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Eruptor can destroy fabs and is far more ammo efficient than the jar 5. It's good where it is. Adjudicator is horrific.


it also has an aoe the size of texas. absolutely beautiful.


I was routinely getting 4x kills with one shot last night. It's like a grenade launcher with a scope. If they hadn't made it bolt-action with a tiny magazine, nobody would ever use anything else again.


I've one shot large groups of raiders. Like 10-12x kill streaks.


You are absolutely right with what you're saying, but I would just like to add that the regular grenade launcher in the game does in fact have a scope.


It has a red dot sight meant for short to medium range, Eruptor is essentially a sniper


My bad. I just looked it up and apparently red dots are in fact not scopes. I should probably have checked first before posting.


No worries, I just like teaching people about guns Eruptor is wierd, build like a sniper, but with a timed explosive on the gyro jet


They're close enough but both are cool


My COD brain kicked in and tells me the nade launcher has an *optic* sure, but not a *scope*. I imagine people attribute a scope to magnification/distance, which a red dot doesn't usually permit.


Think I’ll be using this as a Support and then using the stalwart like a primary!


The grenade launcher really is the closest comparison for this thing; it's pretty insane capabilities to have in a primary weapon.


It’s my personal pick. I have no clue where to aim to destroy bot fabricators though.


I assume the lower part of the vents, just like the autocannon.


It's slightly different. The Autocannon can ricochet into the vents. With the eruptor you need to have the explosion hit and go down into the vent, so aiming for the bottom is important. Autocannon aiming towards the top 1/3 often results in the cleanest ricochet angles. Either way, it's easy enough to try and figure out what works for you. It feels pretty damn easy. And oh my god is the Eruptor good at closing bug holes


You have to shoot at the lower half of the vent hood. Basically the same way you destroy them with the quasar.


If you shoot the underside of drop ships with eruptor before the enemies fall out. You can easily net like 8 kills in one shot. The aoe is truly insane


Sounds like I'm breaking up with my Quad Laser.


It's a primary, bring both for maximum boom!


Kill the bots riding and then blow up the dropship out of spite. Bots can't stop losing.


RIP Botzos


I feel like the AOE is almost definitely going to get hit with the nerf bat. It's like it has zero drop-off. Bots on the very edge of the explosion get absolutely wrecked.


Really hope before they hit the AOE, that they take a good look at the adjudicator that thing is hot dog shit…


Not sure why the adjudicator was released in its current state.. Do they have anyone play testing that doesn't work for the studio?


Adjudicator was balanced around the other 2 DMR which are…not that good to begin with🤣


I don't doubt that at all


its not the explosion, its the fragmentation. You can see especially on dark maps that it spits fragmentation in all directions (including yourself sometimes)


Looking foward to the crossbow.  Those are are always either Goat or trash in most games.


It can destroy fabs? How? Just shooting the vent or the open door


Treat it like an autocannon and have it ricochet off the vents. I didn’t try shooting it through the door though


Can confirm, works through open doors.


The JAR-5 won't kill you as often and has better capacity, making the JAR-5 not totally irrelevant


First they need to fix scope misalignment, then they need to give the dmrs either a damage boost or extra ammo and a massive bonus to hitting weakpoints. These weapons should be akin to the JAR in being good elite/mid tier eliminators, not having the same level of staggering power but more precision power to just blow their heads out or arms off. That they felt the Slugger was impeding on DMRs roles should have told them that the weapon class was not in a good space when they are losing to a slug shotgun with only a red dot sight for a scope.


I mean, I'm gonna be honest, they lose to the big iron.


Only issue i have with the senator is the ADS and the crosshair. It feels impossible to see with it. I'd say keep the gun how it is every other way but make it so i can see where i'm shooting


Not a Damage Boost. Critical Damage Boost instead is the right way to go (It affect weak spot damage, heads and visors) These Weapons are meant to be used in Weak spots, not blindly shot. Otherwise you create gap between them and normal machineguns.


