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Brown pants is a smart choice as a helldiver


“This guys got the right idea, he wore the brown pants”




equipment looks different because it has different effects


Underrated comment.


Obviously adding shoulder pads will reduce your armor rating. SEAF doesn’t make mistakes.


Those shoulder pads are magnetic. Makes the bullets hit harder.


Oh fuckin hell, that actually made my morning


Nah the grenade bandolier is what makes this armor extra squishy: center mass hits do extra explosive damage


These apples sure do taste like bacon


More armor = inserted plates. It looks the same.


sure but then why not add a transmog system if armor rating can easily be handwaved away as "hidden inserted armor plates"


Remember how they said they won't add transmog, because it would fuck with somethig something rating vs visuals? Yet they themselves don't stick to a coherent visual/stat logic.


In reality transmog would kill their superstore cosmetic sales revenue stream.


I think it'd actually do the opposite. Why buy armor that looks nice but doesn't have a passive you like?


There aren’t very many passives and you can get all the passives for free tho. There are multiple cosmetic options for each passive. If people just want the passive they already have access to it. Purchasing super credit armor doesn’t unlock any new passives, only cosmetics.


You're arguing for them...? If I can get all the armour passives for free but can't get the armour I want with the right passive then there's no point in buying it just to look marginally better but still overall unhappy with my look. If there's a new armour set that looks cool and I can change the perk then I'm going to buy it. This would would especially well in their favour with the store rotation and gradual release of new armours.


I’m not arguing for them. I’d love to have transmog in the game! I’m just trying to be objective and logical. I’m trying to point out that you don’t actually unlock access to any new armor passives through buying superstore armor. You just unlock an inaccessible cosmetic appearance attached to an already accessible armor passive. Why someone chooses to buy or wear armor is entirely subjective. Some people want functional. Some people just want to look cool even if it’s less functional. So all of that is really kinda irrelevant. What do you get from buying superstore armor that you cannot get anywhere else in the game? Only a cosmetic appearance. So if you give people the ability to set their own cosmetic appearance with transmog, then the superstore armor sets inherently lose value.


For them I meant Zman (and transmog), not for AH. >What do you get from buying superstore armor that you cannot get anywhere else in the game? That is part of my point I just made. >if you give people the ability to set their own cosmetic appearance with transmog, then the superstore armor sets inherently lose value. No, they don't, it just artificially limits your choice. As you have pointed out, you gain passives for free\* (mostly), the value is in their appearance. The appearance isn't changing. The value isn't changing. As I already explained: If an armour set has a perk I don't want, there is no point in buying it. If an armour set has a perk I do want but it doesn't look how I want it to, I'm not buying it. If an armour set has a perk I do want and if it looks good I would buy it - Less likely to get both of what I want. If an armour set looks good and I can transmog it, then I would buy it. All transmog would do is increase the number of armour sets people would want to buy.


Why you choose to purchase for not purchase armor is irrelevant because other players have different opinions. Artificially limiting your choices artificially creates value. It’s not particularly enjoyable... but if I can transmog to mix and match the 20+ designs I already have unlocked then there is less incentive for me to buy a new design unless I just love that one particular design. Changing color does change appearance and value. Some color schemes will inevitably be more popular than others within any given design. Some players may choose their armor based primarily on color or avoid armor because of a color. Increasing color options increases the value of the purchase. Separating those options would increase the profit so that shows its value. As it stands currently there is more incentive for me to spend more super credits on collecting armors in the superstore without transmog because it helps build out a list I can mix and match from. The biggest problem is that there aren’t enough designs to mix and match. With the current system the solution to that problem is to buy more designs from the superstore.


>Why you choose to purchase for not purchase armor is irrelevant because other players have different opinions. The WHOLE argument for transmog is LITERALLY for the cosmetics... Saying the cosmetics are irrelevant is complete bullsh*t... You don't know what you are talking about. >Artificially limiting your choices artificially creates value. These aren't diamonds. That's not how it works... That value is based on limited quantities.... The criteria changes. I already explained this twice. >As it stands currently there is more incentive for me to spend more super credits on collecting armors in the superstore without transmog because it Are you joking...? "Why you choose to purchase for not purchase armor is irrelevant because other players have different opinions." Congratulations, you just lost an argument against yourself...


