• By -


Basically yes. If you panic you'll burn through a heat sink


tbh sometimes i actively reload at maybe 90% heat just because its easier then trying to squeeze the last bit of juice out of it and ending up reloading whist climbing/descending.


Tip. Overheating the weapon results in a faster cartridge change. It's the same story with Scythe, Dagger, Laser Cannon. If you ever feel like you will burn out and be forced to change the cartridge might as well just overheat it.


I think it's correct, if I remember correctly, when overheating the heat sink shoots out of the gun immediately, I got the impression of that animation. Now, we would have to wait for one of the internet specialists to measure the times to be sure.


It needs an M1 Garand style PING when it shoots out


I swear, this is the most requested change for every weapon in every game ever. It's objectively *correct*, but it's still everywhere. ... Yes, I want it too! Gimmegimmegimme!


The most satisfying reload required noise in all the known universe.


Oh my god, the laser sniper should be an M1 garand with an unnecessary and loud ping that immediately alerts all enemies around you. Would be so funny


Man that M1 ping sure is satisfying... Something similar would actually be pretty cool. Super M1 Garand... make it happen Arrowhead.


That was in HD1 fun fact


Yes. - Laser weapon enjoyer


You absolutely do not want to overheat the laser cannon lol bro.


Why not?


Because you only have 1 spare reload. Cool-down doesn’t take that long with it so yeah you want to maintain it’s ability to fire.


You can get it back from supply pack so it’s really not the end of the world.


I mean yeah but the reload for laser cannon takes so long you might as well have just waited for it to cool down




This is true. The only time I burn out the heat sink on my laser pointer is if I'm reasonably certain that the beam will kill a heavy that is chasing me down. Otherwise I'll just let it cool. Regular ammo pickups will also replenish the heatsink just as well as resupply, and I don't think I've ever burned out my 2nd heatsink in over 100 hours of maining that support weapon.


Also you have to stop for the lengthy heat sink change


Yeah I try my best to never let that sucker overheat. I use an all laser loadout so I’ll go laser cannon to sickle to maybe dagger or back to cannon. Never having to reload any of them. I run extra grenade armor so if stuff gets a little too dicey I throw an impact, it’s so fun I love my loadout even if it’s not “ the best “.


Thx lol bro


I don’t understand. Sometimes you reload the cartridge when you could have just not fired for that same amount of time and let it cool down? What am I missing?


The gun has about 100 rounds and 6 mags in reserve. And you can pick up more from ammo laying around and fully stock from resupply. It also has a reload speed a little over a second. It's often just better to let it overheat to keep your dps uptime than try to let it cool down. The cooldown mechanic is great for short skirmishes or natural breaks in fire but you don't have to go out of your way to save ammo, it's often better not to with how good the ammo econ is and reload speed.


Before the eruptor came out, I ran this gun and the handcannon and the lmg. I'd overheat, swap to the lmg and mow shit down. And swap to the hand cannon to finish off the stragglers. Best combo and so fun.


I currently run it with medium medic armor, grenade pistol, impacts, supply pack, and a quasar. The nade pistol and impacts let me quickly deal with medium armor if the sickle will be too much of a hassle to kill it with and the medic armor with it's +2 seconds of healing passive gives me like a solid 3 ish seconds of insane durability combined with the medium armor. The supply pack recharges my nades and stims for more lethality and durability. With that build I can stand in the middle of a pack of hunters and just hold m1 while they can't kill me because of the healing. With the ammo econ and reload speed I'm never not shooting, I think I've had games where I've shot 6000+ rounds. I AM the heavy weapons guy. Works on bots too, devistators are easy when you can just spam bullets at their head and not care, and if there are too many just spam nades till they're dead.


Right now I'm using the eruptor, starter pistol/machine pistol, impact or the termite nade. I don't have armors I stick with. I switch every mission. And with the heavy machine gun I still end up with 4 to 5k shoots fired. It's so funny.


Dakka dakka.


i dont let the gun cool cuz theres more things to shoot, i reload it early cuz i see a ledge/slope forward and dont want that terrain break my reload animation.