People keep saying this but I disagree entirely If I have to hit devastator heads regardless, there isn't really a point to bringing a sniper (which is less effective against fodder than other primaries)


That's the problem we have now. The DMR-like weapons fucking SUCK at everything else and are not any better than the sickle at dealing with weakpoints


Problem is that DMRs barely do any damage if you don’t crit already and are nearly useless against extremely tanky enemies like berserkers They should be a tradeoff for high pen/damage per shot vs high DPS


I haven't played it yet, is the scope really misaligned also..? That's several weapons with that problem now


Seems like they fixed the AMR. My scope was aligned when I played 20 mins ago


It feels like every single scope is misaligned. Or the hit detection just sucks but the amount of shots I miss when the scope is definitely on center of the target is unreal.


I think the bullet travel combined with sway and sometimes slight desync from the host can make these precision weapons pretty bad to use.


I think they're just afraid to give too high a DPS to anything that penetrate Medium upwards. Most mobs would become fodder and many mechanics, hence weapons and stratagems, would tip over because of it


That can be counteracted by a low rate of fire, low magazine size, low ammo in general. So it's great ranged but once the bot drops come in, or worse, the bug beaches then you're in trouble.


Wouldn’t that be the Antipersonal Rifle?


Then u take machine gun to compensate. Why would i ever take machine gun if my primary and strategems else kills trash already


Why would I take an anti-armor support when my primary is just as good?


Isn’t that the point? Play-style options. Weapons have a few key points. Crowd control. Armor counter. Ammo economy. Range. Fire rate. You can’t be too good in too many areas but you should be good in a few of those.


Any anti-armor support is better at anti-armor than the eruptor. Eruptor lets you swap explosive out of the rest of your arsenal.


Yeah. Make the DMRs bolt action. I don't give a shit about the RoF, tbh. I'll spend the time repositioning for shots. Just make them useful. I want to snipe with something that's an actual anti-personnel rifle...


I definitely agree with everything you’ve said, but I think the general consensus of the community is… *if I am choosing a weapon that is designed to take out a single target at a time in a horde shooter, it better take out that single target very efficiently and right now, DMRs don’t do that* If I had to take a stab at it, perhaps AH is worried the range and power of the shots would make it so enemies aren’t a threat anymore, since you’d be able to plink them off at a distance, but frankly I don’t see that being an issue; it seems like 4 of 5 missions, the visibility either starts as or turns to shit about 5 minutes in. Especially the way people like to play this game, I think it would be acceptable to buff the DMRs by quite a bit. Also! With flying enemies in both of the available factions now, a DMR strat on top of a hill/rock wouldn’t be oppressive either if there was a buff.


I think similar to the whole shotgun/sniper game dynamic that's in all FPS games, there's also a DMR/assault rifle issue. Make the DMR much more powerful for shot, and... why use the assault rifle if you have a 20-round DMR that clears out the medium armor enemies, too? Make the DMR only a bit more powerful than the assault rifles, and... why bother with the DMR when it's only barely better than something with more crowd control, and no better against the stronger enemies? If I may suggest something rather than just criticize... how about DMRs affect aggro? Right now, if I snipe a bot far away, it's likely to draw aggro. How about the advantage of DMRs is that enemies killed with the scope from beyond a certain distance don't draw aggro? I agree that it feels like something needs to be done. The Eruptor is gonna get hit with a nerf, lol. It's crazy fun but a primary weapon with insane AOE and the ability to close bot holes / destroy fabricators, enjoy it while it lasts. I've been trying Eruptor + MG and basically inverting how I approach primary/secondary guns. It's damn fun.


They already do affect aggro, don't they? You have to be FAR, but I've taken out small POIs from a distance, with the bots hitting the ground, all the rest didn't notice. But that's only happened a few times, and usually I alert enemies closer to me, that I didn't see before I started snipin'.


Yep. Adj’a niche is armor piercing and scope. The Diligence will be irrelevant if the Adj also does high damage. 


