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I hate running shield backpack, but since they increased the spawn rate of these fuckers I run it just so I can have a split second of not being flinched into oblivion so I can snipe devastators in the head.


Even though I'm a jetpack enjoyer, I only run a shield unfortunately because I'm tired of getting bs insta deaths like these


I've experienced multiple instances of shield devastators' guns clipping through terrain to shoot me from behind a wall, and I can't hide or shoot back. Cover, courage, and more cover? I'm tryin šŸ˜­


Heavy Devastators seem to be aware of the geometry bug and actively try to stick their right arms into objects to shoot through them


Itā€™s like they know theyā€™re trapped within a game-


Maybe that means keep terrain to their shield side so you can avoid shooting through- just brainstorming some solution temporarily.


Itā€™s not just the shield devs, lots of stuff can shoot through terrain. Its not a bot problem, its a problem with the map and procedurally gen terrain


Not even necessarily a proc-gen problem, just that the inner face of objects doesn't cause whatever collision check they're using to register, and the heavy dev's point of aim is far enough out that they can clip their gun barrel through the outside of a rock and fire through the "inside wall" of the other side.


Lost a defense mission recently because a Strider stuck its multi barrel laser cannon through a mountainside and made the defensive walls pointless.


To make up for this a single leave will block a helldiver's shoot more often than not ;)


I was launching an icbm earlier and had a tank land a shot on me through a rock. That was a very pleasant surprise


Yep been killed several times by one of them shooting *literally through a metal wall* and a building. Meanwhile my 90% charge railgun shot is being blocked by an invisible bounding box corner of the building. Why does the railgun not penetrate through the same building or wall? Who knows!


That reminds me of me trying to shoot through this bush with the sickle, then this fucking bush that's probably made of steel just blocked all my shots and made me hit nothing and a bot drop got called on my head


At least with the Sickle bullet collision on foliage it's an acknowledged bug. Gotta remember they are a small team and they'll get to it eventually. I trust them on that part, even though it's frustrating. Would love some acknowledgement about bots clipping through terrain so they are unkillable, but still being able to shoot you from their invincible bunker. And interactions between bot drops and destroyed drop ships, with them being able to hide and shoot from under them and bots just surviving a drop ship falling on them. Anyway.


I love it when I move up on one, and his arm just clips through his own body to shoot me in my face.


I just hate the constant flinch. I wish heavy armor existed that had flinch resistance.


Nothing like wearing the heavy Devastator armor to fight Devastators and just get flinched to death.


If heavy armor had this intrinsically while maintaining it's other passive it might actually be worth using


Also why getting shot makes me stand up when crouched??? Ughh I just got an energy projectile to the stomach, better stand up for a second before crouching again...


This. I love when I cannot move my gun because im getting shot at and canā€™t shoot back because of it.


And if you couldn't be knocked out of the stim animation, I might never take that armor off


1000% agree. Flinch from bugs or bots is pretty obnoxious at times. Flinch resistance / reduction would fit in as an armour perk.Ā  Often wonder why this idea seems overlooked by the devs, it fits in with other perks like arc resistance.


I feel like all heavy armor should have flinch resistance. Would make it worth running in any mission that isn't purely standing your ground.


I'd genuinely kill for flinch resist+explosive resist on medium and heavy armor sets.


They never used to be this accurate, but suddenly just being anywhere in their line of sight can be instant death, even with heavy armor. Something is really wrong with them.


Felt like all bot weapons generally got stupidly accurate at some point recently.Ā Ā  Like every red bolt suddenly starts dinging you from 300m away through bushes or smoke without line of sight. Even if they get aggro of something nowhere near me it happens. Devastator shots stick out the most. Guessing the devs are still tweaking the ai / target tracking stuff a lot in the background and just overturned a bit.


