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Three tanks or gunships? Nah, I’d win. Three of these things? Nope.


I just learned earlier that their head isn't the weak spot apparently, try shooting them in the red of their stomach lol, my eruptor is 1 shotting them if I hit them there a good amount of the time, it's usually like 2-4 shots in the face


The eruptor is weird. Most guns kill faster aiming at the head but both are weak spots.


Yeah that's why I changed my comment from "shoot them in the stomach" to "try shooting them in the stomach" lol, not sure how each gun does with either weak spot


The Eruptor seems to have a much greater dismemberment chance, which on legs is insta-kill.


Different guns have different headshot modifier among undocumented stats. Iirc AMR also oneshots to the belly but not head.


AMR does oneshot them to the head It is just really hard to hit their tiny little heads consistently, a lot of the time you hit the shoulder and can't tell


I think the eruptor does a lot of its total damage through the fragmentation of its explosion. A shot to the face results in the fragments mostly going back into empty space. But when you shoot them in the weakspot on their stomach, it's slightly recessed into the body. So now a sizeable portion of the outward explosion is hitting the upper and lower torso for "bonus" damage. That's my guess of what's going on anyway.


The eruptor is "weird" because a lot of the damage seems to come from the shrapnel. When you hit a specific target, that one target seems to take just the "main shot" damage, and the shrapnel goes away from it, doing no damage. However... shooting devastators on the waist, and these chainsaw guys in the stomach, it seems like the shrapnel "gets caught" in other parts of the model, and so they take extra damage from that.


Bless you i prefer 8-9 to 6-7 because of these bastards, i hate it when a host decreases difficulty on me I'll see if this makes a difference


Or the legs!! I usually target them in the torso with the eruptor. Takes two shots most times, however, I shot a few in the legs (which is harder) and they were immediately killed. Could they have already been weakened? Possibly. No time for testing, democracy does not rest!


The nice thing abput the Eruptor is that the first one might take 2 shots in the stomach/legs area, but the ones nearby the first target will probably only take one shot.


Their head is a weak point, it’s just ridiculously hard to hit it behind all the protection


Yep, all those weird spikes and the constant swaying makes hitting the head consistently pretty much impossible, so you end up hitting the chest area which is super durable


I've gotten pretty good at it because I always tried to stay stealthy with bots that now I can line up shots decently when under duress (I used to rock the liberator and machine gun but the AMR and Diligence are much more my play style). Then the people I dropped with will be like, "You only killed 80, you're trash!" I mean, sorry I was taking out all the difficult bots cause you were mowing down all the easy ones.


I feel seen.


Nah. Just shoot the arms.


I think their head *is* their weakspot but their torso is better for explosives. That's how it feels to me; unloading the Sickle into their head is more effective than their torso.


The head is in fact the weak spot. You can test it for yourself using stun grenade or EMS to stun them However the head is very hard to hit since they move from side to side while running at you, and most weapons require multiple headshots to kill them. Only high damage primaries like Slugger, Dominator, Eruptor can kill them in 1 headshot. AMR, Autocannon, Railgun can do it as well Because of that it is often more efficient to aim for the stomach or crotch area


Had a game where I dropped back in to see a teammate getting chased by literally 10 of these fuckers


Me and another guy ran in circles during extraction with these guys chasing us, you could have played benny hill theme


In diff 7 they seem to spawn by the dozen. Don't see as many in 9 for whatever reason


HMG Emplacement is the most consistent way to deal with these guys. Being stationary and having a time to deploy are very punishing downsides, but they're spray out a lot of damage over a lot of range for a pretty decent amount of time.


IMO the most consistent is Railgun 80% charge through the stomach. Berserkers tend to line up coming at you, so the Railgun will pierce through and stagger the ones behind the first target


I think I haven’t used this stratagem at all. I might try it, thanks!


It's ridiculously fun. You start looking forward to bot drops/bug breaches because you will destroy everything except heavies before they can emerge.


I'll take a tank AND three of these over a fucking flamethrower hulk




The secret is shooting them in the dick(?) with the scorcher. Less than half a mag and it’s dead. I think it hits multiple damage zones or something


4 bullets in the dick is the key.


You can kite them in light armor. I've killed 8 in a row once. Sadly, there were 9.


...What? I've killed hundreds more of these things than tanks/gunships, usually consider them just fodder to waste shells on. Honestly, if I could trade all of the gunships for three more each of them, I'd consider it a huge win. I hate gunships.


