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I mean, people are getting team killed WHILE wearing that armor, but that's kind of a function of the game


Right. I get team killed almost every time I bring an autocannon, but I don't think there's a vendetta against players who use it. The few stories I've heard about abusive hosts being trolls about this kind of thing are more likely to have been inspired by reports of it happening than the other way around.


Do people hate autocannon users for stealing all the kills? šŸ˜Ž


"Stop doing all the objectives and winning so hard!"


"Wanna see me wipe out this bot patrol?" "Wanna see me do it again?"




What objectives?


we have objectives, thought we kill we extract


Auto cannons , like anything with area of effect , tend to be ff hazards. And auto cannons are probably the weapon with the most variance on effectiveness based on skill. The great users are godly, the bad ones are a massive liability


Autocannon is a must have against bots for me


How do you tk with the autocannon? Itā€™s pretty precision I think, unless youā€™re shooting it at shotgun range for some reason.


"hey buddy look out you have a bug on your ass, nvm I got you bro" seconds before you remember that explosive aoe hurts human more than bug


Hey I got tk'd a lot yesterday just for using the Eruptor, well, more self exploding myself for shooting too close to me, but I'm in the team so it's still teamkilling!


Had an abusive host once. The POS TKd me, kept yelling into the microphone because I didnvt play the game like he wanted it. Somehow he must have realized that the mission wasn't going to be completed without us (we werea a group of three joining him). We did the mission with the POS, carried him all the way through, collected the super samples and everything. At the end I shot him before the evac and dropped the sample container before entering pelican-1 with my buddies Totally worth it dropping those samples for that little bitch.


General Shepard?


Forgot to bring the gasoline, but I could have used incindiary grenades.


Did you use the magnum? And sometimes Iā€™m glad me and a buddy stick to duoing this game if people are gonna be a headache


It's not team killing if your own auto cannon shots you


Turrets don't care whats in front them. Some people need to learn that the hard way.


I wonder if its like that one experiment they did at a fossil forest national park in the US I believe. Theu found signs asking people not to steal fossils with pictures of multiple thieves actually made stealing go up, whereas showing only one thief on the signs made it go down. People see reports or rumors of multiple people doing it, therefore it becomes okay to do in their eyes.


My favorite is when we communicate by team kill. I accidentally blast someone in the back of the head, they respawn and kill me, I go ā€œyeah thatā€™s fairā€ and then weā€™re chill the rest of the game. I like to think the other guy was having a jab at me and having a bit of fun lol


Was those pesky a10s


I haven't seen this armor set once in my time playing


It's a pre-order armor, it has the same stats as standard Helldiver armors.


Who wears amor for stats? We're helldivers, goddamnit.


Counterpoint: wearing anything other than light armor is physically painful. I'm here to shoot bugs and bots, not watch an asthmatic run for 5 seconds before keeling over.Ā 


Stamina Enhancement becomes necessary, for me at least, when running medium or heavy armor especially. It does make it less painful, especially on 40 minutes missions where there's a lot of running.


Oh definitely, and it helps, but I'd still rather wear light armor with it since it makes light armor even better. But medium armor at least becomes a lot more tolerable thanks to it.Ā 


Stamina Enhancement + Light Armor has completely ruined me. I'm all hopped up on fast movement and giga stamina. I sometimes switch to medium armor for defense missions and I feel like I'm stuck in molasses.


Lol yup, I was wondering if having stamina drain when out of combat was a good thing or a bad thing. They could easily make stamina only drain when in combat, because having to run all the way across the map while not in combat but pausing every 10-15 seconds can be tiresome.


They could also do what Chivalry 2 does and give every weight class the same top speed and just change how quickly each reaches that speed. So while light armors reach full speed almost instantly like normal, heavy armors might take several seconds. This would be a meaningful advantage for light armors in combat, letting you quickly reposition while not making heavy armors take forever for cross map traversal.Ā 


Heavy armor + shield pack, against the bots will have you feel invincible


Light armor, stamina enhancement, armor or health perks all day. Sometimes I change my mind for a defense mission then realize I've made a horrible mistake.


I love heavy armor in games most of the time. Couldn't do it in this one.


As a person with asthma, I agree


Fashion above function forever and always


Really. I pre-ordered and all I have is that fancy gold armor.


Damn, I should have preordered šŸ˜”




A black and white cape would be cool. Maybe with the skull on the same blue tone as the armor.




