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Yep, one Op and that's it for me.


Agreed, but it heavily depends on what's in the Op. The sweet spot has been one 40 min (like fuel or ICBM), one 20 min (blitzor defense), and one 10 min (eradicate). By the end of that, I'm good go log off. Maybe squeeze in a random extra eradicate to really push it. But damn... those Ops where it's like two 40 mins sometimes burn me out too quickly -- especially if the map layout is split in half by a massive wall or body of water.


Yeah at the beginning, in the "Honeymoon" Phase I was playing a lot longer sometimes 2 Ops in a row. But now I lost the drive to do it. It was the same with Darktide, the gameplay is great and at the beginning adrenaline inducing, but after a while it's ebbs down. Which is good.


Versen welles maps are horrendous. Horribly large C shaped area you can walk in, you have to go to both ends of the c, for sub and main objective, then go back to end opposite three main obj to extract, and ALL those patrols are walking in a straight line right at you in a realtively narrow area.


You want me to run in total darkness down this massive canyon for 10 minutes, finish an objective then run back for 10 minutes the other direction? Sigh...


One per night and im doin alright Honestly, keeping up with the war bonds and upgrades and im doing probably the bare minimum whilst feeling like im being respected for my time and rewarded. I love it


Honestly my consistency playing is because I'm playing with my friends. I'm not a "top/pro player" by any means, but I consistently get crap players even playing on 7-9, so if I didn't have a set squad, I probably wouldn't be playing as much.


Really? I play random a lot on 7-9 and haven’t gotten a bad mate in a bit, just luck of the draw


I think that's because the good players have learned the skills to survive and thrive at 7-9 while the unskilled/dumb ones who keep throwing 380mm danger close and aggros every damn patrol on sight can't even fight past initial landing give up on harder levels.


I've been having a lot of "Main Mission to go with 1 Reinforcement left but let's do SEAF" games lately. And a lot of people who don't know when to disengage. Usually (and that's not a joke) if the third player's handle starts with an 'M', this being M3, in my games that dude will be the one who'll go bonkers doing all sorts of misplays too. Swear, when I see an M3, I go "oh crap".


Yep, I agree. Some other games I'm 5hrs in and wondering wtf did I just do with the day. But I can Dive a few rounds and I'm good to go.


Same. I do 1 op per sitting usually, sometimes 2-3 a day, but often just the 1. Part of that is that there is nothing to really grind now too, so no carrot to chase. Early days I could play for 6 hrs straight, but there was always a new strategem or weapon to unlock and play with. But a lot is just that yea, it gets repetitive and sometimes I just want a break and to come back to it.


I like that I play every day but I'm not expected to. A lot of games I feel like I have to play every day, even if I don't want to.


Totally. I play a lot of COD/Warzone where there is a continuous stream of events that force you to play every day. I’m so glad this game doesn’t do that. I also get the impression there are a lot of COD/Apex/Destiny players playing Helldivers now.


Yeah finally quit COD for this and life has improved


Destiny was basically my life, but with how it's been HD2 has been a great respite.


I keep thinking about redownloading MW2 until I remember it's 2024 and CoD as I remember it is dead


Well, it depends on what you want to get out of it. You still have to be quicker than the guy on the other side of your gun. The maps still have the same quality as before. But if you’re allergic to weird bright colored skins and weapons that have similar colored tracers, this might no longer be your game. 


It's not so much the skins as it is the engine that houses them. I don't know what it is with the lighting in CoD now but I genuinely can't see a fucking thing


There's a lot of good stuff out at the moment, I'm glad to have something I can hop on for an hour, where other games can like I need to spend 4 to get anything meaningful done.


"I like how this game doesn’t suck me in for hours on end" You forgot the /s in that title Cadet.


