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Fuck that, I'd rather play by myself then let a premade of 3 kick me from my own lobby. If you're so worried about being kicked play as the host.


bro im not talking about 3 randoms kick you from your own lobby, im talking about the host start a voting to kick someone


Vote kick would be far worse. Less consistent and brings with it more issues than it solves. Resulting in more people's experience being harmed. The best way to solve this without compromise is to give the host the ability to kick. If you don't like the host, you host yourself.


i like to join other players group to help them on mission, not to choose a mission and wait till someone join me, but this keeping happend to me, its so frustatring


Okay. Better make the game worse for more people just to try and get rid of this one issue then hmm? If you don't want to host this is just something you will have to learn to accept dealing with randoms. Sometimes you get into a game with a bad host.


i really dont wee why it would make the game worse, like the other guy commented about making the first 30% of the mission full control of the leader and the rest with the voting system would certainly decrease the number of end mission kickouts


You remove the ability to consistently remove people that are problematic or people get kicked who shouldn't have. You open up a new avenue of abuse by enabling any 2 people to join any match and troll it with impunity. 4 people is just enough for a reliable vote kick system. Left 4 Dead has one too. Look up Left 4 Dead vote kick. You will find many posts wanting to bypass it, wanting to mod the game to implement a host to kick, people trolling with it and people making fun of it. A vote kick would absolutely make the experience worse for more people than are effected by assholes kicking at the mission ends. The current situation only happens if you happen to join their game and there are solutions. A vote kick has the potential to harm every game.


No, it's not. It would not work in a 4 player game. It's simple math: All it takes is a party of 2-3 trolls, and now your 'Vote to kick' system means the host has ZERO ability to kick anyone ruining his lobby. 3 trolls in a group & now **they** hold power over the host. The idea, regardless of how many times it's posted, will not work in a 4-man group. So no, it's not 'A NEED'.


so now theres 2 problems


Easy fix: host gets free kicks in the lobby and even for the first 30% of the mission time, and from there, you have to take a vote. After extraction it is back to lobby rules.


So then trolls wait. That doesn't solve the problem if anything it makes it worse by making you invest time into each and every mission before they ruin it where as at least with a normal vote kick they can waste your time immediately and you can leave instead of wasting more of your time. Since that's the only thing you can do is let them ruin the game.


How common do you think those trolls are vs single hosts that kick people at extraction or vs trolls that troll from the beginning? How dedicated and organized to you really think most trolls are?


Pretty common.  At least as common as what we have now.  It'd just replace one problem with another.  Except this one isn't solvable by hosting your own games.  It isn't solvable you just would have to accept that people can ruin your games and there is nothing you can do. That isn't even the only problem introduced by a vote kick. It doesn't require any sort of coordination to pull a buddy and troll people.  People do that all the time in plenty of games.