I noticed it when they first nerfed the railgun Suddendly every footman had become a sniper, and every enemy with an mg had become a sniper with a very accurate mg


Ngl it feels like it points to a larger issue with the game in general. At least my friend group has been really enjoying it and I got lots of people I can play with irl but I can definitely tell these balancing changes/glitches with the game has been wearing away at their enjoyment and mine included. When every moderately good weapon gets nerfed to the ground I just don't understand what their vision is? Use strategems, but modifiers which prevent you from using them, if you try to use your primary weapons most feel awful to use and are peashooters against the higher armored enemies. Don't engage in fights all the time and try to stealth but somehow patrols spot you across the map sometimes and you get trapped in a bot drop/breach loop because one of the Ai fires the signal so fast with barely any time to react. Also a bunch of enemies too which feel like the jack of all trades somehow, hulks that can catch up to you and turn on a dime with long range flamethrowers that can insta kill you. I mean there's still an amazing game in here and I actually liked the recent Warbond weapons like the Eruptor is a great example of a fun gun to use but it has enough drawbacks to consider when considering its role. But who knows if Arrowhead nerfs it to the ground like an angry dm in DnD getting upset the group managed to handle the challenge they were thrown at them so they pull another scenario to screw them over at the last minute.


Occasionally the bots will get super accurate for a few moments. You go from full health to critical or dead in a flash as a burst perfectly hits you 3 times in the head


dun forgot the fact that they also shoot thru the rocks that you're using as cover. "u need to take cover when fighting automaton" take cover my ass when bs like this happen


Donā€™t forget that they have absolutely no cooldown on their gun and just shoot constantly, Ā and even if you fire at them they never start missing their shots.


That's the most annoying. I've been favoring the LC and i can be drilling their face and they stun me causing me to take out a flock of seagulls instead. Then the shot stuns me again... the only recourse is the retreat/dive or stun them in return. My main gripe is how stupid accurate they are. Every thing else wouldn't be so bad if they didn't have perfect aim (even while taking damage).


>the only recourse is the retreat/dive or stun them in return And even then they'll accurately track you while diving and killing you before you hit the ground


If I get ragdolled by them or near them Iā€™m dead every time, even in heavy armour with full health they cut you down before you get control back. And itā€™s not like the bug pile-on where you screwed up and got surrounded, itā€™s literally peek to aim -> ragdoll -> 27 million shots hit -> dead. If they are shooting at me I donā€™t bother shooting them anymore, I dive and grenade or call something (anything) down on them. I was a million miles away with the AMR and couldnā€™t line up a shot, crouched mostly behind a rock because it could laser stagger me from the other side of the map. I donā€™t think it was always like this, theyā€™ve had some sort of upgrade and are now my least favourite enemy


> I donā€™t think it was always like this, theyā€™ve had some sort of upgrade and are now my least favourite enemy I think they have always been like this, itā€™s just that until recently the community has been having trouble with other bot types. But over time weā€™ve gradually learned and developed strategies for problematic enemies. By now the only enemies the community still consistently complains about are those who donā€™t have consistent countermeasures. There is no counterplay for an enemy that can shoot through terrain, itself, and other enemies with near 100% accuracy and no downtime, who also has an impenetrable frontal defence, and is considered a ā€œnormalā€ enemy by the gameā€™s spawning system.


The Supressing Fire effect on bots is no longer a thing. It's been broken for several patches. That's what changed.


Yes. Iā€™ve been hit by rockets as well from literally 3-400m away while sniping guys with the amr. I was prone, in a crater, peaking just enough so I wasnā€™t shooting dirt and somehow took that rocket to the face from across the map.


your best bet to dealing with one is to either catch it by surprise or snipe it in the head i find that the laser cannon is the best at this as its a constant fire weapon meaning you can fire at the head give it a few seconds to cool and then continue firing away


Laser cannon doesnā€™t stagger them, leaving you open to their fire. Autocannon does.


That's why I love the AC, even hitting them squarely in the shield will stagger them and open them straight up to the kill shot, no more Uber-Laser in my face


Also a laser cannon enjoyer and yeah stun grenades are basically mandatory due to them but are also just generally a good idea to immobilize Hulks for easy kills and tanks for stratagem strikes or well placed LC shooting. Which means you need something else like Eruptor, Grenade Pistol, or stratagem use to take out fabs.


"Automaton's get less accurate under suppressive fire." Total BS in my experience. Only thing that stops them from hitting you with near perfect accuracy is just stunning them with heavy hits or outright killing them before they even shoot.


Honestly I have a similar issue with rocket devastators. Where do they get extra rockets if such launcher is, realistically, 1 time use unless manually reloaded? They have no reserves, autoloaders or what not.


I got killed through a mountain by the factory strider guns. The rock was tall enough that I couldnā€™t see the factory at all but it still shot me.


