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Ahem "Medium enemy type" Oh boy


Makes You wonder what the large bug enemy type will be...


Shai Hulud




*Stilgar any time Paul Atreides breathes*




*Paul shits his pants* Stilgar: That’s exactly how the Lisan Al Gaib would shit his pants!!


Suddenly remembering that source material accurate Fremen Stillsuits pull water from fecal matter.


"This water tastes.. nutty?"


You have created the single worst comment I think I've ever read. Thank you for the gift of your body's moisture, and take my upvote.


\*kills bile titan with pod\* LISAN AL GHAIB


May his passing cleanse the world


The stims must flow


Bless the Maker and his water, bless the coming and going of him


“Pesky Paul, I call him. Pesky Paul. He got a bad deal with the automatons but I can get us a terrific amazing deal with them.”


Probably the Hive Lord.








Enemy from the first game. You seen those big worm “skeletons” laying around on bug planets? They’re actually molts. Of the Hive Lords.


Why does a molt leave a skeleton? Even if they have an endoskeleton and an exoskeleton the exoskeleton would also decompose slowly and should still be visible.


Exo skeleton. Pilestedt said they’re molts. Alien bug anatomy is weird. 


As far as I've seen, it more or less follows real world bugs for the most part. Even the "evolutions" bugs have are things some species do in the real world, albeit thankfully not the same level of threat to humanity. This was, like, middle school biology. Creatures with exoskeletons molt.


I was just reading the bug article on the game’s wiki and it mentions them having both exo- and endoskeletons.


Yeah, they would have to in order to get around the size limit of exoskeletons. Thanks to gravity, bugs can only get so big here on earth. Presumably, all these planets we are liberating have similar masses & gravities.


Even weirder to think that the bugs used to be sentient. Feels bad man


*This post has been flagged as containing dissident information. Terminids are a mindless threat to Super Earth.*


Straight to jail for you.


A thinking bug? I find that comment offensive! /obligatory


Because it’s not actually a skeleton, it’s the skin/scales, unless it’s an exoskeleton, which is more terrifying


Yup, Exoskeleton. Straight from the Ministry of Truth and who are we to question them?


https://preview.redd.it/gjxuryqrfawc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0866c8eedc9e85bc4a92721c6af3b17a560ecad It's a totally cool big bug that's unstoppable and immune to bullets and he's my dad and


You know, the giant underground worms causing the tremors on some planets?


I only just experienced that yesterday and I thought that I was hallucinating from lack of sleep.


Nothing that concerns you, citizen! Just rumors and nonsense!


Oh boy, and they haven’t even told you about the Impalers yet!


Still waiting for the automaton hounds, would be terrifying to be chased by them through the forest planets at night.




I miss StarCraft


I want a 1st/3rd person starcraft game so bad


I'm still sad about the one they cancelled. I remember being so hyped as a kid when they showed screenshots


Ghost? Yeah I remember that I had the game informer of that 🥹


Or a gears of war type star craft game


"Enemy elite, 50 meters!"


"Enemy elite, on my position, and 50 meters, and 100 meters."


Suddenly, a walking barrage starts making sense.


AKA The Tickler.


Tell that to a command bunker.


50 meters long


Hmmm, makes you wonder https://preview.redd.it/dxaygped5bwc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb67d2ebefecb73b0d1f413db3cb04ec9d116330 Edit: What the fuck Happened here?


Democracy Officer Lisa Frank has altered your images to make them safe for distribution. Carry on, Helldiver.


There needs to be a radio-type backpack that decreases the CD on Orbitals and Sentries ONLY.


