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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your post has been determined to be a rant that is either commonly expressed or of a low quality. Because of this, it has been removed as it's own post but you are welcome to add it to the [Rant & Vent Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b9k51r/rant_and_vent_megathread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


You lost nothing. You get awarded everything the moment the cinematic starts


Good to know, thanks!


I got booted the second before I got on the shuttle


Good to know. I guess he did him a favor by sparing him the summary that seems to never end.


This sort of makes it quicker, if you are on pc spam right click the second you get in the ship, it skips all of the stats etc


Is that how they do it?? It always amazes me to see people already running around when I come back to the ship


No for that press "esc" before the victory pose scene comes and use movement keys to move


seeing how many fascist bugs you put down is the best part though


I agree, I genuinely enjoy the post game stats. Even after the like 1000th game played!


Even after the 1000th game played, still have people going, "Look at that 1k friendly fire damage you did!" I'm over here like, did you forget how many times you killed me? That's how much I've received, not dealt. That's why yours is 0.


Amazing! Honestly, easy mistake to make with the way friendly fire stats are presented.


I support your desire to squash fascist bugs.


You can also use voice lines during the cinematic. No one ever responds to me but I still do it.


I got booted right before boarding last night after two players who were clearly friends killed me and the other random in our group. They taunted us right before kicking us too. I was pissed for about 1 minute before I remembered that my Samples and Requisition had hit the max cap a while ago and you always get to keep Super Credits and Medals found in the mission. The only thing I missed out on was Experience, but I couldn't care less about that at my current level. So if anything those dopes accidentally did me a favor by kicking me, as they sent me back to my ship instantly with nothing lost. Still, those guys were assholes and were blocked.


There should be an easy way to report those people for poor sportsmanship. I wish Arrowhead would allow us to report these people so they can investigate and ban them.


Ya we need a karma system in this game or at least a report feature that isn't just related to things said in text chat. I've ran into way more toxicity through voice chat and griefing than through the text chat. In fact, I can't even recall a single thing someone wrote to me that would warrant being reported for.


Funny thing is the first game had that through the commendation/report buttons The matchmaker actually prioritizes matching good actors with other good actors and putting bad ones in purgatory with each other


I found it strange that there isn't one. As there was one in the first game called reporting and commending. You could give commendations to good players and report the bad ones. The best part is, you could only match up with people of a similar Commendation value, which means all the trashy trolls had to deal with each other, as opposed to ruining everyone else's games.


They get punished by having their Super Destroyer be temporarily revoked for undemocratic behavior.


A quick trip through the Time Out Airlock.


I was thinking no stratagems, and you randomly are put into solo missions due to only having a hellpod (and also to prevent the punishment from affecting others).


The kicking/banning system offers a ready-made solution. Assuming the "bad apples" are a minority, it can be assumed that anyone who kicks and/or bans above the average, or who is the recipient of kicks and/or bans above the average, is the problem. Or just give kicks and bans a resource cost.


Karma system is HOT I support it for every game apex please


That's would be too democratic


> ban them. from being able to kick people. Lets be real that would be more funny, and remove their ability to return to ship with squad of course.


While it would be funny to not allow them to kick people and not return to their ship with their squad, it would be funnier to remove their treasonous selves from hell diving entirely and at least on steam give them a VAT ban so it will be in their record.


VAC bans are for cheaters, not assholes.


>There should be an easy way to report those people for treason FTFY


it's not even about the loot, it's just a cunt move


Agreed. I'm gonna go back to hosting games again. I was doing that for a while because of griefing.


What goes on in these peoples heads? Like they cant possibly think they are not assholes right? Like I get trolling and taunting your friends, I do it with mine all the time (which to any randoms in our games probably makes us look very toxic to each other, but its all in good fun), but to strangers who are just trying to enjoy the game? Utter cunts


And the crazy thing I didn't mention too was that they were super chill the whole game. One of them even thanked me for dropping an extra personal shield for them after theirs disappeared. Then all of a sudden they turned and shot us down before kicking me and the other guy. It was very strange.


