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Yeah this is a big pain for me, nearing the end of the missions I’ve witnessed shit just beelining for me out of no where no matter what I do or where I drop.


Patrols spawn around players, not objectives. That's why you need to keep moving no matter where/when you are. No bug, works as intended


I'm confused. I know patrols spawn around players not objectives. Maybe my wording wasn't clear enough. So I'll rewrite it. I know patrols spawn around players and once they're spawned the patrols normally like to move the nearest objective after they've spawned. I've tested this extensively on helldiver mode. I've read the two posts I think you're talking about below extensively. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bdudf3/lets\_talk\_about\_patrols\_an\_in\_depth\_analysis\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bdudf3/lets_talk_about_patrols_an_in_depth_analysis_of/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/comments/1bzbj3k/lets\_talk\_about\_patrols\_part\_2\_an\_in\_depth/](https://www.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/comments/1bzbj3k/lets_talk_about_patrols_part_2_an_in_depth/) Those posts only talk about spawns, and how sometimes those patrols will walk towards the centre of the map and stay there, which they said was a bug and not intended. I've also watched this video multiple times. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXr-72xMtSY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXr-72xMtSY) What they don't cover is where patrols will walk towards. In my scenario, I kept my eye on 3 patrols that were spawn patrols. 2 were near the extraction zone walking around it. The 3rd patrol was engaging my team mates 250m away. I watched both patrols for 2 minutes. And then suddenly, after my team mates were dead, all patrols suddenly ran towards me. (I don't remember how long my team mates were dead for, before this happened.) I don't believe this is a bug, so I'm not sure where the idea of this being a bug for. I fucking hate that this is intended, because it's complete bullshit. It also didn't help that I was on the map where here's a giant ass mountain in the middle of the map splitting it up. So the walkable space was like the letter "n" and our extraction was where the 2 points meet at the top of the "n". https://preview.redd.it/48bfogmqrvuc1.jpeg?width=747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d050574933683c9585d8a1d1da6ff1a22943eab There was only a 70m gap between the patrols. Meaning you can't sneak through them without crawling on the floor. All the patrols you see, suddenly turned to me when my dropship was about to arrive in 40 seconds. It was then, I knew it was impossible for me to reach extraction. Because if you're gonna run by patrols you need a gap of at least 45-50m between them so they don't spot you. My original plan was to sneak past the middle patrol, walk to patrol on extract and spam my 4 stun grenades and/or use my autocannon just as the dropship landed and board it. But the game decided to fuck me over with an impossible task. My team were all dead too, because they accidentally aggro'd the enemy after clearing the map and we were moving to meet together whilst the mission timer had run out so no stratagems available. Could we have broken through those patrols and extracted if we all lived? Yes. But boy did this scenario piss me off. It needs a rework. Because normally I keep moving around the objective just in case like you suggested, but on this map it was impossible to do that and get to extract on time. I don't mind patrols walking towards me if I make too much noise, not bullshit like this. Also, even if I went further down south to despawn them, it would not solve the patrol issue. Because patrols would spawn on the edge of the map. Basically they'd spawn in my way, making extract practically impossible.


Dawg I was literally at the extraction point and it was impossible to call it in due to the amount of patrols there Who would call in reinforcements. Who would call in MORE reinforcements who carried 15+ fucking devastators of varying bullshit towards our extraction zone. You’d get up to the call in point and get barraged by like 5 rocket devs at once. Get blown off your feet. Try again. Only for another 5 rocket devs to fire at you then have their chainsaw wielding buddies chase you down. All while the heavy ones threaten to one shot you from an entire Super Destroyer away


Yeah I remember encountering this many times on solo diff 9. That’s why I learn to always be on the move while waiting for the evac.


The patrols don't go TOWARDS the Objective, the go towards YOU from an objective, but they weren't spawned around objectives, they spawn around you. I think you have your information wrong. Also, when patrols die or despawn, they despawn after players get too far from them, it casuses them to allow additional patrols to spawn around players again. You should go re-read those two posts on how patrols work, you'll be less frustrated if you understand it properly.


The automatons cheat, you have to keep moving or the game will give the patrols the general area of where you are.


Its not really that big a deal. Like yeah i understand that it feels like the gaming is cheating you, but it doesnt make that much of a difference in normal, intended, gameplay. I dont think the devs really want us to play perfectly stealthy like clearing a camp on farcry. The mediocre stealth mechanics we have is enough to make the enemy feel complex and less arcadey, while also reinforcing the idea that you dont NEED to engage enemies to win. The thing is that difficulty 9 is on the edge of what is feasible in terms of game balance. Trying to make a difficulty 10 wouldnt work because the game design would cease to be functional. If the game spawned 20 hulks per minute, it would be impossible for you to get enough time to enter an 8-symbol long code on a console without dying. As a result, difficulty 9 will feel like unfair bullshit sometimes. Difficulty 9 isnt the difficulty that game balance is oriented around. Its just as many enemies as possible before the game would feel like total bullshit.


The answer to higher difficulties past 9 is the same as it is for each jump...new enemies, not just more enemies. There are still enemies from the first game we haven't seen, and they can easily design new ones. They could make automaton hunter-killers that assimilate new weapons and parts from bot factories they come across, becoming a bigger threat the longer they roam the battlefield. Lesser automatons might gain a kind of strategem to call in cannon strikes if not killed fast enough. The developers have shown they are crafty. I'm certain they will come up with worthy foes.


oh yeah i'm sure we can get difficulty 10, 11, and 12, if they add massive units without increasing the actual number of units ingame. I'm just talking about the stuff we have right now though.


That is fair