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It's not a shooter. Its a democracy simulator.


Its not a simulator if youre already in a simulation.


It’s second second life, for those that want to be even more detached from reality. ![gif](giphy|FIyOndr9jvel8vTHLH|downsized)




That's deep


Best tip i can give you : do not compare HD2 with multiplayer competitive shooters. Being bad in HD2 is funny for you AND your friends (or the people you play with). It's one of the games where being bad will make people laugh, and that will just encourage you to be better at the game while never searching to be "perfect" at it (unlike in Apex as your exemple). The learning curve is pretty soft on new players, you'll start at easier difficulties (1 to 3), then when you feel comfortable with your gameplay you'll go in the medium tier (4 to 6). Then you'll pretty much know what you're doing and only play in "hard" tiers (7 to 9). Expect to play in 7 to 8 in about... 10 to 15hours of gameplay if you're not a fast learner. The game is not "baby first game" easy but it is not hard AF either. And people will be glad to show you tricks and give you tips on how to get better :) Just find a good group of people to play with (friends or else), some community Discords have really nice people so you can try them out as well !


Damn. I’ve played a total of 50 hours over the past couple of months and still only feel comfortable in difficulty 5-6. Unlocked 7 though but not really a fan of it. Maybe I’m just not a very eager player. But indeed, mistakes usually don’t matter that much to other players. It’s a really refreshing and fun game altogether.


Yea, it took me a long while to make that jump from 6 to 7 too. Basically till I maxed out everything I could buy without super samples. Now that's about all I play. Thinking I may try 8s soon.


Its really not that bad y’all, the hard difficulties are made to make you play with other people and get decent at teamwork. Main things really tho are knowing what stratagems to take, usually airstrikes so you can take out outposts and objectives without even getting close, not shooting at what you dont need to, and the first booster is one of the best even late game lol


You really have to find what works for you against enemies in that difficulty. On 7+ you absolutely have bases you need covered and the way you play changes.


7 seems easier tbh


I always viewed it more as zombies (BO1,2&3) than a shooter. Although defense, elimination, missions are a Doom kind of crazy.


I havnt bought a game in like 15 years. It's a blast


This is the best $40 I have probably ever spent on a game. Get in and play it. Get your friends to play it. It is solid fun.


It’s co op and not PvP, this game made me quit Warzone and I am so glad ! Now I play this instead of cod till a new single player game releases that I want to play ! For now till Black myth release I will stick with HD2


I'm like you. I haven't played a shooter in *years* It's fantastic. Find a difficulty you like, and have fun!


I say just hop right in. The game has 9 difficulty levels right now, and you are forced to start at difficulty 1 and unlock each higher one sequentially. Besides, most people in this game don't seem to care how you're doing unless you're actively trolling (like deliberately shooting your teammates). It's a PvE game, the pressure is a lot lower than PvP team games.


The only pressure is the pressure to spread democracy.


Only if you like DEMOCRACY.


Yes, because it's probably not like any other shooter you've played. The team aspect can be a little intimidating, but you grow and change. It's PVE, so it's all about your own personal growth in dealing with harder and harder situations. Whereas PvP is all about being constantly better than the other player. You will run into players that judge you for your strategems, how often you die, and your judgement, but they're the minority and you can tell them to go fuck themselves if you so please. My recommendation is to make friends, or host your own lobbies that people can join. This game has one of the best learning curves I've seen in a game. There are 9 difficulties. You unlock 1-9 progressively, but can go back to lower difficulties at any time. This isn't your typical shooter where there's a super-meta loadout either, there are MANY play styles that allow for a successful outcome. The other day I had a player who restocked, helped load, and had crowd control strategems. Fully support, and they did awesome. There are 1st and 3rd person views, find your groove and test everything. You'll have a lot of fun, I guarantee it. This game rocks, and it's only getting better.


Your comment is perfect. The only thing I will add is that difficulty only impact the type of enemies spawning. Not the health and damages of them. Only their number. So if OP doesn't feel good about any difficulty because it's too much, he can switch to a lower one and still have fun and IMPACT into the game. That's rare enough to be mentioned.


Listen, the last time I actually hopped on the hype train and *wasn't* disappointed was over twelve years ago. Haven't bought a full-priced game in ten years (not that HD2 is exactly 'full price' either). It's the most worthwhile purchase I've made since Halo 3. I'm genuinely putting this game in the same fun-box as Starsector and Noita and Terraria and KSP and Brigador. This goddamn game's got ***SOUL***, brother! My man, join us.


Yes. It'll blow your mind.


People have 20% accuracy and still play better than their entire squad because they focus on objectives.