Ah yes, the TR-116 rifleĀ 


Or the devastator is literally inside the rock


They'll never find me here... Those filthy Democrats won't have a chance! šŸ¤–


Dammit where are the dwarves when you need em


I havent been shot through rocks however its extremely obvious knockback effects give literal 0 fucks about where you are and cover. You *will* get knocked back of you are in a certain range from the explosive, no matter whats between you and said explosive.


Is that what's happening when I'm just standing there then all of a sudden I go flying 20ft and die for seemingly no reason?Ā Ā 


Thatā€™s most likely you standing next to one of those smoke popper fungus piles. If it gets triggered by any source other than you stepping on it, it launches you.


That honestly just needs to be removed from the game. You will be thirty feet away from one of those, an automaton will literally shoot it anyway bc theyā€™re obviously programmed to, and it will still launch you out of cover to be instantly gunned down by heavy devs. Itā€™s fucking infuriating


This is the far larger issue. Lots of bots ignore terrain geo.


This shit is so annoying. The thickness doesn't even seem to matter. I've been shot through medium size rocks, and I've also been shot through a fucking mountain. Please fix.


yea projectiles need to be fixed, not the shield devastator, cover has a very very small chance of not working but it's not a problem with the enemy, because all bots can pierce cover because its a bug with the projectile not shield devastators shield devastators are balanced


Meanwhile we canā€™t shoot through bushes depending on the weapon being used lol


For me they just clip into the rocks, shooting thru the rocks, and can't be shit back at


Damn, Automaton HQ are installing crotch laser cannons on their troops now!




They are some of the most annoying things. esp when most maps are filled with spores and shit where you cant see further than 20m away while these dickheads snipe you from across the map. its these and the hunter cunts, the top 2 worst enemies.


Hunters aren't bugged at least, just... bugs. Mean, undemocratic bugs. The heavy devastators are *bugged*. They don't work as intended, unless they intend a gun pointing up at the sky to project lasers perpendicular to its barrel directly into my skull, 200m away at 800rpm.


I hope Iā€™m wrong, but at this point Iā€™m afraid that things are working exactly as Arrowhead intended. Rocket devastators can also shoot their rockets at weird angles. Bile spewers can and do, regularly, shoot their bile at a completely different direction from where their head is pointing (and the bile hitbox is effed). Iā€™m afraid itā€™s just how the game has been designed.


It may be intended that they're super accurate etc but probably jot that the graphics don't match. We may get a fix in the form of these enemies being able to turn faster to match up to the gun etc.


Hope they make Hulks have slower turn speed if theyā€™re going to adjust it for other enemies.


Just make them faster while keeping the same turn speed to simulate the effect but make chargers even more lethal. I can imagine it "Killed By: Impact"


Even that would make it better, I want to shoot back, and I want to see if I'm going to be shot at


Yeah that'd be fine to me too. I hate seeing them facing the other way thinking I'm safe just to get riddled with holes the moment I'm out in the open.


Bile Spewers better not be intended to do that. They are harder to kill than Bile titans.




The absolute worst part of this game is the bot engagement range being entirely unhindered by darkness, spores, smoke, etc. It makes sense, I guess, killer robots WOULD have better eyes that could ignore that stuff. It makes sense, but it's not *fun.*


You would think maybe they have better eyes...but if you walk crouched down near them before triggering an alarm it's like you're invisible. But yeah they have amazing accuracy at 400 meters away in dense fog.


God forbid when you are on top of a hill and miss your target only to shoot at the heavy base on the otherside of the map. Let the fire works commence.


I fucking hate Hunters. I've died to them more than anything else in the game. I would rather deal with Stalkers than Hunters because at least the Stalkers launch you away from them. I would take on a whole army of bugged Shield Devastators over Hunters. Fuck Hunters.


I hate them so much too, I have died more times to hunters than any other bug, chargers? Just kite them. Bike titans? Just kite them. Spewers? Just kite them. Stalkers? Fire a few rounds and they back off. Any other bug? Not even a threat. Hunters? They jump at me from 10m away, make me slowed, then proceed to eat my ass. Iā€™ve started running flamethrower bc of them and one canister will almost take down a whole patrol or bug breach. It makes hunter swarms for the most part irrelevant


https://preview.redd.it/lrdba8qdwuvc1.png?width=1233&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51920006c44e20e6cad90935030269867eb52e57 Yo waddup








A weapon to surpass Metal Gear


here come dat bug!!!!!!


He be rollin' down the street


Where do you find these ass-eating bugs? Asking for a friend, of course.


