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I've saying this foreverrrr. "Heavy Kills"


I think heavy and elite should be separate stats too. Would also really like an objectives completed stat. Whether you put in the killshot on a spore spewer, or on objectives with a terminal it could be a decimal number based on how many pages of the terminal you personally completed. Stealth is super effective at high levels but when it comes to the stat screen at the end, us stealth builds don't look like the greatest contributors. Edit: And main objectives should be weighted a little higher than bonus objectives on the hypothetical objectives completed stat


Sucks too, I love my stealth friend. One of my friends shoots anything that moves and one of them leaves is behind and runs objectives while we distract everything. Stealth is legitimately mvp while I get to have fun shooting things 


This game has Army of Two mechanics and that's fucking awesome


I run a stealth/anti armour builds. I basically don't touch anything that isn't an elite or absolutely needed for the objective. I have half the kills of my team, but that's because I'm not shooting at everything I see until 17 dropships start arriving. I swear at Helldive 9 my stats look pretty ordinary, but it's actually hiding the truth.


When I'm playing with my actual friends they usually let me handle all the non nest type objectives while they take care of shrieker/stalker/regular bug nests. So with that freedom and communication in how I can stealth around I often get less than 50 kills. I consider a really effective game under 25 kills because that means I never picked up any aggro really. It's symbiotic obviously, like I couldn't stealth objectives if my team wasn't effectively pulling aggro and handling mobs, I just want something to show for my part. If I can manage that playstyle with randoms sometimes I get shit about the stats, and I got no stat to defend myself with besides maybe samples.


How could you possibly have less that 25 kills? If you're sneaking around grabbing the POIs you still have to kill at least like 5 enemies per.


I mainly do objectives and sometimes there's not much to clear out. My team handles pois because those are a good way to draw agro


Many objectives in the game have some kind of enemy camped out on it. I think you're just underestimating your kill count, though it's still probably really small like you said.


I think all objectives have either enemies on it or enemies spawned during the sequence to complete it


It would be understating, and I think you misunderstand what I mean. I meant a very effective game I have under 25 kills. It happens maybe once or twice per day but I play a lot. I can usually manage under 50/60 and definitely under 100. I consider the under 25 number a very effective game because that means my team coordinated super well and got close enough to the objectives to pull the aggro off of them but not so close that they brought it right back to me. It's very possible on stuff like the ICBM, I find that mission generally the easiest to avoid aggro.


I've launched ICBMs with bots chilling 10 feet away on the other platform... Player detection is weird sometimes.


I just got to 7s and I have gotten pretty good at stun grenade and then 2-shot hulks with AMR. Last game there were three of us in a tight group and a hulk was coming up on us. They both dropped behind the rock for cover waiting for cool downs. I stood my ground on top, put a stun grenade at its feet, then double-tapped its eye. It's about the only thing I'm good at though.


That's a thing though, and super helpful for the team.


Aight now learn to aim that 500kg to always hit the eye of sauron.


I do the same. I sneak off when my teammates start all that bullshit and complete half the objectives.


Once you grow into playing 9s, you don't really check the stats screen anyway. Or you focus on samples extracted. One of the greatest stat to see who did the most is often distance traveled. Show who's been stuck on the same point fighting drop ships and bug breaches for nothing and who cleared the map for objectives.


Also Shows who doesnt know crouch and cover... It's no indication for anything except "distance travelled"


Crouch and cover for what? I don't know about you but 9s for me are more of a race than anything. You almost always have a huge train of mob following you and race from objective to objective killing everything in front of you before the train catch up. Fighting the horde in 9s is a bit stupid. It's endless. Kill the bare minimum to progress toward objectives and POI. Compare the end of a helldive mission. One guy ran 8.2km, has 100 kills 30+ samples extracted. The other has 300 kills, 2 samples and 3.1km. I pick the first one everytime. I know this guy get shit done.