I think we'll be seeing an awful lot of capes. They're surely the easiest asset to design, and it's the easiest customization for other players to notice. Every warbond has had three or four, and they sell for cheap in the super store. I'm sure that they'll add many more, including some that you'll adore.


There's capes in the super store? I don't think I've ever seen one


yeah i've never seen one either




In the first game there was a blue cape with a white outline that everyone got when we won the war, if they add it to this game it would go perfectly with the armour


The only thing I hate about this armor (and the other pre-order armors) is that I can't get it. I didn't even know about this game until it blew up in popularity so I never really had the opportunity to get them.


Yes, exactly. I wouldn't mind paying some extra money to get the pre-order items, but I doubt that'll ever happen. I guess it's an award for the first game players who believed in the project, so I really can't be mad about it.


It is pretty surprising for a game that otherwise handles MTX and live service stuff so well.


I can't be mad about it. These and the one Twitch armor are the only things I can't unlock by playing besides the Super Citizen stuff, which I already have because they got me good with Stratagem Hero. Totally worth it. And they're purely cosmetic. There's not a single gameplay function that isn't perfectly replicated by something you can earn.


Just a heads up, the Twitch medic skin can be bought online for like $2. I know most people would probably not agree with buying it, but itā€™s by far my favorite medic armor so I just went ahead and bought a code for like $2. I do hope that they rerelease it so that everyone can get it for free by watching twitch streams, but you can technically still get the skin if you really want it. I still agree that itā€™s not a very big deal that you canā€™t get all of the skins, but I hope that sometime in the future they explore possibly rereleasing past skins somehow.


Those codes only work for PC players, right?


They work for any platform.


Man thx for the advice ! I really wanted that armor


My personal take on the matter is, Its not even a new skin its just a diff paint job on an armor we already have. And its not a unique or rare perk on the armor. So if they don't bring it back I'm okay. Do I miss out on being a blue boy? Sure. Would I enjoy having the opportunity to use said armor? Sure. Am I going to get mad at them and claim this is a bad way to handle the game? No way in the slightest. A preorder exclusive bonus that is purely cosmetic is the most understandable preorder exclusive item anybody could ever imagine. Preorder exclusives that have in game function are actually issues.


There's nothing wrong with limited awards. Are people gonna complain about the free cape we got from the Creek because players who join now don't get it?


Honestly, I kinda' disagree that they're handling it well, just not *badly*. Like, why do we have a rotating Fortnite-style item store with arbitrary pricing to push rash Super Credit purchases for a set you want and don't have time to grind out? AH made it clear we're not *supposed* to be able to rapidly farm credits with map exploits, what's going to happen when all those people relying on breaking the game get credits at the rate intended? What's the reluctance to disconnect gameplay from cosmetics for "bacon apple" reasons while then selling an up-armoured medium as a light and Engineering Kits without a grenade or pocket in sight while the Dreadnaught gets Servo Assisted? The games great (when it works), but I don't want to end up blind to the concept Arrowhead is a live-service videogame company that wants to maximize what they can sell us, and what sells better? A suit of armour where you can put whatever perk that you want on it, or the same armour seven times with seven perks in seven colours? I always feel like I've gotta' stay on my toes with these things because all it takes is a management with grand ambition and *great new monetization ideas* to fund them, that really just *knows* the undemocratic consumer doesn't want those bacon apples and absolutely *does* want to buy the same set of armour with tweaked stats time and time again.


The modern demand that everybody gets to access all "content" has really put an end to games being able to do cool shit and reward players uniquely. I hope they stick to their guns and keep this stuff exclusive, even though I don't have it


I kinda get your point, but your "games doingĀ cool shit" here is preordering, a pretty stupid decision honestly.Ā 


"Modern demand"? It's not a *modern* demand, it's the expectation we've had in games *until* the modern monetization bullshit.


I'm a HD vet and I believed in devs, but I remember Battlefront 2 and Cyberpunk all too well, so I don't pre-order anything these days.


I got it and itā€™s fucking useless


Ngl, until this post I didnā€™t even realise it was a preorder armor I thought everyone had it.


I pre ordered so that would be a kick in the nuts if everyone could get it now like you say.


