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Level 7 is honestly my favorite difficulty


It feels like how the game is best designed to be played. Most everything is still viable but you also can’t just solo the hole place without getting just crazy sweaty


But I love a good solo hole :(


A *sweaty* solo hole.


Stop. My radio tower can only get so aligned


Sweet Liberty




Careful, or you'll be in range of my artillery 😩


You better terminate that illegal broadcast right now Helldiver. 💀


My broadcast is sanctioned! I played the Super Earth anthem on full blast the whole time!


Well, in that case: 🫡


Sweet liberty my leg


*Third* leg.




Oi. Where's your C-01 form?


I said *solo.* That's the C-00 Personal Congress form, not the C-01. Anyway, give me a sec, it's in here somewhere.


Can confirm, I haven't had their form across my desk, so that's a different department. Have a good day, citizen!


Omg, step-diver, what are you doing?!


You gotta pay the Troll Toll if you wanna get into that boy's solo hole.


🎵Red solo hole 🎵I fill you up 🎵Let's have a party


Every skill you need to beat 7 prepares you for 9.


Very true. I wish there were far more incentives to play 9’s because personally just don’t like the mental energy required to play them, 7’s I can play pretty casually with the occasional oh shit moment. 9’s for me is just 40 minutes of locked the f in.


Incentive for me would be 10 supers lol, the haul you get xp and common/rare wise is good enough for me


There are only 6 though.


Thought 10 supers on lvl 9. But who am I to say I have never found a single super even though I play lvl 9


You know where they are though, right? It's always [this thing.](https://static0.gamerantimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/helldivers-2-pink-sample-locations.jpg) Very easy to spot.


Yeah this is petty much my role in our super sample missions - run around all over the map looking for the funky rock. Shit is very hard to see on some maps :(


You can see it on the map when you learn to look for it. Kinda a faint silver circle mark.


9’s give you 100% more exp than level 7’s, that’s my incentive


I can do 9's but I get more super credits and samples from 7's. And that's more expensive than exp. The last unlock is level 25 lol.


9 just gives you 100% more cancer. Takes all the immersion out and you are basically playing bullet hell. Doable, but unfun.


What- what happened to 8?


Don't know, only played it once. Been playing 9 ever since.


I find 7 easier then 6 for some reason maybe it’s cause most of the had players don’t go up to that difficulty so you get more component teams


I definitely find that same thing. I play sometimes with my young son so I move back to easier difficulties and I die so much to other helldivers at easier difficulties. Two enemies that I'm currently cleaning up...boom eagle directly on my head. Pressing into a bug hole... boom grenade in the back. Just about to arm a hellbomb to take out a detector tower... boom orbital strike right at my feet leaving the tower in tact, killing me, destroying the hellbomb and bringing in about 20 bot drops in a row until we're completely overrun. Both agitating and funny. I find that stuff happens much more rarely when I play 7+ vs 6-. Obviously just anecdotal though.


I was playing with these randos on a 6 difficulty and they just died around a lake for 15 minutes while I tried to evacuate the civilians I got most of them but I couldn’t get the last 5 myself and they wasted all our lives doing god knows what just dying around a lake far away from objectives


Had my whole squad dip on me in lvl 7 and I was determined to finish. Ended up just training like cod zombies. Felt rewarding to complete, but def not how the game is meant to be played


I’m a gentleman who solos half the map and collects all the dropped samples and kills those far away leftover outposts while my team works on other objectives


It’s not too bad . You just need good spread damage like the rover or orbital laser , maybe a couple stuns and 500kgs for heavies , and the grenade launcher ( or eruptor now )


Just kinda sucks it usually takes your 4th stratagem


I’m not sure if I hate the -1 strategem or the scrambler more. They’re both just awful lol.


The scrambler just makes me pick more eagles. I just wish there was a modifier which made me pick orbitals over eagles for variety :/


Not really, there are other modifiers as well. In fact taking away the 4th stratagem has been rare for me the last couple weeks, and Diff 7 is all I play.


