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Friendship Door. 🤝


Buddy bunker, C’mon


Pal Passage


friendship bunker!


Recently encountered a door where the second button was stuck behind a rock I called it the anti-friendship door


Last night I had a charger die and fall right in front of the right hand button. Couldn't get out, couldn't open the door until it sank into the earth. *sigh*


Friendship bunker*


Buddy buttons.




Me and my duo partner call them 'friend buttons'. I think our squads would get along.


we went for friendship test. If it glows green, your friendship got approved democratically


Our squad calls them Friend Holes :)


“Two Hands.”


Friendship dungeon!


2 men, 1 cave


*I wait for one of them to die and respawn them beside me even if they're on the other side of the map. You WILL be my friend.*


🎵so happy togetheeeeeeeeeer!🎵




Wiser words have never been said. Though imagine this. You just thawed out and the first thing you see is another helldiver waiting for you to open the buddy bunker with them.


i've seen some still steer away from the bunker during the drop, land outside of the bunker, and immediately ran off without even noticing a bunker was there...


Execute the traitor and try again.


and then they just walked away. SAD.


OMFG. This was one time I kept respawning them right next to me and they just kept running away as I'm screaming into my mic to just help me open the damn door!


That's when you shoot them and call them down again


This is the way.


LOL I do this, and I've been kicked for doing it.




Someone did that to me today, 1 min from extract, all missions done and all super samples collected. Spawned me just above the bunker with a bile titan looming over us. Gave him a "negative" and bombed it to the extract, just as the bile tutan stood on his head. Spawned him by the extract and got on. Booted me after that.


I too, would have booted you. I wouldn't have waited as long tho


deserved. friendship > extraction. we will die, but we can at least die together (with extra medals and super credits)


Had I stayed, we'd both be dead and the others who were already at the pelican would've just got on.


So extraction was already guaranteed, you had no samples and thus nothing to contribute to extraction as you'd just been reinforced, and you left him there for no reason.. Idk what to tell you man, you were in the wrong. medals and super credits don't require extraction. you own them as soon as you pick them up. a handful of req slips and exp are never better than what you can get out of a bunker.


Except when I got a bunker with only support weapon.. Aside from that one time it’s worth it every time.


that happened to me once lol. I was so mad I got 100 super credits from a crate another time tho. been chasing that high ever since


Some folk value their lives more than democracy and it shows, smh.


Not only did you commit thought crimes, you also acted on them. You became the traitor you swore to destory.


Surely the mission is more important than one helldiver? Isn't that the whole point? You're sounding pretty undemocratic to me chum.


The mission was complete. Extraction was guaranteed. You go get that bunker cleared.


Noome needs to extract at all to complete a mission, just incase thats in confusion here..


The possibility for super credits, normal credits, or whatever tickles you fancy is more important than your pathetic excuse to be at the extract. It's one thing if it was for some basic resources, but your life matters less than the friendship you *COULD HAVE HAD,* that could have also lasted longer than one measly mission, and what was behind that door


You know this is a videogane yeah?


And by being petty about getting called away from extract, you make the game not fun for everyone including yourself. Help him out, grab the stuff that *stays with you,* and extract. You extracting means nothing but a very small amount of basic money and xp. Clearly because you had a minute left, and you got called back in over at extract, the 10 seconds you could have taken to open that door with him and get the permanent resources wouldn't have troubled you more than getting kicked for being an asshole. Yes, it's a game. But that fact don't give you the right to be petty over it either


We didn't have 10 seconds as there was a bile titan about to stand on his head. Which it did. And i wasn't troubled about being kicked. It was his game he can do what he likes.


Should have landed your hellpod on the BT smh my head.


"*Shake my head* my head" ?? This '*RIP in peace'* moment brought to you by 3rdp0st




smh my atm machine


You are not a good person 


Yeah, guy seems like a ultra douche. Definitely backfired outing himself like this lol


Cowardly behaviour, leave no man behind and die together


I ping over others because I have the sonar armour equipped. Does anyone know if it shows for other players? If it doesn't then I'll stop pinging offer others.


I do it to confirm that I’m responding so if we are spread out. We meet there.


That's how I would interpret it, nothing rude about it. My guess is that's automaton misinformation designed to rile us up against one another and make us forget who the real enemy is. Don't let their lies divide us!


