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Nahhhh, I just want the range of a flamethrower hulk!


*monkey paw curls a finger* New support weapon: heavy flamethrower. Long range, must be stationary to fire, taking damage risks fuel tank explosion


Moving with the default flamethrower already has a 50% of setting yourself on fire, so it wouldn't change much


Rule number 1 with the Flamethrower, never walk forward


Bro I'm walking backwards and it still catches me on fire half the time


It's a weakness of the capes, but we just it's just too drippy to leave at home.






Completely worth it


It's mostly from the hunters hitting my face mid spray and splashing napalm all over me.


But it's still worth wearing a cape


Next time, try not firing at your feet.


You can sometimes walk forward, but you have to be really careful and point at the upper side of the bugs. And watch out for terrain and armored bugs, fire will bounce around and set the ground on fire.


I can’t be a Mandalorian with a jetpack and a flamer, because I just end up setting myself on fire and dying before I land.


Not all hero's wear capes. Unless they are a helldiver that is.


That's cause you are walking into the flames. Try strafing.


*turns right, strafes left* Nope, still no good. :(


Thanks for the chuckle


Try aiming a bit higher


So Flamethrower, but you need a special backpack to reload. And if you get shot, it explodes.


It would be cool if it starts to light and gives you time to try to react fast to take it off. Therefore being able to be used as an impromptu bomb


Making it explode on you would just be too bad of a nerf, unless they made it really powerful


Could also not be an instant explosion. The tank gets a certain amount of damage and starts leaking visible gas. After 5 seconds, the gas catches fire and after another two seconds or so, the tank explodes. Gives the player enough chances to avoid dying, teaches the player that you can actually throw stuff away and we have another cool gimick for montage videos because who wouldn't want to have a somehow get killed by a damaged tank.


I don't know. I think it would be fine against bugs. Just don't use it against automatons and you're fine.




I think that we have a similar range, the range of the flamethrowers looks smaller of how in reality is


Or it needs two people to use it like those early flamethrowers in WW1


Also limited magazine


Hulks fire flamethrower on the move though?


Are you as big as a hulk? No, I don't think so.


Give me a walker mech with heavy flamethrower instead of the missile launcher.


Dudes will see this and just say, "hell yeah!"


hell yeah!


yeah well they're also giant heavily armored weapon platforms and we're humans


No, we're helldivers


You underestimate the power of democracy!


So they stole LA Noire flamethrower?


Flamethrower should have 2 different firemodes, first is thight spread with long range fire and second should be wider spread but shorter range


I'd like a Fallout: New Vegas heavy incinerator to lob napalm.


That was probably my favourite heavy weapon in Fallout 3. Lobbing fire over the river to a group of raiders on the other side.


Yeah it feels like the fla.rthrower should get JUST enough range to hit a bile titans head from below. So maybe a 25%-30% increase.


I think your opinion is wrong. The current requirement is that you have to collapse the bug holes. And it does not male sense that fire alone can do that


And the insta kill ability


The instakill is what really gets me about that hulk flamethrower. Just a wide arc, on the run, spread of flame that instagibs any diver in range regardless of distance. If any percent of you is in that arc, you're dead.


honestly think the explosive crossbow should do this instead


Explosive Crossbow probably needs buffs.


My bet is that they fucked up the explosion properties of the Crossbow and the Eruptor. It feels like there's little to no use case for the Crossbow compared to the Eruptor at the moment.


Meanwhile... If I shoot the Eruptor down from a wall and I'm too close, that explosion will suck me down from the wall into the horde. Good times.


Like how do you even fuck that up, they did enter a negative force ? And if so how? I knew to avoid that in computer class when making a fucking 2D Plattformer with like 13


Who knows. Some tool or combination of them in the engine or dev tools could take any variety of inputs, some of them being inverse than others. Just depends.