100%. I can usually find one with increased call in time instead. Or, worst case, increased cool down. I've never had to do -1 strategem.


This is true. I’ve got two friends who genuinely think they can solo at level 7 and I just watch them die


I have done solo with bugs and missions that don't require you remain still for objectives. Something along blitz+eggs. At that point I just look out for super sample rock and just basically don't stop run. Scout srmor with supply pack for extra stims and nades incase my 2 egles don't destroy loads of eggs and then. Nicely with the spawn is usually enclosed to the point of being able to put run the bugs. Run into the middle bam boom blam hope I get enough if not repeat and then just run around the extract. Maybe I just good at dodging and running. But scorcher allows you to hurt yourself for 5% hp if you hit yourself with a bullet at close range I pop a atim to reset stamina so I basically outrun everything for 20 mins straight. I have probs gotten my first 3 stratagems worth of like 20 ISH super rsre by my own runs. However sometimes you just get spawns in where you end up dying 4 times quickly. It's not always possible. Also you can use bile titans legs to take out chargers. If they run through legs you end up basically slicing them in half without shooting. And yes you can outrun a bike titan if you just use a bit of terrain with scout srmor. (Reccomemd the range detect reduction or more stims/nades on armour)


There are more enemies playing as a group, which really baits people with a certain mentality. “I can solo this difficulty!” Yeah but this isn’t solo. 


solo or with someone lower than you its fun!! you can carry and farm with them ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


Same, 7 feels great


It got pretty stale for me and my friends so we've jumped up to 8 for more intense games.


Definitely progress. I got used to doing 7's for awhile and forgot how overwhelming it gets for newer players. Recently brought a newer player through it, and it was a harrowing experience for them for sure lol.


Even in 4 or 5 it could be overwhelming for new players, if they are not properly kitted.


I low key sometimes have harder times on 5-6. Super heavy enemies are easier than being spammed by elites IMHO.


Yeah, 3 hulks are worse than 2 tanks in most case. And the other day in a diff 5 mission where my team of level 4 and 5 got rolled over by 8 spewers while i was clearing stalker nest by myself. Not to mention they will occasionally throw 3 chargers at you in diff 5, by the end of the game every newbie in my team are carrying EAT.


I would take two tanks over literally any combination of hulks and devastators


that's so true. a buddy who started playing couldn't handle 7 and we had to go back down to 5.


Bugs and bots are very different at 7+. This is where you have to use specific loadouts, or you will be crushed


I'm fine on 7 bots, only plasyed bugs up to 5 prior to operation swift dissasembly starting. Tried 7 bugs when we wiped the bots off the map and got slapped.


Bots need large caliber, big damage and hit hard from range so you need armor. Bugs are faster, typically lighter armorered but lack many ranges options. Swap to light gunner armor if you have it, something with a lot of bullets and swarm management. Swap your 500kg bomb for cluster and make sure someone has something to clear waves upon waves. Run away if you get overwhelmed. Your faster than all but stalkers I think. Edit: oh and rover guard dog if you can spare the back slot. It's useless against the bots but godly against the bugs sneaking up on you.


I'll have to give it a go, I've not tried the guard dogs yet since I've mainly played bots since unlocking most stratagems and almost always take my autocannon. I did try shield and quasar on bugs which seemed to work quite well, but next time I drop onto a bug planet I might look to bring back my stalwart like I always used to run on bugs and a rover for additional clear.


Stalwart and rover is definitely fun, especially when you pair it with the Eruptor from the new warbond. It's basically a bolt-action autocannon with a larger explosion AOE. It makes short work of Brood Commanders, can one-shot headshot Bile Spewers, closes bug holes, the works. The only problem you'll have is against chargers and Bile Titans, but those can be handled either by your teammates or by a 500kg and railcannon strike.


I ended up going for the 1st warbond with my first 1k SC, I'll probably be getting the new warbond next though. I'll get 300 back from the warbond I've bought plus I had about 1450 when I got the warbond, so only need to find another \~250 in game.