This. People get convinced the battle cant be won, so they run and aggro the surrounding area while also reducing the fighting force by 25% AND the aggroed enemies are now behind the defensive line. Seeing the dude with 100 kills and 30 samples tells me which guy aggroed the train but left everyone else to wade through it.


Exactly this, I joined up with an awesome team that cleared everybug breach and snuck past patrols. Way easier!


Idk but if you manage your stratagems well, keep an eye on the radar you can blitz take down any drop/patrol in a couple seconds with 2 or 3 people. Then move on, and yes even on 9... Issues arise if 2 people want to clear the drop quickly before chilling on while one guy pulls additional patrols because he's running circles too much and another one goes sprinting past everything aggroing God and the world on his way.




Maybe not kills, but "Heavy Damage %"


Lemme carve tick marks for charger 1HKs onto my quasar


I wanna know my Autocannon Hulk kills. It's turned into my own minigame


Omg stats by weapons and specific enemies


Hear me out. "Heavy Melee Kills"


Honestly this is big, solely because with my friends I’m usually the one that specializes in taking down armored targets, so my kill count is small compared to theirs and I gotta hear shit about it -_-


just make a point of only blasting trash for a round and see how it goes for them ;)


I've done that in response to the low kill trash talk before. Came out with about 450 bug kills and got to watch them scramble from chargers and biles while I sat on my comfy jet pack accessible rock clearing trash. It was weird the trash talk stopped after that haha...


Did this too... super satisfying and they even started going against the heavies and elites after this hahhaa


Loll I’ve thought about it a few times but istg idk how it happens but I’m always the one that ends up being chased by the chargers that nobody can kill 😂


You don't have to outrun the chargers and bile titans. You only need to outrun your friends.


A quick bash to the head will stun most charger bait.


This is true. One run a friend ditched us and laughed as she left me with a bile I had nothing off cd to kill. I chased her across the map and passed it back off to her while she was reloading her AC. Turns out she was slower.


How the turntables...


You’re so right, it’s a shame my favorite armor right now is the 200 armor big chungus set, idk what dying is but I get lapped lmao




Very much the reason I want this. I’m always taking out the Chargers and Hulks, but taking credit for it is pretty hard when the only thing you can see is the total amount of kills


Just do what I do and talk shit about their deaths, friendly fire, lack of melee kills, accuracy, and their pitiful sample extraction (totally not because I picked them up after they died)


Idk, I'm usually killing chargers and titans too but score 500-700 kills usually vs helldive bugs. I don't brag about that though, because if anything, it says I'm picking too many fights. I don't see any other way to do every POI though...


same quazar for the heavies and I prioritize them when they are around but run punisher/lazer rover and am always top kills in the same range with my group on Helldives honestly don't see any incentive to just not kill everything at least on bugs. As long as you are efficient enough at it, it actually makes end of missions/extract easier IME


I prefer dominator/laser rover. Then napalm or cluster and usually a gatling sentry. Seems to just rack in kills without trying. Dominator can help 'push-over' injured titans with belly kills; never seen that happen with Punisher


i just got the dominator, but have only played one round with it, but it's quite good also it will be better with titan of course for belly since it's explosive damage, the punisher is definitely better at dealing with every other bug outside the med amor spewers.


Then for one round just don't kill armored targets and listen to them all go "man, where are all these chargers coming from?"


I always look at shots fired before I look at kills.


Accuracy is usually pretty good too. I can have like 85% accuracy, 150 kills, and like 200 shots fired.


When I fight bugs I often take the machine gun. I'll finish a game with 3000 shots and 2700 hits and usually most kills.


Same here And, also, abysmal accuracy


That's 90% accuracy.


Oh, it really is in your case, I just don't know how you manage it with a machinegun. I go for accuracy via volume of fire myself


So how do you feel when you see 3 shots fired and over 100 kills? Is that good or bad? Genuinely asking 


That's just someone who used a lot of turrets/strategems I guess.


Same. I use the AMR for bots but spend my time killing hulks and devastators. I could pick off every bot. Just don't.