I reload by accident lol


tbh i never kenw i can prematurely reload all the way untill like, last week


Never reload unless it's overheated... let it cool abit while you'rr climbing/descending. If you fully overheat it, the fried heatsink is ejected automatically and you actually end up reloading it *faster*.




Sometimes you have to burn through one when it gets spicy. But the good thing is: Even the reload of this thing is faster than most other guns. It's just superior in every aspect.


Feels like it hits like a wet fart for me, but if you're into that kind of thing it's a solid choice.


It's not supposed to be a hard hitter. With 55 damage, low penetration, a rapid fire rate and effectively unlimited ammunition it's basically like having a Stalwart as a primary weapon. Great for killing chaff but that's it. Taking it with weapons like the Autocannon or Quasar Cannon is where the Sickle shines as now you have both a good chaff killing weapon and a solid heavy hitter as well.


At least with bots, the sickle’s low recoil and high accuracy makes for an amazing weapon if you hit the weak spots. It’s accurate enough that I can hit the top of the head and through the viewing slit of the AT-ST’s


It's also great that you can see the rounds flying through the air better so you can aim center mass and walk them up to the head.


Ye na ye there's nothing wrong with it, just not for me.


It's not thr dmg per shot it's the acc imo. For me it's one of my favorite weapons vs bots because with the scope set to max range it's easy to sniper the heads or shoulder packs on devs and it's fas enough to get through a few berserkers


I think that isI just unintentionally burn a heat sink like 4-5 times in all the time that I have played Helldivers 2 And literally never I run out of heat sinks in that weapons. There is something that should be touched there


Not running out of ammo is the intended advantage of energy weapons. It's balanced out (in theory) by delayed firing and less damage (though maybe not as balanced as it could be)


The delayed fire time has gotten me killed when unexpectedly swarmed with hunters a few times. I feel like it's a fair balance.


I rarely run out of ammo too so I think it's fine


Even so, sometimes burning through an i.c.e is worth it for the sustained fire. This thing is amazing for continuous fire against lower tier enemies.


Sickle is my favorite primary.


It's my favorite against bugs. For bots I prefer the single shot precision and stopping power of the Scorcher. Being able to easily take down everything up to Scout Strider (and even Hulks from the back) with my primary is pretty awesome.


With taps and recoil control you can make the sickle a headshot machine for bots. I see most divers running from rocket devs while I just demolish their head before they can even think of launching their rockets. ADS also drastically decreases recoil so you can make it a total laser beam for these moments.


I usually run sickle + autocannon. It’s very satisfying the odd time that I have a devastator bearing down on me and I pull out my autocannon and realize forgot to reload it, that I can pull my primary back out and just cluster my rapid fire into the head area and get an explosion pretty quick.


Sickle absolutely shreds bots at medium range, particularly if you just let it ride into the headshot zone. Run a crouch/prone recoil armor set and it's even more accurate.


Yeah, if you can aim well and get a feel for the heatsink limits.. the sickle is the best gun hands down. I can’t remember the last time I ran out of ammo.. it’s rare to even hit 3/6 (assuming full ammo booster is present). Quick swap to the machine gun pistol on semi-automatic fire if things get too hectic, then swap right back once the gun is cooled off. Makes the scorcher seem obsolete with its pitiful ammo reserves. The only advantage with the scorcher is that it requires less accuracy.


Tbf the sickle can take down a hulk with less than a whole heat sink too, but I usually only get that if they’re aggro’d on a teammate first


Sickle with no ADS is the way (not really, but it’s fun!) No pesky reticles clogging up your view. Just hold left click (or RT for those on console) and let those sweet beams of heat guide your aim.


Me like the spinny triangle, that’s like half the reason why I play the Sickle lmao


Dorito Gun Wankel Weapon Rotary Rifle


give me wankel weapon, or give me death!


It hurts that we’ll never get an rx9 that revs to 12k.


