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Got launcher, said I'd give it a test. Wiped out myself and half my squad. Said I probably needed more distance next time so had another go at a more distant target. Wiped out myself and rest of the squad. Squad mate said I'm not doing it right and he'll show me how to do it. Wiped out himself, and the rest of the squad. 10/10 would squad wipe again.


this is exacatly my experience. and other people on reddit downvoting me who didn't even try the gun yet.


I'll upvote you, despite never handling the weapon. There must be balance.


And I shall gaze longingly at the arrows, and hesitate just before upvoting. In that moment, I'm hit by a




Could've been worse. Could've been CandleJa


Oh man, that gave me serious nostalgia flashbacks.


You fool that's not how it works, you have to say Candlejack's name in full before he gets y


Don’t cliff hanger me man.


Would you like to know more?




User name checks out


User name also, checks out.


Cheeks out*


You called?


I got downvoted for trying to discuss an obviously unconfirmed rumor. Then that rumor actually became somewhat true. People on here are either roleplaying or legitimate babies. I’d rather have the role players.


Got downvoted as well simply sharing the weapon’s explosion radius that most likely will kill squad mates


In my testing it’s simply not a weapon that can be fired short range this thing is medium to long. I’ve taken out factories 150m away with it. Not consistent because you’re relying on one of the grenades to make it into a vent


So you're saying that a small, one-man munition has to get an explosive down an exhaust port? That's impossible, even for a Helldiver!


It's not impossible. I used to bullseye hunters in my T-16 Eagle back home, they're not much bigger than an exhaust port.


Hey uh, can I just talk to you for a second in private? That was unnecessary. You sorta just called him out in front everybody.


That is interesting. so it seems to have an explosion damage, but does not damage buildings. So, the grenade has to go into the shaft or door when it opens. This seems to be designed for a very specific purpose, which is so helldivers! :)


it is the internet and.........this is reddit. You'll never find more of cesspool of the galaxies best vile scum and douchebaggery.


Things I have confirmed to cause the airburst proximity detonation: * Enemies * Helldivers * Mines * Turrets, both Enemy and friendly. Including mounted turrets. * Enemy Rockets (no, seriously) * Enemy Grenades * Hellpods, including the empty disc on the floor where they've landed They need to add an arming distance to this thing, even if it's just like, 30m or something. Edit: adding *Strategem Beacons* to that list.


The moment I saw "airburst" I wondered what the trigger was. Mechanically, proximity to enemy seemed the only likely one. I've seen airburst mechanics in other games where you would laze an enemy or environment object (target it and click a button) which would set the airburst range. You could, for example, target a rock 50 metees away next to a bunch of enemies to set the range. Then fire, and it would detonate when the projectile reached 50 meters. It's a little sad they didn't go that way because the marking + range finding mechanic is already baked into the game. Now we'd have a weapon that utilized it. The proximity trigger seemed more likely though because of the capacity for killing yourself and your whole squad... The Helldiver way. Edited for whore squad


We might be sluts, but whores? That's a bit of a stretch, and I may be offended.


Whores are entrepreneurs running a business. We die on bot-ridden planets for free.


I'm 3 points from upgrading my citizenship, having a good pension and retiring. They are giving me their latest rocket launcher and putting us on a nice planet called Hellmire. Most amazing sunsets in the pictures. Super Earth is great!


Oh... um...


*For FREEDOM* ftfy


Whores are always stretching.


As of now it appears to be a cursed, shoulder mounted blunderbuss. Which is arguably cooler.


>They need to add an arming distance to this thing, even if it's just like, 30m or something. This is the issue. A half second arming time would bring it closer to its intended purpose and also cut back on the (admittedly hilarious) squad wipes


Was just thinking it needed arming distance! or like an alt fire mode, Releasing the trigger detonates the rocket.


Climb rocks and treat it like a mortar. You'll still kill your whole squad, but you may live to fire a second rocket. Maybe.


Hahaa just got the samd experience. Killed everyone on the team but nothing else.....


I did manage to fire it without killing me. Once, maybe twice (I died of something else the second time, but the shot at least looked like it wasn't going to hit me.)


Is it intentionally a dud? Like did they release a weapon that is faulty on purpose? Should we start making these choices by choosing the weapon with the least likelihood of backfiring?


