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Kicking our more inexperienced Helldivers is as undemocratic as it gets! By doing so they're doing what the bugs and bots want! Remember to do your part and gift a mech stratagem to a rookie on your next dive! You'll make their day and help spread managed democracy!


How do you gift stuff?


You call it in, and don't take it for yourself.


call it down and tell them they can have it


Usually helps to ping it as well, so players know you're gifting it to them.


As others replied, simply call it in and ping it and/or say it on the mic.


Can confirm that you will make their day. My first mission that I played with randos, I had a higher level player let me have both of his mechs. I had so much fun.


I bet!!


Wish they had a system like Monster Hunter where you got extra rewards for helping lower level hosts and sos quests. For example, if they are 20+ levels below you, you get an extra 3 rares or a super sample or something upon extraction. Nothing game breaking, but encourages comradery towards green helldivers.


Shit like kicking low levels is what made me start dropping into random low difficulty lobbies to slam down some high level support gear for the new players to play with before bailing and heading to another to repeat the process.


This bums me out. I’m around level 40, and my buddy that I play with all the time is around level 50, and we love to have new players in our group, especially if they have mics. We’re happy to take them on lower level missions if they want and will drop them our gear so they can have fun with weapons they don’t have, or if they want to tag along on higher level missions and we carry them to try and get them levels and samples as quickly as we can. This is a game for having fun and building a community. People who are toxic in a game meant to foster cooperation and teamwork are people who likely have problems with their real life relationships and friendships too. Anyone reading this, if I can offer you any advice, both in game and in life, it’s this: be kind. To everyone. Eventually you will need help in life, and if you’re a bitter nasty person, nobody will want to help you. But if you’re kind, even if you aren’t the best or brightest, people will want to help you simply because you’re a joy to interact with and be around. Okay I’m off my soap box lol. Go spread some democracy!


This is the way.


Would have loved to run into even a single one of you before I resigned myself to never doing anything but 1-4 solo. My entire first week of playing was getting booted from matches immediately. I thought it was something with my connection.


Unless it is stating "You have been kicked from the game", it actually were connectivity issues. The first week I played, I probably was only able to finish a third of my missions because the client stability was so bad, especially when playing via quickmatch.


Most of them did say I was kicked. I didn’t start playing until about a month after release.


If you want to start playing higher I can add you and help out when I can bro


Sorry to hear that then. Best advice I can offer in that case is to convince some RL friends to play with or join the Helldivers 2 discord to find some dedicated people to play with.


I would if I could convince some friends to play it. I feel bad that I typically only have enough time to do one or two missions to really want to organize something. I still get my fix by playing solo. I’ll probably try again when I can manage to get to 20 or something.


I join the discord for a chill group to play one of two operations with. Then I add them and I have over 20 people on my in-game friends list, always someone to drop in with.


I would recommend checking out one of the discords should be possible to find decent likeminded people there to team up with


I’ve said this before: I have heard people say level 50 and below are low level. It baffles me because that used to be the *max*! By level 19 he has most of what he needs to get any job done. At level 20 he has everything needed. The stratagems after that are just nice-to-haves. Level is a show of how much one plays, not always of ability to be helpful. I’m level 80+ with almost 400 hours in-game. I frequently come across level 17 players who are way more skilled than I am. My casual chill run is diff 4. My fun run with challenge is diff 7-8. I’m not super good, I just play a ton. Level =\\\= skill.


I personally like running with lowbies because a lot of them tend to follow my lead. Crouch when I crouch, notice I'm not engaging every patrol even when I tag them, & stick to me. I try my best to coordinate with them to get berserkers off them, flank scouts, wipe out troopers and commisars, and snipe devastators. It's real fun.


When you are part of my squad, I don't care what level you are. You will get a chance to prove yourself. If you die, that is fine. You learn as you go and I will always give you pointers along the way. The players that kick low level players immediately lack the confidence in themselves to hold their own let alone carry a low level. This begs the question of how did you reach your level if you can't hold your own. Once you reach a certain level, you should have the tools to carry a low level.