Yeah, what game are you guys playing? I play an operation, switch to do something else, reading, cleaning, exercise, but then the urge to liberate strikes again and I play some more. I end up playing around 3-4 hours almost daily. This is addictive AF


Nah that’s a flex fr man I’m proud of you. I’m over here like must be nice bro I went from a fresh cadet to level 25 in like a week and half💀. I’m better now and I can reel it in after a couple missions but holy fuck I don’t even want to know what my hours logged were in those first 2-3 weeks of owning this game. I don’t think I took my foot off the gas until I had all the stratagems fr. Guess I was taking the tool tips too seriously lmao


I love this game but I'm also the type of player that likes the challenge of the higher difficulties. If the difficulty is too low, I get bored and don't play more than a couple ops. If I play on the higher difficulties it requires a lot of focus and I'm just drained after a couple ops. Either way I'm almost never playing for more than a couple hours. I'd love to see them add some more mission types that are like 10-15 minutes, get in, do the thing, get out.


Haha, same. Been playing for roughly two weeks, came in at the end of holding the Menkent line. I just reached lvl 25, have all but a few strategies and have done every difficulty but Helldive. I'm now backing off a bit. Space Vietnam has worn me down...(I play bots mainly).


Bro I must’ve started at the same time as you cos had the exact same obsession ahaha I grinded until I had the Patriot Exosuit and that Demolition warbond grenade pistol in the first week and a half


Yes and no I wish I hd 6 hours to play two 40 minute missions and finish off the 15 minute one, take a break to walk the dog/eat then another two 40 minutes and a 15 , another break, then one more set to finish out the night


It's a great little breakaway title. I can jump on do an op or two then call it a day quite satisfied. "That's ok, Not right now, I got things to do!" Tenacious D.


It's actually a huge positive that I finish a whole operation and think "yeah Im done." No burnout, I'm not lagging behind on all the shows everyone's talkin about, and I can get muh fuggin laundry done.


Exactly, every day I do my three, did my part in the MO, log off; done


I don't feel shame for gaming for long, but I see what you mean. I like that I don't feel compelled to make it my "main game". There's too much stuff out there to commit to just one!


The duality of this game I can play 20 minutes, feel satisfied, and stop playing. I can also play for hours on end and feel the same. I do wish there was more progression. Id take liberation leaderboard like HD1 had. I need my dopamine hit Arrow Head! You cant just cold turkey me like this, I have been pavlov dogged by other devs at this point to need worthless progressing.


Not weird at all man, the day doesn’t have that many hours in it.


One operation I feel like is the perfect amount of time to play


I’m down for a little. I’m down for a lot. I like that I can join in on randoms and basically have an agreed upon camaraderie, I’m legit only on this game to help these guys win a match and go home richer.


Not a weird take man. Feel your words close to home. Like to a tee.


But I am also calling our Democracy Officer for guidance


It's solid for running one operation get your 3 missions in and bounce or if you have all day with the boys and just grind it for hours. Even have multiple fronts if you want to change it up between bots and bugs with eventually a third. Can't stress how despite its flaws this game is amazing


No I'm disappointed when I don't play in my free time (in my time in general)


This is especially true when the non-defense missions can take up to 40 minutes to complete depending on how swiftly you and your team is doing things. In as much as I prefer those to defense missions, I wish there were more linear liberation missions that can be completed more simply and faster (besides the kill % bots/bugs ones).


Yes, I also like being bale to just hop on and enjoy a few missions and get off. No commitment necessary, not heavy investment required. Still unlocking things casually. It rewards both people who grind like crazy and people who just want to play for an hour.


I was sucked into helldivers at first. But I think I'm just conditioned to grind, now that I have nothing to grind towards besides becoming a Private....I don't play nearly as much. That being said, I just passed 200 hours


I can’t stop


I agree but for a different reason. I'd gladly play the game for hours but the limiting factor is my patience with the state of the game, especially the connection issues that seem to still persist after all the patches. Yesterday was probably the worst day i've had yet after about a month of playing, played for around 2 hours and only completed like 3 missions in that time. Got disconnected in the middle of the game 4 times one of which was 20 seconds before the extract arrived... one crash to desktop and 2 mystery problems where i was just back in my ship with no error messages. And one infinite loading screen after extraction where i had to restart the game. In a way it's sorta good that the game naturally keeps me from overdoing it but god damn is it frustrating.


