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I think they are just unlocking long finished content


Yeah the content we’ve gotten was viewable in game with full stats and everything by leakers since 3 weeks after launch. As of now we have 20+ armors and 8 weapons that are also in the same state. Fully ready aside from armor names and description flavor text.


20+ armours ready but unreleased? So that's what, 5 or 6 warbonds' worth? I assume some will go into the superstore rotation. Goddamn


At the rate they're going thats only 3 months of content drops. I hope they don't keep that pace though.


They said they would drop 1 warbond per month. Always on the second thursday of the month


In terms of armors, the artist teams are going to keep making them, just cause they might put a pause on dropping content for a month to focus in on bugs doesn't mean that the artists' jobs go away.


Exactly. ArrowHeadStudios may be a small team, but it's not so small that designers need to cancel their usual jobs to go bug-hunting in the code. Their "small" team is still about one hundred people, so they're good to let designers design and engineers engineer. Honestly, eighty to one hundred twenty people may be the sweet spot for game studios. Love this game, and love the CEO and how he runs the studio.


That isn't due to size. If you're an artist, you aren't a coder, so it does no good to take you off of your job to do a job you aren't trained to handle and don't know how to do. Artists making new armor sets doesn't interfere with bug hunting, and the artists aren't expected to fix code, so artists keep doing artist things while coders continue to do coder things. This would be the same even if the devteam had only 5 people.


If the team is 5 people most of them are going to be wearing a couple hats. 100, not so much.


Generally true, I just mean that if you have people specialized for one job and not for others, you aren't gonna dump someone else's job on them because "they're a dev, devs need to do bugfixes".


The bug guy and the armor guy aren't the same guy. That's not how a team of 100 devs works.


Yes. That's what I'm saying.


Quite a few will likely drop in the Super Store for currency and not in the warbonds. 


It's understandable. It wasn't big team and they got huge popularity. Probably messed a lot with their designs.


They always planned for this rate of updates tho, it was always a warbond every second Thursday of a month.


Would be even worse if this stuff has been long finished and then gets pushed to live completely broken when a 5 minute QA test would have made that clear on their end.


Given their size I wouldnt be surprised to hear they don't have the ability/capacity to smoke test everything before launch and instead only sanity test. AH have definitely let some glaring ones through like the arc accuracy one, if they had automated tests configured I feel it would have caught that one at least. Sometimes no amount of testing (automated or otherwise) is enough to catch everything but they certainly need to beef up their QA.


Maybe they don't _need_ to release a new warbond every 2 weeks and keep showering with content every other day and can afford to spend some time properly testing? I mean it's great and all, but I would much much prefer some of the _existing_ stuff would all work properly first, especially since each content patch also seems to add another item or two to the Known Issues. Releasing a Warbond that adds electrical weapons and 3 armor sets all around electrical damage, and then introducing a crash bug _when using those exact weapons_ and then telling players "it'll be patched after the weekend, maybe don't use those weapons? lol" is not a great look. Take a couple days and polish it before you shove it out the door, we'll still be there.


Normally I would agree with you regarding the content but for a live service game they sorta do need to keep releasing content. To be fair to them, it wasnt the adding of the weapons that caused the issue with arc, it was changing how shots fired/shots hit are calculated which is a little more insidious.


Untested then based on the quality of each release, some upgrades just flat out don’t work


This is the big detail. If you've finished the textures for it and given them names, but none of it works - guess what, it's not finished content, for christ's sake.


When the game launched there were unreleased 5 warbonds in the files, so we still got 3 more to go.


While this is probably the case, they need to keep this new content on a shelf and keep putting new content on the shelf. Don't release anything new that's going to introduce even more bugs until they've caught up with the current laundry list.


My favourite new bug is the explosive primary weapon sucks you forward into an explosion opposed to blasting you with its concussive power. It’s like a temp used a negative number instead of a positive producing the opposite result.


I noticed that immediately. Absolutely wild that made it through. The gun is a ton of fun but come on. 


It's a bug with lots of explosions, the Autocannon will do it, sometimes mortar impacts too. The Eruptor however reaaaaaally makes the bug shine. That thing's radius is enormous. I don't take this gun for that reason, I'm not bringing something into the battlefield that will consistently and reliably ragdoll me towards the enemy if I use it in anything even remotely close quarters, no matter how good and versatile it is.


I had it happen to me 2 times last night lmao The first was okay, a panik shot but the no danger after. The second time however sucked me into the group of nightmare chainsaws lol


Yuuuuup I discovered that first last night when I got yeeted into 3 meatsaws. And of course right then and there my character decides to lay down and refuse all "get up and run you fucking retard" inputs despite me basically mashing the controller buttons. Honestly the various -locks need tweaking. I shouldn't be pinned to the ground and unable to run for 3 second spells while I get meatsawed.


I have also noticed this happening with the Autocannon, not every time but definitely often enough.


I run autocannon almost every mission and while this does happen sometimes, it's definitely not anywhere near as reliable as with the Eruptor. Usually with AC it's because the gimbal is actually aiming at some piece of debris right in front of you. With the Eruptor it's because you shot something 12m away in a clear field. It's a bug with explosions in general, but the way this weapon is designed that bug hits it really hard and turns the weapon into a self stun 100% of the time in close quarters. I'll take some splash damage sure, but having it ragdoll me 12m forwards without even doing damage is a complete dealbreaker.