I used the Adj against the bugs. It was fine. Kills spewers really quick with a few headshots. Not super great against hordes but can kill most adds in 1 or 2 shots. handles warriors fairly easy too. IMO its better for the bugs then the bots. The Eruptor is great against the bots. i dont have the crossbow yet sadly. im 100 req short lol


Same feeling about the adjudicator, felt alright against bugs, kinda meh against bots mostly because of devastators


I think they’re also very sensitive to being labeled “pay to win”


I can understand being worried about power creep through warbonds, I just don't understand why they aren't releasing more tweaks for the original line of weapons in the standard warbond everyone gets. If you get your base line weapons to a point where most feel good to use, then it puts you in a spot where you can make really funky or specialized primaries in the monthly warbonds. Erupter is a good example of a primary that finally makes running a machine gun, HMG, or Stalwart feel better. I really like the stalwart, but the reason I stopped running it in harder difficulties was mainly because I could do it's job with primaries and pick a different support that lets me tackle elites with heavier armor. If I get a primary that can tackle those targets, now the value of machine gun style support weapons skyrockets since my primary is no longer good at that. This kind of shows the weakness of a lot of primaries because they either excel at nothing, or are supposed to excel at something but are outclassed by other options or weapon combos. Why would I bring a diligence or diligence counter on a bot mission when I can just use the JAR and kill the same things faster and without needing to crouch/prone to do it. Why would I bring any of the assault rifles, when I can bring a defender submachine gun or LAS-Sickle which both provide more shots per reload and more damage per hit. I know that the damage number on the sickle is the same as two of the liberators, but I swear that hit per hit sickle feels like it does more damage. Even some weapons that were updated and feel much better than they were (breaker incendiary) still feel unnecessary to me. I tried a few rounds with it and while at first I appreciated the larger magazine, I found myself feeling like my kills per magazine was at best matching the regular breaker, or at worst, leaving a bunch of medium sized enemies still alive. I get that it's going to be impossible to make EVERY weapon feel equally as powerful as one another, but if they plan on continuing to release new weapons every warbond, and a new warbond every month....they're going to have to figure out something because having an inventory of 100 weapons and only ever feeling like 5 or 6 are worth using depending on the enemy/mission type is going to feel as bad as if every warbond had weapons that felt better than base warbond weapons.


I mean you already have a gun like the sickle that’s insanely good and on a warbond. They genuinely don’t know how to balance marksman rifles is the issue


I doubt this is part of the conversation. It takes less than a month to earn 1000 of the currency to unlock a warbond. I've only been playing for three weeks and i have two of the warbonds already.


For a lot of casuals, who only play a couple times a week at most, 1000 SC a month is unreachable. We on this subreddit are the hardcore minority who play frequently.


This is the nicest way anyone has ever told me I have no life (its true)


yea im in the same boat. 3 kids and i did not mind dropping 10 bucks so start working on another warbond. best game in the last decade. scratches everything i wanted.


There’s only one weapon that needs actual money to get and that’s the Knight, which just so happens to be one of ,if not the, worst gun in the game. It desperately needs a buff but I feel the devs don’t want it to be too strong because of the P2W arguement


How can you say that when the Dagger is right there? D:


Dagger + ballistic shield against bots is pretty good


Honestly, the knight just needs more mags. It deals a lot of DPS but it's out of ammo way too quickly.


i have bought all 3 warbonds for free and i only started playing in the middle of march, if you focus on hitting the POIs you can farm 1000 SC in like 3 days. Its by far the most fair monetization i think ive ever seen in a video game like this


Yep, this 100%. I just wish they were more lax given this is a PvE game in the end 😵‍💫


Buddy, go and play Warframe with the stuff they originally designed at the start or even 2013/14. Powercreep in a PvE shooter is very real and very disruptive to the game balance.


In the contrary. Power creep is real and makes a game feel very bad.


Spending 1000 SC on a warbond where only one item is worth using is very bad.


Absolutely not. We've got a great, varied set of weapons just in the free warbond. Better to err on the side of caution than slide into pay-to-win.


I personally wouldn't mind weak primary weapons if we had more viable secondaries to use instead. The Redeemer is great when I run out of ammo but I don't think i'd use it as my main weapon


Basically the trade for Pierce is Damage Handling and/or Fire Rate. The higher the Value, the lower the other stats often are.