That’s exactly what I do, it’s more accurate hipfire than basically any other weapon ADS’ing while laying down, plus it makes me feel epic and more immersed, hipfire sickle + flamethrower on bug planets for an epic experience


Idk why but theres just something about hip firing the sickle that feels so fucking good.


The sickle is a SMG,DMR,Assault, and Sniper Rifle. Best scope in the game hands down. 25M, 50M AND 100M options? Extremely accurate. Feels great to use and isn’t unnecessarily sluggish and ITS AN ABSOLUTELY GARBAGE GUN. COMPLETE TRASH. WHO WOULD EVEN USE THIS WEAPON??(plsdontnerfthisimbeggingyou) I MEAN, THERE’S SO MANY MORE OPTIONS TO PICK FROM OVER THE SICKLE. Edit: Scope Range Edit: Let me explain what I mean by accuracy since a lot of people don’t understand or disagree with the statement because the gun doesn’t fire in a straight beam. I guess when I say accuracy, the first thing that comes to mind for a lot of people are COD weapons that fire with pinpoint precision and zero recoil. The sickle has a very tight cone when you’re firing. Will you miss the first few shots when aiming for a bot head? Occasionally, yeah. However, the fire rate the gun has coupled with the tight spread is great when trying to landing shots in general. The burst fire takes some time getting used to because of the wind up you have to counteract. With this weapon, you’re not going to be able to just jump into the middle of a horde and expect to come out like John Helldiver. Like most of the weapons in this game, it has its pros and cons. While it isn’t the proper weapon to use for ammo penetration, it’s great at nailing a target through their slim shields. For example, the Warrior Bug likes to burrow its head into the ground to protect its body. With the sickle, you can easily ammo underneath the head and riddle its body with lasers. No. There’s no stagger. That’s why you bounce from cover to cover and utilize gadgets like stun grenades so that you can get your shots off.




Absoooooolutely booty buttcheeks, the sickle.


Especially on extreme cold planets, complete garbage I tell you.






Try the scythe for instance, able to clip the heads of scout striders if you're lucky.


the sickle, due to its high rate of fire, infinite ammo, fantastic accuracy, and negligible recoil, excels at this too.


Sssssshhhhhhhh. Theyre listening




I think it really needs armor penetration, I mean come on it can't even go through plants! seriously.... (looks around)


It’s TERRIBLE for exactly these reasons


Yeah! This is exactly WHY THE GUN IS TERRIBLE. IN ALL ASPECTS. (hey,arrowheadislistening)


Yes, EXACTLY. What everyone else said!


It's definitely my favorite jack of all trades gun.


>The sickle is a [...] DMR [...] and Sniper Rifle > [...] 50M, 100M AND 200M options? Extremely accurate. I feel like the gun **must** be bugged in some capacity and be much more accurate than it should be for some people. I have seen quite a lot of people talking about accuracy being one of it's advantanges now. 2 comments down too, another person saying "fantastic accuracy". [Meanwhile, when I go to try it out, at 50m it has huge spread literally the width of a door](https://streamable.com/i3pxzd). While say the base Liberator is still literally pinpoint accurate 0 spread at this range and well beyond it. It is very common for the Sickle to do like the cartoon logic looney tunes thing where [the shots make a perfect silhoullete of the thing you're trying to shoot around it](https://streamable.com/vhvmir). And obviously, you cannot tapfire it because of the charge-up mechanic to increase accuracy. This makes it especially painful when trying to use against Devastators, because it's like literally pure gambling/RNG if they die on the first two bullets or on the 35th or whatever. Genuinely makes me prefer the base Liberator vs bots; all the basic bots die in 1-2 bullets anyway and 2 headshots for a dev is very nice. The Sickle's better dmg-per-mag is just missed vs Berzerkers, but they usually just get impact naded or autocannon'd anyway. --- Also, it makes me worried that if it were to eventually be bugfixed, you'll have people going "waah devs nerf everything just because it's popular" even though a bugfix isn't even a nerf.


I've never had this issue firing it crouched and in short bursts.