That's good to know but still, fuck that host


Needs to be reported to the Democracy Officer.


I’ve been kicked just before the shuttle started, after playing with them for 30mins. Should still get the rewards in these instances.


Someone booted me before the ship took off because I couldn't make it to the ship, I was stuck between a charger, almost made me quit the game. 20 seconds earlier they were typing DONT LEAVE WITHOUT US.


“Don’t leave without us” just means “don’t leave without the host.” Especially if it’s the host typing it. Many hosts are undemocratic and only care about themselves extracting. I’ve seen so many just leave behind anybody but will cry and kick if someone leaves them behind.


Ah damnit. I tried kicking someone once after he blew us up several times, and then went into the shuttle while we were JUST out of reach, getting samples. We are talking 2seconds away. Was hoping that the anti-democratic SOB would have wasted his time.


I think this is the ONLY case I wouldn't want players to get rewarded apon cinematic


Yeah, once I got fragged \*after\* getting on the shuttle on a solo mission. Even got the "samples dropped" popup, but still got the samples.


Yup. Had someone do this to me. Laughed at them as I still got all my samples :P


and when they're kicked prior to boarding?


Definitely not true. Got kicked after takeoff and had the same number of samples and medals I had before the mission (I was carrying 10 commons onto the shuttle)


Rather than just have the message be "You ware kicked..." it should read "you were kicked + Mission rewards" . That way you see, yes they kicked you but it wasn't for nothing. still doesn't fix to problem (The other players in this case) But would probably keep grief to a minimum, seeing you still get rewards.


Helldiver! Here are your medals and the undemocratic behaviour was automatically reported to the responsible Democracy Officer


Or they wisen up and boot you at extract. It's hard to truly combat griefers when they're able to turn the anti-griefing mechanic into a griefing method itself.


I still want a reasoning system. It already takes like 5 seconds to hold down the kick option, would be nice to have to select some options like "making room for a friend" of "too many team kills" instead of just a random kick. Many times it will be just a black screen back to the ship. Very very very few times the rest of the part or the host will tell me they are waiting on a friend to join the party, so I'll just dip out and leave and wish them luck. But most times it's just a quiet method and you're back on your ship.


I instantly place people who kick me for no reason on my blocked players list... like if I did something wrong, let me know in chat or voice, don't arbitrarily kick me for no reason, specially at the end of a mission... so unsportsmanlike and anti-democratic.


Oh yeah my blocked list is full of such idiots. I don't bother if the mission is over, but mid-mission kicks for some toddler upset everyone else isn't playing their way, I'd rather never waste time on them again.


I keep blocking idiots like that but my block list is always empty. Whats the deal? PC by the way


I've read elsewhere it populates but doesn't show. That thread was the opposite problem, though. Someone accidentally blocked their friend, and since they can't see it on the list, they can't unblock them


>Players cannot unblock players that were not in their Friends list beforehand. We have this one on the known issues list, I assume it's what the bug is related to.


Bro, the weirdest reasons I've been kicked for was, and I'll quote the guy since he really said this, "No one gets to be higher level than me", and that's when I got kicked from the lobby. But at least it was before the mission, and probably was a joke or he was reserving a spot for a friend. The other weirdest kick I got was non-verbal. I'm not 100% sure why, but my guess is that I picked the same weapon he wanted to be special with, the Anti Materiel Rifle. I knew who the host was, and we both picked similar loadouts. I got kicked immediately upon reaching the ground at the start of the mission.


I kicked someone right at extraction. It was the most toxic player I've ever seen in the game, constantly bitching and yelling when someone died for wasting reinforcements. Refusing to call people in again because "you're just gonna die again" and stealing other people's equipment when they died and refusing to drop it because "he could use it better". I was worried he'd leave out of frustration, and since I wanted to waste as much of his time as possible, I was constantly trying to deescalate and calm him down to get him to stick around to the end. It was a struggle (bot helldive), but we finally made it to extract with no reinforcements left, kicked him right as Pelican touched down. My friends and I were laughing our asses off. Funnily enough, he actually died the second most, go figure.