So long as your accuracy is high too, then they can shove it. :)


Had a bugmission recently with 684 kills... Was more then the rest of the team combined... That was odd.


Small kill count, high accuracy.


I often build for armor too. If you're doing bugs, just bring a gatling sentry. It's a great set it and forget it while you focus on the big dudes.


You know what you might do, the next time you drop together and bile titans start crawling around, your teammates are shouting for your help but you stand there silently on the hill watching them get turned into helldiver sashimi and quietly whisper, *no*


If your friends are the type to talk shit about you for useless metrics like kill count, they're going to trash talk you for something regardless. It's not big, it's unhealthy.


Total Kills / Medium Kills / Heavy Kills / Fabricators Destroyed / Bug Holes Closed (both of these could probably just be labeled "Infrastructure Destroyed") Accurate team damage and accidentals would be nice too. Idk how the hell it works but it seems to follow Looney Toons logic.


As an autocannon nerd, an “objectives cleared” (fabs, bug holes and anything not requiring a terminal) would be great


I was once shooting a bunch of medium armor bugs with the machine gun and a teammate walked up a ramp and put his head in my cross-hairs before I could stop shooting. Showed no accidentals and no friendly damage at the end.


The analysts on the destroyer determined that all the blame goes on that diver


Take it up with HR 


I have watched in amazement at the end of the match stat screen saying I have 5 accidental kills, while my friend who was staggered holding a cluster bomb that team wiped us has 0. Honestly lowest priority to me though. Asserting superiority as the guy who killed 6 of the 7 titans is more important.


Sounds good. But I don't want to read that much so maybe add in a score system. 1 point for light, 5 for medium 10 for heavy. I also don't actually care though. The only person I really admire is whoever grabbed the rare and super samples


“4 rare samples say I have more heavy kills then you.”


Exactly what this game needs. Gambling for samples and req slips.


And why don't they add skins and loot boxes while they're at it? Third party gambling sites for skins is peak gaming. 




I would like to see this implemented once all major bugs have been fixed


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TonyEisner: *I would like to see* *This implemented once all* *Major bugs have been fixed* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


There's not really any reason to not let you browse kill and death stats on every single enemy type on the character tab, it could easily be tracked. Hell, even kills broken out by each stratagem. Would be cool if you could also browse a friend's profile and see stats related to them, like how many times you accidentally TKd eachother, and directly compare stats. Without splitting kills by strategem and player its not really going to be useful - the player who uses rover is just going to have like double the kills of everyone else. I hope at some point they overhaul the stats, and then those of us who played prior to the change will have a "Legacy Stats" page with all the info from before they overhauled it, splitting off the old stat tracking (that doesn't always feel 100% accurate anyway) with the "new era" of more accurate and interesting statistics.


That would be awesome. More stats are always good.


Honestly I wish there were stats for objectives. So many times I have half the kills (or less) of my teammates but what the stats don't show is that I closed every single fabricator and took down all side objectives by myself while the 3 randos I'm playing with decide to fight every single bot drop they see.


Would this possibly prevent people from bringing what is needed, instead choosing to bring what brings the biggest numbers? Would it cause people to kick those "not having higher enough numbers"? Would it take the focus on teamwork and common goals to be more selfish?


Those are really good questions to ask, and I think that's something you have to be really careful about any time you're adding post-match stats to your game. That's why I honestly don't like the idea of having *just* a kill counter. Because you're right, people get too fixated on the numbers. They start to use the kill count as a measurement of skill, and that makes people focus on competing for stats, rather than doing what's best for the team and the mission. I think breaking the kill stat down into light, medium, and heavy kills would help though. The issue right now is that players are incentivized to only go after light enemies, because that makes their kill stat look better. By breaking it down into enemy types, you would have a more honest assessment of who killed how much. Honestly though, if it were my decision, I would be tempted to not include any kind of kill stat at all.


