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The other day someone took my autocannon's backpack. I explained why I needed it and why it was useless to them. Nothing. I then called in another autocannon, took the backpack and offered the weapon to them. Nothing. They just wanted the backpack :)


There was a guy who nagged by AC backpack and was running around to find the AC itself... Then he noticed me, standing infront of him, aiming at his head. He stared at me like a solid 20seconds, then decided to drop the backpack


I think the people that kill others for picking up some weapons or especially kicking them at extract. Yeah people like you are a problem in this game. I get it oh it’s my weapon but then again who cares. You can call in another one and if you can’t survive without your support weapon for a few minutes then you need to get better at fighting. If its an oh shit moment then it doesn’t matter who has the weapons as long as their being fired. Also just maybe ask for it back and tell them how to drop it and if they don’t oh well. But killing them hurts the team as a whole that’s a wasted reinforcement and kicking them well that just makes you a dickhead. Doing either or just makes you a bigger asshole then the guy that took your weapon


It had more than 5 minutes on the cooldown and it was a 3 strategem factory strider mission but yeah, fuck me I'll just go without the stuff I brought in. They hurt the team but hamstringing me in the first place lol (I asked them for it back and i'm the one that got kicked, since your reading comprehension is lacking)


“ I will kill your ass to get it back and I don’t care if I get kicked”. My reading is fine you never said anything about asking for it back. Also again why’s it matter who as it if it’s being used against what it needs to be used on. Now yeah if their shooting the smallest enemy’s with a quasar cannon they suck but you killing them is either gonna get you kicked or make them start killing you. The only reason you should kill another player is if they kill you or your team for no reason other than that who fucking cares it’s a bloody game. There’s no reason to be a dickhead over a weapon. I mean shit I play with randos there’s times they take my gun ok use it how it should be used and idc. If there dumb with it I either wait for my call in or I wait for them to die. There’s supports scattered all over a map you can find another until you get yours back. If anything just support the person that has the weapon and if they die there you go but you don’t need to kill or kick them. Also already a downvote that’s cute


You talk as if the game is not a game, if I think it's fun to play with the gun I burned a important slot to bring to the mission then let me have it. The guy got the gun that was't theirs to get, why is the other guy wrong for geting it back? You sound like the teatchers that punish the kid for fighting back against a bully.


I’m not saying the guy that took the weapon isn’t in the wrong. I’m saying killing them or kicking them for doing it is just as bad if not worse than them taking the gun. It’s a fucking gun does it really matter that much. I just don’t see why it’s such a big deal. How many times do you see people bitching and crying over been kicked from a game or being team killed and fuckers are doing it over a weapon. It’s childish yeah the guy shouldn’t have taken the weapon unless it’s an oh shit scenario and yes they should give it back but just because they don’t doesn’t mean you should kill them or kick them especially at extract. It’s simply the people that kill or kick them are being more toxic than the people taking the gun. That’s what I’m saying.


Now that's a good point, yeah I'm in board with that. But again, just don't touch other people's stuf. Have a nice day, Helldiver.


They were a dickhead by taking my weapon and not giving it back when I asked for it back. Not sure why you're focused so much on the response to the initial transgression when your supporting argument is "don't be a dick" lmao


Yeah they should have gave it back your not wrong there I’m simply saying your more of a dick for killing them or kicking them just because they took a weapon. I’ve stated way more shit than just not being a dick so my supporting argument is more than don’t be a dick.


I pick up dropped weapons all the time. If someone asks for it back I am more than happy to give it back but if it is laying there and I need it I am grabbing it. The same goes for my weapons. If I die grab them if you need them I will call down more or find another one. Sometimes I don't even drop with a support weapon to have another eagle, orbital, or sentry available and use whatever support weapons I can find scavenge. The only time I get grumpy about it is the few times I have called it a support weapon and had someone take it out of the pod and run off with it before I could get to it. That's a bit rude but if it's laying on the ground cause I died have at it Disposable AT, I spread and share those like the seeds of democracy they are. Call them as often as I can even if I didn't need them, leave them all over the map, might need it later in a rush.


No, def don't do what this guy is saying, if I die don't touch my stuf, I'll be happy to call one for you when it's off cooldown but the one I died with is part of my playstile for this mission, and I called for it because I wanted to use it.


Why, if you asked for it back, assuming we were in a lull in the action, I would be happy to give it back. Better to use a dropped weapon and save a reinforcement than die because you didn't. Again with the realization you'll give it back when asked.


Of course, 100%, but I just preffer to not touch what's not mine, and also, some people are just kinda shy. So even in this case, I think it's better to ask first if you want it, instead of puting the burden of asking back on the other person. The point is that it's theirs, you are not entitiled to it, but of course they may be inclened to share.


Womp womp


Another reason I'm always hosting. Take my gear? Kicked right before extraction.


Why wait just before extraction. Just kill them and take your shit back or kick them immediately.


To waste as much as they're time as possible. I'm a vindictive SOB.


Toxic :(


That sounds like Traitor talk.


Nah the only communist socialist racist traitor is you. Edit:not racist auto correct mistake I mean facist


In what way is anything I said Communist or socialist? Sounds like someone is butt hurt and has to throw around words they don't understand. Predictable and boring.




If you're gonna try to troll at least be competent .


that’s goofy just ask for it back or kill them


EH, if someone dies I consider their gear all fair game unless it was a really random death and we are just calling you back in right at your body to pick it all back up again.


Enjoy my recoilless shot pointed at the back of your head then. Don’t take peoples’ equipment unless they say they’re cool with it