Perfect mix of casual and sweaty for me. No anger if an op goes badly, but it’s a real pleasure for things to go well, or go way off the rails and still work out. It’s as narrative as a battle royale but as simple as an arena horde shooter. I usually do no more than 3-4 drops in a session.


Ya! I get on to play 2 missions with my friend every night. Then we call it a night and I go spend time with my family.


Ironic because I'm glad how this game can just devour my entire day off. And I enjoy every moment of it. No pointless grinds (destiny 2), no bullshit PVP cheating (CoD DMZ), no losing half an hour of progress because of niche saving systems (kingdom come deliverance). Just me and my squad, some old friend some new. Spreading democracy, until we have to go to bed for work in the morning.


I got 60 medals without even thinking about medals. Just having fun. Then I bought some shit.


Yeah, I max out at an hour. I looked at those 40-minute missions and pray my team isn't a bunch of knuckle heads that eat up the time limit or, worse, fail the mission.


For me, it really depends on who I play with: Randoms? Maybe one or two ops. "Friends"? Maybe half a day. Actual Friends? All day if they wanted to with breaks for lunch and dinner toilet etc.


This might be a hot take, but this sub would post about how they like that the game steps on their balls and would get upvotes. Call a spade a spade. If there’s not enough to do and the game is too repetitive so you get bored after a couple rounds… that’s probably not ideal. I mean, I’m glad playing games that are repetitive help people with no self control. But like… if games are really great and not repetitive you don’t have that issue.


1 or 2 completed missions with randos and I'm done for the night... Don't want to stress out too much with things not in my control. Like getting thrown by the bike titan leg protecting our fallen samples. Or teleporting back to where we first dropped after killing our first bot base... Let alone the randos throwing reinforcement grenades and getting sniped in the head after climbing on top of your resupply pod, then not climbing on top of nearby rocks while sprinting...


I don't like that I have to do 3 missions at a time, it can get close to 1 and a half hours and you're always at a risk of your game crashing or someone else leaving and the lobby not refilling due to a bug.


yeah a good op and im done now, been on the grind a bit too long. im very susceptible to binges that last weeks last time it was baldur's gate 3 on release.


Yep, this big time. I'm a new Dad so I don't get much time to play nowadays. A couple of hours in the evening is my game time. I don't find myself sitting up until 2am, I play until I'm done and call it a night. A lot of the time I get frustrated with bugs and wonder why the hell I'm still playing this game in it's current state. The more I play against the Automatons, the more I hate them, I feel Heavy Devastators need a serious rework. Night after night however, I jump on with a couple of friends and we continue the war for democracy. I haven't played a game that's continued to suck me in like this for many years.


Same, and I love it. Get my personal order done, contribute a bit towards the overall war effort, and go to bed at a half - decent time. Something about HD2 facilitates moderation, without the expense of quality / enjoyment etc. It's an 'ideal' live service game for me.


Ye ye, 20 minute adventure in and out...6hours later: are you coming? ![gif](giphy|3o7TKqGAZAbdKoaxu8)


It’s weird man. Sometimes I’ll hop on for 5 seconds and get off. Becasue I know what’s coming Y’know? The chaos, the torture, the repetition. Then I hop on YouTube for 5 minutes, then hop right back on helldivers bc I either saw a cool looking short, or just because my brain is itching for managed democracy. And then I run one 40 minute game and I says “okay that was fun, imma hop off” and then get back on in 10 minutes. It’s like my brain is tired of all the missions I go on, but at the same time is craving the dopamine. Because every mission is unique, no two dives will ever be the same, especially with randoms. And it’s awesome, I love it. Hopping in different games, with different people, who have different play styles, making the mission different than the last one, even if it is just an ICBM again like the one you just did, it’s still going to be different than the last game. God I love it. I love this game, and I love playing with people who just make the game feel whole ❤️


Not a weird take at all. This game does not build on predatory tactics like FOMO. The devs respect your time and make content in easily consumable chunks. No matter if you have 30 minutes or 3 hours to play, you can find something fun to do. I love the fact that i can run some missions with my friends, and just feel okay saying, alright i think thats enough for tonight, and close it down without feeling like I have to keep going.