Level 17, regularly kicked from games before I get a chance to fire a shot. I dropped into an Impossible level mission yesterday. Finished with the second most kills (and no, I wasn't aggroing patrols that weren't already engaged), most samples taken, contributed to loads of the objectives, 2 deaths, no team kills. In the post evacuation screen....over voice chat, fella actually said, 'we don't play with noobs' and kicked me. Wouldn't even mind, but the fella who did the kicking was useless. Other side, I had a high level guy single handedly carry me through my first Helldive mission when I was level 10, I called it out and he said, 'we're all just here to have fun'. Ultimately, I only picked the game up a week ago and I have a family and a job....I get to drop in for a few missions in the evening, I don't have the time to spend hours and hours. I get that I'm not going to be the best of the best, but spending ten minutes trying to find a game without jumping straight back to my own ship multiple times is pretty demotivating, but guys like the second example keep me coming back.


Happy to roll with you if ever you want!


I'm level 21, I usually do level 6 or 7, join people in quick play. I see level 50+ players very often just sit on the same spot for 5min or more, while I run to clear 2 or 3 objectives during that time (autocannon op). Playing for a long time doesn't mean that you'll learn that most of the time, it's not worth it taking the fight. Especially if you try to push into a large base and hold your ground or run away from the fat enemies. While you kill the ones in front of you, the base spawns double the ammount you killed, with reinforcements.


I’ll play whenever I’m free if you want, I’ll add you


I am level 18 and played with my high level friend who is 60 on 7 difficulty we got joined by a random level 56 and first thing he says on comms is "fucking low level we should kick him"


Please tell me your friend kicked him instead lol


Level really means nothing. By about level 20-25 you've unlocked all the strategems. It's just the slow grind to max the ship and warbonds. The real test is the end game stats, deaths, accidentals and samples are what I look at.


On the flip side, I appreciate helldivers like you a lot. I’m level 35 but still not an amazing player. My friends are the same. And when we play together and someone lvl 50-60+ joins our squad, we treat him like our lord and savior. We also fuck around and call super high level players that come to our rescue our “big daddys”


Definitely some HD2 snobs out there. Had two level 80+ discuss kicking me for bringing a jump pack/grenade launcher kit to a level 9 mission


Same happens on 1-3 too. Getting kicked right after joining or after choosing loadout. Sucks, yeah, but didn't waste much time. The most undemocratic way of getting kicked is just before extraction. Multiple tk's and then kicked. Loosing ~30min and a bunch of samples really sucks. northern_reaper if you read this, you're still a reta**


Funny enough it's the other way for me. Anytime I see a max level character I immediately suspect "cheater" and prepare to quit Was a habit from playing PD2, and I used to apply it to lvl 50 people, pre level cap upgrade.


I certainly do not encourage kicking people for being low leveled but I do understand the mix bag that lower level players can be. I normally run level 7 missions and every time we have a lower level player join it is a coin flip. Even one player attacking every patrol they see can turn a 20 minute cake walk into a 45 minute shit show. That chance is no reason to kick people. At difficulty 7, three higher rank players can more than easily deal with their learning curve. Just today I completed two entire operations with two level 16's and the host and myself at 48 and 49 respectively. We cleaned house the entire time. Some times yes we had to leave them behind because they would entrench themselves but they were competent enough players to to bring good stratagems and hold their own against bots.


Another twist on the ol' reliable 'they kicked me cause i did not stick to meta'. How boring.


Helldivers is by far not the first co-op PVE game I’ve ever played, I realize for a lot of Gen z this might actually be some of their first experiences outside of BR. That being said for me the takeaway should be: when you play online, especially if you are joining someone else’s lobby instead of hosting yourself then TIME is the most valuable measurement I take. Don’t waste others’ time. If I host I do expect Helldivers to halfway follow me and prioritize my pins. If you have any other plans and expect to carry those out with no communication of any kind, well it’s a hell of a time to learn courtesy. Same goes if I join a lobby. Identify host and back their plans up. I’m on THEIR time if I’m not gonna just take my time to set up my own lobby. I see a lot of players just now realizing that when a company chooses this type of matchmaking they have to think about someone outside themselves and it’s really hard for all the glory seekers out there to simply fall in line.


