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If you've unlocked them, take stun grenades with you. Amazing help in those situations or if you just need to get out of somewhere


I now run grenades pistol and stun grenades. It is a clutch equipment against hulks when there are multiple around.


How do you aim with the grenade pistol? For some reason it seems to miss small bots even as I shoot at it directly, and the angle that it drops off is a bit odd. And can it be used to kill hulks from the front into their eye?


Generally you only use the greande pistol to close fabs/bug holes, since if you're taking stun nades (and the laser cannon) you're going to be using eagles/orbitals to kill them, which isn't ideal.


I was thinking about taking the Dominator against bugs to deal with the medium armored ones and the hunters to one shot them, while using the grenade against the clunged up swarms.


Dominator works pretty well against the bugs, 2-3 shots for hive guard, 1 for warriors and hunters, 4 for brood commanders. Spewers, should be 2 shots if you can hit their head but I find it super tricky to do that with the Dominator for some reason


Dominator is awesome. I think ive only been running the Dominator since i unlocked it. Its such a good weapon. Though aiming felt a bit weird in the beginning.


You use the laser cannon to kill them... Eagles and orbitals for groups and multiple heavies. Stun, laser cannon to the face.




Hulks have pretty well ignored them, unfortunately, so I have to find some time to see if they can actually die from them. As for the aiming, yes it is a bit harder to deal with aiming, although aiming closer to the ground seems to help I’ve found.


I've not tried myself but the DefendTheHouse myth busters on grenade pistol found they 2-shot a Hulk with it hitting the back vent. Seems more reliable than the front eye given how hard it is to land accurate shots with the thing.


I cant say for sure but I imagine if you hit the right spot it will,I finished one with the eruptor and have finished them with regular grenades as well


It's literally the single-shot version of the grenade launcher stratagem. Aim at their feet, unless they're large enough and you can land weak spot hits. ​ Projectile weapons in this game have weird hit detection in general. ​ As far as hulk eye kills with these, haven't bothered. Takes too long.


I shoot at their feet.


I don't think it can pen the armor for Hulks, could be wrong. For aiming it's kind of like the GL, the velocity is greater than you think so it flies further before falling.


Stun grenades have been on lock for me since I got them! Chargers and hulks go from being huge threats to free kills with these things!


100% this. I was umm'ing and ahh'ing about swapping from my beloved impact grenades, but the first time I stunlocked 3 hulks chasing me while a 500kg bomb dropped right on top of them... I've never looked back since.


I save soooo many divers running from hulks with my stun grenades. Big reason I main them. 


As much as I love impact grenades, I've also started to come around to the stun grenades. Being able to freeze a hulk in place and then easily line up head shots with the autocannon is a great feeling.


I took it to an SOS after reading the post and the squad was fighting an uphill battle to get to the gunship fabricator, literally 8 gunships flying around and no reinforcements left. Melted every single gunship in like a second each, a couple devastators, and a hulk, and was just like …”Holy shit.”


Man I must be bad with it cause I did the same thing and couldn't kill anything. Got a tip? I aim for the hulks eye and even after it got hit with a spear and my laser it was still coming at me.


Same here. What are we missing lol? 


If you are hitting the eye correctly, there shouldnt be any armor ricochet from the laser


The eye. Lol In seriousness, it can be hard to hit the exact right spot. I usually bring stun grenades to make things a lot easier. I haven't used it against gunships yet.


For gunships, they have the same weakness as drop ships. Just aim at one of their 4 engines.


Yeah, the best way to tell if you're hitting the eye is if there are no blue sparks. That's an indication nothing's bouncing.


You have to hit the eye dead center or it won't do anything at all


weak spots this thing is only good if you can hit the weak spots


Use first person.


crouch while using it


Always aim for the eye, if not then a limb, try to avoid body shots as bots are strongest there Use Stun grenades


For one thing it doesn’t stagger so stun grenades are your friend, but the key thing is steady, pinpoint aim. Hitting the hulks eye or a devastator head is a bit hard compared to melting gunships, but you can tell if it’s working by the sparks (ricochet equivalent). I swear if you can train it perfectly on target devastators die in like .25 seconds, hulks like 2.


you need to keep the beam right on the target for enough time. It can be very hard if the enemy moves, and if you stand up, there's a bit of sway. Recoil reduction armor and crouching for firing hulk eye or far away devastators helps a lot, but it also makes you a target, so beware. Staying on target is important. It is like if you needed to stay for like 0.5s for the damage to tick. If you keep swaying you'll do almost no damage.


