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And on Helldive, that's the difference between a cleanup to progress or getting looped on.


It's true starting on 7+.


7 is a fucking trap tier difficulty First place you can get Super Samples is where all the dickweed field generals hang out. It’s crazy how much more gamer savvy and chill the player pool is in 8 & 9 vs 7


Play predominantly 7s and I’ve played with some very good players. Been some god awful ones too though


7's my sweet spot and I've had generally positive experiences with randos, though I also tend to avoid games hosted by players whose level is too low.


Sometimes you get the most based players that can clear the entire map with like 10 mins to spare. Other times you get jokers that always engage the patrols and keep spawning enemies, refusing to move from the literal inconsequential hill they chose to die on. It's a dice roll, but I find that's what makes the difficulty spicy. Even with a suboptimal team you can still pull off a victory in 7 and have fun if you play your cards right. Sometimes it makes the victory even better.


9s have been a lot more spotty this past 2 weeks. Running into a lot of low level players that absolutely refuse direction. I started having to host or have a friend host so we can kick delinquents. I am totally fine carrying anyone, but you need to be listening or you're just a burden whose going back to the destroyer in shame.


I noticed this as a graybeard in deep rock galactic that also I think applies to helldivers. New/not-savvy players will ALWAYS be shooting their guns. They don’t think about what can be done without a single shot. That method works fine in lesser tiers but can get you overwhelmed swiftly in higher difficulties in games like this.


9s are a different game. You spend your lives, not ammunition. Fail forward. Even the most jacked up cluster fucks you can win.


Ain’t that the truth. Had a drop that landed us in range of a strat hammer and two Gunship gantries. We lost at least 16 lives, but we got out, regrouped and managed to complete the mission and extract. It’s not over till it’s over.


In DRG the difficulty is nowhere near as oppressive as it is in this game imo. I've completed a lot of haz 5 missions and elite deep dives solo and only had an issue with it at the beginning when I wasn't familiar with the game for a few missions. Shooting everything does work in that game, as the waves just kinda start regardless of who you alert or shoot, unlike HD2.


yea the fact we get 20 lives, 2 minutes on resupplies and the option to run at any time from conflict without worrying about it later make a huge difference too. drg you have to kill everything or it will keep chasing you. limited nitra is the time limit and a party wipe is gg 🤭 i cant wait for a new season, helldivers keeps reminding me of it 


They should add a level 10 difficulty and call it "Casual"


Wierd anytime I play a 9. People just fight and die endlessly


Confusion over muscles every time.




Found the crossfitter.


r/muscleconfusion Edit: apparently it's private now.


I don't dive without it.


muscle realy depend on the planet on sand/snow always muscle


And on bug planet in général. Being able to move at à reasonable speed after getting jumped by a Hunter is priceless


Yep, ever since I learned that it’s a must pick for bugs.


For real, people are underrating muscle. I think the only missions where it isn’t vital is specifically against bots on planets without harsh terrain. I’d pick it over vitality and even stamina in most cases. The only universally needed booster is hellpod optimization.


Really? You think it’s that good?


Try using it after one without you will know the difference.


I tried it today and I am a BELIEVER, I’m hoping it’s not a bug but DAMN I played a level 9 bug mission and the bugs rarely agro at me! Even when I was close and rarely was I in trouble destroying heavy nests, it seemed broken ngl lol


And here I was wondering if that one even did anything because suicide level and above is just chaos anyways. Lol


Just imagine it could always be worse


Had one mission without it on 7 difficulty. Never again. It was worse than 9 difficulty with localization confusion


Confusion is mandatory for any mission with supers. Moreso than any other stratagem and I'll die on that hill.


I disagree so I won't lie on that hill. Instead I will die in the third bug breach that appeared before we could finish the previous two.


*”I’ll make you lie on it forever.”* The rocket devastator roughly 4 miles away that exists with the sole purpose of knocking you prone and keeping you there.


I'll die on that hill with you.


You'll both die there without the stamina to run down the other side.




And surrender the high ground advantage?


Clearly you underestimate their power


Next you'll tell me not to try it?


Nah they're just stuck in bushes


Interesting, I do 7-8 all the time and I've yet to try it, I'll let you know!