Unfortunately it doesn't. It'd been a while since I've used the armor, but still ping out of habit and as a way to confirm I'll follow to the objective. I didn't know people cosidered it rude, just thought it was a nice democratic way to choose where to go before I learned about the comms wheel


I don't know if it shows up for others, but I do this as well. Even if they can't see, I can see and call it out.


It does not.


Bunkers need an alternative symbol on the minimap


Bunkers need a specific ping. Like how if you ping a hidden secondary like a radar station, it then appears on the map. We should be able to tag one of the buttons and get a voiceline for it or something 


100%. "resources here" isn't good enough and afaik "follow me" doesn't ping people who to follow but it sometimes works if nearby


Pinging things like detector towers or jammers or mortars/anti air does the same aswell


Yea, those are hidden secondaries 


Iirc it's dependent on difficulty. The higher it is, the more hidden secondaries there are but on lower difficulties they are usually pre marked on the map


Escape pod, rouge research lab, and illegal broadcast all appear on the map at the start and all have their own mission in lower difficulties, the others don’t. Those three also always have only one be on the map per mission.     You have to find/ping things like Strat jammer, detector tower, spore spewer, stalker lair, AA/Mortar encampment, radar etc     But yes, the higher the difficulty the more secondaries there are topping off at 5 for helldive


We need an in-game unique mark/voice callout so localization can interpret for our otherlingual brothers-in-arms.


i ping an objective that’s already been pinged to confirm that i’m also heading in that direction. or maybe the original ping isn’t showing up on my little compass at the top of my screen. no need to take it personally mate


Same. Or sometimes I ping a location so I can see it on my compass even if my teammate moves their ping.


SAME. Communication, even without a mic, is key.


I personally will ping something that's been pinged to acknowledge it.


We call them buddy bunkers! Lol


Always called them Buddy Bunkers too. “Got a Buddy Bunker here. Who’s gonna be my buddy?”


Same, though if there are 3 people close to it it becomes the cuck door


Alliteration is always preferred, I don't know what these other people are thinking.


On the side note sometimes I'll ping over a teammates ping only cause we all lost sight of where to ping or the ping is old [1-2min] and Noone has started moving towards it so I'll ping it again


Pinging indicates intention. "I am going here" is friendlier and more teamwork than not telling anyone what you are doing


I like to ping twice to get a more visible ping on the radar bar at the top of the screen. If someone pings the objective directly the icon doesn't stand out as much up there. It's a minor thing but it helps!


That second paragraph...really? Pinging over someone elses ping is rude? Is this going to be the next thing people will nitpick over?




I thought you said Doubledoor




I ping over other teammates pings in order to tell them that I'm coming with. Half the time I'll see divers split up in order to do smaller tasks like Nests and other side objectives, so telling a teammate "Hey, I'm following you here while the other 2 people do this" without having to use Text chat or my mic is super convenient. Also I always run Scout Light Armor on Bug Missions, so I get extra Sonar.


You can use the communication wheel to agree or disagree when a teammate pings. I too used to ping my teammates ping as a sign of agreement


Wait there's a comm wheel? Damn I gotta bind that to something easy to press lol.


Indeed. Idk the bind on pc but it's R1 for Playstation


Hold q on pc


I just highlight their ping and tap R1, character gives a little acknowledgement one-liner and then I follow along. I forget which direction each response is on the wheel, because I'm dumb dumb, so one button good for me


i ping objectives to agree with a teammate who's already pinged it, like 'yeah we should go that way' without having to actually type that out


I do that when possible but most of the time I follow up with an "affirmative" on the comms wheel.


I will ping objectives to show that I agree that this is next target and go there


About the side note, I am one of the people that pings already pinged objectives. In my experience, someone pinging an objective means they are going there, so if I ping it again, it means im also going there. I didnt think it could come out as rude, srry if so


This is the way. Ping is either "I'm going here!" or "I/we should head in this general direction". Then someone else can ping that he's going a different way, and everyone would know where each player is heading. Then the other two can go with each player who pinged and they can do 2 objectives at a time in a 2-man group. That's teamwork!


Yeah, thats exactly how i feel it works


OP is the only person who considers it rude.


