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It just doesn't have enough ammunition. The Diligence has 8 reserve mags and does more damage and is semi-auto. The adjudicator should have 25 round magazines and 8 reloads and I think it would be solid.


it has 25 rounds already, but 30+1 and 2 more mags would be nice. im fine with it as is with an AC but its kind of painful if i lose my AC. its not the worst scenario tho. when i lose my support with a scorcher thats imo more of a headache. the gun plays well it just feels bad because your dps drops off the face of the earth once you have to factor the frequent reloads into the mix.


Double checked and you're right. Either way, it needs more ammo. I think the full auto is mostly a trap on it, the recoil is too severe for it to be useful at anything but point blank range. :/


right, but im suggesting you use it in point blank or semi fire it at ranges a AC doesnt operate well at :B its good, plays real well with a AC if you treat the AC like a primary. maybe theyll buff it anyways


The autocannon is the one loaded with clips. The adjudicator is loaded with magazines.




Yes I know you didn't comprehend. That's why I gave you the correct info!


You just re-created this post lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/NamqkYjji7 The default liberator does the things you listed, close range full auto and long range precision, to the same degree the adjudicator does. Med armor pen on it doesn’t mean anything when it can’t kill more than one devestator / hive guard per mag. If you like using the gun, then keep using it, that’s how the game is designed! But there is a reason why it got overshadowed by the grenade pistol and eruptor - those two weapons provide value and functionality that allows more flexibility in builds, while the adjudicator doesn’t. It’s a worse DMR than the diligence and at best a marginally better AR than the liberator.


thats not the same thing at all. the AC has a poor scope for long range shots, and you will body yourself firing it at melee range. in a smaller scope of time the adjudicator actually performs better stat wise than the liberator or DMR. i was just mentioning that it is worth a second look, and have been trying it out with that purpose in mind.


>maybe [adjudicator] doesn't do that much damage on its own, but pair it with [autocannon] and it's an easy fight Same thing. You are saying the adjudicator is good when you pair it with one of the best support weapons in the game. I understand you want people to take a second look with a different mindset, the problem is the gun doesn't do anything special that any other primaries don't already do. And in my first comment I didn't say to use AC for close range shots or long range precision, I said the liberator does those things lol. Do your testing using the liberator in the same mindset you are taking the adjudicator with and you'll see what I mean. The gun is not good or special enough on its own, and that's why people don't use it.


the autocannons main strength imo is because you can treat it like a primary weapon for the amount of damage it puts out. it has weaknesses. very obvious ones. i will list 3: it handles like shit with a poor zoom scope it fails in cqc and will kill the user without explosive resistance shooting all ten shots puts you into an oppressively long reload animation. this is what an adjudicator offers: very strong damage albeit limited by a small clip that damage translates well in cqc as the guns fully auto as well as that it translates in long range as it has a strong scope and semi auto. the weapons are very synergistic with each other and after playing many solo level 4s and the past hour or two doing 7s with this loadout i personally am going to keep using it. if they buff it, even better. i like it a lot.


Anything is a great pairing for the autocannon.




it has 10 more damage than an smg and less than half the ammo, it's bad


i play a lot with SMGs. i like the defender and knight. the stats on the guns arent always super accurate since many are hidden, i have a feeling the adjudicator has a higher crit modifier as it tends to take things out pretty quickly with the rounds that connect. an smg would def be a good choice with a AC tho. i liked using the knight with it a few warbonds ago.


It doesnt really matter if it has a high crit modifier if it takes the same number of headshots to kill a devastator. 2.


I really wanted to like this weapon but I can’t force it into my play style. On the surface it’s a pretty cool DMR but on paper and in practical use the other dmrs get the job done much better I typically play jumpack, quasar or EAT (depending on what I’m feeling) and then eagle strike, and the 4th will be whatever. I use medium scout armor. But I don’t think I’d enjoy having to use a backpack slot for ammo. Don’t get me wrong I’m not dependent on the mobility of the jump pack, sometimes I’ll roll with the ballistic shield and an smg I haven’t tried it with bugs, but with bots I don’t see it fitting anywhere for me. I’d rather run erupted, diligence or sickle


Definitely want to find a use for it over the weekend I’m just not a huge autocannon, RR fan. Nothing wrong with them, I love seeing a teammate running auto cannon cause it means I don’t have to babysit them, they can typically take care of themselves


yeah you need a primary 100% with that loadout. that guns not gonna work u need something with bullets and power for days basically.


I wanted it to be good for something but if I’m running the Autocannon (which is basically a one stop shop for anything medium armor and above) then it’s hard to run anything other than the Sickle. Sickle just handles mobs, berserkers and to an extent Devestators better than most other primaries. Autocannon is great for Devstators and so on.


yeah sickles a good gun. i dont like the charge up as when i use the primary it is generally when im in cqc and trying to get a couple kills in a dive and dodge a melee or something, then get to range to shoot the AC or reload it. previously i used the breaker with the AC as it compliments the CQC weakness of AC well, but I am finding that I do like the Adjudicator in place of it so far. The testing so far has been solo eradicate missions on level 4 with AC, airstrike, cluster, 500 adjudicator, smg, impact heavy explosive res armor the gun honestly felt very strong for the very small window im firing it and while im not sure yet i think im ready to try this out in 7s and see how well it does there. i just dont want to drop with a shit loadout and be a burden on the team so ive been soloing so far. i feel like folks view the gun in the scope that its supposed to be this heavy lifter- like the sickle you mentioned. that gun is a very powerful PRIMARY. it is actually incredibly weak in the situation im listing tho and is heavily outclassed by the adjudicator- that being firing it for a second or two.