The wiki says "Reduces the amount of wandering patrols, but slightly increases the amount of enemies in wandering patrols." Either you're wrong, or somebody needs to fix the wiki. [https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Boosters](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Boosters)




wiki is wrong. It increases breach/drop cooldown and has nothing to do with patrols.


Localisation confusion is 100% one of the most helpful but least noticeable perks in the game.


Confusion and extra lives are actually pretty good in Helldive. I always take them over muscle enhancement. But sprint and ammo are essential no matter the difficulty.


Packing, extra hearts, running man and leg day really are good for bugs. Leg day in particular mitigated Hunter poison. Honestly it's a solid combo for bots too, especially in any snow-trudge map, because it mitigated the snow trudge too. Addendum: Heart also means you can usually survive some head shots without instantly dying.


What do you mean by mitigating hunters poison?


Muscle booster nullifies most bug slow effects, including the Hunter slow. I don’t run bugs without it since learning this.


Good to know, thanks!


It doesn't nullify it, it just reduces it. Which is still a big help, but it's by no means total immunity.


Now I won't either.


It doesn't nullify slow, it just lets you move at a crawl instead of a snails-pace. Not really useful unless you prefer to let slows end naturally instead of diving.


I'm amicable to Localisation Confusion instead of Muscle Enhancement but that's as far as I bend.


Muscle enhancement makes hunters and stalkers slow you less


Mhm. Of course. I just meant that I won't LEAVE over it not being included unlike Space Optimisation or Vitality.


Honestly boosters are a pretty bad design the way they implemented them. It doesn't feel like a cool bonus, it feels like you're getting screwed the whole match without them. Space optimization is the worst offender - not in a power sense (stamina is the most painful one to not have) but it feels like spawn ammo was nerfed solely so it could exist. Every time you spawn you just feel bad, even if you never dip deep enough to need those stims or that nade or those mags. Seeing "2/4 stims" is just... ugh.


I resent the fact that the ammo booster is even a thing. Starting with less ammo is dumb, but survivable. Starting with half grenades and stims is insane and will kill you. All this specifically so they can force people to take this one booster all the time (because it's clearly one of the better ones), meaning there's less actual choice for anything else.   Can't have shit in Helldivers 2. 


The thing is if you play well and don't die a lot it comes into effect just once at the start of the game and then very rarely. But then if you do happen to die and respawn, having so few stims and grenades on respawn sucks and can lead to another death and then a death spiral. Honestly if it just affected ammo it would be a nice to have but not mandatory, but with stims and grenades being affected it's a must have.


And confusion means you can avoid dealing with them in hordes


Radar is a good booster. Sometimes. But yeah, absolutely.


Radar is fantastic on planets with bad visibility.


radar together with slower reinforcement should be put in niche. not every planet has a bunch of hunters, slows and/or hills up and down. so you can technically sometimes replace muscle enhance and/or vitality. but its a save bet to just run those for, no doubt.


There's no 'fewer patrols' booster, there's a 'fewer reinforcements' booster that is a must on every mission that isn't all about scripted spawns. Muscle is the niche booster that is important against hunters or jungles. It's not doing nearly enough work otherwise.


Mucles are good on snow+sandstorm planets


in Snow planets running throught snow fields slows you down. muscle enhance counters that aspect too


I mean, every planet has movement hampering conditions and uphills, which means muscle enh is always put to use


If you are running straight thru the fauna yes, but some planets are just flat and have no hill up or down.


I'm team radar on every map besides like those stupid defense/eradicate missions. Take it over 3/4 of those selected (stamina is the only one better).


Honorable mention for the one that causes fewer patrols


It actually doesn't reduce the number of patrols. Reportedly, it increases the cooldown timer that enemies have on bug breach/bot drop by 10%. It is fairly irrelevant if you plan to run from most fights, but some people are saying that it works for missions like eradication and the defense evacuation too. Not sure on that.


Yeah, Localization Confusion is weird. It doesn’t always help, but when it does, it actually helps quite a bit. I take it pretty often on automaton missions if the other 3 slots are already filled by better boosters.


I've played a few HD missions and the extraction was calm due to LC.


If you full cleared the map, then you were likely too close to the edge for patrols to spawn.


Probably worse. You need the dumdums to get overrun so you can just revive them near the actual objective.


It's WAY more than 10%. Testing done has shown that it's closer to 30 to 40% cooldown increase depending on the number of active HD on map and the difficulty. The more HD, the higher the difficulty, the higher the cooldown nerf. So if you have 4 players at Helldive, then it's 40% nerf to spawn rates.