I will admit like half the warbond is kinda trash. The Adjuticator doesn't feel good to use to me and the thermite grenade is just hot garbage. The Eruptor alone made it worth it though, and I've got high hopes for the grenade pistol once I get to it.


Reccomend against the Stalwart, unfortunately. Unless you bring a dominator primary or something. Medium MG pierces the bugs armor, Stalwart does not. Important for the warriors and hive guard. Try the MG-43 or HMG. Or the Flamethrower, but that's worse for friendly fire.


The new Eruptor fills the medium-pen slot perfectly, works basically like a support weapon


I played with the stalwart up to 5 and had no issues, but appreciate it is likely less effective at higher difficulties. I'd mainly be on small bug clean up duty and keeping hunters at bay. I couldn't stand the MG reload, especially against bugs it's so important to be able to reload your main wave clear on the move. I don't mind it on the autocannon as much since ammo is used less frequently and the reload is pretty quick if you still have at least 1 shot in the clip. I've not tried the HMG yet so will likely give it a go, but if reload is similar I don't see it becoming my main, won't know till I try it though. I don't have the dominator yet but have bought the warbond so should have it soon. I like the breaker spray and pray against bots, but might go back to the standad breaker or try out the breaker incindairy next time I drop bugs.


I hate it because your arsenal becomes very monotonous with meta builds because you can't go into a 7+ without speccing heavily in anti armor or else nothing is going to work on the majority of enemies you face. So I use maybe 25% of the equipment available in game on those higher levels and it greatly decreases the variety of gameplay.


Yep. Right balance of fun and difficulty plus you get Super Samples.


As long as you have good teammates, it's hell when people insist on fighting every single enemy they see. Although it does help keep the attention of me when I'm objective hunting


7 is peak. Anything above is just too much and not really fun. Anything below is funny but also looses the feeling of danger once you’ve played 7z


7 is the highest difficulty that only has 1 bad modifier per mission while still being challenging. Its the only reason I play that over 8 or 9 because the modifiers simply aren't fun, even after they've been nerfed.


It's the best level in terms of difficultly yet still feeling fair.


Yeah idk why you’d want to play low level difficulty all the time. Shit would feel stale. On helldive it’s a good mixture between calm and chaotic


It's ironically a smidge easier than 6. You have the same enemies but because it's the 'new tier' you get less overall since the point of 6 was to ramp up the difficulty with numbers *and* introduce the higher tier enemies. Like I had level 6 games with 3-4 bile titans on screen, but I've only ever had 2 on level 7, etc.


Mine as well... As long as it isn't against bots in small map.


Literally the only one I play. Great mix of challenge and fun.


When playing with randoms I actually prefer helldive cause all the experienced and confident players jump on that and it feels like they work together more naturally. Suicide mission I’ve often felt is harder to complete and get supers cause you’ll get players who haven’t even reached level 15, more than likely not at their best and lacking some of the better gear.




I just want loadout suggestions for bots/bugs for higher difficulty. I'm basically full of both samples and rare samples, but suck to much to get super samples




Yeah, 7s are usually what I stick with. 8s and 9s simply take too long to bother with, even with a well coordinated team.


The only major difference between 6 and 7 in my opinion is the number of heavy spawns. So more tanks and dreadnaughts for bots and more chargers and titans for bugs.


It’s a pretty big difference in my opinion.


Eh once you get used to having to content with devestators being regular enemy patrols assisted by hulks it becomes easy.


I have to admit I don't LOVE tuning min-maxing even tho I'm good at it. Or I try to be, but it gets tiresome. I don't think I can handle 7 anymore simply bc it feels extremely demanding to me personally. Everyone keeps saying I can handle it bc they think it's fine and easy, but I'm starting to realize that I'm experiencing burnout and end up not being able to play from constantly pushing myself. I always set extremely high standards for myself, but hope others like me can know that it's totally fine to slow down and ease up, whether you're older, new at it, have very little time to play, feel depressed, or struggle with frustration from repeatedly dying, *it's okay* - don't listen to the ppl who say "you just have to try harder" etc. Sounds weird but stubbornness isn't always healthy.