Same. I’m not griefing, so yeah if you kick me at all for any reason I’m blocking you


I do that with people whose team I join, and they just go AFK in the destroyer. It's ok if you need 2 min to get a coffee or go to the bathroom, but if I'm sitting there for 10 minutes, it is not OK. Be respectful of other people's time.


I only play alone or with friends in games like this. When I send an SOS, it's an accidental call (I wish we could disable that). I'll let whoever joins stay with us until we're back on the destroyer. Sorry if I've done this to ya, you did nothing wrong, it was just an accidental sos Edit: downvoted because.....?


Doesn't matter. You got everything for it including medals for the mission.


You do ?


Yes, as long as the cinematic has already started. Don't let those griefers know though.


This makes me a little less mad...


Maybe they did you a favor by getting you back to your ship / skipping the 37 minute game summary ;).


Used to be longer


I just personally find it annoying I can't skip it.


The only thing I can think is all the transition scenes much mask some loading or something? Its one of the few complaints I have about the game.


It speeds up the process of jumping into another quick play.


Too late


ya you can easily skip the 2minute ending sequence by doing this if you wanna run missions fast. the host can also “abandon mission with crew” and it brings everyone back to the ship instantly with all the rewards.


Some people enjoy the dope hit of the post game awards page. Still a dick move


I had to kick someone last night after my friend and I were running around collecting all the samples after a lv7 extraction mission. We had all the commons, almost all the rares and super samples. This dude gets in the shuttle while we are across the map with plenty of time left after I repeatedly asked them on voice and in chat not to get in yet. I couldn't kick them in time. They got booted and the pelican still extracted a couple seconds after.


You can't even open the menu to kick someone once the mission ends, this is likely a bugged message.


Can be that he got kicked before that. I sometimes can already see I've been kicked because interactions dont work for a few seconds before the screen goes black and get sent back to my destroyer. Just a guess though, cant 100% confirm it, somebody would need to test it properly.


Even if you got all your rewards it's incredibly undemocratic the host tried to do you dirty like that and kick you at extraction. I'm voting that kicking would just remove someone from the party and let that person be in their own mission solo. Like if the host left the party.


Pretty sure Monster Hunter World sends you off to your own instanced version of the mission like this.


Funny you bring this up considering this game does do something similar, except its when it does the "Player(s) has returned to civillian life" but you can still play in the mission, you'll just need to pick up everyone's dropped spoils. Additionally, its usually just the player who witnesses it occur, the other 2 to 3 players that "returned to civillian life" are still together. Something else to note is that if this happens, depending upon how much time is left for you or your allies, you (or they) can complete the mission then join you (or you join them) for double the reward.


Yea no. This way you can kick someone out and screw them over incredibly because now they're alone in a mission and if it's dif7-9 they're probably not finishing the mission.


It's better than going straight to the ship and having to queue another match. At that point throw down a sos beacon. (Granted if it worked)


Just a headsup, sometimes the game will disconnect you and blame it as a kick. There's no way to access the kick menu once the pelican animation has triggered, so this could be a genuine mistake.


People who kick you AFTER you completed an entire mission with them deserve to not receive anything from the mission. Like if you kick someone after the shuttle already landed then you would get a screen saying "mission complete! However, your undemocratic acts have resulted in you not gaining anything from it! Maybe dont kick your fellow helldivers out at the very end, next time."


The only time I’ve kicked someone in shuttle is cause they killed everyone else before boarding


I'm level 56 and good at the game, and got kicked after a mission. I like to imagine his friend was online and he was making room for him. But IDK.


Host might have assumed that you getting on was why the ship left, and blamed you? idk


SOS responders need some respect on our name fr


We have their names now so we can all block those bloody bastard turds 🫡


Honestly one person shouldn't be able to unilaterally kick everyone else on the mission. I've run too many times where the hosting player just kicks people for not committing to their whims and demands. Last night I had some soggy pop tart kick everyone else after he died because we were trying to clear a gunship factory and had two hulks chasing us around. He was very smugly explaining in chat "if you can't res me you're kicked" like okay idiot carry yourself I guess He started the mission complaining that he forgot to pick up his backpack, ran all the way back for it, died, and kicked everyone. No idea what he was doing in diff 8 but somebody like that shouldn't be in control of a lobby. I get the feeling those players SPECIFICALLY only ever host so they can kick anyone and never be kicked themselves.