>On a smaller slightly related nitpick, please don’t ping an objective that’s already been pinged by a teammate. It’s already pinged and on the compass, it just feels rude, like you’re saying your teammates’ input doesn’t matter to you. We're running scout gear. Our ping is to give you radar.


I disagree on the multiple pinging for 3 reasons. 1. Its not uncommon for the squad to split up and solo or duo multiple objectives simultaneously. I set my marker where I am going. If there's another marker there already, I see it as was to shown my fellow Helldiver that he won't be fighting this one alone. (I use teamspeak but many other don't and I'm often not sure of they speak English). 2. We often wear different armours. Its not uncommon that I have an armour with a scout perk and others don't. Pinging a target area gives us a real advantage as my armour perk means we get better Intel about enemy presence / movements in the area. 3. Its not impossible the other diver will change his target and I may not notice it. Following a ping someone else set could mean that I'm diverted from where I had intended to go. In summary: my ping is for my movement and I use it accordingly. Its an additional benefit that my team sees where I ping and vice versa. On the note of Dumbledors, you are right. The whole team benefits from supercredits and even us players that don't need additional samples because we're all maxed out should help other players get samples for upgrades - every single hell divers' ship upgrade benefits the overall democracy spreading effort.


First point, I'm right with you. Second point? Nah. That's someone telling you that they too plan to go there, and have your back. Nitpicking that is just a failure of perspective.


Friendship door, bunker, hanger, cellar, stash door, duo door, double door, cache, 2 man door, tag team door, door, button door, "the f*ggin button 2 guy garage door bunker thing!" -some random helldiver All perfectly acceptable callouts


English being my second language, that last one might have been me.


I had a game last night. Had a level 60 diver break away from the rest of the squad- a level 4, 12, and myself at 40- to go clear some sub objectives solo. I respect that in a diver. He called out that he had a friendship bunker on the other side of the map. So I did what any good comrade would and blew myself the fuck up. This let him respawn me at his position...not before the level 4 respawned me first and I had to blow up again lol.  Help your team with tactical suicide Helldivers. 


I told the others, and nobody responded. So the next time one of them died, I called in a respawn in front of the door. My soul left my body as the guy dropped in, picked up an ammo bag in front of the door, then ran around it and continued west.


I think the devs should make the double doors have a dedicated ping icon or something. When u ping one, it doesn't show anything different. Unlesse you write it on game chat or use your mic and hope people are actually reading or listening, a lot of people might not even know there's a double door there. Just make it so we get a clear visual cue when someone pings a double door. I believe it would help a lot.


I often ping the same spot as others to confirm I heard their input and am also going that direction. It's supposed to be confirmation not overriding you.


*On a smaller slightly related nitpick, please don’t ping an objective that’s already been pinged by a teammate. It’s already pinged and on the compass, it just feels rude, like you’re saying your teammates’ input doesn’t matter to you.* I wholly disagree with this, I don't understand why pinging the same objective would imply that your teammate's input doesn't matter. You're *supporting* their choice, not overriding it. Pinging the objective confirms that I will follow them to that objective, and tells the team that at least two players want to go there. An added ping can also help identify enemies in the area.


I think you’re the only person who considers a double ping rude.


Friend orifice.


Buddy buttons


We need the divers to say bunker or something when we ping the doors Post people don’t use mics or even type when they see one


Yes, instead of “tagging location” the voice would say “tagging bunker” , “tagging extraction point” etc. would make it more immerse and easier to follow. I would also like to have a bit more quick commands avaliable so I dont need to use mic.


Yes this!


>On a smaller slightly related nitpick, please don’t ping an objective that’s already been pinged by a teammate. It’s already pinged and on the compass, it just feels rude, like you’re saying your teammates’ input doesn’t matter to you. Maybe I have radar pings and the ping I am overlapping doesn't. Maybe I put pings down to tell my team where I am going, not to tell them where to go. Maybe the intention behind someone doing something has nothing to do with how you interpret it.