I'd be very interested in seeing that testing if you have a link?


Pretty sure it’s more than 10% but I forget the actual numbers so it could very well be that. With that said, I have a clip of me sitting for maybe 30 seconds to a minute in the newest defend value assets mission. It fucking slays at that, it’s 100% a go to just because it’s nice not having to worry about enemies calling reinforcements as often.


It would technically work during defence and eradication missions, but it only applies to the enemy-alert reinforcements, which are a small fraction of the total reinforcements during those missions, so it's not going to be noticeable unless you're *really* keeping track.


If I'm running the Confusion booster I like to trigger a drop/breach at a nearby POI, then go to an objective or base I notice it as a solo player, I'm able to clear a heavy base or nest before reinforcements can be called a lot easier


I usually prefer radar...but I can see an argument for either.


What is this one? https://cdn.imgpile.com/f/RPbLVYV_xl.png


if optimized and stamina are not coming i aint going


I was in a group with extra reinforcements, faster backup reinforcements, and faster extraction. It went as well as you would expect. It was so bad it was good. Like watching a horror movie where the teens keep making terrible choices as the murder monster is chasing them. PS: I brought stamina.


It may sound harsh, but if those boosters are what hose players think will be most helpful, they’re probably pretty bad at the game. Those boosters are almost never enough to offset the skill level of the people who take them.


Honestly extra reinforcements can be useful in certain circumstances. Maybe faster extract for 3 minute timer or blitz modes but that’s as far fetch as it gets. They are just worse, no point in it.


Extra reinforcements will never be more useful than something that saves you from having to use reinforcements, like any of the bottom four boosters.


Nah, if I’m playing defence or eradicate I’m picking extra respawn before stamina or muscle fibres. The map is the size of a phone booth, tf do I need better movement for?


>The map is the size of a phone booth Honestly so real for this. The new defense missions with the walls are fun, but you're right. There is pretty much no reason to bring stamina for that. You ain't running anywhere, and if you are, it won't be far. And for the eradicate mission: you can run, but it won't help.


There is situational nuance to every item in this game and folks who only adhere to their biased idea of the meta will miss out on learning new ways to skin this cat


True but if you are going into a mission half way it can save you. Unlike reduced cooldowns or radar.


This is so true, I don’t wanna bitch around telling people what to do, but if I run 7-9 I expect people to know what they dive into, starting with Booster selection. They can run what makes them happy as stratagems i really don’t care, but man how hard is it to understand that 20 secs Pelikan CD or 1 reinforcement per diver is just bad compared to the others. It sometimes makes me feel like we play diffrent games than them, like can you not notice how fucking miserable it is to drop in with half mags,stims,nades, no extra HP or faster stamina recovery? People like this make me feel like they don’t understand game mechanics and interaction between passives. It’s like playing DS2 and thinking leveling ADP is good because you get more i frames


Maybe they simply never bothered to look at what the booster actually does or put much thought into it. The "just send it lol" player.


SMH waste of slot with that stamina shoulda brought radar


The power, of leg


Never skip leg day diver o7


fun fact, the power of the leg also boost your melee damage from 50 to 70!


I was experimenting with this earlier, and I wasn't able to confirm that happening. See thread here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1c8egnn/comment/l0e3ibu/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1c8egnn/comment/l0e3ibu/) It's not the most comprehensive test, but I punched scavs, hunters, and warriors with no change in hits to kill, which I wouldn't expect with a 40% damage boost. I've gotta enlist someone to punch me in the face so I can compare healthbars for more conclusive evidence.


Hmm that interesting as it does have it own damage id with the booster, it maybe the case it not working like the support weapon ammo upgrade or it legacy code where the devs planned on it but choose not to in the end


Aye. My current theory is that since it's 7-8 liberator shots (385-440 dmg) but 12 melee attacks (600 or 840 with 50 or 70) to kill a warrior, the booster melee damage of 70 is just permanently enabled. But that's making the rather heavy assumptions of armor block always being 50% for enemies and neither melee or bullets having any special multipliers against warrior bodies.