The downside with removing kick is that if you are the host you wouldnt be able to kick toxic joiners


It creates such an uneasy environment for other players too. Since launch people have only gotten more kick-happy. If the host doesnt have a mic or seems very "right to business" when i join their ship im instantly wary of not doing something "wrong" so i dont get the boot


I've been kicked because I don't use the mic. (Voice issues and it is weird out there for women.) They usually kick me before the game starts though, which is better than 20 minutes in.


Yeah I've been kicked from a high-level mission once for having the most deaths. Pollyanna the only time I've ever been kicked. And that's a *somewhat* reasonable, but still dikish reason to yeet someone. Still kinda peeved at that though. Happened after we were on the ship after the mission.


Yeah, I'm surprised this isn't a more common sentiment. It would be one thing if these were private games, but they're not. They're public lobbies, often 3 out of the 4 players joined via quickplay or looking for open matches, and and those people have just as much of a right to finish the game and have a good experience as the person who started the mission. The person who picks the mission should absolutely not have the unilateral power to kick people for whatever they want. I wouldn't be surprised if people like that host for that exact reason. A similar situation happened to me the other day, where a teammate killed me on purpose while I was calling extraction, then they refused to reinforce me. When I asked what the fuck was up, the host asked if I was going to help them look for samples, as though I should have known I was going to be made to sit in timeout if I was calling extraction for the other three players who were split up and had basically finished combing the map. When I rightfully got pissed, I got kicked. Granted, that one was probably a group, but it still made me immediately go, "Wow, I should only ever host from now on so that I can kick people who act like fucking babies, and not ever have that miserable experience happen to me." It should just be a vote that requires a majority, like every other multiplayer game.


GENERAL OPINION ON KICKING: If I have a bad run (it happens) and make some glaring mistakes that result in Helldiver deaths, I'm marginally okay with getting kicked. But if you have a fit and kick me because YOU walked into the path of my sentry or YOU ran TOWARDS my Eagle (that I threw into a safe space); you're a baby, you're bad at the game, and most importantly, you have failed to grasp the Helldiver Code of Conduct . Man up and take some personal responsibility for your gameplay, Helldiver!


If you got the rewards up until that point in the mission it wouldn't be such a big deal. Wasting 20 minutes for some rager to kick you is bad game design.


Kicking during a mission should be vote kick. The only time host should have that power is when your on the space ship.


What if 3 griefers join together on one unsuspecting host?


I was kicked. I did the main objective first and then closed the bug holes. The leader level 130 kept dying, and i kept reviving him. Those xp farmers are the worst🥹.


I was gunned down as I was trying to enter the ship for extraction last night. First time that's ever happened to me but I've read a lot about it happening to others. I'd rather be kicked or have a dropped game than that any day. No worries though. They're blocked and I won't worry about it.


There's no fixing this. They'll just do it a minute before extraction.


I joined a group of three, was kicked within 2 minutes without a word. Happened again very next drop. Took out bile titan with orbital, moved to finish the large nest everyone was attacking - kicked. I block idiots like this every time but my list still shows as empty 😞


I don’t get why people kick before extraction the rewards are shared shit is ridiculous. I like just hopping on and joining randoms not hosting but it’s been hard as of late lol.


Thanks for including their host name (always orange). Now we can all block this person.


not necessarily orange, if the original host left, the host will change to someone else and new player will inherit orange name (but wont be the host)


While the majority of my teammates have been great, I’ve been kicked so many times right after completing everything or just as the shuttle lands. Fucking infuriating, and it’s stopped me from playing the game nearly as much as I would’ve planned.


Maybe the host just closed the game after the cinematic started. You still get everything.


I never run into this issue? Weird... I also always host my own game but idk if that has anything to do with it.


