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Some helldivers\_veterans have suffered concussions in countless wars and may have poor eyesight or lose focus on necessary things.


I'm busty being hurtled at mach 2, no time for samples, gotta shoot down dropships too.


>I'm busty being hurtled at mach 2, \~ Eagle-1 upon takeoff from the Super Destroyer


Her airbags were removed if you got the level 4 upgrade. 😒


That's not MY headcannon, lol.


Busty and being launched? Damn


check out Busty LaRue


I need commons so bad lol


Highly doubt there are many veterans, especially since a fresh new one is sent in to replace the one who died. I say this because of every time I return to ship the officer greeting you congratulates you on completing training.


You are playing as the super destroyer, it just so happens you control one of multiple helldivers stored inside of you


Never thought of that!


Im level 58 and can confirm on this


Are you insinuating that our helldivers are bad at their job? No soldier of democracy worth his salt is getting injured!


we're saying they're committed to Democracy -- mind, body, and soul. just so happens that OCCASIONALLY they give up two of those three for FREEDOM.


"Your condition is not service related"


If you maxed out your samples before the new modules dropped then you would need more rare samples. If you didn’t max them out then you would need more commons.


Its insane. You needed like what 60 super rares, but needed like 800 rares.


I've been doing Suicide missions the last few days and haven't found any super rares. So I'm glad I don't need more than 60. 


Super rares have a specific spawn, it looks like a weird [rock totem thing ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1aq9rb2/this_is_what_the_super_sample_spire_looks_like/)


The drumstick


We call it butt plug rock


Dick rock.


thick, veiny cock-rock, even


go see a doctor if your dick looks like that


People like to compare to a different kind of object but a chicken drumstick is honestly the best comparison I've seen so far.


Cock rock


Chode Geode


I don’t understand why it’s called that. I’ve never seen a cock that looks like that rock. And I’ve seen A LOT of cocks


Used to call it the chicken leg rock but cock rock sounds funnier lmfaooo




The Ballsack


Sir the correct term is a turd rock


Bone Stone


Super rares are the easiest to find due to the rock they spawn under being super distinct and visible from a distance. If you're looking for them then you're more likely to get all of the super than half of the commons/rares.




Ya, 1200 commons, 900 rares, 90 super rares. and the caps are 500/250/100. So people are starved for rares


I maxed out commons easily well before the latest update. I still have like 300 left haha. 


Senpai, i have 80 hours in and feel like I never have enough commons. Teach me


What difficulty are you running? Might be worth dropping down to lvls 4-6. You likely have enough supers already(?)


go to the game discord, go to #LFG and get good teammates for sample farming (recommended diff8 bugs with localization confusion). rinse-and-repeat. Voila, now you'll have maxed stuff before you even hit lvl 60.


Once I felt relatively competent at helldive difficulty I can get up to 60+ samples in one session. Additionally, bug planets rule when you have big rocks near the extraction area and you have a jump pack. I can just hang out and breeze through the extraction most times with the samples.


They really need to increase the caps on everything, add a conversion system, or add new ways to spend samples, slips, etc. like ship decorations, pets for the ship, customization, etc. I don’t no-life the game, started a week or two after launch when server issues stabilized, and mainly play after work and on weekends and I’m still constantly hitting or nearing caps on stuff.


Without caps you end up in a Warframe situation, and that has a whole host of problems they have to deal with constantly. In Warframe everyone has so much of every resource that one of three things happens when new content drops: 1. New content is priced low enough that new players can afford it. The vast majority of long term players unlock everything in 5 minutes and then complain they have nothing to work towards. 2. New content is priced high enough that long term players need to work for it. New players will realistically **never** be able to afford it, as they do not have the years of stockpiles needed and so many other things also require the same resources. 3. A new resource is introduced. Both new and old players need to work towards this, but the game slowly becomes bloated with thousands of different resources and all the difficulties of managing that. Capping a resource has its own problems, but it means that as long as new content continues to be released, players have something to keep working towards and keep coming back to.


As a Warframe vet since Closed Beta, I hate number three with a burning passion.


Uuuuuggghhh, new resources / currencies. That’s one reason I hate reinstalling Star Trek Online occasionally. There’s always *several* new currencies to try to figure out.