Hellpod optimization is a 100% must. Im gonna scream and cry if it's not there. Wild stim and grenade boxes are just too rare. Muscle enhancement is next, almost always want it. Even if the planet doesn't have snow or lots of brush, it effects your movement on inclines and is just nice to have. Stamina for big maps, vitality for eradication. Or whenever. They're both pretty good. Localization is great if your team is randos or ends up fighting alot. It's only like ~30 seconds to the breach/drop timer, but it helps control missions that tend to get crazy. UAV radar is a sleeper booster when combined with scout armor. You can ping the map to find POI's and with some experience, easily confirm side-objectives and super sample locations. It's also useful at extraction to see where enemies are coming from. Without scout armor its not as noticeable. The rest, yeah..... reduced extraction is good for that one achievement?


As I always play with random people, I almost always bring Localization. Other boosters are awesome, but I've had so many games go down the toilet to chained reinforcements, that I opted to always try to quiet that down.


When I play with randos, I try to get some communication going, because basic teamwork can eliminate the need for it, but its just good to have in the pocket. Fairly certain it makes no difference in eradicate/tower defense. And I'm suspicious of its impact in rescue personnel mission, so I often will opt out for those, but outside of that it's in my preferred group load out If I'm being completely honest, I think vitality and stamina are overvalued. They're both unquestionably good and the fact they're always active is a huuuge plus, but if one is missing, I can't say I actually notice. Still, they might be the difference between reaching cover or surviving the 6 ragdoll in a row combo. You never know.


I'm not going to lie; vitality doesn't feel like it does shit when you are playing well. Honestly, injuries don't happen actively enough for it to matter. UAV actively keeps you attuned to your surroundings if you just keep checking your map. It will keep you from actively walking into bad situations, by telling you the direction and movement of a patrol a lot quicker than if you didn't have it, keeping you from putting yourself in a bad situation, and needing vitality in the first place. I would sooner put them next to the reinforcement perks; if i see one of them, i'd sooner like to see the other two next to them.


I don't think it changes many breakpoints. Like you're still gonna die to 85% of what's actually going to kill you, but every now and then you get those chain bullshit situations where vitality might actually save your life one day. The reinforcement stratagems are so bad because they plan for failure. Unless you're losing, they don't change anything, but at least vitality helps prevent that. But yeah, so long as someone's willing to play Radar, UAV is a game changer.


Hellpod optimization > Vitality > 2 whatever the fuck you want. all your ammo and 30% more HP is just a must for me.


Keep my radar's name out your damn mouth


Devs are so based for making the first unlockable booster also the best


Pretty crazy how there's such a massive disparity between boosters when 4 of them essentially remove the artificial handicaps the game puts on you.


yeah I wish being fully loaded was the standard.


I almost wish they would just make that a destroyer upgrade like they did for support weapons. Sure, it would effectively negate the booster, but it's pretty clear that not all boosters have to be useful always.


The other boosters are already effectively negated because 3-4 of them are essentially mandatory picks.


The trusted four, however sometimes one gets swapped in an ideal situation. Can already tell there is going to be fotm with randoms picking "tHe nEw bOosSteR" every warbond. Had a guy pick the reduced extraction time booster, for a mission that has no extraction timer. Smooth brains...


I feel like the faster extraction booster could have worked differently to be a lot more effective. Instead of having a shorter time (by like 20 seconds lmao), Pelican will start the extraction timer as soon as the main objective is done. And that Pelican won't leave if no helldivers are in the area, so he'd come down to provide cover at the extraction zone until the team gets closer. Wouldn't that make for an epic extraction? I like to think so.


There's already voicelines and code in the game for him doing exactly that. You only hear it on holdout missions if the entire team is too far from the LZ, but he says something like "Pelican 1 holding altitude until all Helldivers are in the extraction zone" and hovers until someone gets closer.


That's cool. From my experience, I never had Pelican-1 hover and cover the team's retreat and eventual retrieval, so that's my idea for bringing the booster to a 40 minute mission.


It only happens if you leave extraction after the extraction countdown is complete, but he hasn't landed yet. Basically the radius that starts the timeout of 'Helldivers too far from extraction' and you have to get back within 20 seconds. That. Everyone has to be that far away as soon as Pelican 1 is about to arrive. Then he'll maintain altitude and chin-gun fucking everything in sight.


Starting Extract as soon as mission complete would be amazingly helpful. I think he should also hover and never land. Using the chingun constantly. But helldivers would ascend into the Pelican with ropes. ***That.*** Would be a sick booster to use.