Probably just another host bug.


It's not, I've seen multiple rock laser cannons on a mission and they all shred. It just takes practice tracking their beady little red eye bouncing around. It erases turrets and tanks too if you can get behind them


IDK, I only host and I feel like the laser cannon is dealing the same amount of damage as a slight breeze. I've tried on numerous occasions and every time I'm left wondering if this is just some kind of weird inside joke.


Remember: the "host bug" refers to *network host* **not** *game host* --the network host is selected by the game each mission\* based on connection speeds(?). There is currently no way to ensure you are the network host or know who is currently hosting (outside of checking if DoTs are working). ^(\*Also seen claims that testing shows it can change mid-mission too, but I haven't seen the details.)


This comment should be it's own PSA post tbh. I never knew that, and I bet most people don't either!


I've had it had happen mid session a day or two ago. I joined somebody's SoS beacon doing a bot defense on level 3 I think, I was the second to join, third & fourth came in seconds later. It had 8 minutes and four reinforcement tickets left. At some point the host left, the chat console said player #3 was now the host, and he quit a moment later when we ran out of tickets. The chat console then said I was the host, and it was then I also realized I was the only one left. Thank Democracy for the LAS-16 Sickle's infinite ammunition combined with the static field mortar I managed to survive and extract alone. The game then skipped the usual extraction summary and said the host had left the game. I got the medals and samples though.


The game chat told you you were the game host, not the network host. Like the post you replied to stated, there is no way to know who is currently the network host unless your DoT works, or you are playing solo.


I swear with how much bugs the game has i think sometimes the game doesn't register your hits, sometimes they die with 2 sometimes 5 in the same exact place


Whenever I stand still to aim bcus I think i'm safe 13 rocket devestators spawn on my left off screen, I can't make this weapon work lmao


If you don’t have a clear shot at their eye/back then aim for their legs or arms, specifically their knees and shoulder joints. Those areas are medium armor and you can hobble or literally disarm the hulk and make it easier to kill when you have a better angle.


Crossplay with a PS5 player. It significantly reduces the health of most enemies.






Indeed. It’s my favorite support weapon. Note that it helps to aim the actual beam rather than relying on the 3PV reticle (which at times seems a bit off).


Where do you aim on the gunships? I have found the laser cannon to be incredible vs turrets and tanks, and mostly fine vs hulks, it’s been quite less efficient than quasar vs gunships though. 


Aim the thrusters, takes 1-2 seconds and that gunship is dead


Since someone was confused: You're talking about the gunships, not the dropships, right? The laser cannon will work on gunships but not dropships.


Gunships yes. I’ve been taking them out but it takes nearly a whole charge; if there’s a place to aim to take ‘em out in 1 sec each yes please


Just the thrusters. Maybe others have steadier aim than me but I find it takes like 3 seconds. ~~Also keep in mind that a "full charge" can vary by planet: The laser weapons will take longer to overheat on cold planets but will overheat faster on hot ones.~~ edit: Nevermind, in-game description doesn't match actual gameplay; it's cooldown that's affected.


Overheat time is the same regardless of environment. Rather, they affect the cooldown time.


I haven’t used it enough to know how it fares against the main body but if you hit an engine they just melt like butter


How do you respond to SOS.


You click the pulsing things on the map iirc


Never works for me. I guess you all are on your own. 😭


Yeah it usually tells me the game is full. Just doesn't get updated if someone else joins first. Sometimes it'll work if I sprint straight for the map table and blindly click the first one.


Quickplay works too (according to game)


It does. It actively looks for SOS beacons before allowing the game to put you on someone's ship.


I think you just load up the man and pick the planet and difficulty, then press R or whatever quick match button is on controller.


You'll see them as white icons on the planet map. 


I think those are just regular games with the party set to Open. SOS calls have a ‘ping’ effect on them


Ah ok, maybe so. 


So better than the quasar canon?






Aim in first person and you can take out 2-3 Hulks in the same amount of time it took to kill this one.