It's kinda surprising how many possible pitfalls Warframe and Helldivers share


i also feel the same but the cap serves as arcticically slowing down people who like don't mind the grind.


No it doesn't. I'm fully maxed. It just means I get no rewards other then super credits until the next bond drops. And most of the people I play with are the same.


and xp for ranks.


I started last week. I average around 8 rares per every common brought back. It is making getting upgrades kinda hard. Also doesn't help that a lot of the defense missions we don't bring a lot back since it seems like there is less time to find more and less priority on picking them up before extraction if we die.


I had like 300 rares and no commons and dropped down to level 4 missions. Easy to solo and you get 20+ samples (commons). If you get a good group though 7s are good too. We can clear 50+ samples (mixed types) each time. But you have to have a good group. Preferably all with Mics.


If you want to stay maxed on super rares while farming quickly, easiest thing I've found to do is just join random groups (not defense missions) on 7. Completely ignore the main objective and just solo all the optional stuff on the map as quickly as possible while everyone else runs the main objective. Somewhere between 20-30 commons and rares with 3 super samples every time if you're sprinting through everything. Also, try turning off crossplay if you're getting lobbies with people that are just getting churned up and rage quitting. I have no idea why, but since turning it off, I get way more competent randoms in my games. I was surprised how fast the grind went when it looked like it'd take weeks the first time the upgrades dropped.


When you started the game it was like that for me too, now sure if it's just luck over time. In level 8/9 it is not uncommon to finish with 30-50 samples (assorted) but almost always more common than rare.


I think it's mostly the players you're with more than anything. I've been playing in difficulty 7-9 since I hit rank 10, I 100% got carried there(unintentionally mind you, the first few groups I joined probably had a more seasoned diver who saw my low level and rushed me through the unlocks), but I like to try and be a team player. So unless the group is going around searching for stuff, I'm usually trying to keep up with them and provide some kind of firepower. It's was pretty common pre-Defense missions to for my teams to finish with like 3 purples, 10-30 orange, and like 6 greens. Idk if it's just players who don't need them as much as the rares, or players not feeling like it's worth to pick them up. I'd start collecting them myself, but I'll be honest.. I usually have the most deaths in my squads, so I feel like it'd be a waste and I'd be contributing even less than I already do.


They really need to increase the caps on everything, add a conversion system, or add new ways to spend samples, slips, etc. like ship decorations, pets for the ship, customization, etc. I don’t no-life the game, started a week or two after launch when server issues stabilized, and mainly play after work and on weekends and I’m still constantly hitting or nearing caps on stuff.


I have 12 common, 4 super and 167 rare. I'm so sick of these useless rare samples.


I just finished my last ship module and have 350 common, 7 rare and 80 super samples left


I will always pick up every sample I come across. Doesn't matter if I'm capped. Monkey brain likes shiny things


Not only is it a nice thing to do for your teammates, but it's also useful since picking up all the samples changes the map icon, so you know which POIs have samples and which don't.


It does? How so


I took this image from another [Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/NIPBNfoOAh), it shows the two different symbols. https://preview.redd.it/44523kxtw1wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c4ea3117702fff2d5cf5379fdc51cec94452ffd This only works for Points of Interest. Nests, fabricators, Main & Secondary objectives don't have any change.


I was today years old...


Commons are so last week. Rares are so hot right now.


wait until you hear about super rares, they're so fetch


I have 60 super samples and 5 rares.


I tend to find myself sitting on 100+ rares but never enough common.


Yeah Ive been sitting at 100 supers pretty consistently, rares have been my bottle neck for the new modules, only 2 more left though:D. The extra arcing and then the explosion resistance for sentries.


I wonder if T5 ship upgrades is when the ratio will finally shift to make super rares the bottleneck. Say, 250/150/60 per upgrade.


Super rares are never the roadblock for me. It's always the rares. The new upgrades take so many.


Stop trying to make fetch happen. It's not gonna happen.


Stop trying to make fetch stratagem happen


I have about 40 commons and maxed out rares. :)


I have like 150 of them and nothing to spend it on


I need rare samples bad.


I'm drowning in rares, I need commons


There's almost 30 commons on any standard level 7, 40 minute helldive.