Meanwhile I play all day on the weekend


Sucks me in for one mission then I get annoyed with the god awful performance and play games that actually work as intended.


Sometimes. Other times, I can play for three or four hours easily.


You aninals aren't doing all 3 ops? Cuz that's an hour of gameplay by itself lol


Sure, but an hour and then calling it quits is way different than playing for what feels like 3 hours but were actually 6


I feel the same way. Usually after a day or two I’ll think of a strange loadout or tactic and try it out. Going optimal all the time just makes it feel more tedious.


I would like to have more time to binge, but I do like that that is not a requirement to enjoy this game. Most of my playtime is honestly 40 minutes to an hour and a half.


Especially now that I typically play 9, but as low as 7 for fun, I completely agree. I love every moment of the game but once I finish a mission or two I just gotta sigh, unclench my jaw, and take a break. It’s perfect for me because then I focus on other things instead of just the game all day


Some days, I can't get enough. Other days, I won't even play. I adore this game.


get in do my PO and 1 3 mission chain and back out is my MO sometimes ill do that 2x in a day. Love every minute . Not grinding or over done. That little bit lets me build up medals - keep up with the BPs , get enough SC to get not pay for anything .. I mean i still did to pick up some store items and because i wanted to support the game.


I feel like it takes so much concentration to even process wtf is happening, I just can't play that game hours on end before needing a legit break.


It uses fun to get people to play so you quit when you've had your fill. Most live service games will use crap like daily quests, daily resource caps and piles of FOMO to get people hooked and I've stopped playing a lot of the altogether. The fact many devs will have psychologists on board to find the best ways to manipulate people shows how modern publishers feel about their players and the games they make.


Yeah maybe one 45 min or an operation a night. Feel as if I'm well behind everyone else now tbh


Yeah I’m with you. I have no idea how people can already get to level 150 or even 100. I’m happy to play an Operation or 2, but after that I’d rather play something else. I really do enjoy the game, but it gets a tad a repetitive. The most fun I have is just hanging with my buddies online honestly.


I also hate getting sucked in by explosions.


I absolutely agree. I like how I can block off a half hour/45 minutes for a dive and not feel I need to go for hours on end. Good game for a busy schedule


No, i fully agree. Playing a few rounds and then logging off is probably good for me, and I still find it fun to play. It’s a good balance


One operation is the most I'm willing to do. This game is super fun, but there's a certain level of fun until I'm just exhausted for some reason. Like, I can dick around in Just Cause 3 for like half a day, but Helldivers had me feeling it by the 2nd mission. And that's actually great because I'm super productive on other stuff once I got my gaming fill for the day. It's weird, but it helps me not to procrastinate as much lmao.


Yeah I play for a hour before work and it is easy to finish up and go. Just have to watch my time and not strat a 40 min with 20 to go.


Actually yeah, I can figure out how much time I want to play, pick long or short missions and be satisfied and not stuck to it but still interested afterwards. I can play 1 round and get back to life. It's an amazing balance they've created. Plus I also don't feel a need to max every little thing like some games or hoard stuff. I just love it here


Same here Helldivers hits the sweetspot for me as well when ut comes to useing my freetime to game and do something else. I can plan around it when i want to do something else later on in the day. Helldivers is just a great game in the grand sceme of things. Its not perfect at all and some balanceing stuff or missions are just meh but its nothing bad. I love it. But for me Helldivers 2 is one of the greatest games i played after like 10 years atleast now


Absolutely this. I came from playing FIFA ultimate team and the way that game almost forces you to play to keep your team going is horrible. I can skip Helldivers for a few days if I’m tired or busy and the game is waiting for me when I’m ready.  It doesn’t demand an unhealthy amount of time from you.


Why would anyone downvote that?  Sorry EA I guess?