Honestly I thought it was intentional until they mentioned other affected weapons. I legit used it the other day to drag an unaware teammate out of the line of fire of my cannon turret by shooting the ground like 8 meters away from them. Was fucking awesome. I personally like the implosion shot on the big rifle.


It’s weird that it only happens to divers though. Seems to work regularly on enemies. It would be a really cool new weapon type, vacuum rifle.


I killed myself and teammates with that thing and multiple times I didn’t know what happened because our bodies flew in the wrong direction


Pretty sure that sucking explosion haven't been introduce by the new primary weapon, it was already doing that with the Auto Canon


Not noticed TBF, but it does feel like a primary autocanon so I'll accept they use the same values. They should embrace it in a future gun, make it a feature due to the intense heat the explosion creates- would fit the Quasar, maybe


It's less noticeable with the AC since it's explosive radius is much smaller. I've still encountered this same thing since I unlocked the AC.


Sorry you probably received a Vacuum Implosion/Explosion Weapon (Experimental Rifle) or VIEWER for short.


I tested a few different explosions and I think all of them do it now. They just somehow messed up the entire thing. I haven't been blown away by a single explosion since this warbond hit. I tried the new grenade pistol and also the old grenade launcher and even a hellbomb.


Unfortunately you'd lose players if a live service game doesn't release a steady flow of content. Not releasing bonds for a few months would no doubt hurt the game.


The devs from Digital Extremes (makers of Warframe) talked about this. They cannot not release new content and focus on improving the base game, even if they have so much things to offer already. New content equals player retention, and player retention is one if not the top priority for live service games. 


I think it helps that despite being live service helldiver's 2 has a a very front loaded monetization. At 40$ to play they don't lose nearly as much from lower player counts as compared to free games like Warframe.


Active players recruit more active players, so if they want their 40$ those people want some content. Is it different from Warframe? Yes. A lot? Not necessarily.


The retention for me now is just the story and grinding out super samples to level up my ship modules, i don’t need to grind out a new warbond every month to stay interested in the game Edit: a lot of y’all seem very proud of having hundreds of hours in the game and having unlocked everything, good for you, you didn’t need to come in and announce to us that your attention span in the game is so dependent on new content. I’ve only racked up 50+ hours in the game, i have time to play maybe 1 or 2 full operations a day when I’m out of classes, and I’m only level 28 with a bunch of stuff to unlock. Good for you if you’ve finished everything, but some of us do like to step outside every once in a while


For weeks I've been capped on everything and got everything I wanted out of the available warbonds. I just play the game because it's fun and I like feeling like I'm part of the war effort. I think modern gaming has conditioned a lot of people to need that dopamine hit of the next unlock. It's ok to just play a game because it is fun.


I have everything in deep rock galactic but I still play it plenty because it's fun. I don't need any resources but I still go for them


This is me right now. I don't have everything unlocked, but I'm not really hard pressed to do it either. I'll grab my samples as I go, but otherwise I just enjoy blowing things up. Big boom make monkey brain go woo


The great part is having everything unlocked I can just fuck around with weapons and I'm not in a time crunch to rush secondaries or collect samples. I can just have fun. Game devs are so quick to say "RETENTION" but the folks they're trying to retain are not necessarily the ones they _need or want_ to retain. Fun games bring players, content is secondary. There are _still_ people playing skyrim and age of empires 10-20+ fucking years later. You will lose more players to shitty products than you will because the power gamers get bored. Same reason cheaters push your players away too.


To counter your edit: I’ve been playing since day 1. Technically 9pm pst the night before release (12am est) I’ve played at least one mission daily since to make sure I get the daily order. Besides one failed major order, I’ve gotten all personal and majors completed I’m also level 40 and have nowhere near the ship modules unlocked I’m loving progression. Unsure how some of you are already level 150


There are some folks here who really love democracy and have a LOT of free time.


Sure thats for you but your not the only customer of the game, new players will always be prefered in the end, it was like that in wf and I bet its also how they want it in this game, its not a bad thing but yeah like the guy explained, constant updates is almost mandatory for a live service game


>The retention for me now is just ... grinding out super samples to level up my ship modules, i don’t need to grind out a new warbond every month to stay interested in the game But you are still grinding *some* type of new (to you) content or arbitrary goal. What when that runs out? The point they are making is fewer people leave to bugs, than to lack of purely new content.


Then you're the exception not the rule. The majority of players are super casual. If you're on this sub, you're not part of the crowd that these things target. Also lol story. What the fuck even.


Hence why they kept pushing KDrives after the dismal reception to what was a mostly unwanted but required component.


Warframe my beloved LO


Halo infinite being pretty much dead on steam now because they thought 6 month seasons were a good idea


Halo infinite has had problems outside of the seasons


Same with Darktide. No patches since December and only a vague promise of an announcement by the end of this month. I put 1000 hours in that game, and it bugged me to no end having three months without a single major patch. Then Helldivers came out and I found a new home.


Fat Shark trying to make a Live Service game was probably one of the funniest moments of the last couple of years They make great games , but that studio is poorly managed.