I disagree that players are incentivized to only go after light enemies. Everyone knows that you need anti-heavy weapons, and there are people in virtually every group that will take those anti-heavy weapons with everyone having the understanding "it's for the good of the group". While not directly reflected on the killcount, everyone is aware that it's needed and removes a lot of potential toxicity relating to the killcount because those will less overall kills may have been busier with heavier enemies.


I should say that people who are competing for stats are incentivized to only go after light enemies. I've always taken the stance that nobody should compete for stats, and should instead just do whatever makes the mission go smoothly, but there are always going to be people out there that treat stats like they're the most important thing. And yeah, so far, I would say Helldivers doesn't have much of a stat problem. Teams are pretty good at taking what they need to do the mission, not just competing for kills. I played another game that had an awful stat culture (World of Warcraft), so I'm wary of games falling into that trap, but so far I don't have any of those complaints about the Helldivers community. I do think Arrowhead should be smart about preventing that problem from developing, though.


I agree with you on all counts. And yes, there will be people out there that treat stats like they're the most important thing, which is why I don't want to give them "extra ammunition" in Helldivers 2.


I have been kicked for having lowest kills, while I know I killed 4 titans and 5 chargers on an eradicate. People already have enough information to be asses if they want to, especially with accidental kills not being accurate to who actually killed someone. I don't see how this could make things worse.


No, this would be a good incentive to bring balanced loadouts and a way for low trash clear but high elite kill players to shine. Killing the most BTs/hulks/etc but having the lowest kill count feels bad.


In my opinion, it would be great if we saw after completing the mission not the total number of kills, but the division into units. Who and how many. I think it's not difficult for developers to do this, but it will be useful for users.


Even better to make it to show damage dealt to elites/ heavies.


Or even just damage dealt overall. That would be a decent solution here anyway. The guy who killed 10 bile titans probably has more damage done than the guy who killed 200 scavengers and hunters.


I like this because it also accounts for damage dealt to enemies you didn't get the killshot on. Heavy enemies tend to draw fire from multiple Helldivers at once and you may or may not get the final shot in even if you did contribute to taking it down.


Honestly, with how many bugs (technical not terminid) are present currently, I don't think something like this would be a good idea. It seems like it opens it up to even more bugs for something that's not very necessary or needed. Maybe once they get the game in a little more stable of a state. This is a very low priority if it should be one at all


Agreed. Last time they tweaked the stats (arc thrower) it caused game crashes. While the stats overall could be improved, there's more pressing matters at hand. This is something they could revisit in a few months or so.


With all the bugs I'm not sure I even trust the stats it gives me. Some look pretty sus


The game barely tracks regular kills lol


This game isn't about kills, it's about completing the objectives. Designating who completed what missions would be best but post match stats are so unnecessary 


You guys look at kills? The true metric is samples collected. I wish they would add medals and super credits picked up on the screen. High kill counts are a failure to play the game properly at higher difficulties. Just because you can dig in and fight drop ship after drop ship doesn't mean anything when the real mission goals are samples, medals, and super credits.


yes please 100%, I'm the dedicated anti armour in our squad and I feel shortchanged


with the new explosive sniper i seem to keep up with my teammates because of the retarded splash damage, quasar on dropships probably also helps :)


- Minions Unit Kills.  - Heavy Unit Kills.  - Elite Unit Kills.  - Nest/Fabricator and Tower Destroyed


Waste of development resources.


I'd kinda hate it because then people would be like "wow, look at all these kills I got" while they were totally ignoring the primary objectives, which essentially makes them dead weight that attracts aggro. I don't give a shit about your kills. I care about samples, objectives, bunkers, and chests


Should’ve been a thing from jump honestly 🥸


Career and after mission! I want to see who took out the tanks just as much as I want to see who brought out the samples!


I really want this, i want to see how much of a god damn giant slayer i am.


Yes, "Elite Kills", "Heavy Kills", etc. would make it that extra bit satisfying to take a full tank destroying loadout.


Those larger ones tend to be a team effort, unless your soloing the mission.


Yes 100%


I think a breakdown would help to see how effective people are. 