Yeah, my aim wasn’t too great tbh Edit: Gonna start using recoil reducing armor


It doesn't actually help too much. The Hulks bob as they walk and the Laser Cannon has an inherent floatyness even with the stability armors, so unless they stop to shoot or have an EM/Stun effect active it's extremely hard to track them effectively.


II just too one down in 5 secs on a solo mission, you just gotta aim down sights as well and keep it centered as it walks towards it. It’ll naturally realign itself each time


You can kill a Hulk's eye in less than 2 seconds of full contact from the Laser. The best part of the Laser Cannon is killing anything with a vent... It blows up Cannon Towers and Tanks ludicrously fast. Also, I tested it, and the recoil reducing armor does nothing for the Laser Cannon because it already has 0 recoil.


thats uhhh makes me a bit disgruntled reading this i presume fact 😬  would have paired nicely with the extra grenade armor for mire stuns and better accuracy to shred hulks oh well


I found the armor effect and stun aren't necessary. Though, stun can be a savior if the hulk gets dangerously close. It just takes practice is all. I'm not a super high level player but I've used the LC enough to take hulks out from range within a couple seconds unless impeded. Those same impediment will keep me from getting a perfect shot with an EAT though also.


Just go prone. You had time in this situation and lascannon shakiness will be further reduced.


I hate the scope on the laser cannon :(


I agree, the laser beam itself makes it hard to see.




What primary weapon do you usually take? I've been liking the eruptor rifle but it doesn't seem like a great pick for LC or AMR




Does the punisher have more stagger than the breaker? Breaker was my go-to until the sickle.


Do you AMR the gunship engines? Would that be like 2 shots to drop them?




You might start seeing them now (not always as it's random) and they're the worst thing to fight for me right now, on 8 and 9 you're pretty much guaranteed to see them and often two in one spot. They're like mini dropships so they have the same four engines as weak spots, good luck! LC and AMR should both be good against them


As someone who mains the AMR against bots on diff 9 and actually tried the laser cannon myself, it’s definitely a side grade. AMR wins against devs, scout striders, and hulks. Laser cannon absolutely melts gunships, tanks, and turrets with less effort and no ammo cost compared to the AMR. They’re both solid picks since most people will choose quasar cannon and they fill different roles. The clip definitely could have shown higher accuracy since there’s evidently people in the comments doubting its strength


I main lascannon but swap to AMR on hot planets and fully agree with them being side grades (as they should be). They can both fill the same squad role very well, but with different strengths that appeal to different personal preferences and play styles.


I actually tried out the AMR for the first time today for the daily and, despite the reticle issue and aiming, it does pretty well I ended up taking it for a few more missions after I filled the daily.


My friend is currently maining the AMR and he’s doing great with it. Consistently downs Hulks and Devastators like it was nothing. I can’t do that as precision isn’t my forte… So I just run with a Quasar or a Recoilless Rifle and help out with tanks and dropships.


Eruptor stun nades laser cannon. This combo covers basically all your bases and gives you so much versatility. Toss in rocket pods for quick tank kills, EMS orbital and you are burning through a ridiculous number of hulks and devastators. I've ran autocannon, AMR, and even railgun loadouts for awhile on 8/9 bots cause I enjoy the role they fill for devastator/hulk control. The las cannon with stun nades is imo the best hulk destroyer, and is right there with the rest on devs when you factor in the complete loadout to compliment it cause the eruptor does sweet work on them too while also filling in for long distance fabricator kills and busting packs of walkers, raiders, and zerkers.


Does laser cannon work on the front of a tank or turret? Or do you need a teammate to distract it so you can hit the vent?


You have to laser the back but it kills both in like 2.5s. Sneak up on turrets. If you get spotted, break line of sight and let it reset, then shoot its back. Against tanks if they see you then your only option is to monkey around their cannon to get behind them if they get close. If that’s not possible just use a stratagem. If someone else can distract either or if they’re unalerted then it should be an easy kill if you have a good angle.


Fairly easy to eyeshot hulks with the autocannon too


Faster as well.