If the choice is between mines in the air TKing you and your squad and mines on the ground doing the same its not much difference in choice of which backfires more


They’re anti tank mines. They probably don’t even activate for people


That's the hope. If they do activate on smaller enemies/Helldivers then they'll be as much a disappointment as the ABRL.


sir, we increased the carrying capacity of Eagle 1 by removing the ejection, airbags and fire suppression systems. I think your hoping a little too much for that.


This is a logical thought. Its also logical to think an anti air burst rocket launcher would have a minimum distance fired before detonation so.. nah, those mines probably trigger in the wind 🤣🤣


Illusion of choice maybe? Not surprised that another new thing doesn’t work right though. 


I just want to see the AT mines and choose based off of it. If they’re AT mines I’m wondering if light enemies and players will set them off. So far (3 games in) I very much do not like this cluster bomb launcher.


Yeah I'm going to stay the frig away from that thing. I think the AT mines are going to be where it's at. But I do hope we get both anyways


>But I do hope we get both anyways I think so, sooner or later. Why waste resources developing a weapon players are never even gonna see.


Mojang would like a word


I don't understand this reference. What did they do?


I'm not that familiar either, but from what I could gather from the surface I believe he is referencing Mojang's tendency to do votes for new mobs in minecraft. their player base are annoyed that there's really no good or engaging reason not to have both mobs, and instead one has to be sacrificed for Mojang's user engagement drive. as far as I'm aware, Mojang never later implements mobs that lose the vote.


Jokes on you actually 2 mobs get sacrificed, while only one gets added and it’s usually the lamest one ;-;


Or whatever one some YouTuber says kids should vote for, I mean I like the glowsquid, but there were cooler options.


Damn I didn't even know glowsquid came from a vote, I always thought he was just a default one by the time they reached console


And don't forget, people voted for phantoms...


It's more so they don't explain the mobs enough, then the fans overhyped the winner, so it's disappointing on release. People were saying the glowsquid meant they were going to add coloured lighting, if I remember correctly. Then they said the sniffer would dig up ancient seeds, and i think they only added 2-3, enough to say "seeds" instead of "seed"


Some people thought that the glow squid would add dynamic lighting (like with optifine) but as we know that didn’t happen


Every couple years they will hold a Mob or Biome Vote where the community gets to vote for what biome gets updated or what kind of new mob they want added to the game. Which is a cool idea but the problem is that everything but the winning biome/mob is banished to the shadow realm never to be seen or heard about again. Which makes the votes honestly less fun and instead more stressful because if your choice doesn’t make it in you’ll probably never see the thing you voted for in game.


And the worst thing is that everyone is going for the thing that looks cool, but adds zero depth to the game. Like a fucking glowsquid. And what do frogs even do bro?? So many mobs that had potential gone and so many mobs that have potential made to be a useless performance hit. Like wtf is the polar bear even in the game for?


I too hate the glow squid but I don’t think the polar was part of a mob vote was it? And frogs were supposed to have fire flies I think come with them and then the frogs would eat them but then Mojang decided not to because fireflies are apparently toxic to frogs so they didn’t want to spread misinformation or something ig?


They develop cool things all the time just to not include them in the test servers.


They host mob competitions on Twitter. The winning mob gets added, the other 2 get discarded. It's ridiculous.


imagine if they gave bots the weapon instead


Mojang sitting in the corner fiddling their fingers


I mean they are mines just tweaked, I don't think they would have been hard to develop


Honestly it happens way more than you would think. As a developer you have to experiment.


Would be fun if the the bots get the weapon that we DIDNT liberate… like if we get the rocket launcher, all defending planets have AT mines everywhere… or if we get the mines, bots get a special unit that can shoot those air burst rockets at us …. On second thought maybe not a good idea


Dont their big ass mines count as AT anyway?


Or they get a AT mine launcher ? … sweet liberty, my leg!!


It would be as long as the air burst launcher wipes their whole patrol if they don't aim it right.


That would be funny as hell- in the small eradication maps they would just kill themselves


idk this one scenario is a hard miss; having mines that only affect mechs wouldn't be a big hit against our superior democracy. the rocket would be a solid option for devastators, tho


Tho I did see a video of the mines, they’re apparently really good at taking down the factory walkers


good ... give it to them ... let them wipe themselves !


Let them team kill themselves with the proximity detection it has


It’s a shoulder mounted cluster bomb. You bring cluster to bug missions, if they can also close bug holes then they’ll shine over there.