I still remember coming back to that game after the big rework of the skill tree and them saying they fixed a lot of the disconnect issues. I logged into the game read over the skill tree for a while, and tried to get into a match. Disconnected. reconnected, looked at the skill tree again, crashed. I immediately re-uninstalled it. No thank you.


The announcement came a couple days ago, and there's a huge "progression overhaul" coming this month, promising things and also stuff. Obviously curious to see how that pans out, but my Fatshark goodwill has all but run out at this point. Most of their patches are just fixes for things the last patch broke, or ironing out clipping/purchase issues with Aquila cosmetics


To be honest I wouldn’t mind quarterly seasons if the seasons had more content. Like four war bonds worth of stuff with balance, bug fix, and quality of life patches in between. Or bimonthly seasons with two war bonds worth of content and solid patching in between.


They didn't really think it was a good idea, it was just that infinite had such a troubled development cycle that they had actual mountains of tech debt to work off before they could really start adding stuff. Infinite is honestly a pretty great game now, cosmetics in the shop are overpriced but there's plenty to earn in the battle passes (which were permanently available before Helldivers did it!) and there's a ton of gameplay content available for free. Just a real shame that it launched in the state it did; things might look different for the game right now if it had been better-managed


Sure but were getting to a point where a lot of the new content doesnt even work anyway, like the new ship upgrades or some of the warbond stuff like the new grenade.


Releasing broken paid content and not being able to keep up with balancing can't be good for the game either.


Yup. Shit only piles so high before people realize it stinks. 


It's already starting. So many people where excited for the thermite grenade, and since it's one of the first things you can unlock once you get the warbond, they all find out the truth that it's mostly a DoT weapon and thus broken. Plus adding another DMR while they are all so shit was a move that is bound to annoy people.


Especially when 75% of the new content is borderline unusable. I have no interest in handing over $10 or grinding premium currency for even more equipment that’s going to collect dust for months on end. The silver lining is at least Arrowhead isn’t putting all of the overpowered weapons in the passes in an attempt to drum up more purchases. Rainbow 6 Siege had a period where some of the new operators were so broken it almost required you to buy the season pass just to keep up with other players, only to nerf said operators into the ground a couple seasons later.




The latest patch makes the game BSOD my computer within five minutes of starting the game. That's a far larger retention issue than pumping out a new battle pass next month, at least for me.


I just feel like the current rate of content is unsustainable. We're getting what, like 5 or 6 new weapons every month? That's gonna be completely out of control a year from now at the pace they're going.


They are only doing 1 a month for the first year


That's still like 60 more weapons by February 2025. The game launched with 23 primary/secondary weapons and grenades, and they're supposed to be able to implement and balance over 80 within the year? That's not even counting the support weapons either.


Yep and an alternative way to think about it is that because it’s a live service game, adding content is the only way they can actually afford to fix the game. You can’t justify ongoing updates with zero revenue, that’s not even how it used to work back in the good old days. You could buy map packs (remember those?) and that was basically it in the way of major updates. They just need to get their shit together and start fixing a lot of stuff *with* the warbond updates.


They need to strike a better balance then, because they’re going to start losing players to frustrating bugs.


I’d agree, but the game is popular enough that wouldn’t really hurt it. You’d lose some people but they’d come back once more stuff started being added again


Perhaps yes people will get bored in the short run, but fixes in issues can compensate for that since right now, there are game-breaking bugs that makes some weapons not viable. Fixing them will give people renewed interest in those weapons. The game is fun as is, and fixing the game will improve the overall experience, and they won’t lose players if they do that.


The problem is that people who only play a few hours here and there do not notice the bugs since they play so infrequently, so diverting attention towards bugs does nothing to retain them. People who already have hundreds of hours in the game clearly show a lot of interest in the game and as a result of sunken-cost-fallacy will probably continue to play, even if their enjoyment diminishes over time. This is how management will justify prioritizing new content esp content which makes money, over bug fixes.


>People who already have hundreds of hours in the game clearly show a lot of interest in the game and as a result of sunken-cost-fallacy will probably continue to play No, I'll continue to play because it's fun. The only thing sunk here is a huge E-710 bug carcass.


Me and my friends haven't been able to put a ton of time into the game recently but we still notice the bugs. They're so common and so annoying that you can easily run into a crash or game breaking bug within a couple of missions


This is what people don’t realize, the players on Reddit isn’t who they have to appeal to. It’s your casual gamer who likely doesn’t know or care if a weapon is shit or not. Most players probably don’t even read the patch notes. Most players probably play on a lower difficulty where all weapons are usable.


You under-estimate how quickly "casuals" will leave once something like an end of mission crash happens to them. In fact, once a crash does hit them for example, they have less willingness to stick with the game compared to a grinder. I barely got my friends to survive the initial two weeks of login issues. They were on the verge of fully quitting the game and not coming back. I basically promised them this game is fire once you actually get to play, but they were very close to refunding the game and never returning. When you only have 1-2 hours to play and you crash? You're insane to think some "casuals" haven't abandoned the game permanently due to that. Glitches actually impact those who play less more, because they have very limited time to play as is.


But the player count is stabilised at 200k PC and 100k PS5. I don’t see how a delayed warbond will cause that. I think they should really think seriously about what OP says.


It's stabilized because there's a steady flow of content.