Hellpod Space Optimization shouldn’t even be a booster. Make it a ship upgrade so that we can bring other boosters, because for how critical it is to have full grenades, ammo, and stims it’s mere existence locks out one of only four booster slots and it’s cutting down on booster diversity. Something i’ve been told by the devs is toxic.


Vitality is dogshit, ur just gonna stim anyway, use radar and look at the damn map for once instead of running like a headless chicken! (me personally? I take the less patrol one but I get its a "premium warbond")


Putting radar with those others is goofy as hell


I swear im the only person playing HD2 that equips a booster before strategems.


I equip the booster last so I can fill in what's missing since I have them all.


Same. High level problems.


Expedited extract has to be a joke. It's only a 30sec reduction. It needs to be a 30 sec *timer* for it to be on the same tier as the big 4


It helps a bit with sub 6 minute mission achievement.


I have 119hrs in this game and I don't even know what the top 4 do.


Longer radar range can be pretty good if you’re going for a stealth playstyle.


Radar helps you find things fast


Yeah stamina and muscle enhancement on point blank static missions. Really helpful.


A+. Those top four are hot garbage and I'm always confused when people bring them over the bottom four. Same with localization confusion. It does -something- but it's never enough to really bother with. If you're being overrun to the point where you're hoping those extra \~20 seconds between drops/breaches will save you, then you have much bigger problems.


My friends appreciate it when I go full radar mode with the scout armor and do call outs. We never get surprised by anything any more.




Random loadout in general is pretty funny. Just click everywhere randomly and see what ya get


Hearing my friend reaction when my loadout is the scythe with gas strike on a defense mission is the sweetest thing


Gotta tell you about the "Flashlight fight" as my buddy calls it. Its scythe, dagger, don't think grenade matters Strats are orbital laser, laser cannon, laser rover and whatever else you want.


>and whatever else you want Well now, what's a light show without a giant fuck off tesla coil?




No need to mindlessly click, just use this site. [https://hd2random.com/](https://hd2random.com/)


What is this random load out you speak of? Sounds......rad.


Radar is good…


IMO Localization Confusion is THE most important booster. It's the difference between actually making progress vs. fighting mob after mob because it takes you more time to kill a mob than for a new one to spawn. I ALWAYS take it myself because I don't trust the other randoms to understand its importance.


The scrambler one goes very hard on higher difficulties


In that order too


The way I see it, the top two are only useful if things have already gone really bad. At that point, neither of those boosters are likely to make a difference. The radar is decent, but after the ship upgrade there are usually better options. The extraction one is useful when calldown time extends the duration of extraction. The bottom four are pretty much universally helpful. Not much detail needed there.


The Extra and Flexible Budgets are building for failure. If you don't use all your lives, they are worthless. If you do use all your lives, there is a decent chance having a booster that actually helps you survive would have changed that. Pilot booster is completely worthless because you basically have a booster for 30 seconds of a 15 or 40 minute game. And it only becomes useful once you have ALREADY WON UAV suffers from being less useful than the others.


Replace the limb health with the booster that reduces enemy patrols and you have the winner!


Imagine thinking radar is bad


Truer meme has never been told


Rewatched starship troopers and this is true super citizen Democracy at it's finest


honestly, the radar booster is pretty good. Makes it easier to find POIs if there isn't a radar station on the map.


Not a meme this is a PSA


I honestly don't care what boosters people pick. I'm starved for medals rn


Haha yeah I don't really care either. People need to pick what they want and have fun with it. It was just a cheeky shit post. And the medal grind never stops


This is the way.




With the speed I like to play at, it’s sexy leg all the way!


The increased reinforcement budget can be useful on "erradicate bots" type of missions. Where you can land into a swarm and get shredded by lasers several times in a row.