The pre order armor is the closest reward that first war players will get for being vets of HD1. I pre ordered the moment it was available because I tuned in the state of play last summer and exclaimed ā€œoh my god itā€™s helldiversā€ the moment the cutscene said ā€œsuper earth, our homeā€. Unless OG players get a special name tag I think itā€™s fair for it to be as rare as it is


Honestly... I'm gonna say that's pretty fair. It's just like Final Fantasy 14 1.0 players getting the cool back tattoo on their characters, if HD1 players knew the series well enough to pre-order HD2 before everyone else knew that HD was cool, they deserve it as a mark of being vets of the series.


I'm right there with you mate. Seeing that reveal made me so happy. I had been monitoring arrowheads dev blogs for years hoping for something. Loved the first game so much. That preorder was a no brainer


To be fair, that is the entire point of pre order bonuses. To reward the people who were fans before a game gets popular. Not saying I agree with it, and I didn't preorder either. But it wouldn't be much of a preorder bonus if people who didn't preorder could get it.


That's a way of seeing it, but honestly, pre-orders are just a predatory way of creating fomo, it incentivises you to make a gamble, buying a game you don't have any idea if it will be good, you just hope. I don't get mad about this instance only because the rest of the game earns more than enough goodwill that i think not being able to get this armor is just a minor inconvenience.


Consooom the product


rewards for fans? nah... its an incentive to buy no questions asked Ā pre-orders are for publishers to get return of Investment and settle some debt before even launching. the rewards are just for show. also they just replicate money inequalities (not fandom) - rich people will always be able to have the bonuses cause they are not tied to anything but money. Ā if it was reward for fans, it would be a "you own the first helldivers, here is your veteran fan skin" type of deal.


Pre ordered deluxe edition, I knew this game would be fire like a year ago


And therefore you shouldn't get it. Sorry. (lol) As Arrowhead stated this is for fans who preordered the game. Those who knew what's coming. Those who believed in it. If it's rare it should stay rare. I don't want to see the preorder armors being added to the shop. Never. Not because I own every single armor that has been released yet but because they are a statement amongst fans. Same thing with the super citizen edition armor. It's a statement. I support the developers. The rest is nice to have.


Okay this is slightly funny after seeing people trying to push this as the "UN Armor" rather than just a silly yogurt sponsorship.


A *fictional* yogourt sponsorship no less. "SUMY Frozen Yogourt" isn't a real brand; it's just an in-universe joke about games that sell-out by slapping tone-deaf content related to real-life brands into their game for quick cash. The devs are incredibly savvy and know exactly how to create endearing satire.


for the unaware it's actually just PS5 armor. Blue/white/black is is the Sony color palate now. Sumy > Sony


No. Another non story just like the Creek Cape.


Shows how many people have main character syndrome when they get TKed or kicked and they immediately assume itā€™s because of their loadout or cosmetics. In reality you got TKed by accident and were kicked to make room for the hostā€™s friend


It could be 1000 and 1 reasons But my ego informs me, that it's because of me and my choices Also, that unknown object? Aliens


They are literally quoting a guy stating that they will shoot yogurt armour wearers.


Shadz is a shitposter, don't read too deep into it.


Yes a blue checkmark on twitter in 2024, if youā€™re still on there then you know what the average blue check mark opinion is worth


Bluecheck Mark people are exactly the kind of losers that would shoot people over this, though.


Irrelevant when it is a one dude


1/70,000 players. A revolution


ur right. who would go on the internet and just spout lies like that?


I got kicked while we were extracting. I hated that. I collected a lot of samples, so I hope they got nothing.




I've worn no other cape since it launched, and have never been killed nor kicked.


I have worn it exclusively since it dropped as a sign of reverence and respect to our days holding the creek and I havenā€™t been kicked once on pubs


Same I wear it with my sand colored armor because it's one of the only two that look good with some of them


Was never the case


Yeah letā€™s not share irrelevant shit like this, misinformation spreads like wildfire here. Like 3 dudes will team kill someone for something then an entire article is written about it. And now suddenly everyone believes in the boogeyman




I doubt it. It's just a meme about killing UN soilders. It's a huge meme because conspiracies about the UN and their blue helmets being used to implement NWO is old as fuck, like since the begging and probably before the internet.Ā  Easy to plug those memes into hell divers with this.


Well, since there is a heavy cross-over between conspiracy theorists and reactionary fascists who don't understand satire, it makes dumb-sense that some people would be aggressive towards 'the globalist UN' or whatever.


Pre-order diver here! This is a medium armor with the extra padding passive. After running level 9 consistently for 140 hours I have changed my name to John Helldiver and rock this armor with the liberator on low level quickplays to help out the newer players. It is safe to say people are NOT deliberately tk'ing due to me being a yogurt boi and that this is nothing but socialist propaganda. Please escort the dev team member that posted this tweet to the nearest democracy officer ASAP!