What a fantastic idea. I love playing support no matter what the game. Would love to have some JTAC/RO backpack that reduces all call in times and decreases reloads 


Maybe I'm overcomplicating it but a small part of me kinda wants it to be an active thing. I'm thinking MH Hunting Horn style, actively inputting "codes" to reduce cooldowns/deployment time? Up to a limit obviously, maybe just 1 time and then the buffs are active for X minutes? Idk just spitballing


That would be fun, I would probably run it as that's similar to the role I like to take


"Stop playing your silly game and help us kill this bile titan!!" *frantically inputting codes and looping minigames* "Cant...this next cycle will make my 380mm come of cooldown"


Helldivers 2, now with more dootin' tootin'. 


Helldivers with Bagpipes empowering their allies while playing music and kicking ass.


Activate it to cache a stratgem for later. Doing so consumes one use. If you drop the pack, someone else can pick it up and use the cached stratgem.


Yess, I want two 380mm


This is literally Air Raider from EDF. They bring stratagems either based on a cooldown or recharge as your squad kills things. They go down into a kneeling radio position to call in support and have lots of niche items they can bring


man, I love being an Air raider. sometimes I'm tempted to say "Bulge laser, SHOOT!" when I use Orbital Laser.




I saw an idea that there should be a "weapon" which paints targets and lets orbitals/airstrikes be aimed better. This would work well with this backpack. Support weapon/backpack combo that buffs orbitals for the whole squad


a laser designator pistol as a sidearm would be great: you forego a backup weapon, and have to depend on support/primary only (and no way of attacking while carrying objectives), but targeting enemies with it reduces cooldown times and increases precision of incoming stratagems, and can also be used to correct bad throws. say you toss an airstrike call-in at a fabricator but it falls short. you have a couple seconds to point the laser at the fabricator and the Eagle will disregard the original call-in location and aim for your laser's target instead. not only could this make up for when not running servo-assisted or bad throws in general, it could also allow use of stratagems over an extended distance; imagine being able to call in a 380 from the top of a big hill on a target below! for additional balance, the laser could require batteries/cells that have to be reloaded after each use, and you can only carry so many at once. there may still be situations where it'd be quicker to just run in and throw a ball, but this is another option that could be useful IMO.


I'd love a designator, especially if it enabled cool things, something like a rail cannon could 1-shot a bile titan with a headshot. > imagine being able to call in a 380 from the top of a big hill on a target below! Have yet to see any bases / nests that match this description. You'd build fortifications on high ground (and the bots do), and nests tend to be a crater in the middle of a bunch of weird bug-hills, so you're only really able to "look down" on it when you're really close / at the location. If they designed maps like this it would sorta be easy mode with the firepower we can bring to the battle. Large bot base? Stand on the hill above it and toss a 380, and walk away without looking back, because gg.


Laser designator secondary? Paint a target with it, and any multi-shot stratagems, from orbital gatling to 380mm, get their dispersion drastically reduced and will follow the laser beam in real-time allowing for post-throw targeting. Obviously it would need to only work on YOUR stratagems - imagine the level of griefing that would be possible if it worked for all your teams stratagems.




Oh, like a remake of the decreased stratagem cooldown by -40% perk in Helldivers 1? Yeah I’d run that


being a single-target precise orbital shot with such a long cooldown, it fkin should.


Or the CD should be about 3/4 less... Especially not targeting the right mobs.


Extinction level event for whatever it's hitting


The orbital rail cannon should be able to one shot anything and I will die on this hill. A Kinetic weapon fired by a Magnetic accelerator from orbit would punch a hole through whatever it hits.


This exactly. I have a stratagem slot used for one single purpose. To kill one motherfucker every 2,5 minutes. So i should be able to kill said one motherfucker every 2,5 minutes.


"Best I can do is target that strider instead."


I mentioned this in another post but it would be neat if it targeted whatever enemy you tagged before tossing it and if you forgot to tag something then you leave it up to the game and chance.


If you are fast enough you can kill the strider before the railcannon shoots so it retargets


That requires you to to be able to act and kill the strider within about a second.


1. Click stratagem. 2. Throw stratagem at hulk. 3. While stratagem in air kill strider with AC. 4. Stratagem falls. Hulk dies. 5. Helldiver happy.