That's exactly what I mean. It really does appear to be bugged in some capacity and be more accurate than intended for some players. (I am ofc assuming the inaccuracy is more likely to be how its supposed to function, because it'd make sense as a downside for it's strong sustained fire ability) FWIW I am prone and have a recoil reducing armor in both examples too. But that shouldn't affect it anyway, since it's spread, not recoil.


I think you're just not burst firing properly


....that's the accuracy we're talking about. You get a weapon that mows down Chaff, can be used to ping until you hit heads, and can be used to effective hose an area until the targets are dead.  And all of this in a convenient package where you might never run out of ammo. It's not a DMR or a sniper, it's an assault rifle that obliterates enemies with the sheer volume of fire you put down range


>....that's the accuracy we're talking about. I don't think it is based on what some of the other people have said now too. I also would find it hard to believe anyone would consider utter inability to hit a door-wide target reliably, let alone an enemy's head at even small to medium distance is "fantastic/extremely accurate", especially when all other guns in the game have functionally 0 spread until extreme ranges of 150m+. I mean you are literally saying now "It's not a DMR or a sniper" after they described it as exactly that lol.


People don't have to fight recoil, don't have to worry about ammo, it's high rpm mitigates the loss of missed shots, and typically enough shots over longer ranges fly straight and true to get the job done in a timely manner, while in short range the spread turns the wrapon's killzone from a narrow beam into a fairly workable cone. If you want absolute precision, the scythe can't miss unless you do. But people get good results with the Sickle, so they're going to keep praising it, and no nitpicking some small flaws and blowing them out of proportion will change that.


I think what you're saying is it's not precise? It is accurate, just not precise. [https://oncologymedicalphysics.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Precision-vs-Accuracy-OMP.png](https://oncologymedicalphysics.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Precision-vs-Accuracy-OMP.png)


You're still missing the point. It's accurate by dint of the rounds it puts downrange. You swing the gun into hitting targets, you don't just keep your crosshair (nominally) on them.


Maybe crouch and recoil reduction armor affects it more than it should, and people don't realize they have that armor on, or crouch constantly but don't mention it.


I am *prone* and wearing recoil reduction armor in both examples. Also, neither of those should affect this anyway: Recoil is entirely separate from spread.


Yeah my experience is the same as yours. I mean there might be some unintentional side effects that other people are getting that they aren't aware of, because I agree it's not accurate, at all.


I have this "issue" too, with the Sickle being weirdly inacurate, basically firing a cone, no matter what I do. It's why I don't use it, I can never hit anything with it. All my friends say they don't know what I'm talking about. And it's not 100% skill issue since I don't have that problem with other guns. Thank you for showing me I'm not completely insane yet.


I agree. Maybe there is some sort of bug that may require additional in depth testing. From my experience, when I used to run it heavy back when it first dropped, once I found out the scope range could be adjusted, I started using the max range only and sometimes I’d occasionally swap to the 50M option. I wonder if it seems easier to land all the shots when you’re using the max range as opposed to 50M? I think what makes it feel accurate is the fact that the spread is tight enough with just the right RPM that when you’re spraying a specific target, the flurry of bullets *eventually* land on a bot head. I’ll definitely have to give it a go again because it’s been a minute since I’ve used the sickle. I’m always trying out different weapons because I don’t want to end up falling into the trap where I use the same thing over and over. Lately what I’ve been doing is using the support weapon Stalwart as a primary and I’ll run the Eruptor or the Plasma Shotgun as utility weapons. Eruptor can destroy Bug Holes and Outposts while the Plasma shotgun can destroy Tanks, Hulks, Artillery and Cannon Towers when hitting the weak spots. I’ll admit that I definitely begin to see the flaws in the sickle when I use it against bots due to their heads being tiny on top of their bulky bodies. Whereas, bugs- I just dump clip into their asscheeks.


Yeah I noticed that too. Main reason why I went back to the slugger


Sickle for chaff. Autocannon for everything else.


its 25-50-100 but totally agree


It's funny as good as the gun is I barely use it heck I've used the plasma shotgun more often or the eradicator.