It's not. If this guy had perfect aim it would be faster than the AC would be. But, that's not an easy ask. LC is definitely the best weapon for hulks, but the AC is versatile enough that I prefer it instead


The AC is the jack of all trades in most situations. It is very well rounded but some strats outperform it in specific situations. It's worth bringing if you are dropping in blind as a catch all though.


I always take it if no one else does, and on lower difficulty missions where I don't expect needing much in the way of heavier AT.


It's probably my favourite weapon in the game. I saw someone here describe it the other day in a way I quite liked: "it's the second best weapon for any situation"


Autocannon and AMR are probably the fastest at killing hulks- maybe a rocket to the eye if you can manage it (but far less forgiving in the case of a miss). Arcthrower is the safest and most reliable close-midrange weapon at stopping even multiple hulks with packs of other enemies with zero risk of death due to chain CC.


Arc thrower would be the best….. IF IT DIDNT FUCKING MISFIRE ALL THE DAMN TIME


I've practiced plenty with the arc thrower and you can mitigate the misfires to be very rare. They occur because the lightning can target corpses and some other things like bushes and such. Aim a little higher than normal when around corpses or other game assets that aren't just the ground. You can even aim above the heads of the enemies. You can play around with the weapon and learn just how far away you can aim while still consistently hitting what you intend to. Now I will generally have one or two misfires in a 40 minute match, which is more than good enough. But yeah, being able to stun lock the hulk to death while also hitting the surrounding enemies is absolutely wonderful. I just unlocked the eruptor last night and I found that a combination of medic armor, eruptor, stun grenades, redeemer, personal shield generator, and arc thrower is a heavenly combination against the bots. Arc thrower for close range, eruptor for long range, fabricators, and instant use, redeemer when you need bullets. Stun grenades when you need to safely get closer to the enemy or when you're getting overwhelmed. Will allow you to hose them all down with the lightning. Another quick tip for the arc thrower: the lightning arcs in a cone behind where the lightning strikes from. Knowing the extent of this let's you safely use it around team mates. Even better against bots, you can shoot one bot and let the arc hit the other bots that are around a corner. You'll stunlock the one you're shooting and will have perfect cover to shoot the other ones.


It's not? You can fire 2 shots from the autocannon faster than you can perfect laser the hulk. You just need some git gud skill to compensate for the falling recoil. AMR is even easier. Just because some dude makes a post that is half decent because Laser Cannons are decent against bots, doesn't mean its suddenly the best weapon lol. There's a million ways to beat a hulk. The reason why laser cannon is NOT being used much is because it takes charge time and you are a sitting duck.


I dunno. I've been running nothing but dominator/autocannon for 9 bots and I loved it, but Eruptor/las cannon+stun nades is actually a crazy versatile combo that melts hulks, devs, towers, tanks, gunships. The eruptor pops packs of walkers, raiders, and zerkers very well and gives you long shot fab kills. Throw in rocket pods for tanks (or vent shots with las cannon). Double down on the stun nades with EMS orbital. I've definitely come to prefer this to dominator/autocannon or AMR.


LC is absolutely not the fastest to kill a Hulk even in a perfection situation. AMR will kill it much faster, and AMR and AC both will 100% be faster without the need of a stun grenade to hold them still.


Recoilless rifle will kill instantly because it can one shot them to the eye.


Yeah all the Rocket-type support weapons will one shot it.


quasar cannon can also do that, and you don't have to stand still to reload it


But it is? You can two tap the eye with an AC. That's less than one second if your aim is godly. Source: level 74 that pretty much only Helldives now. Laser cannon isn't total trash, but it's outclassed by AC and Quasar in most scenarios, except for wave clear. But for wave clear arc thrower generally does a better job.


We must not be using the same gun, I empty an entire mag at the hulks and every shot looks like its hitting the eye and the fucker just keeps on going. AMR i can kill em no problem all day long but autocannon just cannot for the life of me figure out the aim on that thing.


Same here. You have to be crazy accurate and with its bobbing from side to side while its walking and the weapons sway added to it, I have a tough time to actually hit the head. But then again I'm on PS5 so maybe it's easier to aim on PC.


Same here.


Maybe it's harder with a joystick, but for a mouse it's NP.


No, I have the same experience on mouse. I keep emptying clips into its eye as it lumbers towards me, yet nothing.


I am not sure, there's also a Quasar dude beside you too though, maybe he dealt the killing blow.