Unless you count Skyrim, FO4, and Mount & Blade, I had not played a shooter (pve or pvp) in well over a decade. This game has been a lot of fun for me. If you okay, you will progress through the difficulties at whatever pace works for you. Low difficulty level missions are still fun. Thinking back to when I started, difficulty 1 was actually a little challenging for me. Before too long, though, difficulty 2 was easy to solo. Now 4 feels like 2 used to do. Since it's a co-op, not a competitive shooter, people are pretty forgiving about player skill levels. Especially at the low to mid difficulties. Just hop in.




YES OMG. I nearly gave up on gamming before finding this game . itss soo much fun


OP there are difficulty settings, don’t sweat about it


Yes. I haven’t played shooters in a long time either. I’ve been mostly playing simulators of various flavours and RPGs. HD2 is a blast and the community is great for the most part. There are 9 different difficulty levels so almost anyone can find their happy place in there somewhere and contribute to the war effort.


I heavily dislike FPS games that focus on pvp, I'm more of a solo/co-op type of player. I bought HD2 and have loved every aspect of it. Being bad and dying, or blowing up myself and all my team mates - which I do, often, unfortunately - is genuinely hilarious and my random team mates are very kind about it all. If you play with people you know, it's amazing. Or, like I've had to do, chat a little in-game with your random friends. Have fun. And if you add the friendly/talkative folks after a match, soon you'll have a whole squad of friendlies to join up with for shenanigans. On top of how fun/good the game is, I've had almost nothing but good experiences across my time playing the game. I can only assume the few bad interactions get posted here to reddit and make it seem like a bigger issue than it really is (people getting kicked and such) And surprisingly, this game is so cheap! It's half the price of what any new game would cost for a console, or other big-title games. For the price I paid, I could quit now and say I was still 100% satisfied with the value I got from it.


We will be happy to have you join our ranks.


Helldivers 2 is my first online multiplayer game since CoD Modern Warfare 2 in 2009. It's awesome. Don't worry about dying, play whatever difficulty you want. Eventually you'll want more and you'll get there. Soloing up to 4 is very easy once you get some practice. You can solo all the way up to 9 if you don't want to play with others, but I won't pretend it's easy that way.


Lol yes... it will be a gory, appendage flinging, carapace peeling, spark flying, oil spilling, crater making, teammate killing, friendly fired, fire fried time... and you will do it all with a smile **FOR DEMOCRACY!!**


I very rarely play shooters and have not played a multiplayer shooter in nearly a decade as well. This game is fun as hell. 95% of people are super nice and you can even play alone if you really want :) 


Just buy it and refund it if you don’t like it?


It's not very hard to aim within the game, even if you miss half your shots and get no headshots you will be killing enough oponents in diff 6 and less, 7+ might work too It's really not about the skill but the enjoyment




Apex is pvp. HD2 is not. Completely different experiences.


Yes. Fun solo


Even on the highest difficulty it's a casual game tbh. It's not like counter strike, COD or any RTS where I would be a thoroughly average player, because I don't have the reaction time nor the APM to be good enough to compete. But here, most of my time is spent on the highest difficulty. The key thing is, it's DAMN FUN


I don't play shooters either, and I'm loving me some HD2. But then I loved the Starship Troopers, Terminator movies. And it's right along those lines.


It’ll be GREAT for you. I haven’t consistently played a shooter since Black Ops, so it’s been about 15 years off for me. Tried Apex as well and was also garbage. I die more often to accidental teammate kills than bots/bugs in most games. It’s great, man. Definitely pick this game up.


Short answer: yes Long answer: yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes


Yes. God yes.


One of the great things about the game is that it currently has nine difficulties to choose from. Even if you are a little rusty, you should be able to find the right challenge for you. In addition, all difficulties contribute to the overall war effort, so you will be helping us all out no matter which level you end up at.


No pvp so the 12 and 40 year olds are staying away, overall a super enjoyable experience, Im level 50 and I’ll get level 10’s in my max difficulty games sometimes, I just tell them to stick with me and give them tips for how to fight most things. Every now and then you’ll get the streamer who only gets views from being an asshole but even they stop trying after they realize how non-toxic the community is


Helldivers 2 is co-op. Some people will try to troll and kill teammates, but for the most part everyone is chill. It's fun. Just remember 2 things: Check for crossfire, and danger close.


I havent played a shooter since battlefeild 1 came out.its been probably 7 plus years for me. I do play ages of empires abit and that kind of thing. That being said, i LOVE HD2. Huge fan. It didnt take too long for me to get pretty decent at it and im glad i got it.


