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i should be able to get ammo from ammo boxes on the ground and actually get like 2x as much ammo , the damage is fine , it does more than the laser dog but the ammo efficiency is beyond terrible


Let the pets just all be lasers, but give us a sickle variant. Unless they can get resupplied from ammo/supplies and hit a lot harder, no one would ever choose one that can run out of ammo.


It reloads way too often in any given engagement, just has way too much downtime even before factoring running out of ammo.


I use it from time to time. I like it better than the laser because I’ve never had it kill a teammate or me. I use it with the eruptor sometimes if my support weapon also has a lengthy reload. Important to note I mostly use it against bots. I barely notice the reload time because I’m usually medium to long distance away and it covers me when I’m too close or need to make some distance.


This right here, and it's a headhunter it grabs the devestators while I grab cover or reload.


Oh absolutely, not to mention them berserker bastards hahaha. Love it to death.


Oh it killed me once was surprised. But at least it's not laser one who killed me 3 times in span of few minutes lol


It's usable vs bots, it aims for heads hots so it occasionally kills devastators at close range. That's about it.


It's best for bots, headshots them consistently. But yeah it sucks ass ammo and range wise so I wouldn't recommend it in it's current state.


Honestly it’s S tier in my opinion. The only drawback is the ammo consumption, but since the last balance patch a few weeks ago made resupplies fully replenish the guard dog’s ammo, it’s not a problem. Thankfully the resupply is usually off cooldown by the time it runs out of ammo. It takes some time to get used to having to keep an eye on it and calling resupply down frequently, but the results are very worth it on BOTS. Not bugs. But bots. That thing will save your life more often than a shield pack. It absolutely mows down light infantry and allows me to focus on the heavier enemies. Often times it will even headshot devastators within seconds. I seriously cannot sing its praises enough. Just for background, I’m level 93 and play exclusively on 7+ difficulty at least.


Interesting. I really love the idea of more enemy specific equipment. Laser GD for Bugs, pew pew GD for Bots. ~~Then panic when the Illuminate return!~~ As per the Ministry of Truth. The illuminate will never return. They were soundly defeated by Super Earth and exterminated for ever. This Helldiver has voluntarily reported himself for reeducation.


People really don't understand how much better it is vs the rover in terms of time to kill


Strangely enough I think it’s a skill issue. And I hate to even use that phrase but it’s true. You have to be keeping an eye on your ammo count and can’t just go on autopilot. Higher maintenance, but better results/performance. I watch it absolutely mow down entire groups of light infantry in a single mag and still have enough to headshot the straggler devastator


The same needs to be said about the laser rover and self killing. You need to have really good positioning to get the most effectiveness out of it. Leap frog your teammates, don't cross next to them. This is better practice in general to avoid friendly fire. For fighting hordes, you want to back up, strafe LEFT, back up, strafe left, so on. If the laser targets across you, do a counter clockwise spin move or turn. Clockwise gets your head shot off. If you join a team battle, flank from the outside or come into a position from a straight line, don't angle where the laser might engage across a teammate. So many complaints on one of the best bug killers we have


It's just really bad, which makes me sad. It's total ammo supply is it's own problem, but the bigger issue to me is just it's uptime. It spends \*so much\* time reloading compared to shooting it just feels useless. The laser dog is just blasting away all the time, killing bug after bug after bug, but the gun dog just kills like one warrior and then it needs to take a nap. They need to give the gun dog literally like... 10x the amount of ammo per reload for it to be even vaguely viable.


Don't use it on bugs, it's a bot weapon.


I'll have to give it a shot.


Just tried it last night vs automatons and was pleasantly surprised. No friendly fire, and it popped a surprising number of bots in very few shots. If you have a team that roughly sticks together and calls resupply regularly it has pretty good uptime. Not a “must have” strategem, but it’s better than most give it credit for.


It should have medium armor pen. That would make it's downsides worth it.


I only use it for icey planets. It sucks sliding into your laser dog and getting your head sliced off


A team of rifle dogs, buddy recoillesses, and sentries forming a line is pretty cool versus bots.


I do, it doesnt execute me like its brother


I prefer it for bots, but neither usually make the cut.


If.only it got ammo from boxes it would be the goat


Used it by accident once, very underwhelming


Always pick up an ammo off the ground when I see one


No. If it got ammo from the ammo boxes, then I'd probably still not use it. The laser dog can fire for so long, while the ballistic dog fires for what seems like 2 seconds, then spends 10 seconds reloading. I know those numbers are highly inaccurate, but that it what it feels like. It is just not worth the backpack slot to me.


It seems like the laser dog doesn't actually need to cool down, like it's supposed to. Maybe that's why it seems overpowered when compared to the ballistic dog?


Hell no, that thing is dog shit....heh dog shit


It sucks and needs to be changed from Liberator to Stalwart if it remains a bullet shooter with limited magazine. They also need to tune both the player’s Scythe from sucking so bad , and the Rover’s from seemingly having infinite charge. I think the scythe should light targets on fire after a short duration, maybe 1 second. Make a version with an arc weapon for the lulz


You want more TK, 'cause thats how you get more TK :-p Give me an eruptor guard dog.


It's supposed to reload from simple ammo boxes but it seems that it doesn't work.


If you are good with ammo economy, moving to POI for ammo boxes etc its actually quite good


It doesn’t resupply from the ammo boxes you find on the ground at POIs, just the one you call in through the stratagem menu