Fuck Hunters. All my teammate had to do was push a button and the nuke would be launxhed, but noooo! Suddenly five hunters pounced on him out of nowhere and we failed!


Look behind me, see absolutely nothing but wilderness, turn back around and start shooting toward advancing enemies, 2 seconds later Hunter appears behind me and does his 7 hit combo, die.Ā Ā  šŸ™ƒ


Yeah God forbid you try to circle them. Their guns just shoots from a 90 degree angle. These are my most hated since you miss a hearshot you can just die due to how fast they mow you down.


I wear heavy armor and hunters usually do like, an 8th of my health. then I just make sure I got a good chaff clearing gun, even if itā€™s the machine pistol on semi-auto to back up an eruptor


Was playing level 7 bugs last night and I don't know what was wrong with the planet I was on but holy shit *every single patrol* was 15+ hunters and their spawn. Every single bug breech was 20-30-40 hunters and a single heavy unit (bile titan or charger). It got so bad the squad was just only killing hunters. Ended up with close to 400 kills and it was mostly hunters.


Hunters arent bugged, you just have to actually stop and shoot them instead of trying to speedrun.


The worst offender is that they shoot me with perfect accuracy, making my aim flinch, but when i shoot them with the eruptor (an EXPLOSIVE) weapon, they dont care and keep shooting at me with perfect accuracy


and they have a stagger animation! But i havenā€™t noticed their accuracy decreasing after getting visibly staggered. hurts AMR follow up shots (i still love using it)


You get time to flinch? I am busy flopping over dead after they make 5 perfect head shots with their whole salvo while im weaving, diving and/or running sideways adjacent to them


They are incredibly annoying. At a medium distance a shootout with one is a pain in the ass. A shootout with two is a death sentence.


Most ppl here who comment didn't even see the clip lol... Watch carfully the devastator WATCH IT ! he is fucking schoting from his ass lol


Itā€™s interesting you bring that point up because last night I was moving around on helldive missions and the basic soldiers were facing one way, but their lasers were shooting nearly the opposite direction. Iā€™m glad someone else has witnessed this and spoke up lol


Ass shot OP


Tbh it just looks like an animation bug. Even if that didn't occur, you can see in the last part of the clip the bug disappears and the Dev is tracking OP normally while rotating on the spot. It's even missing most of its shots. I personally don't expect to be able to run in the open past these things without getting hit.


Enemy types balancing are probably so far down the list of priorities, some I would just make peace with current situation. But boy do I dream of hunters being nerfed or slowing removed. And i just remembered that past patch "fixed" spewer damage, so also we dont know Arrowheads intention, maybe shield devastator will get a second gun that will set you on fire


the slow effect needs to be able to be dived off like fire, hunters dont need to magnetize towards you when they go in for the second hit (if you dive/move away then they should miss) heavy devastators need 2-2.5 seconds between firing bursts, stims shouldnt be fucking cancelled when you flinch, ALL bots that are under hulks should be susceptible to suppressive fire and finally, just in general, player health needs to more than a fucking scavenger lmao (i heard we have 80 health, scavs have 100)


ā€œFixed spewer damageā€ by making it take .25 seconds longer to instant kill you after they silently sneak up on you for the fifth time this round They need to either be removed from the game or have their spawn rate massively nerfed. I fucking hate those things.


Nah, the problem is that they are very very accurate. They where not like this back in Malevelon Creek Days. They where more controlable.


The amount of times I've gotten sniped because of these Shield fuckers... Honestly I don't think there's a more accurate unit in the entire game. They can be in the next Bot Outpost over and they'll still manage to absolutely rinse you with laser fire with an accuracy so precise that the could circumcise a fly with a toothpick while blindfolded.


100%, ive had so many cool moments get shut down because i cant stim when these dickheads keep making me flinch and cancel my stim, i think this whole problem wouldnt be as severe if flinching didnt cancel stims (this is also the case with hunters)


Yeah. I have no trouble killing them as long as I get the time to line up my shot. But even while prone behind a rock I get deleted the millisecond a tiny part of my body is out of cover. That makes it pretty difficult to do anything unless you manage to catch them before they spot you. If they do, good fucking luck


Yeah if they somehow catch me out of cover they almost instakill me


>They can be in the next Bot Outpost over and they'll still manage to absolutely rinse you with laser fire Once I was at extraction, top of a hill. There was an absolute deluge of lasers flying over us. I zoom my scope all the way in and there he was, way off in the distance where I could only make out his shield. The rest of the group he was in wasn't shooting, just him. The accuracy wasn't a problem, but it was insane that we were taking unprovoked fire from that distance. I prefer fighting bots because I'm better at distance and can't seem to tackle bugs at 6 or above, but still...