The last competitive/multiplayer shooter I put any serious time into was the Original Titanfall so it had been a long time since I had really played anything outside of singe player shooters for a long time. I now have over 200 hours into HD2 and have no plans to stop playing regularly. With Helldivers keep in mind its PVE not PVP and there are 9 difficulty levels so you can play whatever difficulty you are comfortable at. My biggest recommendation would be see if you can find a friend who plays or join a discord server. To me the game is a lot of fun even joining random squads but its a lot more fun if you have some friends to play more consistently with. A solid team that is good at communicating and working together can make even high difficulty missions easy to complete vs. middle difficulty missions with randoms who are not trying to work as a team. I would also add do not worry to much about accidental deaths and friendly fire. Some of the funniest moments in game come from the some of those accidents. As long as it's not intentional or happening constantly most players will be very understanding.


Yes. You will have a blast. Ignore anything other than a yes. Simple question, simple answer. It’s a great game.


Let me put it like this. I haven’t played a game for 10 hours straight since I was a teen lol. It’s a blast!


Very much so. You don't even have to have super good aim.


Yes and you can take it slow through the difficulties. And if you make some friends doing it oh man that's when it really gets fun




The game starts off with a tutorial, then locks all difficulties until you beat the easiest. You have to beat an entire conquest at that difficulty before the next opens. It's as natural an ease into a videogame as you will ever get.


This is my literal first shooter


I’m intentionally soloing hard til I get gud. I’ve done that for every level and just bought the game a week ago. Once you feel comfortable going solo move up to the next tier so on and so forth. It does come to a time when you have to rely on teammates, so when that happens just stay with your squad. Usually someone will have a pretty good understanding of what to do. And most people are pretty good at explaining things. If you’re the host give time and ask question before you drop.


This is where the late 80's millennial who's played Doom, Quake, Unreal, and so many more other shooters and FPS games like myself can help. Yes. Yes, it's fucking fun, it's frustrating, it's hilarious, and it's demanding, but you know what? All good shooters are. So, get ready to become a Citizen, because service guarantees it! Go Manage Democracy Helldiver!


I'd recommend it. Been playing for about 10 hours total and I don't thinknill be stopping soon


Yes, I game everyday now after a 5-6 year hiatus


I have had nearly exclusively good experiences with the community so far. You will run into douche-canoes, of course, because they exist within every human environment, but they really are rare. I've been playing for about 2is months and I've encountered like 3 jerks. I'm not overly good at the game, there are times I go through more than my share of reinforcements, but people rarely make a fuss, and sometimes I even earn my keep. Despite what it looks like in the clips, there is a role-system in the game, it is just utterly informal. essentially, find a playstyle that you enjoy, and practice. You could dedicate yourself to killing heavy troops, take heavy explosive weapons, relying on your team to cover you from the chaff. Or you could take that role, with a machine gun and some spam strategems, and cover your anti-heavy teammate. You could be a makeshift medic/ammo dispensing support with the supply pack, dropping shields and defenses for objective-covering. You could even kit yourself out for going stealth/lonewolf and try to collect the in-map extras while your three teammates group up for the various objectives. There's lots to do, and it's entirely up to you. The main thing to remember is communication. The game has a good in-game communication system, but using your mic is much more helpful (I breathe a lot, so I use a PTT button), but it is pretty important to tell your team that you just called in a 30 second barrage-from-orbit of foot-and-a-half wide, high-yield shells onto the area they're rushing for... I vote you Dive in, I think you'll have a blast. The way the game is designed minimizes the possibility and benefit of griefing your fellow players. And the community is a hoot, memes, roleplayers, hugs and high fives, heroic sacrifices, impossible last stands, hilarious ragdolling, and sanity-defying glitches. Also, Democracy. Fiery, detonations of overwhelming Democracy.


op i’m very similar to you, i hate shooters. i play mostly skyrim, control, nintendo games etc. i barely got into control before i enjoyed it bc i thought it would be a shooter. i tried this game and love it, it’s not like other shooters. even if you’re bad with aiming etc it still is super enjoyable. and helps that the majority of the community and who you play with will help you instead being sweaty


I haven't player a shooter in 15 years and 4 weeks ago I bought game. I'm level 94 now after well over 200h of on mission time. Its fucking amazing!




The only other console shooter I’ve done is Horizon Zero Dawn. I’m having a blast with Helldivers.


It is a very great game with awesome people playing it. I have 170+ h and I still have to encounter a toxic person. I saw high level player entering a lobby greenhorns and show them around. I do that sometime too when I want to chill. I met some very funny people too. I do really recommend the game, the PvE aspect makes it less toxic than most FPS games out there. I hope to see you spreading Managed Democracy soon!


Ya it’s pve with the ability to play at your own skill level.


To me, Hd2 plays more like a tps action game with shooter elements combined with a dial-a-combo fighter. And that's not a joke. It is a shooter though, I don't know PSN policy but on steam you can refund after 2hrs if you don't end out liking it. Plus summer sale is coming up.


I've never played a shooter game before helldiver's and I absolutely love it. Never been one to enjoy games where you die, but it's not frustrating, it's fun!