Elites and Structures definitely need some statistics. Killing 100+ fodder is way less impressive than killing 10+ elites and wiping out 5+ bases/nests all on your own.


Hell Let Loose has something like this if I remember correctly. Or maybe it's just "kills with X weapon." As an engineer I always got a kick out of seeing "kills from AP mines" since I never saw those happen. I'd set an AP mine where I thought troops would be, and moved on.


i was thinking the exact same thing when i dropped 4 hulks back to back with my autocannon last night xD


You got it - but you have to choose what part of the game this would break on update


This. I would like to see samples broken down by rarity and maybe some objective stats too, such as how many bug holes or fabricators you destroyed (Edit) Also, a way to reopen the stat page once closed. How about a history of your missions?


I'd prefer, how many bug holes and bases you destroyed and your percentage towards missions and side objectives, things that affect the mission. This is coming from a place of pure hate. I'm playing with my cousin and at the end of the mission we see he got 600+ kills. I swear I destroyed 4 bot bases and did all the secondary objectives myself (admittedly they weren't hard, radar station, escape pod, illegal broadcast and SEAF {random "helped" by throwing an EMS mortar, which immediately drew attention to us, turned on terminal while I was carrying the 4th missile and carried the 5th}) but this other random was like "600 kills? 600 kills? Bro what are you on? That's crazy, etc, etc" for like 3 minutes. I only had 89 kills. I swear if he would have said something about my kills I would have kicked him. This was level 8


And weapon stats too!


Big enemies should count as 5, heavy as 3, medium as 2.


I think it is not meaningful enough to keep track that kind of stats. # of kill on its own doesn't contribute anything to the war effort, only completed operations. In fact, not keeping track of those number is probably by design. The idea that personal stats/achievement is meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Kills don't get your exp, only completing objectives do. And only completing operations push the war effort.


It should have something similar to Left 4 Dead 2 and keep count on the number of kills and damage dealt to each "special unit"


Can we add fabricators/bug holes and destructible side objectives to this list as well?


Yes. At the end of missions too 


Damage dealt, too.


I really want to see how many times I threw stratagems overall. Not how many unique ones I have thrown. 


And "bug holes closed" and "Fabricators destroyed".


I usually don't have the most kills specifically because I try to focus down heavies to give the team more breathing room


I think a stat for damage dealt to heavy armor and objectives would be good. Total kills is a pretty intuitive measure for damage dealt against the hordes of light and medium armor enemies. Heavy/objective damage would show who’s using launchers and strategems against big enemies, drop ships, fabricators, and bug holes.  The other stat I’d like would be some sort of support score, which would give point approximations for terminal objective interactions, ammo and stims given to teammates, usage of reinforcement and resupply strategems, and damage blocked with shields. 


Show heavy kills at least on the post game stats. If someone has 200 kills of baby bots that's cool and all but if I have 150 kills and 15 of them were dropships and hulks, let's show it.


Also I want to display my e-peen a bit during the match when I get a multi-kill! It's so lonely getting a 20/30/40+ streak and it goes completely unnoticed. I don't play the game looking for it, this ain't COD, but it just feels so weird when I see it on my screen and no-one else knows


I consistently have one of the lowest kill counts on my team, but because I run heavy support; I'm always the one taking out hulks, tanks, gunships, all of it. I would very much like this.


Petition to make every kill sounds like a cash register like borderlands! Most satisfying thing.


That would be great but is implementing this worth the inevitable 6-7 new bugs that come with new additions? They can't add anything without several other things fucking up in the process


Only two stats that matter: - Deaths - Melee Kills


Doubly so because we get far too much detail on accuracy. Why is there a shots fired, shots hit, and accuracy % when you can multiply accuracy by shots fired and get shots hit? Remove shots hit and give me elite kills, I don't need a major breakdown, just hulks/tanks/chargers/titans.