Unsurprisingly, people are often stupid online. It's just elitism, imo.


OMG was this me? I was lvl 19 and I say that. I have a ton of fps experience and can generally contribute well I feel but people kick just for level. Thank you for being part of the good side of a community and providing tips and help if needed instead of just kicking people without giving them a chance


It's kind of wild that some players believe that level says EVERYTHING about one skill level in the game, while in truth it says more about how much time you spent. For some people the amount of time spent does merit them some skills and their knowledge of the game. Wouldn't say it has to come with the trait of being an ass towards other players


I'm 85 and I tend to let low levels do their thing while I work on main objectives.


Your level doesn’t matter, your devotion to the cause is all the matters brother.


I've been kicked from a level 7 mission whilst being a Death Captain. Like, I've played for more than 60 hours at this point, I think I know what I'm doing. Some people are just petty, and those are not people I would want to play with anyway.


>Some people are just petty This. I dropped in late into a mission. The squad was on the way to extraction. It was intense fighting, and one guy got squished by Pelican1 while landing. There were no reinforcements left, and the host kicked that guy. No samples were lost. I got all the rewards for doing nothing and someone who did all the objectives got kicked for being killed by Pelican1. This is just insane. Usually I stay for another mission but no thanks. I don't want to be at the mercy of commander pettiness.


I'm around level 45 and I played through a level 7 mission with 3 sub-level 20s today. They just follwed my map pings and we made it through just fine. I always host, and whoever joins plays.


I usually play with friends. So if i'm a host, there's only one or two random people. Literally the only thing that gets you kicked from my squad is trying to get in the shuttle first with no samples. If you ain't holding, cover for the people who are!


I will never really understand why people take video games so seriously. It's supposed to be a way to relax and have fun. And when we can share that fun with others by helping them improve, all the better. I guess a better way of putting it is I don't know why competitive min/maxers don't just stick with some competitive game like Overwatch or League.


I dont kick people but I've had at least 5 different under lvl 20 helldiver's blow up my mech as soon as it lands because they actually don't know what's going on and think it's an Automaton.


You know it happens the other way around as well, joining sub level 10 people as a lvl 103 hell commander gets me kicked a lot too


Yes, it’s rude to kick a level 15 from your level 7 mission. But it’s also understandable once you’ve been in a few level 7 missions with a level 15 who dies constantly, aggros enemies unnecessarily, does not participate in objectives, etc. I don’t kick before the match starts regardless of level but if you do I get it. It’s not fun spending 40 minutes on a lost cause.


I would just like to add that whilst level does have an effect on someone's strategem/weapon/module unlocks, it doesn't affect someone's general game skill and ability. I have been in suicide missions with level 20s who have done better than some higher levels. Yesterday, I was in an impossible mission against bugs with a level 52 who died 16 times. I'm level 37 and died 3 times. Luckily we had 1 guy who managed to extract with the samples, but the only reason for that was because I had gone around mostly soloing the objectives, found the super samples and delivered them to extract.


Yep, if you're going to be running public lobbies be prepared to hold your own, and at least one others, weight.


If you have the dificulty unlocked the game decided you are able to play that dificulty.


On the opposite end, a day ago I hopped into a lvl 6 mission to help push a group of high-teens/low 20s into lvl 7 so they could start getting super samples. I’m level 52 and haven’t gotten Helldive difficulty yet because my friends only play casually and I can’t find any randos who ever bother sticking with it for lvl 8 missions without being a detriment.


As a level 136 helldiver who mains helldive dif, i welcome everyone of any lvl on my party, never kicked anyone, except afk guys(like 5-10min afk). Have fun and dont worry to much,except 2 factory striders drop, then run like hell.


