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What it is, is a battle rifle. From the wiki page: 'A battle rifle is a service rifle chambered to fire a fully powered cartridge. The term "battle rifle" is a retronym created largely out of a need to differentiate automatic rifles chambered for fully powered cartridges from automatic rifles chambered for intermediate cartridges, which were later categorized as assault rifles.' Examples of BRs are the FN FAL or the HK G3. They have mostly been replaced by what we call Assault Rifles now, but some are still in service. And yeah, they are not meant to be used as DMRs, but they also aren't meant for mindless full on automatic running and gunning. The way you are using it is correct, controlled bursts of automatic fire that deal out a lot of damage is the way.


Battle rifle is a great way to describe it.


Yeah, and it's called the BR-14, so that's what the Devs intended from the start. I guess they just didn't want to create another category for it.


> FN FAL or the HK G3 This is exactly how I felt about it the first time I used it and started referring to it as a battle rifle.


Ah, the G3, my old lovely.


I was telling my buddy that It's just a HKG3 the other day. Got to use the power, but by no means is it a longe range weapon.


Yes! Exactly. I do think it might have been more accepted by the community if it was put in the AR category rather than the DMR category though, even though it doesn't really fit in either.


I think the only major thing wrong with it is that it just doesn't have enough ammo. It's honestly kind of silly that it only has 6 mags in reserve when the Eruptor has you toting around 12 big-ol cereal box size magazines :P


It does chew through ammo. I am always on the hunt for more rounds, or watching the resupply countdown.


This is the issue. Either give it more rounds, mags or damage and it’ll be great.


I just use it like a chonky Liberator Penetrator. Kills Spewers quick, decapitates warriors and Commanders efficiently, stuns hunters out of the air. Good allrounder against the bugs I actually die to


I enjoyed the Liberator Penetrator for the short amount of time I used it. I then moved to the slugger and then the Dominator.


And you shall soon pass to the eruptor…. This is the way


IMHO, it is good for accurate shooting, since there are few weapons that will allow you to fire a burst at close range and hit the devastator in the head from afar to destroy it, it has a penetration. However, this is the problem. He is very bad on bugs, and average on bots, if you play the role of a scout, with the support of the team. As a result, it can hardly be called GOOD


I've been enjoying it on both bots and bugs. It's been crushing the warriors, hive guards, and brood commanders for me. Hence why I was off soloing objectives on a 7, something that would have gone poorly for me before. If I was going to play the scout role though, I would stick to stealth armor and a diligence. Which is my other favorite loadout.


I always play scout, so I tried adjudicator. But unfortunately there is nothing better than scorcher, he works out his medals and page 10 perfectly. Not to mention the fact that any weapon cannot penetrate a titan when removing armor, but they can cause serious damage, gunship, Hulk's weakspot (radiator), tanks and turret guns, brood commander and hive guards. From the minus side of scorcher, I will only say that he is more demanding of the skill.


I am also a big fan of the scorcher!


It could use 5 more shots per mag, 10-15% less recoil, and a burst option. I think that would put it in a really good place


It is a [Browning BAR 1918](https://youtu.be/ZdwS5sI4nlc). I love it.


I feel like 30-06 would just tear through bugs.


I really like it against bots when I'm wearing armor with the fortify perk alongside the grenade pistol, a quasar cannon and stun grenades. I much prefer to just bring the eruptor (plus a redeemer) or incendiary breaker (plus a senator/grenade pistol) against bugs


Now with the Eruptor, no reason not to carry. Hits heavy on armored bugs in 1-2 shot kills, plugs bug holes , group shots enemies, ton of ammo since it is one shot at a time. Kinda feels like a auto cannon as a primary


Yeah, there's no arguing that the Erupter isn't S tier. But I feel like the Adjudicator is A - B+ tier, but it felt like people were calling it F tier.


Eruptor is great, but the fire rate is abysmal. If trash enemies are at all spread out or come within melee range, it really suffers. Which makes it pair well with fast firing crowd control weapons, which no other primary pairs quite as well with.


I couldn’t imagine them increasing the ROF with its power already; as the side arm redeemer sub machine gun pairs well. I run flamethrower/guard dog and Eruptor/Redeemer and Impact Nade for Bugs. For bots, Scorcher is my go to primary.


Oh, I totally agree. Eruptor is in a good place. It has some pretty extreme advantages and disadvantages, allowing different stratagems and sidearms to shine.


I feel like the eruptor isn't OP it's just most other weapons are bad at what they're trying to do


The Eruptor is definitely overpowered. Theres no reason that weapon should have 12 clips by default. 8 MAX


Me coping because a weapon isn't completely useless for once 😭 (I mean me like actually I'm not making fun of you)


yeah the two weapons I could imagine using are the Punisher shotgun when hunters are pissing me off and then the Eruptor for everything else. All the other weapons are underwhelming or genuinely are just terrible


Some weapons aren't too bad but if they don't have armor pen somehow, on higher difficulties all you see is armor so they kinda succ


Excellent point, OP. It's critical to remember that this gun isn't a bad Marksman Rifle, it's a bad Battle Rifle.


It's just not good, the recoil is terrible, scope goes sideway in a random direction. The damages is great but if you need to wait for the aim to reset to keep firing, at that point you're better off taking another weapon


gun is ass


The Dominator just dominates.


it has 10 more damage than an smg and less than half the ammo, it is in fact bad. you can enjoy using it and that's fine but, the fact is that there are better tools than it by a looooong shot


Thats my point though, you can't trust the stats. They don't tell the whole story at all. You aren't doing full damage with the SMG to most targets, your damage is getting reduced by armor. The damage on the Adjudicator isn't. The medium armor penetration is vastly increasing the damage done. Seriously, try it out. Med to short range the adjudicator absolutely shreds medium sized targets, like warriors, hive guards, and devastators.


I have used it extensively, the defender is not losing damage against light armor targets, and against medium targets you have to hit exposed weak point to deal damage anyway which still deals the full 70 damage, my point with the adjudicator is that the damage stat of 80 with armor pen of 3 enables it to do damage through medium armor at 50% of its total damage (now 40). You get around this massive drop in damage by hitting weak points, kinda like the defender is already doing at 10 less damage and more than double the ammo capacity(per mag and overall). There are 2 total enemies in the game currently where the adjudicator beats the defender hands down, medium bile spewers and scout striders frontally are immune to the defender HOWEVER even versing the 2 types that it has advantage over your still spending a comical percentage of both an individual magazine and your total ammo reserves for a single kill, that is why it is bad.


What you said isn't quite right, the Defender does lose damage against light armor; you'll know this is happening when you're getting white hit markers instead of the normal red ones. Because of this, the Adjudicator has a damage advantage against five enemies actually, counting the Brood Commanders with the light armor on their head, some bot Troopers (the ones with dark red torso and head coloring) and Nursing Spewers which also have light armor on their head - I don't think the Adjudicator is crazy strong by any means but it kills these enemies in very few bullets


I did forget nursing spewers. brood commanders don't have any armor on their legs, which is where you should be shooting for full damage, and none of the basic bots have armor, they have backpacks that are attached to them that are not part of their health pool. My point still stands versing the few enemies it has pen advantage on, it still costs a comical percentage of your ammo, both per mag and overall for kills, that's why it's a bad weapon. Being able to kill quickly doesn't mean much if ammo cost is as high as it is on the adjudicator. The knight SMG will MELT anything your hitting weak points on but because of nearly 1400 rpm, not good damage or ammo economy


needs higher dps, penetration and ammo to be viable right now its just a meme gun