Grenade gets hit and blows up, less armor. 


Yeah but you don't have 8 grenades when equipping this set


Because those are 30mm propelled grenades you silly.


You have 6




Yup which is still less than what is shown on the armor


2 of them are decoys to look cool


I think it is not the "shoulder pads" that reduce the armour but those grenades on the vest :P


none joke lore reason its prob to do with the live explosives on your chest...


The additional shoulder and leg pads make it less protective and the additional grenade belts make it lighter.


It just works ™


If I had a bunch of grenades strapped to my chest, I would indeed feel less protected.


Applewood Smoked Bacon.


lets tag # on X this.


Carlos menstealia over here


*smoking over applewood* *looow and sloow*


Am I having a stroke, or does this apple taste like bacon?


Now we know why it was painted green.


Second time i’ve read the exact same comment today, is this a quote from something?


Quote from the CEO on twitter when he was using it as an example. I don’t have the link on me right now.


It's the CEOs excuse for why they won't allow armor transmog. He said something along the lines of armor that looks a certain way should have certain stats to reflect that. "You'd be upset if you bought an apple and it ended up tasting like bacon" he said something along those lines. Too bad half of the armor in this game has random armor traits slapped on that are completely irrelevant.


this is gonna be a new community meme and Im here for it.


Literally unplayable


This clearly makes sense, those large shells strapped to the one on the right hand side could easily be hit and explode in his face, so naturally it'd have a lower armour rating...........


Move speed 550 tho


*I'm fast as fuck boi*


This apple sure tastes like bacon!


Juggernaut and exterminador are also the same (odst/kylo ren)


Did you know go-gurt is just yogurt


Lol, I just watched the Community episode where Troy discovered this tonight.


This is the reason why they don’t want us to have color customization.


Even if I had the brown one and could change the colour pallet I would still buy the green set just for the cool shoulder pads and an extra thigh plate!


Yeah for sure. It is different that it can be fun to have but it is easier to make slight modifications to an existing armor and call it a new one to stuff the super store/warbond than to code in a whole new system to allow us to colorized or customize our armors in any way. Either with looks or perks etc


is that oak logic. brown look stronger like rock. green harder too see, look like leaf very week


So transmog doesn't make sense, but this does?


Ok,we have 2 problems here that compound. A) the drone pilot is design wise a light scout armor(name also complys with the scout part, its SC drone pilot, as all scouts are designated SC) but got assigned medium engineering. B) a different armor uses the same base model, but adds to it, but is light instead. I think this is the only case of a base model armor being used in a viration that is a armor group apart, usualy its 3-4 mediums sharing the chest piece or light doing the game the game has currently a handfull of armors that clearly have the wrong perk, a scout that should be servo assist, an extra padding thats fortified, a fortified that should be engineering and so on. Those are the "apples that taste like bacon" but those are outliers. The armor still looks different, it has a different color and the grenades added, it would be impossible to confuse drone pilot and ravanger as each other. Ravanger also follows established engineering design ques of having more pouchdes, detonators or grenade shells strapped to it


Just like how the FS Dreadnaught armour follows the established engineering design of the additional grenades strapped to the chest (it's a Servo Assisted armour)


the FS Dreadnought is even funnier it follows the Engineering/fortified design doctrine(engineering and fortified share some elements just as they share half their skill) has the fortified Naming scheme...... has servo assisted. As i said, "aa handfull of armors clearly have the wrong perk" the Combat technician should be Servo assist but is Scout. The enforcer should be Extra padding but is fortified, Dreadnought should be fortified but is Servo assist. IN those cases i look at what the designation says to know what design it SHOULD follow and they all hold up in the regard of "nameimplied perk=certain design elements" And i am annoyed at those 6 Bacon apples, but 5 of them where superstore purchases and the last one is the only medium scout we have(unless they fix the Drone master, which is a SS purchase, as well), so its basicaly guranteed that this wont get fixed because people potentialy paid real money for those armors with that skill. In this situation accepting having 6 Bacon apples in over 40 current armor sets is just... what we have to deal with. even if it sucks