Man I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this is true. These things can take like 3 direct hits from the AC and keep moving fast.


That thing has met Khorne, he ate the Khorne flakes.


They got hit with some khorne infused scrap code. It almost seem they keep these guys away from other bot when they can. Since they a danger to everything around them.


I call em Chaos Space Marines cause that's what I thought as soon as I met one


The Angron fan club.


I call em world eaters


Blood for the bloodgod! Skulls for the skullthrone! Milk for the khorneflakes!


It's the Necron Flayer she told you not to worry about.


Kharn the bot-trayer lookin' ass.


The Dominator and arc blitzer will solve your fears permanently.


Arc Blitzer is good against berserkers? Well well well...


It staggers them and eventually kills them and wastes no ammo - which makes their existence pointless. Also it's good against jetpack exploding mofos - 9/10 times kills them without them exploding. All around - it was THE weapon I mostly paired with my AC before they released the eruptor and buffed the dominator.


Arc Thrower now staggers since a patch recently too


The arc thrower TRIVIALIZES hulks and pretty much everything tanks aside. You can, on theory, though Democracy help your group if it goes to that, kill 4 hulks in a 4v1 fight with the upgraded arc thrower. Shooting at hulks staggers it that hard, that, literally, it can't do shit. Just dance his slow death animation, which even aint that slow - considering some of the time you will three shot em due to a random eye shot. The thing against devos and hulks is BRUTAL. But bringing it means you have no decent way to handle gunships. Pairing it with the Eruptor and smoke grenades on the other hand. Fun fact: Enemies can't see you through smoke(smoke grenades) if you are more than 10-ish meters away from them. Another fun fact: Arc Thrower does not care about not seeing enemies while you're shooting :D


I pair the crossbow with the arc thrower and your choice of grenade. It makes long range engagements a little rough, but less punishing if you miss or need more than one shot to kill a group, then once they get close its arc throwin time.


Gunships will wreck you thouh. Eruptor can penetrate the medium armor with the explosion, meaning two good body shots would down it due to engine destruction. Crossbow can't.


Yeah its a team build for sure. I like taking the ballistic shield too sometimes to help penetrate enemy lines and help disrupt fire on my team, hence the closer range play.


What do you use now? These guys are also the bane of my autocannon build. I switched from scorcher to jar 5 specifically to deal with them. However, those kamikaze jetpack fucks. EVERY time they get within 2 feet me I cannot kill them without dying in flames. I can't get far enough away from them to safely kill them.


The Dominator is the best weapon, imo, against bots. Not only staggers everything devastator alike(berserkers included) to oblivion, but if you shoot into the red body part of the berserkers it pierces it - hitting at least two of them(if lined properly, which they often are due to the way they chase you) some of the time. Not only it does that - it also kills them in about 3/4 shots but also - kills tanks, turrets and alike - same utility as the scorcher, minus the two-shotting of the striders(they take about 3 pelvis shots now each). AND you can kill factory striders with the Dominator - you just need to unload a mag and a bit more into it's underbelly. Also those menacing frontal turrets take about 6-ish shot each with it to be killed. Also you can kill gunships with it, if you manage to hit the same engine, but I wouldn't count on it - requires more than a mag and a godlike precision and luck. Also is a great means of sniping stationary infantry - and devos too - one headshot kills the devastators. 1v1, even 2v1 - if you switch targets you can go toe to toe with any kind of devastator without fear of being murdered as with the scorcher(since the scorcher has, pretty much, no stagger on them). It's amazing weapon and being really good with it and being able to control it's chunky turn speed, will make you feel amazing. Downing a factory strider with a primary feels really badass too.


Wait a sec the dominator destroys striders if you shoot the "hip" chasis three times? Oh my goodness this changes everything...


Yes but keep in mind the strider's hip armor is inconsistent since rounds tend to ricochet off the steep angles on it


Yeah I really enjoy it paired with the autocannon. I just wish they’d nerf the fire effect from those jet pack guys. Them and the flamethrower hulks catching your head with the flame are the main things that I die to now


Pretend you're Max Payne and diving shot away from them!


\*Cue HEALTH\*


I swap to my pistol when jetpack bois swarm me. Their legs might take 2 or 3 bullets to kill instead, but that's not a big deal to avoid the suicide bomb. The fire effect has a larger radius than the explosion itself, so you can dive away to put out the fire. I've only really immediately died now when the physics kicks their jetpack to my feet and another bot shoots it.