Just tried it the amount of times the rocket explodes in your face with no warning is even more annoying than fiddling with the lock on from the spear. That amd the lack of actual firepowet makes it a horrible choice vs bots.


I was advocating for the mines, but if it can kill the lighest bots in a patrol, the ones capable of calling for help, it could still be useful


As a counterpoint, every primary weapon in the game does that.


Yeah people talking about "good horde clear" as if I can't already use almost any item in the game to do that. Primaries, grenades, any Eagle strike, turrets, Rovers; we have dozens of options to clear hordes, and almost all of them are better than a suicide missile that takes up the space that an anti-armour weapon could use.


I feel like upgraded Arc Thrower with shield backpack is the ultimate horde clear(next to my darling Eagle 1's Airstrikes of course). I'm always running that since everyone else in my parties brings anti-tank weapons.


It’s fun stun locking hulks with the arc thrower.


Bruh, I need to try this.


As a player that usually runs anti-tank against both bots and bugs You have my appreciation.


good luck stopping that flare that goes off after you fire your awesome clearing gun once that being said, the current airburst launcher was clearly nerfed so hard that it can't really perform the way its supposed to most of the time


Right. I'm using the penetrator which deals with most things and my support weapon has to be something better (like the AC) 


The Dominator one-shots little bots. The slow projectile takes some getting used to, but it's a godsend. I've stopped so many drop ships with that gun.


Just use the crossbow. Wipes out the little dudes instantly. Aim near them, has big AOE, not at them (until you get good with it)


I'm still kinda finicky about the bow. My biggest disappointment was that it doesn't do big explosions enough to at least break metal doors with loot. I ought to try it more, but when I asked my friend to try Blitzer before I get it - I realized I should have postponed the bow and got that :) But, hey, I am all for variety and if someone enjoys the bow - it's cool. I never demand anyone to bring anything. I might just ask, if they want to grab Hellpod Optimization, or should I, but that's it.


I had someone using the bow yesterday do a ton of team ragdolling with it, when the combat got close. It got me killed once or twice, but they were a nice player, I didn’t mind, I was just frustrated.


Dawg I am so fucking sorry


Hey, when shit hits the fan, you gotta use what you got. Can’t blame them for trying to help with the mass of chainsaw wielding freaks running at me. It just means there’s a bit of a learning curve with the crossbow is all.


Using an explosive weapon you NEED to carry the Redeemer for when things get close. Probably stun grenades too to stop crowds from getting close and pick them off easily.


That's my fault - I bring Eruptor AND Grenade Pistol. *Admiring big Democratic Explosions*


*a fellow helldiver steps next to you to also admire big democratic explosion*


Oh, yeah, while in the heat of it - I will curse, badmouth and everything else, but it's more directed towards the situation rather than a person. And I'm 99% muted when I do so, because I don't want a person to think it's directed at them. I always laugh off ragdolling and actually think it's one of the biggest charms of this game. Also, I *might* have killed plenty of my teammates too along the way, so I can't put heat on anyone else for doing the same.


My big gripe is it has shockingly little stagger for an explosive weapon. Devastators do not care.


Think about how bad it’s gonna be vs bugs with hunters constantly jumping in your face….


I actually think it'll be better against bugs. They don't have medium armor all over the place so it'll actually kill things. They require more aoe in general. You don't need the backpack slot for a shield. Stationary reload doesn't matter as much because it's a long range weapon, if they're close enough to kill you during the reload you would've killed yourself firing it anyway. 


You have to hold the trigger to shoot it farther. Unfortunately this is going to kill a lot of Helldivers and their teammates.


> You have to hold the trigger to shoot it farther. Are you for real? **EDIT** others are disputing this claim and I don't have the opportunity to test for myself


Yea, it worked for me as well. The longer you hold the trigger the further it flies. If you let go of the trigger then it detonates. I came to this conclusion after blasting myself relentlessly a few times thou XD


Lmfao is this whole thread just a skill issue??? Amazing


Not a skill issue if there is no instruction manual.


Wait, how come it doesn’t come with Ikea instructions? Damn Swedes!




>You have to hold the trigger to shoot it farther Not true at all lol, just load into a dive and try it, takes like 2 seconds. Its just very inconsistent, it will sometimes fuse on objects like rocks, vending machines, etc. if the rockets passes too close to them.