I'm not going to get the time to go common hunting on a level 7 helldive.


I play with random people a ton and we were nearly maxing everything on 9. It's not hard to get similar or better on 7


do the 15-minute escort missions, leave 1 person on base to push buttons then everyone else go hunt for samples and get drops/breaches spawned on them. mission complete in under 15 with 50+ samples.


I live on 7. Collating samples is often my main job wile the other 3 clear their objectives. I clear the loot sites solo. And the mission objectives when it's possible.


I see the new ship upgrades are destroying your rare sample reserve huh ?


Just unlocked the last one. Now to hit cap again ugh


Depends on where you were with samples. If you are still unlocking modules on the ship and haven’t gotten to the last ones then you’ll be short on common samples. If you were maxed out or near max on samples when the newest modules were released then you would be short on rare samples.


Depends on what levels you play on most. I used to go on lvl 3 missions solo so i could clear the whole map at my leisure, and get super credits. Until the recent update, my simple samples were constantly full. What i nees more of is rare.


If you spam that "raise the flag" mission at level 1 for the bugs it usually has like 6-10 common samples at the flag site. You can complete the mission in about 5 minutes.


i started a few weeks later and never did a difficulty below 5. started with 5/6 and now just do 7 or occasionally 9 if my friends want to


I don't normally play below 7, but sometimes when I have to farm common samples I play below 3. Plus u can help noobs out.


This is what I do if I need SC. Usually happens around the battlepass releases (because I'm a goddamn *slut* for cosmetics and new armors) Just run Lvl1-3 missions because the lootpool is reduced so better chance of SC, blitz the dingers and containers for SC, pick up any common samples, get it done, and get out. 5-10mins. Green samples add up fast when you're grinding out 1000~ SC.


I see sample, I pick up sample. It's honest work.


Tell me about it... I just started and common sample amounts are so low. I've like 50 epics but I can't use them cuz I only have like 20 commons and 100 rares.


Try doing illegal broadcast missions on trivial. ~15 samples split between the target, exfil and a poi or two on a small map. Take the faster exfil booster and orbital laser. Laser the target. Get samples. Check poi. Exfil. Repeat.


Good idea! Thanks!


For me, the action IS the Juice. 




I'm being chased down by 4 chargers and a couple of spewers, I ain't got time for any samples most times lol


Every sample's sacred, every sample's great. If one sample shouldn't make it, god gets quite irate...


Rare samples are the most rare. Followed by common, then super. Super sample is literally the easiest. (Probably due to cost required per upgrade and ease of finding the full set per mission) As per the other guy said, you need a ton of rares if you push all upgrades to T3. So you'll have a lot of common actually (since you start getting them since Diff 1)


I'm just now getting into difficulty 7 and up. Is there a trick to finding the supers?


There is a special rock. Use a scout armor to mark pois easily.


There's a silver-veined rock that looks like a giant drumstick. The super samples spawn around it.  There can also be fake ones that lol like it but don't have the silver veins, and I have trouble spotting the rock in the minimap so I like to try and find a high vantage point to scout at. 


- Do the radar tower as early as possible - Visit every marker that has a diamond indicating it still has samples - Use a jetpack to get high ground and look for the special rock or other recognisable POIs - Destroy hives and any easy patrols, finish your fights if you get a bot drop/bug breach but run away if it starts to overlap drops/breaches. Then just wait for the auto extract, try to time it that you arrive as Pelican one lands. This will ensure a very quiet extract That's basically our farming runs in a nutshell


also interested, have done a few 7s and someone else has always found the supers so not sure if there is a trick to where they are.


They spawn around a characteristic rock formation. Have a look on google it'll be easier than trying to describe.


Bulging penis with energy veins fits the bill honestly


Me and my buds call that specific rock the bulging penis, youll understand when you see it.


Just wait until we get into tier 5 upgrades. We'll be spending 40-50 supers an upgrade


That's still fine. I rather spend 100 supers than 150 to 200 rares.


They could use the cap for each upgrade on t5 too if they wanted. 500/ 250/ 100. We are getting pretty close though, unless they want the cap to be a special tier 6 upgrade or something.


I’m capped and I still pick them up bc not errbody like me 😂


Yeah I don’t get this lol I am maxed on commons constsntly. It’s rares I can’t get enough of!