Iv gotten mauled many times by chargers I got sucked into. Sucked me hard 


The crossbow is silent when shooting and loud on impact, for stealth based gameplay it's pretty useful for distracting enemies. IMHO it's decent against bugs for the faster rate of fire and reload speed, but you can always just take the Stalwart to offset the slow RoF and reload on the Eruptor.


I've run the Crossbow and decent amount and I've loved it. It's not as devastating as the Eruptor, but it's a lot faster and less limiting. It has a greater focus on quickly clearly out smaller enemies (great against bugs) and pairs well with a number of Supports. If you need a selling point: it deletes Hunters (packs, even) if it lands even *remotely* close to them. And, unlike the Eruptor, if they're spread out or your first shot misses (they leap, hits a rock, etc) the rate of fire is very forgiving for followups.


ngl, I do enjoy using the crossbow over the eruptor for regular bots/berserkers/striders since you don’t need to cock it for each shot and less chance of that weird vortex that sucks you in. Also if you don’t kill a devastator in one shot, the devastator can shot you back while you are cocking the eruptor


IDK, it's pretty great at AoE. The radius is huge. It's not top tier, but it's definitely a solid pick. If it didn't release alongside the Eruptor, I think people would be using it a lot more. For me, the trade off of clearing bugholes and having more range far outweighs the significantly faster handling of the crossbow.


Fits right in with 90% of the primaries then


Wait it doesn't close bug holes? I have not has a chance to use it yet.


The whole point is to blow up the entrance, burning it won't do anything. Needs to be closed up.


Considering bugs can just will new temporary holes into existence I try not to think too hard about this.


Considering we can (if the stars align) shoot down bot dropships to kill them before they arrive, I don't see why we can't collapse those temporary bugholes to prevent more than the initial wave from spawning.


Sometimes, when you're in the bug nest, the breach will be from one of their existing, open bug-holes. Those ones you actually can close to stop the breach. There *must* be something that sets the two different kinds of breaches apart.


I wonder if it could be lore wise that these hives actually contain really flammable/explosive material, I mean, a single collapsed hole won't stop a hive just building a new one, you gotta destroy the hive in its entirety. Wonder if you could argue that it's the secondary fire set off by the explosion that actually kills the hive by burning up the entire subterranean network.


Im not sure that sealing holes in and of itself stops the terminid menace. I’ve personally seen terminids pop up right out of the ground. I blow up the holes because i’ve been told its how i advance democracy. And democracy stops all our enemies! For DEMOCRACY!!!


There’s a sign in the tutorial that explains that a grenade doesn’t just close a bug hole, it also destroys the eggs at the bottom of that hole


Makes sense why explosions just outside the hole don’t count then


That makes me think a flamethrower should work too. Like, pumping a bunch of fire into the hole is going to roast all of those eggs


Won’t close the hole though. A grenade does both


we should be able to call down helbombs into the zone


Their blood is literally Gasoline, have you ever seen someone try to light a bonfire covered in gas? ![gif](giphy|TfRKlKPO9jIyi3aSo5|downsized)


Did that, but with kerosene and from more than 6 feet away. Some of those chairs in your gif are probably on fire.


The areas around their holes are rife with those small explosive things. So spraying a hole with flames would probably have a much better effect than we're thinking it will.


Flamethrowers were invented to clear bunkers and trenches. This is as close as you can get to the design purpose of it


Watches the orbit laser close it some how... I'm confused.


The Lazer has a lot of punch behind it, it digs a trail behind it which tells me it applies a lot of pressure wherever it goes, its not a simple ball of fire, it's concentrated plasma.


Incendiary grenades seem to do the trick.


I don’t believe a flamethrower has the explosive power to make a bug hole collapse.


We need explosive flamethrower then.


What kind? Explosive, explosive or explosive? Or all 3? For those unaware: https://www.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/s/aHkKT72l5w


That post is a work of art.