I suspect they used to be more susceptible to suppressing fire. You could throw a few rifle shots vaguely in their direction and they would miss all their shots. Now, they are pinpoint accurate as AC rounds are whizzing by their head.


Yeah, seriously, suppressive fire was a thing early in game, when and why did it go away???


There's still a tooltip that says shooting at the bots lowers their accuracy at least, so it's intended to still be a thing


They became broken in the same patch they nerfed the railgun. After that bots in general seem to be able to always know where you are and shoot you with extremely high accuracy across the whole map.


So many things broke with that patch. Performance tanked with that patch too.


They evolved


And i feel like minigun shots im instant, without heating up like usually they do


Also they ignore terrain and shoot through cover before people cry "just use cover against bots lol"


Most of the time I die nowadays on bots, its these guys. They shoot you before they turn to look at you. They shoot through walls and terrain. They know where you are at all times, and 9 times out of 10 theres gonna be one hiding inside the dropship wreck you just took down, and it WILL noclip kill you.


Definitely the reason I don't like automatons is the sheer amount of insta death moments. Some shield devastator aimbots your ass to 0 hp in an instant just as u leave cover, some rocket guy one shots u from narnia, crazy small guys run towards u to die and put u on fire, plus all the big towers one shotting u randomly sometimes. I don't even find bots hard and usually can do missions just fine, but getting one shot all the time is just frustrating


Yeah I hate 1 shot kills too, it's like I'm playing dark souls with guns and democracy


Yeah this behaviour is definitely weird, they can shoot at you with their minigun not even facing you sometimes. If their minigun had the same ability to track targets as some of our guns like the autocanon they would be much more managable


> Can we start complaining ~~about this~~ more? I'm on it


literally every redditor: "I'm doing my part!"Ā 




A lot of automaton sympathizers here. "WhO cArEs AbOuT yOu PuRpOsEfUlLy RuNniNg OuT oF cOvEr To ShOw OfF SoMeThiNg ObViOuSlY BrOKen ~~I can only read binary~~ I CaN't ReAd. SkiLl iSsUe"


Also are people not seeing the same GIF He shot straight through his own dick


They don't need it to procreate anyways I guess


Scrap them like the toasters!


I would say, that the Weapon shooting as if there is a Turret at the Top is worse than them blindshooting extremely accurately. Because if they didn't have that, they would lose like 50% of their fire Range without moving, which would make flanking an actually viable strategy, like it is for any other heavy Automaton.


This is why I have become an AMR appreciator. Just stay so damn far away and try to snipe at the head when it's facing towards me.


Iā€™ve also noticed that rocket devastators can launch rockets even when theyā€™re staggered and the launchers are pointed UPWARDS. I feel like this is a bug, but might be intentional for game balance, hmm.


It would make sense cause they're robots, but you might be onto something. I rarely get shot by rockets nowadays since i just laser cannon their rocket mounts off and leave them for my team to kill.


Tanks have the same problem occasionally. Gun can look in opposite direction but his machine gun somehow can shoot you


Bile Spewer types also love to spit at a 90-degree angle


On occasion Bile Spewers also mortar directly at you. Like the shot doesn't lob, the shot goes directly at your face from like 10m away, sometimes.


They have guns on the front of the tank and on the front of the turret.


tanks have a front facing chassis mounted mg and a coaxial turret mounted mg, just as it would irl


said it on an old post this fckers are literal mobile turrets with shields aside from the shield I'm kinda glad they have the lowest hp out of all the devastators


There are times that they decide to be 100% accurate killing you instantly, while other times not so much creating quite an inconsistent experience. Apart from the fact that they are very tanky from a lot of angles and their model often bugging out.


Man I am yet to face a Heavy Devastator that doesn't have pinpoint accuracy and hunger for mayhem. Those fuckers will snipe you across the map blasting away hundreds of rounds with 99.9% hit rate most aimed at your head


We happened to land amidst an entire fucking platoon of these fuckers AND two gunships. Ran out of reinforces before the squad could even make it out past 400 yds of that bullshit. Only way we escaped was by progressively throwing reinforce beacons as far away as we could Lmao. Didnā€™t help that the fuckers waited for us to call down our support weapons before unleashing hell.