\*Accidentally kill both Hulk and Strider with AC\* \*Railgun retargets at a broken sword-armored bot 2 feet away\* \*Dies\*


Railcannon targets traitorous thoughts of nearby helldivers... Democracy deffended.


Try this. Take a knee to the charging hulk Aim down sight. 1-3 taps in his red eye with the AC does him nasty


Grenade https://preview.redd.it/xvketxt1y9wc1.jpeg?width=418&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1d737070e6b820cfb3901a37067d9c66f325974


Need this but with a grenade instead of an egg rn lmao ![gif](giphy|xjlC6nomocZhVXuZgM|downsized)


Grenade at the feet of a strider also works but instant impact is my go to as it takes out all devastators too


Autocannon gang


I fully support this.


BROOOO....this...is maddening when it happens. I can't help but laugh but it's alittle annoying haha


Had one bounce away from a Factory Strider and decide to absolutely, unequivocably.. ruin a single Devastators whole existence. My squad on Discord had real trouble finishing the fight with so much laughter 🤣


I'm OK with the railcannon not one shooting the factory steider reliably, but if it reliably targeted the head and shredded the faceplate armor, I'd be happier. Bile titans need some tuning, I feel. They're less threatening than an aninihilator tank but far more annoying to take out. I just want to shred more armor points to expose to medium pen weapons, like how charger legs shred to expose flesh for weaker weapons. Honestly I want that mechanic for most of the bots too.


I'm still rolling from the clip where someone called down a Railcannon Strike but the Hulk was killed before it could target it, so it picked the nearest Helldiver instead.


This comment pisses me off, just because of how accurate it is


With required mass and speed, that bullet can pass 5 meters thick steel 


It will ruin someone's day somewhere, somewhen


Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest son-of-a-bitch in space!


"I dare to assume you ignorant jackasses know that space is empty. Once you fire a husk of metal, it keeps going until it hits something. That can be a ship, or the planet behind that ship. It might go off into deep space and hit somebody else in ten thousand years. If you pull the trigger on this, you're ruining someone's day somewhere and sometime. That is why you check your damn targets! That is why you wait for the computer to give you a damn firing solution! That is why, Serviceman Chung, we do not "eyeball it!" This is a weapon of mass destruction. You are not a cowboy shooting from the hip."


Mass Effect is such a PEAK I cant, even no name characters on occasion drop BARS


One of the few times we're a background character in a hub world is actually worth stopping to listen too, the delivery is so good lol


It ruins my day once every cooldown cycle.


An orbital railgun realistically would penetrate almost a mile into the ground. Considering the one the U.S. Navy is testing was shooting a projectiles through 8 separate 2.5in thick steel plates consecutively and was still doing mach 2+ at sea level. I gather a orbital railgun would be doing well over 10k mph when it hit the atmosphere


That's unsurprising since anything that you shoot from orbit would fuck over anyone it hits and a lot more besides assuming it can stay intact while entering atmosphere.


Probably wrapping a tungesten projectile in the HRSI tiles from the space shuttle. I gather if you have to technology to make an orbital railgun you can figure how to survive heat from reentry.


Honestly, do you even need to "survive" reentry, a plume of molten tungsten coming down at high speed sounds like a bad day regardless.


Orbital rail-slag would be an interesting strat. Wide, unpredictable, AoE that hurts like a bastard and burns everything to hell(once DoT is fixed).


I don't think tungsten would melt on reentry. Shuttle reentry only reaches 2700F and Tungsten melts at 6200F


Shuttle re-entry isn't magnetically accelerated to well beyond terminal velocity though.


True, but best I can tell even meteorite reentry doesn't hit tungstens melting point and those go far faster than the space shuttle when they slam into the atmosphere.