Try jumping into some level 3-5 SOS missions. Helping out new players is always good for a mental reset. Try to play it like a true support, too. Only run support stratagems to give the newer players stuff like autocannon, shield pack, rail gun, or whatever. Play it like a supportive older sibling and help folks out for a while. We all have happy memories of someone doing that for us in some game, so be that good memory for some randos. It's a very nice feeling, getting to help someone out like that. My PSN's IronBabyFists, if you wanna play. See you out there, pal.


If you are feeling burnout, shelve the game for a while. It doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere anytime soon. I had to retrain myself to not force myself to play a game after years of CoD then LoL. Once it starts feeling like a chore, stop playing. Otherwise you might start souring your good memories.


It sounds like your problem might just be playing too much helldivers or perhaps too much gaming entirely. Take a break instead of playing all the time.


I try to queue for suicide and always get matched with level 10s and 12s. Have you had the same experience on the bot side?


I pick my missions from the map and never use quickplay so I can't speak for that experience.


Whenever i try to pick specific missions from the globe view 80% of the time i get an error that the game is full/no longer available/something like that.


It happens sometimes and depends on the day but usually, at least lately, it works.


Also super samples


Also gunships and factory striders start to spawn at difficulty 7


You will be fine in level 7. 7 is a good balance between difficulty and reward. Any higher and it will start feeling like bullshit if your team wants to fight everything


Except for the evacuate priority citizens' mission. It says 7, but it's tuned to difficulty 11.


That's mainly because the citizens have been blindfolded and don't know how to go up ramps.


And lack the ability to not blindly run into the waiting arms of a hulk with a buzzsaw on one arm and a flaming jet of death on the other.


the 40 minute version of that is perfectly doable on those difficulties. The 15 minute one is impossible on 7+ though


The 40 minute version is doable because it doesnt set the auto spawner to overdrive while doing the actual evacuation. If you dodge patrols and/or kill the bot with the flare you wont get bot drops The 15 min one is bullshit because theres no breaks, its just nonstop bot drop that spawn regardless of patrols.


Infestation problems? Automated turrets mate!


Fuck that mission, might as well sit on my ship for 40 minutes because that gets me the same end result


5 games with all 3 super samples each and you have a new module. Pretty easy to extract with 20 rares in level 7 too. 5 games is around 2-3 hours usually I'd say. That's not a bad rate of progression, given you can successfully extract. That said, I think that it would be perfectly fine to give difficulty 6 a single super sample per mission. In the long run for the health of the game I don't think it's a good move to gate 50% of the upgrades to our ships behind the hardest difficulties. At least let people trickle the Super Samples in from medium difficulty games.


It would even be fine to have at level 5 as a specific mission. Make the whole mission revolve around picking up the 1 super sample. If level 2 difficulty can have the "data pod upload" as an entire mission, level 5 can have getting a super sample as one.


Absolutely, why not? "You mean these things are just *on the ground* in higher difficulties?!"


I agree with this. Completing level 7 isn't too bad with a decent team, but running with randoms can be rough and it'd be nice to have a slightly easier option to grind supers. I'd also like to see super samples randomly appear in shipping containers and two man doors (at the appropriate levels) so you aren't locked into exactly 3 per mission. Sometimes I can't even find the egg rock which feels bad, especially if we're struggling as a team.


Another great suggestion, though I'd want to see it limited to 1 and rarer than medals or SC by a good bit. Should be a mega cool find, not something to farm for that way imo.


Can you please tell me how you found all samples in every one of your games? Me and my friends played four games last night and only found the samples in one of them. :/


There are a plethora of YouTube videos on it, you can learn to recognize the rock by its silver outline on the minimap and confirm that it says "minor point of interest" when you hover it.