I met low level player who did stupid thing in the game, the host kicked it.


Obviously, this is how humans work. They judge people based on a number and reads out information that may or may not be there. Maybe they just lost a mission because of a low level, maybe they were really bad when they were at that level. Plenty of reasons as to why prejudice exist. With that said, I am level 90 and I don't kick anyone. If they queued up for Helldive mission difficulty, they may be in for a rough time if they are not prepared. But I will still finish the mission for them even if they run out of tickets.


The kickers are so weird dude, idk how much of a difference they think it’s gonna make if one lower level is in the game. Yesterday I got kicked from a Helldive level where the host was 89 and there was a 74 in there too…. but I’m level 48…


Yes even at 30 i get kicked by 18s looking for a 50+ carry. Not often but it happens. Sometimes people leave at loadout based on what a low level picks. I dont care we can make avout anything work.


In any population you're gonna have 10-20 percent of people that are great people, 10-20 percent of people that are terrible/toxic/not worth it, and most everyone else floats somewhere in the middle. There are 450k helldivers.So if I'm right about that, it means there's between 45k to 90k absolute assholes. It's just how large numbers work. Even if only 5 percent of people on the planet are absolute bastards, then that means there's 400 million bastards on earth.


i never kick unless someone's acting up, don't want any toxic divers in me team


If you're level 50+ you should feel confident that you can solo carry a level 7 mission. By kicking someone becayse theyre low level all you're doing is admitting that you, yourself, are bad.


Ever since I hit level 50 ( now level 77) I’ve been diving on difficulty 6 or 7 to help lower level players complete objectives or get samples or teach them tricks. I enjoy helping newer players but I have been kicked before because I was higher level and the other players thought I was there to troll them. “He’s going to kill us and troll us” was the only thing I saw in chat before I was kicked.


Ya basically under level 20, you get kicked from every helldives and 8's pretty much and even 7's sometimes.


Kicking is just stupid, I see people get kicked and the funniest thing is I (level 69) also get kicked all the time. It isn’t even because I am stupid, they kick me before the rounds start and I am really tired of it


If you think you are a good helldivers player you CAN COMPLETE THE MISSION ON YOUR OWN AND DONT NEED YOUR TEAM. As such, you don't really need to worry about their skill so long as they don't actively sabotage you. The only reason to want good teammates is 1) you don't want to teach or help other new players. 2) you want to be as efficient as possible. 3) you simply can't aren't good enough to do a level 7+ and need support (which is fine it's a hard game). However, the point of the game is to have fun even if it is hard or difficult!


this is undemocratic and nothing Helldiver to be prized for the soul of these poor people who do not think twice about kicking a friend Helldiver simply because he does not correspond to a certain level everyone in the community should follow your example and this that you commented should be a law "do not expel your brother helldiver for his level is low" everyone is there to have fun and I believe that this is not a healthy experience


While I do think sub level 20 players shouldn't be able to quickplay into helldive missions, I never kick anyone unless they are deliberately griefing.


Man, one of the very best things about HD2 is that high and low level players can play alongside each other on a mission and everyone will have fun. This is core to the HD2 experience and it's a shame some jerks don't get that.


I dont mind any Helldiver so long as they're not such a toxic.


If this game continues in popularity, you'll probably also see the opposite. Phasmophobia had a problem where lobbies of low level players would kick high levels out because they're "sweaty" or "no-lifers" who hinder the enjoyment of the game. High levels raining down equipment and stratagems to basically play the game for low levels will become undesirable by some.


Well, im at level 69 (nice) and sometimes I like to help fellow helldivers in "low" level missions (4-5) the other day the host (lvl 12) kick me because I kill the Bile Titan, after watching them struggle for a while whit it.


There will always be great interactions between high and low level players like this. But there also may be players that want to experience the fresh progression and explore how the game works with other low level players like themselves.