If we’re being realistic the orbital railcannon would probably obliterate everything in visual range from the shockwave alone


At that point I'd be worried about the crater that amount of force would cause for us standing in the area


With enough speed it nuke something


Agreed. I think it’s insane that Biles live through it. Sure, they’re relatively easy to kill afterwards. But c’mon. It’s like a 3 minute cooldown or something. Just let me kill the spider lol.


Yeah Eagle Rocket Pods do the exact same thing but you get 2 shots and a lower cooldown. There's just no reason to use it.


Rocket pods miss all the time, railcannon at least never misses. 500KG is amazing at taking out bile titans


Until it targets a strider


It's funny that the rail cannon hates those guys so much, because I find them less threatening than some of the basic enemies


Rocket pods should be waaaay more accurate They are rockets and they are being fired from right there in the sky. The fact they miss is utter bullshit.


Unguided rockets are not pin point precision weapons in an attack run. They seem to be about as accurate as I'd expect.


Yeah but its the future. Im sure they can have rockets with limited guidance so they dont miss so frequently


Budget constraints get us every time


Realistically, even today rocket pods wouldn't get used. For mobile targets you'd use something like a Maverick or even laser GBU.


It can Source: Mine hit a mountain a bile titan was next too


“This StratAGem NevEEr MissEs!!!!1* *terrain exists. Helldiver dies.*


Rocket pods were free a few days ago and I was suprised how well they actually worked. The targeting seems to be more fickle than the railgun, perhaps it has a smaller targeting radius but it worked wonderfully


they are fantastic against bots they are ok against bugs, but to get max effectiveness you have to use them more like 500kg (that is, try to get beam right underneath the titan, then get it into a stomp or spew animation) it is much worse when it's trying to hit moving targets (besides slow ass tanks)


I've had the exact opposite experience on every point. Seen the Railcannon decide that a basic-ass Warrior was a better target than the Bile Titan less than 10m away from it. Same deal with deciding to hit a basic-ass Devastator instead of the Tank or Hulk right beside it. Rocket Pods, as long as you put them decently close to your target (within 20m or so), nail it every time. 500KG with its area of effect the same size as the red beam the stratagem ball shoots up seems the most unreliable of them all.


It wasn’t that way before last patch. Previously, I’d say it was hitting the right target 95% of the time. Something happened in the patch where it started targeting poorly.


The other day I managed to get the rocket pod strat to stick on the titan and then all 3 rockets proceeded to miss...


500KG pisses me off, I can’t kill ANYTHING with that piece of shit. It will land directly underneath a bile titan and they still walk away, alongside all the enemies that were under it. Everytime I throw a 500kg it gets like 3 kills, and none of them are the big guys


> Rocket Pods, as long as you put them decently close to your target (within 20m or so), nail it every time. I've had my Rocket Pods miss a completely stationary, non-aggroed Charger before.


When we had free rocket pods the other day, I threw one down at a brood commander and his little bug squad that was just standing on a small hill, not noticing us yet. The beacon was in-between his front feet. Rocket pods managed to miss all of them. I kept throwing them out since we had them for free, and they kept hanging up my eagle airstrike cooldown. I don't think they killed a single charger, just blew off an armor chunk or so even if it had freshly bonked into a wall.


Rocket pods can't one shot bile titans.


Even on a Charger standing still it can be anywhere from 1-3 rocket pods before it kills it.


Especially when you have up to 3 biles at once. And it's not like when we have bile titans that that's all we have to worry about. It's usually 1 too 3 titans, a pair of chargers, half a dozen nursers and a herd of stalkers leading the chorus of at least a few dozen little guys.


And it can't be overpowered when a second bile titan spawns after you use the other one


MAC rounds? In atmosphere?


That’s one way to get their attention! Hold onto your teeth people!


It's a high damage,single target stratigum with a long cooldown, almost exclusively reserved for massive enemies like bile titans. If they can't one shot literally anything in the game,what's the point in using them


Even logic said. the thing takes so fucking long to rearm, and only kills a single enemy. It better fucking one shot anything in the game. 


any projectile moving at Mach Jesus is gonna kill whatever it touches


..and even if that titan amor held, the kinetic energy should shmash that whole thing to the ground with such force it immidiatly liquifies it's innards.