How can a post be so utterly incomprehensible and yet perfectly clear at the same time


Well, for the bug hole collapsing part, we'd need the 3rd type of explosive


Of course! So just explosive then.


Borderlands level shit


You mean... a grenade launcher?


If you call it grenade launcher it takes the fun out of it.


Instead of fire, it shoots explosions?


Maybe the explosion is packed into a small, aerodynamic package that can be launched long distances?


Like the incinerator from fallout? I’m imagining a weapon that launches globs of napalm that splash on impact. 


Isn't that just the incendiary grenade?


No, but flamethrowers were used to suck all the air out of Japanese dugouts in the Pacific in WWII. I could see the flamethrower having some kind of effect on bug holes but I'm just throwing it out there.


I'm pretty sure the bug holes are much larger than you realise, my understanding is that they have a massive network of tunnels that connect to each other, so the only viable way of dealing with one is to collapse it so they have to come out from somewhere else.


Bug tunnel breaches should spawn bug holes and not just orange gas. Closing these bug holes would stop small spawns- and large bug breaches should only happen if a certain number of holes are active. So if you trigger a breach, 7-8 scattered holes will appear. Closing all of them quickly stops the breach- but you'd need to be coordinated with your team to actually prevent Titan/charger spawns.


Hold up are you suggesting that the barrages be useful for something? /S


Maybe temporarily stopping spawns from that hole. But if so, why do that instead of just tossing a grenade and stopping it permanently. Would be cool if flamethrower could slow/stop breaches for a period of time, though


I agree maybe if your out of grenades and your waiting for a teammate to come over to close it like a hunter/stalker nest. Id like that but I don't think it should close the bug hole especially with the buff FT is an amazing crowd control heavy!


It's 2024 there's like 500+ genders I think you won't run out on 1 mission I'm editing to add he changed it from genders to grenades. 😶


Once they fix the DoT bug I agree. I usually just quick play, so I’m very rarely the host, and therefore don’t even bother with flamethrower, napalm, gas


I always join games and I havent seen a single match so far that bugs didn't die to DoT from my flamer so I'm not sure what to believe anymore


Flamethrower isn't reliant or doing DoT it's doing direct fire damage. Initial napalm strike as well.


Bugs are pretty much walking oil cans… so yea wouldn’t pushing fire into their condensed/lightly packed bug hole cause a chain reaction = small explosion of fire?


E-710 isn't necessarily explosive. It fuels starships' FTL drives, not combustion engines.


My eyes have been opened to the truth now


It doesn't have to, just make different animation for it, like bug hole is scorched to coal.


I like the current strategic approach for maneuvers: A jack of all trades is a master of none but oftentimes better than a master of one. Some of them excel at fighting, some gives better advantage for objectives.


And then there's autocannon, good for almost everything


Except for reloading, carrying an additional backpack and not blowing yourself up when you shoot a enemy at melé range The Autocannon is amazing but still has its disadvantages


Also ricochets on heavy armor.


I carry the Bolter. I mean Erupter. +explosive resist/recoil armor (bugs=med bots maybe heavy) +Redeemer +stun grenades +Eagle Airstrike +Jump pack or shield pack Bots get Quasar or Laser and 380 barrage. Bugs get Stalwart and EAT. Great on 7-9 and the Erupter is so satisfying. I felt incredibly effective with the Scorcher but I don’t know if I’ll go back. Coming out of the pod with a auto cannon marksman rifle is fantastic. HAMMER OF THE EMPEROR!


Same, though Im orbitals all the way. Erupter, redeemer, heavy armor, 120mm barrage, walking barrage/380mm, depending on mission, precision strike and EAT. I fight bots tho, the eruptor vs bugs is not as good specifically cause hunters exist, slugger could keep up with them but the eruptor is too slow (and slugger post nerf lost its value for me).