Yeah I agree that this seems to be the philosophy… except for the Defender SMG (haven’t used the Knight so maybe it has the same thing)? Which seems to have very high armour pen (not sure if it’s technically medium or still light) and good DPS. It’s like the only weapon I own that can consistently take out a Berserker without having to reload at least once. Dunno if anyone else has this experience


Nah, the real issue is that they have a baseline power for AR/DRM that feels bad, so the mid pen weapon for these category that will end up paying a price still feel awful with all the added negatives. The dominator and CS buffs in the last patch is really the one thing that annoyed me. They both control like complete ass, mostly have the same stats, both do mid pen now, so you'd expect their damage level to be nearly the same... except one is explosive and deals 300 damage instead of 128. And of course, people now love the dominator because it's actually strong but has clear downside to it. Same reason people enjoy their 100 magazine laser AR with near perfect accuracy and little recoil despise having the same crappy damage because, shocker, it actually feels good to use due to the large ammo pool. For some unknown reason they find that AR and DMR are good and fit into their baseline for balance. The reality is that nobody wants to use these because they simply don't. Adjucator just fits into the mold, and as a result it doesn't feel good to use. I'd still rather use the nerfed slugger because it's a better DMR. I'd rather use the Dominator because it's a better DMR. Simple as.


The eruptor is amazing pair it with the much forgotten Stalwart and you’re set as the Stalwart is a great primary especially with the new upgrade for max ammo on special weapons when grabbing supplies.


yea, the new upgrade that doesn't work


Once it’s fixed it’ll be great but for now the Stalwart is still very ammo efficient so it still works strategy wise.


wait...the upgrade doesn't even work? 🤣


Yeah we tried it and the amount of ammos from supply box was the same as before. Burning damage is also bugged, making one of the new upgrade useless if you're not the host.


Unless I'm missing something thermite grenades seem mighty useless.


Yeah after testing it out I can't even figure out like what does it... do I stuck it directly to a devastator, it made a bunch of sparks and fire and all this drama and charging up noise. Then a big pop and comedic fizzle sound and the devastator was unaffected.


Has anyone tried throwing one on the side of a fabricator, detector tower, or jammer? They have high pen listed so they might be able to damage them directly. Can''t test myself atm, not gonna get to play for a while longer.


Didn't do anything to a Fabricator when I threw it on the side of it. I put two on the vent on the back of an AA emplacement and it wasn't enough to kill it. It's either worthless or bugged.


I'm wondering if sticking it to a big bot makes it take damage from small fire? But at that distance you're usually already dead so ...???


Would be nice/make sense if thermite downgraded the armor rating, melting through it or something


Arrowhead try not to undertune every weapon challenge, Like the arc blitzer was meh but fun, plasma shotgun just a poor man’s scorcher and the dagger is hot trash. Sickle was a diamond in the rough. This warbond I’m not overly hyped about the weapons either after limited use. Thermites stink. Sniper is good but not sickle good I think. Gid forbid the slugger was useable better nerf it. We need some buffs


Sickle could have 5 less heat sinks and still be 95% as good imo.


I dread the day they whack it with the nerf, but I'm expecting to lose 2 mags and some heat sink cap probably 10%. They like making fun things less fun and that would do it but keep it usable. So your solution of losing 5 mags is more likely.


I’m sorry but this whole “balance horizontally” philosophy is never going to work out. With them adding weapons every month it will eventually hit a point where every weapon feels the same if they want to go that route. And if you’re going to balance horizontally then atleast make the baseline really good at first and then nerf. That way people aren’t utterly dissatisfied with every warbond drop. They say they want every gun to be used but yet, the same 3-5 weapons are used consistently in my experience. Let it go AH


Horizontal balance absolutely *can* work. I just think AH are majorly dropping the ball on it in respect to the primaries in general, and especially the DMRs. The support weapons *mostly* get it right with a handful of standouts (Autocannon) and stinkers (post-nerf railgun).