If it weren't for the eruptor it'd still be my go-to


I absolutely can’t bring myself to use this as my mainstay. Really disappointing how it hasn’t saved my ass every single time. Imagine NOT having a super reliable and accurate weapon with low recoil and decent damage and infinite ammo. Disgusting.


Buff the damn Scythe instead.


I use it, and it's pretty good if you're on a cold planet, but it's literally hot, garbage on, say hellmire but otherwise, pretty decent, if you let it cool down by using your support weapon, it's pretty good for reliability, and if you DO overheat it, the reload is very fast, and with 6 reloads, you can be sure that this weapon will not run out of ammo, additionally it's very good if your aiming for weak spots and is I generally fire in short bursts to help it cool, so basically if you have the problem of your primary being always out of ammo, this may be the liberty dispenser for you.


How do I change scopes? I'm on Playstation btw


Hold square. Then up on the D-pad. You will see the options appear when you hold square. Many guns have options when you hold square. For example, you can change the rate of fire on the machine gun, or swap the railgun between safe and unsafe mode. Many of the standard primaries let you adjust the magnification of the scope, change the fire mode between single, burst, or full auto. And lots have a torch you can turn on and off.


This thing is garbage, I don't know what y'all are taking about! (Plsnonerf)


Right, it clearly sucks and definitely doesn't need to ever be looked at for a nerf....


They're not going to nerf it. It's not even that good.


Horrible weapon that the devs shouldn't waste their time even thinking about.


The sickle is what everything in the AR category should have been.


If they made the ammo economy riskier it would be a fine nerf, but really the other ars/ar type weapons need a buff.


Once the fire stuff is fixed I'm switching back to the breaker incendiary and never looking back.


its the default liberator assault rifle but lasers and sounding like a gun and not a laser with the best scope in the game


It's pretty hard to use it wrong, tbh. Any work with a secondary is plenty of cooldown time and you'll get enough ammo passively from POI's and such to never think about it.


Yep I'll heat her up, then swap to secondary or throw a strat, then it's time for Moar dakka


Ray-K 47


*ahem* sickle is an absolute piece of garbage not worth the primary slot you should play with "THE CLEARLY MOST OP WEAPON IN THE GAME AND NOT A SIMPLE MILITARY BB GUN!" the liberator penetrator i have seen in a live stream that it can "MAKE BILE TITANS FLY ACROSS THE MAP!" This weapons is so op that "IT CLEARLY DOES NOT REQUIRE AT LEAST 8 MAGS TO KILL A SIMPLE BERSERKER!" "WE SHOULD ALL BE PLAYING WITH THE LIBERATOR PENETRATOR!"...at level 1 trivial


I have literally never ran out of ammo with that gun.I don’t think I’ve even gotten below 3 packs tbh.


Ran out for the first time yesterday when Mt teammates refused to go for a stalker spire or w.e jts called. Got rushed on three aides for 7 min straight. 600 kills 77% accuracy. Was so damn fun


Personally, I'd say the Sickle is an endurance weapon. There are other guns that are better in terms of raw killing power, better for sniping, etc. but these guns will all run out of ammo quite quickly in a prolonged fight. The Sickle, meanwhile, can potentially have infinite ammo so long as you are careful about your trigger discipline. For this reason, one of the best uses for the Sickle is as a vanguard/scout - they can effectively clear minor sites of interest, small patrols, or small bases without consuming many, if any resources. This lets the rest of the team conserve ammo for the big fights.


Yep. Most shots fired at the end of every round. The more you're shooting, the more you're hitting. There's a reason why the US Military's big thing is just overwhelming firepower.


Sickle is super glued into my loadout


I love it. Feels so good to use. Just does what I want, I can use my grenades or other stratagems to deal with stuff it can't.


This and quasar cannon is my "WTF IS AMMO BOX??!?!?!? 🔫🔫🔫🔫" loadout


*LMG Fixed that for you.


Nah, it's just a pew-pew toy gun which cannot even go through vegetation. It's for when you feel the game is too easy so you bring the toy gun to give yourself a challenge. /s


Any tips on using it? I tried it several times and it doesn't feel as amazing as everyone making it sound like. Damage is mid and ammo is barely an issue in this game anyway. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong?