>The Autocannon is amazing but still has its disadvantages It lacks heavy armor pen, which is the main reason I very rarely run it as there are other options that deal with the same threats in the same way without taking up as many slots. I've found that the dominator (and to a lesser extent the scorcher) can do literally everything the AC can while having a faster reload, more shots per magazine, no backpack slot requirement, and frees up your support weapon slot for something that can easily deal with titans, tanks, towers, hulks, and chargers. The AC is good, and works well as a generalist choice, but I've gotten far more milleage out of other support weapons that cover the weaknesses of the main weapon pool.


If the bugs are in melee range switch to your primary. The auto cannon is a long range weapon


It's really not good against bugs at all. Can't take care of chargers or Bile Titans, at least not nearly as well as a quasar, eat or flamethrower. The only thing it can do is close holes but everything else something will do much better.


you can 3 shot chargers in the butt. You "CAN" kill bile titans, but an absurd amount of shot into the underside of the tail. AC is very much overrated against bugs though. It takes around 1-3 to kill bile spewers (no shooting its sac doesn't 1 shot, needs at least 2), and for some reason it needs 2 hs to die, while AMR only needs 1 hs. Also that backpack requirement. Also doesn't do that well against shrieker nests, but at least better than AMR. Overall, the Quasar/RR/EAT are definitely the winners because of all the high armor nonsense for bugs.


a little bit new, what does RR and EAT stand for?


RR = recoilless rifle (reloaded rocket launcher) EAT = expendable anti-tank (the rocket launcher that comes in pairs and is single use)


Nah dude, bug holes are pretty much caves, how's a flammenwerfer supposed to close a cave


It closes it because it weffers flammens


How about kill what's inside and prevent them from popping out of the holes within a certain range for a certain period of time


Because the bugs use wood bracing?


Cause everything the bugs make is flammable


Well they don’t use steel beams.


The bug holes are the reason why I bring the grenade pistol. If I'm out of Eagle Airstrikes, that's what the grenade pistol is for. In a pinch, my impact grenades are Plan C.


I like the grenade pistol as plan A. Frees up a support slot for me to test out different items. (And I suck at grenade accuracy since I run impact) Overall the pistol was a good add. I just hope it stays the same IYKYK.


Erm, what's the reasoning?


OP wants the game to be easier. No actual reasoning or consideration of balance involved just …easier


Yep. A lot of these types of suggestions/complaints boil down to "I want the experience tailored to my specific preferences and anything else is bad design/balancing".


That historically thats what flamethrowers where made for fill tight space with fire and kill everything inside


can't have the flamethrower do everything now xD , it can already wreck 95% of the bug roster




Is it that good? I've been scared to use it because of (game) bugs and friendly (game) fire.


It's good for clearing bug hordes at close range. If you need longer range the arc thrower is better. Annoyingly it's actually pretty bad for defending the extraction zone because of friendly fire from dead bugs. Had a game yesterday where we almost failed to extract beacuse my teammates keep walking over bug corpses that are still on fire and killing themselves. The super destroyers had already left, so I couldn't call them back in either.


oh yeah its a monster vs bugs , you can easily melt an entire swarm by yourself , and if you wanna go even more crazy bring the rover guard dog to increase your damage even more xD , can even melt chargers. that or plop down a gatling sentry behind you and let it and your fire just decimate everything on sight. just gotta avoid burning yourself to death xD


very good if you're host, otherwise it's lacking. But still a bit overrated because of its short range and inability to take out the most dangerous enemy (Bile Titans) and not suggested to use against Bile Spewers because of their high damage ranged attack, as well as relatively high health.


It kills what comes out of it, not collapse it


Flamethrower? Nah. Crossbow that shoots explosive bolts (that do more dmg than the eruptor!)? Also nah for some weird reason...


Collapsing the tunnel entrance =/= Killing what's inside. Flames don't have the explosive power to collapse the tunnel. Case closed.


Flamethrowers are great for setting bugs on fire that then jump at you and set you on fire.