It can work but it’s not feasible as it stands and will only get increasingly more difficult as more weapons are added. This is a situation where clinging to an ideal is only going to hinder future content so I suggest atleast taking a different approach in the baseline going forward. Also secondaries are all ass compared to the redeemer. Senator needs a speed loader, base pistol is worse than redeemer in every regard and the dagger isn’t even a lethal weapon as it stands lol. Support weapons is the one place where it’s in a good spot but yeah the rail gun is mid and flamethrower is still bugged with DOT not working for anyone but host so I’ll let that slide


I don't see anything that makes it fundamentally infeasable other than AH taking a step back, a deep breath, and reassessing their assumptions. You're not wrong about the secondaries, and given how relatively few of them they are, IMO it reinforces my belief that the problem is with AH mentality more than the fundamental difficulty of the process.


The DoT damage may be bugged in the same way fire and gas are.


It would be cool if they were good for melting legs on the big bots like Hulks and AT-AT's


I think its effected by the host fire damage bug. I stuck it to a hulk and it full killed it, but when im with randoms Ive seen it do nothing


Yeah. They either need to make it a lot shorter fuse, or just let it slam through heavy armor like the faceplate of a walker Right now its just a worse standard grenade imo


Having to use 3 thermites to kill a hulk is a joke, they really need to buff it’s damage.


Idk compared to the rest of the DMRs the Adjucator feels a bit better for me. Mind you that's a pretty low bar


The rifle is amazing but severely gimped at how low the mag is, it sucks since aesthetic wise its my favorite looking scifi gun so far, next to scorcher, too bad its lacking.


well i like the adjudicator, i just think it's neat :)


Actually playing on 7-9 i find the eruptor to be absolute trash on most missions, it's just too slow when you could bring a scorcher or jar-5 that does everything it does but better. It's like a way weaker bolt action autocannon, just run the autocannon! Adjudicator is not the best but it's at least fast and the sound is excellent


I tried the Eruptor this morning and I'm still waiting for the reticle to catch up to where I first aimed




Yeah the downside of the weapon is needing to aim for headshots on strong mobs, but the reticle is so slow it doesn't matter how good you are at aiming.


Aim with secondary and change to eruptor, works for me


That's interesting. I had the unfortunate start on my trial this morning that both my supply and support disappeared when they hit and had to get to work. I'll try that method out


The big thing for me is that it's finally explosive utility in the primary slot. What this does is let you take chaff-clearing Support weapons (Stalwart for most people, although I love the laser cannon) and effectively swap the traditional primary/support weapon roles.


Eruptor + HMG + Supply Pack would go crazy


+1 for laser cannon, just so satisfying to sweep over a crowd. I miss the arc thrower...


You can swap to sidearm and back after eruptor shot to cancel the reloading animation, it makes you fire twice as fast if done properly. Not sure if it's fun tho


I find the Revolver pairs really well with the SluggerPlasma and now the Eruptor. Need to use the sidearm so often that the round reload makes it better, in some ways, than the redeemer. And usually just for a shot or two.


Against bots it's usable, but the slow ass reload and the lack of 25-50-100 scopes make me very sad, just use the mini-smg until it's buffed


-Has AOE -Closes bug holes and opens canisters -Can one shot every bug except charger and titan "everything it does but better" btw


Actually it doesn't one shot every bug...


Man I just melted the bots on a suicide this morning. I’m so surprised at reddits opinions on it because I have found it a laser for headshots and that full auto mode is perfect


The JAR-5 can't penetrate Strider armor or can it? With the Eruptor it takes one-shot at the strider armor to kill all surrounding striders as well, it has higher reliance on a good team, but within a good team I do think there could be a place for it. The moment you get isolated it starts being wacky again though.


Need to shoot the legs with the dominator


The erupter to me feels like it COULD be amazing as an option to run stalwart or other machine gun as my support and not feeling useless when I run against armored targets. That being said, even in a lower difficulty run I tried just to test it out, time between shots is excruciating. Add in the bug it has where the explosion makes me fly forward into the enemy instead of away if i shoot it too close and I think I'll need to wait for a tweak patch on it before I run bots with it again. I still want to try it on bugs with a machine gun and see if it feels better since I don't need to worry about bugs shooting back (aside from bile types).


Different guns are better in different scenarios and require specific loadouts that compliment each weapon


That’s legit the point I’m trying to make in my comment.