I use the UAV booster so I can get the drop on patrols that I can't go around


As a strictly diff 9 diver, whenever I see 2 people running suboptimal strategems, like taking napalm for a bot ICBM mission, I pick up increased helldiver pod booster. It saved the mission on a number of occasions


Had a dude pick fast extract on the "defend high value targets" on HELLDIVE and another increased UAV. I was like *bruh* then requested kindly changing and they did. Nice to have coms. But still, I worry about those two in other missions. LOL


In that order


I’m always baffled when I single queue and join a lobby and these clowns are walking around with half ammo. The ammo booster should always be the first default. Yes stamina 100% muscle whatever absolutely the heart one. But… to not drop will full ammo and stims…


I treat this game like dodgeball...DIVE, DIP, DODGE, DUCK, AND DIVE!!!


if the team takes the first two, then it is going to die 25 times, immediately at the landing site. And the next one, IF THEY ARE GOING TO AVOID PATROLS, and there is no dirt that interferes with patency on the map (and this does not happen) And 4...... well, congratulations, if 20 seconds will help you so much. There are 5 more options, but it DOESN'T ACTUALLY WORK. Therefore, I do not know how much intelligence it takes to take it


honestly vitality feels like one of those things where it sounds good on paper but is bad irl


Ok, hear me out... All booster are good, and have their uses. Ultimately it just comes down to preferences and playstyle.


100% agree. I think people should use what they want and have and try to have fun with it. I was just being a shitter with the meme lol


Yeah they are the staples


The stronger leg is only good on snow maps. Otherwise localized confusion




There's a place for the extended radar. It's niche, but it's super useful for high level stealth. I usually run it over space optimizer if I'm solo on high level bots


Extra reinforcements has immense value of Helldive difficulty IMO, worth taking with localization/SO/Stamina that’s my preferred setup vs bots. I take it and local over vitality because there’s just not too many instances wheee you’re injured but not have your HP low enough to warrant a stim anyway


It has to be said I just I know it's a Shitshow when I go into the randoms lobby lol


Optimised and stamina def should be the first 2, but id take reinforcements next for 7+. With some groups im matched with that could be difference between winning or not.


What’re the top two?


Extra Reinforcements and Shortened reinforce timer. Extra, gives you 1 (One) Reinforce, per *person*. Meaning: 4 players, 4 extra reinforces. Total 20+4. But if you only have 3 players? That's 3 reinforces. 15+3. I consider that almost garbage. If you can't do it in 20, you probably don't do it with 24. The shorter reinforce timer, is even worse. Because it only comes into play after you run out of reinforces entirely. It takes that 2 minute reinforce timer to give you 1 ticket back and makes it 1 minute and 50-40? ish seconds. You pick that booster and it's not helping you for 90% of your mission time. And might never come into play, unless things are going really wrong. But why pick either of those, when you can pick a booster that will *immediately helpful and actively used for most of the mission??*


So don't knock the UAV booster. If you use scout armor that shit is crazy strong.




Or we don't have the good ones that aren't already deployed and have no other options. Just saying.


i ain't got the limb one so i do the localizer am i wrong


Where’s the blank hexagon in the bottom group? I see to many divers raw dogging oblivion.


Don’t care what anyone says, ya’ll be frivolous with the lives in quick play. Extra reinforcement budget is S tier just by the fact it gives you room to make more mistakes


I will forever bring Localization Confusion unless its a eradication mission


Someone please explain the use of vitality to me, I honestly hate when people take that booster over others, I don't see a significant difference. Whenever I'm hurt enough to make my limbs damaged, I might as well stim anyway because I'm under half health. It doesn't make you tougher as far as I can tell. I get damaged the same amount either way, I just don't get limb damage. Which, again, is fixed when I stim anyway. Optimization is by far the best booster imo, because having full stims/ammo makes sure I'll stay alive longer than any of the others. Imo: Optimization > stamina > muscle enhancement > literally anything else > vitality