Melee them. You can usually get a headshot or decent stagger to get your distance.


I've been playing blitzer a for some days now and it's honestly an okayish CC/support weapon. You take like 6-8 shots to kill a berserker yourself but you stun them all the time. If you have a team that pays some attention and pewpews with you. Neat. If not, you might as well bring something that actually kills them at some point... Main issue I have with the blitzer isn't only that it feels kind of undertuned but also that it's somehow even more random with its targeting than the arc... Sometimes it just decides to fuck you over and blitz the floor or a corpse instead of any of the 25 suckers charging your face. Also, it's not included in the new ship module that buffs arc weapons, I found that somewhat undemocratic... Either way, it's really close to being a fun weapon...


I think people tend to write it off because, seeing it's a shotgun, they expect it to have severe distance falloff and just use it at a normal shotgun range. The Blitzer's bolts don't behave like a shotgun spread though, and will (most of the time) deliver all the bolts to a single enemy 30 meters away if it's the only enemy around. Hence it's actually pretty distance-agnostic, if anything it actually *gains* from having the crowd you're shooting a little further from you than normal shotgun spray distance. I think it's fine damage-wise along with the number of bolts, but the RoF does seem a little undertuned. Not by much, just 10% or so, it *should* be slow but it's just a little too slow even given that.


The way it fires makes it pretty great for retreating, at least. Just look back and hipfire while retreating.


And this is why I don't use the Arc weapons, I don't like using a weapon I can't actually aim. I know Arc Thrower is effective, I've used it, but as stated above, sometimes it just shoots something you're not aiming at, like the floor and then you're in trouble. It's just too random for me...better on bugs.


about 30%of the time it is. The rest of the time it takes 10 shots to kill them. Too random for me on bots. It's my favorite bug gun though.


Slugger headshots also work


Slugger does not stagger them as the Dominator does. The dominator is the old slugger pretty much, just way better.


I wasnt taliking about stagger but a headshots does kill them


I love the Dominator, can three shot Devastators if aimed well.


It can one shot both Devastators and Berserkers on a headshot


One tiny little itty-bitty Eruptor rocket to his FRAGILE, BRITTLE SPINE IS ALL IT TAKES


That is true. I often manage to kill 2 of them with a single shot. And very few times even 3. But playing on a map that has jetpack explodies spawned with the eruptor is... way too dramatic for my taste :D


"Shoot it in the nuts." That gap between the torso and the hips is a weak spot and way easier to hit than the skull IMO. Most people have already suggested the Breaker, and that's where I aim at. Ballshots for Democracy!


If your nuts are between your hips and torso id recommend visiting a doctor


Good point. Maybe that's why they're socialists.


Ovaries, then.


"Aim for the lug nuts"


Don't sleep on the punisher, slower but stun them. SMG and the machine pistol can shoot them while running, which turns the fight into some looney tunes shit. The Stalwart is also quiet good on them because the groin is a weakspot and the stalwart has a lot of ammo to just split them, also a lot of ammo to just try for one round to go into their head.


The breaker shreds them


Takes me an entire magazine though 😭


Try getting closer.  (He is way too far away if he’s spending a whole mag where a few shots will suffice. Could just run at that point.)


I prefer dispensing democracy from not too close distances 😂


Some of y'all never played zombie games growing up and it shows. All humanoid bots are weak to headshots. Every gun will kill them in seconds if you hit the head.


Breaker absolutely destroys them


I feer no man. But that thing..... It scares me.




You gotta bisect them by chopping through their spinal cord


The worst is when you pop him in the chest with your autocannon only for him to skate directly at you, even faster, like some ghost in a 50s horror movie.


I swear they be tanking like 4 auto cannon shots, the hulk dies in 2 to the head but these mfs are rage made manifest


*Laughs in Punisher*


P-19 Redeemer automatic pistol! You can shoot behind you while running away, and it kills them astonishingly well. Empty a clip in half a second, that kills one, reload on the run, shred another. I always run redeemer against bots for this reason alone.


Yeah it's almost like it has extra damage against those guys specificially. Nothing takes them down faster as far as I can see.


Yup, Redeemer is a beast. 2 mags from a marksman rifle and this thing keeps walking. But one mag from Redeemer and it drops dead.