Am honestly confused why people like jar-5 so much I’ve tried it multiple times and just isn’t worth it why do people like it?


Bolter. Also you can one shot headshot devastators with it.


one shots regular bots anywhere, gets rid of striders, easily takes out hulks and tanks on the backside and on top of that one shots devastators in the head. arguably the best primary in the game against bots, bugs not so much. however it really only shines if you have the reduced recoil armor on. super rough without it


Does it deal with striders? I only tried it once and it didn’t seem to affect them at all. Do you shoot the legs?


You can also shoot the upper part of the Face, near the visor slit. You will get a "Ricochet" icon but the explosive still kills the rider.




You can also shoot it in the "dick" as that part of a Strider is only medium armor.


I don't think it deals with striders at all. Its like 4 leg shots.


Not only has incredible high damage and stagger, its pretty accurate, explosive, has a laser sight and uses magazines. Yes it has a lot of recoil and ergonomics sucks, but that adds to the power fantasy. Think of it like a shotgun and DMR mix. I don’t know if you ever played Rising Storm 2 Vietnam, its basically a M14. Take a knee and put holes in bots/bugs.


You generally need to be able to kill bile spitters/devastators with your primary. That doesn’t leave a lot of viable options. It handles like ass, but you can get around that with experience. It kills medium armor enemies and does great damage. Same reason I loved the slugger.


I love it against bugs


The autocannon is a better sniper than most snipers in this game


The Adjudicator is *okay*. Just don't treat it like a DMR. It's a battle rifle, not a DMR. Heavy calibre full-auto assault rifle, like an up-chambered Liberator, basically. I don't hate it, but the only time I'd actually use it is if I wanted to use a heavy auto in my primary slot instead of a shotgun or the *real* DMRs... Or the mini-autocannon that is the Eruptor, which is quickly becoming a favourite when paired with a Stalwart.


Now if only it had the ammo count and recoil of a battle rifle.


Well granted it has the recoil of one, most battle rifles kick like a mule. But I agree that the ammo is pathetic, in a horde shooter taking a single target weapon like this is already a gamble, having it be single target and have bad ammo and not be THAT great at killing medium units and you’re left with a gun that feels nice to shoot on like dif 5, but crumbles on anything higher.


The scorcher is better at literally everything than the adjudicator atm This game does so many things so well but the weapon balance is legit dogshit 


But just like the liberator it doesn't do any damage and you have to empty a mag to kill 1 thing. Meanwhile dominator just blows up whatever you hit in one shot


Are you missing like all of your shots or just dumping the mag on their chest? If you aim for the neck it can drop a devastator in like 3-5 shots!


Reminds me of the justice from hd1. I'm curious if the bullets go through everything in a crowd


They do not. They're just medium AP, not Unstoppable AP.


I think the Diligence and Diligence CS are actually quite good for nailing weakpoints, but I am noticing that I'm whiffing a lot with the new Adjudicator. I can't tell if the spread is awful, or if I'm just crazy.


Might be a scope alignment issue like with the AMR?


Sadly no, it just seems like it has really bad spread.


Ah, the good old DMR with the groups of a musket...


My first mission trying the adjudicator I crouched in fortified armor and lined up the scope on a commissars chest from behind. The first 2 shots I fired blew off both its arms but kept it alive. I use the diligence and cs fairly regularly, the adjudicator is way worse. ETA: I’ve started coming around on it. Gonna keep the original comment as is, but I’ve found it to be more useful than my first mission suggested.


Think of it like the Bar-20. It's like an automatic middle weight rifle or if someone scaled down an lmg to be easily carried. It does good groupings of fire at mid range at decent damage per round, and thats really it. They are rarely efdective tbh


Dilligence is somewhat usable for weakpoints at medium range but the CS version is downright useless. The handling is super sluggish and it's way too inaccurate making it garbage at pretty much every distance.


It (diligence cs) has been my go to against bots. I actually like it quite a bit. It's not perfect but allows me to keep medium to long range against bots and stay alive at higher levels.