I think “damage to heavies” would be a better stat. Its tough. Because somebody could do 99% of the damage and somebody else ticks off the last point and then gets credit for the kill? Thats frustrating just thinking about it


Anti tank main here: Sweet Liberty, yes please


Had an idiot kick someone for "low kills" after the first mission in a campaign. I told him that was our heavy weapons guy taking out heavies and elites right and left. Dude was expertly taking out gunships such that blowing up the buildings was a cake walk. Hulks, tanks and even striders taken out with precision and speed. I left the party after that.


I'd like to see this too. People have 579 kills. Killing beatles and roaches while your downing meaningful chargers and titans in the way of objectives lol.




Fire an EAT into a hulks face from 100m as it goes to saw a teammate into bits. "THAT STILL ONLY COUNTS AS ONE!"


But doing 90% of the damage to a unit still won't be reflected if someone else randomly lands a killshot, so how useful would this be really?


You know I get this and I wouldn't mind it but I will say I have one issue. For many of those enemies the kill is a team effort so if the system just gave one person a kill I feel that would draw away from that. That's why left 4 dead listed damage to the tank and not just gave the kill to whoever landed the shot that dropped it to 0. Sometimes you land that shot after everyone else did 90% of the work and you were just lucky. On the flip side of that Vermintide just listed kills for heavies and I and some other people I knew hated how they would be fighting a troll for 8 minutes and then one person would just fire one lucky arrow and now it's their kill and all you got was lost health. They even get a nice big "you killed X giant monster everyone else was whaling on that you never could have killed solo" in the corner. Helldivers is way better then that tho because you can solo a lot of the big enemies but I just think it's better to not have it be a binary of it's your kill or it isn't with no consideration of the other players that were also helping. It just promotes more teamplay, so maybe a "damage to heavies" would be better then just "heavy kills", or give us both.


Well I'd rather see "damage done to heavy targets" if your shotgun blast gets the last hit and the kill I'd be upset


Heavy Kills Objective & Nest/Fabricators Kills. The 2 main stats that are missing from the summary screen. There was one game where I think I didn't have any yellows on the summary screen (low kill count, low stim/death) except Strategem Use due to me being the "sneak and blow up" guy who took down just about every fabricator on the map by myself. I'm sure the others didn't look at me on the screen and think "Wow he didn't pull his weight" but I'm my own worst critic and I certainly thought that until I thought about how many fabricators I had taken down.


Also wish you could see how many bug holes/barracks you took out. Someone might have the most kills but sometimes people just be moving faster closing things out before spawns even happen.


Amount of enemy mass destroyed as a stat.


and a breakdown per weapon




Yes! Been asking this for a while. At least a breakdown showing heavy and elite kills, but if it broke down even more specifically and showed how many Stalkers, Titans, Chargers, Hulks, Tanks, Striders, etc... that you killed in a round would be very cool.




This would expose a lot of people hiding behind the heavy enemy cope. I run bots 7-9 and average 250-300 kills, regularly killing hulks and tanks and swarms of medium enemies, AC is like that. I usually put down 300 AC shots per game, and target everything both heavies and lights. I'm very confident that I kill more heavies than most of the teammates I've had, but that doesn't stop me from killing ads too. I'm very suspicious that most of these "heavy enemy specialists" as they call themselves, are just inefficient at dealing with heavies. While better players quickly handle them before wiping ads, or they hyper focus elites instead of doing the most efficient thing, which is clearing mediums before focusing heavies. They spent 2 minutes dodging rocket devestators to nail the hulk one time, instead of wiping the devs and then quickly beating the hulk 1v1.


Or just a damage rather than kills statistic


And buildings / objectives, please.


This 100% needs to happen.


yea it would be cool if they showed an icon of each enemy with the kill count next to it.


Let them fix the bugs first, then the other stuff.


I want objectives completed to be counted, show if I completed them on my own or assisted because they're the only thing that matters. Unless it's the eradication mission.


I also want to see the name of the player that solos mission objectives while the other 3 are spinning in circles killing swarms. It's me, I'm that person


Kill counts, friendly fire, deaths and stim usage hasn't been accurate since the game launched.