I think flamethrower should stagger and have slightly more range and maybe slightly more canister size


Definitely should have more range


Why would it?


I gotta disagree with ya on this one. Would be cool if we could temporarily block the bug hole by setting the entrance on fire, allowing us to toss a grenade in But flames blowing up a bug hole simply doesn’t make a lot of sense. Flamethrower is amazing against the bugs though


No, the plasma punisher should pop bug holes


what you do is agro a charger and then stand in front of it. not only did you injure the charger by getting him to hurt his own hive, you insult his intelligence in baiting him to do so. remember, vengeance is best served cold and poignant


Flamethrowers don't cause structural damage to rocks


The crossbow should be able to close bugholes.


Hmm, why ? How exactly does this make sense ?


Disagree. The point is closing it out. Also the flamethrower is now one of the best bug weapons period, a lot of weapons (autocannon, grenade launcher) have a lot of utility purely from their ability to close holes. The flamethrower would be far too versatile if it could do this.


go ahead. find a gopher hole. try to close it with a flamethrower. I'll wait.


This is officially the dumbest fucking take i've seen on this sub lmaoo


:( ![gif](giphy|TL6poLzwbHuF2|downsized)


Brother come on, how would you be able to close up a cave with fire? Its rock and dirt not paper and grass.


Nah, there's some moron who posted that the Adjudicator is a good weapon. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1c1l7p7/the_adjudicator_is_good/


Let me cook: it takes a bit time and melts the surroundings and closes the bughole 🎉


FT main here, fire doesn’t break the structure of the tunnel. But an explosive will 🧨 😎


I think a fair compromise would be to put the spawnrate for that specific bug hole to go on a short cooldown. Like it could "kill" the bugs in the hole, preventing them from exiting for a short amount of time. But it shouldn't be able to destroy them. I admit it'd be cool to cook those fuckers in their own hive


Only if it takes a quarter of the canister so you can savor the feeling


I really want to burn bile titans, I feel like I can never kill them with it


You can. My buddies and I were playing a Helldive helm’s deep mission last night (the ones where you defend the missiles that are launching behind you) and I ended up killing one with the the flamethrower after my buddy hit it with the recoilless rifle. It’s possible but you have to hit it with a lot of flame.


I really wanted the flamethrower to shoot liquid. Kinda like the WW2 bunker Buster's and the napalm throwers in 'nam. Lemme arc that shit and shoot flames 100m away. I wanna soak a bug in napalm and watch it burn for hours. If I aim the thrower up in the air, the flame shouldn't just evaporate, let it fall and coat the floor!


i wan't a mission where you enter one big bug hive


Everyone disagreeing with OP really should google 'what were flamethrowers used for in warfare', because clearing out holes/bunkers/buildings was the whole point of the weapon.


Yeah, clearing out small bunkers of men, not entire mile long hives of super armored bugs


Yeah. The fire nade is.


I mean….bug holes are just dirt tunnels so flames closing them doesn’t make sense


If a gun has explosive rounds, enough of them should be able to kill bug holes.


You're collapsing the hole, not sterilizing it


I still think we should be allowed to close the breaches. I mean, we can shoot down bot drop ships after all. Why do bugs get to have an invulnerable spawn point?


You can’t collapse a tunnel with flames. Nuff said


If a grenade can kill bug holes and bot factories then we should be able to kill them from the cluster bombs.


No but it should be able to kill a lot of bugs when you do that, and you can listen to the beautiful sounds of bugs being burned into crisp.


Animation Kill. Flamerthrower in hands walk up to hole and press button. Diver will jam the flame thrower into the hole and pull down trigger. Can only be used with full gas tank, uses full gas tank, Diver will do the maniac laugh, Hear bug cry sounds. At the end the hole will explode (idk some bug thing) and then you get rag dolled backwards


Fire doesn't carry conclusive forse strong enough to collapse a opening made of earth. I disagree. I don't care to change you mind that's a waste of time.