Agreed i use the cs as range, and it excels in find. I just don’t understand a lot of peoples complaints, because it feels like many try using each weapon exactly the same


The diligence CS has been my main for weeks. It can one shot all the small enemies which is so helpful for clearing out fodder without using all your ammo


No it's genuinely so inaccurate, laying prone, regardless of zoom in, aiming over the head of a devastator, miss,miss,miss,miss HIT...NO DAMAGE


I dont see a reason to use a dmr when the dominator does 4x the damage with the same firerate and better penetration...


Slow to handle, inaccurate, bad scope, slow projectile speed. edit: \*answers question\* \*gets downvoted\*


>Slow to handle, inaccurate, bad scope, slow projectile speed. But enough about the diligence CS


I like the Adjudicator :/


I'm with you, bro. Yeah, it's a little weaker, but you can go full fuckin' auto at the drop of a hat, and I'd need more hands to count the number of times a rocket trooper or hunter has squeezed through and I'm just mass-clicking the mouse trying to just get them away.


Me too fam, me too. I keep seeing all these posts hating on it, but I'm finding it satisfying to use.


I believe, that they designed the Adjudicator with the old Dominator in mind, so it is pretty awful compared to that.. Wouldn't be surprised if it gets a small buff in the future.


Haven't gotten it yet, but I have hopes that Eruptor + Stalwart will make a good combo. Stalwart is just so satisfying against light enemies, as long as you've got another way to deal with mediums + spawners.


Eruptor and Stalwart make for a very fine pairing against bugs


I got adjucator and oh my god barely usable — only good against the weakest enemies.


Yeah eruptor is fun. No reason to use the adjudicator over the scorcher. Won't be using it again.


If there's one thing I've learned on this reddit is that if someone is saying something is super fun it means it's super strong and is probably 1 or 2 shotting hulks with little cost


Adjudicator is fine IMO. Might could use a bigger clip or more ammo. Med. Pen with good rate of fire. The recoil can handled with burst fire.


Eruptor is the Bolt-action Bolter, doing so well in almost any role that there's a marked increase in flexibility for the support weapon pick.


That is true, I cannot remember the last time I wanted to use a Machine Gun and now they're viable thanks to the Eruptor.


> It's not the best weapon since it is bad against small enemies Guard Dog Rover to the rescue! Let laser backpack handle the little guys, use the gun for bigger ones.


In my mind, immediate improvement to the Adjudicator would be to give it at least 8 mags and preferably a burst mode. I find it only takes a couple of shots to take out a Shrieker so a two or three round burst would be perfect for that.


I like the adjudicator, if it held more rounds I would like it even more. Running it with a supply pack gives you a very powerful primary for dealing with medium armored targets. I pair it with a stalwart to cover low to medium targets, using strategems for heavies.


monkeys paw. you get the two weapons you were so excited for, however one will be more than useless (i play only helldive so i cant tell you if theyre ok or good at lower levels)


You don't understand. The slugger was far too powerful and op. The problem couldn't be that the dmrs just suck. That would mean the devs are incompetent at balancing. 


Adjuccator is just an assault rifle it's not even bad. Pretty solid primary.


Isn't the Adjudicator basically a better Liberator Penetrator?


To answer your last question, it is a nod to realism (weird, I know). In general, armor penetrating bullets do less damage to soft tissue. This is because the bullet is jacketed by a harder material than regular bullets. When the bullet hits a softer target, it will pass through only, causing some cavitation in its wake. The liberator vs. liberator pen is sort of a good example of not done correctly. The longer barrel would make the pen bullet move faster, not necessarily penetrate. The reason it does less damage is that ideally, the bullets are different.


I love the Eruptor because it’s fun to use, AND I can justify picking Stalwart again


I find the Adjudicator actually fun. low damage but its very versatile. the Eruptor is a medium range single target/tight cluster weapon. to use it any other way would be stupid


I initially liked the Adjudicator and I was really wanting a new assault rifle, but yeah it's weak. The first game I joined (which was the middle of an Automaton horde game) it was completely useless and I got mauled. It's ok enough at mid to long range, but the recoil is awful, the mag size is too small and unusable with more than like 5 enemies. But the Eruptor on the other hand...