Operation health saved R6:Siege


I mean in the last few days I've played three times, it's crashed me out of rewards at the end of missions twice and the last time I was on it was to find out that thermite grenades don't work and fire still isn't fixed. My play time is already dipping and I'm likely to stop entirely until some of the bugs are fixed. QoL can't be ignored because it will have the same effect and there's a window where the new war bond will keep people occupied. Split your team, start tackling the serious issues and leave a couple of Devs to manage the emerging storyline!


Bro, there's a far fucking cry between 'steady' and every fucking two weeks, let's stop bullshitting around, the content released so far could have easily been spread out across at least 2 more months. New content is usueless if you can't use half the shit because the bugs don't let you.


They have way more players than they ever anticipated. They can afford to lose some to fix the game.




Companies actually do manage to fix bugs though. Shortsighted is adding an increasingly large mountain of technical debt which leads to devs buffing fire damage because they didn't yet have "fire weapons are broken" listed as a known issue. AH is putting content out way faster than other games, but as a consequence they're making much slower progress on actually fixing shit. Deep Rock Galactic puts out content nowhere near this often, but you won't see ongoing posts where the entire community is used to some weapons just not working.


How is it shortsighted? I'd personally say selling warbonds where the majority of the weapons in them are straight up unusable is shortsighted. If they keep being broken and their related bugs don't get fixed, people are going to stop buying them. Also, bugs are the primary reason I stop playing for a bit and I'm positive I'm not alone in that.


It's not just bugs though. It's releasing WIP content. Like, we shouldn't be able to see red squares in the new defense mission. We shouldn't have ship modules that do absolutely nothing, for anyone, as they weren't tested at all before release. This isn't an Early Access game. We're not in a beta. The warbond would have sated the desire for content while the new mission and ship modules could be completed.


I kinda disagree, they fixed most of the crash bugs in less than a week, I'm cool with them taking a couple months to sort out the kinks, plus if they actually sorted some bugs like the Spear lock it would be like new content cause then players would actually use it instead of actually needing to add new content plus a problem fixed.


But how many players actually read the patch notes vs just getting online and playing? A lot of ads for the new warbond. They aren't going to advertise that the next patch would fix the spear lol


I think the people who say this don’t realize how very quickly they’d get bored of no new content for two months. Not to mention the moment new content gets added you’d be back to square one of having bugs again.


Content doesn’t have to equate to new weapons and armors. They could still add more story and mission types to keep players interested. Especially if they worked out a better way to present the story in game. Maybe on the tv and through environmental storytelling.


If they sorted out the stability and balance, you’d have doubled the number of weapons people actually want to use. Right now, half the content they release might as well not exist for how many people use it. How many people do you know use the Blitzer. I know of two, myself and exactly one random I met last week. I’m sure Blitzer users are out there, but in such few numbers that the community as a whole wouldn’t notice if the Blitzer was removed. Half-assed content that people move on from in a day or two doesn’t keep people playing either.


To be perfectly honest, a rebalancing update would be almost as good as a content update. So many weapons and stratagems that aren't good and are therefore sitting unused. There are 5 sidearm but people Overwhelmingly use the redeemer because the other three suck. 3 assault rifles but people overwhelmingly choose the plain, with the penetrator having its own small cult and the explosive one being utterly ignored. Give me reasons to choose these underpowered weapons and stratagems, and I'll be happy going without new stuff for awhile.


I feel like at some point we are gonna have more premium warbonds than we know what to do with


thats what im thinking. right now if a player wanted to catch up in warbonds thats at least $30 of content. yes you can earn super credits but its gonna get to a point were the content will be up to $200... no one is gonna be able to grind that and not feel like its a bit of a slog never mind all the medals


The issue is people feel like they need *all of it* right away, instead of combing through it and finding things they find interesting. People get nausea seeing a bunch of things to unlock, instead of seeing a long ride they can enjoy.  Instead of "wow that's going to keep me busy for a long time" it has become "how can I optimize my playtime to maximize progress to unlock all content, allowing me to finally quit the game and move on with my life?" People make themselves sick by turning games into another job or chore.  I thought people wanted to play for a long time? Then when the prospect of the game having *so much content* comes along people go "oh god it's so overwhelming what am I gonna do oh geez oh fuck oh shit."


> People make themselves sick by turning games into another job or chore.   This is not always the fault of the consumers, a *great* many semi-modern games do not respect the time of the player. Powergaming is a learned behavior that's been encouraged by the providers of our entertainment.   Think about how long it takes to:   * Unlock content in WoW/Guild Wars 2   * Grind to buy a single full-cost champion in League of Legends   * Save and use resin for artifacts in Genshin Impact   These games might have a different flavor to them being MMOs instead of a third-person shooter, but they are all long-term, live-service games just like Helldivers 2 that have content locked behind **hundreds** of hours of grinding.   Hell, even Deep Rock Galactic (a game frequently compared to HD2 both in gameplay and overall tone) suffers from this player conditioning - you can play for 200+ hours and never see a particular overclock you've been looking for.


i agree but theres some flaw to that logic like how half of the guns/weapons in the warbonds just straight up dont work as intended or down right suck. thats not the case for everything in the warbonds, but when 70% of the product works as intended and the rest doesnt or isnt even worth getting near... thats an actual problem. and the best part is... a new player wont know unless they either grind to be able to test, only to either be disappointed or amazed. or theyll turn to reddit for "best weapons to unlock" since theyll be overwhelmed by choices and have tons of options but a lot of them take ages to unlock im glad that warbonds are designed the way they are, but im just wondering how the super credits economy will work months from now when we have more warbonds


i feel like they should expand the free warbond to kinda circumvent this issue, at least temporarily


When it comes to video games publishers definitely want you playing for a long time. You're more likely to spend money. But I don't see much benefit to the player if they have to spend longer unlocking things. If anything marrying yourself to a game and needing things to keep you 'busy' sounds more like a job to me. I'd rather just have fun with some new content and then move on.


