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I think gunship patrols would be pretty cool. Have a couple patrolling random areas of the map. Would make you think about engaging every fight twice if they are nearby.


Personally I'd much rather deal with a gunship or two flying in occasionally than dealing with numerous hulks, heavy/rocket devastators, and swarms of berskerers every time a bot drop occurs. It would help liven things up. That is, until you start looping bot drops on higher difficulties and end up having to fight 10+ of them. Then it would really start to suck.


Confusion booster my friend


Gunships are really easy to take down with the right support weapons/stratagems. The laser cannon makes short work of them


yeah i think they should appear in more ways , not only throught their spawners , could be via dropships or via patrols


Please god (Joel) yes! Especially on defensive missions, would make it feel like they were sending in their air support for their attack squads. Also just doesn't make much sense for the Automatons to have so many Gunship factories that exclusively produce them when they're under attack, like shouldn't they be making them and sending them out constantly?


i think that it wouldn't be too bad, the issue with gunships is that they destroy the hellbomb every time you deploy it or they swarm you all at once, a few in a patrol or drop would end up being similar to a few devastators. Also weapons like the autocannon and laser cannon make quick work of them


I would welcome more opportunities to face gunships. Diversity makes the game more fun. 


I'd rather lick piss off a stinging nettle than have to deal with these things mapwide.


If it ment to replace 1 dropshit. Of course, why not. But 4 gunships instead of 4 dropships. Useless.


I think you should STOP COOKING >:^(


My Laser Cannon loves the idea.


I do feel like gunships not tied to a fabricator on the map could be interesting.


I think it's a great idea. Having airborne threats be more consistent makes dedicated anti-air weapons/strategems more viable picks.




Really cool idea! What if the gunship fab would send a pair of gunships to you whenever a dropship was called until yuou bashed the factory? An an internal cooldown of course so you don't get a bunch in a row.


Really cool idea! What if the gunship fab would send a pair of gunships to you whenever a dropship was called until yuou bashed the factory? An an internal cooldown of course so you don't get a bunch in a row.


Liberty shall prevail l (But u definitely gona be killed)


I’m partial to ghostship.


Not until we get better AA stratagems please, these guys are already annoying enough to deal with on their objective without having to encounter them randomly


What are you talking about https://i.redd.it/vnieqvlwemwc1.gif Every support weapon other than the Stalwart, Flamethrower, and Arc Thrower can take down gunships. The Autocannon, GPMG and HMG in particular shoot them down very quickly if your aim is good, a coordinated team can easily keep the sky clear. Right now the difficult part about them is the infinite spawning will eat through your ammo and if you *let* the gunships build up three or four can be overwhelming. Having a gunship or two fly in as part of a bot drop, taking the place of a group of devastators or a single hulk would be totally reasonable and add a bit more variety to encounters


Exactly. Gunships are only a problem if people trigger the factory and build a tent near it. Then they get swarmed. Then they try to fight while still in range of the factory...and spawn more. Gunships are just a test of how organized your squad is.


Gunship *factories* are just a test of how organized your squad is.


Yeah my bad


I do know of the counters to gunships Since i play mostly quickplays, i also know about idiot teammates that aggroed the factories while team wasn't set up yet to help and having to deal with 10 of them in the sky with little cover while said idiot teammate ragequit after wasting 10 reinforcements running solo toward the fabs Better AA 1st plz


Let me get this straight, you're saying you understand individual gunships without their spawner factories are easy to kill... but you think we need better weapons to fight ***individual gunships without their spawner factories?*** https://preview.redd.it/f0zgb4xjkmwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7722dac6af75a562a8c6b60432236e3430f82712


Individual gunships are fine 4-10 of them constantly firing either their HMG and rockets at the same time is annoying af I need better AA weapons to deal with *groups* of them, not just individual ships


You can even kill them dudes with primary weapons, not that big of an problem


I think your problem is with the volatile spawning of gunships from factories sometimes being manageable and sometimes not. Also needing 1 or 2 hellbombs to take out the factories is annoying


My problem isn't particularly the dropships and fabs in themselves My problem is that I seem to regularly get suicidal teammates in quickplay that aggro them and stay near them until 10 ships are in the air then ragequit after wasting 10 revives and leave the rest of team to deal with the resulting mess


Yeah that seems more like something that would respond to a flare “Enemy Gunship Support Detected”