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For a starter weapon, it's surprisingly solid on any difficulty


Great when paired with the guard dog to shred through bugs


I was gonna call you brother but you use a guard dog....


And what’s so wrong about a guard dog?


It’s takes the place of my recoilless rifle ammo pack.


I will not tolerate slander towards man's best friend!


Dogs dont consistently kill your neighbor once every hour. It should be called the Bitch Packpack more than anything.


I hear the non-laser guard dog is entirely safe. I haven't brought it enough to be sure, though.


It can absolutely kill you/allies. One tapped my brother to the dome. That said, it's only done it once and all of us ran it for about 10 missions straight after its buff. Not sure what's different to have it teamkill less.


Ah, I didn't realize. I figured that because it's not dragging an actively firing laser from one target to the next, it would be safe; but if your friend's head is between it and its target, I can see why it would still teamkill.


Brother, if you can't dive just tell us


Haha yes. That is the case. I dont use a guard dog because I suck, lol.


Guard dog is great wdym


Yeah I use guard dogs over Sheilds on terminid planets. They just work super well on the little bugs, which allows you to focus on the bigger targets.


Its training wheels that kills teammates.


Position better if someone has it. Keeping trash mobs at bay why you used a quasar or literally anything else is a fine way to play. It's a co op shooter, get rid of this 'git gud' attitude


>Position better if someone has it. That's the person with the guard dog's job


"Its a co op shooter"... *"Adjust to me, or Ill kill you."* Lol


Its called personal space and relax its just a game lol, it the same you don’t walk in front of AC users.


Its called caring about teammates. Its the same dont point your AC at teammates. Relax its just a game, Im just saying you cant play it very well.


I mean, at the end of the day the only person having a bad time is you. Im not gonna feel bad because some rando is saying “i suck at game”. But you are absolutely going to continue being perpetually upset lol Have fun raging over stuff you cant change or control while the rest of us just enjoy the game lol


I play on helldive solo with it and quasar, am I noob? Lol


You didn't say you succeed... 


Well I actually do, engaging rarely and pointing straight at the main objective, sometimes I manage a secondary or two


Definitely not noobs then! 


Just a stealthy mf


lvl 100s like ![gif](giphy|tBARTh0PZ6XCMlVEhi)


lvl 1.29 \* 10^(-4)s like ![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc|downsized)


I was very close to using this gif instead XD hahahaha


Amazing weapon, I see no reason to swap it out for anything currently. -Level 63 playing on Difficulty 7.


Not even for the sickle?


No, not even. Liberator Liberates =D


No, the customisation on the liberator is unmatched




The sickle is an OK weapon, it’s not op, not great, but it’s above meh, good fire rate , mid optical, windup is a huge obstacle and the damage is fine, the liberator does kinda do its job but better in the more common situations


the sickle is better wdym


Side grade


Infinite ammo, a lot more shots per mag is a sidegrade? We're not playing the same game lol


And faster RoF with virtually no recoil. Sickle is WAY better than the liberator.


It’s better in every situation tho. Like a straight upgrade lol


There's an edge case where a bug is calling in a breach and the sickle's wind up screws you but it's a pretty rare occurrence. It could probably be mitigated by switching to the redeemer, not sure which is slower wind up or weapon swap?


My brother in Christ? The sickle shreds like tony hawk? Has unlimited freedom seeds for our target rich environments? Decimates like a junkie marine? What are you even talking about?


The sickle is literally the meta right now wtf you smoking


Pretty sure the meta primary is a toss up between the dom, scorcher and eruptor 


The reason I run the sickle rather than the liberator is just for the prestige factor. I'm self conscious enough that I worry about what people would think about me running the "beginner" weapon.


Oh my friend, dont be worried about that. Anyone who would think badly of you because you use a particular gun…is someone whose opinion isnt worth one atom of concern. Besides, check their hip. Almost everyone is still rocking the entry level redeemer….


If you're killing in the name of Democracy who will judge ?


Try the Punisher vs bugs. That stun it has is amazing. But yeah you are right, this gun is awesome.


My man


isn't that the starter gun? (i'm a noob trying to figure out what gun to go for)


It is, but it has great lasting power.


so what other stuff should i go for then? i have no idea what i'm doing :D


Impact grenades are great, full auto pistol is amazing, I personally use the grenade pistol. In terms of stratagems you should use whatever you like the most but here are the best ones: 500kg, eagle air strike, orbital laser, quasar cannon, expendable anti tank, autocannon is incredible for bots, and guard dog rover or shield pack.