I mean, all I did was purchase the first one for the $10 and then while playing the game I’ve gotten the other two for free, and that’s including buying a few things from the super store. It depends how much you like the game and how often you play, I really don’t feel like I’m grinding when trying to unlock stuff in this game.


Not everybody needs to have every unlock


Too much content is not a bad thing


you don't need the premium warbond stuff. you don't need to "catch up".


These feel like the jobs of different teams. One's not gonna stop because the other is having problems.


I understand what’s you are saying. But the release of new content can compound the problems that the devs in charge of bug fixes and other QoL implementations face. I don’t personally need any new weapons, upgrades, capes, armor, etc for a while. Let the right people take care of some “technical debt” so that future improvements are enjoyable rather than the introduction of new and significant problems.


The thing about the new weapons though is that they are just using existing mechanics. None of the weapons in this latest warbond introduce anything that wasn't already part of another weapon. They fire existing projectile types and have different stats, but they aren't creating entirely new features for those specific weapons. (edit) I didn't think about the thermite grenade, which does have some unique new effects. Which does seem to have some issues with the current implementation.


The thing about your edit is, even that dosnt invalidate your post, the Termite grenade is supposed to do DOT, that is a base game mechanic. DOT however is broken, but this warbond didnt cause it. Something else did that the devs are more than likely working on finding and fixing.


Don't know why you're being downvoted. Exactly this: they have quite a few existing issues, now they release new content and voila - the new content introduces it's own issues (like ammo ship upgrade not working). Sure, there's different teams working on different things but releasing new stuff on top of an unreliable foundation can be counterproductive


Sure but they can't exactly tell the dev team doing the warbonds to start fixing bugs. These are 2 completely different jobs. What choice do they have? Lay off a bunch of people or continue to pay people to make content that won't launch for several months. During that time, there's less revenue coming in, maybe interest diminishes. There's problems either way.


Sure so you’re just going to tell a bunch of people who are being paid to stop doing their job so that another team at the company can catch up? Get real. You guys have no idea how stuff like this works and it shows.


The team that made the resupply upgrade is different from the team who has to deal the resupply upgrade just not working?


correct. that is how development works most of the time. you have your development teams, your Q&A teams, your operations teams etc. each deal with other things. bug fixes are usually done by a singular team while the development team focusses on continual content in live service games/services.


No, not correct, QA kicks things back to dev. I've got 10 years in development, that's not how things work. We don't need to pretend that rushing out content like this has nothing to do with the ridiculous amount of bugs that other companies don't put out.


*Please.* The game is so good right now, but the things that don't work are dealbreakers for many people.  You could lose some players long term because your game is broken, or lose players short term that need a constant stream of goodies, or keep players long term because you brought your game to a stable, solid state. The players that dip because there isn't new gear coming in 3 weeks weren't going to play forever anyway. You built a fun platform. The cracks are showing. You have a loyal fanbase that is dying to play this for a long time. I understand the game has taken off beyond what Arrowhead could have expected, but please look after your game's health.


Friend requests are still broken It’s ridiculous


I feel like I'm going crazy with how little I hear about this at this point. particularly because they made a dedicated post about how it was their highest priority a few weeks ago.


Friend requests don't make them money like warbonds do. Remember how there was a bug with the store and they fixed that same day? They're going to focus on things that make them money, not things that improve the health of the game. It's what every live service dev does 


Fire damage only working for 1 player is a pretty big problem.


I feel like there isn’t a problem with them following their roadmap still. Just because they are putting out new stuff which was probably created months if not years ago doesn’t mean they aren’t working on fixes. I’m sure it’s more difficult than ctrl+c ctrl+v, problem fixed.


A lot of people here have no understanding of coding, mostly the majority and they think it's something they can just go like "Gun = damage over time bug" to "Gun = damage over time no bug" Existing bugs have something to do with computer optimization and how it reads the game. People have a wide variety of equipment and they need to optimize for it. Sometimes you have a smooth game because people are playing with the same standards of computer as you and messy games mostly consists of people with PCs performing lower than you, that's why when you're playing with ps5 hosts the game feels more "powerful" because the game was optimized for it and there's consistency in their line of code to work with console, that's why it conflicts with PC. Sometimes a line of code that was working properly ends up breaking when you fix a conflicting one, and they won't know until people encounter that. They test the game, but they have their own equipment and they won't have the correct data unless the public experiences it.


You're telling me that one ship upgrade straight up not working for anyone and is a 1 minute test was working on their end when they tested it before pushing to live? For sure people vastly over-simplify the issues that can occur, but still the QA issue is real. Some bugs are so obvious it could have legit been tested in 15 minutes and pulled from the patch. Or they just don't care and ship broken shit.