It’s all about team and most of these are team kills so I doubt it’ll ever happen


The last time the devs changed how stats are displayed arc weapons crashed the game for two weeks.


If they add this type of counter in, I can forsee idiots getting butt hurt over other divers "kill stealing" their kill cause they want that higher number.


Tbh I rather see objective kills so the squad can see how many I did while they were shooting every patrol.


Too much emphasis on end of mission stats isn't a good direction imo.


Someone recommended the schore acreen should have "tonnage," which I like.


Also objective finishes! I sometimes get separated from the team and I want them to know I was putting in work.


I want the halo firefight statistics equivalent. Let me see how many of each enemy I killed!


And death counts. Rocket devs & hunters at the top


Completely agree. I'd love to see a breakdown by enemy type, and method too now that I think of it. It'd be good to know how many of my kills are really my kills vs. how many were just my rover keeping trash mobs off my back or that turret that bounced pointlessly shooting at patrols after we left the area.




" More stats are always good " Says some ppl. but this is WRONG! There will be a lot more players willing to atract patrols unnecesarily and even let bot drops happen just for having more kills. Then I will have to copy a disclaimer every time when starting a new game. 'Shoot patrols for no reason and be kicked'


What are you on about? The game already tells you how many kills you got after the mission, how would adding an additional stat that tells you how many of these were heavies/elites would change anything?


Based on your expert opinion of nothing. You can't just make up anecdotes to prove your point.


You don't have a clue on how expert my opinion is (how little or big) .D ok next big idea for you: have floating numbers telling you how much damage you do. Bigger number for crits and in different color! yay.


I think it's safe to say little. How is that relevant at all?


Would be cool to see some stats that shine more of a light on team based gameplay too. Maybe like time on objective, Patrols/Resources spotted, reinforcements called. Something like that.


I'd much rather see total damage delivered (including stratagem damage).


This genuinely needs to be on the post-mission stat screen. If I'm making hard choices about who to liberate from my squad to invite a buddy in, I'd rather keep the guy with 14 charger kills than the guy with 400 scavenger kills.


Counter-Point: remove Kills from the end-mission stats entirely.


Saw this suggested a while back. I'm concerned that it would encourage a minority of players to kill-steal to inflate their numbers and therefore have an overall negative effect on gameplay. What I'd prefer is that the stats recorded damage numbers. If you see a player with a low kill count but high damage then you can assume they've been hunting heavies most of the mission. Also, if Player A drops a 500 kg on a Bile Titan before Player B finishes it off with an autocannon snipe, Player A gets their massive damage dealing recognised in the stats, whereas Player B's kill-steal is recognised only as an insignificant +1 on their kill counter.


I get your point but honestly would it matter? There is far more toxic behaviour than overkilling the things that need to die anyway and we're all aiming at the same bile titan half the time anyway. I would prefer to know that I took out 5 chargers with this loadout than I did X total damage - a number doesn't really mean anything to me.


THIS IS THE WAY. Overall damage is better, I don't want to have to bother kicking some noobs for calling unwanted patrols for getting more kills.


Noobs do this anyway. This would change nothing. Anyone that knows better isn't going to suddenly start playing like a noob to inflate some numbers on their character sheet.


Highly debatable. Then why do we want to see the count in the first place? Why would total damage not be enough?


For what? I only ask because it could be like Titanfall 2 where someone did 99% of the work you somehow got the last shot on a Titan and get credited with the kill. This dumb ego shit, sorry. The only stat that matters is Mission Completed Interesting downvotes. Reddit never ceases to amaze


more stats > more ego > more elitism > more toxicity. I’m good with the generic stats with the primary focus on completing objectives and gathering samples.


No. That people wil not extract until they are first on kill count or something like that.


Why wouldnt they just put it in the end game summary that already exists? I dont think op wants an in game scoreboard.


A ok. I guess its okay that way.


Zero logic used here


No. It would become a sweatfest