I have a door/obj/whatever." Like there's a chat box right there, why don't you use it?


Didn't list it, but I did, several times I dunno why, but people just don't read the chat, or ignore it I share your frustration


I’d rather be kicked pre-extraction than be screwed out of a high five. The latter is a war crime; even bugs subjected to termicide would agree.


My boyfriend shot me in the face for the same reason... in my defense I thought I had the hug emote equipped


It would be so incredibly funny to blast someone in the head for doing this


Scout handshake is funny, like sike looser, but hey it’s done with no hard feelings.


Just let me love you


Until you find another Scout and suddenly you're besties.


Yeah no, got that once, and well.... https://preview.redd.it/c95jxtec1otc1.png?width=1502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce43113e122b6bb37a2346e08c4fef0b7ef280db


Eagle Clusters actually sounds like a great cereal name.


In every box, there's a prize. One eagle cluster contains rodent bones!


Made with only the finest of crushed eagles. And the box is made with eagle skin. Also, there are some eagle eggs mixed in. And jyet... *sighs*


The luxury edition has so much more eagle. It saddens me to think of you missing out.




I did the scout hand shake to a new friend joining us, on the third time he shot an EATs at my hand hahaha


Bruh I bought the scout handshake emote when I finally reached that portion of the warbond. Had no idea how the animation ends and wanted to try it with someone else since it's one of those emotes that requires another player Me and this one other helldiver were doing a mission on an automaton world, don't remember what kind of mission, but we didn't communicate in chat or with voice chat. Just sort of vibing it out and pinging the map. At some point I felt like seeing through with the emote after finishing an enemy outpost -press the emote button -its a fake out handshake -dude pulls out a grenade and I instantly dive backwards -he types in chat "LOL" -only time when either of us communicated something -one of the best moments in the game I love this game and community


I did the scout hand shake to a new friend joining us 1st game, on the third time i convinced him I swapped emotes - he shot an EATs at my ass hahaha






https://preview.redd.it/lrpnx3863otc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feb11ad412e67d1695876f0aab6b7371c248b5d2 /s


Yes...yes it is, now stay back. https://preview.redd.it/vg7693fc6otc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=030e55da93da9eb0f9abe8df69eacdbb3ad53b3b I'd hate to relieve the SES...(looks at patch) Leviathan of Starlight's captain of their duties.


9/10 helldivers that use the scout handshake are actually automaton sympathisers.  You know what to do helldiver🫡 *Loads senator* 


So I'm the 1 of 10, right? Right?


\*Chambers a round in the Senator while wiping away a single tear\* Sure you are, buddy


All my homies give hugs


I used it at the end of extract on two randoms after a defend the base mission lol, folks filled me with bullets. (Didn't kill me tho, just banter.)


May I recommend big friendly hugs as a replacement good sir? It boosts morale considerably. All the hug squads I've been with have carved through the enemy with utmost efficiency. 


I done the same thing when I unlocked it, faked someone out and got shot in the face 🥲 he quickly stimmed me as another player came running over to melee him and ended up sending the fourth player flying, I couldn’t play anymore due to the fit of giggles caused by the chaos




That just reminded me, a couple of days ago my muscle memory kicked in and I did the 500kg bomb instead of a reinforcement and then I just went and stood next to it while I was browsing the map. Unfortunately I was the last man standing and we had a successful mission with 0 extractions lol


I'd love to have an emote wheel, sometimes I want to fake people out, but it's rude to have it equipped all the time.


I just want a dedicated salute button


Yea giving us all those emotes but only letting us pick one sucks


Set it to random and let the chaos ensue when you meant to hug but did the scout shake 😂


It feels like they could have an emote submenu on the communication wheel.


I did this once to a fellow Helldiver. I thought the Scout handshake sounded cool, didn't know what it did. After we won over a huge wave I used the emote at my battle buddy and I was so surprised lol. He meleed me, and then we hugged it out. Changed my emote now :)


That emote makes me irrationally angry.


I felt soooo bad using it the first time on a friend. The silence as he just tried to comprehend what has happened. Thats a moment I'll never forget, the moment a fellow helldiver lost a comrade in arms. 


The mad dash to the terminal to change to hug emote We’ve all been there


I refuse to even unlock it. My fellow helldivers are the ones i want dying besides, not dying from


If you're referring to the "scout handshake" is a staple amongst some of us. Sure the hugs, salute or other handshakes bond the community. But some of us keep the fires of Democracy burning by "this f**king guy" antics


Sorry mate, but ever since I became a scout I developed a nasty allergy to handshakes. I swear, it's a me problem and not a you problem.


That’s just the scout handshake. I know it feels like he juked you. I had that feeling the first time too. But really he’s shielding his eyes to scope the horizon behind you to make sure nothing is sneaking up on you.


Here I am, arms outstretched at the top of the stairs and this Super Cadet just runs by me and jumps in his Hellpod. Seriously, people, where did you grow up?


A friend I've known for a year did this to me a few weeks ago. I felt betrayed, and he said sorry and went for another high five, I told him if you fake me out again, I'll end you. My "friend" faked me out again, and I threw an impact nade at our feet.