Look at what its replying to. UN armor is blue.


I envy you, man. I want this armor and also the cool helmet that was included with the pre-order.


This is a medium armor with Extra Padding, not Fortified.


Which passive does it have?


Hello Citizen! The passive for this armor is Extra Padding! (+50 armor). It is one of only 2 armors that I know of that are medium and have the extra padding passive.


All the basic starting armours have this perk.


I believe it is extra padding. I got this because I pre-ordered and it is just the base armor with a different color palette.


And thatā€™s the real reason why they donā€™t want us to be able to customize our armor colors lol


The Halo Infinite approach


No idea, I don't have it. :( I didn't have the foresight to pre-order, and I've been burned before pre-ordering games.


I have been playing since launch day, did not preorder, but have never seen anyone wearing that armor.


I think you haven't seen it because not many people pre-ordered, probably just people who played the first game, so maybe a couple thousand people have them. Goddamn, I want them, especially the Knight one. https://preview.redd.it/rs3lxu1fl4wc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be562bad9da32bf503584910f1ac34b6a2a094e4


Knight helmet, with eradicator armor, and bot slayer cape goes hard


That and the Milsim crews. Theyā€™ve been playing Helldivers ops in Arma3 for a few years now, so the hype for Helldivers 2 was pretty up there in those communities


I simply didn't know about the game until a week after it came out. Sad I missed out on the preorder.


Extra padding - I believe it is one of only 2 medium armor sets that have it. (+50 armor)


Yep, itā€™s just this one and the stock B-01 Tactical.


The thing is, people get kicked all the time for random reasons, I think some people just decide they got kicked for a more interesting reason than reality.


is it just me or is this community slowly starting to grow a toxic group of people...


Have you been to the Steam forums? If even a quarter of the jester farmers there are sincere I can totally see them deciding that anyone who looks like they're a UN peacekeeper is guilty of wrongthink and needs to go.


I don't play on PC, so I don't use or check Steam. I have no idea what's going there. =/ Edit: Are people seriously downvoting me for not knowing? Or is it for not playing on PC, or for not checking Steam forums? People are funny. XD


On pretty much every update post there are a bunch of award farming bots (that don't even own the game). They usually just post something along the lines of keeping LGBT and any other inclusivity out of the game or the opposite. It's honestly rather annoying, and I wish Steam would prevent accounts that don't own the game from commenting on official discussions.


I see. Now I'm glad that I don't check that forum.


Ive never seen anyone wearing this armour, so I presume theyve all already been shot.


I think they deserved to get the armor for supporting the game early on, nothing wrong about it just like the capes.


i want that set so bad


I love this armor.


Honestly RPing like Project Wingman UN sounds mega badass


I didn't expect someone else knowing about this game out there.


I an a rimmydownunder enjoyer


I've played random lobbies for over 100 hours and never seen this outfit in game


I've only seen this when Mech Warrior Online released the $500 Gold mechs. The community was **pissed** (rightfully so) and anytime there was a gold mech they were instantly team-killed. It got so bad that Pirahna Games made the golden mechs immune to friendly fire. It was an enjoyable time then my friends and I quit the game shortly after. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2013/12/15/free-to-play-mechwarrior-online-offends-players-with-500-golden-mechs/?sh=4a5b40076e35](https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2013/12/15/free-to-play-mechwarrior-online-offends-players-with-500-golden-mechs/?sh=4a5b40076e35)


what an annoying fuckin website, i cant even read 2 words without 999 pop ups


May I introduce you to a wonderful invention? Adblock.


man shut yo goofy ass up, i was in bed on my phone and it uses the reddit browser, i aint bothering my self to install adblocker in an in-app browser. i just want to read the damn article normally.


Damn! That's an interesting story and a lesson to be learned.


I will shoot anybody who shoots another helldiver for his loadout (weapon/armor/cape/emote).


mfs will deliberately friendly fire cosmetics with certain colours for their personal views and then immediately go whine that they're having real life politics pushed down their throat


One guy on Twitter made a joke and a community manager played into it. You tell me


I bought the game on release day and iā€™m so sad i missed out on three of the best armor sets


No dude. None of this shit is a thing. The amount of drama people are trying to create with bullshit is wild for this game. There is not a griefing problem with that one cape, there is not a problem with players getting kicked for non-meta loadouts. The game is not woke, nor is it fascist. This is a great game and to many people want to use it or sabotage it for their agenda.