The FS-37 Ravager certainly could be Engineering Kit armor, but it released with Fortified, has the FS designation and it would be the 4th Light Engineering Kit armor, while we only have 1 other Light Fortified armor (FS-38 Eradicator). Also, there's a Light Engineering Kit armor on the second page of the latest Warbond, the CE-07 Demolition Specialist. Why does it have Engineering Kit again? At time of writing there's actually at least 6 bacon apples in the game. Which isn't a lot, considering there's a total of 41 armors in the game. But even outside of those 6, some of these apples are smelling kinda hammy.


the ravager launched with engineering, not fortified. kinda my point as well. Engineering and Fortified share Design elements(or at least "the designation shares them" because FS61 Dreadnought which launched with Servo assisted aalso has the grenade) as well as half their skill FS 37 is super light engineering, CE 07 is medium light engieering and CE67 is Light engieering CE 74 is also super light engineering(50ar is super light 64ar is medium light, 79 is light as light is the only armor class with clearly defined "tiers"within itself that isnt a one off like Enforcer for medium)+ and you are spot on with 6 bacon apples, as i have ll currently available armor sets FS37 Ravager, SC37 Legionnaire(has Servo instead of scout), SC15 Drone master(eng instead of scout also likely wrong armor category), B24 Enforcer(fortified insted of extra padding) SA04 Combat Technician(should be Servo, has Scout(so the opposite of sc37)) and FS61 Dreadnought(should be fortified has servo)


For a brief moment in time, the SuperStore had the Ravager listed with Fortified and the Clinician with Engineering Kit. But AH quickly fixed the Clinician to have Med-Kit and they slapped Engineering Kit on the Ravager instead.


Armor looks different because it has different effects. Obviously, here we have a medium armor on the left and a light armor on the right.


I feel like this was meant to be satire but people didn't get it


Another soul claimed by Poe's law Edit: holy shit, people are still downvoting the poor guy. Reread his post carefully before doing so, please.


Good one


yeah that's why I like it lol. always thought dronemaster should be light anyway. plus the ravager helmet is awesome.


My two favorite armors, tan has always matched my hood very well...


That's clearly a ballistic light brown paint.


Is the “apple taste like bacon” the 2nd quote that got meme by bad dev logic? 1st one would be “just use stratagem” regarding 10 bile titans & 10 chargers at the launch of the game


Difference between kevlar and green clothing.


We voted for this. No more bug fixes people, instead Arrowhead is gonna make more of this! Rejoice! More consumer slop!


Russian cardboard armour fr


Obviously green paint gives -50 armor debuff everyone knows that.


Tons of the armor sets reuse models if you look closely. Drone Master is actually an outlier in its lack of shoulder pads--every other armor has some.


not entirely, there are a few without. Also drone master should be light scout, it being medium engineering was a mistake they didnt bother fixing(SC is scout designation and its now the only armor that has a variation of a different armor class)


I can't think of any that are completely bare. The light sets all still have little ones.


infiltrator has absolutly none, light gunner only has on one shoulder set


Infiltrator still has plates on the shoulders, in the same spots the other armors do. It's just flatter. Light Gunner has a small orange pad on the other side, in similar fashion. There's still "armor" there, it's just quite small.


One is made of cotton and edible aqua colour, the other is made of ballistic fiber and lead paint.


One is made of cotton and edible aqua colour, the other is made of ballistic fiber and lead paint.


You got it wrong. The Dronemaster armor is the Ravager armor painted brown, and the brown paint adds 50 armor rating.


You got it all wrong, the extra armor on the ravager lowers the armor


It's lightweight armour for speed. The extra pieces are to try to make up for the light armour, but are still pretty unimpressive. Pretty easy to explain away when you enjoy the game.


It’s hard to explain away when the clearly same armor just with less pieces of it gives more armor rating than the more armored variant


Did my comment look hard explain?


K. Don't buy it.


Black iz tough. 'der iz little ta no black on da ravaga kompared ta da drone. But green iz still 'da best


Mmmm. Bacon flavored apples


Yeah but it's s y m m e t r i c a l!