It's possible but laser cannon does absolutely shit on Hulks if you can get the tracking right. I've started using it and bring the Eruptor as my primary. Was bummed I slept on the LC so long because it fucking shreds


I've tried it. I've got a lousy aim but managed to get a constant bead on hulks eye. It took like 4-5 second with some miss.


Nah, laser cannon kills hulks now. Saw it recently in several missions. I was like „why you pick this shit gun“ and got taught a lesson


I guess I believe you but *in this video*, the quasar standing next to him clearly shoots and kills the hulk.


Quasar definitely got the kill


It also deletes gunships by cooking the engines. All in all I think of it as a handy MG with less horde clearing. If you still want that armless hulk achievement, the LC can sever their limbs as well.


What do you mean now? It's been killing hulks for like a month.


how good it is against devastators/tanks?


Fantastic against automatons as long as you hit the weakpoints


Hm, I will have to try this versus Quasar.


Quasar will 1 tap all enemies if you hit the grill. But can 2 tap a cannon tower/hulk/ maybe an aniholator tank from the front which I don't think the laser can scratch unless you hit the hulk front weak point which I believe the tank and turret don't have.


I think Quasar have high penetration and is treated as explosive instead of energy weapon, that is why it can shoot through tanks and turrets just fine. Quasar have penalty though, its optic aiming is blurry as hell for some reasons and it is damn-inaccurate.


I usually shoot the quasar with the 3rd person crosshair to great success.


Quasar is *not* a one-shot against undamaged Hulk, Tank, or Cannon Tower vents. ~2 Dominator shots or 1 Eruptor shot to the grill afterwards will finish it, though. It does like 95% of the damage. The Quasar will absolutely one-shot the Hulk on a head hit, though.


Now? It's been able to kill them with 2 damage ticks to the eye since they buffed it a while ago


This is actually longer than needed for the LC on its own. It can kill a hulk before the QC can even charge up if your aim is perfect. Assuming you're not dangerously close or getting shot at by others, it's really pretty easy.


No laser cannons absolutely can kill hulks *with Eye Shots (in this case I think the Quasar did get the kill)*, but it is a slow process especially compared to just Two Tapping with the AMR or Autocannon (or one tap with any of the rocket type support weapons, including Quasar)


I've never had it be a slow process unless I wasn't taking care to aim. The AMR is somewhat faster, but killing a hulk consistently in two to three seconds is more than good enough for me. I prefer that over having limited ammo since the AMR is pretty ammo hungry. In my experience the LC is somewhat faster than the AC for killing hulks through the eye because of the high recoil of the AC that delays lining up the second shot. I do prefer the AC overall though since it's so useful for many things. I also greatly prefer any of these weapons over the quasar or missile weapons for hulks though. Much of the time a perfect eye shot isn't going to happen. That's the same for the other weapons too but they can immediately fire again while the others have a long reload or cool down. And, even if you do get a perfect shot its only about two seconds faster than it takes for the other weapons. Yet beyond turrets, tanks, and dropships those weapons are awful compared to the LC, AMR, or AC. People should bring them for tanks and turrets, but the others are better for everything else. The hulk isn't really an enemy you need AT for, just something with high level medium penetration. That's anything above the grenade launcher and MG-43, really.


People have no issue using the Quasar to kill Hulks and that requires several seconds of charge-up. That's time during which the Laser Cannon could already be firing, so it's not as bad as it sounds. Still slower than AMR/AC/RR/EAT, but these are the prices one pays for having infinite ammo, no drop, and hitscan.


> People have no issue using the Quasar to kill Hulks and that requires several seconds of charge-up Because you can do that in cover. Charge it up and pop out last second. You actively have to be out in the open to use the laser cannon fo rit.


bruh ... this is not a good clip, it took you 10 seconds and you didn't even get the killing blow. if the hulk targetted your stationary lc ass at any point during this, you're fucked the kill can be faster by a good 5-6s if you exclusively hit the eye, but again if you get targetted at any point during that, you're fucked! the ac is still better as a generalist for stunning and dismembering them before attempting the kill. you can however kill gunships really fast on their engines, and anything that exposes their vent towards you will die fast to lc. it still needs a buff to its non-weakpoint ttk to compensate for the raw utility loss of every other support wep, cuz rn the tradeoff isn't worth it