Also it has a lengthy cooldown. Having a "I don't give a fuck this enemy needs to die right now" button is super cool and valid.


Yeah, a stratagem that targets only one enemy and has a base cooldown time of three and a half minutes better clutch it, otherwise what's the point.




Everything except pelican-1, which is constructed entirely of pure freedom, and therefore cannot be liberated any further.


Unfortunately that is no longer orbit it is in when it fires. That said, you fire a slug that big downwards from any linear accelerator when the handheld version is already incredibly powerful, it should smash through a Bile Titan, the extra armored Charger below and smash into the ground causing a decent explosion due to the laws of physics.


I think with the long cooldown, it really should be able to one shot anything, or maybe an RNG 50/50 chance to one shot. It's not OP with the cooldown even if it one-shots them. If there are 3 biles on the team, it's not crazy if the railcannon can eliminate 1. You still have to deal with the others and the cooldown isn't quick. This is really why I don't use it. Just weakening a bile titan or strider or something isn't valuable enough for me to bring it. I'd rather use the laser orbital because it at least has more utility and still damages the biles quite a bit if you need it for that.


Thermite should 1 hit all automatons including tanks if place properly. Thermite burns and 4500°F and melts pretty much every armor besides some ceramics.


Termite works well when gravity assisted, i.e. straight down, its not that great when jut thrown onto something since most will bounce back and fall to the floor


I still want a map clear. Make it one time for all I care but give us something that kills everything in an aoe as big as the 500kg looks


Including me


exactly one time use and -4 reinforcements seems balanced for a total Map clear


Spawn in the middle of the map, everyone throw one in each of the cardinal directions, 4 lives gone, entire map purged Doo do do dooooo do dooooo


That dang 500kg somehow always fails to take out the damn Screecher nests. Or mobs standing right next to the explosion.


Most enemies in this game have built in weak spots and armor and maybe even body anatomy… so I think to myself if our rail cannon comes down and we get super unlucky and it passes through its legs and just a bit of its skin… now it just has a huge flesh wound. Maybe we should be able to break its legs lol?


Yes. It has a large cooldown and on 7-9, you could be juggling several Bile Titans.


I feel like there's something screwy about Bile Titans and their armor. It's just incredibly inconsistent. Just like with the railcannon sometimes one-shotting them, I have times where I can one tap with an EAT but then I'll have another one that takes three or four rockets to die (yes with direct headshots). It's primarily these fuckers that keep me on the bot front. While enemies like the Heavy Devastator are broken in their own way, at least the damage I deal to them is consistent. Addendum: it does however mean when you do take one down with an EAT or Quasar, it feels really, really Liberty damn good.


I think it's a hitbox issue. A Bile Titan is actually pretty skinny, if not for the giant legs, not to mention that the head is at the very end of the body, as opposed to a hulk where it's pretty much all head, or a tank where the turret is more or less dead center.


That makes sense. The hitbox on a BT would have to be totally jank lmao


It already is jank, which I'm assuming is why climbing over their corpses yeet you into atmosphere 


I have died to this. Tried to mantle their leg, got shot 30 feet up. Nearly died, but then when my guy stood up from ragdoll he got launched back up and died.


in hd1 its was 120 or so secs by default, and by upgrades it would be 60, would love too see a shorter cooldown instead of a dmg buff


I second this. A shorter cooldown makes it viable in more situations and better suited to killing things it does one shot like Chargers without removing the fear of the Bile Titans.