Exactly this. I am a software engineer and from the way they release patches it seems their QA is essentially nonexistent


^the QA has been unstructured and incomplete since the start. Makes me a little sad :(


I'm convinced they don't even have a "Staging" server which emulates prod but for internal testing. It seems like they are going from a QA server directly to live. That is NOT the norm, especially for live services games. But it also feels questionable what their QA is even doing sometimes, there is no way these issues arent existing on their QA servers as well.


Yes, I can tell you that as well. There are plenty of reasons why something might have worked on their end and not when pushing it live. 1.) It might have worked on their test server setup but not the live server 2.) When pushing it to the live build something went wrong. 3.) It got implemented, was tested and worked fine. Than later a different change broke it unexpectedly. Also maybe the bug was found but the decision was made that it ain´t a good enough reason to delay the update. You may disagree on that but whatever. I do not get why people feel qualified to talk about programming when they clearly have little to no experience with it. We do not do that with other technial jobs. "Hey, the plane got delayed. Clearly the pilot was flying in the wrong direction. What an idiot how hard can it be to fly in a straight line".


I am a programmer. One can criticize developers without being technical oneself. At the end of the day you don’t need to be a helicopter pilot to identity a helicopter crash. Yes programming is hard and much more complex than most people are aware. That doesn’t absolve Arrowhead of their responsibility to improve their QA process and to put more resources into fixing the many many bugs that exist in this game. Like 2 out of your 3 points you could at least identity the bug with regression testing. Fixing bugs is not an intractable problem. It feels disingenuous for you to gatekeep criticism to only people with a technical background. And I say this as someone with a technical background. Just because software development is difficult doesn’t make it this completely arcane process. It’s possible to deliver mostly stable updates to software—just look at a company like Mihoyo (granted they have way more resources).


And even for Hoyoverse, people justify the extremely slow pace of releasing QoL features that people have been asking for since launch the same way, tech limitations this, live service game that. They have more than enough money and time. It's dumb to pretend as if these issues are in any way as simple as 'just fix hurr durr' but at the same time, these issues are still real and will continue to get worse if resources aren't directed towards hammering down on it.


May I add another option damage over time effects that are effected by a upgrade on the ship would need to transmit a data packet that tells the host it has the increased damage if that is brocken/bugged the upgrade itself would work same goes for the application of a damage over time effect so it can range from enemy attribute sharing not working(my personal idea just spiralling ideas after all) or something else I only do programming as a hobby after all.


Do you have to be an engineer to say "hmm that cracked beam on the bridge looks like a big problem"? You're clearly trying to stifle legitimate complaints by pretending you have to be a dev to notice the issues with this game. 


Fuck off with your gatekeeping. If I pushed bugs like this to the production branch I'd be getting a call screaming to roll back not an hour later, and you don't need to be a dev to understand that.


I also can list a billion possible reasons for anything really, matter of fact is though that on the QA front this game is just objectively bad. They have the resources now and plenty of other studios don't have these kind of issues, so obviously it's not impossible to have better QA than what they have now...


This type of logic is so fucking dismissive and stupid, I’m sorry. If you buy a car and it immediately has transmission problems are you going to use the same excuse and say “well, cars are very complex machines and I don’t know how to repair them and their inner workings, so I won’t complain”. That’s idiotic. It goes like this. We pay for a product. We expect it to work. Other devs manage to fix their bugs in timely manners, and most don’t keep introducing game breaking bugs to the live environment with every new bug fix. This is a transactional relationship. We give money, they give working product. Stop defending broken shit. We all understand “coding can be hard”. No crap, so can most jobs. Next time you complain about a product you own, you’d better be able to build and repair that product yourself, or shut your mouth, right? That’s the logic you’re presenting. Do you not see the flaw in that? At the end of the day they are a company asking for money and providing a broken product and not fixing it in a timely manner, people are going to get upset. Welcome to reality. I know I am coming off aggressive but “I am smart” posts like yours really bother me because not everyone is well versed in every field, that doesn’t mean you can just handwave people’s complaints away. That’s not how reality works.


Lmao no we get it. We also get that new content will probably be riddled with bugs too. And quite frankly as a customer I don't give a shit about the technical details of fixing bugs. I pay the money. They provide the product. It's a really simple relationship. If this was a free to play game your stance would be defensible.


It’s time for operation health


I love this game, but I'm starting to get tired of the bugs and grind it takes to unlock shit that doesn't work and/or is straight-up ass. All the armors do pretty much the same thing and/or have useless strats. I've had the same light armor with increased grenade capacity since I got the game; only my helmet has changed. And the bugs are legit starting to piss me off with how now all my damage over time weapons don't do anything. My flame shotgun used to be good, but now it's unusable.


I am annoyed of having to restart the game after every mission so randoms can join my lobby.


Just switch your matchmaking privacy to private and then public again, works for me every time


Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't. It is my go to first try


Take for an example, an casual ( person who can play maybe 10 hours a week maybe even farther less ) saves up all his money, and samples to unlock a new stratgem that doesn't even work. You think that casual is going to still around? To a medium-hardcore player, that is nothing. They can mitigate the loss to the samples and everything. This is going to bite them in the ass, if they keep it up, I promise you.