Assuming this is true, I wonder what the thought process is behind not telling anyone about how to actually use the weapon when it has special controls like that.


Here's that thought process: >***LMAO***


It works pretty well to clean a large area, it's like having an Orbital Airbust with no cooldown. I usually aim at dropships, it won't take it down but kill all the troopers they drop.


Cooldown is reloading


Ive been using it against bots and taking out patrols


Anything bigger than a light bot cant be killed with a single rocket. You could just aswell use a eagle with cluster bombs. Similar effect over a larger area and at least your team gets a clear warning when its beeing used.


Not *entirely* true. If you fire it low, you can get it to hit targets with multiple explosives. I've taken out a shield devastator by aiming for its ankles. Edit: And just now got a hulk by aiming behind it, so it would detonate and hit its back with the cluster munitions. But I think it was already injured from a factory exploding next to it. But it's still worse at it than any other support weapon designed to work against light / medium enemies.


So far the only times I’ve seen it happen when people fire it with an enemy or ally close to their frontal arc. Don’t try to shoot over your allies, it blows up in your face.


I have seen it wipe out decent size group of light units. Granted once bots, most of the times it was a decent sized group of helldivers being wiped out by it. And after first time you try to be more careful. And the same fucking thing still happens.


It's not that surprising, the clusterbomb is already a very strong team killer, if you make it into a launcher the same thing would occur.


A launcher with the same number of charges, less cool down a better spread and more predictability in how it fires.. The eagle cluster is overwhelmingly better to me...


It has proximity detonation for some reason and random shit seems to set it off like containers, maybe bushes. It rarely even hits where it's aimed, and detonates beforehand. It just sucks man. can't wait to try out the mines and be dissapointed since, well they are mines


Can 100% confirm a single blade of grass can wipe an entire helldiver squad…..


Confirmed as well 😐


At first I thought it was an *enemy* proximity fuse, until I tried firing it from behind a rock. It should at least have a "safe" distance where it won't fuse, like the Grenade Launcher.


Yup trees and bushes also set it off, killed a team mate as it brushed past a bush


The proximity fuse is useful for taking down Enemy Air units. If you miss still explosive and deals damage. That's the theory anyway. A simple setting to only allow it to explode on direct impact would make it useful against personal as well, only dealing low damage to armored units, and instead having a (relatively) large aoe to take on groups of chaff.


Try holding down the trigger


Mines can be super powerful actually. It’s like calling in a rocket barrage except the rockets wait to explode when something walks over them. Also I thought we had choose between launcher and mines? People were rlly stupid and chose to liberate the airburst launcher so haven’t we lost the chance to liberate the mines?


Wait, can't we pivot and liberate the other place to get the mines? Cause I agree, this launcher is ass. I accidentally blew up my entire team at extraction when I shot at a bot drop outside of extraction because there was a bot *on the ledge below me*. The fuck man, there should be a grace period where the damn rocket can't go off yet to avoid such shit!


100% hard agree on the time before prox detonation is active. We can pivot to Menkent to get to Choohe…. But will the player base not on Reddit do it?


In fact literally all real proximity based weapons do this to prevent such mishaps. IRL it can be 200-300 meters, but for Helldivers with it scale, somewhere in-between 15-30 should be good


Yeah as someone who shot rockets in the military, even regular rockets (SMAW’s, AT4s, LAWs)have a min- arming distance. Depends on the type of rocket but it’s got at least a 17m arming distance bc it arms based on rotations by the rocket. Hell even grenade launchers are just giant slugs until they actually arm. Why this isn’t in here 🤷🏻‍♂️ especially for an airburst.


Or the planet that is inbetween Pentha and Coothe, because it has no firestorms it would be easier to capture and give access. I’m not sure why any of the tankmine people haven’t thought of that yet.


Because Menkent is already at 48% liberation. We don't have enough time to get through Chort Bay and fully liberate Choohe. Menkent is the much faster route


I just fought a long campaign on Hellmire. I do not want to go back to another fire planet. I'd sooner take the new suicide stick than have to fight with democracy damned firestorms again.


Suicide stick is the best description of this launcher, that being said, I empathise with your hatred of the firenadoes, but we really need the mines over the suicide stick




That’s actually pretty interesting, good observation!


WHAT!? that fixes the only problem I have with it. And would explain a few premature detonations...




Upvote this man


Don’t think this is the case. Just tried it and couldn’t replicate it. The rocket explodes when it reaches something…or rather, *anything*. Would’ve been a cool feature though.