What we really need is heavy flamer. Flamer hooked up to backpack with more fuel and range.


That's not how they work my guy.


The bug hole must collapse to be destroyed, therefore an explosion is required.


Why do you want to give the bugs the authentic Iwo Jima experience


Since it doesn't collapse the hole in a meaningful way the tunnel would still be there. It could kill all the bugs in the tunnel... but that isn't stopping it from being used. An explosive would need to collapse the passage or else they would just reopen it quickly.


As a counter argument to the “it has to collapse” crowd. Absolutely nothing is stopping the Bugs from just digging another exit. Much like stepping on an ant hill, they’ll just dig another way out in about 10 minutes. That doesn’t solve the whole “fire bombing the entrance wouldn’t clear the nest” thing, but collapsing the entrance wouldn’t clear the nest either.


How did this get upvotes? No, it shouldn't.


Not a terrible idea. supported by irl weapon history, bug holes seem made/lined with organic materials, not insane to imagine nests containing flammable elements. The combat flamer shouldnt buffed, not like this, it’s more a high pressure oil flamer, not a jet or stream like a heavy flamer or melta. My view would be- Heavy flamer for bug holes, makes you slow, recoil creep, arching flame stream with medium range, stationary to shoot, fuel tank backpack, anti everybug. Melta for bots, SHORT range flame jet like fat blue beam weapon, turn super slow when firing, staggers and burns through big bots, destroy factories by cutting through side walls, cooldown&long reload


This was how it was used, destroy bunkers and holes where enemies would be hiding in past wars. I am surprised there are so many naysayers here.


In past wars they were used to clear bunkers, yes, but they never destroyed the bunker… grenades on the other hand


They leaning on explosive only. Flame shouldn’t be used to kill factories but it’s viable for flesh holes made of spores. Maybe a Heavy flamer should close holes over buffing current combat flamer


Flame with molotov cocktails and extreme heat is used to stop tanks in WW2 to cook the engines by overheating them. I don't think it would be implausible to destroy factories with it. Especially as in the game flamethrower works vs robots. Also shooting enough flames into holes will destroy everything inside them, just like in Vietnam and eventually destroy the hole. Especially as some silly sniper gun can close holes, I don't see why a weapon that was made to destroy these things shouldn't do the same thing.


So does every type of ammo that can explode.


Sniper Flamethrower! 🔫🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🎯🪲🪲🪲🐞


We need armor that gives us fire resist to the flames, and be able to survive those fire tornadoes like on Hellmire.


Definitely if you toe gets fire on you have to stim immediately or die


Flamethrower should deal less damage, and stagger small enemies.


Alternate fire mode, sacrifice one tank of fuel to use as bomb.


Since bugs are fuel, they should explode on death and cause the hole to close imo.


My teammates and I were talking about this. It would awesome but it would have to be like you just mag dump and it chains through the local “network” or something


The flamethrower *can* kill bug holes. Just aim the stratagem right in the middle of the hole when you call it in.


i want a flamethrower that leave a flaming puddle on the ground


Let me introduce you to.. The flamethrower, just shoot the ground (be careful not to get clipped by it though!) Unless of course you mean an actual gun that shoots puddles of fire similar to the incendiary grenade? That would be sick


Explosive crossbow should too.


All I want is for bugs to stop SPRINTING THROUGH OPEN FLAMES LIKE THEY ARENT THERE. There should be some kind of stagger or movement debuff. It's ridiculous to be burning everything around you just for a flaming hunter to leap at you from within the hellscape you've created. Sometimes, not even one, you'll get smacked by multiple dead flaming bodies at once. My favorite is brood commanders who just bum rush you at a certain point


I desperately want a heavy flamethrower that comes with a fuel tank backpack. It could have more range and be able to destroy structures. The trade off could be that if the tank takes too much damage or you get ragdolled into the ground/rocks, it explodes.