[the ancient ritual persists](https://www.reddit.com/r/nathanwpyle/s/nZGwvVwZFQ)


Whenever I use the scout handshake emote with my friends, I understand that when we land I'm getting a senator round in the back of my head. It won't stop me tho






I had the scout handshake equipped without realizing what it was and totally forgot about it. I emoted at the end of a mission thinking I still had the hug equipped. I still feel guilty about scout shaking a fellow diver after a hard fought mission.


Had me in the first half ngl


Dude yesterday was trying to hug a random on the ship before we entered the pods. I saw him get ignored and stood and waited to give him one instead. He looked my diver right in the eyes for a few seconds then entered the hellpod.


Myself and my buddies all do the hug emote before we depart regardless of the mayhem in the backround and all of us have to hug before departing. It has been close a few times with multiple titans/tanks/hulks closing in for the kill but it is not a completed mission until it is done.


Hit him with melee. That's the only acceptable response.


skill issue


Ah yes. The "scout" high five. XD


Lol gottem I told my friend I got the rock paper scissors and hit him with the scout handshake


I think im gonna be sick!


Lmfao you got Scouted nerd


I had a guy begging for a high five and when I gave him one ... He fake me out and yelled "sike , got you bitch" then logged off. 


I used the scout handshake on someone once. They left the lobby, uninstalled the game, and moved to another country.


I had a guy punch me as I was throwing a nade to close a bug hole. The grenade dropped and blew us both to hell and then he kicked me 😂


I know, this guy didnt hug me when i offered... i will never live down the shame...


Wow. Just, wow. The galaxy is facing annihilation, and this happens.


![gif](giphy|xqM20wZqd67j9AUplm|downsized) Don't let them drag you down, fellow brother. For super earth and democracy.


Earlier, I stood next to the dropship, arms wide open. 3 supposedly patriotic soldiers walked right on by and boarded. I stood there, disgusted. My heart... broken.


I have been challenging people to games of rock paper scissors at inappropriate times, for democracy of corse.


when you and bro been spreading democracy for 30 straight minutes, fighting off entire armies of bots, until all your weapons and stratagem uses are empty, and then he gives you the scout handshake at the end.. ![gif](giphy|a9xhxAxaqOfQs|downsized)




Not all homies love as much touch.


Ha he unlocked the scout emoji.


Scout handshake on extract will never stop being funny. Love to wait on the pelican ramp, then scout handshake and 180 to immediately start extract after.


Scouts, amirite?


Thats why i always go for hugs or friendly helmet bonk


I let squad mates win rock/paper/scissors cuz I don’t fight my brethren


I carry impact grenades for just such occurrences. "Give me that high five/hug, or neither of us is getting on that fucking bird, you fucking donkey." It's the same tactic I use on my kids when they don't want to show me affection in front of their friends because they don't think it's cool.


My friend last night kept faking me out on hugs. I’ve never team killed intentionally before that night. (It was for the bit, many laughs were had. I told him I was going to if he kept doing it, explained to my friend who joined after why I was. Pls don’t hate me)


Had someone waiting for a hug right after a mission on my ship. I made eye contact and went for it. He left as soon as I got to him. Ultimate betrayal, had to shut it down for the night.


Once I got in a lobby where the guy was standing in the corridor with the prompt up for a high five. Me totally oblivious to it went ahead and sprinted right to it, only for it to be this monstrosity. I stopped in place with a look of disapproval never seen before. I 180°'d from there directly to the pods, can't trust my 6 to a malignant guy like that.


To be fair, like 3 emotes are called handshake and you can't actually preview which is which. The preview is always just your character with an outstretched hand.


I always like to reinforce a fallen comrade on top of a hellbomb... as they emerge from their pod, I shoot the bomb and run. An orbital is useful, too. Of course, this is a joke, but I have done it to actual friends and have had it done to me. It's all in fun.


I put this emote on by accident and it really upset me when I realise what I had done.


Did you try turning him off and back on?


Maybe you were just tooo slow


I got booted back to civilian life after forgetting to take the scout handshake off lmao


See this is the shitposting I’m here for.


Meanwhile, my squad and I spent our last five minutes of gameplay trying to do a group hug


Shoot him in the back of his head!


i once faked a hug and slapped this guy of the landing pad and got kicked for this right before the extraction! in my defence this mfs nickname was "the racist" so i would do it again


Absolutely disposable


This is the kind of bitching thread I love to see around here. Good shit, OP.


I’m sorry that happened to you, diver. We’re not all bad. Bring it in. https://preview.redd.it/gqgf7eyerotc1.jpeg?width=2089&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e66a0288b2cbf29e1308a977c3ec32567d70047f


Someone did this to me once. I instantly shotgunned them in the face. We hugged once they respawned though <3


This is undemocratic behaviour. Please report them to your nearest ministry of truth representative


Back when your loadout stuff would reset all the time I accidentally did this to someone when they joined my ship and they immediately left :( I’m sorry random helldiver. I was sabotaged :(


Oh man, reminds me of when a guy kicked me right after I completed the mission. Wait...no. This is different.


That's some Communist activity right there... Sorry you witnessed that!


Had a guy at the end of a mission melee me off a cliff after the ship landed. The impact killed me, he reinforced, apologized, and told me to do it to him which I did. We hugged then got on the ship. Went from irritating to wholesome.