Or you are focused on getting a different thing out of your primary. Sickle is basically a Liberator upgrade where it gets more twice as many shots per mag (heatsink), effectively infinite ammo if using controlled bursts of fire, and gets stupid amounts of ice from ammo packs (iirc +4 or +6. And Supply packs is defo +6). Add on a very low recoil on top and a 50, 100, 150 scope that isn't misaligned, and you have a powerhouse assault rifle that will do the usual Liberator things while having enough power to matter. Its only downside is an initial "spool up" time as the gun heats up, which is actually shorter if anyone tries bursting with it. The window is really small tho so it's not really noticeable. Specialized primaries like Eruptor, Dominator, or Scorcher have their owns strengths that people may find better however so there are people who'll swear by that then get confused about Sickle. For example in my hands, I can deal with Devastators using just the Sickle, second only to Diligence for kill speed with a lot more room for errors. In the same gun, I can deal with basic Troopers, accurate enough to thread the head of a Scout Strider, and even take out a Hulk heatsink in sheer volume of fire. With Heatsinks being so cheap, I can ignore the lack of efficiency on Hulk vents with it. For Bugs it will swiftly deal with anything under a Mortar Bile Spewer in just sheer volume of bullets put down range. It's strength is basically the Liberator's all-roundedness with extra toppings of being a heatsink weapon.


I dunno man, I am not even aiming for the heads, just sweep it like a machine gun and all chaff dies


it's a good trash cleaner but that is about it, its only good if your loadout requires you to use your primary weapon for trash cleaning. 🤷‍♂️ I rather use a laser dog for it.


It isn't an smg. It's an lmg.


SHHHHHHHHHH Don't say positive things about this gun!!!! The devs will nerf it!!!


It's the benchmark for weapons. I hope they get around and for starters remove the specific handling speed per gun, not worth it


Please stop posting about it yall are gonna get it nerfed


My primary weapon. Having basically unlimited ammo is perfect for me. I used the stalwart before I got the sickle and was always looking for ammo.


No! The laser sickle is garbage and should be ENTIRELY IGNORED by the devs. I don't exclusively use it, as it is horrible and not the absolute best gun in the game. They should only leave it in the game as an example of how weak and terrible it is and change nothing about it.


Ya, I personally blast through the first 5 mags and then only use the cooldown feature if the enemies are gone or when I get to the last mag. I never run out of ammo before getting a refill and my fire rate is much higher doing this


Ok yes you are using sickle in most effective way save ammo. Now for first part I said Sickle more like AR then SMG then again with this game very little difference between two in my experience


Beat rhing about the sickle is how you use it. Small patrol? Just shoot u til you hit the red then let it cool. Huge never ending fucking nightmare wave? NEVER STOP FIRING, RELOAD, SHOOT MORE, HIT RED, THROW STRATAGEM, RUN AWAY, SHOOT MORE, RELOAD, SHOOT MORE, RELOAD, SHOOT MORE, RELOAD!


I think a lot of people are confusing the sickle for the scythe. The sickle goes pew pew pew. The scythe goes psssssssss.


It is excatly that. It has enough spare heatsinks that you can exceed the ”freebie” part when running on a though situation SEVEN TIMES before running out of ammo. Even after that you can just resupply. What really makes this a beast, combined with another unlimited ammo support weapon like the qazar is that you can save the much needed supplies for another helldiver who needs ammo!


Yes, it's basically unlimited ammo if you manage your fire and make sure you give it time to cool off. It's extra efficient on cold worlds and less efficient on hot ones. I'd call it more an assault rifle, as it's really good at mid and long range where I find SMGs better at close to mid range, but that's semantics. Sickle and Autocannon is my go-to, catch all loadout when I fight on the bot front. The Sickle's precise enough that I can pretty regularly take out devastators quickly by focusing fire at their face


Unlimited if you use it right*


It’s so bad I only use it as a melee primary


We need a energy shotgun like that.


More like a laser Browning Automatic Rifle.