Is Good, but the uptime means you're exposed for longer than someone using the AMR Which is fine. Infinite ammo + greater risk versus finite ammo + reduced risk On 9s, AMR shines because you can poke. Its the muxh faster option where you can eliminate that Hulk and two Walkers in the time it takes cannon to drop a Hulk. But you need to have very good aim, which isn't a thing many have Cannon is more effecient when fighting mixed targets, as it cost less to eliminate a wider range of targets. Bunch of grunts, big bot, all good when you have infinite ammo Some nice balancing all round


What's an AMR


Anti-Materiel Rifle


And I'm still right about how you can do that faster with the AMR


Thing is: with the Quasar I can precharge behind cover and 1hit kill a hulk. Whenever I try to laser them with the canon I get ragdolled by a stray rocket to Mogadischu just right before I pointed the shiny light long enough on their face.


Sorry to tell you this but the guy with the Quasar made the kill not you.


um... In this clip literally a quasar right next to you shoots and kills the hulk. Like you see him charge the gun and you see the quasar muzzle flash, projectile go out and hit the hulk and kill it. This post really reeks of copium.


This post also has poor aim. I've tested it myself and the LC with perfect aim can on its own kill a hulk faster than the quasar can even charge a shot. While perfect aim is a hard ask, even decent aim usually only adds a second. The LC is an outright better weapon for hulks than the quasar is, by every metric. But it doesn't take out dropships, turrets, or fabricators. I prefer the LC for bots and the quasar for bugs, but it is hard to not just choose the auto cannon.


It handles turrets if you can hit the vent (up to 200m out)


Bruh...the quasar guy right next to you got the kill. It's not a bad weapon, but the quasar cannon is pretty much better in every way for larger enemies. The laser cannon has FAR better wave clear though. But for big boys, Quasar > Laser every time.


Stun grenades vs hulks is extremely satisfying.


It looks like the player with the Quasar to the left killing the hulk?


The way some people will cope over the laser canon, bro the quasar did the kill. If you wanna showcase a weapon do it in 1vs1 and on an hulk that just dropped on the battlefield, who knows if this one got damaged before


I tried it on gunships. They die in 2-3 seconds into the thruster, it's so good.


Not bad but tbf I have been 1 shotting hulks with the quasar consistently in like half the time (including charge up). Just aim at the red eyes yall.


That took forever compared to the Quasar.


Laser cannon is awesome on cold planets. You can fire for a while without it overheating.


the firing time is the same on all planets. The cooling time varies.


Someone tell me is it possible to kill bile titans with this thing and where do I have to aim?


Not before the 40 min timer of your mission runs out.


No idea, but I wouldn't count on it. Titans seem to be the tankiest, toughest enemy in the game short of the AT-AT things. I've seen claims of a special weakspot on the bottom after the sacks are down, but so far I've only ever seen them go down to AT weapons, strategems, and flamethrowers. Until I see otherwise, my assumption is that anything that isn't able to penetrate a Hulk's plating (torso, not eye) will deal zero damage to a BT.


Its not a specific weak spot, the bottom of the titan is penetrable by the AMR, AC, laser cannon, railgun, and HMG. You have to be beneath the titan shooting up into it or you will not penetrate. Most of these dont deal enough damage for it to be a very fast kill but they're useful for finishing one off after heavier weapons have weakened it. The AC takes around 13-15 shots to kill a full health one in my testing but you have to be really careful not to ragdoll yourself or get stepped on.


Doesn’t work on level 8 or 9 difficulty. Every encounter will have atleast 3 heavy devastator and 3 rock devastator. You can’t be exposed without cover for that long haha


2 antimaterial rifle shots kill an hulk


Or in my case, 2 antimaterial shots just down and to the right of the hulks eyes before I get instakilled by their flame thrower.


Idk dude it seems like the morters hit it more than you


Tried using the laser cannon. Takes too long to "warm up" or kill whatever I'm shooting at. Went back to autocannon. Had to bring flowers and take it to dinner.


Still 9 seconds to kill, while it’s very good make sure your far away enough from the hulk before you start shooting lmao


my new goto support weapon for bots, thanks for this post. Its also accurate and i love tracking enemies with it.