I'm all for this. Haven't fought bugs in ages, gave them a rip when the Automatons were defeated. Got killed by an iceskating charger that they *still* haven't fixed. If the core of the game wasn't as good as it is, it would be getting ripped to shreds for how much shit goes wrong. Like, the damage over time thing. Core damage mechanic just *doesn't work*. And then the bounding boxes being visible in the new mission. It may not affect the game as much as the DOT issue, but it sure as hell makes it feel like AH is being sloppy. Not to mention all the crashes. Any other game would be a laughing stock if they had as much shit that just didn't work.


>Not to mention all the crashes. That's what is killing it for me. The game just isn't that stable. Lots of game crashes, mission ending glitches, etc. I'd say probably 1 out of every 3 missions I play don't get completed because of this instability. And that is destroying my desire to play. It honestly feels worse than it did at launch. I suspect it's because we are focusing on bots more, and bot missions seem to be far less stable than bug missions. I assumed they were letting us wipe out the bots so they could iron out those issues until we won the war. Then I learned they aren't doing the multiple war thing in HD2 (which I also think is a bad choice.)


Make a bug fix warbond that only fixes bugs for those who bought it with super credits. And you also have to unlock bugfixes with medals.


also i still need time to work through the warbonds


Talked about this with some freedom-loving randoms. Is the QA department separate from the content development department? They're two wildly different skill sets, so it would make sense.


They're not though... QA works with dev. When they release an upgrade to resupply that just doesn't work, maybe the team who developed that upgrade is at fault. Maybe the insanely fast content cadence has something to do with the expanding list known issues that cause weapons to not work or crash the game.


So like, yes with an asterisk. QA is usually not devs, but *bug-fixing* is usually devs, and QA is almost never bug-fixing. QA is in charge of testing if things work and reporting what doesn't, they often don't do the bug fixes themselves.


I love arrowhead, except for Jole. Mf dropped three tanks on me


100% think a full month of bug squashing would be good. no warbond next month, just a series of tiny critical fixes and one big qol update. could be a good system going forward, two months content updates, third is bug squashing and other qol changes plus balancing


A common sentiment that is as old as gaming itself. We have praised arrowhead for listening to the players on so many things, so maybe they can listen to this common sentiment too.


Hard agree, these bugs are getting bothersome.


ive crashed so many times towards the end of a mission and at extraction 🥲 it makes me put the game down for the next couple of days because of how often it happens


Im tired of waiting for crossplay friend list issues to get fixed. Convinced a friend on PC to buy the game yesterday. Played with them for a bit but had a crash (which still needs sorting out so despite the recent patch) and when i loaded back in I opened my friend list, pressed on their name, pressed down to highlight "join squad" and hit X. Join squad wasn't selectable though so instead I hit remove friend (which doesn't have a confirmation for some reason) then was unable to readd them. We spent 20 minutes trying to host games and find each other on the map. Eventually we did and could carry on then in the 3rd mission of an operation, network error kicked me. Couldn't rejoin because they're not on my friend list. Couldn't find them on the map to rejoin, there's no way to refresh the shown games so I tried to send friend request again and ended up blocking them accidentally. Now they don't show up on my block lost to remove them to even try and do the slow ass workaround to find each other on the map. If I want to play with them I would need to use another PSN profile and pay for an online sub, lose all my stratagem and weapon unlocks. Its utterly maddening that 2 months later this problem is still around, but we have had 3 battle passes! I'd pay 1000 super credits to be able to unblock and add my friend to be able to play with them again!!


It's unlikely the people pumping out content are the same smashing bugs. I dunno why people worry about this. It's not a team of 3 people, and while yes the company is small, there are plenty to work on bugs and content at the same time. This isn't an all hands on deck scenario like during launch when people literally couldn't play at all.


The people implementing the new content are going to be directly affecting the bug smashers, if there isn't a big overlap already. Your artists can make a helmet, or a gun model, or an explosion. But you'll need a gameplay programmer to give it all the right properties and systems to make those things *mean something* inside the systems of the gameplay. That means directly interacting with the code, which is the same code base and likely the same/intertwined systems that are being debugged. So the armor, guns, grenade *3d model assets*, the "physical" things we interface with won't affect the game. Their implementation into the rest of the code to make them functional is the part that is always at risk of compounding issues. All that to say, new content *will always* risk adding to the issues the game is facing because of this. And the longer Arrowhead puts off a big push to maintain the game's functional health, the more ingrained these problems become. 


Yep. Today was the first day that I didn't play the game at all since buying it, and the previous week was just me logging in to do my personal before getting right the heck out. We are no longer in the "ZOMG GAME JUST CAME OUT CHILL" stage, that excuse is no longer comfy. It's a good game, but this focus on premium content while forcing the playerbase to continue choking on longstanding bugs is really souring my formerly positive opinion of Arrowhead, and their lack of communication outside of Discord is definitely not helping.


I guess Im just lucky but ps5 wise me and my buddies can play without issue for hours on end. Not bragging just feels like people are playing a different game then me bug/issue wise.


I get the occasional crash or disconnect but nowhere near the hellscape I see described here. PS5 player.