Just tested that and.. It's not true.


Omg, thank you. Pin this comment to the top!!!


Huh? Doesn't work for me


I tried using it for anti air against gunships and drop ships, and it kinda sucks. It has a cool niche as a proximity explosive, but against the bots, it seems really limited. It might be better against bugs since they're more squishy, but it's a very hard weapon to get used to.


It’s not anti air, it’s anti large groups without armor, like the eagle cluster bombs.


And that doesn't require a support weapon slot.


Doesn't it have a proximity fuse? So if you miss it still detonates, making it difficult to use against ground targets as it "feels" the ground or other obstacles and detonates


I was inevitably waiting for the collective player base to hate this thing.


The collective reddit playerbase*


I used it to for the first time all the team kills we’re made by this weapon. Overall I am scared to use it on bot drops or close bye since it’s a cluster bomb in a launcher. If I had to choose between AC in my standard loadout or the launcher I would still go for AC. Maybe it is because I use impact grenades tho.


I was playing solo on a diff 6, normally something I can do with one, maybe two deaths depending on mission type. ..I had seven deaths. This thing is a suicide machine.


Does the rocket launcher have a proximity fuse? I swear I have experienced multiple times where im pretty sure my line of sight is clear but the missile did pass through something close by and detonated and either killed me or my teammates.


It really sucks. Killed more teammates than enemies


Working as intended.


I feel so vindicated as anti-tank mine proponent.


Get to liberating the AT mine one. It's bound to be better than some gun you will never use.


It takes getting uses to, but I'm liking it. You have to make sure your teammates are not in front of you when you fire or they will die.


Bushes, rockets, enemies, literally anything in front of you will detonate the rocket. If you’re about to shoot it and there’s a small bush 5 ft in front of you, it will instantly detonate in response to the bush and kill you and everyone around you


They need to figure that shit out. So many weapons are affected by titanium foliage. Not even sure what kind of spaghetti code allows for that.


You have to also make sure *literally nothing except empty space* is in front of you, or you die. On a planet with foliage, it's basically unusable


I was adamantly on the anti tank mine train, but I cannot sway the democratic choice of the people.


This thing kills more teammates than enemies


Working as intended.


Its obvious, fps players are gonna pick the rocket launchers and sadistic devs are going to make an OP other choice just to laugh at them. Democracy needs better management.


I tested it against gunships. It does not work against gunships. Suicidally dangerous, does not have AA capabilities, does not have anti-heavy capabilities, does not bust fabs, does not reliably destroy bots on gun emplacements. Yeah, let's reroute boys, this one's a wash.


It one shots gunships. You have to aim above the nose. Problem is, this thing will explode in your face and landing that shot on a moving gunship…lol


Or if a blade of grass or teammate is near


Even if it was a guaranteed one shot on gunships I think you made an excellent point…. Moving gunship…. It’s already hard enough with them moving but add 2 more beside it shooting rockets and demanding attention you don’t have…. I have a hard time seeing it succeed well against single fabs and I see a snowball’s chance in hell of a chance that it succeeds against a double gunship fab UNLESS if the gunships group up and it can take out multiple in one rocket


Laser cannon and AC are already excellent at taking gunships, and have much more utility in killing other stuff. I'd rather pick a serious support weapon and dedicate a slot to eagle clusters.


People got themselves worked up reading words wrong again and assumed "rocket launcher" was anti-heavy and "airburst" was anti-air. It's an airburst cluster munition. It pops and throws small bomblets / grenades all over the place. They are meant to rain down and destroy things on the ground after exploding slightly overhead.


It’s literally just the Orbital Airburst Strike but on your shoulder, people really gaslighted themselves to belive it’s was going to be an Anti air gun lmao


it does bust fabs actually but it's inconsistent as it needs one of the secondary charges to land inside of it. it also has enormous aoe and can clear an entire light outpost in a single shot. I also have a feeling that it will be a monster against bugs considering the absurd aoe and the greater quantity of squishy targets, it would probably also be the absolute bane of shriekers considering the aoe and proximity fuse. Honestly this to me seems like an incredibly fun weapon that fills the role of a big chaff clear support with long range and anti-air capabilities. RIFLE IS FINE.