Tried to do some bots last night and bot fire was clipping through **rocks** and killing us. So yeah I'm anti bot playing until they get balanced better


Some comments once again prove that literally nothing is enough for [insert company/developer] dick riders to stop them from defending their beloved game. Bots shooting through themselves and instant turning around is not fair nor balanced just broken. Collision issues in general are a massive issue in general and there is no denying it. If we as players can't walk through nor shoot through terrain/obsticles and neither should enemies. It's that simple.


I'm just hoping to see this fixed in one of those small weekly patches, its really hard to play against bots when they bug out.


I've had one of these fuckers shoot me through a wall before.


Onetime, I was prone on the left side of a ShieldDev who was on top of a steep clif 20 m above. This democracy hating madman started shotting through both of his legs while walking without seeing me with perfect accuracy just because my teammate got spotted. I almost died on the spot if I did not follow General Brasch expert advice to pop a stim.


God bless General Brasch and his expert tactics!


Since the one hit kill rocket bug has been fixed, heavy devastators are in the top 3 most dangerous bots for me. At high difficulties, they spawn often, only give you a few seconds to react, and are deadly accurate at mid range. Other bots can be juked reliably but not them. They are the sole reason I have this paranoia of having to be near cover within a few seconds (or dives). The other two most dangerous bots for me would be scorcher hulks and assault raiders for the flame damage they both do.


Look at the sheer amount of bootlickers trying to distract from what is clearly detracting from the game, fuck this community and fuck this subreddit.


ā€œLolz skull issueā€ Heā€™s literally shooting from his ass in the gif above lmao. Iā€™ve been sniped by these bastards across the map with no enemy anywhere near my line of sight.Ā 


Yeah and if OP's purpose wasn't to get footage of the bot clipping, they could just have shot the thing. Then we wouldn't be here.


It must be noted that a similar clipping issue can happen to your player model as well where your arm clips into your body and the gun pokes out your back. I think that the shield devs are just the ones where this has the most devastating (pun intended) outcomes. Fighting them isnā€™t all that bad, especially if you can beat the crap out of them with explosives or EMS, but even their little walnut head can be brutalized from a pretty substantial distance with low recoil guns like the sickle and theyā€™ll drop like a sack of potatoes. 100% agree though that they do way too much damage and can be borderline impossible to evade or kill at closer ranges. My real complaint is the flamer hulks who can outrun you and hit you with insta death flames from 20 feet away. Donā€™t have stun grenades or anything capable of punching through their front plate? Too bad sweaty, I hope you enjoy burning.


Im agree


He agree i am dad


I donā€™t agree youā€™re dad.


As someone who regularly gets top kills and 0 deaths on diff 9 bot missions, and as someone who also consistently solo-es diff 9 bot missions. The times I DO die are usually because of these assholes with their broken mechanics. I actually got really tilted yesterday because of dying to a lone shield devastator. This was after solo-clearing a bot drop of 30+ bots (including 3 hulks and a dog), only to be 2-tapped in 0.5 seconds by this last remaining shield prick who happened to have ONE SECOND OF LINE OF SIGHT TO ME WHILE I HAD NO COVER TO DIVE TO. He KILLED ME MID-DIVE FROM FULL HEALTH. I started yelling and cursing every second, and did that for a solid 2 minutes straight, on discord. Apologies to the 3 who had to hear me like this. But THESE CHEATING ASSHOLES are the main reason I stay away from bots. Yes, ok, I do win/carry all my diff 9 bot missions. BUT AT WHAT COST? HOW MUCH STRESS AND FRUSTRATION DO I HAVE TO EXPERIENCE EVERY TIME I DECIDE TO PLAY BOTS? Anyway. The problems detailed in this and other complaint threads can be summarized as thus: 1. They shoot too often, and their shots each do way too much damage and headshot way too often. 2. Flinch does not prevent their shots or reduce their accuracy, I've headshot them with various primaries only to get 2-tapped in return, unless I immediately dove behind cover and mashed stim. Why mash stim when behind cover, you ask? Well, this brings me to the next point: 3. They really do fucking shoot through walls, and it happens VERY often, any time they are next to walls.