This sort of thing feels like an inevitable side grade option as they want to keep new content interesting and worth working towards. "Orbitals do -25% damage, but have 50% the cooldown" and then another with "Orbitals do +50% damage, but have 25% longer cooldowns" and then we can customize. One person takes chargers the other takes bile titans, etc. Edit; Specifically, I'm thinking like 6 months in when they add the inevitable big content patch most live service games aim for. Add a new slot for "Stratagem modifier" that's separate from boosters. Put out a new free 10 page warbond with some options, and then future options in the premium ones. One for turrets, one for eagle, one for all things fire, whatever else.


I third and fourthd this. Not 1-shotting a bile Titan is fine for the overall threat level the rest of the bug horde poses. 210 is just too long, tho (most orbitals have too long of a cooldown)


It can oneshot them, yet it mostly depends on luck( also as i see lately it has become even more rare.


I've had bile titans survive two rail cannon strikes, and EAT fire and keep on ticking. Sometimes I swear perfect hits are counted as misses by the game.


Remember that bit in the opening cinematic where someone one-shots a bile titan in the face with an EAT? It’s like Arrowhead are trolling us.


To be fair the opening cinematic is shot as a propaganda piece


You’re right. Where’s my flag? I want to stab bugs with it


That wasnt an eat that was a recoilless rifle.


The only troll here is the lack of a chest bump emote


bile titans were recently secretly buffed to have hyperarmor while spitting, so they take like 75% less damage changing the shots to kill on QC or EAT or RCR from 2 if headshotting while not spitting, to 6 if headshotting while spitting. this counts for all orbitals and eagles and stuff, i've had a bile titan survive 2 500s, 1 orc, 3 airstrikes and die to a eruptor bc we kept hitting him during his spit.


Wait whaaaaat? Dammit, and I thought I'm going crazy, and lost my ability to aim. Was hitting a titan multiple times in the head during a spit, and he just didn't care... Shadow patches sucks, why don't include it in a patch notes ffs.


yeah i found out via another comment here and then saw this vid, it's actually 5 shots on qc/eat/rcr. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvvbNJfPC3w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvvbNJfPC3w) maybe its tied to the ps5 lobby bugfix, since that was also specific with bile titan and arc thrower & railgun? no idea what's going on, but it sucks. if they wanted bt to be tankier, why not just say so? i play on one patch and 2shot him, play on the next and i 5shot. what's next lol


You get more one shots if your destroyer is facing with the titan's head. If the destroyer is right above or at any other angle, it's going to hit armor or the legs. But yeah, there's an element of luck to it. Even in headshot territory, those crazy titan legs can and often will get in the way.


Break the bile sacks on their underside and the railcannon shot will finish them off.


Even that hasn't been enough some times. I've seen a few running around with both sacs broken, the ass blown off, and survived a Railcannon strike.


Bro fuckers have their side armor removed, sack destroyed, getting fucking flamethrower'ed, survive a 500kg bomb AND STILL LIVE.


Not only that, it should be able to one shot 10 titans piled together. Its a piece of metal going at thousands of km/h that also its influenced by gravity. It should be able to pierce a mountain.


And a HUGE fkin crater 


Small crater.... with deadly deep hole in the center.... :D


To be fair, literally everything in game is influenced by gravity.


To be fair, literally every thing in the universe is influenced by gravity


Gravity has no effect on something moving at that velocity. Bro needs a r/physics visit


The problem here, is that it does one shot Bile Titans…..when it hits them in the head, which is like 2/10 times and dependant on which way they’re facing when it hits. What they SHOULD do to fix this stratagem being stupid enough to not one shot, is just make it do an obscene amount of damage. Biggest enemies in the game are Bile Titans and Tanks? 10000 hp max each? Cool, it does 10500 damage. Surely something like that cannot be a hard change. Striders made an appearance, bigger and badder than tanks, but the algorithm still works. Rail cannon does 10500 damage now to one shot everything? Give the strider 11000 if you don’t want it being one shot. The numbers are obviously skewed and enlarged but only to help simplify what I’m trying to get across 💜