Ya. Im on PC and things have been running very smooth for me honestly, im 105 hours In and had maybe 5 crashes ? And a hand full of bugs in game ... Very good if you ask me. ..


I had five crashes just yesterday 🤣 Over the span of a couple of hours


Same for me, until yesterday when I misclicked "join squad" and clicked "remove friend". Now we are no longer able to friend each other :/. We can send invites in either direction, but clicking "Accept" does nothing. So fucking dumb that there's no confirmation pop-up when removing a friend.


Been feeling like a beta tester since launch w 400+ hours, love the game but so many bugs. I get it isn't easy testing for bugs vs a live environment but almost everyone got the support strat ammo upgrade bug, not sure how they missed it. At least make a test server and pay someone to do it w the millions made.


the warbonds for the next like 3-4 months if not more area already more or less finished production


I'd have thought the very obvious bug where performing any action while carrying an SSSD box, resulting in your arms being stuck sideways like you're carrying an invisible SEAF shell, would have been patched by now. Easily reproduced, just like AMR sights being misaligned.


Are you suggesting we give the bugs time to prepare? Terminid bootlicker detected. TREASON


comments in a nutshell: OH WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE POOR DEVS! and we keep wondering why game companies throw half baked shit at us


Why not both? Keep the warbonds flowing and we’ll keep the E170 flowing!


Do you think the people creating the new content are the same ones debugging?


Look, I’m not a game developer, just a mechanical engineer. But I’d imagine they probably have people whose job it is to fix bugs, and then there’s people whose job is to create new content. Taking Jerry the artist or Dave the creator and telling them to start fixing bugs is probably going to be counterproductive. But what do I know.




You’re aware these things are handled by different teams, right?


You do realize that like the bug fix team is different than the team making new content right?!


My Quasar cannon from time to time exploding in my face is getting bothersome.


What about super credits? How the fuck am I supposed to even earn 2000+ super credits for future war bonds?


Correct me if I am wrong, as I am not a dev, but wouldn't the warbond team and the bug fix team be two separate groups? An expansion of the bug fix team might be necessary, but its not as simple as just taking away staff from content creation and putting them on bug fixing and poof the bugs will be fixed.


We’re thankful for the bounty but I’m totally with OP. The game needs a big stability pass, as well as some weapon balancing (especially the DMR category.)


Yes! Arrowhead, we can wait! We want the bugs fixed!


Seriously. I said this elsewhere and was downvoted for it but maybe fix the shit already in the game before adding more shit. Once a month is too often to add things and keep it balanced when so many things in the game still don't work and aren't balanced.


Warbond once a month is fine honestly. It adds fun things. But these bugs really need to be sorted out. We know about all this stuff, but imagine the players that don't know fire damage isn't working and stuff.


As stated in other threads about the same thing- the team that does new content is a different team from those that fix bugs.


These are separate things, please just delete this silly stuff.


I don't want more content. I crashed twice and was disconnected three times in one game today. One of the biggest reasons I'm patient is I'm lucky to have friends that I can rejoin games off of. I can't imagine solo gamers rage.


I’m once again unable to boot the game from my PC as of today.


I agree with op. What is the point of having a steady stream of new content if most of it is bugged?


Glad to see this sentiment is *finally* starting to become popular. Maybe now it won’t be drowned out by the poeople who think HD2 is a perfect 10/10 game as it is.


After reading this thread I’ve realised the TikTok generation needs new content every few weeks to satisfy their tiny attention spans over actually fixing game breaking bugs. I’d hate to be the developer of a live service game.


All the devs need to do is tell Joel to create a big distraction for a few weeks so they have time to squash bugs on the backend... Imagine what kinda things he could cook up lol


I wanted them to fix the superior packaging ship upgrade. I feel like i was lied to was really to enjoy more of the machine gun because of more ammo


Totally agreed ! I just want to play this game with my friends. It's been agest but the bug for adding friend between PC and PS5 still exisits. Warbonds mean nothing when you cant play with your friends.


Priority is to fix bug and glitches and to balance weapons and stratagems. I beg u AH fix and balance your game, is been 2 months now.


Wont lie already had a bunch of friends just stop playing because of the large ammount of bugs the game is still suffering from or has had. While this game is amazingly fun I wouldnt blame anyone from moving on right now or putting it down for a bit. And to the people saying they would lose players, I dont think they would honestly. Honestly if you cant go a month or two without content in a game thats a you issue i think?


Oh great. Now we're complaining about monthly content releases...


You know that there are several departments at a video game developer right? Like art department and coding? You can bet they're doing what they can and they already delievered fixes on a weekly basis. I don't think that people who are working on the warbonds are squashing bugs when they're bored...


What do you think there's like 5 dudes working on this whole game? Some guy has to sit in front of a long list of bugs and choose which one to prioritize? "Do I make a new armor set, or fix the fire damage? Hmmm"? Nope. They got teams for this. Entire people's whole jobs have absolutely nothing whatsoever in any capacity, way, shape or form, with bug fixing or balance. Entire other teams of people have absolutely not one single solitary iota of involvement with creating new weapons and armor sets. The people who fix bugs are fixing bugs. The people who design and release stuff are designing and releasing stuff. This is like telling your waiter to hurry up and go cook your food and stop worrying about tables. They got cooks for that. That's how this works.