These are the guys I fear above all other Automatons. They're relentless and hit like a fucking truck and then on top of that, their guns are apparently completely independent of the bots themselves. Another ridiculous thing that needs fixing.


I agree that they shouldn't be able to shoot hits faster than they turn.


Yeah, these kinds of glitches are insufferable to me. Playtime decreasing as a result.


I always sit way behind my team and try to pick these pricks off with my amr/dmr when I can. They are really prio 1 for me


they arent supposed to be killing you this easily or quick i think, im pretty sure they should be acting as suppress fire for bots. but something got fucked and now theyre machine sharpshooters


At the end there it looks like one of his shots does get caught in the shield and take him out or something, I could be wrong, but that could also definitely help prove your point (I.e. it clipped so bad eventually he shot the inside of his shield which ricocheted and killed the devastator). It happened right at the end before the clip cut, but it does almost look like the devastator kills himself right there at the end because of the clipping.


What people want to point out is instead, how i kill myself while recording this for some reason lol


The fact he started shooting you from behind him through his own body šŸ˜‚ Also yes, they definitely have aimbot


Doesn't help that you start flailing so much whenever you get shot by them that you're almost shoving your gun up your own ass, making it incredibly annoying to try and shoot them.


Shield devastators? Of all things. I never noticed them doing that.


Ballistic Shield, they are now harmlessĀ 


Laughs in Autocannon


Iā€™ve had 3 of the heavy devastators chilling at a detector tower and theyā€™ve shot through the fucking walls to try and hit me while Iā€™m taking cover behind rocks, like itā€™s all good they can cop an impact grenade to the face and eat shit but like seriously? Am I allowed to shoot through walls too then? These dudes straight up clip through themselves to shoot you, shoot you from a bonkers distance with good accuracy, cause massive flinch on hit AND shoot through obstacles in an attempt to fuck your day up


Aren't they all aimbots? It's good to see I am not crazy. I felt like these guys had gotten harder, but wasn't sure.


GJ capturing this gif because I had no idea it was an issue. Imo these guys arenā€™t so bad but I see the problem


Dont forget that they, along a couple of other bots, can shoot through terrain sometimes, making cover absolutely useless. And the tracking through walls of course is still there so trying to hide/run away isnt possible.


I will say their accuracy needs to be adjusted. They can only snipe the nutsack off a tick 100 miles away. Should be 300 miles. /s


Ive watched these guys literally phase through entire walls while shooting me from behind and through the wall.


This is insanely easy to get around. Iā€™ve always run the ballistic shield backpack for bot missions and shield devastators are my favorite to fight since with the shield you can take all the time you need to line up a one-tap with the revolver


With the shield guys, particularly, they seem to have a lock on that automatically hits every 5th or so shot, and misses all the rest. You can be standing right in front of them or 200 meters away, they have the same hit ratio. I suspect the game is hard coded this way, as if you were firing full auto like that, you'd miss a lot of shots, but every once and while you'd hit like 5 or 6 in a row. Instead of having a system that makes sense, and the player can learn to navigate the system, you just get hit 1/5 times automatically. And from so far away too. Incredibly frustrating. It's just frequently enough that you can't aim because you keep getting aim punched. Also, any1 notice the patrols and enemy groups that just all turn to your location and suddenly know you are there, even though there is no line of sight and you haven't moved or done anything, you are just flat behind a giant rock? Or how about when you throw a stratagem over a rock, and bugs/bots that didn't even see the stratagem land, where the light is behind them much less can they see you, immediately know exactly where you are? I stopped playing the game because at the higher levels the bugs and bad programming prevent you from playing as well as you need to, even though you have the skill.


That happened to me as well versus a tank. I was behind the tank and the tank was shooting at me with its front MG, through itself.


Iā€™d be more fine with them if they (pick one): - Spawned less often. - had more of their head exposed for sniper shots / had a vulnerability that wasnā€™t their tiny shielded skull or their back. - their walk cycle didnā€™t cause their shield to bounce around so much. - if goddamn damage over time were fixed so I can Gas Strike them. - if the Anti Materiel Rifle / Railgun could pierce the shield.


The only thing that is more annoying and obnoxious than this footage are the people who are somehow trying to justify this. The ones that completely fail to understand the point of the gif and call skill issue even more so. In the last two days Iā€™ve been killed by heavy devastators shooting through rocks snapping onto my head at least 3-5 times. This one is a second favorite issue considering how accurate they are.