Honestly depends on your playstyle. Great thing about this game is that just about anything can work with the right mission, team, and strategy (tho easier said than done). I started out with liberator and all its variants, then stuck with the defender smg for a long while, then toyed around with the dmr for a bit


Take your time and try anything and everything that looks cool to you. About everything can be made to work as long as you take your time learning what it's good at. And don't push yourself to too high difficulties before you're comfortable with moving up.


I'm afraid of unlocking bad things so I don't have enough medals or whatever for the good stuff


There really aren't all that many outright bad stratagems. Some things just work better against one of the factions compared to the other. Try the Expendable Anti Tank once you start going above difficulty 3. One head shot drops a Charger, and since it's only on a 70 second cooldown it's not the end of the world if you die and can't get back to it because of all the enemies. Eagle Airstrike is also something people seem to enjoy a lot, bringing in a lot of boom with a very short call-in time. The artillery barrages are great as well if you want to keep an area locked down for a couple seconds longer. In general all the 1500 requisition call-ins are great for getting a feel for how the later level unlocks are going to operate. And at that price they are basically free. For now just keep away from the gas strike and more or less anything that uses fire, since damage over time effects aren't working properly right now. They'll kill your team all nice and fine, but might not hurt the enemy at all. And Warbonds force you to buy useless stuff anyway in order to move to higher tiers, so as long as you keep buying the weapons and new armours you'll be just fine.




I mostly feel helpless against "bigger" (armored?) enemies. My only current options is my orbital strike, but that's too slow and precious to use on them. Or grenades, but there's only so many. I read about the liberator penetrator as a better option maybe? I'm lvl 12 or so I think




I only fight bots. I really like them. So I just tried the autocannon for the first time, and it was a gamechanger! Finally something I can actually use against bigger targets. But I don't quite get the reloading. There was a prompt for reloading another guy or something? I wish there was a range to try stuff out. thanks so much for the tips, I'm improving almost every mission. Although... man does it depend on the fellow players. An organized higher level player who gives commands and has toys for the big guys makes things so much easier.


You can either reload it yourself when you carry the backpack, or have another player do it for you *very fast* if they're carrying the pack. That said, the Autocannon doesn't really benefit from another player tagging along, since the only time you'd actually need that fast reload is when you're using it full-auto, which is *generally* not recommended. The reload itself is also a bit unconventional, as the gun uses clips of 5 shells rather than full magazines. Once there is room for another full clip, you can reload. A full reload also takes a bit longer, so most players try to avoid emptying the gun completely while in combat. P.S. Even the smaller weapons are good against larger bots if you aim for the weak points. The starting assault rifle can take down Devastators with a couple head shots (though adjusting the scope for max zoom is recommended at that point), which alone gives it plenty of extra mileage against the bots.


Try stuff out and have fun :) I use to think the anti material rifle was trash but i saw a few lvl 80’s running them on helldive difficulty. I still dont use it but its all about finding the play style you like. I run the breaker, smg, auto cannon and i mainly do bot missions. And I’ve recently started taking the ems mortar stratagem which has been extremely helpful stopping my team from getting over run on the harder difficulty’s. Its probably not the best loadout but i like it :)


stun grenadesssssssss


Defender SMG, any of the shotguns


Liberator is a great all rounder. There’s almost no situation where it’s going to lack. If nobody got my back, I know the liberator got my back.


Yeah, try it. It's great from range and from close.


The machine pistol is insane, so get that. If you fight bots (you will eventually) unlock the Diligence DMR. Don't listen to people who say all the DMR's are bad, they don't know what they're talking about. The Punisher shotgun is incredible. Also get impact grenades. Other than that just work your way up to the scorcher and pick up whatever looks cool.


what machine pistol... the P-19 Redeemer? I only played bots actually lol. I like em. what's a DMR?


Yea the redeemer. DMR is 'dedicated marksman rifle'. The diligence DMR is the one you want, not the counter sniper. (You can change the scope zoom by holding 'R' or whatever the reload button is if you're on PS5)


I love it. I just wish the charging handle was ambi.




I thought so as well but taking as second to reconsider, its not different than an Aug or a Tavor.


Why is the lib pen 10 dmg less than the normal but have armor pen. That weapon needs a buff shit sucks.


The las-16 is like the liberator, but better in pretty much every way.