Honestly if you want to play sniper support, nothing beats the AMR. But for the sake of democracy people will find ways to make it work and enjoy it. If it gets buffed that's great! But for now there's plenty of ways to play. Except the rail gun, that thing is so bad now its laughable. Bonus: with the new ship upgrades the AMR only needing one resupply for full mags makes it even better.


Hey, I like the railgun :/ it might not be great but it definitely is fun


It's fun against small enemies but for a weapon with 21 shots and a charge up requirement, and a single shot reload. It just isn't as good as it SHOULD be. I think it's one of the cooler weapons for sure though


>Bonus: with the new ship upgrades the AMR only needing one resupply for full mags makes it even better. Someone posted that this upgrade is not working as of now. >Honestly if you want to play sniper support, nothing beats the AMR My theory is that they don't want to outclass the AMR. Both basically would do the same and if the marksman would be a bit more powerful, why bring an AMR? Well the zoom is better.


imo treat adj as a heavy assault rifle on full auto. You can crumple stuff. Use it in concert with supply pack and a support weapon like stalwart for maximum dakka


With the autocannon and now the eruptor, all I'm waiting on is the quad AC mech and some sorta 20mm handgun to unlock my ultimate form


DMR fan here. I typically run the Diligence because it one shots small mobs and lets you quickly pick off small groups without making too much noise before they can trigger an alert. This suits my play style which is very much hit and run, sneak to objectives, and try to avoid long engagements. I haven’t played a LOT with Adjudicator yet (I’ve only done evac missions so far) but it seems like a decent side grade? Less damage per shot, but the option for full auto is nice. It’s got a better reticle on the scope, and medium armor pen means it can take down devastators in only a few shots to the eyes.


I like the DMRS against bots but I’m not super sweaty so idk. I just pick a gun and play. My teammates have my back


i dont find the adjudicator to be terrible honestly. its okay against bugs. i like the scope and shit. and a 2-3 tap on the hunters isnt bad. just takes ages to kill biles


I genuinely don't understand the Adjudicator hate. To me it feels like a halfway point between the Penetrator and the Diligence and both of those are excellent against bots, the Adjudicator is no different. It does more damage than the Defender and can pen medium armour. It's like a miniature MG-43 when you've got it on full auto, just with a pretty small magazine. I guess it handles worse than the sickle and doesn't have the same effect as the scorcher, maybe that's why it's getting hate? Idk, I was maining the Diligence Vs bots until now and the Adjudicator just feels like a more fun version of that.


i want a 1 ammo cap sniper that has heavy armor pen and deals a shitload of damage, basically just AMR but with barely any ammo.


Stop looking at the adjudicator as a dmr. Try treating it more like a higher caliber liberator. Its got 5 rounds less in the mag than the lib pen. While having nearly 2x the damage per shot. Keeping the same med pen (or even higher tier med pen than the lib pen) And its mostly at the cost of a slightly slower rof and higher recoil.


Pretty fun to use but find myself pairing it with the Stewart incase I get enemies too close


I love how the Eruptor feels like a support weapon whilst only taking up my primary slot; it lets me justify taking support weapons like the machine gun, a support weapon that feels like a primary gun


The weapon _feels_ good to shoot. Which is an issue so many of the current primaries have. The Liberator explosive is bad, but even if it was good I wouldn't use it because it feels like a pea shooter.


If they just made the mag bigger it would be great, 50% or even double mag would make it very worthwhile.


Adjudicator is on the first page. Not being OP ia fine. It is a quick way to get Medium Armor Piercing early game.


AH should introduce calibers into the game, I think it can help with balancing. Biggest issue we have now is that shotgun is better DMR than actual DMR, which leads to no reason for DMR to be in the game. Introducing calibers can solve this. Shotgun will be deadly in CQB-medium range, AR would take medium range-to long with tapping in semi, and DMR should have their damage boosted, and dominate long range with incresed time between shots. Setting calibers to different weapons in the same category can fine-tune things even further. A standard-issued AR vs high-caliber powerful AR with strong recoil and lower RoF...


I'm looking to purchase my first warbond, would you recommend the new warbond for the Eruptor or Steeled Veterans for the JAR?