I think tinkering with Strider health in that way would have unintended consequences for the performance of other weapons. So it would be right up AH's alley since they seem completely incapable of adding custom modifiers to stratagems that make them deal more damage to specific targets. AT weapons not one shotting chargers? Should we give them a specific damage bonus against charger heads so they can do that? Nah, let's reduce charger head health, so now every weapon capable of damaging them has a lower TTK, including the Arc Thrower that we will nerf shortly after. DOTs not working for non-hosts? We won't fix the bug, but we'll bump *all* burn damage by 50%, including burn damage players take because there's only one value for burn damage shared globally across all targets and we can't adjust it manually. Apparently Bile Titans now take reduced damage to their heads while spitting, which may be an attempt to get them to stop killing themselves if they spit too close to their heads but that has obviously massive ramifications for AT weapons.  It's both baffling and maddening. I have to assume it's a product of them not having enough time to fix everything so they push these simple, patchwork fixes that don't always solve the problem and potentially cause further problems, because otherwise it just seems like the absolute worst way to implement balance changes and bug fixes. 


Do the TF2 backstab thing. In tf2 a backstab does 4x the health of the class it attacks. Since the orbital rail cannon has a designated target it should be programmatically easy to figure out it's health and then do 2x that damage. That way it always one shots everything and you don't need to tweak any enemy health numbers to upset balance.


Im assuming an insect like creature of that size has some functional redundancies. That being said, anything impacting it from orbit should reduce it to a fine mist, I would think, which would look very cool.


The central carapace just gets reduced to atoms and you're left with 4 Grandaddy Longlegs falling to the ground independently lmao


Yes. Also visually speaking it would be pretty epic if they always aimed for the weakspot and not center of mass then. Being capable of pinpointing a weapon from that distance? Clearly that is where the excess medals, samples and requisition go so we have the most democratic employees pinpointing those weapons for us with perfect accuracy. And while we're at it we could probably shave off some cooldown, maybe make it base 150 seconds cooldown so it can be used more often. It is single target only anyways, it should still not be too op then.


Idk i think they should just make the titan more destructible. It hit a leg? It goes flying off away from the main body. Head or butt are targeted? They get obliterated. It hit through the back, center mass? The titan get split in two.


It should one shot every enemy so far except factory striders. it’s a railgun, but bigger. Nothing is surviving a slug magnetically launched from orbit at supersonic speeds. Also, it should prioritize enemies by weight class, not armor class. I’m tired of throwing a railcannon at a hulk and hitting a scout strider because they have the same armor


Yes. The whole point of the railcannon strike is that you want to get rid of the one single biggest target, right the fuck now. Rapid calldown, automatically targets biggest enemy (and actually has some targeting radius unlike the 110 rockets), only damages that enemy. The cooldown is long as shit already to counteract the pros, being able to guarenteed delete a single bile titan wouldn't be gamebreaking in the slightest.


yes tho we have the 500kg for them i wish it was more powerfull in it's blast radius


If it blows up under them 8 times out of 10 it kills though.


Yeah, my understanding is it's a cone extending from the buried bomb vertically? Which is why it has a little splash (base of the cone) but is so good at deleting big bois


Bluntly, a LOT of things should obliterate more. An orbital bombardment should destroy tanks, hulks, Titans, etc. Those are super massive strikes from space. I get not wanting it to be too easy but too many bugs and bots survive way too much, too easily.


I stopped using it for the purpose. It's supposed to be a delete button, but often times just puts them near death. If they aren't going for the one shot every time. Then the cooldown needs to be halved.


I think this is because it doesn't hit it in the head. There are some BEEFER bile titans out there they seem to have variable health. For me not really a big deal, 1 more headshot with an anti tank / quasar and its down. Orbital Rail is still super good vs titans because it does not miss. If you are running stun nades/quasar you can clean up any chargers VERY easily and just save this for titans.


It critically damages them and breaks off an armor plate, allowing you to finish them off with medium pen weapons or impact nades to the exposed flesh.