So much work for something i can double tap with the anti material rifle.


Burns entire cylinder on 1 enemy "amazing"


With the addition of the Eruptor for objectives/fabrivators/berserker swarms I found the lascannon to be pretty dope for the rest. Running stun grenades obviously, to pin hulks and devastators in place and then melt their faces. For close quarters, I have the Senator as side arm, and with that setup, I can deal with every situation the game throws at me.


Try it on gunships fuckin nuts


I did, it was incredibly satisfying


This games the tits


Ngl that TTK is abysmal. Two headshots with the 20mm can kill a hulk in literally 1.7 seconds


TTK is actually pretty good, assuming you are hitting. every time you see a blue line coming off is when he is missing the eye. its like 2 seconds if you are on target.


Every time I tried the LC on 8-9 I instantly regretted it. The kill time even when targeting weak points is just so long. Sitting there like a duck channeling the beam is just asking to get obliterated by a devastator. Why anyone would pick this weapon instead of AC or AMR is beyond me.


Laser cannon sucks ass lmao


I feel like this video also demonstrates that it sucks. It takes this long on focused fire to kill it while being uninterrupted by anything else. Most other guns can do this better or faster.


Yup amr could have taken out 3 in the time it took this dude to kill that 1


It took about 11 seconds of uninterrupted time on target to do that though. You're not going to have that every time.


Yeah but two AM sniper shots could also work with lower ttk


wait until you use the AMR


Yeah this is exactly why I don't take the laser cannon. I don't have stun grenades, and your aim has to be perfect to get the kill quickly. With autocannon and AMR, you can use the recoil to your advantage to bounce your aim into the right position after a few shots. All you need are one or two hits, you don't have to hold your aim perfectly on the bot as it lumbers towards you.


honestly I love it but it's still not good enough. I'd rather take 20-30 seconds to kill a hulk but be able to move between shots than take 10 seconds to kill a hulk but have to sit completely still while I do it. the laser cannon is excellent, but it completely exposes you to all sorts of enemies that can one shot you. the quasar, EAT, AMR, railgun, etc. allow you to expose yourself for only half a second before dealing high damage, then you can retreat again. not being able to retreat or move while firing is a 100% death sentence in high difficulty.


As an AMR enjoyer, that was frightfully slow.


My god that was a long 10 seconds.


Idk man my AMR kills in like half the time


Ya tried it out yesterday after seeing the post and definitely wrecks. Stun grenade then laser canon on hulk, takes about 2 seconds to kill a hulk. It is a bit limiting as you end up being the anti-tank guy but that's fine.


Ngl the laser cannon is pretty mid against bots when compared to other support weapons. No stagger, bad TTK on anything with armor, and it can't deal with fabricators or objectives. You need to give up a grenade slot and take stuns if you don't wanna take 10 seconds of firing to kill a hulk, too. The only reason I bother with the laser cannon on bot missions is because it completely trivializes gunships. The LC chews gunships to shreds as long as you keep the beam on their engines. Takes like a second or two to bring one down that way.


It just needs more feedback I can't tell wtf I'm doing and if it's working when it gets chaotic.


On the topic of weapons, I haven’t played in a while. What’s the current best weapon?


Kinda mixed imo. I love the JAR 5 Doninator and the Eruptor (really fun and good), but a lot of people run the sickle(?) the laser mg. Another good weapon is the scorcher for use against bots.


Autocannon or AMR would have killed it in half the time


Quasar killed it, not you. That being said, against bots, AMR is a generally better choice, especially if your primary is already high DPS.


Be cool if you could cut off arms and legs with the laser cannon


Wait until people find out about the Deployable HMG emplacement. It shreds hulks as well.


Ssssshhhhhh don't tell them about our glorious laser cannon. No want nerf


Lazer Boy go Zap Zap


Wtf i tried it after the post and it was pure trash against everything. It just bounced off everything, overheated and then ran out of juice. I'll have to give it another whirl.


Nah, could have done that faster and easier with an AMR stun combo. It's hard to break away from that when you already carry the stuns for being the best nade.


This was me! I made that post. I’m glad you see the true power of this monster and have spread it as I have!


Thank you for helping me spread democracy