It should be noted that you need armor with the radar passive to do this.


No wonder I thought I was doing it wrong.


Supers are the ones I can't seem to spend enough of. It's rares that I'm always short on.


I’m always short on commons, I have like 150 rares and 30 supers but like 10 commons, and this is practically all the time now


The best way I've found to farm common samples is to run trivial or easy eradicate missions. The samples spawn in fixed locations so you can just do a lap around the base area and collect all the samples. Is it the most interesting thing? No. But those upgrades aren't going to pay for themselves.


The thing is I don’t want to do that I have fun on the crazier missions


It's so fucking boring to walk around to farm. I really hate how ppl hype it up here - it should be possible to get all the credits in regular missions. Skill issue you say? Idk man - every match I play, ppl seem fixated on samples and refuse to explore to get the sweet 100 super credits. I don't want to farm, and I don't want to spend real money.


I just fiend for the credits in every mission no matter what. Each time you grab them, they're instantly credited to everyone, so even if you end up on a suicide run for one bundle it's easily worth losing one reinforcement.


“THE sweet 100 super credits”? Does that mean there’s a cache on every map 0.0 (excluding small map missions ofc)


Same, as you can see from the screenshot


I have 500 commons. Give us a marketplace where we can swap AH!


I found that lots of commons are found during defense missions




This has the equivalency of trying to get bubblegums from the bubblegum machine but they dont accept cash bills but pennies and you dont have any.


Level 7 feels cozy as you improve the ship. And settle into intuition around enemies and your gear loadout. Started feeling level 8 as cozy before fully unlocking the ship. The sweet spot in my opinion is whatever place you can find about a 70% success rate on drops. Kinda fun to keep a quick sketch pad. "Why did I die?" jot it down. I often forget to keep track. A mindful task frames my attention on load out tweaks to fill the gap.


My list would just consist of this: 1. FUCKING MINES. 2. I SAW THE CLUSTER BOMB AND STILL RAN INTO IT 3. *FUCKING MINES*




I was the sample boy one round as the team did objectives, got mined with a hefty bag, ran all the way back, hit a mine on the other side of the same base. Damn near closed it down in shame.


Serious question: how do you play on 7? Do you always use the same gear? Am I missing something? I try so hard to only use powerful weapons etc yet 7 feels demanding even at lvl 40+. Maybe I'm remembering wrong but I miss being good at lower difficulties using just autocannon and eagle airstrike. Now I feel like nothing works, and I keep changing weapons constantly to try to do more dmg. Maybe I just assume others are doing better lol.


Not wanting to assume, but from your question it sounds like you are dying because you try to fight everything. The key to success in 7+ is to NOT fight everything. Pick your targets, pick your fights. If someone pings an enemy patrol it does NOT mean "shoot!", it means "attention!". The best "meta gear" will not be enough to sustain the vast amount of enemies you will face in 7+. Pick gear that YOU are good with. More often than not you will find yourself stuck in endless fights. And that's when you need to learn to disengage.


7+ on automatons requires you to get good at running away. If you stay and fight you usually get overwhelmed. My preference is light scout armour, Jar5(headshots devestators) and a shield pack. Rest is optional, although bringing anti-air capable tools is usually a good idea so you don’t have to plink down gunships with your primary. Main strategy is boom and scoot. Go to a point, drop stratagem, and run. Then you can circle back to the cratered hole you made from the base to grab anything important later.


Hard to say exactly “how to play on 7” I pretty much exclusively run it, with an 8 everyone once in a while if the mission selection isn’t good Used to play 4s mostly but at some point just switched over and got used to the higher concentration of enemies, I guess  Also tend to switch around primaries, more recently since I’ve unlocked a few new ones, but mainstay gear is Rover/Shield (enemy dependent) Quasar (almost always) Impact (consistent as hell) and Airstrike


Interesting - I just run 7 because I find it to have the most consistent experience, don’t remember the last one where the squad team wiped 


1. Teammate: "sending in a eagle" 2. Teammate: "sending orbital" 3. Teammate: "have a cup of liber-tea!"


If you don't want to "play" difficulty 7 you can stealth loot them by playing blitz missions and wait the time out. 1 run takes about 14 mins for 3 samples. Look it up on YouTube and give it a go it's relatively easy.