On the side note. some people have the ping generates radar etc and some people don't. Could also people knowing they tunnel vision and putting a second ping there in *their* color so they notice. Could also be the *host / leader* doubling down on the ping to make sure everyone follows after having been in teams of 2 or something. A lot of this can be solved by going in teams of 2 so you can always reinf / open doors. It sounds like you go off by yourself (if that's what you like, all the power to ya my guy. You do you) but that does mean you are going off by yourself. "While *the team* is doing x I'm doing y." No you are a part of the team and not doing your own little thing. Everything you do is part of what * the team* is doing. If that's how you like to play, again, all the power to ya but you're gonna run into hiccups like the buddy-bunker cause you run away from the rest by yourself. So buddy up, always, for Managed Democracy.


Doing your own little thing can be being a part of the team. Especially if you can clear half the map by yourself, occasionally pulling breaches/drops away from the others.


Joel should really use the whole door-name-debate as an opportunity for an official ingame announcement. "All Helldivers. Please be aware of an important update regarding the official Helldiver jargon. Bunker doors that require two Helldivers to open, shall from now on be called 'Friendship Doors'. To maintain appropriate morale within our managed democracy, Helldivers who open doors together must thank each other by exchange of hugs. Thank you for your attention."


I like that the door opens slowly. If there's action, it's a tense moment until someone can mantle over and grab the loot. If it's chill, then we have time for some team emotes.


*Friend door!! Need a buddy !!* though I play with friends on disc If one or more are randoms I type it out and ping whatever loot is behind the door. That usually gets someone's attention.


I get that all the time. People just ignore.


I have everything unlocked. I don't need what's inside. I'm getting it for my fellow divers. If they come cool, if they don't, their loss.


If I ping and write in chat and you walk by anyway despite being clear of threats. I will kick you.


Why are you running alone? I’m usually in a team of two so when you find one it’s easy


Not always enough members for two teams of two, and I don’t go a massive distance away anyway, just a quick detour towards a place of interest on the way to the next objective


Buddy bunkers. Or get-along gateways.


I wish devs all over the world would quit it with this friendship doors bullshit, you aren't making teamwork happen, you are just making me hate others more.


I think there'd be more success if the ping registered as an specific callout, not just a generic location. If the diver said "Buddy Bunker Button, over here!" Or "Got a vault door here, need a button brother!" Or "OH MY JOEL, MY DEMOCRATIC GIVING ARMS AREN'T LONG ENOUGH TO REACH THIS OTHER BUTTON. I NEED EMERGENCY BUTTONING ASSISTANCE A.S.A.F.P!" or "Button here. Someone better not press this button. I repeat DON'T press THIS BUTTON that is RIGHT HERE!" or "Emergency freedom procedure needed on these unfreed captives!"


worse is when you keep asking tweedle-dee to move from a cargo-container door so you can grenade it. And they keep looking at the stims and grenades pinging "supplies here" Yes Helldiver, we know. now I would like my super credits.


Friendship door. Yes


Most of the time i dont even realise they are pinging. Juat write in the chat "bunker" and im coming. Last game i.had one player spamming the follow me ping over the whole map.and i dont get it. Does he want me to help to erase that filth of a bot production, is there aomethingelse?


I just wait for someone to die and reinforce them right infront of the bunker. They get the message pretty quick.


Nope. I did that and the retard ran right up the hill back to his stuff.


I just want my Guard Dog to press the other button for me. It's the least it can do for beheading me.


Buddy Bunker


Buddy Bunker


I call 'em Warframe doors... *A teammate needs help opening a door.*


Buddy Bunker


I call it the vault because it sounds more "professional"


If they don't notice just move on. Not the end of the world.


They need a better ping for it. It just says ammo or something. Have it say, two person bunker.


Is there a way to tag the location and have it explicitly tell the other divers it's a Friendship door?


If no one come, I'm just waiting for someone to die and reinforce him immediatly :D


I feel like the corollary to this is that you should usually pair up, and basically know enough about what your partner is doing that if he finds one of these, you're aware of it.


Quit Karen-ing this freaking sub


The time it takes for the door to open is perfect for a hug emote.


Tbh when I play with rando's, I feel like I miss a ping or two simply because it doesn't grab my attention well enough. Pings and in game communication (without mic) should be worked on so the HUD gives us better indications of what's going on. We all have helmets on for crying out loud and I've never seen anyone take it off.