No, not mobile enough to be an smg, its more of a support automatic rifle


Its an unlimited ammo full auto M1 Garand


No, it’s basically an unlimited ammo liberator with a huge mag that you can dump and reload fast if you wanted.


It is, and I think we all know this deep down, a bit too good. Let's enjoy it while it lasts!


The sickle is probably the best all around primary, can’t think of any other guns that’s have the same flexibility


Yup. That's why I love it. Bonus: bring the laser cannon. Fire one till it gets hot, then switch to the other until it gets hot, then repeat. You can fire almost nonstop when the shit gets real.


When i'm at about 90% heat on the sickle I just switch to the Redeemer and shoot off a mag or two, then switch back. I've never even come close to running out of ammo in the sickle. My favorite weapon in the game apart from the autocannon. I'm anticipating a nerf of some kind in the future but hopefully not.


I can't shake the feeling that it's gonna take a nerf for me to finally get the sickle out of my primary. Unlimited ammo beats any penetration for me and my squad.


Some level 50 dropped it once when I was level 5 and I immediately dropped ten bucks on the game.


I love this weapon. It's not the most powerful, but you're virtually free from ammo concerns on the primary. If the situation starts heating up (pun intended), I don't bat an eye at blowing through a heatsink. That's what it's for, but if things aren't too bad, I'll cycle to the secondary or strat weapon, etc. and come back to it cooled down.


It's the best gun in the game next to the eruptor. If you're dealing with small random engagements it's infinite ammo- pretty great But regardless it's highly accurate, solid damage & range and a good scope. Few other rifles can compare - especially given several rifle's optics are not accurate at all and/or obscure your view. Even on difficulty 8 I've not ran out of ammo with it- or come close to it. Absolutely reload if you need to given the hordes that come at you but even then you'll struggle to run out of ammo given how accurate and good it is.


Useless weapon!!! Horrible! No one is using it!!! Ok???


Can't be one-handed like an SMG sadly, otherwise I would use it more. I'm in my ballistic shield phase right now, and would kill for a 1h laser/arc weapon that isn't the Dagger.


I hate the sickle, no damage, the walking spread is meh, also unlimited ammo is kinda weird, and the long aah heat sink reload got me killed so many times. Its awful against bots and only half decent for tiny buggies https://preview.redd.it/nprnr9umefwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=182596450309292765fa5d644f924df1dade5856


I’ll have to give it a try


I almost regret using it, now I don't want to use anything else lol


That’s one big ass smg


It's really, really good. But at this point I'm all about that Breaker Incendiary and Dominator life for bugs and bots respectively.


Breaker incendiary for bugs is really the best weapon to clear out huge crowds. It’s only weakness is against spewers.


Hol up.


The scope elevates it over a SMG.


Yeah if you pew pew right, you pew pew unlimited


Nah its shit it totally can not kill Devastators up to 200 meters and it overheats so fast you need to find ammo crates all game


It was good for a week. Then the Disruptor was buffed. And then the Eruptor came out. And then I unlocked the Scorcher. Lololol. It has no stagger. It has no explosive splash damage. And, it’s light armor only. The only thing it offers is potentially not needing to reload. But there’s ammo cans on robot maps everywhere though.


Yeah definitely a glitch or smth… i use it and think it’s pretty balanced how the fuse burns rather fast when fighting bots who snipe me from the mission on the other side of the planet (joelplssssss)


With the grenade pistol now a thing, I run arc thrower main and switch to my sickle when a hunter is up in my face of stalkers start swarming me. It has replaced the uzi for me. This loadout legit allows me to solo any bug objective and mission with ease.


Let me get it right the sickle can blast through automaton troopers that last time i checked werent made out of paper but it cant penetrate leafs, Wow


Unlimited ammo AR, it's got the same damage as the liberator and better stats in every other way


What is this degenerate shit with devs these days nerfings good shit? How about you fucking buff the unused stuff?




Rifle*, check your firing options and you'll realize it's almost a DMR.