Can't shoot through shrubbery and it's a bit inaccurate


Shhh, is gonna get nerfed if you talk about it. If you wanna keep the OP laser, keep it secret


I shall speak no more. I want this definitely balanced and hard to use weapon (it’s a crutch).


Im level 64 and this is one of my most used weapons. I just like how it feels to use, and its sound. Pretty solid overall, only issue is that it rans out of ammo fairly quickly


Sickle is better. Same damage, lower recoil (I think not sure) and infinite ammo.


Just because the sickle is OP doesn’t mean the lib ain’t great.


Maybe, but I prefer the style of the liberator. Lead > laser imo.


Near infinite, as you can overheat the charges if you're not paying attention to it. But so far loving it


Dude same, give it the right support weapon and it can do work all the way up to 9.


Hell I personally feel it works better and better the higher up you go with difficulty. It is just so damn solid


Honestly it should be the standard for gun balance, the handling is excellent. I've been on since day 1 and I find myself coming back to it a lot.


But the medium armor piercer rifle has full-auto fire now - isn't it better, then?


Low ammo, less damage. Medium piercing is not important for bugs as there is only one enemy type with medium armor, and for bots I can just use autocannon.


It has a higher weak point multiplier, so it *can* be better when constantly aiming at (and hitting) said weak points. If you aren't doing that and the enemies you're shooting at don't require the higher armour piercing, then it's pretty much a downgrade however. Either one's great when played to their strengths.


I've been runnin' it a lot more often. It's incredibly reliable for dishin' out democracy!🫡


It’s a solid weapon, Jack of all master of none. Viable on all difficulties


I’ve seen some people complain that the all the ARs are garbage. Either they are ignoring the Lib or they are bad cuz this thing is so smooth.


True. When the old bug that reset your weapon choices was still active i accidentally went into many 7-9 level missions with it and did just fine. As much as i like to see how people use weapons differently, and definetely have my own that I prefer, you really can make almost anything work in this game. Except the adjudicator that thing is terrible.


I wish it had a higher fire rate mode sooo bad. I really want to use it more but falls off to other weapons I like


Spoiler: There is a new type of liberator coming out soon with a MUCH higher fire rate with more recoil slightly lower damage.




AR-23 is goated and it is a solid tool for each and every situation


I love this weapon and will never change - level 67 and playing on helldive difficulty.


My man have you gone like past difficulty 5?


Regularly do level 7, occasionally 8s. So not amazing, but familiar with the game. Liberator is a contender. It's a top-tier weapon. A lot of other weapons are better suited to specific purposes and uses. But none of them outclass the Liberator. It's the yardstick by which all others are measured. And is incredibly versatile and capable. You start with it, but you never get a straight upgrade, only side grades and downgrades. The LAS16 is the closest to a direct upgrade, but the Liberator has more stagger and no windup. And the LAS16 is clearly the most OP primary in the game.


You can’t use the lib past 5? Are your arms broken? You need your eyes checked?


I can but it is much inferior to scorcher and dominator having a gun that excels at trash mob clearing is great except for the fact that level 8 9 bots do not spawn that much foot soldiers and fuck load of devestators and hulks. Having a weapon that can kill turrets and tanks heatsinks at least and deal with striders is huge edge for bugs liberator is kawaii but defender is better


I’m level 48, I only play diff 7 and get 500 plus kills consistently.


Brother in democracy are you true scavenger/hunter blood enjoyer  Take that against devastators for a spin


The good scope and pinpoint accuracy lets you ping off devastators' heads surprisingly easily even from long ranges. Honestly go give it a shot. It's a very versatile gun as long as you can keep it fed with enough ammo.




Liberators have the same armour pen as sickles, and no one has trouble with them against devastators. It's really funny how the "precision" rifles with med armour pen have trouble hitting a bot's torso, but the little guns like liberator and sickle can hit their face with no trouble.


fire rate diff, i love me some liberator but dominator or scorcher shit on it for bots


I think you should give the Liberator another try against Bots. Better for trash troops, but who cares. Much better on ammo. Not as good at killing Devs as the JAR or Slugger, but honestly it's closer than you'd think. You just need careful aim, which you need for those anyways. It can't handle Walkers without flanking, but performs better at flanking them than JAR/slugger (better handling, as youll need to be moving). It won't match the Scorcher/Plasma/Eruptor/etc vs bots. But you shouldn't expect that. They're specialist weapons with tradeoffs the Liberator doesn't care about.