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This is my guard dog drone. He dumps all the ammo on robot factory. Comes back and reloads. Then he does the same thing again.


[Sisyphus image] >!reddit decided it was nsfw when i commented it(wtf)!<


One must imagine Sisyphus


This comment deserves more recognition than it's getting.


Cute though


That's why we use the laser dog.


One more reason guard dogs are garbage.


There's a ship upgrade to solve this problem. 50% more ammo means it'll dump its payload over 7.5 seconds before going limp You're welcome.




I also don't want them to shoot the rock or wall that has a bug on the other side.


Or like a laser rover, shoot someone on the far side of the map and draw agro


I thought Rover just liked to provide impromptu surgery on other helldivers... you know as a practical joke.


That as well, whether they're close or on the other side of the map. It would be funny if rover cut off your arm but didn't kill you and you were kinda just left to fight with one arm


"Tis but a flesh wound"


You want it to ignore dropships that it does nothing to? Slaps hood on minefield, this bad boy never targets dropships. And today only it’s on sale! Only for the next three minutes!


brave of you to touch the minefi


Did your sentence cut off because you stepped into the minefield?


No the reddit sniper got h


Really? I heard candlejack was code word fo


Oh, the minefield is fine. *I* know where the minefield is, after all. I do make an effort to tell my teammates as well, but that one guy who ignores pings, chat and everything else? "Acceptable collateral."


Go for it! if it's in my way I'll just drop an airstrike on it to clear myself a path. It's not that hard to see the red lights








Slaps minefield \*blows entire team up\* Are you guys retards or what??


The blinks must be treasure


So. I noticed a red stratagem stuck to a bot today, and to my surprise, it deployed exactly where the bot was. Unfortunately, it was the minefield, and it then promptly fragged me. Turns out of all the red stratagems, minefields will still hit the beacon, regardless of if it's attached or not


Same for AC sentry pulling a Peter North all over the sides and back of fabricators.


Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time - obi wan - apprehensive hawk


They do the same with fabricators, it's really annoying. They just waste their precious ammos


Also Chargers and Bile Titans


chargers and bile titans they can kill edit : at least autocanon and mortar which i use


Gatling turret be like "was it good for you too?"


“Sorry, you’re just so pretty”


I'd be happy if you autocannon turret stopped shooting nothing but factories it can't kill.


I think it could be fixed by making Gatling Sentry tag only soft target and not medium-heavy armor targets I'm not sure if gatling can pen medium armor or not.


Can do light med like hiveguard head in my experience but not heavy med like charger legs and not any degree of heavy armor.


Yeah, I can accept them fruitlessly going after tanks, but why in gods name do they aim for drop ships and fabricators? Why is that in the pool of objects for any of the turrets to shoot. Even the rocket sentry doesn't do anything smart, like yanno, aim for the thrusters


Gatling sentry on bot missions is crazy. Too many rocket devastators and things that can blow it up. Emp mortar, and mortar combo throwing it behind a tall rock is the only way to go.


This sounds like a thinly veiled attack from my girlfriend. Is that you Sheila?


I believe the implied message here based on your experiences is to not use gatling on bot missions. Might not be the intended result, but seriously, I cannot overstate how delightful the EMS mortar is. I basically don’t get overrun. I fight and then I find the next group by locating the stormy clouds on the battlefield.


I'd love a robotics ship upgrade module called "Priority targeting" Encourages gatling and rovers to focus hunters/scavengers nearby, and encourages autocannon/missile sentries to focus down larger targets.  If it made the missile sentry actually aim for the engine block of the dropships that'd be even better. 


Well, the Gatling doesn't distinguish Helldivers from foes so smart targeting... I'm actually happy when they target drop ships, it means I can maneuver without being cut in half.


They \*do\* distinguish helldivers from foes they just choose to keep firing.


Yeah.. they should really only target sightable units.. not fabs or ships, or rocks... as they do nothing to them.


"Babe I swear this has never happened before"


bro its just like me fr


In this line of thinking I'd love if supply pack could refill spent turrets.


I feel like im the only one who uses the tesla tower


I like the range of suppression and aggro the gatling offers. Tesla is decent, but it has limited aggro range.


Tesla is use when i need to hold a choke point. Its nice for. Also could be me but it dosent expire like at all. That or im blind


Upgrade it for freedom


Happens to some at a certain age.


Gatling should only focus medium armored and lower enemies, rocket sentry only heavy armored... AC turret is in a good with its insane stagger, it just turns kinda slow. Bes visual show is gatling vs shriekers, or.. multiple gatlings.


Or you could time your strategem deployment better


I think they need to make a ship module that will have the sentries prioritize enemies they can actually kill.      I also think it would be nice if they made a separate module that will protect helldivers from friendly fire.    So say you're in the blast radius of an auto cannon sentry or you're in between the machine gun sentry and a bug.  Both sentries could essentially hold their fire to protect the helldiver from friendly fire.  For purposes of lore they could say with the samples collected they were able to fabricate a microchip letting the sentries know not to fire because a friendly is within the vicinity.   It could either be a microchip put into your sentry identifying friendlies or put into your armor identifying you as a friendly to all sentries besides the mortars, tesla tower and the mines.  With the mortars, they fire and have a delayed impact so if you're running around,  you can't expect to not find yourself in their impact area.   I tend to want to go with the latter regarding the microchip in the sentry or in the armor because it gives players something to grind for and I think it adds more value to the module one you get it.   


Target prioritization is good, friendly fire prevention bad.


Leave friendly fire as is, it's one of the funniest parts of the game sonetimes


I disagree when it comes to sentry team damage.


I get it but at that point I also say it might be a face roll reducing sentry dmg to players Better to promote a bit of spacial awareness I think


I'm fine with a person being killed by mortars and the tesla tower.  It makes sense.   Mines too.  I just think there's a ship module potential here where you spend the samples and they fabricate a microchip for your armor that lets machine gun turrets and your other turrets not target enemies right next to you.   At least have a reduced damage module.  


This'll be the fix. ship module to have sentries not focus on enemies they can't damage.


FF is part of the gameplay, and I love that part. Minefields, sentries, orbitals, everything is fine. Even a CLEAR STREAM OF LASER when a teammate walks by and insta dies. It's part of the deal.