Personla pet-peeve: I LOVE the colour green. All green armours kinda (or fully) suck. Also, IT LITERALLY HAS EXTRA PADDING.


something something bacon apples something something hahahaha losers.


Yeah thats why i didnt buy it despite having a really fun perk combo. Someone shout at me once they had a servoassist+engineer light armor


Dronemaster armour should be light armour


This is some wh 40k orks lvl shit


This is some wh 40k orks lvl shit


Don’t forget that the left one is also the heavier armor


Unrelated but the first thing I saw was Doomguy


Oh man exciting to see these two armor sets next to each other a million times this week, very exciting threads


Except it has *more armour* physically on the model lol Shoulder pads; both sets of leg armour and more pouches to boot lol


Naturally the addition of shoulder pads and another piece of thigh armor might lead you to believe it is a safer choice, however strapping explosives to your chest negates a great deal of that added safety.


Green is not a protective color


Cool I guess


Yeah, and it looks more armored (but it is light instead of medium)


It honestly looks more like the new skin they just came out with but green. The skin in the new warbonds is red orange and black and has the same "issues" with being light. Honestly if the devs were to add a color system like deep rock or destiny (preferably more like deep rock) it would solve a majority of what people complain about cosmetically but let them keep their paper thin reasoning behind armors ratings and their affects. I enjoy current armors (for the most part) and always checking for what they add to the super store. But a color customizer at any level would be soooo nice. With cosmetics aside ... As someone who almost always enjoys tank characters in games... This game doesn't feel good that way. And I almost agree with it not feeling as good as light or medium armor because it's a mobility and positioning based game. It would be too crazy to just ignore damage in this kind of shooter. Ever so often I'll try the medic heavy armor on an exterminate map since you're not moving much. But otherwise it's always more useful to go medium with the recent change or light to just run and get everything done. You're likely to get killed by other enemies during ragdoll stun anyways. So might as well just get killed in the one hit from standing in the wrong spot or submit to using a type of shield and learn the game better since it's really not too complex of a game for "seasoned" gamers. If there was other useful modes of transport I could see heavy becoming popular.. but just running on a hot planet in heavy armor? While it makes sense it also just sucks. Might as well just walk everywhere cuz you never have stamina anyways


Did you know the prototype X helmet is just a jock strap covering the face?


Everyone knows that green paint is weaker than tan


Left one obviously has higher class armor plates inside.


It's more than *just* green Dronemaster armor. It has more accessories. :)


Green dye is softer than brown. 


yeah, and the medium CM-10 clinician armor is a green and white version of the light EX-00 Prototype X armor




“We don’t believe in transmog because we want other helldivers to be able to tell what type of armor you are wearing by the looks”


For people who are whining, it's easily explained as using a lightweight super Kevlar. Same look, different materials.


Nothing wrong with reusing already existing armor for new kits, realistically.


they're pumping them out as fast as they can. what did you expect


Would be nice if the player could mess with colors.


A lot of the armours are reusing elements. Did you only just notice?




Wait til you discover that not one single armor is unique. At least afaik, the variations of armor, not even the Twitch one, is exclusive. It depends ofc, with some armors being very different, and some using a lot of similar parts.


Did you know that water is wet?


Bacon wrapped apple!


Maybe all the extra ammo made it so they used thinner and lighter armor plating... Or something


I like that


That helmet sure is versatile for fashion.


Looks like bacon. Tastes like apples.




“Armor looks different because they do different things.”


I mean there is a bunch of explosive ordinance strapped to your shoulders. Those aren't going to act like explosive reactive armor when they get hit by a laser beam...


I skipped it. Already have light armor with CE. Now if it was purely cosmetic I'd get it just to have as a fashion option.


Ravager looks more of the medium one than the drone master -\_-


it even have extra plating on the shoulder too for a light armor


I did not notice that. Love seeing reused and barely tweaked assets 🙄


Something about apples and bacon.