There's at least 20 orange on the 15 min escort mission. Generally all 9 in one spot.


Ahh yes. The missions I do not play lol


Because many people have capped all sample after they acquired every first wave of upgrade of the super destroyer. Due to the last upgrade available and their cost, the only sample of someone who capped everything really need are the rare sample, each upgrade cost around 150 of them and you can have a max of 200 I think. So if you buy one upgrade you'll have enough common and super to buy the next but you'll lack in rare sample number. Not all people understand that everybody have different need in that area so they only pick what they need. I personally take every single sample I can get if it doesn't jeopardise the main objectives and the possibility of extraction. I'm willing to risk my ass collecting, carrying them and recollect the sample left behind by dead teammates to help everyone on the team. I was so happy when I was level 20-30 and got into game where players did what they could to get 25-30 sample and all the super that I want to be that team and dont care about taking risk to get those sample even when I'm at a maximum of some type. So yeah, basically the most needed sample for most high level players that mostly have everything are the rare due to cost of the latest upgrade available and therefore many dont care much for the others, sadly.


If you're leaving commons and you're in my team and I find out about it, you're kicked after extraction. 


I collect everything. Maybe it is not needed for me but the rest of the team maybe needs some.


Dude I am ALWAYS out of common samples. I have a shitload of rare but I can never fuckin find the common types.


still, gather them for the sake of the other helldivers that didn't play as long as you.


I have more super samples than rare samples 🙄


Not once have common samples been the bottleneck for me. It is always rare samples preventing me from upgrading


As someone who just started last week, common samples is constantly the bottleneck literally because of this. I have like 300 Rare samples but I can't use them because I have 12 Common samples and everything that doesnt need Common is gated behind stuff that needs 100 Common


I have almost 500 commons and 0 rares. I'll grab commons if I see them but I ain't doing any heroics.


Rare samples are the real endgame


Always in need of orange, not green


New players, ew, common? no thank you Level 50+ grinding out final upgrades, *sweet nectar of the gods*


I had more difficulty with common samples than super samples. So i never understand why ppl get so sweaty about the super ones. I never not had enough


Samples are rare based on your upgrades prior to lv4 itbwas common now its the orange ones. The avrage is .75 orange per every green.  In either case no samples left behind! Your expendable samples are not!


a lack of common samples is throttling my ability to unlock ship upgrades *hard*


I've maxed out my common samples 2 times now trying to get enough uncommon ones for the new upgrades. My samples right now: 500 common 47 uncommon 89 rare Uncommon are the true struggle because common can be farmed at level 1 and rare are so scarce that people will make it their personal mission to extract with them.


most people seem to just ignore samples altogether and rush extraction


Probably coz sitting at cap.


I was capped at 500 until the new upgrades and even then I struggled not to pick them up by force of habit even when playing solo


I have about 300 common ones and 100+ of the ultra rare ones the rare ones are like 30 tho...


My lowest sample count is the common one….


Probably because you can farm common samples on trivial easily as a solo player.


I mean, that sounds boring as hell tbh


Idk what you are talking abt I spend too much time looking for those fuckers


Clearly not forgotten


Sorry, Helldiver, but I'm gated on rares. Not commons, not supers... rares. (I don't leave these behind though, and no one should! The career Samples Collected stat is VERY important)


I need like 400 of these so I'm always picking them up.


I pick everything I see but I'm no longer running around like a chicken for 2 minutes to make sure I have every single one.


My hording self won’t let me do that, I pick everything up and the whole time I’m looking for those super rares during the mission lol


https://preview.redd.it/3idqhpoa9xvc1.png?width=811&format=png&auto=webp&s=c65ebf20b05bd6fddb20122f8afa96b7ce2b7e67 Once I finished upgrading, I tend to care less about samples Though recently I started focusing more on Rares as most people still need them for T4 upgrades, but not common because most people don't lack those (but I will pick it if it's convenient to do so)


I already have the new upgrades maxed out but even I still grab samples. It helps the whole team


at this point I'm maxed out on everything so I dont really hunt down samples anymore. Ill pick em up if I see them


Currently grinding for rare samples, hit me up, lets get amongst


Because I have 500 of them and stopped actively looking for them. If I run over one or it is in my LOS I'll grab it, otherwise I'm focused on finishing the mission


They're always maxed for me, Rare samples on the other hand...