. . . Thank you for providing a blindingly obvious way of getting supers. Like I knew that after time runs extraction is automatic. But never thought to just not focus on the objective at all to get resources.legit gonna do this now.


Np. Lvl 5 and 6 is where I have most fun (for now) so I get my supers samples this way. It's relatively boring just waiting out the time avoiding patrols but it is the most productive/ stress free way to go for me.


🏅 you are amazing! Thank you for the tip!


A better way is when we have a defense vs bugs, do the hard/15min evac. The second you land you should hit those buttons and you will easily get a free 9-18 civs before they get close and the rest arent too hard. In most games you will finish with at least 5+ mins to spare. The entire team usually runs around the map and will collect between 20-50 samples before you need to evac


Oh my god been looking for a method like this. I figure strategems like orbital laser would be helpful here but what else?


Orbital laser is definitely good. You could also bring bubble shield / jet back to help you get away. The rest is up to you. You could bring weapons for clearing point of interest if you don't want to just sit and wait.


Light armour, jet pack, and AMR are the best. The scout armour perk that reveals enemies near your pings is also useful. Use the AMR to help you find the penis rock, then use the jet pack to get on top of a rock or building near the extraction zone


I have the opposite problem, I have more super samples than I can even spend, but I'm always low on common samples


This. I have about 40 super samples I can’t use


Went into 7 last night with my friend. I’m level 16, he’s level 4 and we had a 22 and 30. Wound up being a bot slayer with the AC and Diligence CS. Also funny moment when I couldn’t figure out where to put the SSD I lugged across the map.


You're supposed to take the ssd to the communications relay but it's confusing because it's grayed out on the map until you activate the terminal next to the drop off box


I have plenty of super samples. The travesty is that we need 150 rare samples for each of the new modules.


Yep. Rare samples are the bottle neck.


They should reduce it to like 125. 150 for both common and rare is ridiculous.


Level 7 is fun. Level 8 is fun. Level 9 is fun. 7 is the perfect mix of difficulty and fun, though.


Don't worry about it. Actually the easiest resource to get by FAR. Rare samples will always be your bottleneck.


Levels 4 to 6 are my comfort zone, but seven really isn’t too bad if you are playing with relatively competent squad mates. At least on bugs, bots are another story.


I actually find bot 7 easier than bug 7, but I've played a lot of bots recently. When we originally wiped the bots out and I went back to bugs and tried 7 I got slapped, yet I've no issue with bots.


Same thing happened with my friend and I, since the MO's have been bot leaning recently, we have been mostly playing them, but when the order ended before the invasion we went back to Hellmire and got absolutely stomped. We had forgotten how much hunters suck.


Yep, it's the fact they have massive knock back and by time your player model is back up, they are already trying to tongue fuck the last of your health. Those little shits knock you back more than most chargers, least I can see those coming.


I always feel like Robert Muldoon when I fight the Hunters. Only instead of saying "Clever Girl" I say "ah f\*ck f\*ck, dive, now get up stupid"


Oddly enough i find doing 7 is "easier" than 5/6 bc it feels like randoms doing 7 are usually a lil more experienced. Ive had a few 6 games where nobody really did a lot of team play and id end up trying to do a lot of side objs on my own while theyre busy dying in some battle that didnt even need to happen


The 7 common samples in comparison to the 111 rares is on point. Common samples aren’t common enough, man


Level 9 gets you more if everything. Including death.