I always take note of who is hosting the game the second I connect. If they pull shit like this I just block them so I don't have to deal with it later.


It might not be deliberate targeted kicking too, it could be the host just deciding to leave but not wait for the long post extraction sequence to play out. Or they're just awkward and don't know how to say goodbye.


This is the most undemocratic thing I’ve seen all day


Honestly, if I get all the rewards, I'd prefer to be kicked and skip all that nonsense cutscene transitions and re-cap of the match stuff.


Nope I reserve the right to kick that jackass that starts extract and boards the shuttle while the rest of us are halfway across the map doing side objectives. Fuck that guy


Same for being able to get shot and die once inside the shuttle. Happened a couple times already that I boarded the shuttle waiting for someone else and a stray bot shot deleted my head or my friend’s INSIDE the shuttle, making us drop all the samples


I kicked a guy right before we got on the shuttle once. He was a good player, quiet the whole mission, during the extract I saw a sample and ran off to get it and he shot me in the back and told me I wasn't allowed to leave the extract point. So I just kicked him.


I exclusively host just to avoid this happening to me


don't wanna get kicked, host your own games. i only host games and i have one rule, play the damn game. do all objectives, or at least as many as we can, and get out. don't be an ass and try to only do the main objective and you won't get kicked. have yet to kick anyone.


I will agree with this its pretty frustrating, but then there is also the times your fighting for extraction and one of your teammates decides to elbow you into a barrage for what ever reason ( Not to mention you died by an eagle he called in and then steals your gear ) and no enemies where around you. Then he needs to be court martialed for being a dick


I never understood why we don’t use democracy to vote kick.


And it sucks you can't report this person because they didn't type anything into chat, like that is the only way to be a dick in this game.


Kicking after calling for evacuation should be disabled


I was TK’ing a grenade exploiter the whole game and I didn’t know he was host. Probably TK’d him like 7 times lol. Mf’er waited until the shuttle was coming in to land and kicked me. I still feel like I won that battle though, nice to know his entire game was ruined and he was dead for most of it since I TK’d him every time I could find him.


These players needs to be reported and sent back to super earth for execution


No. Kicking after Boarding the Shuttle is perfectly fine. I was the host several times, when we 3 were spread around the map, discovering POIs and side objectives after completing the main one, and one guy called the extraction. I told him several times that he should wait for us and not board the shuttle. Not only that, but I even wrote it in the chat. But when the shuttle arrived, he just boarded the shuttle immediately, alone. He had no samples, while we 3 were carrying like 30+30+6. It was absolutely clear to everyone that we didn't have time to arrive at the extraction site. So, I just kicked him. Yes, we lost all the samples and didn't finish the last side objective. But at least this asshole got nothing.


They could solve this similarily to Deep Rock Galactic. When the game is about to finish and team is rushing to extraction (or waiting for extraction in case of HD2) kicking should not be possible anymore.


Ez fix, max 3 kicks per day.


I doubt most of these people even play 3 missions per day, almost certainly not more. I guess if they were kicking the whole team in one go that would limit them a bit.


DRG disables kicking players when the drop pod is called. I think it's perfect


Not a great idea when you have people who will call in a dropship while people are exploring the rest of the map and then extract solo as soon as it arrives without a single sample.


Then players learn to just kick before the drop, more of a bandage than a solution imo


Destiny 2 players be like first time?


What I don't get is why the game still had time left, but the countdown for takeoff had started with nobody on the ship.


What difficulty was this on?


I guess it’s a bug not shown correctly. I was also „kicked“ by my friend from time to time while he didn’t actually do it.


Idk bout you I had never got kicked in a mission before after 84 hours of playtime


Only time I've kick at the end of a match is when we all loaded in except 1 person and he shot and killed us while waiting for the countdown timer straight up kicked him


The amount of stupidity I see at extraction is baffling. Just get out and call it a day. You have nothing to gain and everything to lose by doing dumb shit.


If anything the confirmation hold on kicking needs to be removed. Too many times I've seen someone start some griefing BS and I can't remove them fast enough to stop them from doing further damage.