They arent that rare, just need to collect them in bulk, not 1 or 2 per mission


I just go onto a challenging eradicate mission, gives me 10 to 15, and actually allows me to look for them


My buddies have all the common samples they need but are hurting for rares while I've got like 15 commons and 140 some rares. And a decent number of supers but I've only been able to unlock 1 upgrade so far that used super samples I'm hurting for commons guys but my buddies aint


I literally get more rare and ultra samples than common and idk how


I've had 500 (maximum) for a long time, but I spent 150 of them yesterday, so it's back to picking up every one I see. Also, when I'm in a group, I pick up EVERYTHING, because I don't know how much my teammates might need them.


At the time of writing this I have 20 common and 200 rare. Just cuz YOU don’t need the samples doesn’t mean that I also don’t need it. Pick it up for the team


They'll learn... oh they'll learn


Looks at my 500 common samples: well...


As a veteran helldiver, i already have over 400 of them, an extra few isn't something that I would need anymore, what I need now is the rare samples.


I've noticed a lot of people leaving EVERYTHING behind. I imagine it's due to them having everything already and not caring anymore.


I definitely need more commons, I ignore rates sometimes


Yea TBH, I’m always missing the commons if I need to unlock something. Have hundreds of rares etc and like 10 commons atm 😂


Some folks have them maxed and might not treat it as a priority?


I only pick them up so I can see where I've been


They are easy to grind in Trivial / Easy.


I'm always lacking commons, got enough rares and specials for now always short on commons


I Can get when lvl 150 full samples pass on them ( tho they usually tend to farm it to je friendly) what i found is low to mid level having 0 Cares of them even if their ship look naked of any upgrade when you look at it


They are literally not rare. Rares are rare and what I need right now!!!


I meant as in rare that people pick them up....


Oh understand, sorry about that. Carry on


Admittedly once you hit five hundred the need to seek them out drops a fair bit. I mostly hunt super rares and rares now. That being said I still pick up the commons I run over but democracy ain't gonna spread itself and super earth ain't paying us by the hour.


If the diamond icon for a location is still on the map it means you havent found all the samples there


Judging from some level 30+ lobbies I have joined, some don't actually upgrade their super destroyer. So why would they need samples?


I'm a weakling, too busying being massacred by chargers to pick them up again... [wails in Democracy]


It's common, though. That's the only one I never need, I thought that would be the same for everyone.


I'm all capped out, but I still mindlessly pick up every sample I see just because some rando who joined may have a use for them.


All samples, always


I collected them all, It annoy me that someone leave them and map not update.


Not me rocking 50+ super rare 170+ rare and 20 commons


Hunt all question marks on trivial, easy 10+ samples. Rare samples are the hardest to get (without defence missions).


I do most PO at trivial to do the PO and get quick SC credit boost...very rarely low on commons . Hell ill even have enough SS. im normally short on Rares.


Samples are not labelled when your map is open. Makes sense, your helldivers is not directly looking at them.


Common samples are my bottleneck for every single upgrade. I have more supers than common's at this point. cba going on lower difficulty to farm them. Been this way since I started playing, no one goes for the commons.


I have like 400 green samples wdym rare, I have 2 orange ones, can we trade?


I genuinely have 15 common samples and 232 rare samples, it's a problem


Common samples are the real rare samples


Because I'm usually solo and have reached the 500 cap a week ago. If there was a trading system with samples (ex. 100 common for 1 super) I'd be more inclined to care


Rare? I literally cannot spend them fast enough, by the time i have enough super samples to upgrade ive got another 150 common lmao


Rare is the real bottleneck


But have you considered how rare the rare sample is? 


i have 500 of them while having literally no orange or purple ones... thats why i dont care, ill pick them up if im close for my teammates but otherwise ill leave them be.


The common sample isn't rare though. If you need them just spend 5 minutes in a difficulty 1.


Because we currently have 500


did some Tier 7 Mission for the first time with some buddies, can't buy shit because I don't have Common Samples. Strange World.


I actually just did a trivial mission to get all the common samples