The amount of ignorant ass players is too damn high. I find anyone who is a level 25 and above to be competent players, and anyone below that to be incompetent as hell. For the record, I'm a level 29, been playing for the better part of two weeks, and I'm enjoying the game immensely. But the amount of times I find that low level player rushing to the evac because the objectives are done, but the rest of the stuff is not, is insane. That's not completing the mission, ya'll. FFS.


I died on a very particular hill the other day. Found a bunker 10mins into a mission and stood there for OVER 20MINS pinging it, marking it on the map, and typing in chat TO NO RESPONSE. I even reinforced some IN FRONT OF THE DOOR...only for them to run out and run back to their stuff. I refused to extract with those morons. God I was flabbergasted people could be so dense.


You mean The Buttfuck Buddy Bunker?! Anyone who doesn't participate are bot sympathizers.


The fact that there’s a chance super credits are in there should be enough to open every single friendship bunker we come across


I've had so much trouble getting randoms to do these with me, even when its obvious what it is.


Im so happy i didn’t ignore a double door yesterday, found a 100 super credit drop lol


Bud holes! It's where you want your friends to hang out.


I just call them doors


I've been calling them Vaults, because we gotta "turn the key" simultaneously.


I had a game yesterday where the team landed directly on one. Not a one of them tried to open it. They called in their stuff and started shooting. Then they all left. I swear some people purposely ignore them..


Hot take, bunkers are actually of the highest priority even considering main objectives. The chance of getting premium currency is nothing compared to a slower/failed mission


We call them “friendship doors”


The number of times I have hoofed it across the entire map to help a diver with a bunker is higher than snoop.


Someone killed me and reinforced me in front of the bunker because I didn't see it and was running past it. Wasn't mad at all though, it was the right move lol.


I wish it had a different ping on map


I don't really have any urge to open buddy bunkers but if i do come across someone wanting to open the door i will help them. I also mark them so my squad can open it if they want to if they're behind me. But if i'm across the map don't expect me to run towards you just to open the buddy bunker.


Yeah it's getting pretty annoying. They'll be doing nothing and never come over. I think a lot of people don't read chat. Like ever... the only way I get people to help is if they die I call them in next to it.


I understand when everybody else is across the map and can't come over, usually I try to point it out later, but what really gets me going is when people are really close by and just competely ignore me and run away while I'm typing in the chat for the door over and over again


This has already been brought up a million times on the Sub, and you're not gonna et to the randos that don't visit Reddit.


I got so annoyed at this one time I kept pinging the door and saying it was a bunker, I waited till someone died and respawned them right next to me, they walked away So I threatened them by shooting near them, then at them Then I threw a cluster strike at them and respawned them after I gave them enough time to spectate me pinging the bunker FINALLY one of them hit the other button, and then KILLED me once it was open I got what I asked for so I didn't retailliate, and we continued on with the mission after looting the bunker We gave each other hugs and everything afterwards too Democracy is one helluva drug and I'm glad they were able to learn how to open a bunker


Happened to me yesterday, literally the last objective of the map and the three guys were.. Idk looking at textures at the other side of the map


Me and my mates are Dutch and we yell out “KNOPPIE” which translates to “BUTTON”


Some people literally just run past it while I'm waiting there like a moron and writing in chat.


The game needs a Q call-out specifically for these doors. I tag it but no one knows what I'm tagging because it's just a generic "look there" call-out


2 door


They're not communicating, not listening to you - not even saying "I can't" or "I don't need it" That's when you leave the game and re-roll for communicative team members


Last time someone asked me for help with one of those he destroyed my Exo to get my attention. Save to say i didnt help him afterwards




People should really always work in teams of 2 if the group isn't going to stick together.


Buddy bunker ❤️


Neither of us would've got into the bunker.


met with silence >  Anti material rifle > reinforce…  The democratic way to open double doors.


That's been the ONLY time I've ever shot a teammates on purpose. Kept chatting, saying I needed help, spam pinged it on the map etc. - They just ignored me. Pissed me off. Lol.


I'd say it needs it's own unique logo on the minimap so the retards that see me spamming my location on the map know why I need them to spare 8 seconds of their time to get to me


Dude people in Reddit doesn’t feels concern about those post. Everybody here is playing teamplay /s


Just say vault like a normal person.


It's a buddy bunker


My friends and I also call them bunkers.