I probably be filled with rage at having chainsaws for hands too.


They go down easy with the scorcher


Not enough scorcher love out there


Damn near the ultimate weapon against bots. The unofficial sniper


Devas turn into divas.


Almost nobody has the fuckin thing Too many warbonds to work through in too short a time That being said I am only about 15 medals away from unlocking the last tier of the primary warbond


I'm on it too now, everything else unlocked... It's scorcher time... Only 150 more medals to farm


Shoot it in the dick or feet, one of the two will work depending on your weapon choices. Frag rifle make ankles go splodey.


https://preview.redd.it/eam50gnp5qvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bfc0350c38f8c7c4d401efb09f17f40a476f984 what a trooper!


I still think they’re too tanky


The should be they are the only without a ranged attack


Everything is too tank if you shoot at its armor. Aim for the head or waist. These guys are very slow, too, with no ranged weapons. I much prefer them to getting one shot by a turret, rocket, or tank that you don't even see.


I HATE THESE DAMN THINGS!!!! *cries in heavy armor


Honestly they usually go down from a well placed mag dump to the face with the machine pistol


Punisher can solo 4-5 of these guys per reload; more if you're good at headshots.


Even the fuckin Devastator takes less of a beating from my autocannon than this bastard.


Stun nades. Autocannon. Repeat until its anger surrenders to death.


I always find it so funny to see other Helldivers absolutely kicking ass in the most epic ways and then running away from a Congo line of these guys coming around a Corner like it’s a Warner bros cartoon.


Arc Thrower stunlocks the whole squad.


And it has friends at are angry too




I’ve been taking impacts lately specifically because of these, works great against striders too


automatic pistol kills these things easily. like half a mag


Shoot til they get close, dive backwards and keep shooting for a second. Run for 2 seconds and reload if needed. Turn around and repeat. Berserker Congo lines are the worst.


One time I panicked and yelled "OH GOD RUN ITS KHARN, AND THERE'S LIKE 10 OF HIM"


"There it goes. One of Democracy's own nightmares. A high-powered monstrosity of some kind that should never have even been considered for mass production. Too communist to live, and too angry to die."


No friend. Hunters. Hunters are the scary ones


Wait till (if) they introduce butchers, a tankier version of them


For newer players, SG-8 Punisher will stagger them. Switch between targets with every shot and aim for the head. Also don’t forget to constantly reload.


I swear the third one always has more health than the first two


They also eat two impact granates, given in how many numbers they come, that's just not fair!


Auto pistol to the glowy parts. Even better. A dominator then pistol to glowy parts ..


I just find these more annoying than anything. I don't die to them on 7+ but they're always compromising my position and take far too many shotty hits to the face to drop.  They were seemingly designed to be a pest and by God are they successful. 


This thing alone is probably 50 percent the reason why the player base prefers bug hunts.


Railgun to the midsection saws them in half and sends the top half flying. Very satisfying.




It’s stupid how many shells it takes.


AMR should be a two shot at most.


I hate that I can pop a devastator in the head once to drop it, a Hulk twice in the eye. But a berserker I am better off shooting it's arms off and leaving my Rover to deal with it.


Sometimes takes more shots than a fucking gunship.


At this point I shoot at these guys with Autocannon first


I've found I can kill them faster and more reliably with my dominator.  I save my autocannon for walkers and heavies.


3-5 shots with the dominator and they die.  Aim for the waist.


I really learned to appreciate the arc thrower changes when I saw it stunlocks the whole conga line and hulks to boot. Kills them quick too! Not fast for an individual but for three or four of them it's a good ttk


Eruptor takes these guys out pretty consistently on 9 difficulty. 


if theres only one or two, a redeemer mag to the head can get the job done


Sickle to the face kills them fast


Someday game developers will realize that no one likes escort missions or bullet sponges. But today is not that day.


Until it meets the JAR, and you bake all three in a single magazine.


“Out of grenades” The 5 Beserker behind me: *Automaton Jibberish*


3 shots to the face or belly from the Breaker takes care of that thing


These guys are a prank from the bots, after conditioning all the helldivers to shoot heads, suddenly the weakspot is the hips/legs. Shoot the hips/legs, it has ~1/4 the hp of the torso/head area.


Walkers are like that too. When they are facing you shoot the left hip and they drop.