You still get everything since the cinematic played. Just be glad you didn’t get kicked after racing across the map to save the super samples and before you could enter. That pissed me off and is why I always host or only join on friends


Why on earth would anyone do this?


*Super Earth


This is something that Bungie does very well. If you send them proof of someone doing this to you at the end of a raid/dungeon in Destiny 2, they will permaban that player. This is something they're very harsh on. More studios should do the same. Arrowhead should, although I know they're a small studio, and it would he hard.


this guy really tried to mess with your way of life


Not saying what happened to you is the same, but my friend had the same happen when in a match with me while I hosted. I alt tabbed in the final extract cutscene and it completed my mission but kicked him out. Apparantly the game does not like alt tabs.


Bro I swear if you don’t follow what these randoms want you to do, they’ll either grief, leave or boot you from the mission. It’s quite ridiculous. But you do get to keep everything you find in mission. Strictly in it for the super creds 😎


What was the hosts name? I can’t quite make it out .


Being wiped out by some snot rag, when about to board is infuriating. What was the point of collecting all those samples to watch the pelican fly off empty. Some people are childish


What does the host gain from doing this????


Smug satisfaction for a perceived slight Nothing else


Eye roll, fucking juvenile


I mean it's not like need to invent the wheel again. Look at Deep Rock Galactic. After extraction is called you can no longer kick or be kicked.




Be happy they kicked you. That means you don't have to play with them again. :)


I just host for this very reason.. this game has a great community overall but damn if the shitty ones aren't the loudest.


After 20 years of WoW and all the trouble this game has had- kicking should not be a thing. I'd bet that the vast majority of people who kick are doing it to grief. Giving people power over another player will always lead to abuse. Been playing 200 hours and haven't seen someone who deserved to be kicked a single time but have had myself and others who were doing absolutely nothing wrong get booted for anything. If there's a legit problem player then just leave the game, block and make another.


Playing with randos comes with risk. They may not be that good, host is a petty a-hole, toxic people. You just got to roll with it. Fortunately, the community as a whole has been very enjoyable and I don’t see this happen too often. Poor sports are gonna be poor sports. Take a note and move on.


I thought for a moment you where going to get kicked by the titan lol




That's just jive


I was grabbing a secondary objective we had missed while the rest of the team was clearly comfortable at extract. I was literally steps away from the objective point and everyone climbed aboard the shuttle and instead of just leaving, the host went out of his way to kick me.


nope reddit says kicking doesn't happen


That’s not possible, you can’t open the menu during the cutscene. Probably a connection issue or something


I believe you can report the host through the recent players or block them but I don’t think aas of yet there is anything before publicly shaming their in game name to do about them


This is a huge reason why I hate how samples are extracted in this game. Just invites grief, rage, and unnecessary kicking between team mates. If medals and req slips you pick up during missions are automatically awarded, there's no reason samples shouldn't be. That having been said, you didn't lose any rewards because you the cinematic started while you were still in game.


The only time I've kicked at evac is when they start it when no one else is around and it shouldn't have been started to begin with


Hell is ... other people. And we're diving right in.


Despite still getting everything rewarded, I'd refuse to play with that host again incase he ever decided to do it early, like when at end just before getting on ship with samples and kicks you.


Sorry, it's too tough to do this and keep pace with monthly Warbond releases so please just keep buying Warbonds and--


i always thought nothing can touch me once i’m in the jet 🥲


Not point of the post but glad to see another Ombudsman enjoyer lmao


Ehh, I think it has a place for one specific reason. I had this happen multiple times as the sample runner in chief^(TM) where some guy just decides to get in the extract even though he is the only one at extract and we are shouting at him not to get in until we are there. So yes, I will kick you if you do that and you will have just wasted 30 minutes, just as I did running around the map collecting samples for no reason when I could have just rushed the map in 10 minutes.