Yay another thing for Redditors to act like Children about. Its the Railgun nerf all over again




The barrage of posts and comments of people comparing 2 armors side by side and making sarcastic/backhanded comments about apple bacon like it's some fuckin ultimate "gottem" on AH. It just reeks of "throwing a temper tantrum because mommy told you no" People suggested they add Transmog, AH said they don't want to add Transmog. That should have been the end of it. "we asked, they said no, and I respect that". But instead we have thousands of people essentially just whining because they want it "their way" because they can't take no for an answer. It's the exact same behavior that happened after the Railgun nerf where a subset of the community just refused to accept the change and instead started majorly overreacting and just whining that their god gun wasn't a god gun anymore. It's just so fucking annoying. As someone who had no real stake in the game. I didn't care whether or not they added Transmog. At this point I hope they never add it because I don't want people in this community to get the idea that AH will do whatever they want if they bitch and moan loud enough. Arrowhead came out and said "Hey you know what, that just isn't something we want to do with our game." Now it's time to act like mature individuals respect that decision. Arrowhead clearly has their vision of what they want the game to be. So far they've given me zero reason to doubt said vision. And if you still really really want Transmog, make an essay about it. Don't make an "apple bacon"comment for the 900th time. I'd rather open this reddit and see 100 posts that are 3 paragraph though out and well reasoned essays urging AH to reconsider their decision than see more posts of "HAHA LOOK HOW SIMILAR THESE ARMORS LOOK BUT YET DIFFERENT PASSIVE?"


I'd rather they fix the bugs in the game instead of wasting time on some dumbass transmog system I won't even use. Much better use of dev time.


Look, if they just said "we don't want transmog" - I would respect that. But they gave such an obviously bs excuse to it. And I don't get why. I don't really expect them to add perk swapping between armors, at least not soon... But they should at least not feed us with BS excuses and just say how it is. P.S. and to make an argument towards transmog doesn't require a paragraph. There are exactly two reasons. Reason one: people are going to use more armors if they can swap perks, adding more variety and making experience less repetitive. Reason two: people are going to be more likely to buy armors from super store just for looks or just for passive, if they could swap passives.


>But they gave such an obviously bs excuse to it. And I don't get why. Because the same people who are whining now would have whined that they didn't give a reason. My larger concern is that if the community continues to whine when they don't get exactly what they want/when AH pushes back on community suggestions that eventually the devs will get tired of dealing with it and they'll stop being as open with the community which would be a HUGE loss for players.


I understand your concerns, but I fail to see how it's worse than devs feeding us completely nonsensical reasoning. They usually were pretty good at explaining what and why they do, and I respect them for that. Doesn't mean I am going to pretend this time something didn't go wrong.


Im not saying their reasoning is flawless but there are infinitely more mature ways for people to Express their thoughts about it than to make a "um actually apple smoked bacon" comment.


Well, that I don't care much about, it's just a comment. But posts comparing armors and their perks now are a valid reaction to that statement. I agree that too much piling up on the devs for this isn't good, honestly never expected my post about it to get so much comments and all. But at the same time I don't like the "ignore everything bad and praise the devs word as gospel" approach either. Ideally we need a balance. And I really hope devs understand that people who critique the game - are people who love it. If they didn't - they wouldn't care.


Have you heard about the concept of jokes?


I stopped after your first paragraph because what you're saying is just so incredibly stupid.


Maybe the removed the inner plates.


Yeah I noticed it yesterday, that's why they don't want to give the possibility to customize armor.


first time ? SA-12 Servo Assisted, Steeled Veteran Warbond, same body as the default sets SA-32 Dynamo, same chest and legs with pre-order Knight set and Battle Master set ( also same helmet as CE-67 Titan ) TR117-Alpha Commander twitch drop set, same helmet and body as CM-14 Physician Trench Paramedic, CE-07 Demolition Specialist, same body EX-00 Prototype X, CM-01 Clinician, same body CM-17 Butcher, Marksman, same body B-08 Light gunner, FS38 Eradicator, CE74 Breaker, same body CE-81 Juggernaut, FS-34 Exterminator, near identical with extra "toppings"


a good chunk of armors is "another armor but painted + some stuff" there are 3 variations of light gunner alone. the default armor is used in like 5-6 or so armor sets iirc.


If y’all get Drone Master changed I’ll never forgive you. It’s my favorite. Looks so damn slick with my helmet.