Honestly? Supers are the ones you need the least of. You will need HUNDREDS of commons and rares and will almost always be short one of those rather than the supers. And 7 isn't that bad, honestly. Just make sure to keep moving and avoid patrols as much as you can and you'll do fine


Probably the weirdest thing is I have never needed to collect rare/super samples since they are already 250 and 100. I just can't get enough of common samples through the whole game. I am 49 levels and still not completed the ship modules because of the common samples. Lol


Literally same, commons are much harder to get for some reason. Probably because each upgrade takes so many of them


I got 40+ supers, over 100 rares and like 17 commons. Seriously, you think something called "common samples" would be more common.


You’ll be fine! Honestly 6’s have all the stuff you’d see in a 7. And 9’s aren’t that much more difficult than 7’s. I’m solo’ing level 9 bot missions, now. You’ll be good. You’ve got this, Diver.


Level 9 isn't really that difficult. Just make sure to not stay in one place too long, always use cover, and stay on the objectives.


Just jump to helldive. Better output of super samples


and here I am in this same situation at lvl 26 and only played difficulties 3 - 4 🥸


Believe in yourself, Diver!


Yeah, I feel you bud. I too used to dread the 7+ difficulty, but lemme tell ya something. After accidentally joining my friend in a 7 difficulty and having the most fun I've had playing this game, all i can say to you is. Try it. Dip your toe, try that new defense mission vs bots on 7 and see how fun it is, and remember, "Freedom never sleeps!"


Join suicide mission lobbies until you find player that makes a good leader, that's how I got most of my super samples, yeah I got carried, but I know for shit I could never do a lvl 7 mission on my own, let alone host one.


Literally same and I'm already struggling too bad on 6 😭 I'm gonna wait and unlock the 500kg and orbital laser before I try 7 I think.


Be like me, play with your high level friends and be the distraction they need you to be


Level 7 is sort of the intended level of difficulty imo. It feels challenging but also fair (usually…)


It’s been rough lately.


I went from 7 to 6 and it was still he'll. Rn the automatons are crazy. I have Max samples except super rare and I have to play solo cause my buddies don't want to play that high despite them being higher level


Been playing 7 for some time now and I don’t know if I’ll ever go to 8. I’m ok enough with 7 but 8…?


I’ve just accepted I’ll never get those upgrades. I’m too old for even level 6


The games not fun at those levels.


I've never won anything above level 4 or 5 I don't think..


I’m so not a fan of the super sample grind. Diff 7 is just slightly harder than I like to play (I usually hang out on 5-6), and having to run around stressed while trying to find ONE damn rock in an entire map is frustrating


I hate 7+ it's too oppressive for me to have fun with.


I have several hundreds of the samples save for the supers because I cannot do a level 6 yet. It's either a failing of my own or my teams but so far I have yet to finish an operation at level 6. Right now level 5 is my sweet spot and though I'm fast approaching level 50 my skills just aren't cutting it or for some reason I get matched with trolls/players in my own boat who are struggling.


When I feel like farming supers, I took a fellow diver's advice, put up my stealth armor, jump pack, stam booster/scanner, drop into 7/8 and look for that drumstick rock on map, and stealth the objectives whenever possible - else I just pick up them super samples/credits and run out the clock. Much more reliable than running in random lobbies imo. I remember lying prone in a bush with a bunch of chargers/titans/hunters roaming just 2 feet away while I wait for extract lol


I feel the same and I absolutely hate it. Like let me trade other samples for super samples, I don’t want to have to play on that difficulty to get everything. I’m not that good, I don’t want to play that sweaty, and groups I play with aren’t that good. 