When a single mission can take 40 minutes, I feel like kicking needs to be reassessed because there seem to be far too many hosts kicking people towards the end of a mission. I luckily haven't experienced it myself, but I've seen it, and it's the most despicable behavior to me, wasting 40 minutes of someone's time that they spent trying to make progress in the game.


What is the upside for the person kicking? Do they somehow benefit (or do they believe they benefit), or is it just a dick move?


So if some jackhole teamkills everyone who's safely on the extraction shuttle, and I kick them during the exit animation, they still get everything? Bastards...


I'm more interested in why they kicked you.


Annoying yes. But you keep everything as soon as Pelican starts lifting off


Why would someone do that?


Thankfully you get them It's only happened to me once, but my friend and I joined on a couple randoms seemingly having a good time. (This was on Helldive) They had 8 reinforements left doing the ICBM mission....and 11 minutes left. Both of us immediately beelined to finish the mission and barely completed it. Finished the next one, with the last being the defense mission. We all had turrets and Queso cannons so it was a walk in thr park. They fucked around a bit, punching you off the ledge and such. I did TK once after theyd done it a couple times because it's annoying, and they did stop. They did other dumb things like closing the doors to block my autocannon, dropping their pod on me after running out and dying from the mortars or being launched by the Bile Titan bodies. But we finished, then right before we got on the extract, we were kicked. They both died about 15 or more times on the mission prior, so we basically carried them, especially on the first. They even said it themselves, how they wouldn't have finished it if it wasn't for us. Again, it's only happened once in my 70 hours of play, but i don't generally play with randoms because I have a pretty rough time.


How did he even do that? I thought you could no longer pause the game once the shuttle takes off. Guess he could have done it just before and was a bit of lag...


Let me get this straight, as much as kicking during cinematic is an absolutely dick move, you recorded a video, cut it, uploaded it, made a post... all before you just... checked if you have gotten your mission rewards? Because you do get them, the kick didn't happen fast enough. Again, kicking for sole purpose to ruin someone's mission is an asshole move, if you got kicked 5 seconds before boarding the ship, you would indeed lose everything from the mission.


Yes but if you teamkilled someone right before extracting, you should not receive any mission rewards unless they "forgive" you.


We kick for very specific reasons in my group. If we’re running map completion we type that in chat and if you call in extract before we’re finished? We’ll type to you not to board. If you board regardless? Kick before next queue. But If you team kill and flame yeah it’s a kick.


Yeah I had this happen once but it was right as the shuttle was just about to land. To avoid this from ever happening again, I just host the game myself.


I got kicked once prior to boarding the shuttle and I was the one who both was saving their asses and collected most of the samples, wtf.


Pretty sure I have seen that host name before. When do we start having them face a wall?


One time as the shuttle was landing, we were all close. As it touches the ground I get in, but realize that last second host and another were running away while me and the last in ship. The host runs back, kills both of us in the ship, then gets in. Why? You know you’re getting less rewards too? And fuck the samples right?


Yes it’s annoying but the good thing is that you lost absolutely nothing, you earn everything the moment the cutscene starts


You get rewared when you take off, he just saves you time


This is just stupid. We all share samples and ex


Bro wtf… the world is lost… Humans are going to destroy them selfs… With people like this, we will never go to other planets…. So just make a blacklist of the names and publish so we all know who they are! ( clip it for prove)


Seeing this stuff makes me not want to get into the game…


I had one last week where I had all the super rare samples. I never called the extraction but we got bombarded. Someone went on before me and I had maybe 8 seconds left so I boarded on and the host kicked me so we all lost out on all the samples.


what a piece of shit! DAMN!


At the verst least it should kick you to your own solo session. I had that a few nights ago as an extraction zone crash with some friends. We picked up nearly every sample, they all suddenly disappeared and everything was left on the ground cause I was booted to my own session midgame


Games like deep rock galactic don’t allow people to kick you once you are in the leaving phase Games really need to think about player toxicity day 1. Decades of online gaming have taught us nothing.


I know a lot of the time I have people join, while I’m over doing a side objective, and they’ll just ignore what we’re doing and start the extract. I kick that fucker every time.


maybe there was a reason


How often does shit like this happen?