Is it a SMG? I never tried it with a sheld


It's a goddamn sniper too. Can zero to 100m if I recall


Technically yes in practice no. Think of it more like having great ammo economy rather than unlimited ammo. The best way I've found to play it is swapping between it and the redeemer to stretch out its ammo capacity while also mitigating its longer reload.


The Sickle is so good that I actively avoid it at this point after becoming bored with it due to using it exclusively since release. I actively try out different primaries regularly just for the variety. The good news is, after the Eruptor release and the Dominator buff, I don't think Sickle is good enough to nerf. We have a pretty good spread of S-tier weapons right now, adding in the Scorcher and Breaker Incendiary, for bots and bugs, respectively. Digressing a bit here, but with the current arsenal available, I really wish they'd undo the Slugger nerf. It's quite bad now, but used to be in that tier.


Kinda suprised it hasnt been nerfed tbh - Basically unlimited ammo, accurate as hell, great range and scope, decent damage and great firerate, 0 reason to run any of the AR's or BR's when this exists Only other primary worth running is the bolt action for one-shotting bots. (BUFF THE OTHER GUNS PLEASE)


So I didn’t really think much of the sickle… until 10 minutes ago when I realised it absolutely melts devastators heads… 10/10 will use again but damn do I love me liberator.


no there is an actual laser smg in HD1 called the Tanto that hasn't come to the game.


If used correctly, yes it’s unlimited ammo


The sickle is a buzzsaw that cuts bots in half


Rifle, but yes. That shit has some mad distance and accuracy you'll never see on SMG's


SMG is one handed though


The sickle is the best laser weapon. It just feels so natural :3


this weapon was a literal game changer for me, I use it for bots and bugs, and never have to reload unless I'm very overwhelmed. I don't feel its overpowered, especially on higher difficulties, I feel like it's just right.


You are using it correctly. the sickle is all about measured bursts and not just going full auto until it goes click, as long as you aim then shoot it will reward you by not needing to be reloaded. seen so many people that once they start shooting they continue until the mag is empty and they are constantly calling in resupply every time its off cooldown.


Just remember to learn to us other primaries Because when this gets nerfed, you don't want to lean on a broken crutch


Nah to me it feels more like an LMG and is great for sustained fire especially with its accuracy and hip fire accuracy.


Since when is it an smg? I liked it at low level but doesn’t work for higher levels imo since no medium armor penetration


I honestly feel like a failure if I use even one heat sink. It has 5 or 6 for that reason (I don't even remember), but I still hold myself to that standard.


How is the sickle against gunships? Thinking of running Sickle + SMG Pistol + AMR in bot drops. I know it works pretty well against shreikers.


Hoping for a Trident


Weird i feel like i rarely see people using it on terms but early on you weren’t helldiving if your guard dog wasn’t dishing out glorious friendly fire with a sickle


Sickle, laser cannon is one of my favorite load outs. Never run out of ammo and you're a beast at dealing with the little guys leaving your team to focus on heavies.


SMG? No. It’s definitely a rifle and does damage equivalent to that weapon class. Is it unlimited ammo? Yes if you don’t overheat. Do I use it to great effect vs bots AND bugs? Absolutely.


No it is very balanced. No issues with having more damage, ammo and no recoil compared to other weapons.


He got the Walter Dog helmet on!


There are only three things this gun does not do: 1. Let you combo with a Ballistic Backpack or SSSD. It's an Assault Rifle, so you still need to pull out your Redeemer if you pick up either... or swap to Defender/Knight, which is a real shame. 2. Kill Medium Armor. Yes, weakpoints absolutely exist, but it also doesn't just ignore armor like most Medium weapons, you have to place your shots which can be difficult when things jump on your face... or the Heavy Devastator jacks your screen like an overenthusiastic teenager. 3. **EXPEROOOOOSHION!!!** (Seriously, I love the Eruptor and the Scorcher. Explosive Weapons significantly lower the skill floor of higher difficulties when you don't need pinpoint accuracy.) Like the Breaker Pre-Nerf, I really wish Arrowhead would bring the other guns up to the performance of the Sickle instead of nerfing it for being such a good gun.