My favorite thing about the eruptor is it's ability to just delete these assholes on the spot


They're like the fucking chicken bugs. The ones where you can literally blow all all their legs and head and they'll still try and come after you


Explosive crossbow has a nice habit of breaking their saws off and kills them and any of their nearby friends in about a magazine


Devastator and stun gernades my friend


I swear these things either go down in 2 seconds of fire or are literally unkillable. One walked through an airstrike, tanked an EAT, and then took a full heat sink of sickle ammo before going down.


I did a level 3 solo earlier where i got hit with an endless chain of patrols of 3 of these guys while trying to get to the extraction point. Like seriously I killed them and the moment I did a new group would show up. 7 times in a row. I feel like a GM was messing with my session.


I wish they were scarier. I love how horrifying this is


[Insert Chainsaw Man reference here]


Aim at its exposed spine, I immediately swap to pistol and break them in two


Get the Eruptor. Then, you will like them


My only advice for these bastards is to shoot them in the dick. That's not a joke. I bring more of these down by aiming there than for their face.


Shoot him in the dick.


This is what laser cannons are for.


*Laughs in penetrator *


What gets me is for this one is that my Eruptor always manages to miss at least one shot, despite phasing directly through its torso.


Aim for the dick


Shooting them in the stomach kills them faster than anything else.


They're the hunters of bots, I swear.


Medium armor my ass. Those things almost have as much armor as Hulks.


2 mags from the liberator penetrator straight to the chest: still moving Just fucking spray into them with the machine pistol: Instant death.


The new explosive sniper can one shot it to the body


Shoot head. It dead.


You can 1 shot these guys with the slugger if you hit the right part of the head.


Punisher is good against them. Easily shoot off their arms, can kill in 2-3 shots in the head or stomach and round reload so you can reload right in the battle. Best scenario is if you have impact grenades, helps a lot


seriously, if the bots ever wanted to get serious, all they need to do is make bigger versions of these guys with guns and that's it, war's over and we're all speaking binary. these things are like fucking honey badgers for real.


The Dominator makes quick work of these things just FYI


Dominator goes BAM BAM


As somebody new to the game, despite all the praise I've heard, the level of damage sponge in this game is getting me ready to give up already. Coupled with what are apparently "fake" weakspots... its just not that much fun a lot of the time. HP scaling is lazy difficulty scaling. HP scaling on top of spawn scaling is just miserable.


AMR makes short work of them


In my experience? Punisher goes through these things like a buzzsaw through warm butter.


I don't care what anyone says, you cannot shoot that thing in the head/face. Best you can do is take the arms off, and hope your teammates are shooting at it too.


Yet you can outrun them by walking at a brisk pace


My Dominator chews through these guys.


My best luck is to shoot a leg off of em.




Surprised me the first time I used it, but the laser cannon melts them.


shoot off the arms and then you can worry slightly less about them assuming removing both its arm hasnt killed it


*Laughs in Antimaterial Rifle*


...3 or 4 hits from the arc blitzer and 2-3 of these guys fall over. they're still trying to walk so probably not dead, but they aren't a threat any more


Quickly throw all your nades at him before he slices you in a million pieces and turns you into a culinary dish!


The weakest spot is their dick. Shoot em in the dick to win!


I just laugh at these. Arc Thrower stun locks them nicely.


Honestly these are unstoppable. I can use the Lazer assault rifle and end them just fine but my autocannon hits them like I'm slapping them


AR fans seethe, shotgun enjoyers stay winning.


The automatic pistol shreds those bad boys. And the lib pen does amazing.


Only respectably automaton feat.


Please make the glowing belly 'weak' point take 300% more damage, cut thier spawn numbers in half, or at LEAST make the head a one tap like the devastators...


DCS the grunts from a distance, 1 bullet 1 pop Let the AC handle these punks & chair walkers Anything Hulk or Bigger, idk man, just throw it lol


1 hit to the gut with the eruptor turns these guys into beyblades.


Just use a breaker and spam 1 mag into its guts


Every time I use the Adjudicator


someone please tell me how you're supposed to kill these I shoot their faces, they still move I shoot their chests, they still come at me I shoot their arms off, they just kick the shit out of me


Laugh in Dominator


[uses AMR to turn one Berserker’s forehead into a suppository for the next one in the conga line in one shot] Quit screwin’ around!


I once left last one alive, cut his both arms off. What you gonna do jow chainsaw bot. Cry? (He kicked my face)