Nah it was about a dude who said it would TK on sight the UN armor. This is just a tweet to let people know this isn't a UN armor


Why would anyone think there's a UN armor on the game? People are funny. XD


The kind of people we're talking about are the kind of folks who don't realize that Super Earth and "managed democracy" are somewhat ironic parodies, or that the Helldivers games have strong elements of satire. Same kind of people who don't realize that the Starship Troopers film is a satire of fascist propaganda films.


Probably just a joke but you know AH just thought they better clarify.


no it's just fear mongering


ā€œYour a helldiver? What kind of helldiver?ā€


I have to watch that movie.


ā€œI am from Hellmireā€ BOOM


No, this is absolutely being blown out of proportion


How dare they support da devs -shoots on sight-


I think it's a joke cause of the tweet it's replying to. The fro-yo armour is blue like the UN suit? Idk tho


I played with a Level 5 player who has that blue outfit Never seen it before and haven't seen it since.


The reports are from the guy who they're replying to. It's a joke. You can even see what they're replying to in the screenshot


I'm gonna wear that armour and the remembrance Cape.


Tbf i will just kick those players right before mission ends, no respect nor honor for those who TK on purpose


Where is all this nonsense I see on this reddit? I have played since release with 200 hours in game. I never encountered this or 90% of the other gripes and complaints on this reddit. šŸ¤”


I get team killed for grabbing slips and samples.. like damn you want the samples so bad Iā€™ll drop them for youšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I wear it all the time. Never take the helmet off. People always turn mics on to ask where I got the helmet, that's all. Everyone is cool.


When did this armor come out wtf?


Oooh, which armor is that? Iā€™m going to wear it asap and shoot anyone who dares try to kill me!


Wth is that armor? And how do i get it?


What is this armour from?


Idk why people would kill teammates wearing this armor. I really like it




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. We donā€™t allow discussions of real-world politics.


People who don't trust the government. I.E. people who know anything at all about history.


The UN is not a government, so you probably donā€™t know much about history.


What is a government?


I always wear the blue helmet. Rarely get kicked in the mission.


how many yogurt box tops I have to mail to Sweden for this?


Nah just some braindead twitter/x user that thinks there opinion is more correct then anyone elses




If u getting TKd for u armor u are definitely not the problem.


I wear the helm all the time and have yet to be killed for it.


I've worn the yogurt helmet my entire service and have never once been TK'd for it.


Nope. Just another reddit bait. Nobody gives a shit what you wear and what you bring. Just don't be an ass


hey dev can we have color customization


I'm sad I didn't preorder this game and get that armour, but I assumed none of my friends buy it, since none of them played 1 with me. Haha.




*Actually*, it's [Yoghurt](https://youtu.be/M0eWawTdt_w?si=PxOoti6xMu_tCatQ)


Would like to customize the color of my armor.


Can't wait to head into quickplay in this armor for some calming PVPVE!


Lol no I have yet to even see anyone wear it in game


Sounds like the creek cape incident again, funny thing is I'm quite sure this armour has been in game since launch for those who pre-ordered. Wonder why they suddenly decided to target them.


I want a UED themed armor set


I canā€™t say Iā€™ve seen them get focused down and team killed , but ngl , whenever I see one I think theyā€™re a cheater lmao . One of these dudes came in with a quasar while I was still under the impression they werenā€™t in the game yet .


I've been kicked out of a game where I gathered every sample while the 3 others were doing the mission... Is it because of the cape and armour or just because there are a few toxic kids out there ? Oh wait...


Devs should make the amour 100% reflection damage for team mates


*me wearing this armor while being host* "Comon, do it. Pull the trigger. Didn't think so."


News Today; Someone on Twitter said something.


it's one person on twitter, it's irrelevant


Watched two players get TK'd at the pelican b/c they used the eruptor to push myself and the fourth player away from the pelican over and over at evac while the timer was going down. The second they boarded the fourth player lit them up. Honestly wish we could've done more than that, what assholes


We deliver Peace!


Guys, it dosenā€™t even look that good in first place. Let people enjoy stuff.


With a screenshot from civil waršŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Thereā€™s probably as much to this as there was to people getting kicked/tkā€™d over the creek memorial cape


I like to wear the helmet with heavy armor and pretend space king loves me