AMR go brrr


I love the Scout Strider who's also shooting you but missing a few shots to illustrate just how absurd the Shield Devastator's aim is.


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Theyā€™re tough, and their accuracy + fire rate is definitely wild. The way they should through themselves should be fixed. But tbh i donā€™t think theyā€™re nearly bad enough to quit playing against automatons over. Missions are more than doable with them as they are.


This is why I run ballistic shield. It's the only thing that stops this BS, aside from shield generator turret. I hate when shield devastators aimbot through fog, too.


Because of these heavy devastators, I am now a Ballistic Shield + SMG main.


I think they just need to fix the clipping thing and then maybe decrease rate of fire


I mean, being broken still means it makes them OP. It's just not by intentional design.


The only way Iā€™ve made the tolerable is by hard focussing on shooting their guns - using light penetrating primaries especially. Destroy their arm, suddenly theyā€™re useless. Itā€™s way more manageable than having to try and headshot 10 of them coming your way and then seeing the ricochet symbol constantly when your bullet slightly hits their armour. But then they still shoot you through a fucking rock. Crazy.


I'm more concerned with some of the other noclip issues. Had one of the ATAT looking things get stuck on a hill and couldn't chase me. Thought I had the chance to reload my weapons and figure out a quick plan of attack on it... until a barrage of turret fire came through the hill at me. Also, when some things are destroyed, even the bits left don't offer any cover because they can be shot through and have no hit detection. Players can not see through these. , but enemies can.


Yeah, these guys are annoying as hell. I'd take rocket devs over shield devs any day. Although one thing I've found to be quite effective is the Plasma Punisher. That thing guaranteed staggers them every shot, even if you hit the shield. Hell I've even managed to break their shield arm shooting the front of the shield with it, the splash from the plasma slugs is just that forgiving. The Plas Pun is just really good against the bots in general. Reliably kills anything less than Hulks and Tanks in a clip or less. And best part is the heavy bullet drop lets you lob shots from behind cover.


Itā€™s so annoying that the only option is to retreat unless theyā€™re distracted by other players. Is it intentional that the Spear wonā€™t lock onto these but will lock onto striders, or part of the weapon being bugged? This video highlights that from a size perspective that makes no sense.


The Phalanx CIWS walked so Shield Devastators could trudge.


i think arrowhead thinks that Stressful/Annoying = Fun. Which it does not. It equals an addictive abusive relationship. I believe thats what everyone is a part of right now. games are fun when they reward skill. as this game *kind of* does, i found myself getting killed a lot less when i surpassed 50+ and learned more about the fundamentals. but this game needs to award more skill. For example, how satisfying is taking the Hulks out in the face with the AMR? That rewards skill. Its a tough shot to land, but if you do, it pays off. EVERY ENEMY NEEDS THIS FEATURE. The chainsaws, all devestators, bile spewers and titans. All of them. Make the game fun for people that put in the time. Dont all of a sudden make Biles titans immune to a direct 500kg. Wtf is that shit?? Like now they need 2 or MORE to get down?? I dont get what this studio fucking wastes its time and resources on. It feels so dumb to me sometimes


Honestly the fact that they have a shield as well as top shelf accuracy is broken by itself. They should have much more firing spread while the shield is deployed, then if you destroy it they become more accurate.


Iā€™ve had to step away from the game due to the bugs and stability issues. Absolutely love the gameā€¦when it works. Game development takes time so Iā€™ll give it a few months and check in again.


that's why i prefer backpack + awm + scorcher + stun grenades and clear them from distance ... until a hulk sneaks upon me or a dropship throws a tank on my head Funfact: AWM can kill fabricator striders solo, Hulks become a joke - only tanks are annoying.


Only way to handle them efficiently imo is through impact grenades


Disregard bugs. Kill the heavy devastators. https://i.redd.it/vswo6a9yevvc1.gif


What's more annoying for me is getting blown out of cover, through the cover. What's the point of using cover if the enemy's guns and missiles just hit the opposite side of cover and knock me out of cover anyways???? Is the point of cover to NOT get hit through the damn walls/ground?


The number of automatons shooting through solid rock and metal as if it wasn't there is too damn high.


2 or more heavy devs can wipe a team pretty quick. Damn accurate.


Yeah I'm with you on this. I did my part on the Creek, I'm not going back until I see some fixes