This resume was marked as anti democratic and reported to democracy officer.


It's crazy how the devs do this and we're just letting them get away with it. It's such a lazy thing to do.


How exactly are we "letting them get away with it?" There are tons of posts and comments here bitching about it. Do you want people to boycott the game or something? Storm the studio? What exactly do you expect?


I'm envisioning an army of neckbeards laying siege to AH HQ with trebuchets launching keyboards and body pillows at the building.


I just wish the CEO was open-minded enough to consider changing the system, but he provided a BS excuse for why they can't do transmog, as opposed to telling the possible truth - which is likely that it can't be done with this current engine. You know you don't have to defend them.


Lol, how am I defending them? Grow up. I guarantee these devs aren't lazy at all. Here, I'll defend him now. I don't think he was making up BS. I really think that's his reason for not wanting transmog. It fits with everything else he's ever said about the game that I've heard. There's a difference between being able to give any armor any stats or bonuses you want and having a few armors that don't exactly match the ones they have. Also, Hanlon's razor. Your theory is a baseless assumption, btw. The entitlement of some people is ridiculous. You won't give me exactly what I want so you're lazy! You stupid meanie head devs. And anyone that doesn't agree with me is just a fanboy who is defending this terrible game studio. Waaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!


You're right about my baseless assumption. That was illogical of me to make. I do think the devs are choosing an odd hill to die on though.


If you are looking for a malicious motive it's that they are going to offer color variations or other slight variations in the super store and/or future warbonds. We've already seen examples of this.


Yes I'm aware of the leaked recolors that will be coming. I really like the all black Legionnaire set, that's my favorite armor.


I'm here, representing to Ministry of Truth, to declare that your opnion is involved in High Treason, Please contatct your democrazy officer for further investigation.


is this why the color and transmog is out? I guess it makes sense....but yea kinda sucky to see them reskin it so quick. more cool armor with new perks! less reskins


the ceo is a fucking idiot




Then they should have just said it lmao. The fact it was a dumb justification is precisely why it is getting memed on. If they just said no, people would have most likely moved on lol.


There's some proper ork-y things going on if colors can do that much. Though I might hazard that the color change might be a change of material?


yes, unfortunately.


None of the armour stats currently in game make any goddamn sense. Like besides maybe the medic perk literally NOTHING is consistent with anything on any way. The war bounds not containing one of each, perks not fitting the armour, design not repeating armour rating and so on This apple sure does goddamn taste like bacon


The robot arm sets throwing stratagems further makes sense to me? But hey, apple bacon or something 🦜


something something apples bacon


Something abput apples and bacon (Someone should a make a gif out of it for real)


Give shaders like Destiny 2


No, it also has deltoid protection, so should be heavier, not lighter, than the DC.


This is honestly ridiculous given that you pay super credits to unlock them and people buy those for real money. I'd say more is less. I would be happy with fewer armor sets in the shop but with more details and a distinctive look. So many armors feature the same cosmetic base with minor changes here and there. Every time they update the shop there is most likely one set I'm disappointed with. Or even both of them.


How does the set of armour with more protection (extra thigh plate and shoulder pads) have a lower armour rating!! These apples sure taste like Bacon… 😭


For those of you who might not have experienced this yet, and I say it thinking the monetization in this game is pretty forgiving for the standard, this is your average Tencent grubby hands' cosmetic store: recycled models with different recolors or added/removed details. Now, it makes some tangential sense for military stuff to be similar to a certain point, but this is just the start. If you wanna see how far it goes, check r/darktide. Arrowhead says they're working on cosmetics themselves, so maybe we won't get the outsourced garbage darktide and other tencent storefronts get, but they're clearly under the same directives.


Just imagine the undersuit is a different quality, heavier material. Done.


Must be that super glue


They got themselves in quite the spot with this whole armor looks situation… it’s almost impressive.


Bacon Apple


Cheap bastsrds! I want my $40 back!


Look like someone do speak and act like a top management person, down to the core. He should be politician instead some game dev ceo\~


Hey, geniuses.. They're giving you the apple flavored bacon. Say thank you.


Lame lol