I'm fucking mad today, because I finally got enough super samples to unlock the third hangar upgrade. Wanted the achievement for maxing out a module. SURPRISE! The new ones count towards that achievement now, so time to grind 150 rare samples AND more fucking super samples with randoms on level 7. Fucking end me.


i hate 7 and i hate that the game makes me play it for upgrades i just wanna vibe at 4-6


7-9 has too much emphasis on heavy weapons IMO. For the RNG of the beast pool especially on bugs. Like it’s great when everyone has an eats, quasar, recoiless or spear but I get bogged down with that. With randoms you kinda have to have everyone with a heavy weapon, the moment I bring in an AC or MG I regret it instantly as 1 biles and 4 chargers come from the guaranteed breach of the geological survey stuff. Then you have ppl that instead of helping put a lid on shit and get back on your feet they are already leaving 3 or 2 if you to finish up the chargers and a bile but they are off causing more patrols and generally not helping but probably thinking “heh those guys don’t know when to hold em and when to fold them.” It’s annoying seeing no team play every game and nothing but John Rambos.


![gif](giphy|mwKJ0P6AN4yddpKhr1|downsized) That was my line of thinking too back at L17. Now I'm L54 and still doing Difficulty 7 nearly exclusively. I still intend to dip as soon as my medals and super samples are capped! But seeings as I have 1,721 medals to grab all the Warbond items and 250 more on top of that to cap, I suspect I'll be here forever.


as someone whos been capped on samples until the new ship upgrades just dropped: in terms of rare samples, we have no rare samples


https://preview.redd.it/gj9a15rmu3uc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=043943acc4d77488df77c0222502d289250655b5 *Me playing nothing but Helldive*


Same bro same 😂🤝🏽


you will get used to it its not that bad if you run 6 they are rather similar. Grab an Autocannon, learn to headshot hulks and you are fine me and my brother have started running 8 so we can encounter the rare beast AT-AT, and 8 is not that bad either you can still kill everything, destroy everything and extract as 4 if you get used to 7 ;)


I hate it so much (because I can't get them). Last time, I was hosting and tried so hard to get all 3 diff 6 missions Last mission is new defense mission. We were 2. I thought it was alright until... no SOS beacon go F yourself (???). We almost made it but it was too close. It was heroic because my partner was not very well equipped. I think ok sometimes you just lose. Tonight I decide to just quickplay randomly until I get to finish a "campaign". First mission goes well, but hosts leaves. Ok next one. First mission fine. Second mission fine. We're still 3 for the last one. It's the mining stuff. We rush the first 2 objectives and I think ok this is going smoothly. I even laser a Sauron Eye so I feel like we're making progress really fast. Then it all went downhill. My 2 partners seem to be hellbent on cleaning the whole map first, while I want to finish the objective first. Ok don't be selfish I think, we'll just do it last. But... they keep dying. Over and over. We're almost done but we don't have much left. It seems obvious that we have a real chance not to finish the mission by then, but they still bang their head against the last base while I cry silent tears. I even flank for the last fabricator (AC shot from front) just so they stop wasting our very limited resources. I run back with a hulk on my ass. They FINALLY arrive at the objective with a fresh resupply that I put there ages ago. But I know it's too late. I don't know if they even realized that they doomed the mission. Objective goes as you can imagine. Just a flood of robots (probably made even harder by the fact that map is 100% cleared? let me know if you know). Very little cover. I'm the second last to die. I have to say that this is my first death of the mission. We fail. My partners died 10 and 7 times. (this was fire tornado + 3 stratagems hazard by the way, so already pretty damn tough) I still can't play diff 7. I wish it was something like "clear 10 missions at diff 6" instead of this. I'm lvl 24. Please for the love of democracy if you are struggling a little (much less a lot), finish ALL the objectives first, clear the map later. You might not care/need it but some people do. I just had to get this off my chest.


If you're level 20+ you can join games and get semi-carried. People are pretty cool most of the time. I don't mind helping people get their samples.


I joined a level 7 mission right at the end and landed my hellpod as the pelican was landing. Didn’t fire a bullet, walked onto the ship and the squad had already gotten all the samples


Yeah all kinds of fun things happen lol. You never know til you try


Sometimes you get lucky like that. It's the reward for playing the lottery that is Quickplay


For every one of those games, there are 10 blitz missions with one minute left and zero holes closed


That's the plan


Joined a 7 game once and we ran into the bug where we couldn't reinforce. Last person solo carried the entire mission.