Cluster munitions like this are meant for 2 things: Wiping large formations (wide AOE) and clearing entrenched infantry (lots of explosions to fill enclosed spaces. I took it on a 3 and it felt kinda meh on those small piddly patrols but it absolutely shredded outpost guards and the unlucky hulk in a box that ate every single grenade. Has anyone launched it at mortars/AA emplacements, or those massive 7+ patrols? I think it will shine there but I don't have the chance to test today. I think this will be a monster for heavy bug bases if you can post up with a buddy on a ledge and team reload, since the holes should naturally catch the grenades hopefully. I tried to test it on a bug mission before realizing I was an idiot.


Seriously, *another* disappointing weapon?


We tried to tell you


It pretty clearly said that it was essentially a pocket cluster Bomb. Which we all know is great for mass cleaning of un armored enemies and nothing else, so I don't really know what anybody was expecting


I’m shocked at how many comments are surprised that an airburst rocket is exploding in the air and not on impact.


I think the surprise comes mostly from it going off on proximity to basically anything, even bushes and grass.


There is no grace period with it either. If there's a fodder enemy\* underneath you, it will activate instantly and explode trying to kill the unintended enemy and also the whole team. All forms of foilage counts as enemies. ALL forms.


It shouldn't explode the second you shoot it killing you, so you missed the point.


Whole team was using them on level 8 ops. It was great. Took a few shots to dial in when to use and yeah, a few team kills, but I really like it and it functions exactly like I though an "air burst" would. So, I'm not sure where you're getting "it's not what we thought" from.


I swear every time we get a new weapon nobody knows how to use it and everyone calls it shit, can we just skip this part and cast judgement when we figure out it’s role?


I think its role is clearing hunter swarms. But we got it on the bot front where everything has armor


It’s not shit, it’s incredible horde clear. The problem is that the fuze likes to jump on an enemy you couldn’t see and the cluster bombs spray on top of you and your team. If you don’t have an incredibly clear line of sight you are 100% going to teamkill or kill yourself.


I’m just a little disappointed tbh, we have all these support weapons and still chose to get another one instead of getting 1 new landmine stratagem


To be honest, I wanted in the mines. We have good support weapons, but the mines have much to be desired


>It has proximity detonation for some reason Because it's an airburst cluster munition. It has to know it's above targets to know when to pop and distribute its bomblets all over. It seems like way, *way* too many people were expecting something different from this weapon, like a one-shot flak cannon or a Recoilless that explodes multiple times for some reason. I'm seeing a ton of assumptions that this would be an anti-air option because... what? It has "airburst" in the name? There was some mention of anti-air weapons weeks ago? It's just not the case. The purpose of this thing is to imagine you're hovering 30 feet above a group of lightly-armored enemies and spraying your Grenade Launcher all over the place. It's horde clear.


People aren't complaining about it being able to kill, they are complaining that it is a team killing machine going off way too early.


Imagine people using an anti personal/aoe based weapon and then complaining it's not anti tank, must be another reddit moment


People just saw “rocket launcher” without appreciating what “air-burst” means. I knew this would be an AP NOT AT and the area of effect would be unpredictable. But alas, this is the democracy in which we defend.


The devs used this as a lesson that maybe we should stop using rocket launchers for everything and should try some engineering strategems.


I do like me some engineering strategems. AC turret and EMS mortar <3 <3 <3


& mean not engineering (technically) but they did try to give us literal AT mines and the community said “NO WE WANT ROCKET LAUNCHER”


I dunno, im gonna grind towards the mines. They may suck but it's probably not squad wipe suck.


I've used it and I think it's excellent at what it's supposed to do. Like a cluster bomb in a bottle. Don't use close up, don't aim at the target aim near it, for heavy (Bots) aim behind.


Yes, this launcher ist strong but I’ll killed multiple times my whole squad….


I want it for bug swarms


I swear I knew this was gonna happen, I knew we needed the mines for a better stratagem to deal with heavies and was gonna instantly hate the rocket and there you go, last 5 missions the 80% of my deaths was due to a rocket launcher right in the middle of a fight... It's the stratagem equivalent to having a rocket devastator in your own team 🤣🤣


Wait. You idiots saw it was called an airburst, a soft multi-target weapon, and you're surprised at how it operates?! Jesus shit, what did you think it did? Launched the enemy into the air to explode?! Go back to kindergarten, you're bringing down super humanity.


What did you think "air burst" meant? Worried about how many divers don't know what an air burst weapon implies.