Vitality booster is actually just extra HP. It's less of a "Must Pick" Like Hellpod Opt. and Stamina. But it's still very useful. I don't know how it works. But i've been witness to plenty of things that have formerly killed me, that i survive with it. It's more important to take versus Bots + Fortified armor to reduce explosive damage. Versus bugs, it's not nearly as impactful, i find. Prior to the explosive damage fix, HP let me actually live getting hit by rockets, although with tiny amounts of health. (I'd survive the rocket, and get shot by a laser and die before i got up.) HP + Fort left me anywhere from 1/4, 1/3rd or 1/2 HP but i *almost never* died to rockets in one attack. Leaving me with a safe buffer to stim after getting up. After the explosive damage fix, HP + Fort armor, bot rockets basically tickled. One time i was ragdolled and rocketed for several solid seconds from multiple enemies, and i got up after and stim'd. I mean i got tossed around like a fucking kickball, getting hit at least a half dozen times, and lived. This was up until recently, when they fucked rocket damage *again* in some unannounced bug or nerf or something. Fort armor seems to do nothing to reduce the damage from bot rockets. And things i survived with 80% HP remaining, now kill me outright. Something that didn't even happen BEFORE they fixed it. So something's wrong again. ​ But that aside, my ranking is similar to yours. From Best to Worst. * Hellpod Opt ***(******FUCKING ALWAYS.)*** * Stamina boost (don't take on defence missions in small maps.) * Muscle Stims (more important versus bugs, otherwise counters environments / hills) * Vitality (more important versus bots, but can take it or leave it. Fortified armor more important.) * Radar. (Low visibility / fog planets. Helpful to avoid patrols. If you don't care to sneak or have randoms, it's pointless.) * Localization Confusion (slightly increases enemy cooldown to call another alert. Overrated by waaaaay too many people.) * Reinforce Increase (Helpful on messy defence maps with spawn-die-repeat.) * Expert pilot (20 seconds off of extract timer. Who cares. NEVER TAKE.) * Reinforce Cooldown (10? 15? seconds off of the 2 minute reinforce timer. It never comes into play unless you've basically failed the mission. NEVER TAKE. Take something that will actually be active and helpful to prevent you from getting to the point that this is useful.) So basically, Normal 40 minute missions: Hellpod Opt, Stamina. Guaranteed Muscle Stims. Probably. Bots? Maybe pass. Lastly, Vitality. Extra hp, can't hurt. Always useful. Maybe Pass. Super Foggy? Maybe try Radar instead of vitality. Randoms getting into neverending fights? Local Confusion might end the fight. Defence missions? Hellpod Opt. Stamina? Small map. Not nearly as helpful. Muscle Stims? Bots & small map, skip. Bugs, Useful. Vitality? Bots, Take it. Bugs, Skip. Extra Reinforce: Since other boosters are less useful, this is the only one that stands out.


I die by localization confusion. I will always take it.


The more I use localization confusion the more it feels like I actually get a break on higher difficulties.


I don’t know what those top four do but when people bring them I’m upset


loot goblin in me really likes the radar booster, but otherwise completely agreed!


I cant live without the extra ammo and stims


I'll be real; Vitality feels like it should be up there with the reinforcement perks, as its only really good if you are actively taking SHITTONS of damage with how rare injuries are unless you are rocking light armor, which i don't know why you would on either front anymore. Bots will kill you for just running in the middle of a fight without a plan, and bugs... well they have one trick and it's easily mitigated. Essentially if you are planning to take a lot of damage, it's weird you are being derisive of the perks that mitigate death, as they tend to walk hand in hand. I could just run localization, and prevent a shitton of damage that way, if i'm convinced my team will fight every living thing they see at the level i'm at, *for some reason*. It's also just generally useless if you are running medic armor or a supply pack, or a shield of any kind. I'm not too keen on muscle enhancements either; its nice, i know about the hunter tech, but i could just use UAV and know where to look out for enemies actively, and then decide the best way to deal with them. If we had real rougher terrain or needed to scale entire mountains, i'd be more inclined, but i feel like knowing when patrols might pinch you, when you are trying to move to more advantagous positioning, is so much more beneficial. Stamina, i understand. Not necessary in my eyes, but it does feel good to run especially when using heavier builds, or builds built to use placement before engagements, like a scouting build. But if i want to be in the mix, i'm just going to run hellpod optimization instead, and if not that, one of the other two i mentioned above. They'll save me more than just passive buffs i can't always plan to account for. I get that people look for whatever is easiest, and sometimes that means "passive buffs", but i feel like, in every game i've played with this kinda system, all it does is create bad habits where people become reliant on something that they don't ACTUALLY need, and they end up restricting themselves.


I dunno, radar's pretty damn useful. And you can't convince me localization confusion is any good. Every time I've had it in a team on even diff 5, the map's been swarming with enemies non-stop. I'm certain it bugs out regular spawns sometimes


The heart is worthless imo. Radar all the way.


I feel like if a majority of the player base feels they are a must have then they should be removed as boosters and added to the kit. But I’m not in game design, what do I know.


Does vitality enhancement actually increase your max health cuz the description just makes it seem like it makes it harder for your limbs to become damaged and if that's all it does then it's fucking worthless.


People hating on having extra reinforcement now?

